Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Importance of Physical Therapy for your Health

Physical therapy is vital when it comes to illnesses or injuries that limit your everyday ability to move or function. Engaging in a physical therapy plan will help you regain your lifestyle including the activities you once enjoyed before the injury. Your doctor will refer you to a physical therapist to help you manage your joint or tissue problem. The importance of physiotherapy involves the following.

Physical Check and Diagnosis

After filling your private details and giving relevant information concerning your health, an osteopath will take your medical history whereby you will answer some of his questions. The questions might involve your experiences such as accidents, trauma and so on. Afterward, your osteopath will perform a thorough physical check to diagnose your condition and explain to you the methods he/she will use in the treatment of your situation. Importantly, know the benefits and possible risks of methods or treatment your osteopath will use. After an agreement, the osteopath will discuss the exercises, and follow-ups to help in your condition during the sessions.

Treating Injuries

Myotherapists use massage therapy and advise you on home exercises to get the full experience in the treatment plan. Even a minor injury can sometimes affect your daily activities by limiting your movement, making it unbearable, and lowering your life quality. These minor injuries should not limit your functionality. Myotherapy will help assess, treat, or manage your health issues like muscular and joint pains, strains, migraines and many more. Qualified health physicians will also offer you pain relief techniques consisting of deep tissue massage, corrective exercises, dry needling and so on.

Importance of an Osteopath for a bike fit

First, seeking help from professionals with knowledge of biomechanics and injuries related to cycling is a significant factor. A whole approach to injury gives an exceptional ability when it comes to fitting a bike to an individual, especially when you undergo musculoskeletal screening and basic case history for mobility assessment, cycling goals, and flexibility. To identify the pain areas, speed or other issues with your Osteopathy, Myotherapy, Clinical Pilates and Bike Fit, you will cycle on your bike or wind trainer to determine your current position. Your osteopath will assist you in improving muscle imbalances and other issues restricting cycling by taking measurements to learn your bike setup. Changing and reassessing your bike position will involve changing your seat height, seat position, cleat position, and so on to adjust your movements and posture.

Pre and Post Pregnancy Pilates

Clinical Pilates involves a complete clinical evaluation by an Osteopath, a Physiotherapist or Physiologist skilled in Clinical Pilates. During an assessment, your body will undergo a tailored program and a real-time ultrasound to visualize, measure, and activate your essential muscles.

Clinical Pilates is a safe method of exercises for each pregnancy phase involving a complete postural and strength evaluation such as abdominal ultrasound of the pelvic floor and the core muscle. In pregnancy, Clinical Pilates will promote your pelvis stability, strengthen your deep muscles, improve pelvic floor strength, and reduce your back-related pain. All these exercises will lead to safe delivery and post pregnancy recovery.


If you experience any pain that doesn’t let you function normally, a physiotherapist will go through your history to treat or manage your pain after diagnosing your problem. A Myotherapists or an Osteopath will strengthen your muscles and improve its function. 

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Monday, April 22, 2019

Walking to Workout

Exercise is one of the most fairly understood activities that people know will benefit their health. It has a widespread and positive impact not just on physical health, but mental and emotional well-being too. In addition to supporting a healthy weight and combating lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and heart disease, exercise has also been shown to improve memory and thinking skills which is especially important for older adults who are at a higher risk of developing dementia.

Common Barriers to Exercise for Older Adults

Unfortunately, most older adults don’t get the recommended amount of exercise each week including 150 minutes minimum of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes minimum of vigorous-intensity physical activity. Some estimates show that upwards of over half of all adults over the age of 64 don’t exercise regularly.

While seniors are knowledgeable of the impact regular exercise can have on their health,  barriers still prevent them from moving more including:
  •     Lack of interest
  •     Perceived lack of fitness
  •     Joint pain
  •     Shortness of breath
  •     Doubt in the efficacy of exercise
  •     Reduced energy levels
  •     Fear of falling
  •     Limited access to a gym, safe walking areas, etc.
Because of its low-impact nature and lack of special requirements (anyone can do it, no equipment needed), walking can provide the exercise solution older adults need to sit less and move more.

Overcoming Exercise Shortfalls with Walking

Walking is quite possibly one of the easiest and most accessible ways to get exercise, however, it can be daunting for someone who is recovering from a fall or already experiences mobility limitations that require the use of a walking aid. Walking also may not “feel” like exercise so people forgo it all together for inactivity instead.

