Saturday, August 07, 2021

How to keep your medical treatment areas free from dirt with tacky mats

Medical treatment rooms can be a nightmare to keep clean. Between patients, medical staff and support workers, there can be a near-constant stream of people coming and going, but you need to keep dust and dirt at bay to prevent infection.

Doctors’ and dentists' surgeries, examination and treatment rooms  are increasingly benefiting from using ‘tacky mats’ to deal with shoe-borne particles — but if used incorrectly, they can be rendered ineffective.
What is a tacky mat?
In a nutshell, a tacky mat is a doorway/entrance mat that has a sticky layer on it. As people walk over the surface the adhesive collects any dirt and dust from the soles of the shoes, making sure that the room is kept clean and contaminant-free. When the sticky surface is no longer effective, you can simply peel it away to reveal a new adhesive layer underneath.
How are tacky mats used?
Tacky Mats can be used very easily, with just a few factors to consider.

The mat should be placed right at the entrance to the clean room, otherwise any steps that people take between standing on the mat and stepping into the room will re-contaminate their shoes and allow dirt through. People should be able to comfortably (and unthinkingly) step directly from the mat into the controlled environment.

The size of the mat you need depends entirely on the size of your doorway. The mat should fully span the breadth of the threshold, and ideally be of a sufficient depth that people take at least one step on it with each foot (and one full revolution of any trolley or stretcher wheels/castors). This will ensure that shoes and wheels cannot make it into the room without being cleaned first. 


The majority of tacky mat stockists offer white, blue or grey color options, but the color you choose is purely aesthetic — there is no impact on effectiveness. Lighter color mats do, however, make it easier to see any build-up of dirt and so a white mat can make it easier to see when you need to peel the top layer away.


Most tacky mats on the market have an adhesive backing so that they can be fixed securely in place. Make sure the area you’re fitting the mat to is cleaned and disinfected, and lay the mat carefully with attention paid to minimizing any air bubbles that form. This will help the mat stay intact and in place without any accidental shifting when people step on it.

Best practice is to peel back one side of the backing, press firmly into place and then roll the rest of the mat away whilst removing the remaining backing.

If your office/treatment room is carpeted or has a floor covering that is not particularly well suited to using adhesives, then you could consider a frame to keep the mat in place.

While a standard ‘welcome’ style entrance mat is typically placed with the longer edge against the doorway, you will need to position your tacky mat so that the longest side points away from the door frame. This ensures that shoes and wheels have the most contact possible with the mat, which will result in fewer in-room contaminants.

When your mat has reached the point where it is no longer fully effective — either through becoming saturated with dirt or through losing its stickiness — you’ll need to refresh it. Peel back the top layer carefully and slowly, making sure you don’t release the collected particles into the treatment room or into the air. Rolling the layer into a ball as you go will reduce static build-up, and allow for easy disposal.

Refreshing can be done on a fixed cycle for rooms with a relatively standard amount of foot traffic. If the number of visitors to the controlled room fluctuates significantly from day-to-day, you’ll need to keep an eye on the mat and refresh it as and when necessary.

Most suppliers stock mats with a choice of 30 or 60 sticky layers. Depending on how often you are refreshing, you’ll want to pick a mat with the appropriate number of layers — although it’s also worth considering that if you have a lot of wheeled traffic, the 60-sheet option can present a thicker profile which can impede smooth passage.
Tacky mats have numbered surfaces, so you should always be able to keep track of how many layers are left and ensure that any scheduled refreshes have been completed.

Used cases
Used extensively in laboratories and clean rooms, more and more customer-facing sites are deploying tacky mats to ensure the best level of hygiene possible.

Author Bio: First Mats started life as safety matting specialists, but have since expanded to become a complete industrial and commercial supplies company. The focus of First Mats is to provide safety-focused products that improve the wellbeing of staff through quality approved products, backed up by extensive knowledge.

Thursday, August 05, 2021

What qualifies as personal injury?

If you have ever suffered an injury, you may have found yourself suddenly needing all sorts of medical help, therapies, and other treatments to recover your health. As you started seeing bills piling up and feeling your financial situation become more and more delicate, you may have contemplated the possibility of filing a legal claim to try to recover the damages caused by the accident.

The law allows for people who have been injured due to the negligence of others to recover certain damages through a personal injury claim. Let’s read on to find out precisely what qualifies as personal injury and what damages you are entitled to pursue.

What is personal injury under the law?

A personal injury happens when a person suffers physical harm because of the negligent behavior of someone else. Although it may also include damage to this person’s property, there must initially be physical harm. Filing a personal injury claim means that you want to hold someone accountable for the harm they caused to you. When your personal injury case is successful it means that you have been able to recover the payment needed to take care of your injuries and losses.

Negligence in Personal Injury Cases

In these cases, negligence refers to the fact that whoever caused you harm did not act how a reasonable careful individual would have acted under similar circumstances. 

For a personal injury case to move forward, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant acted in a negligent way towards them. If you can prove negligence, the law allows you to collect damages to cover your injuries and losses.

What are the most common types of accidents that result in personal injury cases?

Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. You may be shopping at your neighborhood store when you slip and fall on a spill that was not cleaned up. Or you may be driving to work and end up in the middle of a car crash. These are some examples of cases where a personal injury lawsuit may be filed.

Some other ways in which personal injuries may arise are:

  • Dog bites
  • Workplace accidents
  • Medical malpractice
  • Defective or faulty products
  • Construction accidents

Filing a Personal Injury Claim

When you decide to file a personal injury claim, you should know that there is a time limit called the statute of limitations. Depending on the state where the accident happened, this may run between 1 and 6 years. Your personal injury attorney will be able to tell you the timing for your case. They will also calculate the financial compensation you are seeking. This will include all your medical expenses from the moment you were injured. Also, an amount to cover your lost earnings for the time you have been unable to work and future earnings if your capacity to work has been affected. If you suffered property losses and are experiencing pain and suffering, these items would also be included.
Image via Pixabay

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10 Tips For Generating Medicare Leads

The Medicare population is expected to grow to almost 79 million by the year 2030 as Baby Boomers age. That is a lot of potential Medicare advantage and Medicare supplement leads that insurance agents could be marketing to. By knowing the best ways to generate leads, insurance agents can increase their profits in a lucrative sector of the insurance industry.

1.    Your Website Must Be Well-Designed

Your website establishes your credibility, and in a competitive market you need to have a clean, easy-to-read website that is accessible to the elderly. recommends that you hire a professional web designer that can custom build your website, including a clean landing page that your higher-qualified leads are directed to.

2.    Update your existing website

If you already have a website, now is a great time to ask yourself how to optimize it for search engine optimization or SEO. You can do this by starting a blog where you focus on the most common questions about Medicare.

3.    Use Facebook To Educate Your Target Demographic 

You have answers that a lot of people want regarding Medicare. You can target ads to elderly groups on Facebook to educate them and help them know their enrollment period. 

4.    Network at Events

Different places are reopening, and local festivals are great places to engage with the community, who have been bombarded by digital marketing for over a year. Consider attending empty-nester events or retirement planning luncheons.

