Medical attire is an essential part of a doctor's job, especially when dealing with patients who have been through trauma to their bodies due to accidents or diseases and need immediate attention from the best doctors. The clothes you wear while working are as important as your skills; they make you look professional and give your personality a touch of professionalism. Most people tend to overlook the importance of wearing such outfits because they think they can get away with any outfit and still do well by looking good for work. Here are tips for looking great in medical attire.
1. Choose the Scrub Matching Your Body Type
One thing that will help you blend into the environment even better than your looks is the scrubs that you choose! If you have any unique features such as scars, marks, or tattoos on your body, these should be hidden during your daily routine. This will allow your appearance to become more natural and less noticeable without affecting how others perceive you. It is highly recommended that you not match your scrub color with the skin tone. For instance, if your skin color is darkish brown, then your scrubs should appear darker so that it does not clash with your skin's hue. However, if your skin tone is lighter, it should match your scrubs' lightness.
2. Select Right Size Scrubs
When it comes to selecting a size for the right fit, there are different methods that you can use. One very common method is determining your body type and then purchasing scrubs based on that. Another option would be to try various sizes and see what fits you the best. You could use medical clothing stores where you can find a wide variety of scrubs that suit your needs depending on the occasion. This makes it easier to acquire high-quality products at reasonable prices.
3. Wear Complimentary Colors
To take the focus off your clothing, you might consider wearing complementary colors. These include bright clothes that stand out against the dulled ones. Also, the brighter, the better, as it allows the brighter items such as watches, jewelry, and other accessories to draw more attention.
4. Match Your Pants and Tops
It may seem obvious that the combination of pants and tops should be matched up before making any purchases, but it is a mistake many people make. When it comes to choosing scrubs, this holds true, especially when you pair them with casual clothes. If you plan to go to a party or social event after work, go for dark pants and a white top. That being said, you could always opt for a classic black suit accompanied by a white shirt. Although you could wear whatever suits your preferences, doing so requires you to invest time and effort in getting dressed properly every day.
5. Don't Mix Prints
You must avoid mixing patterns on your clothes. While you could easily sport a colorful dress or blouse paired with navy blue pants, mixing prints could ruin everything. If you're going for a formal meeting, stick to solid colors instead. Nurse scrubs come in various styles and designs. Some feature stripes, while others have floral patterns and more. They also come in neutral shades like khaki, beige, or gray. Remember to buy matching pairs no matter how you intend to style your scrubs.
This is a guest blog entry.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2022
How to Look Great in Medical Attire
Monday, March 14, 2022
How Psychoactive Is Delta-8 Thc In Comparison To Delta-9?
There can be a lot of confusion these days in the brave new cannabis world. All the names of different weed strains. You’ve barely even learned indica and sativa! Then there’s the initials: THC, CBD, CBG, etc.
Plus Isolates and Terpenes. Now there’s Delta-8 flower and Delta-9 flower! What’s the difference? Bet you’d like to know!
Because of the resistance to full cannabis legalization and the decades of propaganda demonizing the cannabis plant, there is still a lot of misinformation.
This article aims to help clear up some of the confusion, at least about Delta-8 and Delta-9. Hope you like science!
Going On A Diet
A lot to unpack here. First, understand that the cannabis plant consists of different compounds - scientists estimate over one hundred - which are made to interact with the human body’s built-in endocannabinoid system through receptors named - appropriately or coincidentally - CB1 and CB2.
Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC - or tetrahydrocannabinol - are two of those compounds. The reason they have these two numerical distinctions relates to their carbon atoms. Delta-8’s carbon atom bonds to the eighth chain of command while Delta-9 bonds to the ninth chain of command.
Delta-9 THC is the one we all have heard of, the compound that produces the stereotypical ‘high’ effect. Delta-8 produces many of the same psychoactive effects without the intense side effects of
Thus, Delta-8 is often referred to as ‘Diet’ or ‘Light’. It is a good starting point for a newcomer to cannabis, recreationally or medicinally. The differences are key and subtle. Here’s a closer look for you to compare and contrast.
A Short History
Scientists first identified Delta-9 THC in 1964, though people had plenty of on the ground experience with its effects prior to the scientific discovery.
Delta-8, on the other hand, is fairly recent. That’s because the big difference is that Delta-9 occurs naturally in much bigger quantities in the cannabis plant than Delta-8.
Cannabis producers accidentally stumbled on Delta-8 flower in the last decade and have refined an extraction process in which they can isolate and produce more Delta-8 compounds from leftover CBD and hemp flower.
So a key difference is that most Delta-9 is natural, while most Delta-8 flower has been created in a lab, chemically.
What Your Delta Can Do For You
Delta-8 can help with anxiety, pain and inflammation, nausea and appetite. It has also been shown in studies to increase the lifespan of rats and inhibit tumor growth. It also has antiemetic properties that help cancer patients cope with treatment.
What is an antiemetic? An antiemetic is any drug designed to help with disorders that cause nausea and vomiting, from motion sickness to chemotherapy.
Delta-8 has also been shown to increase appetite and cognitive function. Both Delta-8 and Delta-9 have shown potential in preventing seizures and helping with eating disorders like anorexia.
Down To The Nitty Gritty
Now that you know some basic background information on the science, history, production and health benefits of the Delta family, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. You’re here to find out how psychoactive
Delta-8 flower is compared to Delta-9 flower. So how safe is it?
The general consensus is that Delta-8 is about fifty percent, or half, as strong as Delta-9. They both produce psychoactive effects, but the effects of Delta-8 are much milder than Delta-9.
What is the intensity of the effects or in other words, the potency? Delta-8 produces a high similar to that of Delta-9, but smoother and calmer. It takes longer to set in also.
The prolonged time to take effect helps mitigate some of the possible anxiety, paranoia or delusions a first time Delta-9 user might experience.
One way to say it is that Delta-8 ‘takes the edge off’ instead of ‘getting you zonked’ and impairing your motor skills and decision-making abilities. Rather, what follows consumption of Delta-8 is a clear head, contentment, relaxed feelings and a more positive outlook.
Is Delta-8 Legal?
That’s about as unclear as a Delta-9 induced fog. Yes, for now. Thanks to a loophole. Delta-8 is extracted from CBD, which comes from hemp, which is federally legal up to a regulated amount, according to the Farm Bill of 2018. This could change soon.
The FDA has warned against Delta-8 flower. The problem is that the process by which it is extracted is not highly regulated - no pun intended - and so you have to be careful of quality and ingredients. Make sure to carefully vet the companies from which you buy CBD hemp flower containing Delta-8.
Be advised that Delta-8 will most likely turn up on a drug test.
Don’t Discount The Dosage!
Dosage is also an important thing to consider. Especially for newbies. As noted in the early part of this article, Delta-8 is often called ‘Delta Light’ or ‘Diet Delta’ and is about half as strong as Delta-9.
If you want to experience the effects of Delta-9 using Delta-8, you will have to therefore double your dosage. Some companies even recommend three times as much. For example, 15mg of Delta 9 being equal to about 50mg of Delta-8.
It is always recommended to slowly raise your dosage until your body tells you what it is comfortable with. One risk of Delta-8 is that you can build up a tolerance quickly. However, it is recommended for people with weaker immune systems as an alternative to Delta-9.
A Word From The People
Before this article wraps up, a few words from on the ground users. Sadly, a lot of research has to be done this way since science has fallen way behind the application.
Users of Delta-8 say that they experience less of the common, stereotypical effects like manic munchies or uncontrollable giggling. Rather, they experience a general sense of well-being. They describe the Delta-8 effects as allowing them to remain functional without feeling psychedelic.
All in all, as with Delta-9, Delta-8 flower can have many benefits if used responsibly. You are encouraged to conduct further research. Good Luck, and may the Delta be with you.
