Friday, January 18, 2019

Top 5 CBD Affiliate Marketing Programs You Should Consider Investing in

For those who are unfamiliar, CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is one of the many compounds you find in a Cannabis plant. No, it is not an illegal drug, and in fact, the World Health Organization has recommended not to schedule it as an internationally controlled substance. CBD is an entirely natural product that almost has no side effects when ingested. It is used to treat epilepsy, relieve pain, drastically reduce anxiety and help with depression.

The CBD industry is projected to become a 22 billion USD industry by 2022 according to marketing experts at Brightfield Group. With this growth, comes great opportunity. More than being able to enjoy the wonderful benefits of this natural drug, you too, can enjoy the profit it brings.

Here are the top five CBD affiliate marketing you should consider investing in:

1. Hemp Bombs

Hemp Bombs is undisputed in offering the best opportunities to affiliate marketers. They provide the best pricing, customer experience, and has one of the best websites that’s proven to convert customers. More than having a user-friendly website, Hemp Bombs also provides high-quality content that you can share for promotional purposes. CBD articles are essential to educate customers about its benefits and remove the stigma of Cannabis. Other educational materials can also be found at

Here are more benefits of joining Hemp Bombs:

  • Commission rate starts at 20%
  • They provide weekly payouts
  • Cookies are stored for 90-days
  • A chance to earn from sub-affiliates

Best selling products include tinctures, pain rub, gummies, vape juices and CBD capsules.

2. CBD Essence

CBD Essence’s major selling point for affiliate marketers is their cookie storage time which lasts up to 180-days. When cookies are stored longer, your earning capabilities increases as well. They also offer high-quality products and customer service. More than the service, they are also proud of their friendly interface that promotes a seamless online shopping experience for their customers.

Here are more benefits of joining CBD Essence:

  • High converting website
  • They offer free shipping to entice more customers
  • Prompt monthly payments
  • 180-day cookie period

Best selling products include pastes, pet CBD, edibles, tinctures and capsules.


CBD FX is a known and certified CBD manufacturer and seller. They manufacture CBD oil, shots and capsules. What’s good about CBD FX is their dedication to selling quality products to their consumers. They offer almost every CBD products in the market, so it’s a one-stop shop for customers which means more chances of conversion. CBD FX also provides their customers a Certificate of Analysis for each product they sell. The certificate shows the customer that they received a full-spectrum CBD product.

Here are more benefits of joining CBD FX:

  • 20% affiliate commissions
  • 10% potential earning from sub-affiliates
  • Personalized coupons and URLs
  • Sign-up bonus of up to $25

Best selling products include pen kits, CBD wax dabs, CBD shots, oils and vape juice.

4. Diamond CBD

Diamond CBD is another affiliate marketing company that offers high-quality CBD products. Their team manually selects the plants they use for their products from farms in Kentucky and Colorado. They say that they don’t use any synthetic compounds and it’s all pure organic and natural CBD. More than using social media to promote products, they also do offline events that put their customers, front and center — which means more opportunities to earn.

Here are more benefits of joining Diamond CBD:

  • 30-day cookie
  • Monthly payouts
  • 20% commission
  • Positive consumer reviews

Best selling products include gummies, creams, wax dabs, edibles and beverages.

5. CBD Pure

Another industry leader, CBD Pure is one of the leading CBD oil providers. Their affiliate commission rate is unmatched and the highest in the industry.  CBD Pure’s parent company has over ten years of marketing experience in consumer products. They also offer a 90% money-back guarantee to their customers which is the reason why a lot of customers trust in their product.

Here are more benefits of joining Diamond CBD:

  • 40% commission (highest in the market)
  • 30-day cookie
  • No pesticides and herbicides on their plants
  • Monthly payouts
  • 5% commission on sub-affiliates

Best selling products include oil, tinctures and softgel capsules.


The CBD market is the next gold rush, and with a projected billion dollar industry in a couple of years, you don’t want to get left behind. These affiliate marketing companies have been around for a couple of years and have amassed a massive customer following. Signing up is the easy part, what's challenging is turning those promotions into profits. If you’re not sure which company to go for, you can always try them all and see which one you prefer.

