Thursday, August 05, 2021

3 Ways to Change Your Health Habits This Summer

Credit: StockSnap via Pixabay

Living a long and happy life is a goal that most of us do our very best to implement in our everyday lives. Often, we don’t commit to that goal as significantly as we should, taking shortcuts and prioritizing others above our own health and well-being.

The good news is that mentality can be changed. By adding healthier habits into your routine, you can begin to put yourself first and do the real work to live your healthiest life.

These are our three recommended ways to change your health habits this summer.

1.    Lowering Anxiety

Anxiety is something men and women struggle with for a variety of reasons — from self-esteem issues to demanding careers and so much more. Thankfully, there are several ways to lower your anxiety. It’s about finding the option that fits your comfort level and lifestyle.

Meditation and yoga are practices dedicated to finding the calm in your body and your mind. It’s about spending time with yourself in calming, quiet environments, focusing on your breathing, and letting your entire body relax. The practice of yoga, in particular, allows you to strengthen both your body and mind and can be tailored to fit your fitness and flexibility level.

One of the newer methods for lowering stress and anxiety is incorporating CBD into your routine — either with oil or an edible. CBD is a compound derived from the cannabis plant, though it does not have any of the psychoactive properties found in THC, which comes from the same plant. Through research, CBD shows promising results for improving sleep, lowering anxiety, clearing acne skin, and the overall neuropathic condition. The benefit of incorporating CBD is that you have a variety of options — from adding a drop of oil into your herbal tea to experimenting with an Olli Dragon Fruit Chew.

2.    Eating Right

The food you consume can directly impact your overall health. Food sends messages to your body, and your body reacts accordingly — which is why healthier foods yield more positive results than pre-packaged food or anything with high sugar or saturated fat content.

Incorporating healthier foods into your routine is one of the most straightforward steps you can take towards a healthier life. By eating a balanced meal with enough leafy greens, whole grains, and healthy fats, you’re sending positive signals to your body, and you’ll find that you have more energy and can build muscle easier.

3.    Getting Moving

Exercise is an essential component to living a longer, healthier life. As you age, your muscles begin to change, and if you lack enough exercise, you may find you have less energy and don’t feel as strong as you once did. The good news is that incorporating exercise doesn’t mean constantly lifting heavy weights or running marathons. Rather, simply adding more walking into your day can help your heart health — or you could search for fun exercise classes in your area, and you might just find your new favorite hobby. The benefits of exercise will yield positive results for years to come and help you commit to your healthier lifestyle.

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Wednesday, August 04, 2021

How to Prepare for a Plastic Surgery

Getting an elective procedure such as plastic surgery differs in many ways from surgeries that have to be performed for medical reasons. In some ways, this can make the process even more frightening and stressful, but there is one big advantage to elective surgery. Unlike some medical surgeries, which have to be performed with little mental preparation, you can prepare yourself for the surgical process and the recovery more easily with an elective procedure. According to the doctors who perform plastic surgery from, “making changes to your appearance is a very personal decision.” It stands to reason, therefore, that the preparation process will be equally as personal. There are, however, a few simple steps that can help you prepare for plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures.

1: Get Medical Clearance

This first tip is a crucial step in getting any elective procedure. Before you book your plastic surgery date and pay a portion of the procedure’s cost, you must have your primary doctor complete a physical exam on you. This physical exam will allow your primary doctor to decide if you’re healthy enough for plastic surgery and help reveal any potential complications before you go in for plastic surgery. If you are not healthy, a variety of complications could occur, increasing the risk of a long, painful recovery time. This exam should take place at least one month before your surgery.

2: Lifestyle Changes

There are also a number of lifestyle changes that you should make to ensure that the surgical process goes as smoothly as possible. If you smoke, you should abstain for at least two weeks prior to the surgery. This will decrease the risk of infection and complications due to low blood pressure. You should also avoid aspirin and similar painkillers for those two weeks, since certain common painkillers can thin the blood and increase the risk of excessive or lengthy bleeding. You cannot drink alcoholic drinks for three days before the surgery, since drinking can also thin the blood and depress your immune responses.

