Thursday, October 25, 2018

Exploring The Benefits Of Dry Needling

Over the years, doctors have come up with many unique ways to treat various health conditions. Some of these treatment techniques have been long left behind. Others are still used to this very day. This is where dry needling enters the picture. This type of treatment has proven to be very effective and this is one of the main reasons that it is still around. Dry needling is unique, because it offers safer solutions to an abundance of problems, provided that it is done by someone with the proper training. Below, you’re going to learn a great deal more about the benefits of dry needling.

What Is It?

First and foremost, you should take the time to learn a little more about the basics of dry needling. This is a type of treatment in which a thin needle is pushed into the skin. The ultimate goal is to stimulate a specific trigger point. The treatment is primarily used to soften tight muscle bands. It can also fix hard bands of muscles that could be causing widespread pain. When used correctly, dry needling can be far more effective than many of the alternatives. Remember that dry needling or trigger point dry needling is much different than acupuncture.

What Can It Treat?

You’ll be happy to learn that dry needling is effective for many unique purposes. It can be used to treat migraines and headaches caused by tension. The American Physical Therapy Association also recommends dry needling for carpal tunnel, whiplash, spinal dysfunction, nocturnal cramps and so much more. If you’re dealing with any type of pain and you want to avoid those dangerous pharmaceuticals, you will definitely want to try treating the problem with dry needling. It could make a real difference in your life.

The Main Perks

Now, it is time to delve deeper into the main perks associated with dry needling. When you do, you’re quickly going to see why so many people prefer this option. First and foremost, it has been confirmed time and again that effective dry needling can help reduce the patient’s pain. In a study, 14 patients suffering from bilateral shoulder pain were analyzed. Half of the group received dry needling therapy and the other group did not. The group that received the treatment admitted that their pain had been reduced.

It is also possible to improve movement through dry needling. The treatment is capable of improving range of motion for many patients. If you’re having a difficult time walking or moving about, you should definitely speak with your doctor about dry needling. Finally, you should know that dry needling is great for speeding up the recovery process. Those who want to be active right away should give it a try for themselves.

Better Than Pharmaceuticals

Finally, you should know that dry needling can be a better solution than pharmaceuticals due to medication-related side effects. Dry needling may be able to remedy the problem at its source. With that being said, you should learn more about ultrasound guided dry needling. It can be even more effective. You can learn more about that type of treatment by visiting

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Four Early Signs of A Pregnancy

Pregnancy is almost every woman's desire in their quest to produce children. However, not many aspiring mothers are aware of the signs to look out for which might confirm that the sperm has successfully merged with the egg.

Here are four signs that indicate that a woman is pregnant. It's almost a 100% sure bet with these four signs. Speaking of a sure bet, if you're one who is cut out for the betting game, then you can test your wits online at Novibet casino.

1. Frequent Urination

If you notice that you engage in trips to the toilet at regular intervals at night, then this could be a sign that a certain fertilized egg has started its implantation on the uterine wall.

It has been gathered that the pregnancy hormone or hCG hormone induces frequent urges to pee regardless of the tiny size of the embryo. This happens, although there is no real pressure being applied to the bladder from a growing baby at the time.

2. Nausea

This is usually referred to as morning sickness or sometimes all day sickness. Regardless, it is a common experience for many women who are in the early stages of a pregnancy. It is believed that about 50% of women will experience vomiting and nausea in the course of their first trimester.
Although nausea is an early sign of pregnancy, a good number of women don't experience vomiting until two weeks to about two months after their conception.

3. Feelings of fatigue and exhaustion

This occurs at conception due to the rapid rise of progesterone levels in the course of the first trimester of pregnancy.

Progesterone can be described as a hormone that sustains a pregnancy. It functions by preventing contractions in the uterus and also inhibits early immune responses. This eventually results in the pregnancy carrier always being tired and fatigued.

4. You'll experience a cold

As the progesterone hormone swings into action by preventing the immune system from launching any attacks against the new foreign DNA in the body, viruses can have a swell time by inflicting a cold on the individual. Even the mildest of colds can knock a pregnant woman down at that moment.

If you have these signs and symptoms and suspect that you may be pregnant, please consult with your physician.

