Monday, May 27, 2019

How effective is arnica for bruising and swelling?

Everyone experiences pain in their life. Most of us deal with headaches, body pain, swelling, and injuries at some point. Pain is unpredictable and can occur at the slightest inattentiveness. Hence, everyone should have pain medication in their first aid box. Arnica is a popular homeopathic pain medication which is much safer to use than any over-the-counter pain killers. Using pain killers for a long time can develop addiction problems since most of the pain killers contain drugs.

Arnica is a flowering plant that grows in Siberia and parts of Europe. The flowers of Arnica plant looks similar to daisies. They have a yellowish or orangish appearance. The most common form of Arnica is Arnica Montana, which is also known as mountain Arnica. Dried Arnica Arnica is available in pill, cream, and solution form. Arnica pill and drops can be consumed orally. Both the tablet and the drop will dissolve under the tongue naturally. Arnica cream can be applied on the affected area for instant relief. When using Arnica in the cream format, prevent applying it over open wounds or broken skin. Arnica is an effective bruise cream and doesn’t have any adverse side effects.

The roots of Arnica flowers were used for several years for their medicinal benefits. It contains sesquiterpene lactone, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It also has flavonoids, thymol, carotenoids, etc. in reasonable amounts. Arnica, if used in its purest form can, however, cause many complications; hence, it's considered unsafe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). What people use commonly is the heavily diluted form of medicine. Since the heavily diluted form of the medication is devoid of any side effects, it is still essential for you to consult your doctor before using it for any swelling or bruising.

As mentioned earlier, Arnica has several benefits over pain killers. Let us have a look at its numerous properties, in detail:
  • It eases muscle pain due to sudden trauma or ailment
  • It works effectively in reducing swelling caused by pain, insect bites or sprains
  • It helps in clearing blood congestion and promotes the growth of white blood cells to prevent bruising. Arnica contains vitamin K which is very helpful in reducing bruising. Using Arnica as a bruise cream, thrice a day, can offer immediate relief from pain and discomfort
  • It provides comfort for people suffering from osteoarthritis by reducing muscle stiffness and soreness
  • Arnica prevents bacterial infections that can cause due to infected wounds.
  • Arnica prevents blood clotting while also reducing the bleeding
  • Diabetes is also said to provide benefit against eye problems due to arthritis, acne problem and alopecia
Vitamedica’s Arnica bruise kit comes with 120 Arnica tablet bottle containing 2-week supply, 0.5 oz. Arnica cream containing 3-week supply and 5-day Arnica blister pack. You can keep this kit handy to address any pain, swelling, or bruises. The Arnica Montana plus vitamin K cream is a unique product in the market that makes it a great anti bruise cream. It immediately starts working on the blue-black bruises and helps to soothe the skin. The kit is also beneficial for postoperative care when you have to deal with swelling and pain.

Homeopathic medicines are believed to have a safe and natural approach to many diseases. When prescription medicines are used, they suppress the problem and don’t let it spread further, but in the case of homeopathic medicines, they enhance the symptoms of the disease because they believe that our body can heal as a faster rate if we let its natural defense mechanism work against those symptoms.

Whether homeopathic medicines or prescription medicines will work effectively on pain is still a matter of debate, but we need to realize that getting rid of ailments doesn’t guarantee a healthy body. It can only be achieved if we take natural products and supplements. Using chemically active products for a long time can weaken the immune system and make us prone to numerous diseases. Using essential supplements can make up for the lack of vital nutrients in the body that you may not be getting from your daily food intake. Supplements are very safe and natural and can be made a part of our diet for added benefits.

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Options

Alcohol is considered as one of the most addictive and harmful substances in the world, which has affected a lot of people over time A lot of drinkers have control of their drinking habits while a majority of them suffer from addiction. Addiction can increase the risk of liver failure and heart attacks and can also affect the thinking power of the brain. A person who has a long-term addiction to alcoholism called an alcoholic.

Some alcoholics appear to be high-functioning. Although they’re addicted, they can hold a steady job and take care of their daily responsibilities. But most alcoholics experience negative consequences because of their drinking.

People with mild alcohol problems may be able to quit drinking on their own or with the help of support groups. However, people who are addicted to alcohol require treatment. Recovery from alcohol addiction is achievable with assistance from doctors, therapists, peers, friends, and family members.