5.    Create Consistent Content

Every month you should be producing new content on your website, whether it’s a blog or an infographic, or an interview. You may even want to consider hiring a digital marketing firm that specializes in content marketing.

6.    Send Direct Mail

Direct mail has proven to be one of those effective ways of connecting to high-quality leads.

7.    Know The Laws About Sales Events

There are many rules for hosting a compliant Medicare sales event. The two types are formal sales events and informal sales events. At formal sales events, agents present information about Medicare plans to an audience that has been invited to the event. Informal sales, or tabletop events, are paid-for marketing events at a public setting such as at a kiosk or health and wellness fair. You should take time to familiarize yourself with the rules regarding whether or not you can ask potential attendees for their contact information to RSVP, whether you should register your event, etc.

8.    Hire A Paid Search Agency

You know all about Medicare, so leave the work of getting the word out about your business to a top marketing company specializing in generating leads for Medicare agents.

9.    Develop Strategic Partnerships

Those who are active in their communities are connected to them. Join affinity groups and team up with other local businesses.

10.    Improve Your Follow-Up

Don’t let hot leads turn cold! Since the inception of the Medicare program in 1966, the population of enrollees has grown steadily. In 2021 there are 44 million beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, which is about 15% of the US population. That’s a lot! Always reach out to potential enrollees after your initial contact, either by phone or personalized email. If your prospects know that you’re dedicated and trustworthy, they’ll be more inclined to hire you!

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3 Ways to Change Your Health Habits This Summer

Credit: StockSnap via Pixabay

Living a long and happy life is a goal that most of us do our very best to implement in our everyday lives. Often, we don’t commit to that goal as significantly as we should, taking shortcuts and prioritizing others above our own health and well-being.

The good news is that mentality can be changed. By adding healthier habits into your routine, you can begin to put yourself first and do the real work to live your healthiest life.

These are our three recommended ways to change your health habits this summer.

1.    Lowering Anxiety

Anxiety is something men and women struggle with for a variety of reasons — from self-esteem issues to demanding careers and so much more. Thankfully, there are several ways to lower your anxiety. It’s about finding the option that fits your comfort level and lifestyle.

Meditation and yoga are practices dedicated to finding the calm in your body and your mind. It’s about spending time with yourself in calming, quiet environments, focusing on your breathing, and letting your entire body relax. The practice of yoga, in particular, allows you to strengthen both your body and mind and can be tailored to fit your fitness and flexibility level.

One of the newer methods for lowering stress and anxiety is incorporating CBD into your routine — either with oil or an edible. CBD is a compound derived from the cannabis plant, though it does not have any of the psychoactive properties found in THC, which comes from the same plant. Through research, CBD shows promising results for improving sleep, lowering anxiety, clearing acne skin, and the overall neuropathic condition. The benefit of incorporating CBD is that you have a variety of options — from adding a drop of oil into your herbal tea to experimenting with an Olli Dragon Fruit Chew.

2.    Eating Right

The food you consume can directly impact your overall health. Food sends messages to your body, and your body reacts accordingly — which is why healthier foods yield more positive results than pre-packaged food or anything with high sugar or saturated fat content.

Incorporating healthier foods into your routine is one of the most straightforward steps you can take towards a healthier life. By eating a balanced meal with enough leafy greens, whole grains, and healthy fats, you’re sending positive signals to your body, and you’ll find that you have more energy and can build muscle easier.

3.    Getting Moving

Exercise is an essential component to living a longer, healthier life. As you age, your muscles begin to change, and if you lack enough exercise, you may find you have less energy and don’t feel as strong as you once did. The good news is that incorporating exercise doesn’t mean constantly lifting heavy weights or running marathons. Rather, simply adding more walking into your day can help your heart health — or you could search for fun exercise classes in your area, and you might just find your new favorite hobby. The benefits of exercise will yield positive results for years to come and help you commit to your healthier lifestyle.

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Wednesday, August 04, 2021

How to Prepare for a Plastic Surgery

Getting an elective procedure such as plastic surgery differs in many ways from surgeries that have to be performed for medical reasons. In some ways, this can make the process even more frightening and stressful, but there is one big advantage to elective surgery. Unlike some medical surgeries, which have to be performed with little mental preparation, you can prepare yourself for the surgical process and the recovery more easily with an elective procedure. According to the doctors who perform plastic surgery from, “making changes to your appearance is a very personal decision.” It stands to reason, therefore, that the preparation process will be equally as personal. There are, however, a few simple steps that can help you prepare for plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures.

1: Get Medical Clearance

This first tip is a crucial step in getting any elective procedure. Before you book your plastic surgery date and pay a portion of the procedure’s cost, you must have your primary doctor complete a physical exam on you. This physical exam will allow your primary doctor to decide if you’re healthy enough for plastic surgery and help reveal any potential complications before you go in for plastic surgery. If you are not healthy, a variety of complications could occur, increasing the risk of a long, painful recovery time. This exam should take place at least one month before your surgery.

2: Lifestyle Changes

There are also a number of lifestyle changes that you should make to ensure that the surgical process goes as smoothly as possible. If you smoke, you should abstain for at least two weeks prior to the surgery. This will decrease the risk of infection and complications due to low blood pressure. You should also avoid aspirin and similar painkillers for those two weeks, since certain common painkillers can thin the blood and increase the risk of excessive or lengthy bleeding. You cannot drink alcoholic drinks for three days before the surgery, since drinking can also thin the blood and depress your immune responses.

3: Arrange Help

Help from your friends, family, and support system is essential, especially in the early stages of recovery after the surgery. You shouldn’t hesitate to request help you may need while you are recovering, and indeed there are probably people in your life who you already know will be happy to help. Make sure that you arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery on the day of the procedure, since you will be groggy and likely in some pain immediately afterwards. You should gather items that you will need during your recovery in a convenient place near your bed and plan meals ahead, putting them in the freezer to make eating well easier than cooking every meal. Your friends and family may have to help you with some everyday tasks during your recovery, so never be too proud to ask for help.

4: Eat More Protein and Fiber

Increasing the protein and fiber in your diet in the weeks leading up to your procedure can help hasten the recovery process and make the entire experience more comfortable. Protein from healthy sources, such as fish and nuts, can help bolster your immune system and promote muscle health during recovery. Increasing the fiber in your diet through eating fruits, greens, and yogurt will help your digestive system. This is a good idea because of the risk of constipation during recovery due to medication and decreased exercise. Foods with an excess amount of salt should be avoided, since they will exacerbate swelling and therefore increase recovery time.

5: Stay Hydrated

Hydration is the single most important piece of your everyday health that many people ignore, and in the leadup to surgery the importance of proper hydration cannot be overstated. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water, or around 48 to 64 ounces of water, will keep you hydrated and on the road to a quick, easy recovery.

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Monday, August 02, 2021

How much does it cost to make an injury claim?

If you have been injured in an accident in the state of California, you may be wondering if it is worth it to report the crash to your insurance company. You have probably heard that your premiums will go up if you file a claim.

