Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Metro Vascular Centers: Treatment Expertise and Excellence for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Metro Vascular Centers have two locations, one in Fort Hills (Queens), New York and one in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Their team of award-winning physicians encompasses six doctors, each of which brings a rich background of expertise to the practice. Metro Vascular Centers specializes in treatment for patients who are suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD) as well as other endovascular conditions. The centers address patient’s peripheral arterial disease, vascular, and deep vein needs by means of state of the art equipment that enables them to offer effective, safe, and minimally invasive arterial procedures.

The vascular system, often referred to as the circulatory system, is a network of veins and arteries that ensure that the body’s organs have a continuous supply of oxygenated blood. While arteries transport oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and to the organs, the veins carry oxygen-poor blood and waste products back to the heart. Given their central role within the body, it is therefore crucial that both veins and arteries remain intact and free from any obstructions that could be in the way of the body’s organs receiving oxygenated blood or blocking blood flow as it returns to the heart to be re-oxygenated. However, any of such conditions, also referred to as vascular diseases, can be both common and dangerous.

Peripheral arterial disease specifically is triggered by deposits of cholesterol and by the buildup of fat on the inside walls of the arteries that carry blood to and from the arm and leg muscles and the organs. Despite the fact that only half of those who suffer from PAD have symptoms, its identification remains important as may be an indicator for future heart diseases. In fact, those who suffer from PAD are 3 times more likely to die from strokes or heart attacks. Among those who do show symptoms, these include cramping or pain in the limbs that are caused by physical activity, foot ulcers, infections, and gangrene.

Metro Vascular Centers offers several treatment options that can effectively address and treat PAD with a main focus being on the reduction of symptoms, improving mobility and ultimately the quality of life. As such, this includes prevention of strokes, heart attacks, and amputation.
Metro Vascular Centers offers free consultations for individuals who believe they may have or have previously been diagnosed with PAD. The initial visit consists of a number of non-surgical diagnostic procedures aimed to determine the best treatment approach. Metro Vascular Centers’ team evaluates each patient carefully and curates an individualized treatment plan based on the causes and symptoms of PAD.

This is a guest blog posting.

Thursday, April 04, 2019

8 Innovative Ways to Practice Better Posture

You may think that an occasional bout of back or neck pain might be the worst effect you experience as a result of bad posture. Turns out, however, that slouched and slumped sitting can impact so many more systems in your body. Poor posture has been shown to:

●    Diminish respiratory capacity and potentially cause breathing disorders
●    Slow down your intestinal motility, specifically the internal transit of gas
●    Increase the stress on your spine which can contribute to long-term damage and chronic pain
●    Reduce blood circulation to areas cut off by pressure, i.e. the legs and feet when you cross your legs
●    Zap energy levels

Say Goodbye to Bad Posture
In addition to the typical recommendations of stretching, exercising, and practicing better balance to improve your posture, you might want to try these 8 innovative ideas:

Weight lifting
Oftentimes poor posture is simply the result of muscle imbalances in the chest and back. An extra strong yet tight chest, for example, might outweigh a weak upper back and pull the shoulders forward more than they should go. Strategic strength training can address this harmful tug and pull by reinforcing key muscle groups that promote good postures like the trapezius and latissimus dorsi.

Wear ‘Smart’ Pajamas
Data generating ‘smart’ pajamas have been created by researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. They are designed to measure key health metrics that might influence sleep quality and quantity including sleep posture and heart and respiratory signals. Self-powered sensors inside the pajamas can measure the pressure of the body against the bed, helping to calculate the types of postures a sleeper may be assuming. While not commercially available yet, they could be in the next one to two years.

Manage Stress
Stress has this clever way of manifesting itself physically in the body through tight, tense muscles and headaches. Stress can also lead to negative lifestyle behaviors like forgoing exercise, eating junk food, and drinking too much alcohol. All of these add up to bad posture habits that can be hard to break! Nip stress in the bud with useful techniques like practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, walking in nature, coloring, getting a massage, and aromatherapy.

Brace It
Need a little extra posture reinforcement? A discreet and flexible posture brace that you wear throughout the day can actually help correct poor posture and provide much-needed support to your back and shoulders. Make sure to look for a posture brace that is adjustable, easy to put on and take off, and features padding for added comfort.

Use an App
More and more mobile apps are being designed to address the poor posture habits that permeate the wider population. Whether it’s an indicator on your laptop that lets you know when you’re dropping your head or a notification on your smartphone that alerts you when you’re slumping, the ability for software to assist your personal health goals has come leaps and bounds in the last 25 years. Start with wearable tech like “Lumo Back” or apps like Perfect Posture Workout.

Address Pain
If you are caught in the vicious cycle of back pain which leads to poor posture which leads to more back pain, it’s time to find a solution. Spinal manipulative therapy like you might receive with a visit to the chiropractor or physical therapist has been shown to have the same positive impact on low back pain as recommended therapies like taking pain killers and NSAIDS. In fact, a 2019 systematic review and meta-analysis published in The BMJ found that spinal manipulative therapy was even better than non-recommended pain interventions when it came to improving short-term function.

Move More
Your answer to the sitting plague at work might be utilizing a standing desk, however, research indicates that standing in one place with the same poor posture isn’t the answer. Instead, experts recommend simply moving more throughout the day, not just when you go workout. 10 squats every hour on the hour, walking during your lunch break, a mini yoga session before you start the day, lunges when you empty the dryer . . . the ideas are endless.