This is a guest blog entry.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

5 Tips for Staying Healthy As A Professional Truck Driver

Professional truck drivers live a very unique lifestyle. This style of living consists of long hours on the road and away from home. As a professional truck driver, you may have noticed how the job can take a toll on your health. In fact, too many truck drivers put their health second to their driving duties. As a result, they suffer from numerous health problems. Taking some time out for jogging won’t kill you. Fortunately, there are methods for living a healthier life. Here are some tips for staying healthy as a professional truck driver.

Find Ways To Exercise Daily

Professional truck drivers often underestimate their chances to exercise regularly. Of course, you spend long hours sitting each day. However, you also make frequent stops along the way. Take advantage of these pit stops. Use the time to move your body. You can do something as simple as performing 20 push-ups outside your truck. There is also the option to get in a quick, 10-minute walk. Other exercise times may include food runs and bathroom stops. Find ways to exercise daily to stay healthy as a professional truck driver.

Set Aside Time To Rest
Another way to stay healthy as a professional truck driver is to allocate time to rest. Truck driving is not a typical 9-5 job. On the contrary, you may be required to begin a shift at 1:00 AM. With this in mind, it can be difficult to get enough sleep. You must set aside at least 8 hours a day for sleep. As a trucker, this is a crucial tip to follow. Without enough rest, you could put your life along with others' lives at risk. According to this Guide to California Truck Accident Laws, you could face consequences like tickets, loss of job or CDL license if found to be at-fault in an accident. To ensure the safety of yourself and others, get the recommended amount of sleep each day. It will keep your mind and body feeling energized. Hence, designating 8 hours for rest is essential to staying healthy.

Eat When You Are Hungry

To stay healthy as a professional truck driver, you must eat when you are hungry. Truck driver or not, waiting until you are starving is abusive to your body. When you wait too long to eat, your body's blood sugar levels drop. Then, your body signals that you are starving. Severe dips in blood sugar could lead to diabetes in the future. Your career can be negatively impacted by such a diagnosis. It can be difficult to keep up with blood sugar checks while on the road. Fortunately, it is preventable. The simple solution is to eat regularly so that you do not starve yourself and mess with your sugar levels.

Grab Healthy On-The-Go Foods

While eating frequently is important, you must fuel your body with healthy foods. You will not benefit from eating when you are hungry if you are eating tons of junk food. Many truck drivers are under the impression that the only on-the-go food options are unhealthy ones. Nowadays, there are plenty of nutritious food options to eat health while traveling. Choose an apple instead of a bag of chips. Purchase unsalted trail mix instead of a bag of M&M's. Simple food swaps will keep your body and mind working properly throughout long shifts. Even if you choose to eat more frequently, healthy food choices will keep you sustained throughout the day.

Exercise Your Mind

You can also maintain a healthy mind through exercise. While driving for several hours per day, your mind can also fall short of activity. Life on the road does not always permit the chance to do a crossword puzzle, read, or solve math equations. Luckily, there are other ways to exercise your brain while on the road. As long as you do not get distracted, you can listen to audiobooks. If this do not sound interesting to you, turn to music. Music can stimulate your brain as well. Start by varying your genre preferences. Open your mind up to new songs and artists. Get creative in exercising your mind to stay mentally healthy and strong as a professional truck driver.

Professional truck driver should follow these tips to take care of their physical and mental health. Contrary to popular belief, it does not have to be difficult to maintain. Firstly, find ways to exercise each day. Allocate enough time for sleep. Eat when you are hungry. When those times come, choose healthy food options. Lastly, ensure your mind gets enough exercise while on the road too. All of these tips will contribute to your health while driving for a living.

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

5 Bad Habits We Should Give Up In Order To Lose Weight

Losing weight seems to be a rather delicate topic nowadays. Advising someone to start working out or eating healthier might come across as a direct and personal attack. And, though it’s true that the media has hardwired our brains to think that being skinnier is always better; the point might come where our weight starts to interfere with our health; then, rather than an aesthetic socially induced choice, it becomes an issue that might tamper with our happiness, our health, and our life.

It’s always important to ask ourselves this question: Why do I want to lose weight? Whatever the answer is, it should always revolve around us and how we feel about ourselves without taking into account what others (unless it’s a health professional) might think.

Nevertheless, even if we actually want to lose weight, there are several bad habits that are  ‘normal’ companions to our everyday life and may end up sabotaging our own goals. And the worst part is that in a lot of cases we’re not even aware of it.

