Sunday, July 21, 2019

What is CBD Flower and What Should You Know About It?

When it comes to CBD, there are so many ways of utilizing it. You can consume CBD products such as gummies, oil, and infused beverages to derive its benefits. However, there’s a wave of consumers who want CBD in its natural state. Typically, these would consume the CBD flower directly from the Industrial hemp farms without having it processed.

The CBD flower is not as popular as other CBD varieties. However, it’s an ideal choice for people seeking higher cannabidiol levels without necessarily pumping THC in their bodies.

What is it?

A CBD flower is derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant and contains the useful cannabinoids and terpenes found in CBD. People who smoke or vape CBD flowers claim that they offer more benefits than processed CBD. This is due to the abundance of compounds that produce noticeable and lasting effects.

CBD oils, for instance, go through CO2 or ethanol extraction processes that ultimately strip them of important cannabinoids in the process. Apart from the usual extraction process, some CBD products are distilled further for better purification. The end result is a product devoid of some of the useful stuff. On the contrary, the CBD flower is cut from the stalks of the hemp plant.

Can It Get You High?

There’s a misconception among many CBD consumers that the CBD flower is capable of making them intoxicated. However, this couldn’t further than the truth. First off, industrial hemp contains lower THC levels. This means that their flowers have significantly low amounts of THC as well (THC is what gets you high). What’s more, the high levels of CBD in a hemp flower regulate the THC effects. As a result, people use hemp buds to relax without necessarily generating a high. Some actually use it to counter the effects of a high THC product.

Benefits of the CBD Flower

Much like other CBD varieties, the CBD flower contains the fascinating compound known as cannabidiol or simply CBD. This happens to be a non-psychoactive component of the Cannabis Sativa with a ton of therapeutic features. CBD has been reported to have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. Like CBD oil, the CBD flower may have great benefits for patients suffering from chronic pain, anxiety, sleep problems, and many more.

How to Use a CBD Flower

There are several ways of consuming a CBD hemp bud, including:

1. Smoking

For starters, you can smoke the bud like you would any other cannabis flower. The flowers are typically ground and rolled into a traditional joint or placed into a tube. According to research, smoking CBD flower doesn’t have a negative effect on the lungs as smoking tobacco would. However, keep in mind that this method isn’t the best for those with existing respiratory issues.

2. Vaping

If you don’t necessarily swim in the smoker’s pool, you might find that vaping CBD flowers through a dry herb vape is a better choice for you.  This way, you derive the benefits of CBD without putting your lungs on the line. This method is especially great for CBD novices and those who desire to keep their CBD consumption under wraps.

3. Baking

The CBD flower can also be consumed via the digestive tract. This is the safest method of consuming the CBD hemp bud because CBD doesn’t enter the bloodstream immediately after consumption as is the case with vaping and smoking. Note, though, that CBD edibles take a longer time to take effect that smoked and vaped products.

How to Know the Right Dose for You

There is no standard dose when it comes to consuming the CBD flower or any other CBD variety for that matter. Since they have different CBD to THC ratios, every strain affects people differently. Additionally, people react to THC in different measures. Some would do well with high CBD to THC ratios while others would be fine with lower ratios. To be safe, start with low doses of CBD flower (this can be one or two inhalations) and carefully work your way up.

The CBD flower contains higher concentrations of cannabinoids than other CBD varieties. It is great for people who want to derive the potential benefits of CBD without the need for processing. However, keep in mind that smoking and vaping aren’t exactly the best methods to consume CBD. Stick to CBD edibles if you can. If you have to smoke of vape, keep your inhalations to a minimum.

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Friday, July 19, 2019

5 Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing

Saunas have been around in Finland for over 2000 years and have spread throughout the world. These days, you’ll be hard pressed to find a self-respecting wellness or fitness center without one. But while they’re great for relaxing after a long training session or at the end of a day of work, do they actually have tangible health benefits? Let’s take a look at a few ways taking a sauna bath could improve your general health.

Improves Circulation

One of the biggest benefits of saunas is that they can work wonders to boost your blood circulation. When you’re in a sauna, your blood vessels expand, and your heart rate increases. This not only improves your cardiovascular health, but can also boost detoxification and boost your metabolism as well.

The great thing is that you don’t necessarily have to go to a sauna to get these benefits. You could get a sauna vest or suit instead. If you want to see how they work and what they look like, you can find sauna sweat suits, vests, and more here. These can increase your body heat during exercise and boost circulation as well. They can also help you lose weight much faster, which is a major plus.