3: Arrange Help

Help from your friends, family, and support system is essential, especially in the early stages of recovery after the surgery. You shouldn’t hesitate to request help you may need while you are recovering, and indeed there are probably people in your life who you already know will be happy to help. Make sure that you arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery on the day of the procedure, since you will be groggy and likely in some pain immediately afterwards. You should gather items that you will need during your recovery in a convenient place near your bed and plan meals ahead, putting them in the freezer to make eating well easier than cooking every meal. Your friends and family may have to help you with some everyday tasks during your recovery, so never be too proud to ask for help.

4: Eat More Protein and Fiber

Increasing the protein and fiber in your diet in the weeks leading up to your procedure can help hasten the recovery process and make the entire experience more comfortable. Protein from healthy sources, such as fish and nuts, can help bolster your immune system and promote muscle health during recovery. Increasing the fiber in your diet through eating fruits, greens, and yogurt will help your digestive system. This is a good idea because of the risk of constipation during recovery due to medication and decreased exercise. Foods with an excess amount of salt should be avoided, since they will exacerbate swelling and therefore increase recovery time.

5: Stay Hydrated

Hydration is the single most important piece of your everyday health that many people ignore, and in the leadup to surgery the importance of proper hydration cannot be overstated. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water, or around 48 to 64 ounces of water, will keep you hydrated and on the road to a quick, easy recovery.

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Monday, August 02, 2021

How much does it cost to make an injury claim?

If you have been injured in an accident in the state of California, you may be wondering if it is worth it to report the crash to your insurance company. You have probably heard that your premiums will go up if you file a claim.

Although filing an injury claim is free, you should be aware of a few associated expenses.

How much will your insurance rates increase?

In most cases, your insurance premiums will go up after an accident. The amount that it will increase will depend on the state in which you live and the amount of the claim.

Unfortunately, California has the highest rate of post-accident insurance premium increases of any state in the country. A person’s premium will increase by an average of 61% after a claim of $2000 or more in the Golden State. Maryland has the lowest rate increases with an average of just 21%.

Hiring an Attorney

After your insurance company reviews your claim, they will either approve or deny it. If they deny the claim, you may want to consult with an attorney to see if it is worth it to sue them.

If they approve of your claim, they will make you a settlement offer. Their initial offer is unlikely to be as much as your claim is worth. You will want to hire an attorney to negotiate with the company on your behalf before you accept the claim.

 According to personal injury attorneys Maho & Prentice, most personal injury lawyers will work on a contingency basis. They will only take a percentage of the settlement they are able to get you.

If your attorney and the insurance company cannot work out a deal, you may have to go to court, which is where you can incur some serious expenses.

Filing Fees

In California, a person will pay between $30 and $75 to file a case in small claims court. The amount you pay is based on the amount of the claim. If your case goes to a higher court, the fees are likely to be larger and depend on the county where the accident happened.

Your lawyer will continue to negotiate with the insurance company after you file your suit. If they are still unable to work out a deal, you may have to go to court.

Trial Related Expenses

If you go to court and you have a jury trial, you will have to pay a jury fee. You might need an expert witness to testify on your behalf. Fees for such a witness can cost thousands of dollars.

There are going to be some administrative costs to any lawsuit. There may be expenses for copying documents and doing legal research; those expenses are usually fairly nominal.

Fortunately, most accident cases never go to court. A trained attorney should be able to get you a fair settlement. Be sure to select a lawyer who specializes in personal injury and has years of experience in the state of California.

Getting hurt in a crash is painful and time-consuming. However, if you choose the right representation, you will get the money you deserve instead of getting stuck with the bill.

Authoritative Sources:,-While%20the%20numbers&text=As%20the%20InsuranceQuotes%20study%20noted,Texas%3A%2059.9%25%20increase

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Essential Dental Care – All About Toothbrushes and Toothpaste!

Arguably the most common dental supplies in Sydney and throughout Australia and the world, toothbrushes and toothpaste are used by all of us daily, between our regular dental clinic visits. 

Cleaning the teeth is intrinsic to maintaining dental and oral health, fresh breath, and overall well-being.

