Friday, January 08, 2021

Preparing to Pursue a Medical Malpractice Claim

When you enlist the services of a healthcare professional, be it for a surgery, psychiatric care, physical therapy, or dental care, you do so under the assumption they will keep you free from harm. As such, when these individuals or institutions don’t exercise due diligence and behave recklessly, causing injuries or damages, you have the right to file a suit against them.

If you find yourself in this situation, you’re likely eager to move forward as fast as possible to recover the compensation you deserve. However, if you want to find success with your claim, it’s important to slow down, think ahead, and take the necessary steps to prepare. Follow the tips below to ensure you’ve got all the tools and resources needed to succeed as you move forward. 

3 Key Steps to Take if You’re Pursuing a Medical Malpractice Claim

1. Hire an Attorney

The first, and possibly most crucial step, is to find a reputable medical malpractice law firm that will take on your case. Working with a lawyer will alleviate a major burden moving forward. These professionals are equipped with the knowledge, experience, and skills needed to most accurately and effectively represent your interests. 

Medical professionals are usually backed by major corporate lawyers, and attempting to go up against these professionals by yourself isn’t just intimidating—it can also be disastrous for your claim. Their main goal will be to poke holes in your arguments and try to turn things around on you. If you don’t know how to properly present your evidence, they could ultimately find a way to avoid liability on behalf of their client.

Furthermore, a medical malpractice attorney’s negotiation skills will likely come in handy when the time comes to figure out your settlement – they’ll have a better understanding as to what your claim is really worth, so you don’t miss out on any much-needed compensation. 

2. Put Together an Arsenal of Evidence

Evidence plays a key role in building a medical malpractice claim. Not only does it help to show the other party’s true liability, making it near impossible for them to avoid paying your damages, but it also helps to prove the true value of your claim. 

To start, gather any images or videos you took immediately after the accident. If possible, opt for footage with a date or time stamp to help validate your findings. You should also provide your attorney with a list of contacts who served as eyewitnesses. This might include family members, attending nurses, additional physicians, or friends. 

Finally, provide them with any documents or bills associated with the accident and any expenses incurred as a result. For example, this may include a medical report outlining the procedure or treatment administered, a report of your injuries from the hospital, and a repository of bills from treating said injuries. 

3. Find Out Your State’s Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations refers to how long you have to legally file a lawsuit. Typically, this is a period of three to five years from the date of the accident. In the state of Florida, you have two years from the date of the discovery to begin the proceedings and file against the liable party. Although this may sound like a long time, acting earlier is better. Medical malpractice cases can take months to reach a settlement, and the earlier you are within that statute, the less likely you are to run into complications. 

After your accident, beginning a lawsuit can seem overwhelming. But with proper care and research, you can seamlessly move forward to recover the compensation you deserve. 

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Wednesday, January 06, 2021

The 5 Top Benefits of Laser Therapy

Using laser treatment for cosmetic purposes started in 1963 when American surgeon Leon Goldman pioneered laser applications for dermatological conditions. The developments and clinical applications of lasers for cosmetic purposes soon followed.

Getting laser treatment sounds daunting, mainly due to the lack of information about it. But laser treatment, if you have skin conditions you want to repair, may be the right choice. The treatment is quick and easy and will give your skin a new lease of life, so to speak.

Should you get laser treatment?

If there are extenuating circumstances, getting laser treatment may be the right solution. Laser treatment is versatile, and there are several conditions that only laser treatment can achieve, using different types of lasers. It can be combined with other treatments. It can also be used on all skin types. Therefore, if you are bothered by skin concerns, be sure to consult with a certified dermatologist. If you want to know more, visit

Lasers emit high-intensity light, and they are capable of accurately focusing on small spots. The laser beam gently ablates or vaporises the skin tissues to treat cut skin tissue, seal blood vessels, remove blemishes and scars, and smooth out wrinkles. The treatment directs short and intense pulsating light beams on the skin, removing the blemished skin layer by layer.

What do lasers treat?