While many alcoholics can control themselves even after drinking a lot, many also lose their senses and as the alcohol starts to take over their brain. For those alcoholics, there’s a special treatment center known as alcohol and drug rehab which can also be useful for fentanyl  withdrawal. Before moving further, let us see the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body.
Harmful effects of alcohol
  • High level of stress and numbness in the body.
  • A person who has a stressful job may end up drinking more alcohol to get rid of the stress.
  • Depression and anxiety can start form in regular drinkers. When an alcoholic is sober, he tends to think about his issues and to end the negative thoughts he drinks again.
  • Interaction of medication with alcohol can cause severe side-effects. 
To help the alcoholics get rid of their addiction, alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers  exist to help them get rid of their addiction.

What is alcohol Drug Rehab?

A person can identify by himself that he is addicted to alcohol, but a lot of them struggle to recognize the symptoms. You can find out the symptoms by taking a small quiz and test.

Alcohol rehab centers help the addict come out of the addiction and live a healthy and balanced life again. They teach the addict to live without alcohol, and once the addict overcomes this addiction, he/she is sent back to his home to start living a normal life.

The type of therapies that can help an addict to get over alcohol and live a normal life
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Multidimensional family therapy
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Motivational incentives
Counselors help the addict to find motivation and courage to take admission in the rehab center where the rehab facilities and staff offer treatment and medications to the addicts. They keep the alcoholics stay away from alcohol and helpto get rid of the addiction.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

4 Reasons to Mix Your Own Vape Juice

One of the best things about vaping is the culture that's started to grow around it. You get to create your own mods to ensure the perfect time and your ideal clouds and choose from a wide range of e-juice to suit your specific tastes. But just like mods, you can create your own vape juice. Check out some of the most common reasons why experienced vapers like to test their skills at mixing their own.

To Create a Better Flavor

Image via Flickr by The Electric Tobacconist

Everyone's tastes are different, and odds are you know what you like more than anyone else. You may have found some of your favorite flavors from one of the many places offering vape juice, but they may not be exactly what you're looking for. When you mix your own, you get to create your own flavor. You can start with some of your favorites and tweak them in a way that better suits your palate.

To Have Control Over the Ingredients

When you mix your own vape juice, you have control over what you put into it. Some people are highly sensitive to some of the additives of vape juice, especially diacetyl and nicotine. You also can adjust the levels of other additives to help provide for a vaping experience more like the one you desire.

It Can Save You Money

While mixing your own vape juice may require an initial investment up front, it is a lot more cost-effective in the long run. The most expensive costs include purchasing the safety gear and some of the equipment. But after these costs, you can buy the ingredients in bulk, saving yourself a significant amount of money per container. After some trial and error, you will be able to save even more money once you get your formula down and know exactly what you need to create your favorite juice.

It Can Be Fun

Getting involved in the vaping lifestyle is not only about the experience of vaping, but it is also about having fun. When you mix your own vape juice, you will become part of the vape enthusiast community. You'll also be able to connect with other vapers to find recipes to make and tips and tricks for you to try out. If you are part of a vape club, you can also share some of your experience and help impart your knowledge on those new to the vaping world.

Creating your own vape juice can be fun and affordable, allowing your creativity to really shine. All you need is the right equipment and a little know-how to get started. If you want to learn more, there are many experienced vape juice mixers and websites that can provide you with the information you need. E-juice calculators can help novices creating their own DIY ejuice to know the exact amounts of each ingredient to get the best vaping experience. Don't wait. Let your creativity soar by trying out some of your own vape juice recipes today.

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Protect Your Eyes: Common Eye Problems You Need to Know

Eyes are one of the most precious natural assets for humans, but people mostly forget to protect them. Just like other body parts, your eyes also need regular checkups. Eyes might be affected by allergies, muscle twitches or obsessive compulsive disorder, but we may not pay heed to them. Ignoring major eyes problems that may take time to heal can result in incurable problems.

It is true that many eye-related issues are hard to diagnose as there are no early symptoms. If there are symptoms, they are sometimes hard to figure out. This makes regular eye checkups an essential part of medical care. After all, don’t you want to protect your precious asset – the eyes?

Here are some common eye problems according to eye care Cherry Hill NJ which most of the people ignore:


If you have blurry and dim vision, as if a cloud has engrossed your eyeball, then you might have cataracts. Most people associate blurry vision with a lack of sleep or tiredness and fail to understand that it might be because of cataracts.

