Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Easy Tips to Keep Your Dog in Shape and Help It Lose Weight

With summer already at your door, you’ll want to spend even more time with your pooch outdoors, running, exercising, and playing. However, your busy working schedule, combined with the hectic family life can easily make you neglect your pet and, most importantly, its eating and sleeping patterns.

Keeping a dog with the rest of the family is not always a great idea because the animal can be overfed by various members. You give it a handful of kibbles right before going to work, while your daughter decides to serve it a delicious snack after she comes back from school.

At dinner, the dog puts on its long face and sad eyes until it’s left cleaning out the food scraps and licking the plates.

Unfortunately, all of these habits that are mainly done out of pure love can end up harming your pooch in the long term, leading it to gain weight and become obese. Along with obesity, it ca also suffer from a long list of health issues which includes limited mobility, back pains and bone pains, heavy breathing, heart problems, and diabetes.

If you want to keep your pet safe and allow it to live a strong, healthy, and active lifestyle, here are some tips you should follow.

Stick to a strict feeding schedule

Decide on just a member of the family that has the task of feeding the pet and don’t give in to its sad puppy eyes every time it wants a treat or a snack. By keeping a strict feeding schedule, your pet can lose a couple of pounds and become more active.

Based on your dog’s age and weight, we suggest feeding it three times a day while a pup and two times a day once it reaches adulthood.

Providing enough food for the entire day is not a smart technique as your pooch might eat it all at once. If you’re worried about overfeeding or not making it home in time to serve your pet dinner, you can always consider investing in an automatic dog feeder that will dispense the right amount of food every time.

Switch to organic food

One of the easiest ways to help your mutt lose a couple of pounds is to control the quality of the food you serve. If it is used to eating kibbles from regular brands that are rich in corn, starch, and empty calories that provide zero nutritional values, it’s high time you switched to organic food.

Check out this review on Wellness CORE grain free food and compare it with other brands and products until you find the mix and flavor your dog loves the most. Remember that the main ingredient in all foods should be proteins, closely followed by veggies or low-carb foods.

Check the ingredients

Not all organic food brands are designed to maintain a healthy weight for your dog, especially if it is not used to running or exercising daily. Therefore, you need to learn to check the labels properly and find the most suitable dog food.

If you’re feeding dry foods and kibbles, look for a minimum of 25% proteins, although a higher amount would be better. Dogs are mainly carnivorous animals so they will need a clean source of proteins, whether we’re talking about eggs, chicken, turkey, beef, lamb or fish.

The fat percentage shouldn’t exceed 16% either, although, ideally, should be around 12%. Keep in mind that apart from kibbles, your dog will also receive snacks, treats or even home-cooked food that adds to the total number of calories, carbs, and fats.

Foods that contain more than 5% fiber should also be avoided as it may interfere with the absorption of nutrients. And, if you’re not entirely sure of your pet’s diet requirements, it is best to talk to a veterinarian.

Be more active

All dogs require at least 20-30 minutes of physical activity daily, whether it’s indoors or outside. In the wintertime, you can keep your pet busy by hiding snacks throughout the house and asking it to find them.

From spring to late fall you can try all sorts of fun outdoor activities with your pet, including jogging, long walks, swimming, playing frisbee, hiking or camping.

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It’s Not Laziness; Binge Eating Disorder Is a Disease

One of the most common things eating disorder therapists hear from their clients is a sense that they are perceived as being somehow lazy or weak-willed.  Even with the widespread presence of binge eating disorder treatment centers around the country, too many people still believe that binge eating disorder (BED) is a choice that people make, and this causes an amplification of the feelings of shame that normally accompany BED in the people who suffer from it. As with many other mental health disorders and those which require stays in binge eating treatment centers, it's crucial to spread understanding of the symptoms, causes, and effects of BED in order to avoid the misunderstanding and stigma surrounding it.

What Causes BED?