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Monday, October 22, 2018

10 Lesser-Known Tips for a Better Sleep When You're Pregnant

If there ever was a time that your body required ample sleep, it would be during your pregnancy. Of course, this hardly ever goes according to plan. There are those unfamiliar hormones swirling through your brain, those worrying thoughts about your baby’s future, that increasingly heavy pressure upon your bladder, the leg cramps, the heartburn, and many other issues which force your eyes open at night.

Unfortunately, some loss of sleep is unavoidable, but by making several small alterations to your approach, you may catch a few extra hours to help you face the next day. Here are 10 of the lesser-known tips to keep you snoring:

1. Stop Hydrating in Your Evenings
During your busy day, you may forget to stock up on your water levels and then compensate by downing a few glasses once you get home. This approach is backwards especially when it comes to late night bathroom visits. Rather, keep a bottle of water by your side all day to sufficiently hydrate in the earlier hours, then cut back substantially in the evening.

2. Snack on Crackers

Many bouts of a pregnancy insomnia are a result of a nighttime heartburn. If this sounds familiar, then reevaluate your diet by eliminating any spicy and acidic foods while allowing two hours of digesting time before you go to sleep. To avoid a plummet in your blood sugar levels, a pre-bed nibble on some dry crackers should be a safe bet to satisfy your stomach and curb any nausea.

3. Follow a Ritual
A great way to make friends with your body clock is to build a routine which will train your brain into recognizing when sleep is approaching. This means climbing into bed at the same time every night, including the weekends. You can also incorporate other regular activities into the mix, such as drinking warm milk, taking a shower, or convincing your partner to give you a massage if you’re lucky enough.

4. Set the Room Temperature
According to, the ideal temperature for a good night’s sleep is somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Experiment with layers of blankets, opening a window or fiddling with the thermostat until you find the numbers which best suit you. You should also look at keeping the room as dark as possible.

5. Use a Body Pillow
Once you’ve hit the sack, comfort should be your main priority. A soft but firm mattress is an essential start, but you should also position different sized pillows all around your body to elevate and relieve pressure. For even better results, invest in a specifically designed pregnancy pillow that supports your hips and spine.

6. Sleep on Your Left Side

The pressure of your expanding uterus may cause some discomfort to your liver, hence why many people prefer to sleep on their left side (doctors recommend it too), shifting the weight away from this organ. That said, don’t force this position if it does not come naturally to you, as sleeping on your right side won’t do any harm either. However, you must avoid sleeping on your back at all costs, otherwise, you could cause severe problems for your baby.

7. Try Some Pre-sleep Yoga

Whether your sleeping troubles stem from physical cramps or an anxious state of mind, you should benefit from a quick stretch while exhaling your stressful thoughts away. If yoga doesn’t interest you, then why not explore other healthy options such as meditation, swimming, or pilates. Speak to your doctor if you’re worried about any physical limitations.

8. Nap Very Carefully

There is a debate about napping during pregnancy. Some argue that it’s better to skip the naps altogether and rather push through the day, opting to go to bed an hour earlier if need be. Others believe that a maximum of 30 minutes shouldn’t negatively affect your routine sleep especially if you’ve had a rough night previously. But regardless of your choice, please remember that less than six hours of nightly sleep can substantially increase the chances of a cesarean birth, according to the UCSF School of Nursing.

9. Keep the Bedroom Sacred

As the name “bedroom” suggests, this area of your house should be used exclusively for bed activities alone. This means no electronic devices, no work-related tasks, and no stressful parenting books. Rather spend an hour before bedtime winding yourself down by reading a fiction novel or filling in a crossword, and then tuck yourself in.

10. Don’t Suffer Alone
Has insomnia become a regular problem in your life? Then go visit a medical professional immediately. They have seen it all before and together you can find the safest solution to fit your exact circumstances. Simply ask for help.

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

4 Safe Exercises to Improve Senior Health

Seniors require a specialized exercise program that focuses on mobility and balance. A slip-and-fall accident is a life-threatening event for a senior. Should they break a hip, a surgical procedure is the only means of repairing the damage. Undergoing anesthesia may end up costing them their life as the drugs may cause complications during and after the operation.

Therefore, it's vital that seniors do everything they can to maintain optimal physical health. Here are 4-safe exercises to implement in a daily routine that builds balance and enhances mobility.