Other than aging, cataracts can also occur due to trauma, diabetes, or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Whatever is the case, you should not ignore it.

Magnifying glasses or anti-glare glasses can sort out the issue, but surgery is the best option if you don’t want to rely on any outer aid. The doctor removes the blurry lens through surgery and replaces it with an artificial lens which can help you to get your clear sight back.


Glaucoma is a more severe disease than cataracts as it can result in permanent blindness if it is not diagnosed at an early stage.

It occurs due to increased pressure buildup within the eye fluid which can damage the optic nerve. It is like an image carrier to the brain, and what if this carrier gets damaged?

It can be difficult to realize that you may have glaucoma, especially if you are suffering from open-angle glaucoma which is painless. It can only be diagnoses at an early stage if you go for regular eye checkups.

In case you are lucky enough to grasp the situation in time; then you can treat it through laser, surgery or eye drops.

Eye Allergies:

Eye allergies are one of the most common eye diseases which people don’t bother to treat. People mostly assume that they will be cured in time. Although some people actually get healed in time, some allergies can result in damage to the cornea. So instead of taking the risk, it is better to get a checkup.

There can be various reasons for eye allergies including changes in the season, dust, or sensitivity to a medication which can be treated with eye drops. However, if water discharge or redness continues, then it is better to consult a doctor for proper treatment instead of putting your eyesight at risk.

All of these issues can be diagnosed at an early stage if you go for regular eye checkups. You might not understand the early signs of eye problems, but your doctor can catch them. Regular eye check-ups can save you from prolonged and permanent damage, and ensure eye health – isn’t it what we all want?

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Problem Gambling – Symptoms, Diagnosis And Effects

Gambling has been around since the beginning of time. Gambling can be just a fun, thrilling activity, but it can also become a serious problem. Sometimes it is difficult to draw the line, but in most cases it is not that difficult to determine who is gambling casually and for fun and for whom it has become a dangerous habit that’s hard to control. Gambling is considered to be an impulse-control disorder and it is listed as such by the American Psychiatric Association.

Millions of people all over the world have a gambling problem, but a lot more are playing just for fun, with small wagers and with money they can afford to lose. When does it stop being harmless fun and becomes a dangerous problem that ruins lives is a pretty common question. 

It Isn’t A Financial Issue At Core

Maybe the best way to look at the issue would be to have a look at the symptoms and the typical diagnosis. That will give us a better perspective into the issue of problem gambling and will help us understand when gambling becomes a problem, how it happens and perhaps the most important question – why it becomes a problem (i.e. why are some people prone to compulsive gambling).

Many people mistakenly believe that the key problem with gambling is financial, but a psychological/emotional problem. That doesn’t mean that gambling doesn’t have any financial consequences, because it does. Actually, most people understand that they have a gambling problem only when they become aware of the financial problems associated with it.

And gambling doesn’t only affect the financial well-being of the gambler; it can also affect their work performance. Many compulsive gamblers end up being fired because they lose their ability to work, or even worse, steal money from their co-workers or their business account.

Can You Stop When You Want To?!

It is said that a person is definitely a problem gambler once they answer ‘No’ when asked if they can stop if they wanted to. But there’s one problem with that. Many gamblers will not say ‘no’ even if they can’t actually stop gambling and that’s because they are rarely aware of their addiction and they feel like they’re only having fun and enjoying the rush of adrenaline.

There are several signs that a person is having a gambling problem and if you can identify at least a few of them, then that person probably has a problem. For instance, if somebody resorts to gambling when they feel distressed and then they get irritable when they need to stop, that is one indicator that they are having problems. Further indicators that someone is having a problem is lying to hide that they are gambling and returning to gambling after they’ve lost a significant amount of money.

Many people feel that the amount that a player loses on a weekly or a monthly basis has a bearing on whether they have a problem, but that’s not actually the case. After all, a particular amount of money can be a lot to someone, and not significant to someone else. If you’re a millionaire and you lose $10,000 at a charitable gambling event, it wouldn’t mean that you have a problem, but if you lose your monthly salary at the local casino, you probably have a problem.

