Tuesday, November 28, 2017

3 Must-Have Home Appliances to Improve Air Quality and Reduce Allergies

Almost everything can cause allergies. In the United States alone, an estimated 35% of the whole population suffers from allergies, and the number keeps rising.  Studies have shown that if adults suffer from allergies then there is a 33% increased chance their kids will develop allergies as well.

According to Accuweather, indoor allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and mold are the main causes of allergies rising very highly across the entire United States. In most of the cases, even with actions like regular vacuum cleaning and keeping pets away from home (of course, not always possible), we can't completely control those allergens. But there are several home appliances that can help us control the allergens. These are the three must-have appliances (highly recommended) which improve the air quality in your home and can keep the allergens away from your home.
1. Air Purifier

If you are an allergy sufferer, the first question you have to ask yourself is: "Is the quality of air in my home good for me?" And without any delay, you will get an answer. NO. Because you're already an allergy sufferer...Actually, you are surrounded by a lot of pollutants every day. And especially in these "technology is driven and health is forgotten" days, how can you improve the air quality in your home to protect your family from various allergens? Here comes the Air purifier which is an ultimate indoor choice that lets you and your family enjoy a healthy breath of air you've never experienced before. And like so many things, these air purifiers work with multiple technologies. Out of these, the HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) air purifier is the one which is most popular and the best one if you are allergic to pollens. Also, there will be others like the UV air purifier which kills germs and bacteria and supports the immune system. There is also the Electrostatic, which removes smoke and odors. There is also the Ozone air purifier which kills mold and odors and is inexpensive as well. But considering all important factors like healthy air, maintenance, price, and performance, no other purifier beats the HEPA one.  
2. Robot Vacuum

Why a Robot vacuum and not a regular vacuum cleaner? A study found that most of the regular vacuum cleaners don't trap the dust. In fact, they throw the dust and germs back in the air which makes your indoor setting more allergy-inducing. Also, keep in mind that most people are highly sensitive to dust, so cleaning with a normal vacuum cleaner will make that situation worse. And this is where a necessity of automatic vacuum cleaner arises. A Robot vacuum is an automatic cleaning machine which doesn't require human effort and time as well. All you have to do initially is plug it in to charge it. Whenever the battery power gets low, the robot itself reaches the dock station and self-recharges. As people have shifted more towards these robot vacuums, huge competition has emerged between the robot vacuum manufacturers. This has resulted in a lot of models. In every field, it is always the brand that matters. The same applied here. Irobot is the veteran robot vacuum company existing today. It has released so many Roomba (robot vacuum) models in the form of (6-9) number series. But for many, there is always a confusion which Roomba model to buy?  This is why you should do your research to compare online and invest in the best Roomba model that is best for you and never forget to choose a Roomba model with HEPA filter (highly useful to trap the allergens inside the robot vacuum itself). 
3. Dehumidifier 

Needless to say, a dehumidifier is essential to obtaining a lower moisture level. While dehumidifiers can differ from model to model, they all work on similar principles. Dehumidification is the process of extracting moisture from the air, which is useful for many health and comfort reasons. A dehumidifier can help solve many air quality issues in your home that are due to high humidity. It is always recommended to keep indoor humidity below 50% and over 30%. If the humidity is below 30%, it can cause dry, itchy skin, and nosebleeds. And if the humidity level is over 50% this makes the air feel damp, which can worsen asthma, allergies and promote the growth of airborne allergens such as mold spores and dust mites. Not only does optimizing the air humidity reduce allergens but there are also so many other benefits (i.e. reduces: - dust, odors and irritation to skin and respiratory system) to using a dehumidifier.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Mattresses – how is quality affected by the price?

Sleep is important for your ongoing physical and mental well-being. Getting the optimum amount of sleep can help with everything from memory skills, to attention levels and the health of hair and skin. Having the right mattress is important if you want to ensure that you get the sleep you need.

Another important reason for making sure that you choose the right mattress, is that a lack of support can lead to problems with aches and pains in your neck, back and shoulders. So, how does the amount you pay for a mattress affect the quality of the product you choose?

Do you have to buy an expensive mattress?