Improves Your Arteries’ Response

Another thing that saunas do is improve the way your arteries respond to sudden changes in pressure. This has a direct effect on how well the blood circulates to various body parts, including your brain. Saunas have also been shown to reduce diastolic and systolic blood pressure. If you don’t know what that means, diastolic stands for blood pressure between heartbeats and systolic pressure is measured during heartbeats.

They Could Increase Your Lifespan

Going to the sauna could actually help you live longer according to studies. As a matter of fact, various studies suggest a link between lower early mortality rates and sauna baths.

One particular study that was conducted on a group of Finnish men showed that those who went almost every day passed away later on average than those who only went once or twice a week.

While saunas have tons of health benefits on their own that could contribute to this, saunas are also very communal in nature, which helps people form bonds. This alone could be a large contributing factor.

They Could Improve Your Brain’s Health

Saunas have also been proven to help improve brain health. In addition to boosting relaxation and sleep, it also improves mood, reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety, and could even reduce the risks of developing Alzheimer's later on.

Another study that was conducted on Finnish men found that those who went to a sauna regularly had much lower rates of Alzheimer’s than the rest of the population. Here again though, the communal nature and the pleasure people derive from saunas could also delay or stop the development of memory disease.

They Can Help Alleviate Certain Chronic Conditions

Saunas have been shown to be beneficial for a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. Saunas have also been shown to reduce the violence of chronic migraines. One of the reasons cited for these benefits is that saunas seem to reduce the amount of inflammation in the blood. Many of these disorders are linked to excessive inflammation, and the anti-inflammatory properties of saunas may be the reason why they’re so effective for soothing them.

As you can see, there are tons of benefits of getting a nice steam bath every now and then. So, if you were still skeptical, we strongly suggest you give them a try and enjoy their benefits.

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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Benefits of Incorporating ERP in Clinical Practice

Technology has changed a lot of things in all industries that you can think of. We are talking about manufacturing, education, business and so on. One of the sectors \ which technology has impacted is the healthcare industry. The emergence of technologies such as medical coding services and ERP in the health sector has changed how things are run. The good thing is that it has changed for the better. 

ERP, also known as enterprise resource planning software, is used by businesses to manage business operations, which vary within the fields. In healthcare, this is how ERP is helping.

1. Better management of patients’ data

As you may well be aware, the amount of data that a business handles increases every other day. As a result, it gets to a point where managing the date becomes challenging. Thanks to ERP, hospitals and clinics are able to handle customer information better. That is in the light of keeping it safe and also being able to update it periodically. It also makes patient data easily accessible when needed.

2. Better health care

Thanks to the free flow of information, doctors have easy access to patient data. Having central storage for patient information and electronic data makes it easy for healthcare providers to share information. As a result, before doctors treat a patient, they have all the medical records of a patient which makes it possible to provide them with quality service and
 also reduce cases of misdiagnosis in medical practice.

3. Saving on operation cost

Note that apart from taking care of the patients’ health, clinics and hospitals are there to make profits. As you may be aware, businesses are able to make maximum profits if they minimize the cost of production or operation. The same theory applies to hospitals, by integrating such technologies, hospitals will require fewer employees to manage data. Also, it makes other functions such as billing, budgeting, and human resource management more efficient hence saving money.

Electronic transfer and collection of data save a lot of time. With that, hospitals can handle more clients in a day than when data is being processed manually. This translates to more profits. There is the aspect of using paperwork to store customer data, but it is not scalable, as more patient’s visit so does the need to increase the stationary increase which can be quite costly. ERP is scalable and eliminates the need for the company to purchase more paper.

4. Reduction of errors

Errors in patients’ information have led to severe consequences such as misdiagnosis. ERP systems ensure that the data kept is consistent. This, in turn, increases the credibility and the reliability of data. Hospitals with ERP do not experience such issues.

ERP software has been found to be very beneficial in different lines of work. Adoption of this technology has improved efficiency in clinical practice and also led to better customer service. To enjoy the benefits and get a competitive advantage, you should consider incorporating it in your practice.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Slow Rising HCG Levels in Early Pregnancy

The only way you can know that you are pregnant is through the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is only present when fertilization takes place. When you go for a pregnancy test, this is the hormone tested. The placenta produces this hormone and it is detected using the urine test. Apart from the urine, other women prefer the blood test because it is more accurate than the urine test. If you are pregnant, the test will show positive. If you are not pregnant, this hormone is not present.

After implantation, this hormone is said to double after 3 days. Nonetheless, the level of HCG differs from woman to woman and therefore for others it may double and others will not. Whenever, you go for clinical checkups, the doctor tests the level of HCG. In addition, with the levels of the HCG, the doctor is able to tell whether there is danger ahead. During early pregnancy, some women may report normal HCG and others low HCG.

