Monday, June 08, 2020

6 Major Benefits of Good Nutrition and Regular Exercise

Regular exercise, coupled with a balanced diet is a proven way to boost your mood and energy levels. More importantly, consistently exercising and eating well will improve your health and ultimately increase your life span.

The secret here is pretty simple: engage in at least three hours of aerobic exercise and two full-body training sessions every week. Combine that with a nutritionally rich diet that is high in fiber but low in fat and sodium—watch your health improve over time. Once in a while, you can reward yourself by having a delicious drink made from Monin products. Find recipes and more at

When eating healthy food becomes our lifestyle, we are not only healthier but also happier. Multiple research indicates that eating right is the most critical part of our fitness routine. Some dietitians are also encouraging healthy eating habits as a way to prevent obesity and other related illnesses.

Let’s now look at the key benefits of eating and exercising well:

1. Sleep

If you exercise for only thirty minutes every day, you may sleep much more soundly at night. As you know, activity triggers a rise in body temperature, and the post-exercise drop in temperature may propel falling asleep. If you find yourself struggling with anxiety, depression, or insomnia symptoms, daily exercise might do the trick by promoting rest. A good night’s sleep will improve your energy and mental acuity the next day.

2. Health

Proper nutrition and regular exercise may alleviate or prevent a variety of diseases such as arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and many others. Please consult with your physician to allocate your diet and exercise routine so that they are compatible with your health conditions and medications.

3. Energy

If you eat small, healthy snacks and meals throughout the day, you’ll feel more energetic and keep your blood sugar in check. If you hit the gym for half an hour every day (could be in the evening after work), you’ll have the added advantage of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that acts as a natural mood booster.

4. Weight Control

Watching your weight and losing some of it takes a combination of burning more energy and eating even fewer calories. Eat low-calorie, nutrition-dense foods such as fruits, lean meats, vegetables, and other proteins will rest. Incorporate physical activity such as yoga into your daily routine in addition to timetabled exercise.

5. Metabolism

If you want to stimulate and accelerate the fat-burning process, ensure you take foods that do precisely that—reduce fat! Adding metabolism-boosting diets will be a great benefit to your current nutrition program and workout sessions. The following foods can actively improve your metabolism:

  • Fatty fish - adds component Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Hot peppers - contains active component capsaicin
  • Black coffee - adds caffeine
  • Green tea - adds caffeine
  • Apple - adds fiber
  • Whole grains - adds active components of iron and fiber
  • Cold water - drinking water daily boosts metabolic rate by 30%
  • Nuts and seeds - adds component essential fatty acids
  • Yogurt - adds active components, calcium, and probiotics.

6. Sex life

Do you feel too fatigued to enjoy physical intimacy? Regular exercise, combined with the right foods, can boost energy levels and raise your confidence about your physical outlook, which may improve your sex life.

But there’s even more to it. Consistent workouts may enhance sex arousal for females. And men who hit the gym regularly are far less likely to experience erectile dysfunction than those who don’t exercise.

What Are Some Fitness Foods?

Have you ever heard of the term superfoods? Well, physicians claim that it is interchangeable with fitness foods. Eating foods rich in fitness supplements is crucial to your overall wellness. So, if you want to achieve a lean and healthy body, it’s time you incorporate such foods into your diet.

The following is a list of supplements recommended by fitness aficionados:
  • Apples - antioxidants (increases metabolism/reduces inflammation)
  • Eggs - (muscle building, protein source)
  • Oats - High in fiber (increases metabolism, boosts digestion)
  • Greens - antioxidants (reduces inflammation)
  • Fish/Lean meat - amino acids (muscle building)
Bottom line

Regular exercise combined with a well-balanced diet can work magic for anyone looking for health improvement. They can boost every aspect of your health from the inside out.

Physical activity can raise the production of hormones that can help you sleep better and feel happier.
Ultimately, eating the right foods before and after any physical activity can help keep your weight in check, improve your sex life, and lessen the risk of chronic ailments.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Saturday, June 06, 2020

What to consider when choosing a surgeon for a big medical operation

Need for surgery

Unless it is an emergency, the decision to undergo surgery is a fairly long process. Typically, the physician evaluates your medical condition, orders tests and possibly asks you to consult with a surgeon, if surgery is the best course of action to treat your condition. The physician may suggest a surgeon who would be performing the surgery at a recommended hospital.

While you don’t have an obligation to accept the physician’s recommendations, it is better for you to evaluate your options before choosing the surgeon. In order to help you choose the right surgeon you can follow the following tips.

Surgeon rating service 

You can use a rating service to help you shortlist a few surgeons for your impending surgery.

There are several doctor rating services available, two of which offer a surgeon rating service. They are Surgeon Scorecard and Surgeon Ratings.

Surgeon Scorecard  is a search engine that uses data from 63,173 Medicare patients, who were readmitted to the hospital after eight elective procedures from 2009 to 2013.

Surgeon Ratings tells you which doctors had bad outcomes for 12 broad categories of surgery (from 4 million surgeries conducted by 50,000 surgeons) and relatively few deaths listed, which doctors were most often recommended by other doctors, which hospitals used by the doctors had the best surgical outcomes, and other key facts, such as board certification, education, and training. The information was culled from 4 million surgeries conducted by 50,000 surgeons.

