Friday, August 31, 2018

10 Tips for Surviving Long Shifts at Work

In Japan, there is a word known as “karoshi” which literally translates to “death due to overwork”. Although a direct connection between strenuous labor and a quick demise are yet to be fully proven, studies do agree that piling on the extra hours can lead to high levels of stress and increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

However, there are times when work demands are unavoidable, and you need to find a way to deal with the load without burning out. Don’t miss this quick list with some of the best methods of achieving your maximum output while minimizing the negative repercussions.

1. Plan Ahead
A blind rush in the morning is a distressing start to your day, and you might even forget something important. Sidestep the madness by always thinking 12 hours ahead. Lay out tomorrow’s outfit the night before, and leave your keys, wallet, and phone in one central place. It’s also worth keeping a backup outfit at work in case of emergencies.

2. Eat Properly
A quick sugary solution from the vending machine may be a convenient hunger plug, but the glucose crash won’t help your mood nor your waistline. Stash and nibble on healthy snacks throughout the day instead, as they will help maintain sturdy energy levels without that heavy meal fatigue. Perfect options include nuts, seeds, fruit, or granola bars. And don’t forget to hydrate!

3. Exercise
The idea of making time for exercise may seem like a laughable fantasy, but if you can cycle to work or sneak off to a yoga lunch session, then your emotional state and general productivity will significantly improve. If this is simply not a feasible option, then at least run up the stairs whenever you can.

4. Compression Socks
For those who spend many hours on their feet (such as medical or hospitality professionals), it is important to cater for the extra demand you are placing upon your legs. Comfortable footwear is crucial, but you should also try compression socks which are known to increase blood flow and reduce swelling.

5. Stretch Breaks
Standing on your feet all day is a definite health concern, but endlessly sitting at your desk can also come with its own unique set of negative effects, such as strained eyesight and improper posture habits. To counter these concerns, set an hourly reminder to stand up and stretch, or simply go for a stroll.

6. A Stress Ball
Another risky consequence of prolonged computer use is that of repetitive strain injuries. If this term is familiar to you, then you may want to experiment with exercises to develop your forearm muscles while moving your fingers in different ways. One idea is to use a stress ball, which will not only ward off carpal tunnel syndrome but is also a harmless method of squeezing out your daily frustrations.

7. Team Work
If your shifts are starting to pile on top of you and you’re struggling to cope, then there is no shame in talking to someone about it. Your boss might be able to shuffle some slots around or a colleague could be willing to swap some hours with you. Teamwork is all about assisting one another, so never feel too proud to reach out.

8. Unwind Before Bedtime
After a particularly draining day, it’s tempting to walk through the door and slam your face into the pillow, passing out immediately. Occasionally, this may even be the healthiest option. However, nothing will erode your happiness faster than a work/sleep/repeat cycle, and you will burn out quickly. Take some time to relax in a bubble bath or read your book in bed, enjoying these personal moments of rare peace and quiet.

9. Sleep Properly (or Take Naps)

If the 7 - 8 hours of recommended slumber has been cut from your schedule, then your body is going to pay the price with low energy, memory loss, or even weight gain. It might not be ideal, but in desperate times, it could be worth sneaking off to your car or a private room for a 20-minute nap. Pretend that you have to make a private phone call, set your alarm, and then once you return, you’ll be perked up and better equipped to progress forward. Everyone wins.

10. Use Your Off-Time Wisely
One technique to ensure a smoother work life is to remove all of the unrelated obstructions during your downtime. Whether it be groceries, laundry, or any other personal errands, get these done as far away from your busy week as possible. Furthermore, don’t waste your breaks by sleeping your days away! Instead, spend some time with your family or friends, seeking out that big boost of social love to remind of what life is really about.

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Thit Bo Kho - Vietnamese Beef Stew

Vietnamese cuisine is well known for its utilization of fresh ingredients, an emphasis on meat and vegetables, as well as its flavorful use of seasonings. You will often find herbs and seasonings such as lemongrass, cinnamon, ginger, and bay leaves in Vietnamese dishes.

For all of these reasons, Thit Bo Kho or Vietnamese Beef Stew is a perfect example of Vietnamese cuisine. Tender beef braised in cinnamon and stewed in a mix of vegetables and seasonings until it is ready to be served with a crisp toasted baguette.