Many people do not have a huge amount of money to spend on a mattress. The good news is that there are affordable mattresses on the market that provide you with a reasonable amount of support. They may not provide you with the perfect amount of comfort and support that you can get from more expensive memory foam mattresses, but they are still beneficial when compared to the old mattress you have. This is because an old mattress normally starts to lose its firmness and shape. Once this happens, your sleep starts to be adversely affected, and you will probably find that you start to suffer from aches and pains. Even a reasonably priced mattress can help to improve the situation.

Why you may want to pay more for a mattress

If you have a significant amount of money saved, it's worth investing it in a high quality mattress. You may want to choose a memory foam mattress which is specifically designed to mold to your shape, and provide you with the optimum level of support. Although, it's a good idea to check out the pros and cons of this material, before you buy.

It does not just have to be about support when you are buying a new mattress. There are mattresses which are made from organic products. These eco-friendly options  make it less likely that you will be exposed to off gassing while you sleep. They are also a lot better for the environment.

Buying an expensive mattress can be worthwhile if you want a high level of support and comfort or to be eco-friendly. But you can get a good quality mattress which offers an acceptable level of support at a lower cost.

Why you should not buy second hand 

One thing you should never do is buy a mattress second hand. This is because you cannot tell how well it's been cared for. It may lose any firmness it has very quickly. It's also possible that the mattress could be full of bacteria if it has not been properly cleaned on a regular basis.

Never continue sleeping on a mattress that is worn out because it is bad for your health. When you replace the mattress, always buy new and spend as much as you can afford to get the best level of support you can. Remember to shop around before you buy as this can help you to get the best possible deal on the product you want to purchase.

This is a blog post by James Andrews.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

How To Detox Your Body From Alcohol And Drugs

Whether you are a recreation drinker or have admitted that you have a more serious problem, a prolonged use of drugs and alcohol can cause toxins to build up in the body.  This build-up will be bad for your health as the toxins such as ethanol from alcohol are known to harm the body tissue, organs and other systems.  This can result in a range of different health problems and diseases.  Fortunately, there is some good news which is that the body is able to heal itself if you provide the correct treatment.

What Is The Proper Treatment?

The best treatment for your body is to detox which is essentially giving your body an internal makeover.  When you detox, you will clean out the toxins which are harmful to your health.  To detox, you will have to have a proper diet, complete exercise and add other healthy habits to your lifestyle while bringing your drug and alcohol use to an end.  When you do this, you will remove the impurities in the blood that causes problems and give your body the chance to heal.

Of course, depending on the level of your addiction, you will need to consult with a doctor before you try detoxing on your own.  If you have a severe addiction, you need to have medical help from a dual diagnosis rehab center. Within a process you will need professional support as you will experience vomiting, nausea, sweats, headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.  It is important to note that these are expected as your body tries to get rid of the unhealthy toxins.  Of course, if the symptoms worsen, you need to get medical attention as something could be wrong.

Cutting It Off At The Source

The obvious start to detoxing is to stop taking drugs and drinking.  In order to completely rid your body of the toxins associated with this, you need to stop the habit.  This provides the body with the opportunity to expel the toxins which have accumulated without worrying the new toxins entering the body.  The sooner you are able to quit, the faster you will be able to detox.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Alcohol and drugs are known to dehydrate the body and this can cause a range of unpleasant side effects including fatigue, headaches and muscle pain.  You can eliminate these issues by drinking a lot of water.  Water will also help your body detox as it is used to flush out the system and bring balance to the body.  The more water you are drinking, the more toxins are being flushed out.  The minimum amount of water you should drink per day is 64 oz, but when detoxing you should increase this to 80 oz or 100 oz. 

Get The Good Nutrients

The most common way for toxins to enter the body is by being ingested.  This is why it makes sense to replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones.  The best way to do this is to completely change your diet.

The first step in this change would be to cut back on bad fats and sugars which hinder the healing process.  You should also avoid any refined or processed foods as they generally are unnatural and will not provide much in terms of nutrients.  They are also harder for the body to digest.  This means that you have to limit food which comes in jars, cans and boxes. 