It is worth taking a look at these ratings to make a short list of surgeons you want to consider.

You can consult your friends and family and seek their recommendations for a suitable surgeon for your surgery. You can add these names to the names you chose from the rating agencies. You can discuss this list with the members of your family and your friends, to help you to narrow the list to 3 or 4 surgeons.

Credentials of surgeon

Prepare a dossier on shortlisted surgeons, as to their credentials. You can be as detailed as possible. You can find out how many successful surgeries they have performed and how many resulted in mortalities. You can check their professional qualifications, specializations and certifications. You should also check whether the surgeon has a history of any medical malpractice cases. You can list questions for which you could not find answers, for you to ask the surgeons when you talk to them.

Talk to surgeons

You can talk to the shortlisted surgeons and seek their response to all your questions. If the shortlisted surgeon and your physician agree, you can have a tripartite discussion. You can also raise any issues flagged by the rating agencies, to seek the surgeon’s reaction. It is advisable to make a list of questions you want answered by the surgeon and ensure you get a response from the surgeon on all your questions. You can also ask the surgeons to give references of patients, whom you could meet to get more valuable information on the surgeons.

Final choice

You can collate the information you have gathered from the rating agencies and discuss this with the surgeons and then make a final choice. You could base your evaluation on outcomes, qualifications, training, specializations, experience, familiarity with the hospital where surgery would be conducted, the facilities at that hospital and so on. You can give increase your comfort level and gauge the body language of the surgeons, during your discussion with them. This will go a long way in preparing your mind for a successful surgery.

A major surgery is a big event for you that would sap your emotional quotient. The surgeon is a critical part of this exercise. So, don’t be shy or wary of seeking clarifications from the surgeon. Your mind must be set to rest about the surgeon and then you will definitely sail through your surgery.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Doctor Recommendations for Post-Surgery Recovery

You have done all your research and prepared for your surgery. No matter the surgery that you are having, the post-surgery recovery is just as important. If done properly and following your doctor’s order, healing and recovery should happen quickly so you can return to normal life. Here are a few recommendations to aid in a speedy post-surgery recovery.

Get Plenty of Rest

Rest is one of the most important steps in recovery. Even if you had a simple laparoscopic surgery with only a small incision, your body has still been taxed both mentally and physically from the procedure. It is recommended that you stay in bed rest for at least 24 hours and possibly more depending on the surgery. When on bed rest and movement is minimal, the elevation of your legs is also important. Resting in bed and not moving around much increases your risk for blood clots or thrombosis. Smart beds can help to ease this problem by allowing elevation of legs and other limbs.

Once you are ready to start moving gradually. This will also prevent blood clots. Start by just walking around your home and eventually take a few steps outdoors. If you start to feel ill, take a rest.

Use Medication as Directed

After surgery, you probably received pain medications. It is important to use these pain medications so you heal properly. Many people don’t enjoy taking pain medications because they can make you foggy or unable to think straight. However, not taking your medication can make your recovery take much longer. People in pain tend not to move around as much, which can lead to blood clots, especially in the legs. If you are in pain, you also tend not to cough as much. Coughing after surgery is important to prevent respiratory disease and pneumonia.

Antibiotics will probably be prescribed as well. Although you may be feeling better and your incision appears healed, it is still very important you finish your full round of antibiotics. If you were to stop early, your body will build immunity to all the antibiotics in the same class. This means when you need antibiotics, they won’t work as well in the future.

Eat Healthy and Hydrate

Post-surgery you will want to keep your body as healthy as can be. Eat more healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and do your best to avoid processed foods with lots of sugar, fat, and salt. It might be a good idea to prepare some healthy meals before your surgery so you're not eating out or straining yourself to cook. You should consult your doctor about what food to eat and not eat.

Hydration is also important to keep your body healthy. Doctors recommended having between nine and thirteen cups a day after surgery instead of the normal eight cups. Hydration helps your body by flushing your kidneys, keeps your digestive system running smoothly, lowers your risk of blood clots, and increases the number of nutrients brought to your cells. If plain water is not appealing to you, add sliced fruits for flavor.

Prevent Infection

Infection can occur easily in your incision if you are not monitoring it. The best thing you can do is follow your doctor's directions. Checking your incision for proper healing several times a day is important. Look for odd coloration, oozing, fluid leaking, or anything else unusual. If you feel your incision has become infected, contact your doctor for further treatment.

Go to Your Follow-up Appointments

Many people won’t go to their follow-up appointment if they’re feeling well and their incision looks good. Your doctor will ask how you feel and look at your incision, but they will look for other things too. They will look for less obvious signs of infection, making sure treatment is adequate, and adjusting medications. You should attend all of your follow-ups appointments whether it is two weeks or ten weeks post-surgery.