Here are 5 bad habits that are stopping you from losing weight successfully:

Not enough sleep

Getting enough sleep is what gives us the energy to function the next day. If we don’t charge up our own batteries, our body will try to store extra fat the next time we eat, because, as amazing as nature is, it “thinks” that this will become a habit and it needs to have enough energy to compensate for our lost sleep.

Not having enough sleep also affects the secretion of cortisol, which is the hormone that regulates our appetite. In other words, we’re setting our own bodies in survival mode and we will feel hungrier because we don’t have enough energy to go through the day.

Losing sleep might not be something we’re doing because we want to. It can be induced by stress, depression, long working hours, amongst other factors. However, no matter what’s happening in life, we have to keep in mind that we need to take proper care of ourselves. Before the paying the bills or dealing with any stressful situation, we need to always prioritize our well-being by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Not eating in a healthy way

This does not only refer to what we eat. The way we eat also plays a huge role in how our weight is managed. We all know there are certain types of food that will make us gain weight. But even if we’re eating only “healthy” food, not doing it properly can still tamper with our weight-loss plan.

Bad habits such as skipping breakfast, overeating at dinner, or doing our grocery shopping without having eaten first, are small and simple things that without us even noticing, will have a negative effect on the way we lose or gain weight.

Just as with sleep deprivation, skipping breakfast sets our body on survival mode, making it use the reserved energy it might have and forcing it to store more fat the next time we eat. Eating more than enough will force the stomach to grow bigger which leads to us needing more food to feel satisfied. Even buying food while being hungry becomes a massive willpower test that, if we’re being honest, not many of us can overcome.

We need to make sure we always have healthy snacks at home for those situations where it’s not either lunch or dinner time, but we still need to eat something. Keeping a bag of any kind of nuts at home, as well as fruits, will always be an amazing alternative to chips or junk food in general.

Leading a sedentary life

It’s always important to remain active. Having a 9 to 5 office job will certainly never be demanding enough to be considered as exercise. If we go straight to the couch to watch TV right after we get back home from work, we will not only be getting our bodies used to do nothing, but we will be providing it with a lot more energy than what it actually needs and consumes. Thus, we start the path that leads to gain weight.

There are many activities and workout routines that we can follow to help us lose weight, but it really is a combination of quite a few things that will fit together as pieces of the puzzle to a healthy fit lifestyle.

Alcohol and soft drinks

We can’t always turn away from a couple drinks after work, or a soda with popcorn when we go to the movies, but it should never become a habit. Being able to enjoy a weekend with friends while having some beers or cocktails is never a sin, but when we start to do it a bit too often, we might not only be gaining an immense amount of calories without even noticing, but we could also be abusing our food intake when abusing alcohol.

Our sugar intake with drinks becomes a lot more dangerous because we can’t really feel it, plus, continuous alcohol intake makes our body and digestive system slower, making it harder to process the sugar and a lot harder to process the existing fat,

Eating more than what’s necessary

More than eating too much, what we should think about is: Is it really necessary? We can’t always be loyal to our diet or our workout routine, and sometimes it will be OK to “cheat” but instead of going out of proportion with it, we can evaluate and make healthier choices within an unhealthy one.

For example: Next time we’re getting a hamburger with fries and a drink, we can stop for a second and say no if we’re asked whether we want extra bacon with it, or choose water instead of cola, or simply getting a normal portion instead of having it large. It all comes down to smaller healthier choices that little by little will start to make a difference not only in our appearance but also in our habits and decisions.

Losing weight is something that will always require some effort, dedication, and discipline. If we never let go of the bad habits, we will be going around in circles without any improvement. You don’t have to turn your life over right away. It doesn’t mean we can never again get ice cream during the week or getting takeout after a long day at the office. But we need to be actively taking measures to ensure that we actually achieve our goals. By doing so, we will not only be benefiting our own body, but we will also have a happier, healthier, and longer life.

Did you find this article helpful? If you’d like to suggest any other bad habits we should give up when wanting to lose weight, feel free to leave a comment below.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Fasting Diets

There always seems to be a new dieting craze year after year. Once it was the juice cleanse, now it’s the fasting diet, but do they actually work? The short answer is that it depends on the diet. The juice cleanse has been proven largely ineffective by many studies over the years, whereas the fasting diet’s success in helping you lose weight is both due to its extreme nature and due to the cellular processes that fasting induces.

