Monday, January 06, 2020

How to Naturally Treat COPD

COPD, known otherwise as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a type of lung disease that makes it harder to breathe. The two most common types of COPD are chronic bronchitis, which causes a persistent cough and overproduction of mucus, and emphysema, which can inflame and damage the lining of the lungs over time. You can use this resource to find out more about the symptoms of COPD.

While COPD is incurable, there are a number of treatments your doctor will suggest that will make it less difficult to live with. These include inhalers, oral steroids, and antibiotics. You can also naturally treat your COPD alongside these medications. Natural treatments shouldn’t be practiced on their own, as you may risk causing more harm to your health in the long run. However, studies have shown that they can be beneficial to patients with COPD when used in combination with medical treatment plans.

Here are the simplest ways to naturally treat your COPD:

1.       Quit smoking

When smoking is the biggest cause of COPD in the US, the best thing you can do for your health is quit. Research indicates that quitting smoking is as hard as quitting heroin or cocaine, so if you’re struggling to quit, it’s perfectly normal.

The key is to not give in – and seek external support where you can. You don’t need to quit smoking on your own. Look for groups to join where you and your peers can motivate one another, speak to your doctor about medical support, and prepare to give the quitting process several goes before you see ultimate success.

2.       Practice breathing exercises

If you’re suffering with COPD, your breathing muscles probably aren’t as strong as they should be. This is where breathing exercises can be really effective. Try diaphragm breathing, where you focus on expanding your stomach when you breathe in, and deflating it while you breathe out.

You’ll find that breathing exercises can also improve your ability to carry out physical exercise, which is difficult for many COPD sufferers.

3.       Improve your home’s air quality

The quality of the air you breathe in is all the more important if you have COPD. Make sure to open your windows every now and then to allow ventilation throughout your home, and avoid common irritants like paint fumes, cigarette smoke, dust and chemical cleaning products.
You can naturally improve your home’s air quality by regularly dusting and vacuuming, investing in an air filtration system, and washing cushions and bed linens frequently.

4.       Manage your stress levels

Many people don’t realize that COPD is linked to mental health, and that stress, anxiety and depression can increase the risk of flare-ups. Deal with the problem at its source and work to reduce your stress levels where you can.

Try out mindful meditation, which is a great stress management technique that can help improve your emotional function and reduce the physical effects of stress. Practicing yoga, taking walks in nature, following a healthy diet, and committing to therapy can also help to reduce stress in the long run.

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Sunday, January 05, 2020

5 Ways To Boost The Effectiveness Of Thermogenic Fat Burners

Thermogenic fat burners are a popular category of supplements that aim to boost the fat burning process that your body naturally performs. Many popular thermogenic supplements contain research-proven ingredients like Caffeine and Capsaicin.

While the metabolic boost of many of these thermogenic ingredients is proven to be effective in research, the results for the user still depend on other actions taken throughout their daily lives.

According to Legwork, anybody who is looking to lose fat is a good candidate for using a thermogenic supplement. To ensure that thermogenic fat burners do their job of improving rates of fat loss, you must focus on a few things to make the whole process effective.

Here are the 5 ways to boost the effectiveness of thermogenic supplements.

#1 – Ensure A Caloric Deficit

Thermogenic supplements will raise the rate of fat oxidation within fat cells. However, that doesn't automatically mean you will be losing fat.

Instead, the fatty acids enter the bloodstream and are either burned off as energy or stored again, as fat, for later use. If you aren't eating a caloric deficit daily, the increased thermogenic effect will just move fatty acids around in your body instead of burning them off.

Eating in a caloric deficit requires the body to increase available energy from its stores, which could be glycogen/glucose, amino acids, or fatty acids. Since the thermogenic compounds are already working to boost the rate of fat oxidation, there will be free-floating fatty acids readily available for energy.

This is the most critical factor in ensuring that the thermogenic works to lose fat.

#2 – Exercise Regularly, Especially Around The Time You Take A Thermogenic

Exercise, whether it be weight training or cardiovascular exercise, can boost fat oxidation. If you take a thermogenic before your workout, perhaps in the form of a stimulant-based pre-workout, you are increasing your rate of fat oxidation by utilizing more pathways.

Since you need more energy during a workout than when you are at rest, it's best to have the most free fatty acids available to ensure more fat loss. By providing you are in a calorie deficit, you are already burning fat during the day.

But, the additive effect from timing a thermogenic around your workout can lead to more results over time.

All you need to do is ensure you are exercising daily, even if only for 20-30 minutes. A simple set up is to alternate strength training and cardio each day.