This is a guest blog entry.
Tuesday, March 08, 2022
What is the cost of Caribbean Medical Schools?
The major helpful factor financially for Caribbean medical schools is that their cost is often split or divided between semesters, and not all at once. Students are required to consider the different other charges such as insurance fees, administrative costs, as well as other costs. According to the American Association of Medical Colleges, the US is facing a shortage of qualified doctors and this shortage is likely to shoot up to 139,000 by the year 2033. Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has only magnified the tremendous need for doctors all over the world, especially as the population ages.
And despite this growing demand, several qualified candidates struggle to seek admission into med school. And promising students with a little lower GPA in the sciences or the MCAT, or those who were less medically-prepared in their schools than their peers, almost always face rejections from these schools. But there’s good news finally, as Caribbean medical schools are an excellent alternative for them. Not only do they provide a premium quality education, they have recurring admissions throughout the year, and even the Caribbean medical school tuition is more affordable than medical schools in the US or Canada.
But, before making any commitment to any foreign school or a Caribbean medical school, it is imperative to be calm and choose wisely, as acceptance alone does not ensure success in the end. While it may be a simpler alternative to gain admission for studying medicine, there could be unexpected hurdles on your way. Let’s find out how to safely fund your studies.
How Do You Fund Your Medical Studies
Most US living students get enough financial help like student loans, funds and scholarships etc. But candidates outside of the US do not qualify for most of them and are required to directly pay the university.
Private Loans
Most students enrolled in a Caribbean medical school take out private loans to fund their education and cover the tuition fee. But they also need to pay huge interest as well as go through several credit checks, which can be a tiresome process.
For International students, there are several loan opportunities that almost every country has for their students to go abroad and study. Make a list of banks you’d like to approach about education loans and they will clear all your doubts. Go with the package that’s not just pocket-friendly but meets all your needs. There is no need to go overboard. You just have to fund your education.
Several scholarship opportunities are available for students studying in Caribbean medical schools, and hence, it is definitely a walk worth taking. Make a list of all your schools of choice, write down their scholarship opportunities and contact their help desk or student’s career assistance desk to learn about these scholarships. Some schools have so many scholarships available that many of them are automatically awarded to qualified students once they seek admission. They do not even need them to be applied for. The options to fund your education are many.
The key is to remain calm and composed and categorically document all the choices you have for funding your education, and picking one most prudently. You can enroll today.
This is a guest blog entry.
Tuesday, March 01, 2022
Skills You Should Look for In Construction Employees
If you are thinking of starting your own construction company, then you will need to hire people to join your team. There are very few construction projects that you can handle on your own. However, it is not as simple as hiring a few able-bodied people who can lift things and hammer down some nails. There are very specific things you should be looking for when you are hiring for your company.
The work a construction company worker does might seem simple to those on the outside looking in, but it is far from it. Construction workers can’t be pulled off the street. They have to be ready to work and able to handle many different varied situations. They need a wide range of knowledge as well, and they are counted on to make sure that things are built securely and up to code. When you are hiring, you need to make sure to surround yourself with the best people possible, since your work could suffer, and they could reflect badly on you. Here are some of the top skills you should look for in construction employees.
Physical Fitness and Durability
If there is one thing that is true about construction work, it’s that it is a physically demanding job. You need strong people who can last long days doing repetitive work. While advancements in tools and techniques mean that workers don't have to be as physically strong as they used to, they still require some strength.
Your workers may also find themselves contorting into tight spaces or having to be on their hands and knees to get at things they are working on. If they are not in proper physical shape, then they won't be able to do the job correctly. Stamina and adaptability are also important. With a construction job, you can guarantee that they will be working their full 8-hour days, if not more. Some days could be extremely hot or cold, or it could be raining or snowing. You need employees that will accept the conditions and power through no matter what.
Technical Knowledge
Along with being able to physically do the work, you need people who know how to do the work. There is nothing that will ruin a company’s reputation faster than shoddy work or technical mistakes. Your employees need to be experts at the tasks you have hired them for, even if it’s just for labor jobs such as discarding materials and helping load and unload tools.
They should also have general knowledge of building and everything that goes into a project. Even if you hire a carpenter they should know about plumbing, electrical, HVAC, ironworks, roofing, and everything else that goes into constructing a building. They do not have to be experts, but they do need to understand how their work fits within the grand scheme of the project.
Safety Consciousness
Safety should be the number one priority for your company. Everything you do should be undertaken with the utmost care for the safety and security of your employees, the client, and the general public. Even if you have robust tailored insurance plans for handyman workers, you still do not want anyone to get hurt or property to be damaged.
You can create a culture of safety within your company, but some people are naturally good at taking care of themselves, their co-workers, and their job sites. You do not want people who will cut corners to get a job done faster. You want people who will pay attention to detail not just in their workmanship but also in their safety process. Never take safety for granted on your job sites.
Team Player
Construction work is very collaborative. Sure, you have someone who oversees a project, but you need everyone to do their part of the puzzle to make everything fit. Not only that, but you need them to do it on time and within budget. Your employees should all be team players who are willing to work with others to get jobs done. During the day there are always issues that pop up that require discussion and decision-making, and there is no room for ego or bossiness. It should be all about what is best for the client. Also, remember that there may be other workers on-site who are also involved in the project. You want to be able to work with them again, so your staff needs to be able to cooperate to get things done.
Math and Literacy Skills
Construction is not just manual labor. There is a lot that goes into planning and executing a project. A construction worker needs to be comfortable with geometry and algebra. This is because they will do calculations for determining how much material is needed and what relative costs will be. Some workers will need to measure for cutting, placing studs, or any number of tasks. Poor measurements will lead to huge problems once they are discovered. In some cases, entire sections of a project may need to be scrapped and started over.
A construction worker needs reading literacy skills to aid in the goal of being a better communicator. They will take notes throughout a project, fill out paperwork, and make sure that permits and other documents are complete before starting work.
Customer Service
When they are out on a job, your employees are representatives of your company. They are not only there to do great work, but to make sure that your customers are satisfied. Customer service is incredibly important in any industry, and construction is no different. They need to be able to patiently answer questions and address concerns without getting angry or standoffish. Good customer service in construction is about making the client feel like they are part of the process and also communicating with them regularly about what is going on. If you have employees who are rude or are not great communicators, then you will need others with them to offset that.
The great thing about construction is that there will always be work to do. As a business owner, you can grow and take on as many clients and projects as you like as long as you have a great team behind you. If you look for these skills, then you will be set up for success.
This is a blog post by Tiffany Carlin.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Everything You Need to Know About Becoming an Anesthesiologist
Anesthesiology is a profession within the medical field and is currently one of the most in-demand careers. However, becoming an anesthesiologist is no small feat. It takes years of diligence, education and intense training to become licensed and start your career. To get started, here’s everything you need to know about how to become an anesthesiologist.
What is an Anesthesiologist?
An anesthesiologist is a person who administers a safe dosage of anesthetics to patients in surgery. Their job is to also educate patients of the type of anesthesia they will receive and to monitor their vitals during the operation. They primarily work in hospitals and surgical centers, but may also choose to operate in clinics and private offices. Anesthesiologists can also work in a medical institution or academic settings to instruct aspiring students.
How Much Does It Cost to Become an Anesthesiologist?
The education of an anesthesiologist is one of the most expensive investments you’ll ever make. You can expect to pay an average total of $330,000 for this career. The overall cost is determined by your college and the medical school you chose.
Bear in mind, college and medical school are not the same thing. Private lenders are a medical student’s best friend thanks to their lower than average interest rates. Traditional lenders can offer seven to as much 10 percent on your loans. 7% of $330,000 equates to an additional $23,310. So, if you're trying to find a more flexible option, then borrowing private loans for medical school may be the right choice.