Although filing an injury claim is free, you should be aware of a few associated expenses.

How much will your insurance rates increase?

In most cases, your insurance premiums will go up after an accident. The amount that it will increase will depend on the state in which you live and the amount of the claim.

Unfortunately, California has the highest rate of post-accident insurance premium increases of any state in the country. A person’s premium will increase by an average of 61% after a claim of $2000 or more in the Golden State. Maryland has the lowest rate increases with an average of just 21%.

Hiring an Attorney

After your insurance company reviews your claim, they will either approve or deny it. If they deny the claim, you may want to consult with an attorney to see if it is worth it to sue them.

If they approve of your claim, they will make you a settlement offer. Their initial offer is unlikely to be as much as your claim is worth. You will want to hire an attorney to negotiate with the company on your behalf before you accept the claim.

 According to personal injury attorneys Maho & Prentice, most personal injury lawyers will work on a contingency basis. They will only take a percentage of the settlement they are able to get you.

If your attorney and the insurance company cannot work out a deal, you may have to go to court, which is where you can incur some serious expenses.

Filing Fees

In California, a person will pay between $30 and $75 to file a case in small claims court. The amount you pay is based on the amount of the claim. If your case goes to a higher court, the fees are likely to be larger and depend on the county where the accident happened.

Your lawyer will continue to negotiate with the insurance company after you file your suit. If they are still unable to work out a deal, you may have to go to court.

Trial Related Expenses

If you go to court and you have a jury trial, you will have to pay a jury fee. You might need an expert witness to testify on your behalf. Fees for such a witness can cost thousands of dollars.

There are going to be some administrative costs to any lawsuit. There may be expenses for copying documents and doing legal research; those expenses are usually fairly nominal.

Fortunately, most accident cases never go to court. A trained attorney should be able to get you a fair settlement. Be sure to select a lawyer who specializes in personal injury and has years of experience in the state of California.

Getting hurt in a crash is painful and time-consuming. However, if you choose the right representation, you will get the money you deserve instead of getting stuck with the bill.

Authoritative Sources:,-While%20the%20numbers&text=As%20the%20InsuranceQuotes%20study%20noted,Texas%3A%2059.9%25%20increase

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Essential Dental Care – All About Toothbrushes and Toothpaste!

Arguably the most common dental supplies in Sydney and throughout Australia and the world, toothbrushes and toothpaste are used by all of us daily, between our regular dental clinic visits. 

Cleaning the teeth is intrinsic to maintaining dental and oral health, fresh breath, and overall well-being.

Here are some fun, fascinating facts about toothbrushes and toothpaste…

Did You Know?

The Ancients

  • Humans have used tools to clean their teeth since at least the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians of 5000-5500 years ago. They made a type of brush for the teeth using a frayed twig. Toothpicks have also been found in some ancient Egyptian tombs, amongst the tomb goods that were to accompany the dead to the Afterlife.
  • It’s widely accepted that the ancient Egyptians were the first to use toothpaste for cleaning their teeth, and this dates back more than 7000 years ago. The ancient Romans and Greeks also used toothpaste, as did the ancient Chinese and Indians.
  • Used in the same way as we do to keep the teeth clean, breath fresh, gums healthy, and to help whiten teeth, ancient kinds of toothpaste varied in terms of their contents. Some included volcanic pumice stone combined with ash, burnt eggshell, and powdered ox hooves. The ancient Greeks and Romans preferred an abrasive paste and used crushed oyster shells and bones. Ancient Romans added powdered charcoal and aromatic bark to help freshen the breath. The ancient Chinese included salt, herbs including mint, and ginseng into their toothpaste for freshness and to enhance the flavor.
  • In 1600BC, the ancient Chinese made chewing sticks from twigs taken from aromatic trees. These were used to help freshen the breath. The Chinese also developed the first toothbrush with natural bristles. They attached the bristly hairs from a pig’s neck area to a handle made of bamboo or bone. This Chinese toothbrush design found its way to Europe, where it was altered and adapted to replace the bristles with horsehair or even feathers.


  • The first modern toothbrush was invented in 1780 by Englishman William Addis, who came up with the idea while he was in prison. It featured a carved cow bone handle and pig bristles.
  • The world’s first three-row bristle toothbrush was designed in 1844. 
  • The earliest modern toothpastes also date to the 1800s. These were tooth powders rather than pastes, and they often contained soap (which was included in toothpaste until 1945). By the 1850s, chalk was incorporated as well. Many English toothpastes of the time featured Betel nut (which had a stimulant effect and several potentially severe side effects including chest pain, kidney disease, cardiac and breathing issues, and oral cancer). 
  • The first toothpaste in a jar was introduced to the market in the 1850s; it was called Crème Dentrifice. In the 1860s, many people made their own toothpaste at home using ground charcoal. In 1873, Colgate began mass-producing toothpaste in jars; in the 1890s toothpaste was available for purchase in tubes similar to what we use today.
  • The first toothpaste containing fluoride was introduced in 1914, to help prevent tooth decay (this was many decades before the drinking water supply had fluoride added to it).
  • Until the 1930s, many of the mass-produced toothbrushes for sale in Europe were imported from China. All toothbrushes used natural bristles (usually Siberian hog hair) until 1938 when Du Pont invented nylon and the Miracle Tuft Toothbrush, a soft-bristled toothbrush went on the market. Even softer synthetic bristles were incorporated into toothbrushes in the 1950s.
  • From 1945, soap was removed from toothpaste recipes, and it was replaced by other ingredients which enabled the paste to become a smooth emulsion rather than a gritty, powdery product.
  • Broxodent was the world’s first electric toothbrush to make it onto the US market in 1960, however, the electric toothbrush was originally invented in Europe in 1939.

Modern Day

  • Toothpaste formulas have been developed over the last seventy years to address specific dental issues – e.g., formulas for whitening, low-abrasiveness, to target stains or gingivitis, to prevent tartar, plaque, and cavities, and to suit the tastes and needs of children.
  • Modern toothpastes are made with a wide array of ingredients, including fluoride, flavoring, coloring, sugar-free sweeteners, stabilizing agents, and compounds to ensure the paste remains smooth, moist, and that it foams when used.
  • Dentists and doctors recommend brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush for two minutes each time. They also advise that toothbrushes be kept at least two meters from the toilet (and be covered or kept in a cabinet if possible) to prevent airborne bacteria spreading to it when the toilet is flushed (lid down, too!).

See your dentist every 6 months for a check and professional clean. Explore your options to find the perfect toothbrush and toothpaste to suit your taste and comfort level – and don’t forget to floss!

By Alana Wills on behalf of

Alana Wills is an experienced freelance content writer who works in collaboration with, a leading online distributor of dental supplies in Australia.

What Is Whiplash and How Do You Get It?

A whiplash injury occurs when the head and neck experience vigorous and sudden forward and backward movements. The result is usually a tear or damage of neck muscles, nerves, ligaments, and discs.