One of the best ways to give your body a nutrient jump-start is by juicing.  This is when you drink natural juiced fruits and vegetables as they will provide you with all the minerals and nutrients that your body needs to be healthy.  It is possible to drink 5 times the amount of fruits and vegetables compared to eating because your body is filled up with juice and not the meat of the plant.  This is important because you are able to get more of the nutrients you need as you are able to consume larger amounts. 

If you do not have your own juicer or cannot afford to get one, you need to make sure that you are eating a diet which is high in fruits and vegetables.  You should also take a multivitamin to ensure that you are getting every nutrient that your body needs.  When you are eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, you need to ensure that they are organically produced as they will be grown without any harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides.  These can be as harmful to your body as not getting enough nutrients.

All The Foods That Are Great For Detoxification

If you want to leech the impurities in your intestines and dispose of them you need to eat chia seeds, parsley, cilantro and lemon.  If you need more fiber and antioxidants to boost the immune system you should eat green leafy vegetables such as romaine, kale, seaweed and wheatgrass.  Another source of antioxidants which help your body fight disease is berries including blueberries, strawberries and raspberries.  To get the Omega-3 fatty acids that you need which will help limit your cravings and depression, you need to eat wild caught fish, almonds and avocado. Here are some good foods for detox.

Getting The Toxins Out

While you are putting good foods into your body, you need to also focus on getting the bed out.  While it is possible to eliminate toxins through waste, you should also look at exercise which is one of the best ways of getting rid of bad toxins.  Exercise will increase your heart rate and cause the body to sweat which allows you to get rid of the bad toxins which have built up in your body.  You can do this through hot yoga, running, cycling or other exercise.  Not only will the exercise help you detox, it will also increase your endorphin levels which makes your mood better.

Other Habits To Incorporate

There are other habits which will help you detox such as lowering your stress levels.  We live in a fast-paced world where it can be hard to remember to take time for yourself, but you need to ensure that you do this.  Too much stress can be detrimental to your health and will decrease the effectiveness of detoxification.

You should also stay away from cigarettes and coffee while detoxing.  These items also have harmful toxins and they can trigger addiction.  This could cause you to relapse and this is something that you will want to avoid. 

You should also look at getting a massage which is a great stress-reliever.  Massages can also help to release the toxins in your body. 

When you detox, you also need to get more sleep.  Most people are actually sleep-deprived without realizing it and this will impact your health.  It is important that you get 8 to 9 hours of undisturbed sleep each night to ensure that your body is healthy.

It is also recommended that you get your friends and family involved in your detox.  This will provide you with the support that you need to overcome your addiction and help you stay on track.

This is a guest blog entry.

Why Your Foot Arch Type Matters

When it comes to foot care, there are a handful of routine practices which can help keep your feet in fighting shape. Daily cleaning, drying, and moisturizing can help remove impurities from the bottom of your feet as well as exfoliate off dead and dry skin cells and keep them hydrated.

Regular stretching exercises for your feet can also bolster the strength of the many muscles and tendons in them to help prevent injury. One of the best things you can do for your feet, however, is to know your arch type and how to properly support it when you are physically active (i.e. when working out, playing sports, etc). Why is knowing your arch type so important?

•    Helps you choose the type of running shoe/sneaker for exercising in
•    Gives you an idea of what type of insoles you might need for better arch support
•    Can help you address pain points of high arches or flat feet

The Wet Test
Are you asking yourself, “How do I know what type of arch I have”? One of the easiest ways to gauge your arch type is with a wet test. Find a paper shopping bag or another piece of heavy paper and set it on the floor. Fill a shallow pan with a layer of water, and then one by one, step in the water and then out onto the heavy paper. Bear all your weight on that leg momentarily, and then cleanly step off.

If you see an average-looking half-moon (crescent) footprint, then you have the most common arch (medium) which sufficiently supports your body weight and causes you to pronate normally when walking and running. Pronation is simply the slight natural inward rolling of the ankle when your foot makes impact with the ground. As you strike with your heel, the ankle rolls slightly inward, and weight is distributed to the forefoot.

If you see a footprint almost entirely filled in, on the other hand, with no significant arch space, this indicates you have a low arch, also referred to as flat feet. The potential dangers of a low arch derive from the fact that overpronation, or an exaggerated inward rolling of the foot when walking and running, actually stresses the feet and knees.