Benefits of walking include enhanced aerobic capacity, improved muscle tone and bone density, increased lung capacity, and better balance, coordination, and agility skills. In one study, walking one mile a day was even shown to reduce dementia risk by 50 percent! Plus, walking with other people incorporates a social component that helps combat social isolation and depression which is prevalent among some older populations.
  • Lose your breath - walking will offer the greatest health benefits when it’s done at a moderate-intensity in which you experience an increased heart rate and heavier breathing and, in turn, run out of breath while you are talking to your walking mate, for example. The easiest way to add enough challenge to your walk to make it more effective is to gradually increase your speed and/or incorporate more inclines into your walking route.
  • Be prepared - you are going to be willing to push yourself further in your walk if you are prepared with the right gear to help you succeed. A good pair of walking shoes should fit well (but not too snugly) and not be worn out. Lightweight, breathable walking clothes are ideal as is a travel-friendly walking aid like a collapsible cane or travel walker (for seniors with mobility limitations and fear of falling).
  • Find interesting environments to walk in - the local botanical gardens, a walking trail around a nearby lake, in the park, at the mall, on a treadmill in the gym . . . the number of places you can go for a walk are plentiful and can add fun and variety to your exercise routine.
  • Bring a buddy - exercise partners can play an important role in both holding you accountable to your walking routine as well as providing motivation and encouragement. Research has shown that a person who spends most of their time with people who share similar values about their health and fitness will make better decisions about their own health and fitness accordingly.
  • Add in sprints - no you don’t have to take off like it’s the 100-meter dash at the Olympics, but adding in short sprints of high-intensity activity could increase the calorie-burn and muscle-build of your walk. 10 squats or lunges every 5 or 10 minutes of your walk or doing 1 minute of jumping jacks at the beginning and end of your walk are good places to start.
  • Incorporate more walking into your day - there are simple ways to get more steps in during the day including parking further away from your destinations so you have to walk further to the door, taking stairs instead of elevators, and walking short distances instead of driving, i.e. to a neighbor’s house or the store.
Exercise Ideas Outside of Walking

For some seniors, walking fast enough to get your heart rate up simply isn’t feasible due to chronic lower-limb pain like you see with diabetic neuropathy or other disability or dysfunction like bad arthritis. Fortunately, there are other physical activities that are just as low-impact and still effective including water aerobics, seated exercises with upper body aerobics, resistance band workouts, and hand pedal exercising.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Healthy Office Snacks Vs. Unhealthy: What’s The Difference?

With the fast-paced lifestyle most people have today, it’s hard to maintain good health. Many people resort to eating junk food for snacks or meals with very high fat or sugar content, which increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, stroke, and lifestyle diseases. But what makes a healthy and unhealthy office snack?

In this post, you’ll learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy office snacks. By doing so, you’ll learn healthy snack options and make healthy food choices.

Nutritional Value

Snacking helps meet your daily energy needs. However, many people snack on foods with high calories but low nutrient levels. It’s important to consider checking the nutritional value of your snacks to avoid obesity and other medical problems. Unhealthy snacks have high calorie content, fat, or salt, which leads to diabetes, hypertension, weight gain, and other health issues.

Here are the nutrients you need to look for in a healthy snack:
  • A healthy snack contains protein, fiber, and healthy fat, such as those found in SnackNation healthy snacks. A protein bar may contain these three nutrients. It helps in stabilizing your blood sugar levels to keep your cravings at bay. On the other hand, unhealthy snacks include trans fat, which is commonly found in pastries, fried pies, crackers, cookies, and pizza dough. It is created during food processing, and no amount of trans fat is considered healthy. 
  • Fresh whole produce, like fruits and vegetables, is highly recommended. You can bring an apple, orange, or banana in the workplace and get a boost of vitamins and minerals you need to improve your focus and increase your energy. Nuts, legumes, and whole grains are healthy choices, too.
Physical and Psychological Effects

The working population is comprised of young professionals, middle-aged adults, and even those approaching their retirement years. That’s why Upskilled Aged Care Courses can help you gain the knowledge and skills needed to ensure you provide healthy snacks to your family, most especially to hard-working dads or aging CEO grandparents.

Healthy snacking should be practiced as early as possible to avoid the risk of developing chronic diseases related to poor nutrition or unhealthy eating practices. Also, healthy snacking helps you feel good about yourself, promoting a more positive life perspective because you know you’re living a healthy life. 