Dermatologists say that laser treatment is effective and safe for treating the following conditions:

  • Unwanted hair
  • Sunspots
  • Skin laxity
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Spider veins
  • Brown and red spots

Benefits of getting laser treatments

Lasers are effective because they can accurately send the hyper-focused light energy to a specific area, even if it is small. With its capability to micro-direct the treatment, it does not damage the surrounding tissues. Here are some of its benefits:

  • 1. Medical aesthetics technology provides controlled strength and accuracy. Its ability to accurately target deep layers of tissue below the skin's surface is considered the most effective type of treatment for certain conditions.
  • 2. It can bring back the glow of your skin. Getting spa treatments leaves your skin clean and hydrated. In contrast, laser treatments rejuvenate your skin from the surface to several layers underneath. Laser treatments resurface, rejuvenate and tighten your skin, making it feel and look younger.  
  • 3. Laser treatment is non-invasive. Compared to cosmetic surgery, laser surgery does not require a long recovery time. You will not face the risk of blood loss, infection and nerve damage. Being non-invasive, there is downtime, and you can see the results immediately. You can have a photofacial (laser skin rejuvenation) during your lunch break if you wish.
  • 4. Laser treatment can remove unwanted tattoos. Aside from the list of services you can get, you can also use laser treatment to remove that tattoo you want to erase from your memory.
  • 5. Removes skin blemishes. Laser treatment can permanently remove acne scars and other blemishes on your skin.

The skin is the most visible and largest part of the body. Your skin protects you, and being visible, it is exposed to pollutants, dust, dirt, harsh products and other environmental hazards. If you have blemishes and other skin conditions that creams and other topical treatments cannot remove, you might find a better solution by getting laser treatment. 


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Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What are the most common dental problems?


No one likes going to the dentist, but the longer you avoided it, the more time you will ultimately end up spending in the dentist’s chair. There are a number of problems ignoring your teeth can cause and there are some that may be no fault of your own. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with common dental problems before you go to your next dentist appointment.

1. Stained Teeth

Medications such as tetracycline and doxycycline have been known to cause stains on teeth. Unfortunately, whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains and they will reappear after a little while. A dentist will use a special light and a whitening agent to remove stains.

2. Cavities

Cavities are caused when plaque builds up on your teeth. Plaque is a bacteria that causes holes in your teeth. You should brush a minimum of two times a day and use a fluoride rinse. Flossing it's just as important as brushing your teeth if not more. You should avoid drinking fruit juices, soda, and sports drinks.

3. Impacted Teeth

When a child gets their adult teeth sometimes they do not erupt correctly. The tooth may be caught against soft tissue or even another tooth. If it causes pain, an oral surgeon can remove the tooth.

4. Sensitive Teeth

If your teeth hurt when you eat a Popsicle or when you drink tea, it might be because you have worn out tooth enamel or a cavity. You may also have a fractured tooth or exposed roots. Your dentist will be able to tell you what is causing the problem after you have had an examination. There are some people who have sensitive teeth and will have to use special toothpaste.

5. Hypodontia

Most people have 32 teeth but some were born with a few less. People who have this condition can experience intense pain. It is a fairly common dental abnormality. It generally affects the second premolars and the upper lateral incisors. The teeth may be smaller than usual.

Oftentimes hypodontia is associated with a cleft palate or Downs Syndrome. It affects both the appearance of the teeth in the functionality of them. They are sometimes treated with orthodonture or partial dentures.

6. Toothache

An old fashioned toothache is one of the most common reasons a person goes to the dentist. It may be caused by gum disease, a cavity, or grinding your teeth. You can dull the pain of a toothache by rinsing your mouth out with salt water brushing often and flossing and taking aspirin or ibuprofen.

7. Crooked Teeth

Very few people have perfectly straight teeth. Getting braces has almost become a rite of passage. There are several options for braces nowadays. You can get Invisalign to wear during the day, invisible braces. or even traditional metal braces.

Finding a Dentist

Finding the perfect place for dentistry in the Charlotte area can be challenging. You should look for a multi-service dental office, that offers both pediatric and adult dentists. Make sure they have good reviews and a good reputation with the Dental Board.

Authoritative Sources:

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3 Ways to Protect Yourself in a Personal Injury Claim

When someone gets injured because of the negligent actions of another, that is called a personal injury. In these cases negligence means that the person who caused the accident did not intend for anyone to get hurt, but that their negligent actions led to an injury nonetheless. There are not usually any criminal charges in a personal injury case because the act does not rise to that level. Instead, the victim of the accident is entitled to receive compensation for their losses from the insurance company of the responsible party.