Educational Requirements
It can take up to 12 years to become an anesthesiologist. You’ll begin your journey into the world of medicine and anesthetics by first completing a bachelor’s degree. It’s best to major in a field, like biology or chemistry to prepare for the rigors of med school. Because competition is so high for medical schools, you will need to pass with a high GPA.
Before you graduate, however, you have to pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). This mandatory exam determines a student's eligibility for cal school. You’ll need to develop good study habits to prepare for this rigorous exam. The average passing score you want to aim for is at least 512. The maximum score you can achieve is 528, which is what you want to strive for. After you complete your four years of medical school, you must complete a four-year residency. Then, you must pass the board exam, complete a fellowship, and earn your medical license.
Earning Potential and Career Opportunity
Anesthesiologists can earn as much as doctors and surgeons with an average salary of $261,730 per year. This is a lot of money and you’ll need to know how to manage your finances smartly so you can avoid being one of those people who makes a lot, but does not have a lot. There are available positions all over the country, so you can expect plenty of job opportunities no matter where you decide to settle down.
Additionally, many anesthesiologists pursue a specialization. Options for this career path include cardiothoracic anesthesia, critical care, hospice or palliative care, pediatric anesthesia and regional anesthesia. As you work through your residency, you may discover a passion for an area of medicine that you decide to pursue further. While specializations do lengthen your training, they can also set you up for even greater earning potential later.
This is a guest blog entry.
The Advancement Of Science For A Better Tomorrow
The growth of science and technology has been at its peak since the last few decades of this generation. Technology has been at an exceptionally high influx rate, and modernization has never failed to amaze this generation. When the latest innovation gets old and backdated in the next hour, science and technology bring up even an advanced mode or item for the better future and an upgraded form of present.
To look at some of the inventions, we can never subdue the creation of an online platform for fun and spending quality leisure time for all the adults. We can quickly refresh ourselves through NetBet by playing various slot games and making other strategic decisions.
The Changes
From the vast list of upgraded inventions from the past, it is challenging to uphold everything. However, to pick some of the unusual upbringings of science and technology are computers. They are the core of our existence in today's life. We start from the day till the end of it, from calculating and keeping records to playing games, attending classes and medical care,. They have become an integral part of our existence.
The world evolved from letters to emails to Snaps and from telephones to smartphones. As a meal is incomplete without a glass of water, our life can feel incomplete without a mobile phone. People from youth to the elderly carry a mobile phone. Lifestyle without a cell phone is not even imaginable for many any more, such as social media, calling, texting, and many other examples.
Another inevitable upgrade is the transportation system, from the steam engines, 3-wheeler Mercedes to the sedans, SUVs, and electric trains. Nowadays, transportation for people must be made smooth and convenient because of their work schedule, so a great invention a means to ride electric trains. They are fast and can carry a lot of people. Talking about cars, the all-new models of Sedans and SUVs are ruling the market both in the field of luxury and comfort. Nowadays, the electric cars from Tesla are more environmentally friendly and go one step ahead in the list of modern technology. They emit less pollution as well.
Helps Build a Better Tomorrow
These new stages of inventions are not only helping us make our tasks easy and fast and make us ready for an even advanced tomorrow. Online platforms for transactions have been an inevitable innovation in the face of technology. Others include online shopping, delivery of your meal, and booking a cab for your journey. These advancements don't only make one's life easy and modern but also self-sufficient. After a long day, the working woman finds it easy to order her family dinner on her way home, at the same time booking a cab in an emergency and not waiting for anyone's lift.
New technologies used in the space stations send astronauts via satellite to outer space for varied information. Multiple satellites are used for a single project and then multiple undetected failures back in the old days. Nowadays, they allot one for each project, and they do not even send humans to acquire information from outer space.
The Bottom line
The new world in front of us with all the hi-tech technologies and science makes our living easy and comfortable and has a lot of side effects on our lifestyle. They are proving to have both the side effects and the well-being of human existence.
This is a guest blog entry.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
The World of CBD Edibles
Have CBD edibles, such as gummies, caught your attention as an alternative to other consumption forms? Then, you may be curious about proper dosages. When it comes to answering the question: how many CBD edibles should you eat, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. Every product and consumer is different. Plenty of factors can impact the proper way for dosing CBD gummies and other edible products.
Ultimately, you have to determine what is the correct dosage for you specifically. To help you better figure it out, read on for information about the 5 main factors impacting correct dosage and some CBD dosage tips.
4 CBD Dosage Tips
It's important to take your time measuring your CBD treats and being informed on the answers to common questions about dosing CBD edibles. Here are 4 CBD dosage tips to help you safely consume products such as CBD gummies.
1. Start With a Low Dose
Start low and slowly work your way up, especially if you aren't sure about your tolerance to CBD or are trying a new product. As previously explained, everybody has a different reaction to various dosages. You want to begin with a low dosage for a week to make sure there are no negative reactions or side effects. If it's ineffective, increase your dosage by 5-milligram increments per week until you reach an optimal dosage.
2. Listen to Your Body
Effectively dosing CDB gummies or other edibles requires you to listen to your body. Always be aware of your body's natural rhythms and the feedback you receive to make the right adjustments in dosage - whether it's to increase or decrease the amount you consume. Overall, you want to make sure your body gets enough time to metabolize so you can evaluate the effects before changing dosages.
3. Consider Timing
Sometimes the time of day you take consume CBD gummies can impact the results you feel. Some people find that taking a specific dose at night makes you sleepy but the same dosage in the morning stimulates you. When experimenting at different times, you also want to be in a safe place where you aren't planning to leave for anywhere. For example, you wouldn't want to suddenly feel tired while driving.
4. Consult an Expert
You don't have to figure out CBD dosages alone. When using cannabis to treat specific health issues, you can consult a health professional or physician well-versed in cannabinoids. They can look at your medical history and review the key factors previously listed to help determine an optimal dosage.
Factor 1 - Body Weight
Your body weight significantly contributes to how much CBD you need to take to reach the desired effect. Generally, heavier people will require higher dosages to achieve the same concentration of CBD in their blood compared to lighter people. You can use your body weight to help determine your starting dosage.
While the other factors below also come into play, a general rule of thumb is to consume 1 milligram per 10 pounds of body weight for a milder effect to start. This means you divide your body weight by 10 for the dosage in milligrams.
Factor 2 - Desired Effect and Strength
While the 1 milligram per 10 pounds rule is an effective way to find your starting dose, the effect and strength you desire will change this. If you just want mild relaxation, the low strength can prove effective.
However, you will want 3 milligrams per 10 pounds for more moderate effects at medium strengths. This can provide increased relief, ease, and stress management.
People with severe unease or discomfort that need stronger effects will want a higher strength. This can generally be calculated by using 6 milligrams per 10 pounds. But remember, everybody's reactions can still differ based on other factors.
Factor 3 - Condition Being Treated
CBD can be used to treat different psychological or physical discomforts, from anxiety and stress to exercise-induced inflammation. Optimal CBD dosages will vary depending on what condition you wish to treat, as previously touched upon above. For example, how many CBD gummies you take for helping with sleep will differ from how much you need for severe pain. Some people also aren't treating any particular condition and, instead, using CBD for general well-being can find lower dosages of 5 to 15 milligrams suitable for their needs.
Factor 4 - Body Chemical Makeup
Everybody's genetics and the chemical makeup of their body are different. For this reason, you can respond differently to substances and experience different side effects. CBD edibles may also include ingredients you have an allergic reaction to or interact with other daily prescription medications you are taking. It’s always best to start on the lower end of dosages regardless of your body weight and desired effect just to make sure you aren’t having an adverse side-effect to a particular edible product.