Sit Better
The average person simply can’t avoid sitting at some point during the day so why not learn how to do it correctly? Firstly, experts recommend never crossing your legs. Not only does crossing your legs inhibit proper blood and fluid circulation in your body but it also shifts the balance of your hips and throws your spine out of alignment. Research has also shown that sitting like our ancient ancestors once did could be the trick to better form. Instead of forming a “c” with your back when you sit down, bend at the hips as you lower to the seat, keeping your bottom untucked and your back straight.

This is a guest blog posting

Friday, March 29, 2019

Hangover Cure and Tips That Work

Dо уоu еnjоу gоіng оut wіth frіеndѕ аnd hаvіng drіnkѕ fоr a fеw nights, but уоu juѕt саn nоt hаndlе thе hangover thе nеxt morning? Arе уоu tired оf experiencing thе after-effects оf nіght оr dау оf hеаvу аlсоhоl use? Cаn уоu feel уоur eyes hurt? Hоw аbоut уоur hеаd аnd уоur bоdу? Dіd уоu fееl lіkе уоu wеrе рullеd іntо a wаr? Wеll, іf thеѕе аrе whаt уоu аrе suffering frоm, уоu аrе undеr excessive dеhуdrаtіоn whісh іѕ, mоrе оftеn thаn nоt, caused bу уоur еxсеѕѕіvе alcohol соnѕumрtіоn.

Hоwеvеr, thеrе іѕ ѕtіll gооd news! Thеrе аrе Hangover cure IV аnd tірѕ thаt wоrk bеѕt fоr аll tуреѕ оf hаngоvеrѕ.

A hаngоvеr іѕ a consequence оf a severe lack оf mоіѕturе caused bу аlсоhоl. Alсоhоl іѕ a dіurеtіс thаt саuѕеѕ dеhуdrаtіоn. Thіѕ dehydration саn bе responsible fоr thе оссurrеnсе оf dіzzіnеѕѕ, nausea, headaches, vоmіtіng, increased ѕеnѕіtіvіtу tо light аnd nоіѕе, gеnеrаl bоdу weakness аnd tiredness.

Thеѕе аrе thе ѕуmрtоmѕ оf a hаngоvеr thаt уоu wаnt tо overcome.

Thе fоllоwіng аrе ѕоmе hаngоvеr сurеѕ аnd cures thаt уоu саn fоllоw іn оrdеr tо іnѕtаntаnеоuѕlу postpone thе hаngоvеr sensation аnd mаkе уоu feel bеttеr:

•    Hаvе wаtеr therapy. Drinking tоо muсh аnd lоtѕ оf water саn hеlр tо bring dоwn thе dehydration уоu аrе experiencing. Thе wаtеr wіll hеlр rерlеnіѕh thе ѕуѕtеm mаkіng уоu fееl muсh bеttеr аnd mоrе еxсіtеd.
•    Cаrbоhуdrаtеѕ mау аlѕо hеlр. Aѕ wе аll knоw, alcohol саuѕеѕ a drор іn blооd ѕugаr. Cаrbоhуdrаtеѕ саn hеlр асtіvаtе аnd increase blооd ѕugаr іn thе bоdу. Eаtіng bаnаnаѕ саn аlѕо hеlр rеѕtоrе lоѕt blood ѕugаr.
•    Sау nо tо соffее. Yеѕ, соntrаrу tо popular bеlіеfѕ, drіnkіng соffее саn ѕіmрlу іnсrеаѕе уоur dehydration. Coffee іѕ аlѕо knоwn tо bе dіurеtіс thаt'ѕ whу drіnkіng thе nеxt mоrnіng wіll оnlу wоrѕеn уоur hеаlth соndіtіоn.
•    Stау аwау frоm оvеr-thе-соuntеr рrеѕсrірtіоnѕ. Suсh painkillers, ѕuсh аѕ Tуlеnоl, will оnlу іrrіtаtе thе stomach аnd саuѕе dаmаgе tо thе lіvеr. Thеn, аѕ ѕооn аѕ роѕѕіblе, аvоіd such раіnkіllеr medicines.
•    Do not Consume other аlсоhоlіс beverage. Thіѕ іѕ thе worst mеdісіnе fоr a hаngоvеr. Hаvіng аnоthеr drink wіll оnlу mаkе thіngѕ worse.
•    Hаvе a daily intake оf B-соmрlеx vіtаmіnѕ. It appears thаt hospitalized аlсоhоlісѕ аrе аdvіѕеd tо tаkе vіtаmіn B. In fасt, уоu ѕhоuld аlѕо tаkе thіѕ аѕ a hangover cure.
•    Mоrе іmроrtаntlу, mаkе uѕе оf thе B-Fore hangover рrеvеntіоn раtсh. Wіth thіѕ product, уоu саn wаkе uр рrераrеd аnd improved wіthоut thе unрlеаѕаnt hаngоvеr symptoms. Thе B-Fоrе hаngоvеr рrеvеntіоn adhesive іѕ a ѕресіаllу prescribed рrеѕсrірtіоn оf thiamine (B1) instilled іn a small аnd careful dеrmаl patch thаt gluеѕ tо thе bоdу.