In order to get that compensation, they will need to file a personal injury claim, and if they need to file a personal injury claim, then they will need the help of an attorney. An attorney can help them to prepare and file the claims and they will negotiate with the insurance company to make sure that their client gets a fair settlement. If you live in New York and have suffered a personal injury, then contact Long Island personal injury Harrison to get the help that you need as well as advice on how to protect your personal injury claim.

Preparing For a Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury claim is very important because it is possibly the only way for the victim to be compensated for the losses they suffered in the accident. That is why they will need to protect themself as much as possible so that they can avoid any potential setbacks that can hurt their case. The following are some of the actions that they will need to take.

Hire a Lawyer

This is the most important thing that a personal injury victim can do because the attorney will know how to handle the case from start to finish and will know how to maximize their client’s settlement amount so that all of their injury-related expenses are covered. The victim does not have to worry if they cannot afford an attorney because most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis. That means they only get paid if the case is successful, in which case they receive a percentage of the settlement amount. So there is no risk and potentially a lot of rewards to hiring a personal injury attorney.

Seek Medical Treatment Immediately

Medical treatment is important for both the accident victim’s health and their personal injury claim. The reason is that some injuries may not manifest immediately and can show up some time after the accident. So getting treated early can allow a medical professional to treat those injuries before they get worse. This is important because if the accident victim waits too long to see a doctor, not only will their injuries worsen, but the insurance company might try to claim that those injuries were not caused by the accident. If they make that claim, then they will reject the compensation for any medical expenses needed to treat them.

Keep a Detailed List of Injury-Related Expenses

This list should include medical bills, prescriptions, any necessary medical equipment and/or accessories, and so on. Any property that got damaged in the accident and needed to be repaired or replaced should be included in the list of expenses as well. It is important to keep track of all out of pocket expenses so that the attorney knows exactly how much compensation to demand from the insurance company.

The accident victim should also let their attorney know about any pain and suffering they are feeling as well as the emotional and psychological impact the accident had on them so that those can be included in the compensation demand as well. They do not have any intrinsic monetary value, but attorneys and insurance companies use a formula to determine how much the emotional and psychological trauma caused by the accident is worth.

Follow These Steps To Protect Your Personal Injury Claim

The insurance company will try every trick in the book to reduce or reject your personal injury claim so you need to do all that you can to protect it and make it hard for them to say no. That is why the first thing you need to do is contact a skilled and experienced personal injury attorney to help you. They can offer advice, help you to make your claim as airtight as possible, and maximize the settlement amount so that all of your expenses are covered. So be sure to find a good personal injury lawyer to help you protect your claim if you were in an accident that was caused by negligence.

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How to Break Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits

Nobody is perfect. Everyone struggles with vices, addictions, and bad health habits that affect their well-being. The key to living a healthy and happy life isn’t about avoiding poor health choices, but overcoming them. Of course, breaking a bad lifestyle habit is easier said than done. Indeed, a smoker of twenty years will likely have trouble giving up cigarettes cold turkey. However, it is possible for anyone to make positive changes to their lifestyle for the benefit of their health. And these five tips can help you along the way. Check them out here: 

Talk to a Doctor

When it comes to improving your health and wellness, there are few single actions as beneficial as scheduling an appointment with your doctor. Not only can doctors help you identify bad habits, but they can provide you with meaningful advice to cut them out. What’s more, they have access to a wide variety of tools and resources –– like 2 ml serological pipettes –– that they can use to treat and diagnose medical problems that may currently be bothering you. 

Address the Issue

The first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. The bad news is that it can be very difficult for some individuals to even recognize that they engage in destructive or detrimental behaviors. Still, if you don’t acknowledge the issue, you’ll never be able to make positive changes to correct it. 

Find Support

Breaking a bad habit all on your own can make a person feel incredibly isolated or depressed. As such, it’s generally a good idea to find friends and family members who can offer you encouragement and advice when you need it most. In addition, you may consider joining a supportive group with individuals who understand your problem from firsthand experience. These people can share tips and let you know if key healthcare changes happen.

Start Small

Every 1,000-mile journey begins with a single step. Though it can be very frustrating to make only incremental progress, it’s better to cut down on a bad habit than to give up altogether. Indeed, many individuals find they have to “wean” themselves off of bad behaviors over a long period of time.  So don’t get frustrated if the progress you generate early on doesn’t seem all that impressive. It will work out in the long run. 