#3 – Try More Than Just One Thermogenic Supplement

Thermogenic ingredients don't all work in the same way, even if they end in the same result. That means that using more than one ingredient may boost the overall thermogenic effect more than using one ingredient in isolation.

While there isn't much comparative research testing the effectiveness of combinations of thermogenic compounds versus one in isolation, knowing that many of the ingredients have different pathways to boost thermogenesis means that it can't hurt, and will likely boost progress.

A good way to utilize this strategy is to use stimulant-based thermogenic ingredients, like Caffeine and Yohimbe early in the day so it won't affect your sleep. Then, later in the day, you can opt for non-stimulant ingredients, like Capsaicin, leading to an increased thermogenic effect throughout the day with different methods of action.

#4 – Eat Foods That Contain Thermogenics

You don't need supplements to use a thermogenic realistically. Instead, you can focus on natural food sources of these thermogenic ingredients.

For example, Coffee and Green Tea are great sources of natural Caffeine, one of the most efficacious thermogenic compounds available.

If you are looking to increase your Capsaicin intake, you can opt for peppers when prepping your meals. The spicier the pepper, the more capsaicin is present.

Cinnamon also shows promise for fat loss in research. You can sprinkle this in wherever you would enjoy the flavor.

A simple meal plan to include all of these foods could be something like this:
  • Breakfast – Oatmeal with Cinnamon and sweetener of choice, Coffee
  • Lunch – Steak & Pepper stir fry, Green Tea
  • Snack – Protein Shake with Cinnamon sprinkled in
  • Dinner – Chicken Tacos with Peppers
  • Snack – Cottage Cheese with Cinnamon, fruit of choice
This is a simple way to get useful dosages of thermogenic ingredients without even taking a supplement. You can use this idea alone, or in conjunction with supplements to boost dosages and results.

#5 – Be Realistic With Your Goals

This is less about optimizing the use of a thermogenic and more about the fact that realistic goals and timelines lead to better results.

Thermogenics are not magic and aren't going to produce drastic results without hard work and adherence to a plan that is built for fat loss.

Knowing that a thermogenic can boost results should be motivation to stick with an exercise and diet plan that builds on that possibility.

However, many people don't change their lifestyle or eating habits and simply take a pill hoping for fat loss to just happen. That's not how supplements work.

Be patient and consistent, and a thermogenic will do its job!

Final Thoughts

The more effort you put into utilizing all of these 5 ways to boost the effectiveness of thermogenic supplements the better results you will get. The cumulative effect of using all 5 will be much higher than using just 1 or 2 of these methods.

Thermogenics may work for you if you put in the work required to make them effective. Good luck on your fat loss journey!

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Thursday, January 02, 2020

HVAC 101 – Elite AC Repair Austin Explains When to Call in the Experts

It’s not hard to see why air-conditioning systems have become more than just a mere luxury for many of us. After all, hot weather affects our bodies more than we realize. Not only can extreme heat make it much more challenging to achieve our daily tasks and responsibilities, but prolonged exposure can also make us more susceptible to related issues such as heat strokes too. It is for these reasons that we must look after and maintain our air-conditioners well.

But while preventative maintenance is always a better approach, there’s a limit to what you can do. So to make sure that the system continues to function the way that it’s supposed to, here are just a few of the most common indicators that your air-conditioner needs to be checked by Elite AC repair Austin.

An accumulation of dust and debris is an indicator of an underlying problem 

Air-conditioning units don’t just cool an area. They also allow air to circulate within the location too. So if there’s an accumulation of dust and debris, especially on the vents of the unit, there could potentially be a problem with the system. And in these cases, it’s best not to use the AC. Instead, have experts from AC Repair Austin check the system thoroughly. In this way, you’ll avoid causing any more damage to the system in the event that there is an issue with the unit. It can also help your health as it is not good to breathe in poor quality air.

Strange and odd sounds are another sign that there’s an issue with the unit 

Another tell-tale sign that there’s something wrong with your air-conditioning unit is if it generates strange and odd sounds. After all, most modern systems are designed to run as quietly as possible. And if you hear noises coming from your AC, there’s more than a good chance that there could be a fault in the system. And by running it, you’ll risk damaging it even further.

So if you start hearing noises from your AC unit, especially grating sounds, make sure that you have Austin HVAC repair specialists check the system immediately to avoid any problems from getting worse.

Have the unit checked if it starts producing a foul smell 

It might sound weird, but the odor that the system emits can also be a sign of its condition too. And if it starts producing a foul smell, have your air-conditioning unit checked immediately. After all, there’s a good chance that mold could be building up within the AC, which can also cause health problems. And not only will this impede the system from functioning efficiently, but it can also be a potential health hazard as well.

