Friday, June 09, 2017

Helping Seniors With Limited Mobility

Like so many other areas of health and wellness, limited mobility is not just a physical issue. Instead, mind, body, and spirit all need to work together.

Obviously, if age, injury, illness, or some combination of the three has made it difficult for a person to move around, there are physical challenges to overcome. At the same time, frustration over the condition and a fear of losing independence often set in as well. Stresses like these trigger cortisol production, and since this stress hormone usually makes the situation worse, a downward spiral may begin.

Here are some ways you can address all these areas and truly help parents, grandparents, neighbors, friends, and any other mobility-impaired people in your life.

Start Slow

It’s very natural to encourage Mom to take a walk in the park with you, because it is so sunny and warm outside. However, Mom may simply not be able to take that walk. If she’s been living with mobility impairment for quite some time, her sedentary body cannot handle that level of activity right away. On the opposite end of the scale, if Mom just started using a cane, she probably does not have enough self-confidence for a walk in the park.

Start with a walk through the house. Next week, walk next door to see the neighbors, and the next week, try a jaunt around the block. An approach like this one builds up inactive muscles and shows reluctant minds that it is possible to walk again.

Moreover, be very patient, because there will most probably be days when Mom does not want to get out of her chair.

Play Nintendo Wii

Several recent studies, including one in the Journal of Aging Research and one from the American Physical Therapy Association, suggest that mobility-impaired seniors often lose their sense of balance, largely because of their inactivity. Wii games like bowling, tennis, and baseball help restore that sensation, thus improving mobility. Spend a little extra on the Wii Fit, because it has even more balance games.

In addition to the physical benefits, seniors quickly learn that getting up and moving around is fun. That addresses both the immobility blues and accompanying self-confidence issues.

Low Impact Exercises

Once Dad is up and moving again, and feeling a little better about himself, it’s probably time to take the next step and set him up in a senior exercise group. Once again, expect considerable resistance to this step, because it’s never easy for people to get out of their comfort zones.

Most local YMCAs have senior water aerobics classes, and many yoga studios hold classes just for senior beginners.

On top of the physical activity he gets, Dad will benefit from the social interaction with other mobility-impaired seniors, thus addressing the mind and body issues that these seniors deal with.

Medical Alert Device

Now, it may be time to take the next step towards mobility independence, but there’s a big problem.

Some of us have flashed a smile when we saw those “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” commercials (or maybe I’m just talking to myself), but falls are very, very serious. Each year, 1.8 million seniors are treated in emergency rooms after falls, and about 15,000 a year die after falling. These statistics are very frightening for both seniors and caregivers.

A medical alert device relieves these fears to a considerable extent. A senior knows that help is just a button-push away. Some newer models even have sensors that automatically go off when the wearer falls. At the same time, caregivers have peace of mind.

Independence Devices

How can you help mobility-impaired seniors have the tools they need to live independently and not end up in a scene like this one?

First of all, focus on what he needs, and not on what you need. Second, be attentive to those needs. For example, if Dad is having problems getting his shoes on, surprise him with a shoe horn for disabled people. Third, take things slow. There may be a time and place for a conversation about an assisted living facility, but disrupting newly-found independence is a bad idea.

For everyone involved, a plan that takes into account the mental and physical aspects of mobility impairment is much more likely to succeed than sporadic and well-intentioned attempts to “help” the person.

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Thursday, June 08, 2017

Why a Nursing Career Could Be Ideal for You

Choosing a career path is a very serious decision that will have a profound impact on the course of your life, so it makes sense that you'd want to do something you'll enjoy. Many times people sacrifice their own enjoyment for careers they aren't really passionate about just to have a higher salary.

Of course, with money being the motivator it's certainly understandable that most students are looking for careers that pay well. However, there are so many other factors to take into consideration as well, such as job availability, starting pay, benefits, ease of the job, and more. With that said, here are a few reasons why nursing is a good choice for many students.