Bounce Back

Progress rarely occurs in a linear fashion. The sad reality is that most people have trouble kicking bad habits, and they’re likely to experience several setbacks when they try to improve their lifestyle. This is to be expected. The key to success in any difficult venture is learning how to bounce back and respond to adversity. Everyone has bad days from time to time –– just don’t let them define you!

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Thursday, December 24, 2020

How Is CBD Useful For Athletes?

It is no surprise to see that CBD appeals to a wide range of people. After all, it offers a very wide range of benefits, and everyone has different needs. For today, we will be focusing on the specific needs of athletes. There are several key ways in which CBD can be useful for those who are involved in regular athletic competition, so let's go over a few of the more important ones.

1. CBD Is A Good Anti-Inflammatory

Let's face it; injuries are a normal part of every athlete's life. When you are constantly trying to push your body to the limit, there will always be the danger that you will go too far. When that happens, injury is the most common result. However, people who are competing at a high level become injured, there will invariably be a lot of pressure for them to return. 

We certainly wouldn't advise an athlete to rush their recovery, but we also know that most of them will be eager to return to the field. That's where a good anti-inflammatory medication can be helpful, but a lot of the traditional options (like ibuprofen and acetaminophen) can cause stomach problems after prolonged use. CBD represents a much safer way to soothe inflamed muscles and joints between games. There is plenty of evidence to show that it makes a very effective anti-inflammatory agent.

2. No Need To Worry About Tripping A Drug Test

Any athlete above the little league level is going to be regularly tested for drugs. Because of the problems that have resulted from the abuse of performance-enhancing drugs, this practice is probably not going away anytime soon. Some would argue that the practice is unduly invasive, and we would agree, but we aren't the ones who make those decisions.

There have sometimes been problems for athletes when their medications were mistaken for illegal drugs. For instance, opioid pain medications could easily be mistaken for illegal opiates, and cannabinoid medications have caused similar problems in the past. However, there is good news for athletes that are interested in CBD: The World Anti-Doping Agency (which regulates these things for most sports) has recently removed CBD from its list of prohibited substances.

That being said, there is one little problem here. Many CBD products contain trace amounts of other cannabinoids, and those can be mistaken for Marijuana on a drug test. Thus, we would recommend that athletes use CBD isolate and others that are completely pure. You would, of course, need to avoid the "full-spectrum" and "broad-spectrum" extracts.

3. CBD Is Equally Useful In Topical Form

In many cases, sports injuries are localized in a certain area. Hamstrings, glutes, and shoulder muscles are all frequent victims (although that kind of thing will vary by sport, of course). That's when you need a topical medicine, meaning one that is meant to be applied externally. Creams and lotions are two common examples of external medicines like this. Because of the fact that CBD can be readily absorbed by the skin, it works just as well in topical medications as it does in oral ones.

This provides athletes with a more targeted way to address their injuries. There are even CBD-based sprays that can be quickly applied to any afflicted area. Of course, all of these topical products should be rubbed into the area after application. Otherwise, your skin may not absorb enough CBD to get the job done. Some people report that this kind of treatment also leaves their muscles feeling more flexible.

4. CBD Is A Non-Narcotic Pain Reliever

In addition to its anti-inflammatory benefits, CBD also serves as a mild and non-narcotic pain reliever. As we mentioned earlier, opioid medications can easily cause you to fail a drug test. More importantly, they can expose you to the risk of addiction, which is far worse than most injuries. CBD may not be quite as strong of a pain reliever, but it comes with none of that baggage. 

There are many times when an athlete needs relief from minor aches and pains, particularly in the muscles. That's when CBD, especially the ones from can be just enough to deal with the problem. Again, we wouldn't recommend that you chew on a CBD gummy when you have a broken leg, but it is good for mild pain. It works by blocking some of the receptor cells in your brain that cause you to feel pain.

5. CBD Makes A Good Workout Supplement Ingredient

Because it has a tendency to reduce pain, inflammation, and fatigue, it makes sense that some people are beginning to incorporate CBD into workout supplements. In particular, it seems to go well with whey protein, which is probably the most popular protein supplement on the market. We have also seen hempseed protein being incorporated into some fitness products, which helps in the creation of a good amino acid blend.


There are probably other reasons for which athletes might consider the use of CBD, but these seem to be the top five. All in all, the soothing nature of the plant is what gives it a lot of potential for sports medicine. It can do some of the same jobs that traditional medicines do, but with fewer side effects and problems. While the facts here are true to the best of our knowledge, it is important that you consult your doctor before using CBD to treat any medical condition.