Here are the negative effects of unhealthy snacks:
  • Stroke or Heart Disease: Increased blood pressure and elevated blood cholesterol are risk factors for stroke and heart disease, like peripheral arterial disease. Fried foods are high in trans fats, which raise LDL or bad cholesterol levels.
  • Insulin Resistance: Eating unhealthy snacks can lead to insulin spikes, leading to type 2 diabetes.
  • Dental Health Problems: The sugar and carbs in fast food produce high amounts of acid, which can damage the tooth enamel, leading to dental cavities.
  • Bloating or Water Retention: Eating foods with high sodium content leads to water retention, which makes you feel bloated and swollen.
  • Weight Gain: Unhealthy snacking leads to unintentional weight gain when underestimating the caloric content of unhealthy foods.
  • Depression: Research shows that eating processed food and fast food affects how a person thinks. That’s why unhealthy snacking increases the risk of depression.  

Cost-Effectiveness and Productivity

Healthy snacks are affordable, and consciously knowing that you’re eating healthy prevents the uncontrolled or impulsive buying of unhealthy snacks. Proper food management and family health education help you cut the expenses on your groceries, like buying too many junk foods and processed foods. Also, healthy snacking in the workplace helps reduce the rate of absenteeism due to sickness.

Here are some ways healthy snacking can help promote workplace productivity:
  • Employees feel healthier to go to work as they are refreshed, energized, and ready to start the day. Eating healthy snacks improves concentration and boosts energy, with the vitamins and minerals as well as other nutrients required by the body and mind to function correctly.
  • Unhealthy snacks have excessively high carbohydrates and low fiber, leading to sleepiness and sluggishness, causing slow production and bad decision-making. On the other hand, healthy snacks make you feel full for a more extended period without these negative effects.
  • Encourage other employees to practice healthy snacking, promoting a more positive, healthy, and happier workplace for everyone.

Healthy snacks help you meet your daily nutrient requirements along with the major meals you eat. Healthy snacking is essential to stabilize your blood sugar levels, regulate hormones, blood pressure, and promote your overall well-being. Choosing the food you eat wisely also plays a vital role in performing your daily activities and work productivity for a successful career and a better quality of life.

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Friday, April 12, 2019

What are the benefits of IV therapy?

IV therapy is actually less than 100 years old, although it was known as long ago as the 17th century that injecting medication directly into veins was possible.

Unfortunately, the medicine of that day did not make it possible to actually deliver medication this way.

Today, it’s a different story.

What Is IV Therapy?

IV therapy is simply placing a needle directly into a vein for the purposes of delivering medication, nutrients, and vitamins. It is used extensively in hospitals to supply these essential compounds without the need to consume food. This ensures the nutrients are immediately available to your body.

Today it’s not just medical emergencies that qualify for IV therapy. You can also have an array of supplements introduced directly into your bloodstream in order to improve your health, wellbeing, and longevity.

Of course, if you’re considering this as an option you must choose a reputable practice, such as this IV therapy Sydney.

The Benefits Of IV Therapy

There are several benefits to using IV therapy:

•    Speed

The process of introducing nutrients to your body this way is surprisingly fast. Your doctor will find the appropriate vein, slide the needle in, and within moments you’ll be receiving the nutrients.
In addition, because they are going straight into your bloodstream your body will be able to use the nutrients faster; improving their effectiveness.

•    Improved Wellness

By providing you with all the nutrients you need, IV therapy can actually help you to improve the wellness of your body, physically and mentally.

This isn’t a substitute for eating but it can make sure you have a well-rounded diet and your body has everything it needs to function at its best.

•    Enhanced Appearance of Skin

Nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants can all help to keep your skin looking and feeling young. BY administering these compounds through IV therapy your doctor can ensure that you have the right amount to maximize your health. This includes the appearance of your skin.

Skin that is full and healthy will look younger and help you to feel younger, no matter how old you are.

•    Improved Performance

Exercise depletes your energy sources and nutrient levels. In order to repair your muscles and perform better on your next workout, you need to make sure you get all the relevant minerals and nutrition. In fact, an IV drip with amino acids will encourage the production of protein in your body. In turn, this will improve your recovery time, allowing your muscles to grow stronger and heal faster.
IV therapy can give you this. But, it can also help to flush toxins from your body; these build up every time you exercise, flushing them out is important if you want to stay in top health and improve your fitness.

•    Reduce The Hangover Effect

Alcohol dehydrates you, this is the main reason you suffer from headaches and muscle ache after a good night out. IV therapy is the fastest way to rehydrate and get rid of the hangover effect. That’s a good incentive in itself to try this therapy!