Just because you lack the knowledge, skills, and tools to repair an air-conditioning system, it doesn’t mean that there’s nothing that you can do to increase the longevity of your AC units. And by taking note of the common indicators that are listed above, you’ll know when to have your system checked by, and as a result, keep it operating correctly.

To guarantee that your HVAC products last for a long time, it’s always better to secure items from leading manufacturers like Trane. After all, there’s no substitute for quality. And by pairing them with good standard practices such as keeping an eye out for the indicators mentioned above, not only will you increase longevity. But as a result, you’ll also get good value for your money too.


Wednesday, January 01, 2020

How a Portable Oxygen Generator Helps You Live an Enjoyable Life

Supplemental oxygen therapy is experiencing an increase in demand as many medical conditions are becoming more prevalent with age. Currently, more than 25 million individuals in the US have asthma. Almost 14.8 million adults have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD is an irreversible and progressive health condition that comprises diseases like emphysema and chronic bronchitis or a mixture of the two.

In COPD, the damaged tissues of the lung and contracting of the airways make it difficult to breathe well. Even though the condition is incurable, its rate of advancement is halted by things like a healthy diet and workouts. Since people with COPD experience breathing difficulties, they need breathing machines known as an oxygen generator to help them breathe with ease.

Previously, patients who needed continuing oxygen therapy depended on oxygen cylinders. These cylinders contained concentrated oxygen and offered purified oxygen, but they were bulky and heavy to carry. Luckily, the advancement in technology resulted in the making of portable breathing machines. The new devices form their oxygen instead of relying on the limited supply.  They are designed to draw oxygen from the air, purify it and keep it.
  • Travel certified oxygen device
Portable breathing machines are lightweight and simple to carry around, assisting patients in living a life without constraints. However, these are not the only advantages. Let's look at other perks for people who need oxygen therapy.
  • The best treatment for COPD
COPD is a progressing lung disease that gradually deteriorates with time. It can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be handled. While the condition worsens, the disease will cause a lack of oxygen, and this means people with COPD require extra oxygen. They might not feel comfortable to travel while on oxygen therapy due to the heaviness of the oxygen cylinders.

So, portable breathing machines are the most effective remedy for COPD patients. The devices don’t have to be filled with oxygen, and they’re compatible. Most of these machines weigh up to 5lbs and can be placed in a small bag. The current oxygen concentrators are powered by batteries that lasts for 12 hours. They also come with an A/C adapter that allows you to plug in and recharge anywhere.
  • Easier travel and improved mobility
Travelling is almost impossible for patients who use oxygen cylinders, and they also can’t fly. When traveling by air, you are exposed to reduced air pressure. Even though this is unnoticeable for many people, they will restrict the capability of people with lung disease to fly. Furthermore, people can’t bring liquid or gaseous oxygen cylinders on planes.

Nevertheless, the Federal Aviation Administration has permitted the use of several portable breathing machines on planes. If you want to fly, confer with your preferred airline to ensure you can fly with your breathing device. If you can disconnect from the device, you can put it in the luggage bag or have it in the carry-on pouch. If you can’t disconnect, you might go through the pat-down check.

Besides air travel, you can move with the breathing device in your car or when you travel by train. Because the device is designed with an A/C adapter, you can recharge the device by plugging into the car charging system. Since the machines compress oxygen in the air, they’re not prone to similar threats posed by cylinders containing concentrated oxygen. Lastly, they are easy to carry since they are lightweight and small.
  • Improvements in every aspect of life
Getting a portable breathing device allows you to improve your lifestyle. For instance, having the capability to move more often will help you enhance your mood rather than feeling lonely in the house. You will enjoy recreational and social activities and visit various places and friends far away from your home.

The machine can enhance your sleep. Set the device to supply an ongoing oxygen flow to allow you to sleep restfully. Once you sleep well during the night, you will have an enhanced cognition in the daytime. Individuals who don’t have enough sleep tend to feel confused when they are awake.

The machines might improve your capability to work out well since you won't have a shortage of breath, and you’ll have enough oxygen required to support the workouts. Because the devices are lightweight and small, you will have unmatched independence and have the ability to do any activity you want.


As you can see, having this machine will help you live a quality life. When it comes to purchasing a portable breathing device, ensure you talk to your doctor. He will advise you on the best type and brand of machine that suits your needs. The doctor will also calibrate the device to ensure you get oxygen therapy at optimal pressures. 

