Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Cancer From Zantac: What To Know If You Have It

Zantac, also known as ranitidine until it was recalled in 2019, was a popular over-the-counter medicine for heartburns. With a sizable number of the American population suffering from heartburn, drug producers cashed in on these existing disorders by releasing Zantac into the market in 1981.

Zantac soared in sales and became one of the most significant selling prescription drugs by 1988. Zantac didn’t disappoint when it was released to the market just before it had become accessible for over the counter use.

However, in late 2019, the production and distribution of Zantac would be curtailed. Closer scrutiny of the drug chemical composition by the U.S Food Drug Administration showed that it contained carcinogens, a cancer-causing element by the name N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Hence, it resulted in many people contracting cancer from Zantac.

What is NDMA?

N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is labeled as a possible carcinogen. This is mostly found in food, water, vegetable, meat, and dairy products.

Zantac (ranitidine) is unstable and tends to break down its chemical components to form NDMA. So, when ranitidine gets into contact with gastric juice and nitrites, which acts as a catalyst during the digestion process, higher amounts of NDMA are produced. The level of these NDMA, according to Laboratory test by FDA, was beyond their FDA-approved acceptable amount, which is 96 nanograms.

The additional hypothesis suggested that it could be a possibility that the generic model of the Zantac was contaminated with NDMA because they were manufactured from other countries that have less strict controls on quality standards.

Cancers linked to NDMA

Experiments by the World Health Organization conducted on animals indicated that exposure to NDMA for a long time would lead to lung cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, or even non-cancerous liver danger.

Additional exposure during the pregnancy period revealed that NDMA can cause death to a newborn infant.

Several other cancer-related diseases that are linked to NDMA include:
  • Stomach cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Kidney cancer
Symptoms of Zantac Related Cancer and Need To Visit A Doctor 

Anyone who happened to use the Zantac medication in the past should be on the watch for interpretive signs. Self-awareness and ability to identify such symptoms early can be a lifesaver.

Since you’ll be able to start your treatment before the cancer element becomes more pronounced, this gives you the ability to at least contain the diseases for a much more extended period.

Example of such symptoms include:
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Lack of appetite
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Light-colored or greasy stools
  • Blood in urine and painful urination
  • Itchy skin
If you happen to have taken Zantac a while back, or even more recently, it’s advisable to visit your doctor and consult them on how the revelation on Zantac can affect you. But, more importantly, ask them to give you a test.

Additionally, you can inform them of any cancer-related symptoms that you have been feeling, and they’ll offer you the best advice on how to carry on. 

Joining the Zantac Cancer Lawsuit

Families and persons who have been affected by either the death of their members or are currently suffering from cancer as a result of the use of Zantac can file a Zantac case lawsuit. The lawsuit is meant to get compensation for damages caused by these medications.

With the sole objective being to hold the Zantac brand companies, such as Sanofi and Boehringer Ingelheim, accountable for taking human health for granted in their quest to increase their market share in Zantac drug production. The Zantac medical malpractice has, therefore, resulted in numerous lawsuits, which means it’s undoubtedly going to be an extensive litigation process.

It’s important to note that you can join the lawsuit for you to be appropriately refunded. But, even then, you must be able to substantiate your claim. This can be achieved in the following ways:

•    Proving that you’ve been using the Zantac or ranitidine drugs. The best way to go about this is by presenting your medical records, drug purchase receipts, as well as doctor notes.
•    Ascertaining a cancer-related diagnosis. You’ll need to show that your diagnosis is linked to NDMA in the form of colorectal, liver, esophageal, or any other cancer-related diseases caused by Zantac (mentioned above).

Alternatively, besides the Zantac case lawsuit for personal injury that helps gain compensation in terms of medical bills, pain, and suffering, you can also join the class-action lawsuit.

The Zantac class-action lawsuit, unlike the Zantac case lawsuit, allows anyone who happened to purchase the antacid to get refunds. With the argument based on the fact that the manufacturer was ignorant in failing to warn people about the existing risks of contacting NDMA cancer.


In case you’ve been taking Zantac, it’s high time you consult your doctor on a viable alternative medication. Other important things you need to know if you have cancer from Zantac are identified as the specific type of cancer that you’re suffering from, understand how cancer came about from NDMA, the symptoms of Zantac cancer and why you should talk to your doctor.

Additionally, you can make consideration to join the Zantac case lawsuits so that you can get compensated for the damage caused.

Violet Altherr is a lawyer who specializes in Zantac lawsuits. Violet has worked with individuals who experienced severe side effects from the long-term use of Zantac and is now seeking compensation and justice in court. Most of Violet’s clients are seniors who have used Zantac for their stomach ulcers.

When Violet is not busy working, she shares her expertise by writing articles about Zantac lawsuits online.

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