As with any diet, it is your lifestyle habits outside of whatever meal plan you choose that will dictate your ongoing success. Low-calorie and fasting diets, however, provide a stepping stone to your losing the weight and hitting your desired weight quickly and easily. Then, once you have reached your goal, you can find ways to help you stick to your weight through exercise and calorie control.

The Pros of Fasting Diets

Fasting can be quite good for the body and your lifestyle, but only when done with all the facts at hand. Just like anything if taken to the extreme, you can experience incredibly negative side effects.

Before we get into that, however, here is a quick rundown of the benefits:

Can Change Your Cellular Process
Your cells react to fasting in many interesting ways. One of the most interesting reactions to fasting is that it forces your cells to go into autophagy, which means your cells purge themselves of unhealthy toxins they have built up over time and even increases their cell repair process.

Can Help Burn Fat Directly
Fasting can also put your body into ketosis, which burns fat faster than many other options on the market. This means through fasting, you can finally burn off that belly fat that has been plaguing you for ages.

Health Improvements
You can see a variety of health improvements through fasting, especially when done on a specific diet that is designed to introduce the process of ketosis. Some health improvements of those on fasting diets include:
  • Reduction Insulin Levels and Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
  • Reduction Oxidative Stress and Inflammation
  • Reduction Cholesterol Levels
  • Reduction Cancer Risk
  • Reduction and Improve Alzheimer’s
  • Reduction Longevity
More studies need to be done on human subjects in order to verify the findings of current studies of fasting in relation to these health benefits, but so far the scientific evidence is in favor of the practice.

The Cons of Fasting Diets 
Like all diets, there are cons, but regarding fasting, these are limited with the benefits far outweigh any disadvantages.

Common Side Effects of Fasting Diets
Some common side effects of these fasting diets include:
  • Lethargy
  • Hunger
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
Fasting diets should also never be done for more than 12 weeks at a time, though intermittent 5:2 diets can be done for longer. Regardless of what your strategy, always work with others to ensure your health remains safe while you lose their weight.

Low-calorie diets, such as the intermittent 5:2 diet, has risen in popularity recently because of its simplicity. Reducing your calorie intake for two days a week can help you gain the many benefits above.

This is a guest blog entry.

4 Viruses Travelers to Asia Should be Aware Of

Each region around the world has their own collection of exotic and not so exotic viruses that travelers might be vulnerable to. Some are ones that you can get inoculations against before you travel whereas, for others, there’s no known protection.

It’s fair to say that most visitors to Asia don’t pick up anything untoward, but nonetheless, it’s good to understand what viruses are present in Asia.

Here are four viruses that travelers in Asia should pay attention to.


Dengue and the resulting dengue fever are a collection of viruses that are all carried by mosquitoes.

Dengue fever has two forms. The first is regular dengue fever and the second is hemorrhagic fever, which includes bleeding as a secondary symptom.

Travelers with dengue will usually exhibit three main symptoms: fever, headache, and joint/muscle pain. Swollen glands and a body rash in the latter stages are not uncommon too.

While some medicines prescribed by a clinic or hospital will lessen the severity of the symptoms, there is no cure currently for dengue fever. Additional medicine and a hospital stay are required with hemorrhagic fever because it affects the platelet levels in the blood and is potentially life-threatening. Usually, hemorrhagic fever only occurs in the second or subsequent dengue infection.

To protect against all kinds of disease, it’s sensible for China expats to buy travel or health insurance. This will cover a hospital stay for illnesses that require it, such as hemorrhagic fever.


The zoonotic viruses are highly infectious and originate from animals like bats. It can be transmitted to humans through a scratch or bite. There’s a selection of viruses that get transmitted from animals to humans, which include the Nipah and Hendra viruses.

For travelers who plan to go spelunking in caves or visit caves as part of a tour group, it’s worth considering whether you need any booster shots before you travel.


Almost one-third of diseases reported by travelers across multiple GeoSentinel websites who returned from a trip to SE Asia were gastrointestinal by nature. The most common issues related to this included Salmonella, Campylobacter, and diarrhea.

The main issue with eating food in SE Asia is the level of cleanliness of the food, its preparation, and who is preparing it. Not every cook washes their hands thoroughly before preparing meals. Cooks at street stalls often receive banknotes as payment and go back to preparing street food without washing their hands. Therefore, bacteria on the banknotes is transferred to the food preparation area. Standards of food hygiene and a better understanding of how to achieve sensible food standards is an ongoing development issue in the region.