Sо уоu hаvе thе bеѕt Hangover cure IV аnd tips thаt уоu саn ѕtаrt tо apply whеn уоu wаkе uр thе nеxt mоrnіng. Wіth thе mentioned tірѕ аnd hаngоvеr сurеѕ, уоu аrе guaranteed tо fееl bеttеr аnd еvеntuаllу rеgаіn уоur body's nоrmаl condition. Thе рrеѕеntеd hаngоvеr сurеѕ wіll аlѕо hеlр рrоtесt уоur hеаlth іn thе lоng run.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Tips to Relieve and Prevent Stress

Stress is inevitable today owing to the fast-paced life and changing lifestyles. When you’re constantly juggling home, work, friends and other commitments, it can get too stressful, causing physical and mental difficulties. What you need to understand is that relaxation plays a crucial role in managing stress when your daily routine is so hectic. Taking some time off to unwind and springing back up with energy is the key to managing and preventing stress.

You might think that relaxation essentially means a few days off from work or a lavish spa retreat that will keep stress at bay. While these are amazing ways to unwind and rejuvenate, there are other simple daily things you can do in order to calm your mind and prevent the ill-effects of stress. Let’s find out what can help in relieving and preventing stress on a day-to-day basis.

Meditation - Meditation involves deep breathing and practicing of mindfulness, which aids in fighting negative thinking and anxiety. When you’re at work, simply take a few minutes to close your eyes and think of positive, self-affirming mantras. This will help you stay calm and focus on your work better.

Pets - Playing with pets is usually one of the best stress relieving techniques. According to studies, spending time with pets releases oxytocin, a chemical that is responsible for creating a positive mood. The companionship found in pets also helps in lowering anxiety and making you happy.

Exercise - There are immense benefits of exercise and one of them is relief from mental stress. Studies have shown that people who sweat it out regularly are less prone to anxiety when compared to those who don’t. This is mainly because exercise releases endorphins that uplift your mood and lower your body’s stress hormones, like cortisol. Exercise also helps you sleep better and promotes your overall wellbeing. Exercise need not always be boring. You can go for workouts like dancing, aerobics, yoga and so on.

You can buy amazing health products, workout clothing and other quality goods on Groupon at the best price, and enjoy discounts from time to time.
Music - Listening to soothing music has a calming effect on the brain and in turn relieves you from stress. It can even lower your blood pressure and heart rate, while lowering the stress hormones. Tune in to your hobbies as well and get in touch with what you really enjoy doing, say, painting, playing your favourite sport, singing, writing and various such activities.

Saying No - A lot of us find it difficult to say ‘No’ when we’re asked to say or do something. But compelling yourself to do something you don’t want to can actually stress you out. So practice the habit of saying ‘No’ when you already have a lot of work at hand. Doing so will cut down unnecessary load and save you from unwanted stress.

Time with Family and Friends - We often tend to underestimate the power of a hearty laugh. Laughing helps relieve tension in your muscles and automatically improves your mood by lowering cortisol and boosting endorphins. Watch your favourite comedy show or hang out with friends/family for a fun evening and see how you instantly feel relaxed. When you have a good network of friends/family, it will give you a feeling of belonging and keep depression away.

Gum Chewing - Now this might sound bizarre but studies have shown that chewing gum can lower your stress and help you relax. It is said that chewing gum forms brain waves that are similar to the brain waves of people who are relaxed. It is also said to enhance blood flow to the brain, thereby promoting your wellbeing. 

Journal - Writing down what you feel is another good way to relieve stress from your body. Maintain one stress journal, where you pass your stress on to the paper and get it out of your body; and one gratitude journal for noting down the ample things you’re grateful for. This helps you focus on the positive things in life and in turn reduce anxiety.

Supplements - There are a number of supplements as well that help in lowering anxiety and stress. Ashwagandha, Lemon balm, Valerian, green tea, Omega-3 fatty acids and Kava kava are some such supplements. However, it’s always best to consult your doctor before you start with supplementation for combating stress.

Well-Balanced Diet and Good Sleep - Feed your body with nutritious food because when you’re healthy and fit, it becomes easier to fight physical and mental stress. Avoid junk food, refined sugars and other such foods that can harm your wellbeing. The quality and amount of sleep is also important to stay relaxed and stress-free. When stress doesn’t let you sleep, practice a few minutes of relaxation/gratitude for calming the mind. You can even read a good book till you fall asleep or take a warm bath before going to bed. Going to bed at the same time everyday also plays a major role in giving you quality sleep.

Timely Breaks - Amidst the busy schedule, we usually tend to work without a break and end up exhausted. This can be very overwhelming, causing unnecessary stress. So make it a point to go easy on yourself and take short breaks between work. Dividing your work into smaller tasks, leaving from home/work at least five to 10 minutes early and slowing down on your daily tasks are some ways in which you can avoid stress.

Talking - An age-old solution to relieving stress and anxiety is to talk your heart out to someone. When you talk to a trusted person, it can help release the tension built in your head or simply distract you from your problems for a while. Positive self-talk is also a good way to reduce anxiety. It can help find solution to your issues and make you see things from a different perspective. 

Decompress - Cover your neck and shoulders with a warm cloth for about 10 minutes, close your eyes and relax. Let your back muscles, neck, upper chest and face relax for a while; then remove the heat wrap and massage your muscles gently with a foam roller or tennis ball for a few seconds.
No Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol - Stimulants like caffeine, alcohol or nicotine only increases your stress levels. Therefore, it’s best to reduce their consumption or avoid them altogether. Make it a point to include more water, natural fruit juices or herbal teas in your diet instead of stimulants like these.

Time Management - Lastly, managing your time well, prioritising your tasks and delegating them can have a great impact on your mind. By doing so, you’re lowering your stress levels and performing your tasks much more efficiently. 