The total meal prep time is roughly 30 minutes. Beyond prep, you need to account for 4 to 24 hours of marinating time, and 1.5 hours for stewing.

Our recommendation is to prep the meat mixture for marination the night before you plan to cook the stew. Then let the mixture sit overnight in your refrigerator. This makes this recipe a great meal for families looking for a quick prepared fix during the week.


●    2 pounds stew meat, cut into 1-inch pieces
●    1 onion, chopped
●    4 pieces of ginger
●    3 cloves garlic, minced
●    2 tablespoons oyster sauce
●    2 tablespoons sugar
●    2 tablespoons olive oil
●    3 whole Burma Spice Star Anise
●    2 sticks of Burma Spice’s Ceylon Cinnamon
●    1 tablespoon of crushed lemongrass paste
●    1/4 cup tomato paste
●    4 cups of organic beef broth (used as needed)
●    2 Burma Spice Mediterranean Bay Leaves
●    2 tablespoons soy sauce
●    4 carrots, sliced ½-inch-thick
●    Chopped green onions
●    Cilantro
●    Toasted French baguette

The stars of the show

As with all Vietnamese cooking, the key to the flavors of the meal are the spices. Luckily for you, Burma Spice just happens to have the best trio to make your THIT BO KHO a smashing success.


Step 1

Add cut beef cubes, onions, ginger, garlic, oyster sauce, sugar, cinnamon, and star anise into a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly, coating the beef thoroughly with the oyster sauce.

Step 2

Place the mixture in a large sealable plastic bag. Marinate in the refrigerator for 4 to 24 hours. As previously noted, Steps 1 and 2 are perfect for meal prep the night before you plan to serve the dish.

Step 3

Heat oil over medium-high heat in a large heavy pot or Dutch oven. Toast the Burma Spice Star Anise and Burma Spice Ceylon Cinnamon sticks for about 30 seconds. Be careful not to burn these ingredients. Simply brown until that amazingly fragrant smell hits you, and take off the heat. You will add these items back into the mixture once you are ready to simmer the stew.

Step 4

Brown the marinated beef mixture in batches.  As you brown it mix in some of your crushed lemongrass paste with each batch. If you put the entire mixture into the Dutch oven at one time the amount of liquid produced will keep your meat from browning. You likely want to divide your mixture into 4 batches. Put each batch into a large bowl and move to brown the next.

Step 5

Stir in tomato paste to coat your beef mixture thoroughly.

Step 6

Add beef broth to your mixture. You just want to cover your beef, so add the broth slowly. Add your bay leaves, soy sauce, toasted ceylon cinnamon sticks, and star anise into the stew.

Step 7

Bring the stew to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook for 1 and 1/2 hours or until beef is tender.

Step 8

Add your cut carrots during the last 15 minutes of cooking time. Simply cook until the carrots are tender.

Step 9

Top with green onions and cilantro. Toast your baguette and serve!

This recipe is a great meal for any day. It is a tender, flavorful dish that will have your family asking for more.

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4 Reasons Why You Need a First Aid Kit

No matter where you are, it is easy for accidents to happen and you should always be prepared to be able to deal with a wound when you need to. This is why many people have first aid kits in their home which they can use when an accident does occur.

The problem is that there are still many people who don’t have a first aid kit handy and this can lead to even more issues. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the reasons why you should have a first aid kit in your home. Make sure to keep reading if you’d like to find out more.

Save Money

One of the reasons which a lot of people don’t think about is that you can actually save money by having a first aid kit. If you live somewhere where a doctor or hospital visit can be costly, you might find that you can actually treat your wound at home for free. Think about investing in a big first aid kit and keeping it stocked up with lots of different types of materials. Take a look at this bandaid size chart and find out what sort of bandaids you might need to have in stock.

Quick Fix

Another great reason why might need a first aid kit in your home is that it can be a quick fix that can prevent a further problem. Sometimes, a bandaid is needed in order to cover a wound until more serious treatment can take place. This quick fix that you have right there in your home could ensure that a problem does not become more severe.

Kids Are Accident Prone

If you have kids, then you need a first aid kit. One of the things that kids are best at doing is falling over or cutting themselves. Buying a first aid kit for your home will be the best investment that you make as you’ll be using it all the time for when your kids fall over when they are playing. Make sure to get a first aid kit with the right plasters and bandages that will fit the cuts that your kids are likely to get.