1. Career Advancement Opportunities

One of the best parts about becoming a nurse is that your career doesn't have to stop there. Once you've obtained a basic online nursing degree you can then later return to your education in your spare time to graduate from an RN to MSN online program. You could even use a distance learning institution like Norwich University to earn your master of science in nursing, which would make you eligible for higher paying nursing jobs. It only takes two years to become a registered nurse and from there you can continue advancing your career online.

2. Low Rate of Unemployment 

Nurses also enjoy a very low rate of unemployment at only about 2%, which essentially means they have a 98% chance of being employed at all times. This is especially true for someone who has earned an MSN online because experienced nurses are almost guaranteed a job. In fact, over the next five years, there's going to be a significant shortage of nurses in many developed nations, which means that qualified individuals will be in high demand.

3. Widespread Job Opportunities

Hospitals and clinics are everywhere, so you'll never have trouble finding prospective employers. This is not only good for job security it's also nice to know that you have the freedom to move just about anywhere without having to worry about whether you're going to be able to find employment. You even have the option of taking your skills overseas to another country and experiencing a new culture. The option to move where you want is definitely an added benefit, but many nurses use it as a way to ensure that they'll be able to find a job in a specific place, like their hometown or a place they've always wanted to move to.

Good Pay and Benefits

In closing, the most obvious reason why so many people find the nursing profession to be desirable is the pay and the benefits that come with it. Even the starting pay for a registered nurse is about $20/hour, and with overtime pay, it goes much higher. Plus, you could eventually continue your education in the medical field and climb up the ranks of becoming a doctor or surgeon, in which case you could be making more than 2-3 times as much as a registered nurse.

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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Essential Tips For Starting Yoga As A Senior

Physical activity is an essential part of living a healthy life. It does not only improve a person’s longevity, but also has numerous benefits for the overall well-being of the human body – not only physical, but also psychological.

Unfortunately, as the body grows older, it also becomes much harder to participate in physical activities – especially when diseases like arthritis start to flare up. This, however, does not mean senior citizens does not have any options when it comes to participating in physical exercises that will help them keep their bodies fit and working, while also supporting their overall health and reducing their risk of developing diseases and health concerns that may lead to further complications in their lives.

Participating in cardio and strength training exercises might seem a little daunting for a senior citizen. Therefore, it is often recommended that a senior consider participating in frequent yoga exercises to help them gain some level of physical activity, while also enjoying the benefits that yoga has for them. While there are some yoga poses that are very challenging, a series of beginning yoga poses for seniors have been developed to help older individuals enjoy yoga without pushing their bodies to extreme limits.

The Benefits Of Yoga For Seniors

We would like to introduce you to some of the best yoga poses for seniors, but we should first start out by taking a quick look at the benefits that you can obtain from practicing yoga frequently as a senior. One of the most significant benefits that yoga has for senior participants is the fact that it does count as a form of physical exercise – yoga increases the consumption of VO2 and it improves both flexibility and strength and the same time. A particular benefit that yoga has over many other forms of exercise is the fact that it also offers benefits for the spirit and mental health of the participant.

Apart from these benefits, yoga can also help to reduce inflammation in the joints and, at the same time, help to increase mobility of joints. This is beneficial for seniors experiencing symptoms of arthritis. Cardiovascular health can also be improved through yoga participation, as well as digestion, sleep and blood flow. In addition to these benefits, seniors who attend yoga classes also tend to feel better emotionally and experience a reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms.

Yoga Poses For Seniors

Now that we have discussed the many benefits that yoga has for seniors, let’s take a look at some essential poses that seniors should consider if they are only starting out. According to Do You Yoga, the following seven poses are the perfect combination of yoga strategies that seniors should practice when they are in the beginning stages. These poses will not put too much strain on a senior’s body, but it will still offer them a great deal of benefits.

· The Mountain Pose, which assists with balance.

· The Tree Pose, which improves abdominal and leg strength.

· The Bird Pose, which is an excellent pose for improving abdominal strength and for back support.