Some women tend to believe that a low HCG level is risky but it does not always indicate a miscarriage. The condition worsens if only the level continues to go down. That is when the doctor prepares you that you might have a miscarriage or you have ectopic pregnancy. However, you may also hear of slow rising HCG levels in early pregnancy. It is very possible to be in such a condition because it will finally rise as normal. Issues come about if you have a drop in HCG levels. The low levels may indicated a problem like molar pregnancy.

Though not common in most cases, a slow rise of HCG levels in early pregnancy may indicate blighted ovum, ectopic pregnancy and an impending miscarriage. Generally, a blighted ovum does not mean that you are not pregnant anymore. It simply means that your pregnancy has ended so early that the implant did not manage to form the fetus. In the early stage of pregnancy, it is not possible to view every detail. However, it is clear that a blighted ovum finally results in miscarriage. The worst problem during pregnancy is to have a miscarriage. This is a very pain condition for a woman in spite of how early it might occur. Both miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy cannot be prevented. However, there are noticeable symptoms before these problems occur that indicate something serious.

Despite the fact that slow rising HCG levels in early pregnancy can cause serious complications, you need not suffer a lot. Here are some tips to increase the HCG level. You always need to visit you doctor to monitor your progress. Also, take the prenatal vitamins and take medications as prescribed by your doctor. There are medications to increase the levels of HCG. However, it is not crucial to do it on your own. This is because unbalanced levels of HCG may cause serious problems. If there are some problems, you really need to seek medical attention. However, you never need to worry because of slow rising of HCG. There are remedies and you can retain your baby.

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Homemade & Natural Remedies for Back Pains

Over the years we have seen the number of people complaining about back pain troubles rise considerably. The American Chiropractic Association claims that back pain is regarded as the leading cause of maladies that are preventing people from getting to work and performing everyday activities. Around 80% of the population is expected to experience back pain at some point in their lives. In the course of 15 years, research showed that from 1990 to 2015, lower back pain problems increase by 54%. In America alone, at least $50 billion is spent on health care each year related to lower back plights. This is why through this post we will offer you some great homemade remedies that can relieve you of such problems and offer you comfort during those painful days. So read along and find out just how exactly you can get rid of back pain difficulties. Of course, you should always consult with a physician first.

Homemade Creams & Ointments to Try Out

While for serious concerns such as an accident, you might want to go through a comprehensive spinal cord injury treatment program, for glitches you feel rarely, there are some ointments for you to try out. They usually act out as a pain reliever so you can rub them like cream to offer you a soothing effect. Here is what you could try out:
  • Brazilian Arnica: this flowering plant also commonly known as wolf’s bane is a powerful agent when it comes to treating pains and body spasms. Scientific evaluations conducted in a controlled environment using 10 subjects showed a significant reduction in back pain when a cream using 5% of Brazilian Arnica was applied for 15 days using a glycol solution. {(c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.}
  • Cayenne: it is a pepper hailing from the capsicum family. It contains capsaicin which is a powerful analgesic. You can also buy capsicum plasters and creams from a nearby local general store or shop. However, we recommend making a salve for your own self at home. This way you can apply freshly prepared homemade cream whenever the need arises.
  • Comfrey: it might come as a surprise since this flowering plant is considered to be poisonous, however, the leaf, root, and the stem are often used to make medicine. The root especially has a profound medicinal property to treat back pain. Creams that use comfrey as a vital ingredient often provide tremendous comfort for those with back pains after use. It has been proven to reduce back pain in sufferers by 95%, taking immediate effect in less than 1 hour of use.
Massage Therapy

When it comes to easing out chronic pain, many have stated that a massage works wonders for them. Not only does it offer them plenty of relaxation, but it is also great for treating nonspecific, subacute, and in some case even chronic low back pain. Massages are also known to offer you relief for sore and tense muscles. Traditional treatments included with gentle massages have been found to be quite effective in the management of back functioning, back pain, and bedridden days. People who have opted for massages, specifically for back pain troubles, have found no striking difference as such in between relaxation and structural massages. However structural massages are indeed more expensive. If you don’t want to act like a spendthrift, you can simply ask your partners or companions to learn some easy to follow routines online. They can then offer you a massage and further add pain relief ointments for an extra touch.