Many of the whiplash injuries treated in hospitals are attributed to car accidents, especially of a rear-end nature. When hit from the back by another car, the sudden force pushes your seat forward and consequently, the torso. Since the head was likely not in contact with the seat, it remains backward and the spinal cord takes an abnormal S-shape. This can damage ligaments and other neck and shoulder structures.

Other events that can cause whiplash include physical abuse, roller coasters, sports like bungee jumping and football, and other extreme activities that cause sudden acceleration of the spine.


After an accident, symptoms of whiplash can appear immediately or manifest later as delayed injuries. The symptoms usually last for a few days but in severe conditions, pain and discomfort can persist for months. In cases where injuries were severe or associated with a neurological problem, the pain is likely to be chronic. 

Watch out for the following symptoms of whiplash, especially if you were recently involved in a car accident:

  • Limited range of motion in the neck
  • Neck stiffness that’s accompanied by pain
  • Headaches that start at the base of your skull
  • Sharp pain when moving your neck
  • Pain or tenderness in the upper back arm area and shoulders
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Some people might also experience memory problems, irritability, and blurred vision   

Importance of Seeking Treatment for Whiplash

It’s common for people with whiplash to ignore the pain and discomfort until it becomes unbearable and the neck’s range of motion is close to zero. 

If you are feeling any of the above symptoms, consider seeking medical evaluation even if you have not been involved in an accident. While it might not be whiplash, pain in the neck signifies a serious issue including broken bones. A doctor’s assessment will also detect other issues likely to appear as a delayed injury. 

The problem with such an injury is that you cannot see its extent until it’s too late. There’s also a mistaken belief that low-speed impact cannot cause severe whiplash. Lack of medical treatment and education can cause depression and anxiety, neurological disorders, and life-long disabilities.

Compensation for Whiplash Injury

If your injury was caused by a car accident, you might want to consider filing a personal injury lawsuit. This process ensures that you don’t suffer the losses associated with a crash such as medical bills and lost wages. In a state with at-fault laws, the negligent party is liable for your damages while no-fault areas require your insurance company to reimburse the losses. 

Personal injury lawyers can help you seek compensation for a whiplash injury, along with other damages from an accident. They’ll ask for your account of events, investigate the scene to prove fault, and finally negotiate with insurance companies involved to ensure that you are receiving the right amount of settlement.   

Healing After a Whiplash Injury

Treatment for a whiplash injury can be through medication, physical therapy, or a combination of both. Sometimes, the severity of injuries will require devices like a cervical collar, although prolonged immobilization can cause more harm than good to the affected area. 

During diagnosis, your doctor will first do a physical exam and later an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedure if the former results show signs of whiplash.

To regain your range of motion faster, you can also perform basic exercises at home such as neck and shoulder rotations. Remember to seek directions from your doctor first to avoid worsening the injury.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tips on How to Detect the Warning Signs of Arthritis

Photo by SAM LIN from Pexels

Did you know that one in five people have arthritis? Arthritis is the inflammation and tenderness of one or multiple joints. Common symptoms include stiffness and joint pain, which typically worsen with age. There are over 100 types of the disease, and it can affect your mobility, mental health, and you’re overall well-being. When you have arthritis, you’re four times as likely to feel physically sick, anxious, and depressed.  

Are you concerned about your wellbeing? Do you regularly experience body pain and aren’t sure where it’s coming from? You may have arthritis. Read on to discover the most common arthritis symptoms and how you can get the help that you need.

What’s the Cause of Arthritis? 

Typically, the leading cause of arthritis is wear and tear on the body's cartilage — the firm and flexible connective tissues in the joints. Cartilage protects your joints by absorbing the shock and pressure created when you move around and place stress on them. A decrease in this type of tissue — caused by something like an injury or an infection — can cause many forms of arthritis. 

Other risk factors include:

  • Age. Your chances of developing OA or RA increase significantly as you get older.
  • Obesity. If you're carrying extra weight, it will stress your joints — namely, your hips, knees, and spine. It's not always the case, but some people with obesity have a higher risk of developing the disease.
  •  If you were born a woman. About one in four women develop arthritis, whereas one in five men get the disease.
  • Genetics. Your risk is greater if you have a family history of arthritis.
  • Having a previous joint injury. People who have injured their joints playing sports or falling are more like to eventually develop arthritis.

Here are the common signs to watch out for in arthritis.

Morning Joint Stiffness

Do you wake up feeling sore and stiff all over each morning, and does that pain last for at least one hour? Consider talking to your doctor because it might be a warning sign of arthritis.

Sudden Pain

It goes without saying that if you or someone you love inexplicably has joint pain, then it’s cause for concern. The pain could result from inflamed and swollen joints — particularly if the pain subsides with physical activity and increases with immobility.

A Reduced Range of Motion

Do you find it hard to move your arms or legs a certain way? Talk to your doctor about the possibility of arthritis.

What To Do

If you recognize any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately to receive the medical treatment you'll need to alleviate pain and help you become more mobile. The next step is to get in touch with a professional agency that provides home health care in Toronto specializing in treating seniors with arthritis — specifically one that offers at-home massage therapy, personal support, and physiotherapy. 

That way, you or your loved one could receive supportive help and treatments right in the comfort of home.

Arthritis can be a debilitating disease, but the sooner you treat it, the less you’ll have to suffer. Know the early warning signs so you can get the help you need right away.

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Friday, July 23, 2021

A guide to start practicing veganism

You all must have come across the term vegan diet. If you have recently thought of switching over to veganism, we would like you to know some basic information about the same. You could also refer to for further information.

What is a vegan diet?

  • This is commonly called a kind diet or a cruelty-free diet. This form of diet which is followed by many lately tries to eliminate all possible forms of cruelty towards animals. This implies all forms of dairy products are avoided.
  • A twin goal is achieved when you follow veganism. Your desire to improve health and your concern for animals and the environment, both can be achieved.
  • Veganism extends to more than food in the real sense. It tries to avoid harm to animals in any form, like clothing, cosmetics, etc.

How to start being a vegan?

  • If the thought of adopting veganism has set in your mind, then you should try to learn everything about it.
  • First, learn the benefits of a vegan diet. For this, you should know about how animal products are made and their cost, etc.
  • Start from the basics. Always remember why you wanted to become a vegan. Your association with the cause will let you rooted in your journey.
  • Understand what will form part of your vegan diet and know their nutritional value. Also, refer to that can provide more information on this.
  • You should start reading the list of ingredients in each food package you pick up. This will help you identify vegan products. 
  • Find out stores and restaurants that sell vegans near your place so that it will be easier for you.
  • Above all read a lot about veganism and update your knowledge with the latest in this area.