Recovering from surgery is just as important as preparing. Your doctor is your best resource for all your after surgery questions from how long you should stay on bed rest to what kinds of foods you should be eating. This list will also help in your recovery and lead to a healthy recovery.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Do You Have Sleep Debt? Why Sleep Is So Important to You

Either you get enough sleep or you do not. Most people require seven to nine hours of sleep nightly. While getting too much sleep can hinder your day, not enough sleep consistently can affect your health in many ways. You might call it sleep debt. If you experience a lack of sleep most nights, your body is not going to function correctly. This puts you at a higher risk for a few of the following:
  • The slow healing process of vital blood vessels that carries sufficient oxygen throughout your body
  • The risk for a wide variety of health problems such as fibromyalgia
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Possible stroke
  • Increased signs of depression
  • Mood changes
  • Irritability
How do you pay your sleep debt off? Sleep is natural if you know all the right things to do.
  • Develop a daily routine that works for you, such as getting up the same time every day. If you need a nap, take a rest for no more then one hour. Go to bed at the same time every night, if possible
  • Your room needs to be dark, cool, and quiet
  • Do relaxation techniques before bed and throughout the day
  • Develop an exercise routine, but not before bed
  • Eat a well-balanced diet, drink plenty of water, avoid caffeinated beverages beyond the later afternoon
To get a peaceful, good night's sleep, you significantly lower the risk of the above issues. Getting a restful and deep sleep most nights helps your body to function correctly.

Five Top Reason Why People Do Not Sleep Well

An Ill-Fitting Bed

The first reason why people do not sleep well is because of the bed they are sleeping on. You are different from the next person and require a specific mattress that accommodates your body's demand. If you sleep better on a firm bed and a soft mattress is what you sleep on, this can be enough to interfere with a night of peaceful, comfortable sleep. Before you purchase your next mattress, you need to try it out.

Working the Night Shift

Working the night shift may be the demand of your employer, or it may merely be that working the night shift fits your schedule better at the current time. Maybe working the night shift is your preference. However, consistently staying up all night is not normal and tends to throw your body into a vicious cycle unless you get into a habit of staying up all night on your days off to keep in step with the nights you work.


One alcoholic drink before bed can impede your sleep cycle. This is when you go from a gentle sleep to the deepest sleep known as REM. The REM cycle is when dreams occur. Alcohol tends to cause a chopped sleep and prevents you from getting that much needed peaceful and relaxing sleep pattern. You may think that you can sleep after drinking alcohol; however, your sleep is impaired. Your best bet is to forego any alcohol before bed.

Stress and Worry About Things Beyond Your Control

If you can change things that worry you, then set a plan in motion to change things. However, if you cannot change circumstances, it does no good to worry about these issues. Never allow these stresses to interfere with you getting a peaceful night's rest. Clear your mind and fill it with all the blessings of the day. Focus on the good things in your life and you will soon fall into a peaceful rest.

Caffeine Before Bed

As much as you would like that calming coffee or glass of iced cold soda, it is not a good idea due to the caffeine that coffee and soda contain. You may believe that you have a high tolerance for caffeine; however, caffeine can prevent you from entering that all-important phase of REM sleep. The best thing to do is to avoid coffee or soda from late afternoon to evening. Avoid decaffeinated coffee and pop as the chemicals added to decaf beverages are just as harmful to a good night's sleep.

Incorporate some of these ideas into your life if you are having trouble sleeping. Getting a good eight hours of sleep can make all the difference the following day. You will feel rested and ready to handle anything that comes along.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Friday, May 29, 2020

4 Shortcuts to Good Health During COVID-19

If there’s one thing that COVID-19 has taught us, it’s that right now we need to be a little bit more resourceful. Most of us are limited to staying at home right now with a little bit of outside time, which means that we’ve got to think of creative ways to stay sane and healthy.

You also might be ever so slightly worried about the possibility of getting the coronavirus. If you're taking every precaution, then the chances are low. However, it still pays to be safe. Let's take a look at four shortcuts to good health during COVID-19, so you can keep that risk nice and low.

1. Keep Breathing

Want a quick, efficient way to keep breathing without inducing anxiety? Depression and anxiety are both things that are completely normal to experience right now, given the current circumstances. However, it's important that we try to keep the anxiety at bay as best we can for our physical and mental well-being.

This starts with your breathing. Deep breathing techniques are a great way to reduce tension and stress, as well as anxiety. Go online and have a look at the wealth of resources out there when it comes to learning how to breathe slowly and deeply so that you remain calm in the face of chaos.

2. Chew Your Food

This sounds less like a life health hack, and more of a request from your mother. However, how you chew your food has a direct effect on your digestive and gut health, so it’s important to keep it in check.

When you don’t chew your food properly, it can be difficult for your body to digest well. Ultimately, your food should be so broken down by the time it gets to your stomach that it has no texture left and is totally broken down. This makes it a lot easier to pass through your digestive system, keeping everything on the inside nice and healthy.

3. Try an At-Home STD Test

How is your sexual health? When it comes to taking care of yourself, you need to think about your body and mind holistically. This means understanding that everything is interconnected, and if one thing is off, then this could have a ripple effect.

If your sexual health isn’t where it needs to be, this could lower your immune system and even compromise it. However, not all of us are able to visit the doctor right now. That’s where an at-home STD test comes in. They’re subtle, convenient, and offer same-day testing.