Eating disorder therapists, working in conjunction with specialists at binge eating disorder treatment centers and psychiatrists in the field, have identified several possible causes of the disorder.  The balance of these will be different from person to person.  Normally, BED is a combination of “nature” and “nurture” factors in a person’s life. 
  • The “nature” aspects of BED include genetic factors (in that people with behavioral disorders tend to pass them onto their children) and biological factors (women, both cisgender and transgender, have higher rates of BED than others). 
  • The "nurture" aspects can also relate to parenting, but instead of a genetic inheritance, it has been noted that parental pressures surrounding weight or beauty can impel young adults to engage in disordered eating.  Likewise, pressure from peers and the media to reach a certain weight or beauty goals can trigger or exacerbate BED symptoms.
While binge eating treatment centers have not isolated a single cause of BED, it’s clear that a combination of biological factors and social pressures are present in most cases.  The positive news is twofold here; first, identifying the causes allows binge eating disorder treatment centers to devise strategies for treatment based on this knowledge.  Second, it helps to dispel the idea that people with BED are somehow gluttonous or lazy as compared to experiencing a disorder.

What to Look Out For

BED can be slightly misunderstood by the general public; many people assume all eating disorders are about avoiding food intake via extreme dieting or purges, as seen in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, respectively.  This is quite unfortunate, as BED is actually the most common eating disorder in the United States, affecting about 2.8 million people.  Understanding the signs and symptoms of BED can help you identify it in yourself or a loved one, and begin getting help from a binge eating treatment center if needed.
  • Eating large amounts of food in a very short period of time
  • Eating beyond the point of “fullness” during these episodes
  • Hiding or hoarding food for these binge eating episodes
  • Feelings of guilt or shame following binge eating episodes
  • Hiding or strategically throwing away food wrappers
  • Visiting several different groceries (to hide the amount of food being purchased)
  • Avoiding regular meals
  • Avoiding eating in groups at home or restaurants
  • Frequent dieting
  • Dissatisfaction with one’s body or a sense of perfectionism around it
Because the binge eating episodes that characterize BED often consist of “junk” foods or high-fat foods like chips or pizza, and because unlike bulimia nervosa there is no purging behavior associated with the disorder, people with BED are often overweight or obese.  These factors can result in serious health complications, including heart disease, diabetes, liver disease, and others.

Saying “Just Eat Normally” Isn’t the Answer

Because the perception that people with BED are just “eating too much” still persist, the feelings of guilt that already come with the disorder may be made more extreme when hearing they are simply eating too much (even more so when told they need to lose weight, which can encourage further dieting).  Often, when dieting, people with BED will avoid meals, making the inevitable binge eating sessions even more extreme.  To truly help people with BED, it’s important to understand the nature of the disorder and the feelings surrounding it.

By showing respect and sympathy for the causes and symptoms of BED, and not treating the individual as though they are simply being weak-willed or lazy about their eating patterns, you can promote a full recovery from BED, and more importantly, you can support yourself or a loved one on their journey.

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Saturday, August 03, 2019

How to Get the Most Out of Your Home Care Packages

Home care packages differ across the world. For example, in Australia are funded by the government so that older Australians can continue to live independently in their homes. However, in the US they’re only offered by private companies and niche non-profits.

The trick to getting the most out of your home care package is to know what you can use it on and what you can’t. It can generally be spent on well-being services, social services, support services, care services, and a range of nursing services. You can also use your home care package in a limited way for home modifications and in the purchase of equipment, so long as it enables you to live well and safe at home.

Home care package spending is different from one person to the next since everyone has different needs. It is therefore important that your personal care plan is tailored to help you achieve your own goals and needs.

What can you pay for with your Home Care Package?

Some individuals might use all of their funds on care services while others might prefer to make home modifications and purchase equipment to help them to live more independently.

Generally, if you want to buy equipment and make modifications to your home, the request will be reviewed by your provider and another medical professional, such as your physiotherapist or GP. The aim is to make sure that the outcome of the equipment purchase or home modification will support your wellness goals.

For example, a mobility scooter might be an important part of an individual’s independence in that it allows them to get around without asking for help. If the care provider determines as much, then the individual’s home care package can be used to purchase a mobility scooter for the individual.

