1. Boston Nurses Tell of Bloody Marathon Aftermath: The screams and cries of bloody marathon bombing victims still haunt the nurses who treated them one week ago. They did their jobs as they were trained to do, putting their own fears in a box during their 12-hour shifts so they could better comfort their patients.
2. Transit officer still critical after shootout: Doctors say the Boston transit police officer wounded in a shootout with the marathon bombing suspects had lost nearly all his blood and his heart had stopped from a single gunshot wound that severed three major blood vessels in his right thigh.
3. Boston bomings suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev bled for hours from neck, leg wounds, "might not have lived" if not found: More details have emerged about the Friday night capture that brought the intensive manhunt for the Boston bombing suspects to an end. Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, had been hiding in a boat in Watertown, Mass. Authorities responded to a call from a local man late Friday, after he observed that a tarp covering his boat had been disturbed and there was blood in the boat.
4. Deadly meningitis outbreak among gays worries officials: A deadly bacterial meningitis outbreak striking gay men in New York City is unlikely to abate any time soon, New York City health officials warn. The disease has sickened 22 and killed seven NYC men over the last two years.
5. IMRT Reduces Side Effects Of Breast Cancer Treatments: Treating early breast cancer patients with an advanced form of radiotherapy known as IMRT could reduce the side effects those women experience, according to the results of a randomized trial.
6. Serving Size Is What Drives How Much We Eat More Than Anything Else: Large servings make us eat more, even when we are are taught about the impact of portion size on consumption, according to investigators from the University of New South Wales, Australia.
7. Scientists Spot Cancer Metabolism Changes: Could help efforts to develop drugs to starve tumors, researchers say.
8. Double up: Diet, exercise together are key to success: People who tackle diet and exercise at the same time do better at making healthy changes.
9. Stress key to survival of the fittest: If the woods get crowded, mother squirrels improve their offspring's odds of survival by ramping up offspring growth, U.S. and Canadian researchers say.
10. Doctors win first safe harbor against ACA use in liability suits: States and Congress are urged to pass legislation based on an AMA model bill to prevent health reform criteria from exposing doctors to medical liability.
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