Factor 5 - Type of Edible
The type of edible you consume can also impact when you feel effects, how well your body absorbs the CBD, or whether you have a reaction to the ingredients in the edibles. Dosages for CBD cookies can differ from dosing CBD gummies. Cookies or other baked goods typically absorb into your body after reaching the digestive tract. Since it can take hours to break down the CBD, you might not feel the effects until 2 hours later. This is why you need to wait for the effects before eating more edibles.
In contrast, CBD gummies or hard candy can have faster effects. They allow the CBD oil to be absorbed before reaching the stomach. Additionally, the smaller pieces that reach the digestive tract break down easier.
Final Thoughts
There is no one answer when it comes to dosing CBD gummies and other edibles. Every individual is unique and various factors impact how you react to different dosages. You’ll want to consider your weight, desired effects, the condition you are treating, your body’s chemical makeup, and type of edible you are consuming to arrive at your optimal dose. It's best to start low, listen to your body, and gradually adjust. When in doubt, work with an expert to help determine the right dosage for your health needs.
This is a guest blog entry.
Monday, February 14, 2022
What To Do After Recognizing Addiction
Addiction is both a mental and physical condition. Medical professionals should treat it. Treatment should be started as soon as possible to improve the quality of life for the person facing addiction and their loved ones.
If you believe that someone you love is currently struggling with an addiction, take action after recognizing addiction. According to reports, the global addiction treatment market size is estimated to be valued at US$ 8,297.0 million in 2021.
This article will explain in detail the steps you must take to get your loved one the best addiction treatment available.
1. Approach Your Loved One with Understanding
Addiction is a mental and physical problem that changes how you think and feel - it takes over and controls your life and who you are as a person. It will always be a part of them but can be treated with medical support, therapy, and other methods.
Remember this when you approach your loved one with understanding and not anger. Be patient, kind and provide comfort to them throughout getting treatment to overcome their addiction.
2. Research Addiction-Related Issues and Treatment Options
When your loved one is ready to get the help they need, research all kinds of addiction-related issues and what options are available to them for treatment.
Some of the best treatment methods are explained below:
1) Inpatient Rehabilitation Centers
Inpatient rehabilitation centers are the best option for getting off drugs and alcohol. The treatment process can last from 30 days to six months, depending on how severe their addiction is.
The centers provide a safe environment where your loved one can recover and heal without the risk of relapsing in cravings and triggers from the outside world.
2) Outpatient Rehabilitation
It is an option for people who do not want to stay in a rehab facility long-term but still need medical support and therapy from experienced addiction professionals. They can get help without being trapped in a treatment center. It's ideal for those who have work obligations or are going to school.
3) Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers
Not all rehab centers provide for those struggling with alcoholism. But there are the latest alcohol rehabilitation centers available, focusing on treating the mental and physical aspects of addiction to alcohol.
The treatment can last anywhere from 30 days to six months, depending on the severity of the condition and the person's willingness to recover.
4) Outpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers
As with inpatient and outpatient drug rehabilitation, outpatient alcohol rehab centers provide medical treatment for addiction to alcohol in a safe environment.
It is the best option for those who need help and function in their daily lives, such as going to work or school. They recover without having to quit their jobs or drop out of school.
5) 12-Step Programs
It is a support group that provides help to those suffering from addiction. It was founded by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Al-Anon Family Groups. Those who participate in these groups are encouraged to live actively and healthily in addiction recovery.
3. Get An Intervention
An intervention is an act of gathering friends and family members to confront your loved one about their addiction. You can learn how to make an effective intervention here. It should be organized with experienced professionals in educating, preparing, and planning a successful intervention.
4. Intervene And Get Professional Treatment For Your Loved One
After your loved one successfully recognizes addiction and is ready to get treatment, you must intervene with them and make sure they seek professional help.
A good place for them to start is by getting detoxed in a service that can provide medical and therapeutic support at the same time. After their withdrawal process, they can head into an inpatient rehabilitation program.
Before any of this can happen, you or a professional must take advantage of the resources in your area to help start this process and get it going as soon as possible.
5. Support Your Loved One In Addiction Recovery
After overcoming their addictions, your loved one will go through many changes physically and mentally. It is essential to support them throughout this time, regardless of any challenges they face in recovery.
Addiction treatment isn't a one-day thing and ends once your loved one walks out the door. The therapeutic and emotional journey does not end there, and neither should your love and support. It can be done by helping them stay accountable for their recovery.
6. Set Boundaries And Be Firm
It is essential to be firm when it comes to standing by your loved one's side in their addiction recovery. You must set boundaries and hold them accountable for anything against their promises in treatment, such as not attending meetings or continuing their treatment program.
This is a guest blog entry.
Tuesday, February 08, 2022
Should you see a chiropractor for low back pain?
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If you are suffering from low back pain, you are not alone. It has been estimated that 8 out of 10 people in the United States have experienced back pain at some point in their lives, generally in the lower part. There are several reasons why you may have injured your lower back. You may have been doing some work around the house, or maybe you suffered a sports injury a while back, and it seems to have come back, or perhaps you have a chronic condition such as arthritis.
Once you feel the pain in your back, you may decide to treat it on your own. You might have started listening to friends or coworkers who might have suggested that what you need to do is keep active and keep moving. They may have told you that sitting for too long may make the condition worse. Others might emphasize that you need to maintain a good posture or try some stretching and strengthening exercises. Or maybe that you should get some ointment to rub on your back.
Although any advice you receive may help to a certain degree, doing stretches or other physical movements while the pain in your lower back keeps you from a good night's sleep may not yield the desired results. This is because many people experience low back pain for no discernible reason, and to treat it; you need someone who has been trained in the management of physical pain, such as a chiropractor.
When should you see a chiropractor for low back pain?
Here are some markers that should send you to a chiropractor when you have low back pain:
The Pain Stems from Hard Tissue
When the pain is felt in soft tissues like muscles, massage therapy might be helpful. Yet, when the pain is in hard tissue, it will likely require spinal manipulation or other techniques that an experienced chiropractor can easily perform.
The spine and joints are two places where low back pain may start. This may be due to misalignments that are well treated by a chiropractor who can give you the fastest and most consistent relief.
The Symptoms Point to a Pinched Nerve
When a disc moves out of place or something intrudes upon the space normally filled by a nerve, the nerve gets pinched. While it is pinched, it cannot send or receive messages effectively to and from the brain. This is one of the leading causes that lead to low back pain.
A chiropractor has the tools to identify the cause of the pinched nerve and has the techniques that will reposition the interfering bone or ease the tension in tight muscles.
Other Treatments Have Not Provided Relief
When people start experiencing low back pain, they go to great lengths to find ways to get rid of it. They get a massage, they try dry needling, or they look for other alternative options. Visiting a chiropractor may not necessarily mean that you have to stop other treatments, but the combination with chiropractic manipulation may give you the relief you seek. When you click, you may better understand how these combination treatments may benefit you the most.
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Monday, February 07, 2022
Is Merv 8 Good for Covid?
According to the National Air Filtration Association, any filters that are MERV 8 and above are good filters to protect you, your family, customers, and employees from COVID-19. Many types of filters can be used in homes and businesses, but some fall short to help against the spread of COVID-19. And, since this virus is very transmissible through the air, a good line of defense would be to get an excellent working air filter, like MERV 8. You can visit here to learn more.
But why are MERV 8 filters good for COVID-19? And, what does “MERV” mean?
Let’s discuss.
What are MERV Ratings?
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers created the MERV ratings to update their filter testing standards. MERV ratings are based on how well an air filter captures common airborne pollutants within certain size ranges.