· The Downward Facing Dog Pose, which is perfect for supporting joint health and for improving overall body strength. This yoga pose is also excellent for increasing flexibility.

· The Sphinx, which helps to improve upper back strength.

· The Cobbler’s Pose, which helps to keep the hips open and relaxed.

· The Savasana Pose, which is the perfect way to finish an intense yoga session. This pose allows for relaxation and resets the individual’s nervous system.

Tips For Seniors Trying Yoga For The First Time

As an older person, you start to learn that things aren’t always as easy as they seem. This term comes into play with yoga as well. While reading about yoga and seeing other people practice this form of exercise might make it seem relatively easy, it can be somewhat more difficult to actually practice yoga in person. If you are a senior trying yoga for the first time, then be sure to take the following tips into account when you get started:

· You know your body better than anyone else, which means you know your limits. If you feel that you’ve had enough, then stop. Never overdo it or you may end up hurting yourself rather than enjoying the benefits that yoga is able to offer you.

· If you are finding it difficult to practice yoga at home, try to find a trainer that specializes in yoga. They will have the most appropriate poses for you to try out and will help you master yoga without overdoing it.

· Always stay hydrated at all times while practicing yoga. Remember that yoga is still exercise and you need to keep your body hydrated during your sessions.

· Avoid eating before you start practicing yoga or wait at least about 30 minutes after you have consumed food before you start a session. This will help to prevent feeling light-headed or sick while participating in a yoga session.


Yoga is an excellent way for seniors to obtain an adequate level of physical activity on a weekly basis without having to put their body through a tremendous amount of strain. This form of exercise has numerous benefits for the elderly as well and can even help to improve their mental wellbeing. If you are an elder person and considering this form of exercise, be sure to start with some beginning yoga poses for seniors to ensure you do not overdo it, but still gain access to the benefits of yoga.


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Important Reasons to Be Tested for STDs

Testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is easy these days; you can even do some tests at home. Safer STD testing makes it easy to find economical testing services at local clinics. You don’t even need an appointment, as there are drop-in clinics and sexual health centers in most major towns and cities.

There are many STDs. Some are relatively minor but others can have far-reaching implications for your long-term health, which is why testing is so important. Here are the most common scenarios when testing for STDs is sensible.

You Have Symptoms

The majority of people end up making an appointment to see a doctor or sexual health worker because they have symptoms. Unusual lumps and bumps or unexplained symptoms on the genital area can cause many sleepless nights. Often, there is a simple reason for the symptoms, such as an ingrowing hair or urinary infection, but it is better to be safer than sorry.

Unwanted Sexual Encounter

Sadly, unwanted sexual encounters are common. If you drink alcohol to the point of unconsciousness, you are putting yourself at risk. Young women and men are also vulnerable to date rape drugs. If you are the victim of a sexual assault, it’s not your fault, even if you were drunk. It’s important to be tested for STDs after an unwanted sexual encounter, as you won’t know if the perpetrator was infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

Ill-advised Sexual Encounters

Most people have a few one-night stands in their misspent youth. Beer goggles have a lot to answer for and most people seem very charming after ten drinks. However, you have to remember that casual sexual encounters are a risky business. You should always use a condom, but even that won’t protect you from every STD out there. Not many people ask a one night stand for a certificate of sexual health, so if you have symptoms or you play the field without using protection, make an appointment for a sexual health check-up.

High-Risk Sex

Sex workers, drug users, or men who have sex with other men are in a high-risk category. Regular sexual health testing is essential if you want to remain disease free.

A New Relationship

It is better to use protection in the early days of a new relationship, but once you are certain this person is “the one”, get tested for STDs, and if you both have the all-clear, you can switch to other forms of birth control (if appropriate).


Some sexually transmitted diseases can make conception difficult (Chlamydia) and harm the unborn fetus. If you are planning to have a baby and you have taken a few risks in the past, ask your doctor to test for sexually transmitted diseases before you start trying for a baby.