And if you leave but a sliver of a crescent-moon footprint on the paper, this indicates your arch is higher than normal, likely resulting from an under-pronation (or outward rolling known as supination) of the foot when walking or running. Similar to flat feet, high arches can increase the risk for injury by unnecessarily straining the foot and leg muscles, and ankle and knee joints.

Common Foot Problems for Low and High Arches
Low and high arches reflect problems with pronation so understanding the cascading effects on the feet and knees is critical. As foot tendons like the plantar fascia and lower leg muscles like the Achilles tendon compensate for the extra load, they can become strained and lead to:

Plantar fasciitis - the plantar fascia is a tough band of tissue which supports your arch and runs along the bottom of your foot from your heel to your toes. When it has to stretch more and more to bear the weight of over or under-pronation, it can become inflamed and even incur microscopic tears. This can result in burning and stinging pain in the bottom of your heel and up through your arch.

Achilles tendonitis - in the same way, when the tendon running down the back of your calf which connects to you heel starts to feel the tug and pull from under or over-pronation, it can become inflamed as well. More serious tears and ruptures of the tendon may occur from even greater overuse and poor body mechanics.

Heel spurs - heel spurs develop when calcium deposits build up on the bottom of the heel bone. Often associated with damage to the plantar fascia, heel spurs also manifest when the membrane wrapped around the heel bone routinely becomes torn. Low arches are more susceptible to heel spurs.

Metatarsalgia - the ball of the foot where the metatarsal bones connect the foot to the toes can become inflamed from constant pounding, this injury is also known as stone bruise and results commonly from high arches that place undue stress on the ball and heel of the foot. Additional markers of high arched feet include hammertoes, claw toes, and calluses on the ball, heel, or side of the foot.

The good news is that low and high arches don’t have to be permanent detriments to your pronation or foot and leg health. With proper footwear and useful orthotics (like arch supports or plantar fasciitis insoles), you can equip your feet with the strength and flexibility they need to properly support your weight at any time.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Diabetes Foot Care Tips

There are different foot care rituals listed by the American Diabetes Association that diabetics should follow:

1.  Check Your Feet On A Daily Basis

Check for infected toenails, red spots, swelling, sores or cuts.  At times diabetics might not be able to feel any pain in their feet.  That is why they need to thoroughly check their feet every day.  Individuals who are unable to bend down to be able to see their feet can either have someone else check them or use a mirror.

2.  Thoroughly Wash Your Feet

Diabetics need to wash their feet in warm water every day.  After washing your feet, wipe them dry and then apply talcum powder or cornstarch between your toes to make sure the skin is dry.  Keep in mind that it isn't recommended that you soak your feet since that has a tendency to dry the skin out.

3. Moisturize After Cleaning

Be sure to apply cream or lotion or petroleum jelly even to your feet in order to keep them smooth, soft and moisturized.

Aloe vera gel frequently is recommended since it makes an effective moisturizer.  However, be sure to only moisturize the bottom and top of your feet but not in between your toes, since some infections could result.

4.  Trim Your Nails

Right after bathing is the best time for you to trim your toenails since that is when nails are soft and soaked.   Cutting your nails straight across is the best way for you to trim them. Avoid cutting into your toenails corners.  The corners can be smoothed afterward using an emery board or nail file.

5.  Always Use The Right Footwear 

Wear footwear at all times to keep your feet protected - both outdoors and indoors.  Wear stockings, nylons or socks with your footwear to avoid getting blisters or sores.  Wear shoes that fit you well and properly protect your feet.  It is also important to select the right kind of footwear.  Your feet should be supported and allowed to breathe by your shoes.  Walking shoes or athletic shoes are perfect for this, it’s also possible to get diabetic shoes.  Don't wear shoes with high heels or pointed toes since they tend to put a lot of pressure on your toes.  Make sure your shoes provide enough space for your toes.  Avoid vinyl or plastic shoes since they don't breathe or stretch.

6.  Keep Your Flood Flowing        

It is important for diabetics to make sure that blood flowing to their feet isn't hindered in any way.  Don't wear elastic, rubber bands or tight socks around your legs.  When you are sitting put your feet up.  Another way of ensuring blood flow is moving your ankle in and out and up and down.  You can wriggle your toes also for around five minutes two or three times per day.  However the main thing is to stop smoking, since it can lead to a reduced amount of blood flowing to your feet.