Peace Of Mind 

Our final reason why you need a first aid kit in your home is so that you can have peace of mind. Knowing that you are protected against any sort of minor injury, cut, or burn means that you can relax a bit more in your home. You should make sure that you know how to apply all of the materials correctly and once you do, you’ll feel a lot better about letting your kids play outside in the garden or go to the park.

Final Thoughts

There are plenty of good reasons why you need a first aid kit for your home. Make sure to invest in a proper one if you want to have peace of mind and be able to fix an injury sooner rather than later.

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Friday, August 24, 2018

Health benefits and uses of LSD

LSD or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is a clear white odourless substance that is categorised as a class of drugs referred to as hallucinogens. It is known by many other names like yellow sunshine, dots, blotter and acid. 1938 was the year when LSD was created for the first time by a Swiss man named Albert Hofmann. It was derived from ergotamine, a type of chemical obtained from ergot (a fungus) which grows on rye and other types of grains. It wasn’t until 1943 that LSDs psychoactive effects were discovered. Thereafter, in 1947 it was introduced in the form of a commercial medicine sold under the trade name Delysid. Scientific studies indicate that psychedelic drugs like LSD can help significantly in treatment of mental illnesses and many other conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction, cancer and anxiety. Over 22 million people in the world have tried LSD at least once in their lives. Let’s throw light on some of the important health benefits and uses of LSD.

Relieves pain and anxiety

Studies carried out on advanced stage cancer patients revealed that use of LSD significantly reduced their anxiety levels. In one such study it was found that LSD given in 100 µg dosages significantly reduced the duration and intensity of pain. Their sleep improved considerably and they found themselves less occupied with thoughts of death.

Enhances suggestibility, sociality and emotional empathy

In a placebo-controlled study carried out on healthy volunteers, during which they were administered 40 µg to 80 µg of LSD intravenously, the subjects returned a fairly high rating for Creative Imagination Scale (CIS). LSD has also been proven to enhance suggestibility in patients suffering from schizophrenia and neurosis, but not so much in case of patients suffering from depression. Another double-blind, placebo-controlled and random-order crossover study carried out using 200 µg of LSD in 16 subjects and 100 µg of LSD in 24 subjects revealed that LSD causes feelings of closeness to others, trust, happiness and enhanced implicit and explicit emotional empathy.

Helps get rid of drug and alcohol addiction

Regardless of the fact that young people are drinking less alcohol compared to elders, society is in dire need of a solution for alcohol addiction. An analysis carried out on the impact of LSD on alcoholism revealed that out of 536 participants that took part in six trials, 59% of them who received 210 µg to 800 µg of LSD reported reduction in alcohol misuse, as against 38% of subjects that received a placebo. Another study which reviewed the LSD usage in treatment of drug dependency showed that the users of the substance reported that it helps significantly in recovery of drug dependency. This could potentially have to do with the serotonin mechanism, in which more of this important brain chemical (serotonin) for mood regulation, becomes available.

Helps in treatment of cluster headaches

The usage of hallucinogens by patients suffering from cluster headache is nothing new. Many of them have in fact used it outside of the physician recommendation, primarily to abort the cluster period and have reported that it worked. For this reason, some researchers are pushing for clinical trials to determine the effects of psychedelics for cluster headaches.

Note:MedFriendly does not in any way endorse the use of illegal drugs but supports research into whether such drugs can have medicinal benefit in some circumstances. Please consult with your physician to determine which treatment options are the right ones for you.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How Technology Can Benefit Home Health Care

Have you heard? The silver tsunami isn’t coming, it’s here. The latest US Census projections estimate that by the year 2030 there will be more adults over 65 than children. This unprecedented demographic shift affects few industries as much as the home health industry.

Why is Home Health Care Demand Increasing?

How does an aging population influence the demand for home health care? In a variety of ways:

  • Older adults are more likely to have one or more chronic conditions than their younger counterparts, many of which require routine monitoring and management (like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease). Home health services offer an alternative to extended stay care and allow seniors to remain in their homes and still receive the medical attention they need. 
  • The majority of seniors wish to age in place according to AARP which means that more and more of them will be utilizing care services that extend from the doctor’s office into the home. Home health, telemedicine, and mobile health technologies are all industries on the rise and federal funding (like that which drives Medicare) is incorporating more home and community-based care into its coverage to cater to this patient preference.
  • Rapidly increasing rates of Alzheimer’s disease mean that more and more older adults are going to need home health services specifically for this type of cognitive decline. The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that one senior is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every 65 seconds in the U.S. As advancements in medicine and technology increase the average lifespan, those numbers will only continue to climb.