Testing for an STD involves a physical examination, skin swabs, and blood tests. You don’t need to be embarrassed about asking for an STD test, as the doctors and nurses who work at these clinics have seen it all before.

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Monday, June 05, 2017

How to Improve Your Sleep at College

You’ve probably heard plenty of stories about college students who’ve stayed up for two nights in a row to finish their thesis or revise for finals. However, whilst it might work for them, in the long-term it can be awful for your health.

And, being sleep-deprived in college is also bad for your grades; our brains take in and process the information that we learn during rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, which you can only get if you’re dozing off into a deeper sleep for at least a few hours. Sleeping well at college will provide you with more energy, help you focus better, and help prevent you from getting sick. We’ve listed some top tips to help college students improve their sleeping habits.

Tip #1. Don’t Work from Your Bed

Whether you’re revising in the morning before your class or studying at home for your MSN to DNP online from Regis College, it can be tempting to curl up in your comfortable bed with your laptop to get on with some work. However, as appealing as it may sound, working from your bed is actually a really bad idea. When you work in your bed, your brain will quickly start to associate it with working rather than relaxing. As a result, when you get into bed to go to sleep at night, you’ll find it a lot more difficult to wind down and will end up sleeping later than you need.

Tip #2. Stay off Your Smartphone

There’s no denying that studying for a nurse practitioner doctorate degree, or indeed any college degree program, is incredibly time-consuming. Once you have attended your online or campus-based classes, taken part in extra-curricular activities and dedicated some time to getting work experience or networking, it’s unsurprising that you may feel you have little time in the day for yourself, for simple things such as catching up with the latest news or scrolling through your social media to see what your friends and followers have been up to. It can be tempting to catch up with this when you get into bed at night, but be careful – the blue light of a smartphone, tablet, and laptop screens causes your body to produce less melanin, which makes it difficult for you to sleep. Use ‘sleep mode’ on your iPhone when it gets late, and try to stay away from all gadgets for at least an hour before going to bed.

Tip #3. Cut Down on Caffeine

Studying for your college degree requires a lot of work, which might often be fuelled by coffee, energy drinks, and other caffeinated beverages that can act as a quick energy boost. However, if you drink anything containing caffeine too late in the day, it will stay in your system for hours and make it harder for you to relax when you finally need to. Although there’s no need to give up your morning coffee completely, you should aim to stop drinking caffeine after lunch time to give your body time to get rid of it before bed.

Did these tips help? Share your opinion in the comments!

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Friday, June 02, 2017

10 Health Benefits of CBD

In recent times, cannabidiol (CBD) has become more and more popular as a powerful supplement that has a range of anti-inflammatory properties and is widely viewed as having the ability to help relieve the symptoms of, and in some cases even cure, a range of diseases.

Some of the health benefits of CBD include the ability to help fight cancer, improve the symptoms of schizophrenia and a number of other mental health problems, and help relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel diseases. So far, there have been a number of studies and much further research done into CBD oil and its effects on the body and mind; here are some of the main health benefits that have been found so far.

#1. Reducing Pain:

Studies so far have positively suggested that CBD is a great painkiller. Whether you’re suffering from a minor headache or have a condition that means you must deal with chronic pain, CBD oil could help to relieve your symptoms and allow you to enjoy life pain-free.

CBD, especially when it is used in combination with THC, has been shown by studies to have promising results for the treatment of many types of chronic pain, working by significantly decreasing both neuropathic pain and chronic inflammation. This means that it is a potentially promising treatment for conditions such as chronic pain caused by multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, neuropathic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, or postoperative pain.

However, bear in mind that if you are hoping to use CBD in conjunction with THC to relieve a painful condition, you will need to be in a state where medical marijuana is legalized. On the other hand, CBD alone provides no high, therefore is legal throughout the U.S.

#2. Improved Appetite and Less Nausea:

Studies of rodents who were given CBD found that it was effective in reducing nausea and vomiting. However, researchers also found that CBD was only effective for reducing nausea and vomiting symptoms caused by the consumption of toxic drugs when it was given in smaller, rather than larger doses.