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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Recent Study Finds That CBD Decontaminates Soil

CBD seems to be shaking the earth with its continually-emerging benefits. Now, one study is even suggesting that its mother plant, hemp, has oddly resilient properties that prove successful in removing toxins from even the most damaged of Earth’s soil. Not only this, but it actually produces more cannabinoids (like CBD) when it is placed in a stressful environment.

In a recent study published in August of 2019 by Pennsylvania State University, hemp (specifically, its Cannabis sativa L. strain) grown on the land of abandoned mines in Pennsylvania demonstrated Phytoremediative properties. Hemp is a non-psychoactive strain of Sativa.

Phytoremediation is a constructed process of removing toxins or obliterating contaminants from tainted soil with plants or organisms, such as fungi and - now - strains of Cannabis. Phytoremediation is a way for plants to protect themselves from the toxicity of their environment and - somehow - mature to blossom into a self void of the dangerous contaminants in which it was grown.

Phytoremediation is a type of Bioremediation, which The Center for Public Environmental Oversight (CPEO) defines as “Processes that use living organisms (usually naturally occurring) such as plants, bacteria, yeast, and fungi to break down hazardous substances into less toxic or nontoxic substances.”

Essentially, the scientists mentioned in the study above were practicing Phytoremediation with hemp plants - something that they notably did not think was going to be a successful endeavor. However, when these hemp plants were grown in highly toxic beds of soil filled with harmful metals and chemicals, their flowers sprouting free of THC - all to the scientists’ confusion.

Toxins from rainfall, unfortunately, leak into the soil of the earth in many areas and can affect the land we walk on and grow our food in. The contaminants in this soil can damage plants, inhibit their growth, and even indirectly make its way into human systems through what we eat. Somehow, however, hemp plants grown in the tainted soil were able to produce a flower that did not contain any amount of the dangerous materials it was grown in.

This is not the first successful exhibit of hemp’s resilience or planet-healing properties. In fact, scientists once began growing hemp around the site of Chernobyl in the 1990s in order to “[act] as a vacuum cleaner for toxic substances found in soil.”, according to

To be capable of sustaining its life in an environment of such strong toxins that existed in this minefield, hemp is undoubtedly an extraordinary plant. Although its uses are still controversial, extracting quality CBD oil from it (and now even simply planting it) might prove beneficial for the human race.

Sustainable means of healing our planet are in high demand as climate change presses forward at frightening speeds. Although it could sound too good to be true, CBD, along with all of its other health-related benefits, might actually be able to help clean the earth, too. More studies must be conducted on this subject to reach further, more solid conclusions. However, the results of Penn State’s studies are surely thought-provoking and might spark collateral inspiration to perform further studies.

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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Questions You May Have About the New Wonder Drug-Ketamine Treatment

As a wonder drug for curing depression, ketamine is gaining a lot of traction in the medical world. From the battlefields to the modern hospital settings, ketamine treatment has come a long way. The researchers believe that medically administered infusions of this drug are a revolution for depression treatment. Unfortunately, about 30% of the patients do not respond to traditional treatment methods for depression.

Due to this, the latest studies are focusing on the potential of ketamine that can play an important role in reducing depression symptoms and preventing suicidal tendencies.

But before you contemplate on the merits of this treatment, ask the following questions to know more about it:

What is the potential of Ketamine for the treatment of depression?

The major aftermath of depression is suicidal tendencies in the patient. Ketamine can reduce the chances of life-threatening acts by controlling the harmful symptoms. This drug is also useful for patients suffering from both depression and anxiety.

While traditional treatments and antidepressants may take weeks or months to be effective, ketamine offers rapid relief. It helps those cases of depression where most of the other therapies fail to show effect.

How do Ketamine infusions control depression?

The traditional antidepressants balance the hormones called neurotransmitters, while ketamine directly affects the receptors in the brain. It blocks the NMDA or glutamate receptors that play a significant role in causing depression symptoms.

This process helps in transforming the interaction of brain cells, and also, it affects other receptors in the brain. As a result, it impacts the thought patterns, moods, and cognitive behaviors. Also, ketamine treatment can reduce inflammation symptoms that link to mood disorders.

What are the different types of Ketamine?

Usually, two main types of this drug are used by specialists to cure depression. Racemic ketamine is an infusion that is also known as intravenous or IV ketamine. It mixes R and S molecules to work on the disease. FDA approved this drug as an anesthetic a long time ago, but it is still used as an off-label treatment.

Another type of ketamine is Esketamine or Spravato administered as a nasal spray. The use of these drugs depends on specific conditions and responses of each patient, while there is still ongoing research to learn more about their effectiveness and side effects.

Are there any side effects of Ketamine?