There are 16 MERV ratings, and the higher the number is, the more efficient the air filter is at capturing small particles. So a MERV rating of 16 would be better than a MERV rating of 1. Twelve size ranges of pollutants have been tested to determine the ratings, ranging from 0.3 micrometers to 10 micrometers. The filters are tested upstream and downstream, where the twelve size ranges are tested in six intervals with a clean filter, to begin with, then the filters are tested for dust.
To determine the air filter's efficiency, the particles that go into the test duct will be tested before they go into the test duct and after. Based on what is evaluated, a MERV rating will be established.
How Do Merv 8 Filters Compare?
MERV ratings are used to describe the efficiency of air filters in removing particles from the air. The different types of pollutants range from cigarette smoke to bacteria. To understand why MERV 8 filters are so popular, it is essential to know what the different MERV ratings help eliminate pollutants.
MERV 13 to 16 helps control airborne bacteria, tobacco smoke, and pollutants from sneezing. These filters work great for smoking lounges, surgery suits, and commercial buildings since so many people frequent them, and the contaminants that these filters control are primarily in these types of spaces.
MERV 9 10 12 helps control humidifier dust, lead dust, emissions from vehicles, and fumes from welding. These filters are great for residences with excellent HVAC systems, hospital labs, automotive centers, and manufacturer and commercial buildings.
MERV 5 to 8 filters help control mold, hair spray, dust, and bacteria. These filters are great for commercial buildings, standard residences, and paint booths. MERV 8 filters have 90% efficiency on particles ranging from 3 to 10 micrometers. This filter example has a 10 inch diameter and is 16 inches high
MERV 1 to 4 filters help control larger particles like sanding dust, dust from spray paint, and lint and carpet particles. These filters are good in residences (although not ideal) and window air conditioning units.
Why is MERV 8 Good for COVID-19?
COVID-19 droplets are between 3 and 5 microns, meaning that MERV 8 filters fall into the range in which COVID-19 can be significantly reduced or less transmissible in the air. Although this filter may help with COVID-19 being transmissible in the air, filters alone can not guarantee that you will not get the virus. The reason for this is because COVID-19 is also transmissible through close contact with another person with the virus, and if you were to touch the virus on a surface and then touch your face, hence breathing in the virus. But, purchasing MERV 8 filters is still a good direction for your home or business to help reduce the spread of the particles in the air. Of course, other things recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, like wearing masks and washing your hands, are probably still a good idea.
MERV 8 filters have been the standard in American homes since the 1970s, so you know they are trustworthy and valuable. Of course, MERV 8 is a good choice in helping with the spread of the virus, and if you go up in numbers, the more protection you will have against this virus. But, MERV 8 filters are the least rating you need to help not spread COVID-19. Plus, MERV 8 filters are less expensive than higher rating filters, are easier to install and fix and last anywhere from three months to a year. So, you can almost set it and forget it.
Image via pixabay
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Saturday, February 05, 2022
When to see an orthopedist
The range of pathologies and treatments for diseases and injuries of the bone system that orthopedics deals with is very diverse. Diseases of the bones, joints, ligaments, and spine, as well as the surrounding tissues, can be congenital, infectious, and acquired (as a result of injuries, metabolic disorders, and occupational injuries).
Bone disorders develop slowly, and the first symptoms may appear only with significant pathological changes, therefore it is necessary to consult an orthopedist regularly, starting from childhood.
Areas of orthopedics
What exactly is treated by an orthopedic traumatologist depends on his specialization:
- Conservative (outpatient) orthopedics - outpatient prevention of bone disease, non-operative treatment of chronic joint and bone disease.
- Surgical orthopedics (feet, spine, hand, teeth) - radical treatment of diseases of bones, ligaments, and joints.
- Endoprosthetics (joints, bones) - surgical prosthetics when joints and bones cannot be preserved by other treatment methods.
- Traumatology and orthopedics (including sports orthopedics) - conservative and surgical treatment of injuries to the bone system, including specific injuries to athletes.
- Pediatric and adolescent orthopedics - prevention and treatment of bone defects in infants, toddlers, and adolescents.
When it is necessary to see an orthopedist
Several symptoms require an immediate visit to the orthopedist, as these symptoms may indicate the presence of serious diseases. The help of a specialist is needed if the following is observed:
- Swelling of the joint with pain on movement;
- Stiffness and crunching in the joints;
- Pain in the back;
- Simultaneous numbness in the hands;
- Impaired posture and rapid fatigue;
- Pain and stiffness in connection with changes in the weather.
How does the initial appointment with an orthopedist go
At the first appointment, the doctor:
Visually evaluates the correctness of the anatomical structure of the bone system (this is especially important when examining a newborn);
Determines the amplitude of movement of the problem joints;
Prescribes fluoroscopy to clarify the diagnosis; in complicated cases, computer or magnetic resonance imaging may be prescribed.
What conditions require regular follow-up with an orthopedist
With chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, there are exacerbations, when it is necessary to see an orthopedist regularly. Doctor observation should be constant if the patient has been diagnosed with:
- Osteochondrosis;
- Rheumatoid arthritis;
- Osteoarthritis of various joints;
- Fracture of the neck of the femur;
- Spinal injuries;
- Dislocations of the knee or shoulder.
Preventive visits to an orthopedist traumatologist are desirable for people involved in sports or those who prefer extreme types of outdoor activities, to eliminate microtraumas in time and prevent possible problems.
When to see an orthopedist with a child
Parents should know when to visit the orthopedist because a timely visit to this specialist makes it possible to correct pathologies, even those of congenital nature.
You should go to the orthopedist with your child:
- If the hip is incorrectly positioned in the newborn (congenital dislocation);
- If your baby's head is constantly tilted toward one shoulder (torticollis);
- If the child puts his or her foot down when walking (clubfoot);
- If the child quickly tires while walking and their gait looks heavy (flat feet);
- If the child is noticeably slouching;
- If the child complains of pain in the legs or arms, back, or neck.
Treatment with an orthopedist
In orthopedics, conservative and surgical methods of treatment are used. In outpatient therapy, the patient has prescribed medications: drugs, injections, ointments, and rubs. They are used to reduce pain syndrome and relieve inflammation.
Another important method of conservative treatment is physical therapy. It is relevant when recovering from injuries, operations. Classes are conducted under the guidance of a doctor, the complexity of exercises increases gradually, according to the patient's condition.
Physiotherapy for spinal conditions and physiotherapy for back pain is used for rehabilitation after injuries, as an additional measure to medical treatment and physical therapy. Massage is also an important method of conservative treatment and rehabilitation. It helps to stimulate blood circulation and relieve tension in the injured areas.
This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.
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Friday, February 04, 2022
Nest home security 2022: What to expect
If you're like most people, you probably think of Nest home security as the company that makes those intelligent thermostats. And while that's undoubtedly true, Nest has also branched out into home security in a big way. In this blog post, we'll take a look at what to expect from Nest home security in 2022. Keep reading to learn more!
Let us look back a little at the history of nest home security
Nest first got into the home security business in 2014, acquiring Dropcam for $555 million. At the time, Dropcam was one of the leading providers of home security cameras.
Since then, Nest has continued to expand its lineup of home security products. Today, Nest offers a wide range of products, including cameras, alarms, and even a home security system that competes with the likes of ADT.
So what can we expect from Nest in 2022? Here are a few things to keep an eye out for:
More integration with other smart devices
Nest has been working hard to integrate its home security products with other intelligent devices. In 2022, we can expect even more integration between Nest and other devices in your home. For example, you may be able to control your Nest security cameras with your voice through a machine like the Amazon Echo.
More products
Nest has been releasing new products at a rapid pace, and that trend is likely to continue in 2022. We can expect to see even more cameras, alarms, and security systems from Nest by then.