Gambling is an addictive habit, so if you’re feeling a strong buzz when you’re playing slots or a game of poker, and you need to wager more the next time you’re playing just to get the same buzz, it means that you’re getting addicted. Just like alcoholics need to drink more and more to feel their buzz.

Online Gambling Vs Conventional Gambling

The establishment of the first online casinos allows people to play their favourite casino games from the comfort of their living rooms and it is even possible to play on your smartphone or tablet. Many feel that this actually worsens the problem, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Namely, most countries have passed regulations under which online casinos are supposed to track gambling behaviour and block a player’s account if they are showing signs of problem gambling. Moreover, it is possible for players to exclude themselves for a limited amount of time, or indefinitely, if they are playing and spending too much. None of this is an option at land-based casinos.

So, the fact that a lot of players are switching to online gambling may have less to do with the fact that online gambling is more addictive than traditional gambling at land-based casinos and more with the fact that online gambling is simply more convenient. Players don’t need to travel, payments are secure and safer and there is a larger selection of games. One look at the selection of available online slots is sufficient to confirm our thesis.

On the other hand, if you or any of your close ones has a gambling problem, or you suspect that this might be the case,  be sure to contact GambleAware or some of the other organizations that help problem gamblers to deal with these issues.

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What Is A Medical Detox for Drug and Alcohol Abuse?

The addiction definition for drug detox and a medical detox varies, and despite the fact that you most likely expect guidance by a qualified medical professional throughout your detox procedure, that is not always the situation. You will find the following variations of medical detoxification programs:

1. Inpatient treatment in a rehabilitation facility with an initial appointment and feasible follow-up group meetings with an on-call medical professional

2.Inpatient treatment in a rehabilitation facility that provides nutritional vitamin supplements in capsule form or through IVs

3.Inpatient treatment in a psychological medical facility or mental health center

4. Outpatient treatment with repeat appointments with a health care provider

5.Inpatient treatment in a high-end center which includes a personalized treatment program for utmost comfort and safety, with on-staff doctors, round-the-clock ICU-level healthcare professionals, cardiovascular monitoring 24/7, in private rooms.

What Is A NON-Medical Detox?

Non-Medical detoxification usually doesn't include a discussion with a medical professional during the cleansing stage. Rehabilitation facilities providing non-medical detoxification may make an effort to control withdrawal signs and symptoms with natural solutions such as deep breathing, nutritional vitamins, saunas, and yoga exercises. For some people, this type of plan won't provide the comfort and ease required during the first days or even weeks without alcoholic beverages or drugs. For some people, going "cold-turkey" can certainly be scary, agonizing, and even harmful. The achievement and safety of any non-medical detoxification is determined by the individual's health and how long he/she has been abusing drugs and alcohol.

What Is the Best Medical Detoxification Approach?

The best medical detoxing depends on the individual's needs; however, for the utmost comfort and safety; it should consist of these important elements:

Patient Examination

A social, psychological and physical examination is carried out to determine the existing situation of the individual.

Custom-made Program

In line with the first examination, a team of Board-Certified Doctors, ICU-Level Nurses as well as an Addiction Psychiatrist meets with the individual to create a personalized treatment plan. This particular treatment has IV treatment that can easily be changed, immediately responding to the individual's withdrawal signs and symptoms.

Monitored Treatment 24/7

Throughout this particular process, the affected person is carefully supervised 24-hours a day with top-of-the-line cardiovascular and video monitors and specific attention from caring, non-judgmental nurse practitioners and specialists.

Upscale Setting

For patients to achieve success with a drug or alcohol addiction, many require the convenience and comfort of non-public rooms, premium foods, HD-TV, Wi-Fi, and therapeutic massage along with the liberty to get in contact with family members for psychological support. For many, non-public rooms are important as being housed 3 to 4 persons to a room in some other centers bring out a stress.

If you or your loved one are susceptible to alcohol dependency, drug abuse or some other addiction and need help, please make contact with several healthcare detox facilities and ask queries. Find a detoxification process that is best suited for you or your family member.

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Monday, May 13, 2019

Electronic stethoscope vs Traditional

Since the stethoscope was invented, it has a lot of modifications and types, but nowadays, two of them are conquering the market: the classic and the electronic stethoscope.

The stethoscope is used to listen to the internal sounds (lung and heart sounds) of animal or the human body, although it is used to attend bowel sounds or blows by blood flow in arteries and veins.