Be aware that unprepared food must be actively chilled and covered. Bacteria multiply in the sweltering heat of Asia. A rapid turnover of food at a busy, organized street food stall can be safer than a restaurant that doesn’t get much trade. The stall’s food might be refrigerated and fresh that day.


The Zika virus is not that common, but it occurs both in dense urban areas and rural ones too. There are a few cases a year, but the virus is particularly virulent. Zika was first seen in Africa and then traveled to Asia in the 1950s. There are no major outbreaks at present in Asia, but the odd case pops up. The virus itself is carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is common within the Asian continent.

To prevent dengue, avoid being outside during the evening and wear long pants or a skirt when you do. Get a mosquito net over the bed if your accommodation occasionally has mosquitoes flying around. Also, use common sense about food choices. Where possible, stick with places that didn’t cause you an upset stomach the last time you ate there.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Cholesterol, Explained

When was the last time you were at a dinner and someone refused to eat a certain food because it contained “high cholesterol”?

We all have cholesterol. In fact, we need it to function healthily. Here are some common questions and answers about this popular but often misunderstood substance in our bodies.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a white, fatty substance found on the walls of arteries. There are two main types: one is made by your liver, the other comes from the foods you eat.

What does it do?

Your body uses cholesterol to make sex hormones, build tissue, and produce bile.

What is “bad” cholesterol?

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, otherwise known as “bad” cholesterol, make up most of your body’s cholesterol. Too much LDL cholesterol on the walls of your arteries logically make the artery narrower and less efficient in transporting blood. This is a risk factor for more serious heart issues down the road.

What is “good” cholesterol?

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, otherwise known as “good” cholesterol absorbs excess cholesterol and delivers it back to the liver, which then excretes it from the body. In other words, good HDL helps get rid of the bad LDL.

Am I at risk of cholesterol problems?

There are several risk factors associated with cholesterol, some of which you can control, some you cannot. Let’s break it down into these two categories.

Risk factors you cannot control:
-    Family history of high cholesterol
-    Familial hypercholesterolemia
-    Age – the older you are, the more at risk you are
-    Sex – more men than women have cholesterol problems

Risk factors you can control:
-    Diet high in saturated and trans fat
-    Not enough exercise
-    Obesity
-    Smoking

Should I get my cholesterol checked?

The American Heart Association recommends anyone age 20 and above to get their cholesterol checked once every 4-6 years. If you have a familial history of high cholesterol, talk to your doctor.

Does high cholesterol affect children?

We often think of cholesterol as an “old people problem.” Risk increases with age, but children are not exempt from high cholesterol problems.

Familial hypercholesterolemia is a serious genetic disorder that can put a child at high risk for heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends testing children who have a parent or grandparent that had cardiac issues and other conditions.

What are complications from too much cholesterol?

Since excess cholesterol means a narrower artery for blood to travel through, a blockage can cause a variety of serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

What are symptoms of high cholesterol?

Unfortunately, high cholesterol doesn’t announce itself with visible symptoms. That’s why it’s important to get tested on a regular basis.

What do my cholesterol readings mean?

You may be concerned if you see your test results and it says you have a high level of total cholesterol. However, instead of looking at a single number, doctors now look at the bigger picture when assessing a patient’s cholesterol. Factors that affect your health include the ratio of HDL versus LDL as well as your triglyceride levels.

What foods cause high cholesterol?

The production of cholesterol is stimulated by foods that contain high amounts of saturated and trans fats. Saturated fats are found in animal products like meat and dairy.

What foods should you eat if you have high cholesterol?

People with high cholesterol levels should avoid foods high in saturated fat. Instead, they should eat foodhigh in fiber, such as grains, beans, and vegetables. They should also quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and be encouraged to exercise and maintain a healthy weight.

What medications are used to treat cholesterol?

There are many drugs available that can help lower your cholesterol levels. Common medications include statins like atorvastatin and simvastatin along with aspirin, ezetimibe, and bile acid sequestrants.

Since each medication has its own unique characteristics and side effects, you may react well to one and badly to another. Some medications, such as statins, are to be taken for the rest of your life. This can run up quite a bill! You can save on medications by ordering them online from a reputable international or Canadian pharmacy referral service like Rx Connected that has undergone rigorous approval procedures.

Are eggs bad for you?