More features
Nest has always been known for its innovative features, and that trend is likely to continue in 2022. We can expect to see even more features in Nest's home security products by then. For example, the Nest Cam IQ may get a facial recognition feature that allows you to track who is coming and going from your home.
Nest is also planning on making their home security products even more brilliant. In particular, they're focusing on adding features that will make it easier for users to interact with their products. For example, they're working on adding voice recognition capabilities so that you'll be able to control your home security system with just your voice.
Broader product lineup
One of the big things that Nest is planning on doing in 2022 is expanding its product lineup. At the moment, they only have a few different home security products available. But by 2022, they plan to have a broader range of options, including some more affordable for budget-minded consumers.
Go global
Finally, Nest is planning on expanding its reach beyond the United States. In 2022, they plan on having a presence in more than 30 countries worldwide. So if you're not located in the US, don't worry - you'll still be able to take advantage of Nest's home security products!
So what does all this mean for you? If you're considering investing in a Nest home security system, now is the time to do it! With all the changes coming in 2022, Nest will remain at the forefront of the home security industry. And with so many products and features to choose from, you're sure to find a system that's perfect for your needs. So don't wait any longer – stay healthy by staying safe and consider investing in Nest today!
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Monday, January 31, 2022
Does Your Loved One Have A Drug Problem? Watch For These Signs
Recognizing addiction can be harder than it seems. Many people who struggle with addiction will try to hide their problem because they're ashamed of it. But hiding an addiction won't make it go away and recognizing the problem is the first step toward recovery. If you know what to watch for, you might be able to see that your loved one needs help long before they even realize that they do.
The following are some signs of drug misuse or abuse:
1. Changes in behavior
If your loved one is suddenly hanging out with a new group of friends, acting secretive or unusually paranoid, or becoming more aggressive or hostile, it could be a sign that they're using drugs. Changes in behavior can also be much more subtle, such as becoming more withdrawn or less social.
In order to notice these changes, you need to be paying close attention to your loved one's behavior. If you notice that someone is changing their behavior, you should start looking more closely to see if there's a reason for the change.
2. Changes in appearance
Drug use can take a toll on your appearance. People who are using drugs might start to look tired and run down, with dark circles under their eyes, or they might have lost weight suddenly. They might also have track marks from using needles or sores on their lips from smoking crack cocaine. If you notice a drastic change in appearance, it may be time to consider addiction treatment for them.
3. Changes in performance
Drugs can impair judgment and lead to poor decision-making. People who are using drugs might start to perform poorly at work or school, or they might start skipping classes or meetings. This may include failing to meet work or performance expectations, declining performance at work or in school, being tardy or absent frequently.
4. Financial problems
If your loved one is using drugs there's a good chance they'll have difficulty paying for them. This can lead to financial problems such as maxing out credit cards, missing bills, defaulting on loans, or pawning or selling belongings.
5. Health problems
Drugs can have a negative impact on your health. People who are using drugs might start to experience physical health problems such as weight gain or loss, changes in blood pressure, liver disease, or a lung infection depending on which type of drug they are using. They might also exhibit mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and paranoia. If they are outwardly anxious and irritable, there may be a chance that they are using drugs.
6. Increasing secrecy
As the addiction progresses, the person will be more hesitant to let you in on what they are doing or where they have been. You should start looking for reasons why your loved one is being secretive about their comings and goings. By noticing changes in behavior, you might pick up that there's a problem before it gets worse.
7. Substance-specific symptoms
If you're suspicious that someone is using drugs, look for specific symptoms related to that drug. For example, someone who is addicted to cocaine may have a runny nose, dilated pupils, and be constantly licking their lips. Someone addicted to heroin might have needle marks or bruises on their skin from injecting the substance into their body. It is not uncommon for these areas to become infected, either. Many frequent drug users may also experience withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop using.
If you think that your loved one might have a drug addiction, it's important to talk to them about it. It can be difficult to confront someone about their addiction, but it's the first step in getting them help. You may need to seek professional help in order to get your loved one the treatment they need. Addiction is a serious problem, but it can be treated successfully. Learn more at:
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Friday, January 28, 2022
Understanding Social Anxiety in Teenagers
Social anxiety can prevent teenagers from participating in everyday social interactions, engaging in groups, and going places outside their comfort zone. It’s normal to feel discomfort or fear towards high-pressure social situations. However, if this fear starts to affect what you will or won’t do in your daily life, or causes you to avoid certain triggering situations, you may currently be experiencing the effects of social anxiety disorder (SAD).
For high levels of this phobia, social anxiety medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other forms of teen treatment can help conquer symptoms and increase overall quality of life. It’s important to understand that social anxiety is not an unusual condition. According to WebMD, it affects about 5.3 million people in the United States- many of whom are teenagers between the ages of 11 and 19.
Unfortunately, it’s difficult to predict how many people are truly affected by the symptoms of social anxiety because many of the people who are experiencing the disorder are afraid to ask for help. If you feel that your social anxiety is restricting different aspects of your life, it might be a good idea to reach out to your doctor to discuss managing these feelings or seeking further treatment options.
Defining Social Anxiety Disorder
Approaching new people, beginning a conversation, and presenting in front of a group of people in class are all situations in which it’s normal to feel uncomfortable and nervous. It’s important to stress that there is nothing wrong with feeling uncomfortable with these types of situations, unless the fear or phobia surrounding it is overwhelming enough to prevent you from entering the situation altogether or from functioning normally. Many individuals with social anxiety are only triggered by certain social conditions, while all public interactions can be a continuous challenge for others.
Common Social Anxiety Triggers
Social anxiety affects each individual in a unique manner- the situations that trigger social anxiety vary greatly from person to person. To understand how social anxiety affects you, it’s essential to identify these trigger situations so you can better cope with them.
Public speaking and Performances
Getting up on stage for a musical performance, presenting a slideshow or project in class, or playing a sports game with spectators are all situations in which it commonly feels like there is a build-up of social pressure. Many individuals with social anxiety fear they will be unable to perform well or remember what they want to say, causing them to avoid the situation whenever possible.
Meeting New People
The fear of starting up a conversation or making small talk with someone you haven’t met before causes people to avoid more situations than they likely realize. Part of the challenge of entering these situations is controlling the thoughts about someone’s first impression of you. However, it’s always best to approach the problem as an opportunity rather than a challenge.
Parties & Other Social Gatherings
Entering a room where there’s a large group of people poses a challenge for many individuals with social anxiety disorder. The stress of talking with people where many people can hear you, stating your opinion, or avoiding peer pressure causes many teens to avoid these situations altogether.
Eating in Front of Others
Some people experience increased symptoms of social anxiety while eating in a social environment- even if they don’t know the people around them. The fear of spilling your drink, swallowing incorrectly, or embarrassing yourself at a formal meal can all make eating in social situations challenging if you’re dealing with SAD.
Using Public Restrooms
The fear of using public restrooms holds many individuals back from outings and get-togethers with friends, prolonged visits to other people’s homes, and traveling in comfort. This phobia can often make normal parts of a daily routine seem difficult to navigate.
Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety disorder is first and foremost a mental health disorder, but many of its long-term effects can manifest themselves in physical symptoms. High self-conscious thinking in social situations creates more than shyness. The fear of other people’s judgments is often the primary concern that creates these physical triggers.
Physical Symptoms
The physical effects of social anxiety disorder vary significantly from person to person. In other words, the same trigger situation may not result in the same physical responses. A quick, rapid heartbeat, blushing, sweating, and muscle tension are all common occurrences in response to a situation that triggers anxiety. Dizziness, fainting, crying, and stomach aches are also frequently reported symptoms, though they often only occur in more severely perceived circumstances.