4. Keep the Decision Making Low

One aspect of our busy daily lives that can increase the levels of stress in our bodies is decision making. Think about it – you do it from the moment that you wake up. How many times am I going to reset the alarm? What am I going to have for breakfast? Should I have a shower now or after my coffee?

This constant decision-making process occurring in your mind can be overwhelming and lead to high levels of stress. Try to plan things ahead of time so that you're not always making decisions on the spot. Use this time during lockdown to stay as calm and refreshed as possible.

We’ve all got to take care of ourselves during these unprecedented times, and this looks different for everyone. Remember, there are many different aspects to your health, so try to remember to take care of them all.

This is a guest blog posting.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How much lactose in 5 mg Eliquis?

This article was written with the help of expert - Ann Greenfield.

How much lactose in 5 mg Eliquis?

As you know, Eliquis 5 mg is a med that is used to inhibit the creation of serious blood clot. Clots usually develop due to a situation which causes irregular beating of heart muscles usually referred to as atrial fibrillation.

Clots arising because of this ailment sometimes moves around the body to vital organs therefore predisposing you to risks of getting a stroke.

As an anticoagulant, Eliquis works by inhibiting proteins responsible for clogging of the blood. If you are wondering what generic eliquis 5 mg looks like, well, this medication exists in two strengths.

The 2.5 mg is yellow in color debossed with the numbers 893 on one side and 212 on the other. The 5 mg strength is pink in color and also debossed with the numbers 894 on one side and 5 on the other.

They are easy to distinguish without much needed expertise. If you are intolerant to sugars and wondering how much lactose us in 5mg Eliquis, for each tab there is some small amount of lactose as an active ingredient.

It is wise to consult a doctor before using this medication. Note that as anti-clotting medication, Eliquis will inhibit the creation of clots.

Remember to avoid unnecessary bruising and cuts due to excessive bleeding.

How do I take Eliquis 5 mg? 

Reading the medication guidelines must always be the first step when using this medication. In case of either questions or clarifications, consult a physician for further guidance.

Eliquis 5 mg is administered by mouth and can or cannot be taken with meals depending on the directions given by a doctor.

In case of any trouble when ingesting, break down then stir together with a suitable liquid preferable water or applesauce and then consume immediately.

Do not prepare for later use. In case you miss an administration, remember to take one immediately when you are able to. It is not advisable to administer more than the required amount in any situation whatsoever without proper direction.

This medication is usually taken twice a day. A dosage could, however, be adjusted depending on a response to treatment.

How do I get off Eliquis 5 mg oral tablet?

It is critical to mention that early suspension of this medication or any other anticoagulant increases a chances of developing thrombotic complications.

Suspension of this medication whether as a result of pathological bleeding or conclusion of therapy, consider replacement with a different anti-clotting medication.

Use of this medication should be suspended 48 hours before any major surgical operation that causes major bleeding under the supervision of a doctor.

In case of a lesser procedure with little blood loss, Eliquis should be suspended 24 hours prior under the supervision of a doctor. However, you ought to resume using the medications immediately when normal conditions are established under the supervision of a doctor.

After treatment ailments of Eliquis

The only serious after therapy ailment of Eliquis 5mg is having difficulty in clogging. Prolonged use of this medication is likely to get in the way of the proteins responsible for the clotting of blood.

In this case, with any sign of serious bleeding like prolonged bleeding, bleeding gums and overall discomfort, seek immediate medical intervention.

Keep in mind that a doctor has prescribed this medication if the overall benefits outweighs the risks involved with the after treatment ailments.

Serious after therapy ailments with this medication is not very common. However, if you notice any symptom that may indicate a possible allergic reaction seek immediate medical assistance.

Keep in mind that the aforementioned symptoms are not the only ones as far as after medication ailments and allergic reactions are concerned.

Precautions before using Eliquis

Before getting on this med inform a medic on any allergic reaction that is experienced. The Eliquis 5 mg oral tablet may contain ingredients that may cause allergic reactions.

Remember to inform a doctor on your medical history and especially on any pre-existing bleeding conditions such as hemophilia.

When using this medication, take caution when handling sharp objects to avoid bruising and unnecessary cuts.

What is the cost of Eliquis 5 mg oral tablet?

If you are wondering why is Eliquis so expensive, then it could be you are looking in the wrong places.

This medication attracts different prices depending on where you decide to purchase it. Although this drug is usually a bit pricey, for the best deal check out .

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How Asbestos Hiding In Your Walls Can Affect Your Health

Asbestos is a hazardous substance that people should avoid as much as possible. Breathing in this mineral can cause the fibers to get stuck in the lungs and aggravate the lung tissues. As a matter of fact, asbestos is not generally considered a harmful mineral unless it is releasing fibers or dust in the air where they can be ingested or inhaled. Inhaled asbestos fibers are carried into the lower sections of the lungs where they can weaken the respiratory function and health.

The fibers are resistant to chemicals, heat, and fire, and occur naturally in the environment. The threads are used in industrial and commercial application and have been used commonly in many industries. Asbestos exposure can happen to anyone. In fact, even the asbestos in the walls of your house can harm you, but how might there be asbestos in your house and how does it affect your health?