This is a guest blog entry.

How to Choose the Best Portable Wheelchair Ramp

Despite laws and regulations that have increased the number of businesses that are wheelchair accessible, there is a still a significant disparity when it comes to wheelchair accessible homes. In fact, less than one percent of all U.S. homes can easily accommodate wheelchairs.

The ideal situation is for all homes and businesses to be accessible to all. In the meantime, though, a portable wheelchair ramp can give you independence and help you easily access any building.

There are lots of factors to consider when choosing portable ramps for wheelchairs to make sure you find one that is both safe and easy to use. Read on to learn some of the most important things to keep in mind during your search.

Types of Ramps

First of all, let’s go over the options that are available to you when it comes to choosing a portable wheelchair ramp.

Threshold Ramps

Threshold ramps are wedge-shaped and usually made of either rubber or metal. While they are portable, they’re often kept in one place for a longer period of time since they don’t fold up as easily as other styles.

Telescoping Ramps

Telescoping ramps are adjustable in length, like a telescope. They can be lengthened or shortened easily and can be used for several different obstacles and types of rises.

Suitcase Ramps

Suitcase ramps, as their name suggests, fold up and can be stored easily, like a suitcase. They’re ideal for helping wheelchair users get over steps, curbs, and raised landings.

Roll-up Ramps

Roll-up ramps feature a track attached to side rails. They can be stored by removing the rails and rolling up the tread like a sleeping bag.

Size and Slope

No matter what type of ramp you buy, you’ll need to take its size and slope into account.

Your ramp should ideally be a bit narrower than the openings where it’ll be placed. It should, at the same time, be wide enough to accommodate your wheelchair. A good rule of thumb from the American Disability Association (ADA) is to look for a ramp with a minimum width of 36 inches.

The ADA also recommends a ramp with a slope no higher than 1:12. This means that there is at least 1 foot (12 inches) of ramp length for every 1 inch of vertical rise. For example, a 24 inch rise would require a ramp length that is at least 24 feet.

Remember, the 1:12 ratio is the absolute minimum. The steeper a ramp’s incline, the more likely you are to experience the following problems:
  • Difficulty maneuvering a manual chair up it
  • Increased likelihood that power chairs and scooters will stall or bottom out
  • Increased likelihood that transport wheelchairs will bottom out because of low ground clearance
Height Limitations 

Height threshold also needs to be taken into account when shopping for a portable wheelchair ramp. If it’s too high or too low, you’ll face additional difficulty getting into buildings.

Think about the steps leading into your home, doors with raised thresholds, and vehicle entrances and make sure the ramp you’re considering purchasing can accommodate all of them.

Weight and Portability

When shopping for a portable ramp, you’ll also need to think about how you’re going to use it. Do you need a truly portable solution, or do you need a more semi-permanent solution?

If you’re looking for a semi-permanent ramp (like the threshold ramps discussed above) weight and portability won’t be as important. However, if you’re going to be carrying your ramp with you everywhere you go, you’re going to want to find the lightest and most portable option possible.

Ramps made of aluminum or fiberglass are usually the most lightweight and are easy to carry.
Weather Considerations

Your ramp should be made with durable yet lightweight materials, but it should also include slip-resistant elements for rainy and snowy days.

Portable ramps can get extremely slippery, opening you up to a whole new range of safety risks. Make sure you find one that can withstand all weather conditions and help you get where you need to go without risk of slipping and sliding.

Weight Capacity

Finally, you’ll need to think about your ramp’s ability to hold your weight and the weight of your wheelchair. Think about times when additional weight will be included as well, such as when you’re carrying groceries or packages. Putting too much weight on your ramp can cause a serious safety risk, so be sure to buy one that is highly durable.

Wrapping Up

There are lots of options out there when it comes to portable wheelchair ramps.

There’s no one ramp that is perfect for everyone, so it’s important to take into consideration things like weight, height threshold, and portability to make sure you get the right ramp for your needs. Shopping for ramps can be overwhelming at first. But, if you keep these tips mind, you’ll be able to find the perfect option in no time! 