Some vegan options for your 3-meal day:

  • Breakfast- A healthy start to your day is supported by a healthy breakfast. Leave your regular eggs and omelets and switch to a bowl of oatmeal with fruits. You could also include non-dairy milk like almond or cashew milk in your breakfast.
  • Mid-morning snack- Carry sliced apples in a box and have it during your break. You can have it with a dip in peanut butter. Fiber and protein needs accomplished! Apples can be filling and can save you till lunch.
  • Lunch- Prepare your own Buddha bowl with chickpeas, sweet potatoes, some greens, brown rice, red cabbage, and couscous. This will give you all the nutrients in a single-serve. Healthy fats come your way with this kind of lunch.
  • Dinner- Make a fabulous dinner spread with tofu, spinach, bell peppers, and broccoli. The choice of dish is yours, you have many varieties to make.

In case you need some snacks in the evening, go for a trail mix with a mix of nuts and dry fruits. For dessert, you can choose to have chia seeds pudding topped with berries and a generous amount of coconut milk. 

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The Most Important Questions to Ask Potential Living Communities

If you or your loved one has decided now is the time to move to a memory care assisted living community, you will undoubtedly currently be feeling a range of emotions, all the way from frustration to guilt and everything in between. 

Be sure to regularly remind yourself that your decision, which you will have by no means undertaken lightly, will always be motivated and based upon the welfare and physical and mental wellbeing of your loved one. Having made the decision, continue reading to learn the most important questions to ask potential senior living communities.

The Standard of Medical Care Provided

People requiring memory care, a specific type of ongoing medical treatment, should reside in a community that has a significantly sizeable group of memory care trained professionals on-site 24/7. Memory care specific assisted living facilities should focus primarily on 24-hour supervision of the residents, three prepared meals a day, and varying required levels of assistance with daily activities and personal care. 

Ensure the facility you are interested in operates an overall significantly higher level of skilled care and supervision and has special care units, otherwise known as Alzheimer’s care units, with both shared and private living spaces.

The Personality of the Community 

Memory care living facilities are perhaps the most specialized and therefore require a different kind of tone and atmosphere, especially in social situations and communal areas of the residence. The trained medical professionals onsite should be specially trained to work on life skills such as social interaction and should accompany the residents on both indoor and outdoor excursions and special activities. Hobbies and interactive activities are also of high importance for the overall wellbeing of your loved one. 

The Security of the Facility

Ensure you check as to whether the assisted living community you are potentially going to ask for help in caring for your loved one has a sufficiently sized and competently trained security team that resides onsite. Assisted living communities, such as the professional, established, and aesthetically beautiful memory care Brick NJ, implement the highest of safety and security protocols to ensure the residents are able to freely wander the house and grounds safely. 

The Size and Provisions of the Gardens

It is extremely important for your loved one’s mental and physical wellbeing that the memory care assisted living facility you select provides secure access to gardens. Ideally, any outdoor access points should be gated with electronic locks on both the entrances and exits, and the more well-tendered and cultivated the lawns and flower beds, the more indicative of how much importance is given to resident’s access to the outdoors

Finally, perhaps the most important thing you can possibly do when considering different living facilities options is to personally and thoroughly tour the community yourself. Never be afraid to ask questions to any of the staff members as they will be very happy and willing to assist you in any way they can. 

This is a guest blog entry!

5 Ways to Cope with Infertility

Millions of people are told that they may not be able to conceive a child naturally every year, but when you are the couple trying to conceive, it can feel like you are the only people in the world who are dealing with the issue. It is important to realize not only that you are not alone but that there is hope in your journey to becoming parents. There are several options available today, from reproductive assistance to adoption, but before you can begin to make a plan, you need to ensure you are coping with the physical and emotional strain that infertility can bring. Here are five ways to cope in the face of infertility and move forward. 

1. Be honest about your feelings

Do not try to ignore your feelings. It is common for people to feel grief and intense despair when faced with the idea that they may never be able to conceive naturally, and denying those emotions will only cause deeper and more prolonged pain. Find a way for both you and your partner to express your emotions honestly and in a healthy way. Click here for tips on communication with your partner. 

2. Understand the options available to you

One of the biggest sources of distress is likely to be confusion about your next steps and feelings of hopelessness. This is why it is so important to understand the options available to you that might help you become parents. When you have a clearer picture of possible futures, you can start to focus on the positives and consider which route could work for you. Whether you choose to consult with the best fertility doctors in St Louis, pursue adoption, or any other outcome, you can start to move forward. 

3. Find a support group and/or counselor 

You may have friends and family members offering advice or words of consolation, but unless they have been through infertility, they are unlikely to understand what you are struggling with. However, there are support groups for women, men, and couples who are facing infertility where you can meet others who share your experiences. Alternatively, an experienced and licensed counselor may be able to help you and your partner work through your emotions in a healthy way and explore your options. 

4. Practice self-care

Dealing with infertility can bring stress, anxiety, disappointment, and bogus feelings of inadequacy. Left to fester, this can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health. Take the time to focus on yourself and what helps you to relax or feel more positive. For example, taking walks in nature or writing in a journal can help people to process their thoughts, while other people find exercising, spending time with friends or family, or indulging in a favorite hobby to be a welcome distraction. 

5. Rekindle intimacy and romance with your partner

When you have been trying to conceive a baby for a long time, it can make physical intimacy seem like a practical exercise. When you combine this with the stress and continued disappointment of not being able to conceive, it can create a distance between you and your partner. Try to bring the intimacy back into your relationship that does not involve trying to conceive. This might include sex to express your love for each other, giving each other massages to relieve stress and tension, or organizing romantic dates or a trip, buying them a gift, or simply being more physically affectionate by holding hands or hugging. 

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Fight Pain Relief With These 10 Natural Remedies

If you're experiencing growing aches and pains throughout the day, it may be time to pick up some natural ingredients for relief without resorting to mass-produced drugs. We've rounded up some of the best natural tips for relieving pain from expert sources, including muscle massages, essential oils, and more.

Essential Oils for Pain Relief

The best essential oils for pain relief include peppermint, lemon, eucalyptus, lavender, and frankincense. These are extremely helpful for relieving pain, whether you are suffering from headaches or muscle pain.

Peppermint Oil

As a generalist pain reliever, peppermint oil is highly effective. Also, we consider peppermint oil to be a strong antiseptic that may help flush bacteria out of the tissues. People used peppermint oil for centuries as a treatment for colds and flu. This may explain how it is so popular as a natural pain reliever today. Many witnessed this oil stop acute-stage pains within 30 minutes of application with little to no muscle fatigue.


CBD oil is changing the way people treat pain. It is a type of natural cannabinoid found in cannabis that doesn't have any psychoactive or mood-altering effects. The oil relieves pain, anxiety, and inflammation, and it can also help improve sleep quality. You can use it for everything from headaches to arthritis and even mix it in CBD infused drinks. Its compounds can lessen the feelings of stress, too, which can be particularly useful when you're dealing with chronic pain. The way it works is simple. CBD interacts with receptors in the brain and immune system to reduce inflammation and relax muscles, connective tissue, and nerves.

Lemon Oil

Lemon oil is extremely effective for over and underdeveloped areas like the shoulders and small joints, which need extra support. Also, due to its antiseptic properties, lemon oil can help reduce inflammation and pain. We have also seen this oil help soothe tired muscles, increase circulation, restore dry skin, and even reduce lightheadedness intensity after strenuous exercise.