Asbestos Can Be Found In Your Home And Other Places

There are a lot of places where asbestos is used in construction, and there's a possibility that your own house may contain asbestos. Asbestos was used in drywall manufacturing as late as the 1970s. If your house was built before 1980, be aware of the high likelihood that there's asbestos in your house before you decide to demolish old walls or reconstruct the basement,

Old construction materials containing asbestos usually include plumbing fixtures, vinyl floor tiles, boiler and fireplace insulation, drywall and cement sheets, attic insulation, electrical panels, putties, caulking and plaster materials, and popcorn ceilings.

However, new homes are also constructed with common construction materials containing asbestos nowadays, such as sheets and pipes, pipeline wrap and millboard, roofing and flooring materials, and cement shingles. That's why before remodelling your house, hire a professional to safely discard asbestos from your home.

Asbestos is also used for soundproofing and fire prevention in churches. It is added to acoustical panels to make them more durable and to soften the reverb and echo of music in churches. Some schools and public buildings, such as shopping malls, restaurants, airports, barbershops and hair salons, movie theaters, and grocery stalls also have asbestos-containing construction materials.

Asbestos Can Cause Serious Diseases

The smallest and deadliest asbestos fibers can't be seen by the naked eye and requires a microscope. There are also six different types ofasbestos: chrysotile, actinolite, crocidolite, tremolite, amosite, and anthophyllite. In addition, asbestos is also categorized as a carcinogen, which means that it’s a cancer-causing substance. The following are the diseases caused by inhaling asbestos:
  • Mesothelioma. This is a rare form of cancer that usually occurs in the lungs and chest cavity (pleura), the thin membrane linings of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum), or other membranes around the internal organs, and seldom in the heart. People who work or live near asbestos mining areas, shipyards or product factories that use large quantities of asbestos have a high risk of mesothelioma. The signs of mesothelioma cancer from asbestos may appear 30 to 40 years after exposure, so consider getting legal help in case this happens to you.
  • Lung cancer. This causes deadly tumors that attack and block the air passages in the lungs. People who are exposed to asbestos and other carcinogens, such as tobacco, have a higher risk of lung cancer than people who are only exposed to asbestos. Symptoms include fever, chest pain, chronic cough, weight loss, shortness of breath, and anemia. 
  • Asbestosis. Inhaling asbestos fibers can irritate lung tissues and cause scarring in the lungs. This creates difficulty for the carbon dioxide and oxygen to pass in and out, and breathing becomes difficult. People who work in demolishing and repairing buildings that contain asbestos or those who experience excessive exposure over a long period of time have a higher risk of asbestosis. Symptoms are a dry breaking sound in the lungs and shortness of breath.
To fully comprehend the seriousness of the risk that asbestos poses to your health, consider the death rates related to asbestos exposure from 1982 to 2000. Out of all the cases that were documented, blacks had a 448% increase in death rate, while whites witnessed a 342% increase during this period. Most deaths involved people aged over 45 years old.

Determining Factors For Asbestos-Related Diseases

Depending on the environment, people can be exposed to asbestos in different places. Some encounter occupational exposure during their jobs, others enlisted in the military experience exposure during the construction of military ships, and several workers come across product exposure where products contain asbestos. Other types of exposure are talc exposure, and secondary exposure where fibers stay on the skin, hair, or clothes.

There are also factors that determine the likelihood of developing asbestos-related diseases such as the following:
  • The duration of exposure. The longer you are exposed to asbestos, the higher the number of fibers that can enter your body and cause asbestos related diseases.
  • Smoking history. People who smoke and are exposed to asbestos have a higher risk of developing lung cancer because of synergistic effects. 
  • Age. When younger people inhale asbestos, they are more likely to develop mesothelioma. This is the reason why efforts are made to prevent children from being exposed to asbestos.
  • Type of asbestos. It is suspected that some types of asbestos are even worse than common white asbestos, known as chrysotile. 
  • Genetics. According to researchers, genetics mutation also plays a role because not everyone with prolonged asbestos exposure develops dangerous asbestos-related diseases.
As some people work in industries where they are exposed to harmful minerals such as asbestos, and others can be at risk due to asbestos in their own homes, it is important to be enlightened about how these minerals affect your health. That’s why visiting your doctor, getting regular medical exams, having vaccinations against pneumococcal pneumonia and flu, and quitting smoking is important because it contributes to your overall health and wellness.

This is a guest blog entry.

Protecting Your Feet To Ensure Maximum Mobility

Many people take their feet for granted and this could lead to big problems in the future. If you neglect your feet, there is a risk that something is going to go wrong. You may lose sensation in your toes or you might develop an ingrown toenail. Both problems can make it very difficult to move around. With decreased mobility, your life is going to be far different and less enjoyable. Suffice to say, it is pertinent to protect your feet so you can maintain maximum mobility at all times. Within this guide, you’re going to find ways to protect your feet.

Wear The Right Shoes

First and foremost, you need to make sure that you’re wearing the right shoes. This will prove to be far more important than you could ever imagine. If your shoes are too tight, you’re going to experience numerous problems. The shoes may slip up and down. That could lead to your feet developing blisters and that is going to be very painful. Your shoes should fit perfectly so you can avoid these issues.