The stethoscope is the most used tool because it is simply effective and is considered as a symbol of healthcare professionals. 

René Laennec was the inventor of the stethoscope in 1816 and allowed to leave immediate auscultation technique using a rudimentary cylinder of wood of 30 centimeters. This invention was a breakthrough in exploration and description of certain diseases.

Classic stethoscope (flexible bi-earphones):

It´s composed by a chestpiece made of steel, that gets the sound and transmits it by tubes to the listener´s ears for sensing sound. Most of them respond to the quality of the materials and composition, but the main difference comes determined by the chestpiece.

Some sophisticated stethoscope models have a double chestpiece, with two different diameters that can adapt itself to different patient sizes.

The main problem with traditional stethoscopes is that the test result is not objective. Two doctors will listen different things, and this is why the electronic stethoscope was invented.

Electronic stethoscope:

The electronic stethoscope is an innovation in cardiology and pulmonary areas as in primary care physicians and nurses. It includes pioneering utilities that get benefits and advantages for the professional development of his medical practice.

Benefits of using the electronic stethoscope

1.    It allows traditional auscultation.

The way to use the electronic stethoscope is the same that is used with a traditional stethoscope, easy and using the same technique. It doesn´t require any complexity.

2.    It amplifies the cardiac/respiratory sound

It´s easier to diagnosis problems with than with a traditional stethoscope because it is possible to amplify the sound x10 dB. This will help many health professionals with hearing loss.

3.    It applies filters to change between cardiac and respiratory sounds 

The electronic stethoscope eKuore Pro allows switching between cardiac and pulmonary sounds just
 clicking on a button. This is very effective in case of infectious patients. 

4.    It´s wireless

The electronic stethoscope doesn´t need a tube; it allows increasing the distance to the patient. The professional will take auscultation without cables. This is very effective in infectious patients and telemedicine. Even more, the battery is not a problem because it has a duration of up to 25 days.

5.    It includes different sizes of chestpieces

eKuore Pro electronic stethoscope has interchangeable chestpieces, that can be adjusted to the patient’s sizes. You will only need one electronic stethoscope and change the chestpiece to use it with different patients, adults, paediatrics and neonatal.

Advantages of using the electronic stethoscope connected to Smartphones:

1.    Record the auscultation

The main difference between traditional stethoscopes and eKuore Pro electronic stethoscope is that the second one allows to record the auscultation and follow up with the patient. Traditional stethoscopes are not objective, and two doctors may give a different diagnosis for the same underlying pathology.

2.    Display the sounds

The eKuore Pro APP will capture the sound to make the process objective. It makes it easier to get a diagnosis without sending the patient to a medical specialist. Physicians can also reproduce the auscultation sounds as much as they want.

3.    Share the record auscultation

In some cases, it is necessary to get a second opinion with regards to diagnosis. With the eKuore Pro stethoscope, this is very simple; you can send the auscultation via email to the specialist and get an immediate second opinion.

4.    Visualize the phonogram

Another advantage that you will get with an electronic stethoscope that you cannot get with a traditional stethoscope is the ability to visualise the phonogram in real time and record it.

5.    Listen to the auscultation up to 5 people

This is the main difference between a traditional stethoscope is that it is possible to listen to the same auscultation with young doctors or resident doctors. The eKuore Pro stethoscope allows listening to the auscultation simultaneouslyin  up to 5 people.

6.    Perfect for telemedicine

Electronic stethoscopes have made a huge difference in telemedicine because it promotes teleconsultation and home visits. All the characteristics of the eKuore Pro electronic stethoscope make it possible to use it from any point and send the information to the doctor in real time.

7.    Artificial intelligent projects

It´s possible to combine the electronic stethoscope with machine learning to get an objective diagnosis.

8.    Made the sustainable system finance

The eKuore Pro avoids consuming other sanitary resources because physicians can make a diagnosis before sending the patient to a specialist.

9.    Marketing tool for private clinics

In private clinics and pediatricians, the electronic stethoscope is different, because it´s possible to share the diagnosis with the patient. This is especially useful fo pediatricians that want to share the diagnosis with the parents.

To sum up, eKuore Pro electronic stethoscope is helping to diagnose problems more than traditional stethoscopes because it has many characteristics that improve the classic stethoscope.

It´s possible to acquire the electronic stethoscope eKuore Pro here and try all of the new functions.

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