Services that can be provided under Home Care Package Funding

  • Pet care, such as visits to the groomer or vet, or regular walks and other care routines for your pet.
  • Cooking together or cooking classes.
  • Gym memberships or fitness classes that will be attended with a care worker.
  • Visits to your favorite places, such as parks, beaches, and other places of significance.
  • Visits to the cinema or library with your care provider.
  • Spending time in the garden in the presence of a care worker to ensure your safety while you enjoy your pastime.
What can’t be provided under Home Care Package Funding

There are certain expenses that are not allowed under Home Care Package funding. These include the ones below:
  • Your day to day bills, such as your groceries or utilities, are not catered for under your Home Care Package.
  • Your monthly rent or your mortgage fees are not provided for under your Home Care Package.
  • While one-day trips to your favorite places are provided for under Home Care Package Funding, entire holidays are not, and the cost of holidays does not fall under Home Care Package Funding.
  • While visits to the cinema are catered for under Home Care Package Funding, gambling and entertainment are not provided for. 
  • Any costs that are already covered by Pharmaceutical Benefits or Medicare are not provided for by Home Care Package Funding.
  • Any program that is already subsidized by the Australian Government is not provided for by Home Care Package Funding.
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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Four Types of Therapy That Will Make You Happy

Today’s world is hectic and chaotic. Managing everyday life can be tiresome, and it’s no wonder why our serotonin levels may be low, and we struggle to meet daily demands. In such a fast-paced world, we rarely take a chance to disconnect and allow ourselves to reconnect. Fortunately, there are multiple ways you can achieve this.

“There are several ways you can unwind and naturally boost your serotonin levels,” says Revivology, a medical spa and surgery center in Utah. “Some of the best spas have curated many of these therapeutic treatments in one place, from saunas to steam baths and massage sessions. In other cases, a simple walk along a nature trail can prove restorative. Whatever the case, a solution to your daily pressures is often never too far away.”

With that in mind, here are four types of therapy proven to improve your health and make you happier:

Sensory Deprivation

Sensory deprivation tanks work by eliminating the stimuli around you. Many people don’t realize how much is happening around them on a daily basis. Even if you placed soundproof headphones on and closed your eyes, you’d still be surrounded by plenty of different stimuli. You’d still smell things in your vicinity and feel the temperature of the room.

In a sensory deprivation tank, all of that stimuli is eliminated. You’re placed in a water chamber designed to create the illusion of no gravity via a natural floating sensation. By ridding yourself of sights, sounds, smells, and feelings around you, many people believe you can achieve a higher state of consciousness—and even improve your overall mental health and well-being. According to one study, being in a sensory deprivation tank could even ignite feelings of creativity—perfect for people in creative industries that need a bit of a reboot.

Acupuncture is an ancient and storied practice. It is built upon the premise that many ailments can be treated by pinpointing certain parts of the body that have caused a disruption in energy flow. A massive meta study that analyzed several independent studies found that acupuncture was effective in soothing chronic pain. Some studies even suggest it could curb depression. During one trial, patients who used acupuncture in conjunction with antidepressants fared better than those who used solely traditional treatments.


Using hydrotherapy as a therapeutic treatment is nothing new. Back since ancient Roman times, people have been turning to hydrotherapy to curb ailments and improve mood. First and foremost, there are different types of hydrotherapy, which refers to a variety of water-based treatments. From the sauna to a sitz bath or steam shower, hydrotherapy provides ample benefits. The weightlessness you feel because of the buoyancy of water allows you to ease your muscles, and potentially alleviate some of the pain you might be feeling in your limbs.

Water immersion is also a natural endorphin stimulant, which means the endorphins responsible for happiness and pain make it easier to stress less and for your body to enter a relaxed state. Furthermore, water can improve your blood flow and circulation of white cells, which ultimately strengthens your immune system. And lastly, for a more immediate effect, if you have a cold or sinuses, being in steam can help clear it up.

Nature Therapy
Connecting with nature has both a conscious and unconscious effect on the mind and body. Studies have shown that being surrounded by nature can improve your health, cognition, and mood. Whether we realize it or not, when we’re out in nature—whether we’re on a stretch of sandy beach, hiking a mountain, or walking a forest trail—the connection between happiness and nature immersion is strong. Being in the wilderness has a particularly strong effect, as studies have shown that it increases our presentness and awareness.

This has spawned the development of wilderness therapy—an adventure based therapy treatment designed to modify behavior and better interpersonal self-improvement. Horticulture therapy is also a type of nature therapy that involves therapeutic gardening. With horticulture therapy, you have a direct connection with nature from hand to plant. This type of treatment has been particularly effective among seniors, as research has found that elderly are able to reduce stress and improve memory when working with nature.

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Monday, July 29, 2019

CBD isolate vs Full-spectrum: Which One is more beneficial?

As the CBD sector continues to blossom and countless products are now available on the market, some questions are readily popping up every now and then about CBD products. One of these numerous questions pertains to CBD isolate vs CBD full-spectrum, which is more beneficial? What is the difference and similarities between CBD isolate and full-spectrum?