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Thursday, April 11, 2019

How to Prepare Yourself for Surgery

No matter what type of surgery you’re going to have, there are certain things you can and need to do in order to prepare for it. Of course, you’ll receive some kind of anesthesia, but being well prepared will increase the chances of having a successful surgery and recovering well. With that in mind, here’s what you can do to prepare yourself for your surgery.

Educate yourself
First thing’s first, you need to do your research. Of course, no matter how much you know about the surgery, you might still be a little bit afraid. After all, every surgery carries some risks, but you’re less likely to be anxious about it if you know everything there is to know about the surgery. So, take the time to get informed – just make sure to do so from reputable sources.

Ask many questions

You probably have more than a few questions about your surgery, which is completely normal and expected. Therefore, don’t hesitate to get them answered. Some answers you can find online, but you should always be able to talk to your doctor about anything that bothers you. Don’t forget that your doctor and the rest of the health care team are all there to assist you, so take advantage of that opportunity and ask them everything you don’t know about the surgery. For example, if you’re preparing for a brain or spine surgery in the Land Down Under, you can consult Dr Timothy Steel, a professional neurosurgeon who’d gladly answer all your questions.

Be as healthy as you can be
Spend the time before your surgery to increase your health as much as you can. This means that you should exercise a bit more, eat healthy food, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep at night, etc. If you are a smoker, you should stop smoking at least a day or two before the surgery – smoking can cause respiratory issues, and it can make the recovery much more difficult.

Avoid shaving or waxing
Many people think that they should shave before the surgery; we all brush our teeth before visiting the dentist, so it’s only logical that we should remove all the hair when having surgery, right? Wrong. By doing so, you could nick your skin or make it more sensitive, which could increase the risk of getting an infection. If anything needs to be shaved, it will be done at the hospital, so don’t worry about it. If you are still uncomfortable about it, you can always trim the area in question with scissors, just make sure not to damage the skin.

Try breathing exercises
Focusing on your breath when under stress can help you calm down. As mentioned, no matter how much you know about the surgery, or how many times you talk to your doctor, you may still feel some anxiety about the procedure. Breathing exercises can be useful during those times, so start practicing them a few days before the surgery to help you put your mind at ease.

Prepare for recovery 
No matter what kind of surgery you’re preparing for, you’ll also have to go through a post-operative recovery period – and prepare for it, as well. Knowing what to expect after surgery and how you’ll be recovering can also help you feel more comfortable. It’s also important to know what to expect in case you’ve had any plans for the period after the surgery, so you can adjust your schedule accordingly.

Avoid surprise medical bills
While your physical and mental health is a priority, you should also make sure that there won’t be any unpleasant financial surprises. Make sure there aren’t any insurance gaps; sometimes, the insurance plan limits the number of physicians allowed in the network. So, always ask who’ll work on your case and whether they are a part of your insurance plan. You can also call your insurance company to verify that everything is covered.

Having surgery is not to be taken lightly, but there are many ways to de-stress and increase the chances of success. So, consider the listed tips, and don’t hesitate to talk to your doctors. Do whatever you can to improve your health before – and after – the surgery, and there’ll be nothing for you to worry about.

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Benefits Of Entering The Nursing Industry As A Career

If you’ll be entering college soon and you’re planning on getting a degree related to healthcare, you might consider nursing as one of your choices. The nursing industry has always been famous for being a career that is very flexible in terms of career paths as well as being a high-paying job. Here are the benefits of entering the nursing industry to convince you to pursue it:

1.    Career growth

Some career professionals would come to the point that they are stuck in the same position for very long years without advancing in the career ladder. This is one of the reasons why some employees leave their respective fields and venture into a new one.

Once you’ve completed your nursing degree in an educational institution like Rutgers University, you’ll get into an entry-level position and expect that you’ll soon be climbing up the chain of command, especially if you choose to work in the hospital. You’ll soon become a team leader, and if you are willing to take some management courses, you’ll have the possibility to climb up in the management team and have the opportunity to work with the board.

2.    A wide range of opportunities

Being in the nursing industry doesn’t restrict you from working in the corners of the hospital. Nursing professionals have a wide range of opportunities to choose from. If you’re looking for other job areas, here are some fields that you can explore:

●    Legal medicine
●    Teaching opportunities in the academe
●    School or company clinics
●    Private nursing
●    Military

Not only that, a career in the nursing industry will open up other opportunities not just locally, but also abroad. If you’re planning to move out of your place, it’s quite easy for nursing graduates to obtain overseas employment because there are higher demands for this kind of job in almost all countries.