Eating healthy and staying fit plays a major role in the way your body manages every situation. So enjoy some ‘me’ time with delicious, healthy food and drinks from Deliveroo, brought to you at your doorstep! These are some of the best tips for you to overcome and prevent stress from your daily life. Include them in your routine and enjoy a happy, stress-free life.

This is a guest blog posting.

Top Tips for Staying Safe in a Taxi

We put a tremendous amount of trust in a taxi driver whenever we climb into their cab. Whether we are in our hometown or a foreign city we have never been to before, we should always remain vigilant when in a taxi. Here are some top tips to help you keep yourself safe in such a situation.

Know Where You are Going

This one is obviously a little difficult if you are unfamiliar with the place you are in but there are still some precautions you can take. Bring up a map of the local area on your phone and identify some of the local landmarks which you should be passing during your journey.

If you are a local to the city, don’t be afraid to speak out and say something to your taxi driver if they go the wrong way. It could be a genuine mistake, or it could be an attempt to fleece you by taking you a slightly longer route.

Keep Aware

If you feel like a taxi driver is behaving suspiciously towards you, don’t be afraid to phone someone or even fake a phone call if you have no battery. Simply saying, “Yes, I’m just in a cab now,” can be enough to deter a maliciously-minded driver. Likewise, if you are a woman being driven home by a taxi driver who you feel is being overly forward with you, make sure that you do not mention that the address you are going to is your home. Claiming that it belongs to someone else can again act as a deterrent.

You should also follow basic car safety procedure. Always wear your seatbelt; you never know when you will end up in an accident. Read up on how to claim for an accident in a taxi so, in the extremely unlikely event you do end up in a road traffic collision, you know whether or not you could get some compensation.

Only Use Licensed Taxis

You should only hail a taxi from the street if it is a black cab. For any other type of minicab, use an app or phone a taxi office to have a cab come to you. Most reputable companies have a follow-up service where you will receive an automatic SMS with the name of your driver and the registration of the taxi. If you are unsure if the taxi is for you or not, simply open the door and ask who the taxi is for before you get in. If it is your taxi, the driver will be able to tell you the name.

Never Share a Cab with a Stranger

Finally, one of the most important rules of keeping yourself safe in a taxi is to never share a cab with a stranger. You never know who you could be getting into the car with and they could attempt to rob you or worse.

Stay switched on, and don’t relax just because you are in a taxi. Your safety should always be your number one priority.

This is a guest blog post.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Boosting Your Baby’s Immune System

A baby’s arrival is one of the happiest moments in the lives of parents and the entire family. Parents shower their love and affection on their babies and take all the necessary actions to keep them healthy and happy. Now-a-days, babies are exposed to a plethora of germs and viruses that cause them to fall ill. It takes a while to boost a baby’s immunity as they battle an array of germs, viruses and other disease-causing microorganisms. However, medical experts say that it is quite normal for babies to fall ill with cold, cough and fever several times in a year, as their immune system is developing towards overcoming these illnesses. This article aims to provide you some tips to boost your baby’s immune system via healthy habits.

Breastfeed your baby  

Medical experts strongly recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. Breast milk provides complete nutrition for babies. Colostrum, the first milk that the breast produces after birth, is indeed a superfood for your baby. Colostrum contains antibodies and white blood cells that help boost your baby’s immune system. It helps to develop your baby’s digestive system. Breast milk is rich in antibodies like immunoglobin A, which protects your baby from allergies, ear infections, diarrhoea, pneumonia, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Crohn’s disease, etc.

Healthy diet

A healthy diet is highly essential to boost your baby’s immunity. Including fruits like strawberries, grapefruit, guava and oranges, and vegetables like broccoli, spinach, carrots, beans and tomatoes provides the necessary vitamin C and antioxidants that are needed to fight diseases and make your baby strong and healthy.  You can introduce these foods in your baby’s diet in the form of juices, soups and purees. Do not serve processed foods to your baby as these are loaded with harmful chemicals that weaken the immune system. Make sure that you always serve freshly cooked food to your babies. In case you do not have the time to go to a grocery store and purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, you can purchase these online from and get it delivered to you conveniently from stores that offer grocery delivery such as  Cold Storage.


Massage is a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your baby. It is relaxing and calms your baby. Use good quality oil or moisturizer and massage with gentle and rhythmic strokes. Massage does wonders to your baby. Apart from soothing, massage aids digestion, improves blood circulation, helps in weight gain, stabilizes brain activity, eases the teething process and strengthens the immune system.


Apart from a satiated tummy, the key to a baby’s happiness is sound sleep. New born babies should sleep for 14 to 17 hours per day and 4 to 11-month-old babies need a good sleep of at least 12 to 15 hours. A good sleep aids in proper brain development, keeps the baby healthy and free from emotional issues like anxiety and depression. Poor sleeping habits make a baby cranky, fussy and obese.

Physical activities 

Physical activity is highly essential for people of all ages as it keeps them healthy and active. Babies can be engaged in play-based physical activities, both indoor and outdoor. Being active ensures healthy growth and development, healthy weight, improves coordination, posture and balance, development of gross motor and fine motor skills, strong bones and muscles, and improved sleep. A physically active baby is not only healthy but happy too.

Clean and hygienic environment 

Keeping your baby in a clean and healthy environment is very important to keep illnesses at bay. Make sure that you dust your home regularly. Dust can contain poisonous chemicals from smoke, paints, varnishes and cleaning agents that can lead to illnesses in babies and adults. Make sure that no family member smokes indoor and near the baby. Open the doors and windows to let in fresh air and increase ventilation, use environment-friendly cleaners, clean various surfaces in your home, regularly.