Simultaneously, you’ll want to make sure that your shoes offer sufficient padding and support. If they do not, you’ll want to switch as soon as possible. Make sure that you’re wearing the right shoes and you shouldn’t experience any problems with your feet.

Keep Them Dry

If you allow your feet to get wet and you don’t remedy this problem, you’re going to experience various issues. Wet feet will stink and they’ll be prone to bacteria and other problems. With that being said, you need to go above and beyond to fix this problem. Make sure that you wear breathable shoes so you can keep your feet dry at all times. This will make a big difference and help ensure that your shoes are always fresh.

Protect Feet In Public Areas

You may decide to visit the gym at some point or you might stay at a campground. If so, there is a chance that you’re going to use a public bathroom or shower house. If you’re going to take a shower using public facilities, you need to be very cautious. Failing to protect yourself could lead to major problems. For starters, you need to protect your feet from viruses. Make sure that you wear sandals when showering in public facilities. This will help you avoid problems and protect your feet.

Elevate Your Feet

If you spend hours sitting in one position at work or home, your feet probably ache and swell. This symptom is probably related to lack of exercise and sitting for long periods. The best thing you can do for your feet in this situation is to invest in a foot rest pillow. Place the pillow on a stool or chair, so you can rest your feet on it. This will help keep your feet elevated, resulting in less pain and edema.

Pamper Your Feet

Way too often are feet ignored. People will spend hours doing their hair and nails but pay little attention to their feet. Your feet are an important part of your body, so why not treat them to routine massages and pedicures? The best thing you can do for your feet is buy a massager. These machines are very affordable and easy to maintain. There are several types of foot massagers, one that utilizes water and another that relies only on vibration. It really depends on your preferences and needs as to which type you should invest in.

The water foot massager will offer more benefits than the vibration-only model. The water will soften and clean your skin while improving blood circulation and relieving your aches and pains. You really cannot go wrong with one of these machines because they offers many health benefits. Within a few days, you will notice improvement in your joint mobility and pain.

Examine Them

You may have a foot problem right now but you don’t realize it. With that being said, you need to pay close attention to your feet. When you shower, you should look at your feet and make sure that everything is okay. Do you notice anything out of the ordinary? Are you experiencing pain and discomfort? Or, have you noticed that the skin between your toes is starting to peel? These problems might be minor right now. They’ll spiral out of control if you don’t act. Once you’ve found one of these issues, you’ll want to visit your doctor so you can fix the problem as soon as possible.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

4 Simple Ways to Use CBD Oil

We are living in an exciting time where the consumption of CBD products is booming. Intake is considered a daily routine for vitamins and meditation. Read along to learn the details of the products.

What is CBD oil?
CBD is a cannabinoid found in the hemp plant. There is a great misconception as regards to its use to get high. However, you need to differentiate it from THC as it is what causes highness. CBD is one of the cannabinoids from the cannabis family.

Before you start your journey of taking CBD oils, have solid goals with you. You can achieve your objectives by seeking guidance from a health expert to help you determine the correct dosage. A lot of individuals use various methods such as eating CBD foods and bathe in CBD soaked water, among other options available. 

One may wonder what the effective ways are to use CBD oil while experiencing the benefits of the product? Here are some simple ways to effectively use CBD oil.

•    Sublingual tincture
Sublingual refers to below the tongue. It is an effective way whereby you place oil drops under the tongue for some time, preferably 30 seconds before swallowing. It is a procedure widely accepted when you want to calm down chronic pains. You should, therefore, buy in the form of sublingual tinctures for more comfortable use as droplets under your tongue when you are worried about how to use CBD oil while in public. You don't need any extra accessories. It is a simple way to control its use and have long-lasting effects. However, for you to avoid intake of oil tincture that contains alcohol, go for oil products made with vegetable glycerin.

•    Ingestion
It entails adding a few drops of CBD oil to your food or drink. Whereas we have products such as gummy bears and lollipops that have been infused CBD oil, you can make yours edible at the comfort of your home. It isn't necessary to always buy premade ingested products. However, take precautions on how much edibles are injested. Edibles may take up to 3 hours before their effects are felt. You may be tempted to overeat. Be wise enough to wait for a few hours before you have your next edible meal.

•    Topical application
It implies the application of CBD oil to your skin in the form of ointments or palm. Topical application is straightforward since no special tools are required. Equally, it is an effective method when you have sore muscles, acne, back pains, or some migraine.

•    Inhalation

It is the quickest way that CBD can get to the bloodstream through the lungs. With inhalation, the two methods are smoking and vaping. You will use tools such as vaporizers, a dabber, or an oil rig. However, it is vital to note; the method is not comfortable. There may be harsh experiences.

How to use CBD oil in the correct dosage can be quite a hassle. The FDA is yet to enacted regulation for its safe consumption. Its use relies entirely on manufacturers and retailers to recommend its dosage. Have your goals in mind while consuming CBD oils and always be sure to check with your doctor before using!