Here are some fun, fascinating facts about toothbrushes and toothpaste…

Did You Know?

The Ancients

  • Humans have used tools to clean their teeth since at least the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians of 5000-5500 years ago. They made a type of brush for the teeth using a frayed twig. Toothpicks have also been found in some ancient Egyptian tombs, amongst the tomb goods that were to accompany the dead to the Afterlife.
  • It’s widely accepted that the ancient Egyptians were the first to use toothpaste for cleaning their teeth, and this dates back more than 7000 years ago. The ancient Romans and Greeks also used toothpaste, as did the ancient Chinese and Indians.
  • Used in the same way as we do to keep the teeth clean, breath fresh, gums healthy, and to help whiten teeth, ancient kinds of toothpaste varied in terms of their contents. Some included volcanic pumice stone combined with ash, burnt eggshell, and powdered ox hooves. The ancient Greeks and Romans preferred an abrasive paste and used crushed oyster shells and bones. Ancient Romans added powdered charcoal and aromatic bark to help freshen the breath. The ancient Chinese included salt, herbs including mint, and ginseng into their toothpaste for freshness and to enhance the flavor.
  • In 1600BC, the ancient Chinese made chewing sticks from twigs taken from aromatic trees. These were used to help freshen the breath. The Chinese also developed the first toothbrush with natural bristles. They attached the bristly hairs from a pig’s neck area to a handle made of bamboo or bone. This Chinese toothbrush design found its way to Europe, where it was altered and adapted to replace the bristles with horsehair or even feathers.


  • The first modern toothbrush was invented in 1780 by Englishman William Addis, who came up with the idea while he was in prison. It featured a carved cow bone handle and pig bristles.
  • The world’s first three-row bristle toothbrush was designed in 1844. 
  • The earliest modern toothpastes also date to the 1800s. These were tooth powders rather than pastes, and they often contained soap (which was included in toothpaste until 1945). By the 1850s, chalk was incorporated as well. Many English toothpastes of the time featured Betel nut (which had a stimulant effect and several potentially severe side effects including chest pain, kidney disease, cardiac and breathing issues, and oral cancer). 
  • The first toothpaste in a jar was introduced to the market in the 1850s; it was called Crème Dentrifice. In the 1860s, many people made their own toothpaste at home using ground charcoal. In 1873, Colgate began mass-producing toothpaste in jars; in the 1890s toothpaste was available for purchase in tubes similar to what we use today.
  • The first toothpaste containing fluoride was introduced in 1914, to help prevent tooth decay (this was many decades before the drinking water supply had fluoride added to it).
  • Until the 1930s, many of the mass-produced toothbrushes for sale in Europe were imported from China. All toothbrushes used natural bristles (usually Siberian hog hair) until 1938 when Du Pont invented nylon and the Miracle Tuft Toothbrush, a soft-bristled toothbrush went on the market. Even softer synthetic bristles were incorporated into toothbrushes in the 1950s.
  • From 1945, soap was removed from toothpaste recipes, and it was replaced by other ingredients which enabled the paste to become a smooth emulsion rather than a gritty, powdery product.
  • Broxodent was the world’s first electric toothbrush to make it onto the US market in 1960, however, the electric toothbrush was originally invented in Europe in 1939.

Modern Day

  • Toothpaste formulas have been developed over the last seventy years to address specific dental issues – e.g., formulas for whitening, low-abrasiveness, to target stains or gingivitis, to prevent tartar, plaque, and cavities, and to suit the tastes and needs of children.
  • Modern toothpastes are made with a wide array of ingredients, including fluoride, flavoring, coloring, sugar-free sweeteners, stabilizing agents, and compounds to ensure the paste remains smooth, moist, and that it foams when used.
  • Dentists and doctors recommend brushing twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush for two minutes each time. They also advise that toothbrushes be kept at least two meters from the toilet (and be covered or kept in a cabinet if possible) to prevent airborne bacteria spreading to it when the toilet is flushed (lid down, too!).

See your dentist every 6 months for a check and professional clean. Explore your options to find the perfect toothbrush and toothpaste to suit your taste and comfort level – and don’t forget to floss!