CBD isolate is known as the purest, and most concentrated form of the CBD cannabinoid, which further sparks the argument. Most people are concerned about using products containing THC, so CBD manufacturers chose to take the THC out of their solutions. But how do full-spectrum products compare to isolate products? Keep reading and you will get all the answers you seek.

What is CBD isolate?

CBD isolate simply means that the product contains only CBD and no other cannabinoids. Here, purified CBD is extracted from the hemp plant then isolated from other naturally occurring cannabinoids.

What is CBD full-spectrum?

CBD full-spectrum means that the product contains CBD and other cannabis compounds found in marijuana or hemp. CBD full-spectrum products also include other parts of the plant, such as terpenes (terpenes influences the smell and flavor of the extract) and essential oils.

Full-spectrum CBD advantages

CBD is only one of many exogenous cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. In fact, there are 113 others found in cannabis plants. If you select a full-spectrum product, you will benefit from this multitude of potentially beneficial exogenous cannabinoids and you’ll also benefit from the plant terpenes and flavonoids found in the original hemp plant. Using a full-spectrum product means that all of these compounds will be available in the same ratio as intended by nature. Other compounds found in a full-spectrum CBD product are:
  • Calcium and magnesium
  • All 20 essential amino acids
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin C, E, and A
  • Phosphorus and Zinc
  • Iron and potassium
  • B complex vitamins
Many CBD experts believe that full-spectrum CBD products are more beneficial to your endocannabinoid system as well as your overall health. The full-spectrum CBD compounds are all synergistic meaning the compound interacts with themselves to enhance each component, thereby creating an entourage effect.

Advantages of CBD isolates

CBD isolate is a full-spectrum product isolated from the plant compounds using a process called chromatography whereby the plant materials are removed. The result is a whitish powder comprised of at least 99% CBD. The other plant terpenes and cannabinoids are removed. CBD isolate is odorless and flavorless.

So, in other words, CBD isolate is CBD in its purest form. There are numerous advantages to using an isolate over a full-spectrum product. These advantages are:
  • Zero flavor to interfere with the taste of your edible products
  • THC is potentially removed
  • No odor of the original plant source
  • Lower cost per milligram
  • The potential for higher levels of CBD per dose
  • More control of CBD levels of the finished product
CBD isolate vs full-spectrum: Similarities and differences

When it comes to the similarities of these two, there is one simple example— both contain cannabidiol. Also, there are a number of ways CBD can be extracted to make both isolate products and full-spectrum products. The CO2 extraction is one of the best methods.

Here is a simple breakdown of the difference between CBD isolate vs full-spectrum;

CBD isolates:
  • Zero THC or other cannabinoids
  • Pure CBD
  • Processed further than full-spectrum CBD
  • Doesn’t include plant compounds, such as terpenes
Full-spectrum CBD:
  • Contains CBD and other plant compounds
  • Undergoes fewer process than CBD isolates
  • Contains less than 0.3 percent THC (when derived from hemp)
  • Works synergistically with THC and other plant compounds 
In spite the fact that CBD isolate is a more concentrated form of cannabidiol, doesn’t mean that it has greater effects. In fact, some research shows that full-spectrum CBD, which is a combination of cannabinoids and plant compounds, has a complementary effect, known as the entourage effect.
Final thoughts

There is no straight answer to this question, even if CBD isolate contains more CBD, on the other hand, the lack of terpenes and cannabis compounds makes CBD full-spectrum more beneficial in some people’s book. So, take the time and find out for yourself which one is best for you. Both these products are available everywhere for purchase for you to buy and try them yourself. But keep these in mind: endeavor to check the dosage of your serving size so you don’t take too much or too little.

Lastly, check the list to make sure the extract is produced from the full hemp plant and not just hemp seeds.

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Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Your Mattress Impacts the Quality of Sleep!

Do you love adventure sports? I When you take part in adventure sports, you should always keep yourself prepared by putting on a helmet, good quality shoes and other safety gear. But have you ever thought that you spend one-third of your life sleeping, and yet you never focused on the safety of sound sleep or bedtime, have you? Well, the quality of your mattress can make a serious impact on your sleep quality, napping, and your lifestyle too.