How Can Technology Help?

There are a variety of technologies that can be employed in the home health sector, both in a patient’s home as well as through providers like their doctor’s offices and even their health insurance. The term “technology” covers a broad range of products from hardware to software to mobile applications and wearable monitoring devices; it can support home health care in 5 major ways:

Monitoring for Health and Safety

When it comes to a patient’s health and safety, technology plays one of the most important roles in monitoring. Monitoring may come in the form of wearable security devices like medical alert pendants, motion-activated cameras in the home, fall monitoring devices, or even remote monitoring tools that track a patient’s vitals (like heart rate and pulse). Both medical offices, as well as family caregivers, can take advantage of health and safety monitoring systems.

Supporting Activities of Daily Living

One of the key measures of independent living is being able to tend to daily tasks like toileting, bathing, and getting dressed without assistance. Technology may be able to equip a senior with the tools they need to remain independent and live on their own. For example, virtual assistants like Google Home or Amazon Echo can help with placing calls, ordering food, and checking email while remote-operated lift chairs can support a senior with mobility issues when sitting and standing.

Coordinating Care Networks

Digital solutions to real-world caregiving challenges are most present in the forms of web and mobile applications. Tools like CaringBridge allow seniors and their care networks to coordinate care calendars to track appointments, organize transportation, keep updated contact lists, and share important health information. Other websites like Signup Genius and TakeThemaMeal also allow care networks to specifically coordinate help with meals and transportation.

Managing Medications and Telemedicine

With the click of your computer mouse or a tap on your smartphone, you can now connect with doctors, pharmacies, and medical information sites. The advent of electronic health record systems is also shifting more patient-doctor communication to the cloud; allowing patients access to not just their medical history and records, but post-surgical care calendars, SMS appointment reminders, online intake forms, and more. Medication management software is also helping older patients better adhere to complex medicine regimens and keep their caregivers in the loop too.

Promoting Social Engagement

Not only can social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram and live video chat services help seniors connect with friends and family near and wide, sensor-based software programs are also being designed to help track how often a senior receives visitors, how much time they spend sitting, how often they get out of the house, and more.
Final Thoughts

The home health care and social assistance sectors are the fastest growing of any other economic employment sector in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, they are projected to grow by 4.4 percent annually over the next 8 years. If you are a senior, a caregiver, or an employee of the home health industry, be on the lookout for new technologies that are being engineered to meet this ever-increasing demand.

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Thursday, August 16, 2018

How to Reduce Your Chances of Contracting STDs

Regular sex can be good for a man’s mental and physical well-being, not to mention, it’s good exercise as well! Unfortunately, sex can also lead to some seriously painful and even life-threatening diseases if you are not careful.

Therefore, it is important to find ways to protect yourself from contracting an STD, without practicing abstinence, and we will discuss some of the most effective methods below.

Use that Condom

Yes, you already know about condoms, but the question is, are you really using them? Unfortunate as it is, studies have shown that a good percentage of people who are perfectly aware of HIV, AIDs, other STDs and the role of condoms in preventing them, don’t use condoms anyway. Ignorance is not the issue here, but a misplaced sense of trust, lack of intellectual maturity and just plain carelessness is the prime reason behind men not wearing condoms during sexual intercourse.

Get Yourself Immunized

The HPV vaccine for men is available in the UK and most doctors advise it as well. While women are at the highest risk of developing cancers (cervical and oral) due to HPV infection, it doesn’t mean that men don’t stand to gain from the immunisation either. To learn more about how and why all men need HPV immunisation, you should read the following article by LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor:

In their guide you can find details on how you can benefit from the vaccine, how to get it and the potential side effects.

The HPV vaccine for gay men is particularly necessary and insisted upon by doctors, but even heterosexual men benefit from the immunization. The HPV vaccine for boys is advantageous and recommended, irrespective of their sexual inclination because it helps to prevent men from ever contracting or spreading the disease in the first place. Nobody should have to feel guilty about afflicting their partners with a potentially carcinogenic virus, without even knowing that they had it in the first place.