By Alana Wills on behalf of

Alana Wills is an experienced freelance content writer who works in collaboration with, a leading online distributor of dental supplies in Australia.

What Is Whiplash and How Do You Get It?

A whiplash injury occurs when the head and neck experience vigorous and sudden forward and backward movements. The result is usually a tear or damage of neck muscles, nerves, ligaments, and discs.

Many of the whiplash injuries treated in hospitals are attributed to car accidents, especially of a rear-end nature. When hit from the back by another car, the sudden force pushes your seat forward and consequently, the torso. Since the head was likely not in contact with the seat, it remains backward and the spinal cord takes an abnormal S-shape. This can damage ligaments and other neck and shoulder structures.

Other events that can cause whiplash include physical abuse, roller coasters, sports like bungee jumping and football, and other extreme activities that cause sudden acceleration of the spine.


After an accident, symptoms of whiplash can appear immediately or manifest later as delayed injuries. The symptoms usually last for a few days but in severe conditions, pain and discomfort can persist for months. In cases where injuries were severe or associated with a neurological problem, the pain is likely to be chronic. 

Watch out for the following symptoms of whiplash, especially if you were recently involved in a car accident:

  • Limited range of motion in the neck
  • Neck stiffness that’s accompanied by pain
  • Headaches that start at the base of your skull
  • Sharp pain when moving your neck
  • Pain or tenderness in the upper back arm area and shoulders
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Some people might also experience memory problems, irritability, and blurred vision   

Importance of Seeking Treatment for Whiplash

It’s common for people with whiplash to ignore the pain and discomfort until it becomes unbearable and the neck’s range of motion is close to zero. 

If you are feeling any of the above symptoms, consider seeking medical evaluation even if you have not been involved in an accident. While it might not be whiplash, pain in the neck signifies a serious issue including broken bones. A doctor’s assessment will also detect other issues likely to appear as a delayed injury. 

The problem with such an injury is that you cannot see its extent until it’s too late. There’s also a mistaken belief that low-speed impact cannot cause severe whiplash. Lack of medical treatment and education can cause depression and anxiety, neurological disorders, and life-long disabilities.

Compensation for Whiplash Injury

If your injury was caused by a car accident, you might want to consider filing a personal injury lawsuit. This process ensures that you don’t suffer the losses associated with a crash such as medical bills and lost wages. In a state with at-fault laws, the negligent party is liable for your damages while no-fault areas require your insurance company to reimburse the losses. 

Personal injury lawyers can help you seek compensation for a whiplash injury, along with other damages from an accident. They’ll ask for your account of events, investigate the scene to prove fault, and finally negotiate with insurance companies involved to ensure that you are receiving the right amount of settlement.   

Healing After a Whiplash Injury

Treatment for a whiplash injury can be through medication, physical therapy, or a combination of both. Sometimes, the severity of injuries will require devices like a cervical collar, although prolonged immobilization can cause more harm than good to the affected area. 

During diagnosis, your doctor will first do a physical exam and later an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedure if the former results show signs of whiplash.

To regain your range of motion faster, you can also perform basic exercises at home such as neck and shoulder rotations. Remember to seek directions from your doctor first to avoid worsening the injury.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tips on How to Detect the Warning Signs of Arthritis

Photo by SAM LIN from Pexels

Did you know that one in five people have arthritis? Arthritis is the inflammation and tenderness of one or multiple joints. Common symptoms include stiffness and joint pain, which typically worsen with age. There are over 100 types of the disease, and it can affect your mobility, mental health, and you’re overall well-being. When you have arthritis, you’re four times as likely to feel physically sick, anxious, and depressed.  

Are you concerned about your wellbeing? Do you regularly experience body pain and aren’t sure where it’s coming from? You may have arthritis. Read on to discover the most common arthritis symptoms and how you can get the help that you need.

What’s the Cause of Arthritis? 

Typically, the leading cause of arthritis is wear and tear on the body's cartilage — the firm and flexible connective tissues in the joints. Cartilage protects your joints by absorbing the shock and pressure created when you move around and place stress on them. A decrease in this type of tissue — caused by something like an injury or an infection — can cause many forms of arthritis. 