Eucalyptus Oil

This oil often helps to reduce inflammation after a heavy workout. You'll want to start this practice soon after a workout for the best results. We know this oil to ease joint pain and improve circulation in the arms and legs.

Fresh Fruit

You can use fresh fruit as a natural pain reliever, too. Berries are rich in antioxidants that heal the body (and relieve pain). Berries are particularly effective in relieving aches and pains from repetitive stress. Also, berries like blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, and tart cherries contain powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that may help with joint pain.

Epsom Salt

Laceration wounds are a very common reason for pain and discomfort in the body. Luckily, there are many natural ways to help speed the healing process, such as applying a hot bath, soaking in a warm saltwater solution, or soaking in the Epsom salt bath option with a warm bottle of Epsom salt and applying it directly to the wound. The wounds will then warm, and the healing process will proceed faster.


If you have a sunburned rash, inhaling carrageenan, a protein found in anti-inflammatory lotions and foods, can help with recovery. Carrageenan is a component of the French laque, an ancient remedy for inflammation. Apply a few droplets over the affected area and allow the healing process to begin. 

Carrageenan is also an immune system stimulant, so it may help reduce colds, flu symptoms, or other illnesses.


A post-workout physical is hugely important to aid recovery. Doing so naturally gives the body time to repair any small injuries, allowing the muscles and tendons to repair themselves. If you don't get up to so much physical activity, it may be hurting your recovery. Give the healing process a shot by taking a few minutes after exercise to stretch.

Massaging Away Pain

To rid pain, you can also try massaging the area with essential oils. Massaging stimulates blood flow and helps the body naturally produce endorphins. Endorphins are your body's natural painkiller. So the next time you're feeling sore, try massaging the area and seeing if the pain goes away.

Sleeping Schedule

Feeling pain during or just after sleeping could mean you need to rethink your sleep schedule. Spending much time in bed can ease tension and improve sleep, but there are still plenty of risks associated with sleep problems, including insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and nightmares.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

10 Ways Your Clinic Can Improve Patient Care

Patient care is the number one priority of all medical clinics. Whether you are a dentist, sexual health clinic, physician’s office, or community health center, you want to ensure every single patient leaves feeling well looked after. Most clinics cover the basics, such as treating physical ailments, but it goes beyond that. If you’re looking to increase revenue and create happy (and healthy) patients, here are ten ways to improve patient care. 

1: Focus on Prevention 

Medical clinics are not just for providing treatment; they are also for guiding people in the right direction healthcare-wise. If a person is significantly overweight, for example, a nurse or doctor can provide advice on how to shift some of that weight to ensure it doesn’t lead to any problems down the road, such as heart failure or diabetes. 

To provide more people with access to preventive care, conduct Annual Wellness Visits for those with Medicare plans. That way, many of your patients don’t need a pre-existing condition or medical worry to receive healthcare advice. 

2: Train Your Staff  

The best patient care comes from experienced, well-trained doctors and nurses, so train your staff up as much as possible. Consider each of their positions and what sort of training would improve the way they treat patients. A nurse might be qualified in terms of medical knowledge, for example, but a training course on leadership could improve their skills even further. 

3: Listen to Each Concern 

When a patient comes in with multiple symptoms, it’s crucial to listen to each concern carefully. That might seem like it goes without saying, but doctors can sometimes focus too much on one symptom without fully taking the others into account. Even if a symptom seems minor, do your best to help alleviate it in any way you can. 

4: Provide Emotional Support 

Emotional support is often just as important as physical support. While your main concern is the physical health of a patient, you must also consider how they are feeling. This is especially true when a patient is going through something traumatic, such as a cancer diagnosis or a very sick child. Don’t just be there to perform medical procedures – be there emotionally, too. Sometimes, all it takes is a kind word or a hand on the shoulder. 

5: Speak in a Language They Understand 

Sometimes, simplicity is best, especially when it comes to informing your patients about their health problems and needs. While you and your staff might know the medical terminology that describes illnesses in detail, you need to speak to your patients in a language they understand. Otherwise, they run the risk of leaving your clinic without the knowledge they need. By keeping it as simple as possible, you ensure your patients know exactly what’s wrong and what they need to do, thus improving their care. 

6: Use Up to Date Equipment 

No matter how compassionate or talented your team is, patients will be disappointed if you use out-of-date equipment. Not only will the equipment not work as well as modern models, but it’ll also show your patients that you don’t care enough to invest in their care. If your practice won’t spend money on better equipment, why should patients spend money on your clinic? 

Consider how technology can make it easier for patients to receive care, too. Many patients, especially the younger generation, prefer being able to book appointments on an app, for example. Keep in mind who the majority of your patients are, though – if you work with the elderly, they might not be as accustomed to communicating via the internet. 

7: Keep an Organized Schedule 

Understandably, patients get frustrated when their appointments are pushed back, or they are seen far later than planned. After all, they may have other important obligations that day. To avoid disappointment, make organization a priority. That means scheduling the day properly by taking into account how long each patient will need and extra time for any emergencies. Once you show a patient that you stick to your word in terms of scheduling, they’re more likely to trust you. 

8: Provide a Comfortable Environment 

A clean and comfortable clinic is a must for excellent patient care. No patient wants to walk into a medical clinic to find that the chairs are uncomfortable, the walls are grimy, and that the carpet is outdated and in need of a vacuum. To make your patients feel as comfortable as possible, ensure the clinic is sparkling clean and invest in uplifting décor. Even if the medical care is largely the same, the difference of a positive environment has an enormous impact. 

9: Hire the Best 

While you should hone what you already have, when it’s time to hire new staff, take your time to ensure you only hire the best. That goes for every area of the clinic, including receptionists, nurses, and cleaners. When patients call the clinic for an inquiry or appointment, you want the voice on the other end to be professional, helpful, and polite. If a new patient walks into your clinic, you want them to be dazzled by how well the place is kept. 

A couple of things to look out for when hiring new employees include how much experience they have, how friendly they appear in interviews, and what previous employers say about their work ethic. By making it your mission to fill all positions with talented staff, patient care will improve. 

10: Keep Researching 

The medical world is constantly evolving, and you need to stay up to date if you want to provide your patients with the best care possible. That means you and your team should keep up with any healthcare developments, including new technology and medical discoveries. Read medical news, journals, and blogs to ensure you’re never behind the other clinics when it comes to the best patient care. 

By prioritizing great patient care above all else, you ensure your patients are happy and keep coming back time and time again.

This is a guest blog entry.

The Lowdown on Sinus Infections

In recent months, most of us have focused on the raging health issue of the COVID-19 global pandemic. However, this hasn’t stopped all sorts of other health concerns from causing people problems, whether it’s winter, summer, or another time of year. 

In particular, many of us suffer from pain and pressure and other ill effects from a sinus infection. Medically referred to as rhinosinusitis, this situation arises when nasal cavities become infected, inflamed, and swollen. Here’s what you need to know about sinus issues today. 