This is a guest blog entry.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Dementia and Risk of Falling

A 2017 report in the Journal of the American Medical Association revealed encouraging data regarding rates of dementia in the U.S. Over 21,000 adults 65+ were tracked in a longitudinal study called the “Health and Retirement Study” sponsored by the Social Security Administration and the National Institute on Aging.

The findings reflected sweeping improvements in population brain health as the prevalence of dementia dropped from 11.6% to 8.8% between the years 2000 and 2012.

Rates of Dementia
While that is exciting news for older adults, the truth is that the cases of dementia will only rise as the second largest generation in the U.S., Baby Boomers, all age into the 65 and over age group in the next 15 years. While dementia is not a guaranteed part of aging, it does largely affect older adults.

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are debilitating diseases that rob many seniors of the basic faculties with which they need to function. Over 5.5 million people in the U.S. currently live with some form of dementia, with Alzheimer’s accounting for roughly 60 to 70% of dementia cases according to the World Health Organization.

Damaged and dying neurons and synapses in the brain contribute to dementia symptoms including a deterioration in thinking, learning ability, memory, judgment, language, comprehension, and orientation. In addition to difficulty completing daily tasks, dementia can negatively impact a person’s behavior and emotional control. Dementia is typically a progressive and chronic degeneration of the brain, and in some forms of dementia, can actually result from conditions which prevent enough oxygen from reaching the brain.

Vascular dementia as it is called, or vascular cognitive impairment, is on the rise according to some researchers, in part due to the higher rates of heart disease, stroke, and other conditions which affect blood vessels. When widespread small vessel damage reduces the amount of or blocks blood flowing to the brain, it deprives brain cells of the oxygen and nutrients they desperately need.

Dementia and Falling
  • Medical providers and home health networks need to educate the caregivers of someone with dementia about increased fall risk and how to manage it in order to prevent life-threatening injuries. While falling is the leading cause of fatal injuries for older adults, when it comes to seniors with dementia, their chances of experiencing a harmful fall are even higher due to:  
  • Poor judgment - as cognitive decline progresses, poor decision-making can put an elderly person at risk of not just getting scammed on the internet, but in falling too. Mistakenly deciding to descend a steep staircase or head outside when it is icy, for example, can quickly lead to falls.
  • Impaired memory - when a senior with dementia is a “fall risk,” precautions are taken in their home or hospital room to prevent them from falling. This might include putting fall rails on the bed, setting up fall monitors, and making sure a patient is always accompanied out of bed and into the bathroom. Memory issues can lead a senior to forget that they have been asked to call for assistance if they need to get out of bed, or they may forget where they are and become disorientated and fall.
  • Vision problems - difficulties with vision and spatial awareness often accompany cognitive decline and can make safe mobility impossible. Oftentimes, people with vascular dementia will specifically have vision impairment due to blood vessel damage in the brain. Regular vision checks with a doctor, as well as mobility aids, home lighting audits, and home accessibility upgrades can help.
  • Clutter - some dementia patients will exhibit habits of hoarding and filling their living environment with unnecessary items and furniture. This clutter is a huge risk factor for falling, as the more “stuff” you have to move around or walk over to successfully navigate the home environment, the more likely you are to trip or lose your balance.
  • Physical weakness - being unable to exercise regularly or stay physically active, dementia patients will experience muscle loss and weakness as well as a reduction in bone density compounded with deterioration in balance, coordination, agility skills, and the risk of falling increases. 
  • Medication side effects - some medicines which are used to treat forms of dementia as well as other age-related diseases like Parkinson’s, can actually cause hypotensive side effects. A sudden drop in blood pressure when standing can lead to dizziness and loss of balance, increasing the potential to fall.

What Can Caregivers Do
In addition to learning as much as possible about dementia’s side effects and increased risk for falling, family members and caregivers of seniors with dementia should fall-proof the home. Grab bars, toilet seat risers, and a non slip bath mat in the bathroom are a must. Ramps up to outside doorways and porch railings help secure outside walking areas, and clearing clutter and trip hazards inside may include removing area rugs and large pieces of furniture too.

This is a guest blog entry.