On the other hand, THC, which is also from the cannabis plant, is an approved drug in states where medical marijuana has been legalized for the treatment of nausea and vomiting. As of now, there is more research needed into the effectiveness of CBD, rather than THC, for this purpose. The National Cancer Institute also found that CBD can help to increase appetite in patients; this is done by binding to the cannabinoid receptors in the body.

#3. Improved Heart Health:

There have been a number of studies that suggest CBD may be an effective treatment for improving heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and other heart-related conditions.

Studies carried out on the effects of CBD on the heart found that it caused dilation of the arteries, leading to better protection from blood vessel damage. CBD was also found to reduce the size of damage from clogged blood vessels in the heart and brain, along with helping to regulate irregular heart rhythms. And, the studies have also found that CBD can help to reduce both high blood pressure and raised heart rate, especially in response to stressful situations. It also helped to influence platelet aggregation and white blood cell function, both of which lead to better heart health.

However, bear in mind that scientists suggest further research is required to fully understand the benefits of CBD on human heart health.

#4. Better Sleep:

Medical marijuana is widely believed to help people with insomnia and other sleep problems have a better night’s sleep; it works by helping the patient to relax and unwind, enabling them to drift off into a deep and restful slumber. However, if you currently suffer from insomnia and reside in a state where medical marijuana is not yet legal, you can turn to CBD for help with your sleep issues. Research shows that taking CBD before bed can help improve sleep in people with insomnia by encouraging relaxation.

#5. Treating Addictions and Substance Use Disorders:

Research has also suggested that CBD may be effective in treating substance use disorders and addictions. Studies have shown that taking CBD can reduce the rewarding effects of drugs such as morphine, along with reducing the drug seeking effects of heroin addictions in animal models. In addition, research has also shown that CDB may be able to help with the process of quitting smoking; vaping CBD oil can help provide former smokers with an alternative to the physical act of smoking, whilst combatting the effects and symptoms of nicotine withdrawal such as headaches and nausea, irritability and anxiety.

A study found that taking CBD via inhalation for one week may reduce the number of cigarettes smoked by around 40%, along with significantly reducing nicotine cravings.

#6. Treatment for Skin Problems:

Those who suffer from skin problems such as acne or psoriasis may have used a wide range of creams, gels and tablets to help keep their condition under control and hopefully cure it for good. If you suffer from a skin problem such as this, then CBD oil may be the treatment that you are looking for.

Research has found CBD to decrease lipid synthesis in the body and reduce the proliferation of sebaceous glands in humans, along with having an anti-inflammatory effect on these glands which results in a therapeutic treatment for acne and similar skin conditions. CBD also helps to reduce the growth of skin cells, which means that it could potentially play a very effective role in reducing the signs and symptoms of psoriasis.

#7. Protection Against Bacteria and Infections:

Studies have also shown that CBD may afford some extra protection against bacteria and infections in humans. One of the main findings is that CBD facilitates antimicrobial activity when used against  dangerous bacterium that cause infections that are difficult to treat, such as the methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, or as it is more commonly known, MRSA.

In addition, research has also suggested that CBD may be effective in treating and preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as mad cow disease and Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. It does this by inhibiting the protons, known as prions, that cause these fatal diseases.

#8. Treatment for Depression and Anxiety:

Further research into the effects of CBD on the brain has found it to be a potentially effective treatment for depression and/or anxiety. According to researchers who studied mice, CBD has significant antidepressant-like effects. In addition, the study also showed that the antidepressant effects were engaged quickly and were also consistent over time, suggesting that it could be used as a successful treatment against major depressive disorder and perhaps other mood disorders in humans.

The antidepressant effects found were comparable to those of common tricyclic antidepressant medications such as Tofranil. Cannabidiol has also been found to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and social anxiety disorder in humans. Studies have proven CBD to significantly reduce anxiety regarding public speaking in healthy humans.