Limit the Number of Your Sexual Partners

There are multiple STDs that a condom cannot protect you against and therefore, the chances of men getting infected with crabs, herpes, HPV, syphilis, etc., increases exponentially when monogamy is not practiced. It can still happen even if you are faithful to each other, because there are ways in which sexually transmitted diseases can be spread without ever having sex unfortunately.

Do Not Share Clothing or Towels

Very few people know that even the simple act of sharing a towel in the gym or a piece of clothing (underwear in particular) can get men infected with an STD. This is easier said than done, especially when you are among friends, but considering the consequences, the extra effort is well worth it!

Keep in mind that sex is like driving; there’s always a risk each time you get behind the wheel, but with the proper precautions, you can definitely reduce the chances of an accident from ever occurring. As long as someone has an active sex life, it is advised to get tested every few months for STDs, particularly, if there is more than one partner involved in the person’s sex life. It will not prevent the contraction of the infection, but regular check-ups can help you to cure or control the disease before it sets in too deep.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

10 Ways to Help a Senior with a Drinking Problem

According to The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, there are currently 2.5 million seniors with an alcohol or drug problem, which includes 50% of all nursing home residents. What makes these statistics additionally scary is that an aging body is already under a higher threat for illnesses or mobility-related accidents. Alcohol only aggravates these dangers.

In times like these, it’s difficult to know what to do because you can’t force someone to stop drinking. However, this does not mean that you have to sit there and do nothing either. Start by reading over the following 10 suggestions to help a senior with a drinking habit and see if any of them can apply to your circumstances.

1. Plan Your Wording Carefully
Before you let your emotions boil over and you verbally attack your loved one, take some time to build a case about what it is you want to say. Approach this exercise with love and support, focusing on your observations without any blame. Speak calmly and use words which let them know that you are on their side while granting them the chance to speak too. The most important thing here is that they do not feel threatened.

2. Get More People Involved
If there are other concerned family members, then why not give them a call? It will be much easier than facing this alone, and together, your unified love will be even stronger as you collaborate on the smartest strategy. If you know someone who has already quit drinking, you could ask them for advice too.

3. Choose Your Timing Well
It’s in everyone’s best interest that you do not approach this conversation when any party has been drinking. Said intoxication may heighten aggressive emotions and they might not entirely comprehend your intentions. Rather catch them during the day’s early hours in a private place to better secure their full attention.

4. Encourage Exciting Activities
New hobbies can break old habits, hence why a few healthy suggestions may inspire them to turn their lives around. Look into yoga or meditation classes for seniors, or even accompany them on nature walks. Consider purchasing some mobility equipment for those dealing with injuries or age-related ailments, as this will help to bypass certain drinking excuses. These activities should also stabilize their chemicals during sobriety while tiring the stress out.

5. Suggest a Support Group
Venturing into a new lifestyle can be daunting, which is what makes support groups so valuable. Here, one can realize how many people are on the same team and they may feel less alone. Offer to go with them for the first few sessions to ease the initial steps. If they refuse, there are still similar groups for people dealing with alcoholic family members just like yours, and they may have the exact advice you need.

6. Suggest Social Gatherings
Sometimes the loneliness of an individual is what drives them into further realms of antisocial behavior, hence why you may need to address this problem first. Research local get-togethers and see if they’d like to be involved. Ideas include senior events, dance classes, or bake sales for charity. It’s also important that you visit them often too.

7. Visit Their Doctor
If you are concerned about your loved one’s health, then attend their next doctor's appointment. There’s a good chance that they’ve been understating their drinking habits, and this gives you an opening to step up with the facts. Ask for advice and query about medication conflicts as well as any underlying health concerns.

8. Build a Program
Once you have everybody on board, you need to find a safe way to embark on this journey. Abruptly quitting alcohol is extremely dangerous and can even prove fatal. Speak to a specialist (either a doctor or an addiction counselor) and discuss the healthiest options for this situation. And most importantly, you must be completely dedicated to this process right until the very end, even in the event of a relapse.

9. Reduce the Triggers

Especially during the early stages, it is imperative to minimize those people, places, and things which provoke temptation. Pay close attention and alter these high-risk influences, whether it be negative friends, certain hours of the day, or even just the removal of all alcohol from their house.

10. Lead by Example

It goes without saying, but it wouldn't be very fair to have a drink in front of a struggling loved one. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to stop drinking yourself, although if you did, you could give them that extra boost of encouragement. Perhaps you’ll even realize that this undertaking requires much more strength than you initially thought.

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