Other risk factors include:

  • Age. Your chances of developing OA or RA increase significantly as you get older.
  • Obesity. If you're carrying extra weight, it will stress your joints — namely, your hips, knees, and spine. It's not always the case, but some people with obesity have a higher risk of developing the disease.
  •  If you were born a woman. About one in four women develop arthritis, whereas one in five men get the disease.
  • Genetics. Your risk is greater if you have a family history of arthritis.
  • Having a previous joint injury. People who have injured their joints playing sports or falling are more like to eventually develop arthritis.

Here are the common signs to watch out for in arthritis.

Morning Joint Stiffness

Do you wake up feeling sore and stiff all over each morning, and does that pain last for at least one hour? Consider talking to your doctor because it might be a warning sign of arthritis.

Sudden Pain

It goes without saying that if you or someone you love inexplicably has joint pain, then it’s cause for concern. The pain could result from inflamed and swollen joints — particularly if the pain subsides with physical activity and increases with immobility.

A Reduced Range of Motion

Do you find it hard to move your arms or legs a certain way? Talk to your doctor about the possibility of arthritis.

What To Do

If you recognize any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately to receive the medical treatment you'll need to alleviate pain and help you become more mobile. The next step is to get in touch with a professional agency that provides home health care in Toronto specializing in treating seniors with arthritis — specifically one that offers at-home massage therapy, personal support, and physiotherapy. 

That way, you or your loved one could receive supportive help and treatments right in the comfort of home.

Arthritis can be a debilitating disease, but the sooner you treat it, the less you’ll have to suffer. Know the early warning signs so you can get the help you need right away.

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Friday, July 23, 2021

A guide to start practicing veganism

You all must have come across the term vegan diet. If you have recently thought of switching over to veganism, we would like you to know some basic information about the same. You could also refer to for further information.

What is a vegan diet?

  • This is commonly called a kind diet or a cruelty-free diet. This form of diet which is followed by many lately tries to eliminate all possible forms of cruelty towards animals. This implies all forms of dairy products are avoided.
  • A twin goal is achieved when you follow veganism. Your desire to improve health and your concern for animals and the environment, both can be achieved.
  • Veganism extends to more than food in the real sense. It tries to avoid harm to animals in any form, like clothing, cosmetics, etc.

How to start being a vegan?

  • If the thought of adopting veganism has set in your mind, then you should try to learn everything about it.
  • First, learn the benefits of a vegan diet. For this, you should know about how animal products are made and their cost, etc.
  • Start from the basics. Always remember why you wanted to become a vegan. Your association with the cause will let you rooted in your journey.
  • Understand what will form part of your vegan diet and know their nutritional value. Also, refer to that can provide more information on this.
  • You should start reading the list of ingredients in each food package you pick up. This will help you identify vegan products. 
  • Find out stores and restaurants that sell vegans near your place so that it will be easier for you.
  • Above all read a lot about veganism and update your knowledge with the latest in this area.

Some vegan options for your 3-meal day:

  • Breakfast- A healthy start to your day is supported by a healthy breakfast. Leave your regular eggs and omelets and switch to a bowl of oatmeal with fruits. You could also include non-dairy milk like almond or cashew milk in your breakfast.
  • Mid-morning snack- Carry sliced apples in a box and have it during your break. You can have it with a dip in peanut butter. Fiber and protein needs accomplished! Apples can be filling and can save you till lunch.
  • Lunch- Prepare your own Buddha bowl with chickpeas, sweet potatoes, some greens, brown rice, red cabbage, and couscous. This will give you all the nutrients in a single-serve. Healthy fats come your way with this kind of lunch.
  • Dinner- Make a fabulous dinner spread with tofu, spinach, bell peppers, and broccoli. The choice of dish is yours, you have many varieties to make.

In case you need some snacks in the evening, go for a trail mix with a mix of nuts and dry fruits. For dessert, you can choose to have chia seeds pudding topped with berries and a generous amount of coconut milk. 

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