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Thursday, December 17, 2020

10 Signs You May Be Addicted to Tramadol

In essence, Tramadol is a type of opiate analgesic, which is generally prescribed for treating moderate to severe pain. It works by altering the response of your brain and nervous system to tenderness. The dosage of the medication is somewhat mild. It, in turn, leads most people to believe that the drug is not addictive at all. 

However, that is entirely untrue. A lot of individuals who use Tramadol tend to become dependent on it, which gradually leads to addiction to the same. Due to this reason, you should only intake them as prescribed by your doctor. Otherwise, you might encounter the following issues. 

1.    Physical Dependence 

Physical dependence on Tramadol might develop over time with the increased amount of usage. When you become entirely dependent on it, then you might experience the below-mentioned symptom after stopping its intake.

  • Panic
  • Sweating
  • Sneezing
  • Nervousness
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Tremor or uncontrollable shaking of the body
  • Muscle spasm
  • Runny nose 

If you’re asking yourself how long does Tramadol withdrawal last, then you will not find one  answer to it. The duration of the same will depend on your treatment procedure. So, be sure to get to it as promptly as possible. 

2.    Mental Disturbance 

Like any other form of addiction, Tramadol, too, can affect the way you think or do your work. For example, you might start missing your assignments due to the dependence on the medicine. You may also feel anxious if you are unable to take the drug at least a few times during the day.

Ignoring personal hygiene can also be an indication of addiction. According to a research module, almost 20,000 people in the USA visited a hospital to treat Tramadol addiction and, most of them were suffering from mental disturbance.  

3.    Loss of Appetite 

The issue of loss of appetite is somewhat synonymous with antidepressant withdrawal. However, it can also occur if you are addicted to Tramadol. In this aspect, you will lose the desire to eat anything, even when you are hungry. It might lead to gastritis and affect your overall BMI system negatively.

4.    Irritability

Along with anxiety, Tramadol addiction can also bring extreme irritability to your life. If you do not get to intake Tramadol, then you might feel extremely aggravated and start behaving rudely to everyone. You may also feel agitated even when you are not interacting with anyone. 

5.    Fast Breathing and Increased Heart Rate 

Due to distress and anxiety, your heart rate might increase a little bit as well. You will feel like pressure pushing you through your chest. In some cases, your breathing might get a little bit fast as well, even when you are not doing anything at all. 

6.    Delirium or Confusion 

A state of confusion or delirium is yet another issue that might occur among Tramadol addicts. You will experience the same right after taking a dose of the medication. It will ensnare your nervous system and senses, which, in turn, will obstruct your ability to think anything clearly.  

7.    Abdominal Cramps

While suffering from addiction, you can, sometimes, take a substantial amount of drugs without thinking twice. It can affect your digestive system massively and cause cramps or pain. Moreover, if you do not treat it right away, then it can also lead to diarrhea-related issues. 

8.    Trying to be Euphoric 

Do you usually take the drug for having peace of mind and sensing its euphoric effects? If your answer is "yes", then you might already be in the grasp of Tramadol addiction. As the medication is quite mild, it does not require an individual much time to develop tolerance towards it. Thus, many of them tend to use it for getting “high”. 

9.    Drug-seeking Attitude

Drug-seeking manners are one of the most common signs of any addiction. So, if you are, indeed, addicted to Tramadol, then you might exhibit the following behavior –

  • Visiting more than one doctor to get the medication
  • Giving an excuse for "loss of prescription"
  • The reluctance of showing the previous medical records
  • Tampering with drugs and medications

10.    Hallucination 

If you are using the Tramadol drug for a prolonged period of addiction, then you might also experience hallucinations. It is a dream-like state, which might make you see or feel something that does not even exist at all. Hallucinations are one of the rarest yet most reasonable symptoms of Tramadol addiction.
Final words

Unlike the other synthetic opioids, the Tramadol drug might seem to be somewhat harmless. But, in essence, it is not risk-free at all. So, if you are encountering any of the above-mentioned symptoms, then visiting your doctor can make a world of difference to you. Addiction of any sort, whether it is Tramadol or anything else, can affect your personal and professional life massively. So, make sure to treat it as soon as possible!

This is a blog post by Brian Jamerson.