1. Walking

Taking a walk is the most effective form of cardiovascular exercise for seniors. Walking strengthens the muscular and skeletal system while lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol levels. Walking for 5-minutes every day will extend longevity and improve structural balance.

Proprioception,” is the term that defines the feeling of locating your limbs in space. This feeling means that you understand where your feet are while walking.

A walk increases mobility in the hips and knees, ensuring that they remain mobile and work through a full range of motion.

2. Plank

The core defines the set of muscles wrapping under the rib cage, through the abdominals and hips into the upper legs. Improving your core strength keeps your spine straight and healthy, preventing posture problems that result in the development of lower back issues, such as lumbar spondylosis.

The plank is an incredibly useful posture exercise to strengthen the core muscles. Start the plank by lying on your stomach. Raise your body into the pushup position while leaning on your forearms instead of your hands to reduce the impact on the shoulders.

Don’t drop your glutes, or bend your spine during the plank movement. Stop the exercise and return to the floor as soon as your form begins to break down. Try for five repetitions of the plank. Do this exercise three times a week until you build enough core strength to do it every day.

3. Squats

The squat is the most effective exercise for building strength. This compound movement works ancillary and supporting muscle groups during the squat motion. Squatting strengthens your quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, core, and back.

To execute the squat correctly, start with your feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms in from of you, perpendicular to the floor. Bend at the knees and hips while keeping your back straight and sink your glutes as far down to your ankles as possible. Initially, limit movement to your upper legs being parallel to the floor. As you progress with the exercise, try to sink further towards your ankles.

Use a yoga ball if you find it challenging to keep your balance during the squat. Place the ball on a wall behind you and lean into it with your back while you execute the movement. This posture provides you with extra support and takes the pressure away from your knees and hips.

4. Single Leg Stand

This exercise is easy to execute anywhere and at any time. It’s doesn’t require much physical effort to complete the single leg stand. Raise your foot and stand on one leg whenever you stand by the kettle to make a cup of coffee or stand in line at the post office.

You don’t have to raise your foot far from the floor for the exercise to be effective. With a little practice, you’ll be able to hold this pose indefinitely. This exercise builds your balance and makes you less likely to trip and fall.

Last Words

Try out these four exercises and note your experience with them in a journal. Write down your repetitions for squats, depth on the squat, as well as your time with the plank. By the end of the first month, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your balance and strength. While you’re exercising, keep a medical alert device close by in case something goes wrong. Read these reviews before buying your equipment.

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

10 Creative Hobby Ideas for Seniors

When discussing the health of seniors, everyone is quick to encourage regular physical activity and a balanced diet. Of course, these are essential components to living a long and thriving life, but you must not forget about the importance of self-expression and passion too.

By pursuing a creative interest, you take hold of a powerful weapon against boredom, as you use your time constructively while keeping the brain stimulated. No matter your age, it’s always the right time to awaken that dormant artist within you. Check out these 10 fun (and healthy) hobby ideas for seniors:

1. Playing an Instrument

Everyone has dreamed of exploring the music world at some point in their life, so whether you’re blowing the dust off of your old guitar or touching the piano keys for the first time, here is an exciting avenue for creative expansion. No matter what your choice of instrument, your hand-eye coordination will be challenged as your fingertips get working with the brain, producing sounds which flow through you and soothe your very soul.

2. Painting
When one thinks of art therapy, painting is usually the first choice that comes to mind. The minute actions of the brush require an intense focus which will help tackle your anxiety and hone your fine motor skills. Painting does require a host of different utensils and tools so practice care and utilize ease-of-use tools like a reacher with a good grip to aid in reaching, grabbing, and picking up objects like paint jars and canvases.

3. Pottery
There is a certain healing power of squeezing soft clay through your fingers while exploring the limitations that this medium presents. For starters, the challenging actions required by the hands are good for strengthening your fingers and wrists. Furthermore, the patience and thought each piece demands can teach you to relax. And finally, once you’re finished, you’ll have a useable or aesthetically pleasing object to treasure.

4. Photography and Scrapbooking
Once you get the hang of modern-day digital cameras and their seemingly endless features, then you can join the millions of people around the world who have become obsessed with capturing visually-striking imagery. No matter what your interest (be it nature, people, landscapes, or architecture), you can preserve these moments by collecting them in a scrapbook (physically or online), allowing you to flip through these memories whenever you desire a glimpse into your past.