Eating Well To Fight Back Pain

There is no doubt that during times of an ailment you need to have a strict check on what you eat or add to your staple diet. The womb of Mother Nature has always been a supporter of our health and fitness. Unfortunately, it is us who have diverted to consuming processed food and use items with chemical additives over time to the point we mass consume them without any precautions. Here is what you need to eat in order to combat back pain troubles:
  • Anti-Inflammatory herbs: many back pain troubles arise from inflammation occurring within the body. This is why there are certain herbs that are available easily from the market that can have tremendous anti-inflammatory effects. Take willow bark and devil’s claw for example. Willow bark acts like aspirin. The devil’s claw, on the other hand, provides you with harpagosides that offer you anti-inflammatory benefits.
  • Magnesium: it is the 4th most abundant body mineral. Magnesium provides you with various benefits through its 300 biochemical reactions within the body. Not only does it assist you in managing muscle and nerve functions, a steady heartbeat/rhythm, but it also is a great preserver of bone health. In the right amounts, it can boost your immune system, as well as help you maintain normal blood pressures.
  • Vitamin B12: the powerhouse that we all have given up due to falling in addiction with junk food, Vitamin B12 is great for growing kids and young adults since it helps them to maintain energy levels throughout the day. However, what most people do not know about this naturally occurring miracle is that Vitamin B12 can also help you in the treatment of various ailments including back pain concerns.
  • Vitamin D: it goes without saying how important this vitamin is when it comes to combating various ailments that we have come to know off in early days and recent times. Vitamin deficiency is the primary cause of many diseases. It has been clinically proven that sufficient supplements of Vitamin D can help restore many functions in the human body as well as offer superb improvement regarding back pain issues.
Meditation, Tai Chi, & Yoga

Your body is a living organism and as such we should all avoid sedentary lifestyles that we have grown so accustomed to. Binge watching shows, spending hours upon hours on social media, playing video games, have all resulted in us losing touch with the real world around us. Our bodies need upkeep and maintenance which comes in the form of physical excursions. Here are some of the best forms of exercises that can offer you relative improvement regarding your back-pain apprehensions.
  • Meditation: this is perhaps one earliest form of mind-body practices that has roots in many cultures, ethos, and religions. Many studies over the years have shown considerable improvement in body pains through meditation. A study conducted in 2008, revealed that 37 patients having chronic low back pain were found to have substantial improvements with an average meditation of 31.6 minutes every 4.3 days of the week.
  • Tai Chi: this ancient Chinese martial arts form involves graceful but slow movements while continuously incorporating deep breathing techniques. A study conducted in 2011 showed that in as short as a 10-week tai chi program, around 160 adults suffering from long-term low back pains found their symptoms to be reduced considerably. They practiced tai chi and participated in a 40-minute long session for around 18 times over the period of 70 days.
  • Yoga: who would have thought that this incredible discipline that seeks to create a balance between the mind, body, and soul can have splendid effects in treating back pain troubles as well? Yoga has ancient roots dating back to 1500-500 BCE. 
We hope this post was able to offer you a great understanding as to how you can reduce back pain troubles using homemade remedies and therapies. For more questions and queries regarding the topic please feel free to let us know of your comments in the section below.  You can always contact our orthopedic clinic for more information. 
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How to deal with contact lens discomfort

Over the years contact lens materials have evolved and so have the lens care solutions in the market. However despite this, contact lens wearers can still experience symptoms of dryness, irritation and discomfort. With an increasing number of people opting for coloured contact lenses in exciting shades like Solotica Aquarella, the number of new contact lens wearers has also increased.

Getting used to wearing lenses takes some time, practice and care.  Studies show that almost 50% of lens wearers experience dryness and discomfort.

Here are some tips to deal with contact lens discomfort.

If you are experiencing dryness or discomfort while wearing your lens, the first thing you have to do is remove your lens, rinse it and place it back in its case with fresh solution. Check your eyes for dirt or eyelashes, these are common causes for contact lens discomfort. Check your lens as well for debris or eyelashes as well. Check if your lens is damaged. If it is, do not put the lens back on your eye. If the lens appears undamaged and is cleaned, try re-inserting it. If the discomfort persists, then remove it immediately and consult an eye care professional.

One of the common mistakes a lot of lens wearers make is touching their eyes without washing their hands or trying to put in your lens after you’ve put on cream or lotion. This immediately makes your eyes burn and water, making it very uncomfortable to put your lens in. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly and dry them before handling your eye and your lens.

Check the fit of your contact lens, when a lens fits properly it should fit the entire cornea and should move very little when you blink. If there is a lot of movement in the lens, that when the wearer begins experiencing  dryness, irritation etc. Also if it does not fit your cornea correctly you might be wearing the wrong size. In that case it is best to get another prescription from your doctor.