There are some commonalities you can be on the lookout for that will suggest an infection of the sinuses. For example, many people suffer from facial pain, tenderness, or pressure. This uncomfortable feeling could be in the sinuses, ears, or teeth

You might get a sinus-related headache or notice some facial swelling. You might also find yourself dealing with a fever, sore throat or cough, a runny or stuffy nose, or even bad breath. Plus, you might notice mucus dripping down your throat (postnasal drip) or that you have pus-like nasal discharge or cloudy, discolored nasal draining. 


You might wonder what leads people to get a sinus infection. There can be a few causes. While many people question, “Are sinus infections contagious, and do they move from person to person?” the reality is that most people don’t spread these types of infections to anyone else. 

Sinus infections can arise due to allergies, chemical or particulate irritation of the sinuses, or various viruses or bacteria. Sinus infections occur when fluid builds up in the air-filled pockets in the face. When this fluid builds, germs can more easily grow. 

Risk Factors

Multiple factors can increase your chances of getting an annoying sinus infection. For example, these health issues can arise if you have structural problems within your sinuses, such as nasal polyps or other growths on the lining of the nose or sinuses. Seasonal allergies make you more likely to get an infection, as does a prior cold. Other risk factors include smoking or being exposed to second-hand smoke and having a weak immune system

Prevention Tips

None of us want to suffer from sinus infections if we can help it. As such, it pays to understand some of the best ways to prevent yourself from suffering from them. The top tip is to stay as healthy as you can. Don’t smoke or spend time around others who are smoking, and avoid close contact with anyone who has a cold or other upper respiratory infection. 

Clean your hands well and often, and use a humidifier in your home and office as needed to moisten the air and support your nasal passages and sinuses. Plus, being vaccinated for the flu and pneumococcal disease should help you stay safer. 

How to Deal with Sinus Infections

If you do get struck down with a sinus infection, though, you’ll want to take some steps to try to nudge it on its way ASAP. Do things that help to relieve pain and pressure in the sinuses and clear them out, such as using a decongestant or saline nasal spray. You might breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water or use a shower to get the same result. Also, place a warm compress over your face, targeting your nose and forehead, to get some relief. 

If discomfort persists, see your doctor and let them confirm you have a sinus infection. They might prescribe over-the-counter medicines, general paracetamol, or other painkillers to help you feel better. Usually, antibiotics aren’t required since most systems can clear up sinus infections on their own after a few days. In some cases, though, your health practitioner may give you a script for antibiotics to get made up if you still have symptoms after a while. 

See a doctor if sinus issues last for over ten days without any signs of improvement or if you have an accompanying fever for more than three or four days. Seek medical care if your symptoms get worse, too, rather than improving (or if they improve but then things go downhill again), or if you find yourself with severe facial pain or headaches. Anyone who deals with multiple sinus infections in a year should see a doctor, too. 

Sinus infections are a real pain to deal with, but thankfully many of them only last for a short time, less than four weeks. Some chronic infections can endure for over three months, though, or continue to recur. The better your understanding of these health issues, the easier it will be for you to tell when something is really wrong and when you have to ride the pain out.

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3 Tips for Optimal Eye Health

Eye health tends to be something that most people neglect. When the eyes start to suffer, it’s not something that the average individual notices right away. It tends to be a slow and steady decline, and when they finally notice that there’s a problem, it might take quite some time to fix.

For example, those who suffer from dry eyes could have gotten the condition from various sources. Some people get the condition from spending too much time in the day staring at a computer screen. Fortunately, accessible dry eye inflammation treatment can solve the issue, but it’s best to take a preventative approach. To help ensure that you don’t have to worry about computer vision syndrome and other potential issues, here are some tips for optimal eye health.

The unorthodox solution to eye problems

First and foremost, ensure that you work toward a healthy weight and eat right. It seems strange that healthy eating can lead to better vision, but there are all sorts of conditions that can lead to poor vision if you let it. It also helps that some of the healthier foods out there such as fish, leafy vegetables and the like can lead to fewer issues with your vision.

The same thing goes with getting enough exercise. It can be quite a challenge for those that aren’t used to a healthier lifestyle to get started, but the trick is to start slow. A healthy lifestyle isn’t something people can achieve overnight. You can get started by pacing yourself and adding more and more to help balance your lifestyle.

The trouble with computers and phones

Smartphones and computers are the most likely culprits when it comes to vision problems. After all, people use computers and smartphones for several hours a day. Some people spend a staggering number of hours on the computer, though not everyone has the luxury of taking big breaks. Some individuals have to sit in front of a computer due to work, which is why it’s best to maintain discipline.

For example, taking a five-minute break every hour can lead to clearer vision over time. For most modern devices, there is a means of removing blue light, which is typically the culprit when it comes to eye strain. Maintaining even just a bit of discipline can help you avoid eye problems.

Consulting your ophthalmologist

If you are having trouble getting used to a proper routine with eye care, it might be a good idea to consult your ophthalmologist regarding the best way to take care of your eyesight. For example, some people might be forced to stay in front of a computer for long periods due to their jobs. An ophthalmologist can help provide advice regarding your unique situation and make it easier for you to maintain optimal eye health.

Vision problems are typically the last thing on a person’s mind when they’re trying to handle the many responsibilities life has to offer. Fortunately, it does not take too much effort to care for your eyesight, ensuring that you aren’t blindsided with vision problems.


This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

What is a RAC audit in Medicare?

The word audit strikes fear into the calmest of hearts. It can come from the IRS, your employer, or if you run a Hospice or home healthcare business, you may have an audit from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that is performed by a Recovery Audit Contractor. Any home health care provider who bills fee-for-service programs is subject to such an audit.

As a home health care agency, you have a couple of options for keeping yourself compliant. You can either hire an accountant who specializes in Medicare, or you can use software designed for Medicare compliance.

Why Do They Audit a Business?

The CMS has increased audits of home health care agencies in recent years. The purpose of the Medicare Fee for Service (FFS) Recovery Audit Program is to find illegitimate Medicare payments. An auditor will do this by looking at discrepancies in payments made to Medicare providers or patients. They generally look for over-payments.

The company that does the audit must employ certain people in the medical field so they can properly evaluate the cost of certain medical services. An auditing company will employ therapists, coders, as well as doctors and nurses.

Recovery auditors only review payments that have already been made. They can go back as far as three years from the date of any questionable payments.

How are auditors chosen?

There are only three companies that are authorized to provide audits for Medicare Fee for Service (FFS) Recovery Audit Programs. Each company provides service to a certain region. Illinois is considered Region 2, and services are provided by Cotiviti, LLC.

Who audits the auditors?

Auditors are human too, so they make their fair share of mistakes. All the decisions they make will be reviewed by the CMS. All auditing companies are reviewed once a year for the accuracy of their reports. Auditors charge a contingency fee for each audit that they perform. If an auditing company should end up losing an appeal, they must return the fee.

What Happens When They Find Something Wrong

An auditor may review automatic, semi-automatic, and more complex payments. They should give the home healthcare company the opportunity to discuss any inappropriate payments that they find. If the auditor detects any impropriety, they will request that you send in payment. The healthcare provider for hospice can pay by check, or they can make a payment plan. They can also allow money to be deducted from future payments.