Long-Term Effects of Social Anxiety
Social anxiety disorder can pose a substantial hurdle to living in the way you want. It can interrupt personal connections, and for many teens, make it a challenge to develop new friendships. It can also change how you approach -or don’t approach- dating and relationships. The negative thinking, low self-esteem, and poor social skills that may result from social anxiety in the long term can lead to depression and other serious medical situations.
Treatment Options for Social Anxiety
Managing symptoms of social anxiety is rarely easy. Because this mental health disorder causes affected individuals to avoid new social situations, the individuals who need the most help with their social anxiety frequently avoid seeking help. If you or someone you know is experiencing severe symptoms of social anxiety disorder, it’s important to avoid isolating the problem and instead bring the topic to light. A doctor or other medical professional can assist in finding the right treatment solution to reduce social challenges.
Social Anxiety Medication
SSRIs and Benzodiazepines are both medications available for anyone experiencing intense symptoms of social anxiety disorder. However, these medications aren’t the best solution for everyone- your doctor may first recommend other forms of treatment, particularly for teenagers.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Psychotherapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy, is a common treatment for a wide range of anxiety disorders that can be particularly helpful for those experiencing social anxiety. This treatment challenges how individuals think when approaching a trigger situation to reduce negative feedback loops and other unhealthy thought patterns.
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Improving Your Daily Routine to Support Healthy Aging
Healthy daily routines and rituals play a significant role in supporting your overall wellness as you continue to age. The habits that these routines assist in creating make you think consciously about how you’re managing your health and help you identify some of the ways to improve these habits to better support graceful aging. In addition, these routines will assist with helping you avoid other more serious medical conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, joint pain, and cancer.
In the modern digital era, it might seem like everyone has a solution for preventing aging. Many companies advertise new, profound ways to improve muscle strength and exercise performance. At the same time, natural health laboratories offer new supplement formulas, and the latest television program pledges to a new diet that they say works magically. Which of these health-oriented solutions actually work, and which are little more than a scam? In short, it’s tough to make sense of all the noise surrounding your health habits and routines as you continue to age. And for this reason, it’s good to start with the basics.
In this article, we’ll cover some of the essential elements of a few healthy, morning, mid-day, and evening routines that won’t interfere with your current lifestyle. While many of these solutions might seem obvious, they are often overlooked in favor of shortcut methods for improving your health. The goal of these routines is to make healthy living easy and practical, so you won’t have to worry about whether or not you’re doing all you can to slow down the aging process. You’ll essentially feel more confident about aging and more willing to accept that aging is, of course, a normal, natural process.
Creating Healthy Eating Practices
A daily routine that supports your health and wellness begins with the foods you eat. Creating healthy eating habits is essential for reducing your risk for a wide variety of medical conditions, including everything from cancer to heart disease. Your immune system won’t function optimally without the right mix of protein, fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Let’s go over a few of the essential elements of a healthy diet that will help you to better manage your health. And if you’re ever in doubt about how to create healthy eating habits, the best and most accessible resources are usually at your local health department and the website.
Fruits and Vegetables
The general recommendation for fruits and vegetables is five servings per day. However, additional servings beyond this number are often beneficial for your health and rarely carry any negative side effects. According to a recent study from the CDC (center for disease control), only one in ten American adults eat enough fruits and vegetables on average per day. If you’re planning out new healthy eating habits, then chances are, increasing your fruit and vegetable intake is an excellent place to start. Ideally, these servings will be as varied as possible in color to ensure that you’re getting the right nutrients and vitamins that come with these foods naturally. For fruit specifically, it’s best to focus on whole fruits rather than purchasing too many dried or pre-sliced alternatives.
Choosing the Right Grains
Wheat, rice, oats, and barley are the basis for the majority of the carbohydrates you’re taking in on a daily basis. Pasta, bread, crackers, tortillas, and oatmeal are examples of grain products that you will likely come across regularly. The next time you’re picking up one of these items at the store, select the 100% whole grain option rather than the lighter, lower nutrient alternatives. The USDA recommends that at least half of your grains should fall into this category to ensure you’re getting enough B vitamins and fiber.
Reduce Red Meat and Choose Fish
Red meat can be tricky for your heart health, which means many dietitians recommend skipping it entirely if possible. Instead, salmon and other fish offer valuable vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12 and fish oil. As with your grains, fruits, and vegetables, it’s best to select a wide variety of protein choices for your diet.
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
In many cases, your average daily food intake doesn’t provide you with optimal vitamins and nutrients. To cover some of these deficiencies, a daily multi-vitamin or natural health supplement might be the right option for you. To learn more, speak with your doctor or a registered dietitian.
Organizing Your Exercise Routine
Exercise and regular movement is the best supplement to a healthy diet. It keeps your muscular system, nervous system, and bones in better shape. In addition, it can even support your immune system, so you can avoid feeling ill and stay away from dangerous long-term medical conditions as you continue to age.
Starting Small
Making exercise a healthy part of your routine doesn’t mean you need to develop a workout program and commit to it right away. When you’re planning out your daily routines, the first thing to do is dedicate a certain amount of time each day to get up and moving- even if that’s only ten to twenty minutes at first.
Scheduling Your Time
Consider signing up for a health class or group exercise at your local rec center when you feel like you’re getting more into the exercise routine. Alternatively, consider choosing a set time each day in which you’ll go for a walk and exercise. The goal in adding exercise to your daily routine is to set up a commitment to yourself that you feel comfortable with and that you’ll eventually be able to fulfill without a second thought.
Make Sleep a Priority
To lower stress levels, boost immune system health, and support other aspects of a healthy daily routine, try your best to get at least eight hours of sleep each night. To make healthy living easy, choose a set time to get up each morning. Prioritizing and scheduling time for sleep sets you up to succeed in all other aspects of your new healthy routines. To support healthy aging, make health a habit.
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The History of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical theory that has experienced ups and downs in popularity for centuries. Though the origin of this medical treatment is debatable, what’s not debatable is that acupuncture had extensive influence over both Eastern and Western medicine that can still be found today.
Full-service chiropractors and acupuncturists are still ubiquitous today in the US and across most of the world. These professionals can use needling therapy to help respond to a wide range of conditions such as lower back pain, swelling, and osteoarthritis.
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture includes the insertion of thin needles through your skin at strategic points in your body that can respond to overall wellness and stress management. Traditional Chinese energy explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force known as qi, though Western practitioners view acupuncture as a method to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue.
Why Use Acupuncture?
Acupuncture can respond to the following conditions:
- Chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting
- Dental pain
- Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines
- Labor pain
- Low back pain
- Neck pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Menstrual cramps
- Respiratory disorders, such as allergic rhinitis
Documented History of Acupuncture
The theory and origin of acupuncture originated in China. It was first mentioned in documents dating a couple hundred years before the Common Era. Prior to needles, the Chinese used sharpened stones and bones around 6000 BCE. They also used these instruments for simple procedures such as lancing abscesses.
Development of Chinese Medicine
Though traces of acupuncture can be found as far back as 6000 BCE, the earliest traditions of Chinese medicine date back to the Shang dynasty in the 17th century BC. These people believed heavily in ancestors as being capable of endangering or destroying humans. The Chinese healing practices attempted to restore not only the living, but the dead.
As ancestral medicine waned, magical, demonological, and supernatural beliefs became the chief cause of disease in the Chinese people’s eyes. The demons of the human body caused swelling, and the insertion of needles and stones were used to exercise these demons.
The Han Dynasty represents the most influential period of Chinese medical traditions. During this time, the Chinese intellectual elite tried to categorize phenomena into limited numbers of cause and effects. Thus, Chinese medicine took a decisive turn. Yin-Yang and the Five Elements emerged during this period as preventative and therapeutic strategies.