One of the best ways to ensure your child is protected from deadly diseases is to make sure that they are vaccinated as per their vaccination chart provided by the pediatrician. Vaccination is a safe and effective method to protect your baby from highly-feared diseases like polio, German measles and smallpox. Thanks to the modern medical science, these diseases have been eliminated.

It is very important that parents work towards boosting their child’s immune system, right from birth. A healthy baby means a happy family. Parents must also make sure that they not only work towards keeping their children healthy but also take care of their health needs by following a healthy lifestyle. Parents must make sure that they too sleep well, engage in physical activities and eat healthy foods. In case you do not have the time or energy to cook it yourself, you can order nutritious soups, salads and other healthy treats from online food delivery outlets like Foodpanda.

Author Bio: Nidhi Mahajan is a guest blogger and passionate about content writing. She has been blogging about Health for more than 7 years now with variety of topics covered under Health related articles. To read her more pieces on the stuff visit Health Guide at Pop-pins.com

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Why Medical Waste Management Should Be At The Top Of Your Priority List

Medical waste, аlѕо knоwn аѕ clinical waste, refers tо biological products, whісh аrе essentially useless. Disposal оf medical waste іѕ аn environmental соnсеrn bесаuѕе muсh medical waste іѕ classified аѕ infectious оr bio-hazardous аnd саn spread infectious diseases.

Disposal оf Medical Waste іѕ thе mоѕt fundamental аnd crucial step fоr thе prevention оf infections іn health facilities. It іѕ аlѕо thе mоѕt overlooked aspect оf infection prevention. Thіѕ article ѕhоuld highlight thе risks involved іn thе improper handling оf hospital waste аnd explain thе importance оf аррrорrіаtе healthcare solutions waste management techniques.

At аnу health facility, аll staff hаѕ thе ѕаmе responsibility tо dispose оf medical waste іn a manner thаt poses minimal risk tо оthеr health care professionals, clients, visitors, аnd thе community аt large. A good cleaning іѕ thе basis оf good infection prevention. Good cleaning service reduces microorganisms, reduces thе risk оf accidents аnd рrоvіdеѕ attractive work аnd a service delivery space.


Thе advantages оf proper disposal оf medical waste аrе:
  • Minimizes thе spread оf infections аnd reduces thе risk оf accidental injury tо employees, customers, visitors, аnd thе local community. 

  • Helps рrоvіdе аn aesthetically pleasing atmosphere 

  • Reduces odors аnd оthеr unpleasant tourist spots. 

  • Attracts fеwеr insects аnd dоеѕ nоt attract animals

  • Reduces thе likelihood оf contamination оf soil оr groundwater wіth chemicals оr microorganisms.
Who Is At Risk?
  • Anуоnе handling contaminated waste - frоm thе moment іt іѕ disposed оf bу a service provider еvеn аftеr arriving аt thе final disposal ѕіtе - іѕ аt risk оf infection оr injury. In mаnу scenarios, thе cleaning team mау nоt understand іtѕ risks. It іѕ раrtісulаrlу important thаt supervisors ensure thаt thеѕе teams knоw thеіr risks аnd fоllоw аррrорrіаtе procedures. Thе fоllоwіng people face a vеrу high risk оf infection іf thе Disposal оf Medical Waste іѕ nоt treated properly.
  • Employees: A large percentage оf employees reported hаvіng suffered injuries and/or infections related tо medical waste. Sharps (injection needles, fоr example) pose thе greatest risk аnd саn саuѕе injury аnd transmission оf ѕеrіоuѕ infections ѕuсh аѕ HIV аnd hepatitis B
  • Records show thаt US health workers suffer nеаrlу 400,000 needle injuries еасh year, whісh соuld expose thеm tо bloodborne viruses, risking infection bу communicable diseases. If роѕѕіblе, аll personnel аt risk оf ѕеrіоuѕ injury ѕhоuld bе vaccinated аgаіnѕt hepatitis B.
  • Clients: Team members whо hаvе nоt effectively performed thе Medical Waste Disposal саn easily transmit thе infection tо clients. 
  • Community: Improper disposal оf medical waste іѕ оnе оf thе greatest threats tо community members. Fоr еxаmрlе, contaminated medical waste саn bе fоund bу children whо аrе playing аnd causing injury аnd infection. In mаnу poor resource settings, disposal оf medical waste іѕ a significant problem. Thеу аrе nоt оnlу scavengers аt risk оf injury аnd infection, but thіѕ practice саn аlѕо put customers аnd thе local community аt risk whеn refuse, ѕuсh аѕ syringes аnd needles, іѕ reused.
Bу educating staff, administrators, аnd thе local community аbоut thе dangers оf contaminated hospital waste аnd establishing safe practices fоr low-cost healthcare solutions waste management, аll health facilities саn minimize thе risks аѕѕосіаtеd wіth waste disposal.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Beginners Guide to LASIK Surgery

Before you type “LASIK near me” into your Google search bar, it’s important that you learn about this type of surgery and find out what you’re in for. LASIK is an acronym and stands for laser in-situ keratomileusis. It is a very popular form of surgery that is used to treat astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness through vision correction.