This is the age of fast-paced life; we have a lot to do but don't have much time. You don't get much time to take a perfect nap. What matters here is the ideal mattress. People say, and many have a misconception, that the mattress doesn't matters much but  ask yourself, Do you feel tired also after sleeping? Do you feel comfortable in any other bed, like in a hotel bed? Does your mattress make sounds while you change side? If your answer is "YES" then don't doubt that your mattress has some severe impacts on the quality of sleep you get.

A Research Report, How mattress impacts sleep?

In a study, 59 men and women took part. They slept on their regular mattress for the whole night, consecutively for 28 days. Researchers record the behavior, stress level, irritability, headaches, and trembling in that period. After that, the study participants slept on a mid-comfy mattress for the next 28 days. New mid-comfy mattresses decreased the stress level significantly.


In a poll by the National Sleep Foundation, 92% of people said that for a good nap that a perfect and comfortable mattress is vital.


What is Quality Sleep? Mattress Impact!

Many times people make a mistake and think that the quantity of sleep is equal to the quality of sleep. That's a big "NO." Suppose you have a regular mattress, which is not supporting your full body weight, not your spine, what you will come up with is a night-long sleep that is unpleasant and restless. You may feel pain in your lower back or neck strain.

The perfect luxurious and comfortable mattress will give you a refreshing and sound mood for the entire whole day. Just in case think of an ideal comfortable mattress, which will provide you with perfect quality sleep. If you are convinced about getting a quality mattress then you can get it for cheap by using a layla mattress coupon.


Now you know how your mattress impacts the quality of your sleep, which is ultimately most important. If you are using any lower quality mattress or a regular one, how can you get comfortable and lovely sleep? You can buy a perfect, nice, and comfortable mattress which will ensures the soundness and quality of your sleep.

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Friday, July 26, 2019

Dealing with Snoring: 5 Effective Solutions

If you suffer from snoring, then it can cause you to have disturbed and poor-quality sleep. Snoring is a common problem with around half of all-American adults snoring during the night. Snoring occurs when air goes down your throat during breathing while you are asleep. This can lead to the tissues feeling relaxed and vibrating, which creates the harsh sound. These irritating sounds that are created can be disruptive to both your sleep and the sleep of your partner. However, even if you don’t think your snoring is a problem, it is important that you don’t ignore this serious health condition. Snoring could be a symptom of a more serious sleep condition, such as sleep deprivation or sleep apnea.

 Therefore, it is important that you deal with your snoring and try some of these five effective solutions to try and solve your snoring problem.

Change Your Position 

You may find that the position you lie in will determine how bad your snoring is. By changing your position and sleeping on your side, you may find that your snoring gets less serious or goes entirely. Sometimes, sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to stay towards the back of your throat, leaving your airflow blocked. This is what creates the snoring noise. Therefore, you should change and sleep on your side so that the airflow can easily through your throat and ease your snoring. If you struggle to stay on your side while you are asleep, then you may want to put a pillow behind your back to stop you from rolling onto your back throughout the night.

Manage Your Weight 

One of the biggest causes of snoring is being overweight, as the more tissue you have in your throat the more likely you are to snore. Being overweight is not good for your overall health and can increase your risk of getting more serious health problems. Therefore, it is important that you try to lose weight if you need to. By getting some form of exercise at least once a day and reducing your calorie intake you will see your weight decrease. If you are struggling to lose weight on your own, then you should consult a dietician or doctor.

Use Snoring Aids

There are many different products available that may be able to offer you an effective solution. From dental mouthpieces to snoring strips there are various options for you to try. However, the mouth strips by Somnifix can reduce open-mouth snoring and improve nasal breathing abilities. They are comfortable and easy to wear with the built-in breathing vent plus they’re hypoallergenic and easy to use. If you suffer from snoring and want to try an effective home remedy, then you should be sure to try out the products Somnifix has to offer.

Change Pillows 

Changing your pillows may offer an effective solution for your snoring problem, as getting pillows that elevate your head may help to keep your airways open.

Watch What You Drink Before Bed  

It is important that you stay hydrated, not only for your overall health but also to ease your snoring.

By drinking plenty of fluids, you can stop the secretions in your nose from becoming sticky due to dehydration, which can create more snoring. It is important that you drink water throughout the day and avoid drinking alcohol in the evenings, as this can make you more likely to snore during the night.

It is important that you don’t disregard your snoring issue, as it could be a symptom of a more serious health problem that your doctor may be able to assist you with.

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