Like any other treatment or medicine, ketamine also has some side effects. It may cause nausea, vomiting, and high blood pressure in some patients. Sometimes, this drug may cause perpetual disturbance where the patients have blurry vision or experience stimulating sounds. The side effects of this drug become evident after the first infusion itself.

What should you expect from the treatment?

Since ketamine comes forth as a potential treatment for depression, you need to discuss your symptoms with the doctor before starting. Your physician may even send you to a Ketamine Specialist with extensive experience in using this treatment for significant depressions. Here, you may expect an initial assessment to find the right therapy for you before commencing the infusions.

With the help of this new medical tool, you may fight depression. But, be cautious and ask relevant questions to your doctor before starting the treatment.

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Friday, December 27, 2019

The Diet To Follow For Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure can be the result of a myriad of causes, whether it is simply dehydration or something more serious like surgery. To treat hypotension or low blood pressure, it is important to know what causes it. While normal blood pressure reading is 120/80, a number outside this range may also be healthy because it depends on your age, medical history, and overall health condition. Usually, when the reading is below 90/60 mm Hg, it is considered as low blood pressure.

What Causes Low Blood Pressure?

Low blood pressure may be caused by several factors:

➢    Pregnancy, when pressure falls as the circulatory system starts to grow rapidly 
➢    Heart conditions may trigger low BP and low heart-rate
➢    Thyroid conditions like parathyroid diseases
➢    Low blood sugar, diabetes, etc can also cause low blood pressure
➢    Severe allergic reaction
➢    Severe infections or septicemia
➢    Blood loss because of internal bleeding or injuries
➢    Overall nutritional deficiency
➢    Anemia
➢    Sudden change in body positions
➢    Endocrine disorders
➢    Disorders of the nervous system
➢    Heart attack and heart diseases
➢    Vigorous exercises
➢    Medications
➢    Stress and anxiety

Can Low Blood Pressure Be Managed With Diet?

Low BP without substantial symptoms or with mild symptoms may not warrant treatment. When you, however, do exhibit symptoms, it is best to determine the underlying cause first before you treat the condition. So, if low BP is because of some medicine, you will need to discontinue that medicine or lower the dosage to treat the condition. When the exact cause is not known, you should seek to increase the blood pressure in order to alleviate the symptoms. Low BP treatment is possible when you follow a proper healthy diet.

Dietary Tips For Controlling Low BP:

➢    To avoid low BP and elevate pressure, you should avoid eating large meal portions and excess alcohol. You must not stand up or start working out right after eating.
➢    You need to consume more fluids since dehydration will cause the blood volume to come down and this makes the blood pressure levels fall. So, you must drink lots of water and stay hydrated particularly when you exercise.
➢    Vitamin B12 is needed to prevent anemia which triggers low BP. So, you must include fortified breakfast cereals, eggs, and beef in the diet.
➢    Foods that have high folate content like dark, green leafy vegetables, garbanzo beans, asparagus, liver, poultry, etc can be good for managing low BP.
➢    Salty foods will raise your blood pressure levels; so, you may try to include canned soups, olives, smoked fish, and cottage cheese in your diet.
➢    Caffeinated tea and coffee will elevate your blood pressure temporarily as it stimulates the cardiovascular system, boosting the heart rate.
➢    Licorice tea lessens the impact of aldosterone hormone that regulates salt effects on your body. This tea helps to raise blood pressure.
➢    Just like adding some foods to your daily meals can help you control low BP, there are some healthy eating habits that can prove beneficial. For instance, you should make it a point to avoid large meals. It is best to stick to frequent and small meals. When you consume too much, the pressure may fall as the body works more to digest the foods.
➢    It is recommended that you stay away from processed carbs and high-carb foods. Since these are quickly digested, they can cause the blood pressure level to fall.
➢    If the doctor advises you to consume more salt in the diet, but you are not fond of salty foods, you can consider adding dry-soup mix to salad dressings and dips, and natural soy sauce for cooking.

Lifestyle Changes For Controlling Low BP:

Besides dietary changes, there are some lifestyle changes that can help you manage low blood pressure conditions better.

➢    It is best not to work out a lot in extreme heat, or during the summers.
➢    Frequent changes in postures or body positions may cause pressure to fall. You must change your body position slowly.
➢    It is advisable to refrain from spending too much time in hot tubs or saunas.
➢    Prolonged body rest is best avoided when you have low BP.
➢    Wearing compression stockings can ensure that blood moves all through the body smoothly.

Eating some specific types of foods will keep your blood pressure levels optimal, but, at the same time, you must not do away with healthy foods in the process. So, when you have decided to manage your BP levels through diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor and find out first what is the right BP level for you.

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