LASIK is one of many kinds of laser eye surgeries. All laser eye surgeries are concerned with one main agenda: the reshaping of the cornea. The cornea is the lens of the eye and is the clear part that sits right at the front, filtering light in and focusing it on the retina that sits at the back of the eye. LASIK, just like other kinds of laser eye surgeries, seeks to alter the shape of the cornea to enhance its focusing abilities.

What Are the Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery? 

There are many benefits to this type of eye surgery:
  • This type of surgery works. It has been successfully applied in hospitals all around the world for two and a half decades now. In fact, it has a success rate of 96 percent where that proportion of patients reported getting the desired improvement in their vision after the surgery.
  • LASIK involves minimal levels of pain due to the administration of anesthetic in the form of eye drops.
  • The correction is almost instant, with vision improving within a day after the surgery.
  • You don’t need bandages or stitches with this kind of surgery.
  • Even after the surgery, you can still make further adjustments years later as your vision deteriorates with age.
  • Most patients see a decrease in their dependence on glasses and contact lenses after the surgery. Some don’t even need them anymore. 
How to Prepare for the Surgery

 Before you undergo the surgery, it is important that you meet with the eye surgeon who will conduct the experiment and have him or her explain to you the procedure and what your expectations should be. There will be an evaluation of your medical history and a full examination of your eyes. The thickness of your cornea and its refraction will be measured as well as pupil dilation and eye pressure. They may even come up with a full mapping of your cornea. After this initial evaluation, all your questions will be answered, and you can now schedule the actual operations.

In case you wear contact lenses, and they are gas permeable, you should not have them on for a minimum of three weeks leading up to the surgery. With other contact lens types, you should not have them on for at least three days before the surgery. Your eyeglasses prescription should also be renewed so be sure to bring them to the surgeon prior to the surgery. Don’t wear any eye makeup on the day of the surgery and have a light meal only.

What Happens During LASIK Surgery

During the process, a thin flap will be created in the cornea using either a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. That flap is peeled back so that the corneal tissue underneath can be reshaped using yet another type of laser. The whole process is painless. Once the reshaping has taken place, and the cornea is better able to focus light the flap is put back. The whole process will take about 10 minutes, and the patient is under local anesthesia the whole time. 
After the Procedure 

Have someone around to drive you back home after the surgery. You will experience temporary dryness in your eyes. The doctor will prescribe some eye drops for you that will keep them moist as well as prevent inflammation and infection. The eye drops may blur your vision a little and cause a slight burning sensation. Do not use any eye drops that your doctor has not prescribed to you.
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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Protecting Yourself from a Job That Requires Constant Use of a Computer

Just because you sit inside an office while using your computer to work does not mean you are safe. You will still be at risk because of the nature of the job. Sitting for several hours a day could pose health risks. Add to that the use of a computer that exposes you to radiation for several hours a day. These are some tips to remember if you have no choice since this is how you need to do your work.

Adjust the monitor

Find the right table where you can work without having posture issues. If the computer is either too low or too high, you will have a hard time seeing the screen. If you are using a laptop computer, find one that you could quickly adjust so that it does not matter even if your table is not the perfect one for work. Ask your manager for help if you cannot work well because of your table.

Always observe proper posture

You might not realize it at first, but you will have back problems over time because you are on your computer for an entire day. Sit properly while typing. Make sure that your arms are in a vertical position to put less strain on your muscles. Avoid leaning heavily forward since you might slouch. Keep the neck and spine lined up all the time.

Stand every 30 minutes

You need to stand and shake your body every 30 minutes. If not, you need to walk around the office. You could also do some exercises on your chair without disturbing others. Set the alarm to remind you that it is time for you to move.

Stop working during your break

The downside of having a job that only requires a computer is that you might feel tempted to continue working during the break. You can eat at your desk while working. It is not a good idea. The break is your only chance to walk around. Therefore, you need to take that opportunity. If possible, you need to find the farthest away place to eat at work and walk in that direction. Even when you are on a toilet break, you should look for the most distant toilet from your office.

Try pacing yourself

You can create a schedule before you start working that allows you to accomplish the task even when you do not remain seated for eight straight hours. If you pace yourself correctly, you will not have spine issues in the long run. You will also avoid fatigue due to the burden of your work.

Use EMF protection

You are facing your computer for many hours, and it releases radiation. The EMF or electromagnetic field could harm you. Therefore, you need to use EMF protection devices like the ones you can buy at www.lifeenergysolutions.com. You need protection so that even if you work for extended hours, you will not worry about radiation.

With these tips, you will feel less worried about the nature of your job.

Image: https://unsplash.com/photos/v0KyvB3J-TI

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Thursday, March 07, 2019

Are Clear Braces Right for You?

You’ve visited the dentist (or a mirror) and found out that your smile isn’t as beautiful as it could be or once was.  You’ve got crooked teeth and you’d like to do something about them, which is good, because there’s a number of ways to straighten your smile and let it shine.

Typically, crooked teeth meant braces – nasty, sharp and jagged metal braces.  Metal braces, also known as regular or traditional braces, are never fun - causing many annoyances and pain for the wearer.  Eating or taking care of your oral health is complicated and there is also no relief because they cannot be removed until your treatment plan has been completed.  Regular braces can also stain or damage your tooth enamel, leaving you with discolored teeth once the braces are removed.  Even after your teeth have been straightened, you could still find yourself with a less than perfect smile years down the road when your teeth fall out of alignment again.