Moreover, most governments are now prioritizing healthcare in their national program. This means that there will be more positions to be created in the future. Thus, there will be enough supply of job opportunities for nursing graduates.

3.    High-income earnings
The nursing industry has always been in the list of careers most people would like to enter into. The main reason that there is a high turnover of young people going to in this industry is that it pays very well.

Most nursing positions are permanent positions, so you don’t have to worry about switching jobs from time to time. Moreover, aside from the competitive salary that comes with the position, there are also other benefits depending on the employer that will hire you.

4.    Flexible working hours

You might think that if you work in the hospital, the environment is very toxic and you’ll spend long hours of your duty. Although that’s true, the good thing about it is that you’re not stuck in the typical 8 AM to 5 PM working hours.

Expect that you’ll be in a rotating shift. Sometimes, you’ll work in the day, and there will be times you’ll be in a graveyard shift. However, the flexibility in working hours will allow you to manage your time and tasks outside work better compared to the limitations you have with fixed working hours.

Not only that, but you also have an option to extend your hours of duty, especially if there are limited nurses on duty or there’s too much workload in the entire hospital unit. Some employers are willing to pay more if you’re willing to work more hours outside your shift, which means you’ll get a higher take-home pay.

5.    Continuous learning

In the era of modern technology, healthcare has never been better because of the discoveries and inventions that will help healthcare professionals deliver better treatment services to the patients. Not only doctors should be updated to the medical breakthroughs, but nurses as well.

If you go into the nursing industry, make sure you’re enthusiastic since there are a lot of learning opportunities in store for you. Your employer may sponsor your attendance in training and workshops. You can also invest some of your savings so that you’ll remain competitive in the industry. This will help you land in a better position if you aspire of being successful in the nursing industry.

6.    Self-fulfillment

Most people would like a job that earns money but also helps other people. The nursing industry will give you the best of both worlds. Nursing is a noble profession, and if you have that dedication of doing good to others, this might be the perfect job for you.

Final Thoughts

A career in nursing is more than a high-paying job. There are a lot of benefits for people who want to go into the nursing industry. Career growth, extensive opportunities, continuous learning and helping other people are just some good reasons why you should pursue a nursing career.

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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Metro Vascular Centers: Treatment Expertise and Excellence for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Metro Vascular Centers have two locations, one in Fort Hills (Queens), New York and one in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Their team of award-winning physicians encompasses six doctors, each of which brings a rich background of expertise to the practice. Metro Vascular Centers specializes in treatment for patients who are suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD) as well as other endovascular conditions. The centers address patient’s peripheral arterial disease, vascular, and deep vein needs by means of state of the art equipment that enables them to offer effective, safe, and minimally invasive arterial procedures.

The vascular system, often referred to as the circulatory system, is a network of veins and arteries that ensure that the body’s organs have a continuous supply of oxygenated blood. While arteries transport oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and to the organs, the veins carry oxygen-poor blood and waste products back to the heart. Given their central role within the body, it is therefore crucial that both veins and arteries remain intact and free from any obstructions that could be in the way of the body’s organs receiving oxygenated blood or blocking blood flow as it returns to the heart to be re-oxygenated. However, any of such conditions, also referred to as vascular diseases, can be both common and dangerous.

Peripheral arterial disease specifically is triggered by deposits of cholesterol and by the buildup of fat on the inside walls of the arteries that carry blood to and from the arm and leg muscles and the organs. Despite the fact that only half of those who suffer from PAD have symptoms, its identification remains important as may be an indicator for future heart diseases. In fact, those who suffer from PAD are 3 times more likely to die from strokes or heart attacks. Among those who do show symptoms, these include cramping or pain in the limbs that are caused by physical activity, foot ulcers, infections, and gangrene.

Metro Vascular Centers offers several treatment options that can effectively address and treat PAD with a main focus being on the reduction of symptoms, improving mobility and ultimately the quality of life. As such, this includes prevention of strokes, heart attacks, and amputation.
Metro Vascular Centers offers free consultations for individuals who believe they may have or have previously been diagnosed with PAD. The initial visit consists of a number of non-surgical diagnostic procedures aimed to determine the best treatment approach. Metro Vascular Centers’ team evaluates each patient carefully and curates an individualized treatment plan based on the causes and symptoms of PAD.

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