Not that Han medical theorists didn’t consider demonological theories passed down from generations before- they did. However, their theories were more rationally based comparatively. Acupuncture evolved in lock-step with these competing theories.
Development of Acupuncture in China
The chronology of acupuncture follows a somewhat uneven timeline in China. The exact origin of acupuncture is widely debated. The very claim that acupuncture began in China also depends on two factors: the willingness to accept the early dating of historical texts and the definition of ‘needling.’ Given the use of other instruments as ‘needles,’ one could logically debate that acupuncture existed in contemporaneous cultures.
Documents as far back as 168 BC mention the first descriptions of mai, which are imaginary channels associated with diagnosis and treatment. However, needles aren’t mentioned in these texts. The earliest text referring to needles is in the historical text Shiji (Records of the Historian), of Sima Qian, in 90 BC.
The classic text, Huang Di Neijing contains the practice and theoretical concepts we largely associate with acupuncture today. The book introduced the concepts of the body containing functional centers connected by primary and secondary channels allowed for influences such as qi. The theory gradually became systematized from 960-1279 AD. The fine steel needles we associate with acupuncture today took place during Qing times, around 1644-1911.
Large scale skepticism surrounding needling occur in China by at least 1757. Eventually, Chinese and other Eastern cultures tried to eliminate the practice altogether. In efforts to modernize medicine, the Chinese government attempted to ban acupuncture in 1822, officially prohibited the practice in 1876, and by 1911 had eradicated it as a subject of examination for the Chinese Imperial Medical Academy.
During the 1950s Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, Chairman Mao Zedong promoted traditional medical techniques as pragmatic solutions to providing healthcare to a vast population.
Development of Acupuncture in the West
Chinese medicine is mentioned in the Western annals as early as 13th century AD. The Western world started using acupuncture a few centuries earlier. By the late 16th century, a few stray manuals had reached Europe. Accounts of practice followed. It has since been rejected, forgotten, and rediscovered in four major waves.
Initially, acupuncture was well established in Europe, especially France and Germany. But by the mid-19th century, the practice had faded into obscurity in Europe. The practice would experience a revival during the 20th century. Though none of the early American accounts of acupuncture make note of acupuncture points, channels, meridians, they all claim to have substantial success as a result of inserting needles into painful areas.
By the second half of the 19th century, Western practitioners had largely abandoned acupuncture. In 1859, Western medicine concluded that acupuncture had grossly over exaggerated the benefits of acupuncture.
Twentieth century scholars have imagined a trial and error system of development whereby knowledge was collectively accumulated into a medical ‘system.’ One view has been that, over time, crude stone lancets were replaced with fine metal needles, and acupuncture points and channels were codified, leading to a new age of medical sophistication. However, there is now considerable doubt about the existence of a trial and error system,25 as well as the assumption that ‘needling,’ as described in historical Chinese medical texts, is today's acupuncture. Indeed, despite antecedent ideas and practices, modern acupuncture, which includes novel variants such as electroacupuncture, may never have existed in traditional China in anything like the form in which it is practiced today.
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How Long Does Online CPR Certification Last?
CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is an important medical procedure that almost anyone can learn. With a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths, a bystander can effectively stabilize a cardiac arrest victim until medical help arrives on the scene. And now, with the popularity of online CPR certification, it’s easier, faster, and more affordable than ever to earn this important (and potentially life-saving) type of certification.
But before you enter a CPR certification class, you’re bound to have quite a few questions. One of the most common: how long does my CPR certification last? To ensure that your information is current and your skills are fresh, most if not all medical certifications come with an expiration date to ensure you keep learning and improving. Here, we’re taking a closer look at CPR certification, why you need it, and how long this type of certification will last.
What is CPR?
CPR is a medical procedure used primarily to assist victims of cardiac arrest. However, CPR can also be effective whenever the victim’s heart has stopped or they are unable to breathe. This may result from electrocution, poisoning, smoke inhalation, a near-drowning event, or choking. CPR combines chest compressions and rescue breaths to keep the victim stable until professional medical help reaches the scene.
But how does this work? Essentially, CPR works to mimic the functioning of the heart. Chest compressions help the heart pump blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body. It’s essential for nutrient-rich blood to continually reach your vital organs. In fact, if the brain is deprived of oxygen for even just a few minutes, permanent brain damage or death can occur. This is why performing CPR immediately is so critical.
Additionally, rescue breaths provide oxygen directly to the lungs. While important, some advocates now claim that rescue breaths aren’t entirely needed for effective CPR. According to some studies, hands-only CPR, where the CPR provider only performs chest compressions, can be just as effective as regular CPR. It may also increase bystander participation rate, as some people are hesitant to provide this type of mouth-to-mouth contact.
Why Do You Need CPR Certification?
At first glance, CPR may seem like a relatively straightforward procedure. While CPR can be easy to learn, this doesn’t mean you should simply settle for a few YouTube videos or online articles to learn this important skill. Just think: when someone’s life is in your hands, do you want to leave your training up to chance?
This is why we have CPR certification. Enrolling in a CPR certification course ensures that you receive the best education and training from certified instructors. Not only do they have the best materials and training methods at their disposal, but they also understand the most effective ways to impart this information. CPR instructors understand how to make these lessons stick for their students, meaning you’ll retain more information and be able to quickly and effectively pass your test to become CPR certified.
Believe it or not, but CPR has changed quite a bit over the years. Earlier methods of resuscitation involved being dragged from a horse, having bellows blow hot air into the victim’s mouth, or massaging the actual heart itself. With advancements in medical knowledge, we now have a much more effective and safe version of resuscitation—our modern CPR. With CPR certification classes, you’ll receive the best training possible.
How Long Does CPR Certification Last?
Nothing good lasts forever and the same goes with CPR certification. Whether you receive your online CPR certification or opt in for the traditional, in-person model, your CPR certification is valid for two years. While this may seem like a short amount of time, this limit also ensures that students are receiving the best, most current information. By recertifying every two years, it also helps to keep your skills sharp. Just because you learned CPR once doesn’t mean you necessarily have the opportunity to use this skill in real life. By returning for an online CPR recertification course, you’ll stay fresh and effective at performing this procedure.
Luckily, earning your online CPR recertification is just as simple (if not more so) than earning your CPR certification the first time around. In most cases, you can use the same online CPR training program to earn your CPR recertification. Just like earning your certification, all you have to do is select your course and pass the final test. From there, you can instantly print off your proof of certification and you’re officially CPR certified for another two years.
Earning Your Online CPR Certification
These days, more and more students are turning to 100 percent online classes when they want to learn CPR. Compared to traditional, in-person classes, there are quite a few distinct benefits to learning this important skill online. With the rapid advancements of digital technologies and platforms, we can do almost anything with a Wi-Fi connection these days. So, why not learn CPR online, too?
Online CPR training is fast, convenient, and often more cost-effective. These classes are designed to fit your busy schedule and you can start and stop your lessons at any time. Accessible from any internet device, whether it’s a tablet, laptop, or smartphone, you can learn CPR from almost anywhere with professional, guided instruction.
Conclusion – How Long Does Online CPR Certification Last?
Every year, hundreds of thousands of lives are lost to cardiac arrest. Since so many cardiac arrest episodes occur far from a hospital, it’s critical to train as many bystanders as possible in performing CPR. When CPR is performed immediately on a cardiac arrest victim, studies show that their survival rate increases dramatically.
Even if you’re not involved in the medical community, you should become CPR certified. Learning CPR and becoming CPR certified will help to make your home, workplace, and community a safer space. In the event of a medical emergency, you may even make the difference that could save a life. CPR training and certification provides you with the skills, confidence, and knowledge to make this difference.
This is a guest blog entry.