If your job includes long hours in front of a computer screen, chances are you will experience a case of dry eyes, wherein your lens feels dry and rigid against your eye. One of the easy solutions for this is to buy re-hydrating eye drops. Artificial tears are a great way to relieve dryness. Consult an eye specialist to check which brand goes with the lens you are wearing. Soft lenses that retain moisture for longer durations like Anesthesia Once are also a great way to keep dry eyes at bay.

Typically contact lenses should be worn for about 12 hours or less. When you wear the lens for longer, it begins to lose its moisture and ultimately becomes uncomfortable. Reducing the time you spend wearing your contact lenses helps reduce discomfort. Switching between your glasses and lenses periodically helps rest the eyes.

Sorry ladies but too much make up around the eye could also ruin your contact lens wearing experience. Too much make up around the eyes can be uncomfortable and can result in a build-up of product around the eyes that could eventually make its way over to your lenses.

If you are an allergy prone person, especially eye allergies then chances are contact lens discomfort is not new to you.  A lot of wearers change their lens habits or just forgo their lenses altogether during allergy season.  But here’s a tip, you could switch to daily disposable lenses during allergy season.

If these tips do not take care of your discomfort then it could be an infection or another medical condition. In that case it is always best to visit your ophthalmologist to get your eyes properly checked out.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Try These 6 Healthy Activities This Summer

Summer is the perfect time to start getting into some healthier habits. The weather outside is nice, meaning you can do things outside that you don’t normally get to during other months. If you’re looking for some activities that you can do this Summer, and ones that will provide some health benefits, give some on the list below a shot. You may just find your new favorite activity.

Take a Hike

Hiking is a very healthy activity, and Summer is the perfect time for it. Hiking gives you a good cardio workout, exercises the leg and core muscles, and allows you to escape from everyday life for a little while. The best time to go hiking during the Summer is in the early hours, as it isn’t as hot then. Find some local hiking trails in your area, grab a bottle of water, and go explore. Once you’re out in the middle of nowhere, your mind will be more at ease, and your body will appreciate the tough workout.

Try Yoga

Yoga provides a lot of healthy benefits. It works out specific muscle groups, especially your core. It can also help to relieve stress, and make you more flexible (and therefore at a lower risk for injury). You can do yoga any time of year, but Summer allows you to do it outside. Doing yoga outside during some nice weather adds a great element to it, and can make your yoga experience even better. Find some yoga routines online that you like and bring your phone or tablet outside with you. Or, you may even be able to find some local outdoor yoga classes in your area that you can join.

Take Up Kayaking

If you want to spend some time on the water, kayaking is a great activity to try out. Kayaking provides a great workout to your upper body, and you get to spend a few hours out on the water with nothing to bother you. If you’re new to kayaking, you’ll want to avoid rougher waters, and instead opt for a lake or bay area. All you need to get started is a kayak (you can rent one or buy a used one), a paddle, and perhaps a life jacket if you’re not a strong swimmer. Then head on over to your nearest body of water and enjoy the ride.

Take Out a Paddle Board

Going for a ride on a paddle board is similar to kayaking. You give your upper body, including your core, a great workout. With paddle boarding, you stand up on a surf board, and use a paddle to navigate around. It may sound easy, but it will give you quite a workout by the time your done. Again you’ll want to do this in calm waters, as standing on your board will be pretty much impossible on rough waters. To get started do a Google search like “paddle board for sale near me”, then find a body of water near you that seems suitable.

Swim Laps

Swimming is one of the healthiest activities you can do. It works basically every muscle group while also giving you a cardio workout. And while you can swim during the Winter if you can find a local indoor pool, swimming during the Summer is much better. There’s nothing quite like jumping into some cool water on a hot day. You can go swimming either in your own pool if it’s large enough, or head over to a local lake. Either way, once you’re in, try doing these swim exercises to give yourself a good workout.

Read a Book

Finally, healthy habits aren’t all about physical health. Sometimes you need to take care of your mind too, and for that reading a book can go a long way. Set aside some time to sit outside in the nice Summer weather and read a book that you really enjoy. This will not only help you remove stress, but you may even learn something new. So, head on over to your local library, bookstore, or grab a Kindle, then sit down for a bit and relax.

Make Time for Healthy Choices

Even though it’s the Summer, our lives remain busy. It’s important that we set aside some time for healthy activities once in a while. The above activities are all great to do during the Summer, but they won’t happen if you don’t find the time. Pick one or two that you really want to try, set aside the time, and then go enjoy the Summer weather.

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