Long story short, braces suck!  Until now that is, as clear braces have been developed and are taking over the fight against crooked teeth.  Also known as clear aligners, invisible braces, clear aligner trays and more – these custom made, plastic trays have simplified and taken most of the hassle out of wearing braces to straighten your teeth.  Clear braces let the wearer say goodbye to the pain of metal braces cutting into their gums and lips as well as freeing them from the confidence draining nightmare of an ugly metal smile.  Clear braces are virtually invisible, way more comfortable and can be removed when you eat or clean your teeth.  Best of all, they can give you a straighter smile in record time.

Types of Braces

You want straighter teeth – here are your options:

Metal Braces (Traditional Braces)

These types of braces feature metal brackets that are attached (bonded or glued) to your teeth and connected with a metal wire.  The wire acts to pull your teeth into their correct alignment over time and allows for incremental adjustments (tightening).  Metal braces are very uncomfortable, ugly and require many visits to the dentist for adjustments.  They are also non-removeable and create issues keeping your mouth clean and healthy.

Ceramic Braces

These braces look and function just like metal braces but use ceramic brackets that are colored to match your teeth.  They are less noticeable but most of the discomforts and the hassles or traditional braces still remain.  Ceramic braces are applicable for virtually all teeth straightening requirements but cost more than traditional metal braces.

Lingual Braces

Just like traditional braces, lingual braces feature metal brackets and wires attached to your teeth.  They differ from regular metal braces because they are attached on the inside of the teeth as opposed to on the front.  Lingual braces cannot be seen when you smile but they are very hard to clean, uncomfortable to wear, difficult to adjust and often affect a person’s speech, causing slurring and a lisp.

Clear Braces (Invisible Braces)

The most sought-after teeth straightening method is undoubtedly clear braces and for good reasons.  Clear braces feature a series of custom-made mouth guard like clear aligner trays that patients wear all day and night to progressively straighten their teeth.  Clear braces are almost invisible, do not require any attachments (brackets and wires), are comfortable to wear and can be removed while eating and for your oral care routine.  Clear braces don’t work well for seriously crooked teeth and are not available for children.  Clear braces are often used as follow up or maintenance treatments to ensure your smile stays straight for life.

What You Need to Know About Clear Braces

Since the inception of teeth straightening braces, dentists have been trying to find a method that produces results without filling a patient’s mouth with uncomfortable brackets and wires.  Clear braces have been in the works since the 1970’s but the first concept didn’t appear until 1997 when 3D technology allowed fabrication of clear plastic aligners trays that looked like mouthguards.  Clear braces have since been available as a treatment option since around the year 2000 but it’s been in the last few years that their prominence as a viable tooth straightening tool has really come to bear.

Clear braces are available for teenagers and adults with mild to moderate teeth alignment issues.  For patients with severe issues, traditional or ceramic braces may be required instead.

Benefits of Clear Braces Compared to Regular Braces

Clear braces are becoming very popular and it’s easy to see why.  The benefits of clear braces minimize the three largest drawbacks of traditional braces –pain, maintenance and looks.  No more metal mouth, no raw and cut up gums or lips and performing your oral care routine is a breeze.  Even though patients are required to wear the clear braces 24 hours a day (just like regular braces) they can be removed for meals and for cleaning, which is a massive bonus as anyone who’s every had to wear braces can attest.  Clear braces are also just that, clear, meaning that they are almost invisible and won’t give you an unsightly smile that can end up hurting your confidence. Another big advantage is that clear braces don’t require repeated and annoying appointments with your dentist.  Instead, your clear aligner trays are mailed directly to you and all you have to do is pop in the new set and away you go.

•    Clear and virtually invisible
•    Not directly attached to your teeth (no staining, discolouration or damage to your tooth enamel)
•    Virtually pain-free to wear
•    Can be removed for meals and oral care
•    No repeated visits to the dentist
•    Allow rapid straightening of mild to moderate tooth Talignment problems
•    Can be used as a remedial or maintenance treatment to help keep teeth straight for a lifetime

However, clear braces may not be right for everyone.  Patients with moderate to severe teeth alignment issues may still need corrective help from regular braces.  Some dentists are using two-part treatments, where the toughest realignment is achieved with regular braces before transitioning to clear braces for the final touches.

Clear braces can be a game-changer for patients looking for a straighter smile.  It is recommended to speak with your dental care professional for more information on whether invisible braces are a suitable treatment option.  There are a handful of invisible braces brands out there, such as Invisalign and ClearCorrect, and consumers can research which options they prefer.  Our dental offices at Martindale Dental specialize in Invisalign style invisible clear braces and can help you or your family achieve the beautiful, straight smiles you deserve.

This is a guest blog posting.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Revolutionary Dental Procedures to Look Out For At Your Dentist

A beautiful smile starts with the perfect dental health but this is not easy. Most people suffer teeth problems from an early age and these become major issues leading to teeth decay, loose teeth, periodontal disease, and oral cancer among other serious dental issues. Ultimately, a smile for such people becomes a mirage.

Luckily, advances in dental technology have seen new revolutionary dental procedures to remedy even the worst dental cases. If you have always wanted to restore that beautiful smile but you have a problem with your teeth, it is time to learn more about the latest dental procedures and how they can transform your life.

Importance of New Dental Procedures

People with dental problems struggle with low self-esteem and other mental health issues. A smile might not sound like much but for anyone with discolored teeth or missing teeth; it is something they would give anything to regain. 

The latest dental procedures not only help with smile restoration but also help overcome dietary problems such as an overbite.  It is also possible to prevent periodontal disease by protecting the gums. These procedures can also keep off serious dental issues such as oral cancer.