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Thursday, May 07, 2020


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Human beings have basic survival needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare, to name the few. When it comes to health, we all are aware of a balanced diet and other essential measures to keep our lifestyle active and healthy. We all have people in our surroundings who we know as health freaks. The reason they get this label is that you will always find them being conscious of their food intake and exercise routine. Where there is health, there are chances to fall ill as our immune system might not be enough to battle the disease out. In case of any ailments, we all know that we need to consult a doctor. Healthcare systems hold great importance in our lives, and everybody has the right to access it anytime.

Usually, health services are expensive, and people avoid going to hospitals unless it is an emergency. Every country has some health protocols devised for its citizens; for this reason, they have health policies along with access to services procedures. It is a state’s responsibility to ensure the well-being of its citizens. To assist in this regard, you will come across different sorts of insurance plans, either suggested by your state government or local agencies. The foremost benefit of having any kind of insurance plan is to pay for the losses. It can also be essential to manage the cash flow uncertainty.

The United States of America has devised an Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA). This healthcare protocol encompasses various health insurance plans, which citizens can access easily.  People who hold membership in an insurance plan can enjoy the benefits with minimal expenses. Having an insurance plan at hand can reduce your costs up to 50%, and it can also save your monthly income for your other needs. The USA has 50 states; each state holds the responsibility to ensure the availability of primary survival rights to its citizens. Maryland lies in the mid-Atlantic region of the US, bordering with Virginia and some parts of the District of Columbia. Health coverage plans in MD (Maryland) also follow the ACA protocols, which makes it for the citizen to choose the insurance policy according to their budget and health requirements.

Here are different kinds of insurance plans described to help your selection comfortable.

1. Employer Offered Insurance

If you are working in a multinational firm, you must be enjoying some healthcare benefits offered by your organization. You might have noticed that your organization provides access to a few selected hospitals and doctors. If you go somewhere else, your company will not pay for your health services. Organizations and businesses use a PPO plan for their employees. PPO (preferred provider organization) enables the employees to have access to preferred doctors and hospitals. Employees have to fulfill annual deductible amount criteria before the company’s health insurance plan starts to cover their medical bills. A PPO plan is best suitable when your employees want the flexibility of choosing a doctor and other providers.

2. Premier Choice Plans

You have recently joined your new employer, which means that you will not be eligible for health benefits without having the deductible amount filled. In such a scenario, it is wise to have a premier choice plan for yourself that does not bound you with a deductible amount to satisfy. This plan provides first dollar payments to specified diseases and accident plans. This plan also gives you the liberty to choose your preferred network of doctors and covers the bills ensuring you maximum benefits.

3. Dental services coverage

Oral hygiene might not appear expensive; when it comes to affording your regular visits to your dentist, you will be surprised. Dental expenses cost more than your regular physician services. A dental services coverage plan also requires you to satisfy a deductible. This plan further has three categories varying in terms of the calendar year deductible and allows you to choose as per your convenience.

4. Health Maintenance organization

Just like state health policies offer the Affordable care act (ACA), there are health maintenance organizations (HMOs) that also provide insurance plans. Most health insurance plans have out of pocket expenses other than the bills that it covers. Having an HMO plan will lower the out of pocket cost. HMO plan allows you to choose your primary care physician (PCP), and if you want specialist services, you will need your PCP’s referral. HMO plans have the flexibility of not paying the deductible before you can avail of the services; it offers you copayment instead. An HMO plan is suitable if you wish to pay for lower premiums. If you want excellent preventive services like coverage of bills for checkups and immunization services, then the HMO plan is your call.

5. Health Saving Accounts

We all prefer to save some of our money for rainy days. Many people opt for money-saving accounts, and some even have health saving accounts. As much as health saving accounts (HSAs) appear to be unnecessary, it has its benefit too. Health saving accounts help the taxpayers to qualify for high deductible health plans. The funds you have in your HSA can give you the liberty to avail yourself of medical expenses without fearing the penalty of taxes.


The Healthcare industry is an essential part of our daily lives. Emergencies are unpredictable. To cope with high expenses of a bone fracture or maternity services, health insurance plans can save us from going bankrupt. In the United States, the healthcare system heavily relies on private health insurance services. The type of insurance plan that you are going to choose for you or your family has a significant impact on your finance.  Every insurance program has some premium and out of pocket costs. People can also choose managed care plans which allow them access to lower-cost medical care services. If you are a person with good immunity, you might need a low budget insurance plan. Most of the people in the US do not prefer to register in ACA. These people are either unemployed; they do not feel that they might need financial coverage. A good insurance plan will not only save you from extra expenses, but it will also give you an insight into which category suits best for you and your budget.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Technological Advances in Medicine in The Past Decade

Technology and medicine go hand in hand. The advancements in the technology sector are making a host of opportunities possible in the medical world, improving success rates in complex procedures and treatments. There has been some significant advancement in the past decade, and the trend is set to continue as professionals come up against different diseases and health issues.

A lot can happen in ten years. So take a look at some of the top pairings of technology and medicine to showcase how important each has been for the advancement in medicine.

