Friday, September 06, 2024

6 Effortless Ways To Get That Summer Body

The ideal ‘summer body’ may look different for everyone. However, the ultimate goal is to feel strong and healthy.

You may want to wear a certain dress but don’t feel confident enough.

Getting in shape can boost your self-esteem and improve your overall mood. You don’t want to start summer feeling tired and drained!

Taking a few steps can help you get in shape without feeling stressed. Here are such effortless ways to achieve that summer body!

1. Eat Nutritious Meals

It doesn’t matter how much you work out. Eating right is the most important step in weight loss.

Stop purchasing processed and ready-made foods that are high in calories. These are loaded with sodium and preservatives.

Meal prepping for the week and batch preparing can help you maintain a nutritious diet without spending hours in the kitchen every morning.

Try incorporating at least 60 gms of protein into your daily diet. Your protein requirements depend on your body weight.

Eating three complete meals will prevent you from snacking multiple times throughout the day.

Instead of snacking on fattening food like chips and cookies, try healthy alternatives such as popcorn, chickpeas, and nuts.

2. Try a Calorie-Deficit Diet

When you’re seriously aiming to lose weight, a calorie-deficit diet will help you reach your goals.

This method is simple to follow. You have to consume fewer calories than you usually do. 

For example, if you consume 2000 calories a day, you can go down to 1600 or 1500. This number will vary depending on your activity level, gender, and body weight.

However, this doesn’t mean you have to go hungry! Just swap out high-calorie options and replace them with low-calorie ones which keep you full.

3. Include Physical Activity

Physical activity will help tone your entire body and aid in weight loss.

You don’t have to do the same boring workout every day. Switch it up and have fun with it!

Include strength training in your exercise routine along with pilates and cardio.

You can also go swimming, or join a Zumba class. If traditional cardio seems boring, try dance workouts instead.

Walking is another easy way to increase your heart rate and burn extra calories.

4. Consider Alternatives

If you don’t think working out is possible, consider non-surgical weight loss options after consulting a doctor.

One of the most popular and safest methods is endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty. It helps you lose weight by reducing the volume of your stomach.

As a result, you may experience relief from common health issues like joint pains.

Unlike surgical weight loss options, this does not involve cuts or incisions.

Read about endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty benefits to understand if it is the right non-surgical procedure choice for you.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking water is important for regular bowel movements and proper digestion of food.

Many often replace water with energy drinks or sugary beverages like soda and iced tea. This can add unnecessary calories and sugar to your diet, pushing back your progress.

Water will also help you stay full. Whenever you find yourself grabbing a snack, ask yourself whether you are thirsty or hungry.

Setting reminders or getting a big water bottle with markings can help reach your hydration goals.

6. Sleep Like a Baby

If you think you can lose weight efficiently without sound sleep, you’re wrong.

The amount of sleep you get will influence your body’s functions and how you feel throughout the day.

Inadequate sleep can also result in a higher calorie intake. The longer you are awake the more you want to snack or binge-eat.

Prioritize 7-8 hours of sleep daily and try to finish your dinner at least two hours before hitting the bed.


Consistency is crucial in helping you adapt to these lifestyle changes. This way, you wouldn’t stay fit only during summer but throughout the year.

Treat yourself with occasional cheat days, but make sure they aren’t hindering your progress. Get active and rock that beach body!

This is a guest blog entry.

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