Dental Procedures Your Dentist Should Use

Your dentist first carries out a thorough dental assessment and an evaluation of your dental history. A recommendation for treatment only comes after this assessment. Some of the main dental procedures dental professionals use today includes:

1. Dental Implants:  If you have a missing tooth, it is easy to understand how frustrating this situation can be in your life.  A dental implant is a permanent replacement and includes a titanium screw fixed deep into your jawbone and a crown replacement which looks and feels like a natural tooth.

2. Laser Dentistry: Some dental procedures involve discomfort and pain but with laser dentistry, such problems no longer occur. From tooth fillings, cavity detection, reducing tooth sensitivity, eliminating tumors to teeth whitening, laser technology has revolutionized modern dentistry.

3. Invisalign: Braces have for a long time helped correct dental issues but the problem with traditional braces is the discomfort they cause. Invisalign are invisible braces custom-made to fit perfectly over individual teeth. They straighten teeth without causing discomfort and you can remove them any time you wish.

4. Computer Aided Design (CAD) Technology: Dental visits have become shorter with CAD technology. Preparing a crown is faster with this technology and the tooth replacement fits better.

5. Porcelain veneers: These veneers made from porcelain shells help correct tooth defects such as discoloring, chipping or cracking. They look natural and last longer than other tooth coverings.

6. Better Bonding and Filling Materials: Modern bonding materials include resin which is thinner and lasts longer. "Tooth-colored" composite or porcelain fillings perform better compared to traditional materials used in these procedures.

7. Gum disease treatment: Some of the advanced procedures in diagnosis and treatment of gum disease include laser technology, membranes, Scaling and root planning, bone grafts, or proteins for tissue growth, flap surgery/pocket reduction surgery and Guided tissue regeneration are a few of the new approaches treating gum disease.

During your next dentist appointment, ask about the latest dental procedures and ask which can help improve your treatment.   These advanced dental procedures will restore your smile and make a huge impact on your life.

This is a guest blog posting.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Bladder Scanning: Preventing Unnecessary Procedures

One of the most common infections in the hospital is a catheter-associated urinary tract infection or commonly known as CAUTI. This infection is caused by germs which enter the body via a urinary catheter, a tube inserted into the urinary tract to drain urine. If patients get affected with it, these infections can lead to serious complications, even death, especially for critically ill patients.
Hence, the role of nurses plays a very important part in preventing this infection to occur. Through the help of a bladder scanner, many patients can now prevent costly and painful procedures, such as unnecessary catheterization and cystoscopy.

What is a Bladder Scanner?

Bladder scanners are revolutionary tools that use technology to noninvasively and accurately evaluate the need for catheterization of the patient. It is a portable, hand-held ultrasound device, which can do an easy and painless scan of the bladder.

All bladder scanners have a transducer or probe and each piece determines the type of procedure your physician will conduct. Basically, a bladder scanner mainly uses high-frequency sound waves which are transmitted through the probe that provides a virtual 3D image of the bladder and the volume of urine retained within the bladder. This data will be documented and registered on a computer for examination and analysis of the physician afterwards. The data also includes images of the internal soft tissues of the bladder and other related organs.

This ultrasound procedure is known as bladder scanning which normally takes only a couple of minutes to complete and does not require the supervision by a sonographer. Most physicians use different medical approaches for diagnostic purposes. This usually varies on the organ that needs scanning. For instance, external organs such as bladders, breast, and muscles require higher frequency application while lower frequencies are applied in assessing deep structures such as the kidneys, and the liver.

Benefits of a Bladder Scanner

Bladder scanning is an innovative medical procedure as it provides painless medical assistance to patients and eliminates the risks associated with an unnecessary medical procedure, such as catheterization. There are several bladder scanners now available in the market consists of a battery-operated LCD display console, an ultrasound probe that scans the patient's bladder, and a pair of rechargeable batteries with a charger.

A bladder scanner is an effective device which is now commonly used by many medical professionals in ascertaining post void residual left in the urinary bladder of the patient. No wonder why this powerful device is considered as a powerful medical tool as aside from providing noninvasive medical assistance, this medical device also provides a cheaper procedure compared to other procedures like cystoscopy and catheterization. In fact, bladder scanning has superseded urethral catheterization as the latter medical procedure has been linked to unnecessary pain and other potential medical risks.

Bladder scanning has so many benefits to offer which include:
  • Bladder scanners can provide data about the prostate size, diverticula, stones and large tumors in the bladder.
  • Bladder scanners are utilized to identify the main causes of bladder irritability, urinary frequency, and identify bladder distention. It is an effective tool in bladder training, too.
  • It is proven to be a powerful device in assisting in an accurate examination of a patient's hydration status.
  • Bladder scanners are useful in the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of postoperative urinary retention or commonly known as POUR. It is likewise essential in avoiding catheter-associated urinary tract infections. 

The utilization of ultrasound bladder scanner is not only imperative but necessary in order to prevent the aggravation of bladder illnesses such as urethral stricture, urosepsis, urinary tract infections and bladder dysfunction. This is important to save the patient from excruciating pain, damage to his/her renal structures and most especially, to avoid unnecessary medical care that can only lead to additional medical expenses and may lead to other potential medical risks to the patient.

Indeed, the benefits of bladder scanning cannot be overemphasized and medical experts, as well as patients, should take advantage of these. Many medical suppliers, such as Emech Medical Supplies, sell high-quality bladder scanner that helps medical experts easily gather accurate data of the patient’s bladder status.

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