What if the auditor makes an error?

According to Rosenblat Law, if you feel that the auditor has made an error, you can appeal their decision. There are five different levels of appeal, and it is important to hire a defense attorney who specializes in these kinds of audits to represent you.

A professional attorney will know how to negotiate with the CMS and what questions to ask auditors. They will be familiar with the auditing protocol, and any common mistakes auditors make.

 It is best to find an attorney who has worked as a prosecutor on Medicare fraud cases. They will know what kinds of challenges to expect and what arguments will work to win your case.

Getting audited is frightening, but it is not always guaranteed that an auditor will find any wrongdoing. It is always a good idea to keep very accurate records and use a software program or an accountant that you can trust for your billing needs.

If you do need to appeal an auditor's decision, a good attorney can help you avoid paying fees and avoid further audits.

Authoritative Sources:

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Sunday, July 18, 2021

How to Get Fully Compensated for a Dog Bite

Dog bites are more common than most people care to admit. Whether it is an accidental bite from your beloved pet or an intentional attack from a stray dog in the street, dog bites can be very dangerous.

The drugs and antibiotics that one has to take after being bitten by a dog are not as affordable as the common off-the-shelf drugs. Sustaining a dog bite could also have an emotional impact on the victim. They may develop a phobia of dogs. 

In some unfortunate cases, a dog bite could be fatal. With all this trouble, you may be wondering how to get fully compensated for a dog bite, especially if another person's dog bit you.

How to Get Full Compensation for Your Dog Bite

1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention

As soon as possible after the dog bite, you need to see a professional medical doctor. Although some home remedies and treatments may act as first aid, getting medical attention is paramount to fully healing and avoiding complications. 

Failure to see a doctor will only deny you the chance to file a claim against the dog's owner. This is because you cannot fully calculate the required compensation without a medical record detailing your injuries and their effects on you.   

 2. Capture All Your Pain and Suffering

As you file your claim, you should keep in mind that pain and suffering run far beyond just physical pain. It could include a vast list of other aspects that you may be compensated for. This includes the fear, anxiety, and psychological damage that the attack might have had on you. 

You could also claim compensation for the inconvenience, loss of consortium, and emotional distress you had to endure due to the dog bites. When compiling the list of all your pain and suffering, think of how the dog bite has affected you. Afterwards, establish whether those effects can be accepted for compensation.

3. Gather Evidence

As with all other compensation claims, getting recompensed for your dog bite requires plenty of proof. You will have to prove that the dog bit you and that the bite had adverse impacts on your life and health. Your medical and financial documentation throughout the healing process should be in perfect order. Failure to present proper documentation could lead to the assumption that you are exaggerating your dog bite's conditions and the financial losses you incurred from the incident. 

Some of the very helpful evidence include medical reports, witness statements, and photographs of your injuries.

4. Seek Legal Help

Although you could try settling the compensation claims on your own, it may be very hard to represent yourself and get the proper payment you deserve. The insurance world is full of shrewd insurance adjusters who are out to pay you off with the least amount possible in the insurance company's interest.

Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies will prioritize you at the expense of their profits. 

Getting a seasoned Milwaukee personal injury attorney to fight for you as you recover is the best idea. Your personal injury attorney will give you counsel on what to do in every step of the way. With their vast experience dealing with insurance adjusters, your attorney will know how best to navigate all the pitfalls you may meet.

It Has Never Been Easier

With the number of professional personal injury attorneys on the rise, getting compensated for your injuries has never been easier. All you need to do is contact the best attorney and fill them in with all the required details. They will do all that needs to be done and guide you to get the justice you deserve.

This is a guest blog entry.

Friday, July 16, 2021

4 Ways medical marijuana is beneficial for patients

Medical marijuana has been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of illnesses. Studies are still being done on the benefits it offers, but some preliminary results show that medical cannabis can help patients with chronic pain, anxiety disorders, and even cancer. Medical cannabis is also a viable treatment option for those who are struggling with opioid addiction or dependence.

Cannabis has been an important part of our culture for thousands of years, but today it is finally being recognized as a legitimate medicine. With the legalization of medical marijuana in 28 US states and D.C., more people are turning to cannabis to help with their ailments and many are reporting improved neurological function. Legalization efforts have also driven economic growth with headshops, both physical and online, through stores like, popping up to create a bigger tax base and providing more options for patients to buy products. This has also helped drive further research into the long-term benefits of medical marijuana. 

This research has allowed us to understand that the human body contains cannabinoid receptors that receive chemical messages from cannabinoids found in marijuana or internally produced by the body called endocannabinoids. These chemicals interact with these receptors to produce different effects on your mood, pain tolerance, appetite, memory and immune system response. There are numerous studies that show how cannabis can be used therapeutically for things like insomnia, chronic pain relief, PTSD treatment, and even cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

Neurological improvements

A new study out of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) has found that marijuana, when used to treat epilepsy patients, can improve neurological functions.  The study examined 30 people with epilepsy who were using marijuana to help control their seizures. They found improvements in brain function and cognitive performance among those taking the drug. This is not surprising since one of cannabis' main ingredients is THC which helps regulate neurotransmitter activity in the brain and aids in memory retention. It's important to note that this research was done on a small sample size so more thorough research should be conducted before any conclusions are drawn about its efficacy as a treatment for epileptic seizures or other neurological disorders. But it does provide some interesting insight into how medicinal marijuana could potentially assist with neurological problems.

Pain management

Pain is defined as any unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. Chronic pain is the most prevalent cause of long-term disability worldwide and affects more than 10% of people on an annual basis. Marijuana has been shown to be effective at reducing chronic pain symptoms by suppressing the central nervous system's response to painful stimuli. This suppression can reduce inflammation, normalize neurotransmitter release, decrease hyperactivity within neural circuits, and lead to general analgesia (the absence of physical pain). The anti-inflammatory effect is attributed primarily to THC while CBD largely mediates the other effects but its role in doing so remains unclear. 

Improved sleep

It's no secret that marijuana can help with sleep. But how does it work? Medical marijuana has been shown to reduce insomnia, improve sleep quality, decrease REM latency (the time it takes for one to go into a deep sleep), and increase the total duration of sleep. So if you're struggling with sleepless nights, this might be the relief for your symptoms.


A feeling of hunger is a signal that your body needs fuel. When you eat, the food you consume gets broken down and used for energy or stored as fat. Marijuana can help improve appetite because it stimulates the stomach to produce ghrelin, which helps tell the brain when it's time to eat. This is especially helpful for people with cancer and AIDS, who often lose their appetites as a side effect of the disease. In one study published in 2011, researchers found that THC increased food intake by 240% in rats on an almost completely restricted diet (meaning they only ate every other day). Another recent study conducted at San Diego State University showed marijuana could be used for weight loss because it reduces anxiety and stress which are common causes of overeating or emotional eating.

This is a guest blog entry.