In the past, eggs were demonized because they contained a lot of cholesterol. It seemed to make sense that to lower your cholesterol, you should eat less of it.

Now, we know that diet doesn’t affect cholesterol levels as much as the liver. How much cholesterol the liver makes is, in turn, affected by saturated and trans fats you eat. Eggs are not high in saturated and trans fats; therefore, most doctors say that eating an average of an egg a day should be fine for most healthy people.

The Bottom Line

High cholesterol can run in families, but if you fall into this risk category, there are many simple, everyday things you can do to lower your chance of illness. Eating well and exercising are not only good for your arteries, but your overall mental and physical health will benefit as well.

Research for this article was taken from the Center for Disease Control, the American Heart Association, Harvard Health Publishing, and the National Health Service of the UK.

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Seven Tips for Reducing Anxiety for Men

Anxiety can have serious adverse effects on all aspects of your life. Whether it is putting a strain on your interpersonal relationships with loved ones or making going to work a chore and a drudgery, anxiety can be a very destructive force in many ways.

Today, we are going to look at seven tips to help you reduce your anxiety and begin living a fuller life.

#1 - Exercise More

The positive effects of exercise are off the charts. Studies have shown that a regular, balanced exercise routine can result in benefits to your mood, anxiety levels, and your general outlook on life.

As with anything in life, it is essential to make sure that your exercise is balanced. There is such a thing as too much! However, if you suffer from anxiety, getting into a healthy exercise routine can help relieve some of that suffering.

#2 - Verbalize It

Sometimes as a man, it can be hard to verbalize how we are feeling. Even when dealing with severe anxiety, it can be tempting to try and “handle it” on your own. Some men think that expressing how they feel is a sign of weakness.

However, the truth is the opposite. It takes bravery to face your feelings. Getting those feelings out, instead of bottling them up, can make them more manageable.

There are many ways to approach this. However some of the best methods include talking to trusted loved ones, journaling, or consulting a trained professional. 

#3 - Try Natural Remedies

Nature is full of solutions to the problems that the modern man faces. You must know where to look.

There are some who posit that inflammation in the body causes much of the anxiety people are forced to deal with today. This inflammation prevents the body from operating at peak efficiency which can lead to a host of problems including, potentially, anxiety.

A little research will show that there is a plethora of natural anti-inflammatory treatments and supplements available.  Some of those include Omega 3 + DHA, Vitamin D3, Curcumin (aka turmeric), and organic CBD salve.

CBD oil has shown promise and potential as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

#4 - Get Enough Sleep

The bed is your friend. Study after study has shown that most humans require a solid 7-9 hours of sleep per night. When your body does not get the amount of sleep that it needs, it compromises your health in a lot of different ways. A lack of sleep can also create stress and anxiety.

Most of the time, people do not sleep 7-9 hours per night because they have too much going on.
However, the key here is realizing that your health and well-being must take precedence. If you are serious about wanting to reduce your anxiety levels, making sure you prioritize sleep is essential.

#5 - Eat Clean

There is an old saying, “You are what you eat.” And while it may seem a bit cliché, there is still a ring of truth to this ancient wisdom. What we put inside our body in the form of food is the fuel that our bodies use to keep us going.

Look at your overall diet. What are you eating? What are the fallback foods that might be less than good for you?

If food is your fuel, make sure that you are giving your body the best ammunition available. Anxiety can flourish when our bodies are not operating at peak potential. If you are not feeding your body quality fuel, you won’t be able to produce at that higher level, and as a result, anxiety has a way better shot at controlling your life.

#6 - Practice a Positive Mindset

Our thoughts are far more powerful than we give them credit for. Negative thoughts can lead to destructive habits and the proliferation of anxiety.

We are not talking about some vague “good vibes” type of thing. Instead, we are talking about real, solid mindset. What do you think about more than anything else? What do you dwell on? Are you being grateful and looking on the bright side?

Anxiety can’t hang around for long if you are continually bringing your mind back to positive thoughts.

#7 - Learn to Say “No.”

Sometimes anxiety finds its root in too many “good things.” If you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed with all the millions of things you must accomplish, chances are your anxiety is stemming from that amount of pressure you are putting on yourself.

We must fulfill our responsibilities. However, we do have the power to say “no.” There are seasons of life where we can’t handle as much as maybe we would like to. Realize that it’s ok and permit yourself to say “no” when you need to.

This is a guest blog entry.