Fitness and health wearables

Since the inception of Bluetooth at the turn of the century, people are using this technology to track a host of different things and communicate information, including health statistics. For many individuals, this might just be a case of monitoring what calories you burnt at the gym. However, this technology is proving beneficial when used in connection with monitoring health issues. People with chronic problems such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems can use wearables to improve their health and fitness levels. In 2018, Apple also launched a new watch, which featured ECG technology. It was said that people used it extensively during the first few weeks and has been reported to detect some heart variations that the user may not have been aware of previously.

Tailored treatments

Everyone is different, so treating patients in an individual manner has always been a top priority for physicians. In recent years, this is being made possible with biotech such as translation control therapeutics. These drugs can select target proteins to offer a more targeted approach to treatment. This also helps to improve the success rate of treatments for cancers and other diseases and reduce damage to other healthy cells. Moving forward into the next decade, we’ll see this technology developed further to improve the success rate of a range of health issues.


If you’ve heard of 3D printing, then this technology goes a step further with the introduction of bio-printing. To the average person, it may sound like something from a sci-fi movie. However, since its creation, it has been used to regenerate skin cells for burns victims. It has also moved onto more complex areas such as creating blood vessels, synthetic ovaries, and other organs. As professionals progress with this technology, they will be focusing on ways to ensure the body does not reject replicated organs. This alone could save millions of lives across the globe.

Smart inhalers

Many people have asthma, and it is common to carry various inhalers around in case of an attack. However, technology is helping to make sure these individuals use inhalers correctly to manage breathing problems successfully. The introduction of Bluetooth-enabled inhalers gives the user information such as the date and time the last dose was administered. Plus, it tells you if it was delivered correctly. By monitoring this, trials show that using this type of device helped to control symptoms and reduce inhaler use.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Staying Mentally Active During Tough Times

There are many times in life when the unexpected happens and you are forced to stay home much longer than you are normally accustomed to. At the time of this writing, the coronavirus pandemic is a big reason why millions of people across the globe are stuck at home. Other reasons for staying at home unwillingly includes loss of a job, lack of transportation, and a medical condition.

Although there are some people who enjoy being alone, continued isolation can result in depression, anxiety, and/or anger. Left untreated and without any intervention, mental illness can result in someone’s regular daily functioning becomes significantly compromised. Emotional disorders can result in cognitive problems such as difficulty paying attention and memory difficulties. They can also result in physical problems such as sleep disturbances, unwanted weight changes, fatigue, and deconditioning.

During tough times, it is very important to remain mentally active in order to stay emotionally healthy. One way to do this is to maintain close social contact with family and friends but being sure to remain a safe physical distance during a pandemic. Active mental engagement differs from passive mental engagement because the former involves being an active participant (such as reading) while the other merely involves being a recipient of information (such as watching television).

Other common type of active engagement includes Suduko puzzles, word searches, jigsaw puzzles, video games, board games, and responsible use of online casinos. When it comes to online casinos, it’s hard to look past (see slots lv online casino review) for an impressive assortment of over 160 games and generous welcome offers.

Participating in tasks that are fun, rewarding, and mentally stimulating can go a long way in keeping people mentally active during tough times. However, if you are still experiencing emotional difficulties during tough times despite active engagement, you should talk with your doctor and ask about a referral to a psychologist or other mental health provider. Psychotropic medications can also be considered. It is important to remember that there are now many telehealth providers available so you can receive treatment without leaving your home.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What is Digital PCR Testing?

When listening to the news about the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19, you may have heard the term “PCR testing” used and wondered what it was. PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. While that sounds intimidating, the term is not as complicated as it sounds. We just need to break down the component parts.

Chain reaction: a sequence of reactions caused by the product of a prior reaction.

Polymerase: refers to an enzyme in DNA that causes it to replicate.

A PCR test is one that takes a very small DNA sample (such as the genetic material within a virus) and quickly makes millions to billions of copies of it so it could be more easily studied and identified. This process is known as amplification. Samples can be taken from a variety of sources depending on the condition. For example, in coronavirus, samples can be taken from the upper nasal cavity.

Different PCR tests can be created depending on what genetic material is targeted by the test. It usually takes a few hours to do a PCR testing. The reason why it may take a week or more to get the results has to do with transportation time to the lab, preparation time, and a backlog of other samples that need to be tested. Some PCR tests can more quickly copy the genetic material and provide faster results.

Unlike standard PCR, digital PCR can partition a sample into thousands of reactions, some of which contain the molecule of interest and others of which do not. During amplification, the amount of target material from a particular person can be quantified as the process is measured in real time. In fact, the total number of positive reactions is directly proportional to the number of positive molecules in the sample.  As a result, a digital PCR coronavirus test can identify the viral load (amount of virus present) in a particular patient. This can better inform people on how contagious someone is.  It can also help detect rare mutations and genetically modified organisms.

Digital PCR avoids the undercounting of target molecules by applying a statistical modelling technique that makes is capable of analyzing complex mixtures. By increasing the volume of samples analyzed, digital PCP can identify rare individual targets, increasing sensitivity. Digital PCR is also more accurate and precise than standard PCR. Further, it does not require reference to an external reference standard. Discover the simplicity of digital PCR with