CBD can also help to reduce the anxiety or paranoia side effects that are apparent in some people after taking THC. Researchers suggest that the use of CBD could be effective for a range of mental health conditions such as panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), generalized and social anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

#9. Help with Epileptic Seizures:

Research suggests that CBD could provide a promising new treatment for epilepsy and epileptic seizures. Parents of children with treatment-resistant epilepsy were given a survey to report their child’s responsiveness to CBD treatment; over 80% of parents reported a reduction in symptoms and seizures whilst taking CBD. The children were also reported to have experienced better mood, improved sleep quality and increased alertness. However, it’s worth noting that some side effects were also noted, including fatigue and drowsiness.

In addition, after a three-month long treatment plan using a purified, almost 100% oil based CBD oil extract, almost 40% of children with treatment-resistant epilepsy experienced a reduction in seizures of more than 50%. Another study found that seven out of eight patients with epilepsy resistant to antiepileptic drugs experienced significant improvements in their condition after almost five months of treatment with CBD.

#10. Protects the Nervous System:

Lastly, another main potential health benefit of CBD is the protection of the nervous system and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. Studies found that CBD prevents the toxic effects of neurotransmitters such as glutamate, along with the radical oxygen species found in the brain. As a result, it is effective in preventing the death of brain cells. CBD has also been found to have antioxidant activity that is greater than both vitamin C and E, and may also be effective in preventing beta-amyloid toxicity in brain cells, which results in it being a potentially therapeutic agent in both the treatment and prevention of both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

Have you ever considered using CBD to help you with any particular health problem? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Future-proofing your dental practice: improving x-rays for patients

With Brexit looming overhead and a rumored consumer slowdown wreaking havoc on the economy, most savvy entrepreneurs are worrying about their finances – just like you should be.

Although your private dental practice has been doing pretty well, you’re not immune to the money-related issues and fears that are plaguing the business world.

From saving cash to improving efficiency and coming up with some creative profit-boosting tactics, protecting your business’s bottom line is always on your mind.

That’s why you’ve decided to focus on improving your practice one key area at a time, starting with your x-ray service.

It’s an integral tool in dental care that’ll let you keep a closer eye on your patients’ oral health. It could bring you in a lot of extra money, but it’s also a big responsibility.

From soothing nervous patients who find the process terrifying to ensuring you meet all the strict regulations surrounding the use of radiography, we’re sharing a few top tips that’ll help you successfully introduce dental x-raying to your practice. Take a look.

#1: know your responsibilities

There are a lot of regulations and legal aspects to address before you can start administering x-rays. Fail to do so, and fines and failed inspections will soon spell the end of your business.

But don’t worry – the Care Quality Commission has put together a handy introductory guide to all the mandatory requirements and rules you need to know about. Check it out and make sure your practice ticks all of their boxes.

#2: improve the administrative side

The thorough and comprehensive patient dental records you’re obliged to keep take up a lot of space. Once you start adding x-rays to those already full files, finding room for securely storing them will become even more difficult.

There are plenty of innovative answers to this all-too-common problem. Invicta Mobile Shelving has been helping healthcare facilities better utilize their offices for years, so get in touch with their expert team to find the best medical x-ray storage solution for your practice.

#3: invest in new equipment

With horror stories about the dangers of x-rays lurking online, patients need to be reassured that your practice has the latest and safest radiography tech around.

Take your time researching lots of different brands and types of x-ray machines before buying anything, and give yourself a strict budget to stick to – remember, you’re a small private practice. You don’t need enough equipment to support an entire hospital radiography ward.

#4: create a relaxing atmosphere for patients

As we all know, some patients have a real phobia of even routine dental checkups, so x-rays can prove to be one stressful step too far. To put them at ease, work on improving the overall atmosphere of your entire practice.

Plants, a comfortable temperature and calming color scheme (blues and greens are ideal) will have a soothing effect and can be used throughout the building, from the reception and waiting lounge right through to the treatment rooms themselves.

  •  Written by Claire McPhillimy
  •  Post sent by Claire McPhillimy