5. Sewing or Knitting
If nimble fingers and finely tuned motor skills are your objectives, then this could be the hobby for you! Needle work is a relaxing activity which is easily pursued without even turning off the TV. And once you’ve sharpened your skills, the inexpensive gift ideas are only limited by your imagination!

6. Gardening
Gardening is a senior favorite when it comes to creative hobbies because you can design and maintain your garden while enjoying health-boosting sunlight and fresh air. There is an undeniable therapeutic value to nurturing nature and the results are so tangible that you may want to admire them for hours. Not to mention that you can even grow your own food if you want!

7. Dancing
Very few pastimes will benefit all areas of your life quite the same as dancing does. Your muscles will strengthen due to the cardio workout, your balance will improve which will minimize the chances of future tumbles, and your memory will be challenged to recall your steps, exercising your body and mind at the same time. And, of course, it’s a lot of fun!

8. Cooking
People tend to overlook cooking as a creative outlet, but make no mistake that the experimentation and knowledge required to successfully execute the plan is as artistic as any other. What’s more, the end result can be appreciated by everybody, because who doesn’t love a good healthy meal?

9. Coloring
If you disregard coloring as some children’s play game, then you are doing yourself a great disservice. This process requires no thought, only a meditative concentration to stay within the lines as you gradually tap into that childlike appreciation for color. This is also the ideal starting point for those who don’t believe that they are naturally creative.

10. Writing
Do you have a knack for telling elaborate stories? Have you lived an exceptional life which deserves to be recognized? Do you have any past traumas that you’d like to work through? The art of writing can be the greatest way to advance all of these thoughts, not by using some bright colors or fancy abstract imagery, but rather, your naked language alone. And best of all, it costs next to nothing to pursue!

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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

3 of the most important hormones which play a vital part in functioning of human body
Usually the most common evil which keep you from achieving your health and physical goals is that extra slice of cake and those chocolate chip cookies. Do you think this is enough to spot the culprit that’s not letting you lose weight or is there something that is lying deep down inside? Is it something which is even smaller which is microscopic? Are your hormones functioning properly? Hormones are the chemical messengers which travel through the blood and reach every tissue and organ of the human body.

Are you eager to get that perfect body before summer hits in? Regardless of whether you’re a male or a female who’s reading this post, here we will give you the names of the most vital organs which influence your health.


In case you’ve ever considered gaining strength and muscles, there are high chances that you’ve heard about growth hormone which is produced by the pituitary gland. When this hormone is produced in the right amount, it boosts muscle mass and decreases the accumulation of body fat. Older men suffer from such an opposite impact and growth hormone is considered as an anti-aging hormone. You can opt for HGH injections to stave off the most common signs of aging as this is the quickest way. Visit to consult with the best doctors on this. HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is the best form of exercise to boost levels of HGH.


If you thought that testosterone is just vital for males, you’re wrong as they also play a vital role in females as well. Though the levels in female are much lower but still they have a function. In the males, this hormone is secreted by their testes and in the females, the ovaries produce the in very small amount. When testosterone is produced in the right level, this can boost muscle mass and also improve the functioning of the brain. A sudden fall in the level can be dangerous and this is when you might require consulting the doctor.


This is usually considered as a hormone only for females, but it is also found among the males. When this hormone is produced at the best level, it regulates the cycles of female reproduction. Estrogen also plays a vital role in boosting the sex drive. There are some studies that estrogen can impact the recovery of muscles and the health of human brain. While the benefits of estrogen are confirmed, the levels of estrogen can have a bad impact on the fat stored in the body. In case there are excess fat tissues in the body, there are harmful impacts in both females and males.

Though small, hormones usually have a rather powerful impact on the human body. You have to realize and understand how hormones have an impact on your life and how they play a role in maintaining the kind of physique you want. Good habits like proper nutrition, regular exercise and enough sleep can also help in the functioning of your body.

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8 Things to Consider Before LASIK Eye Surgery

You have probably heard wonderful things about the amazing outcome you can expect with LASIK eye surgery and much of what you have heard and read is probably true. However, the one thing you should always understand before any medical or surgical procedure is that results will vary from patient to patient and your doctor will be in the best position to give you what they consider to be a realistic prognosis. Having said that, some people do achieve 20/20 vision and that is something you can hope for. However, do discuss what your surgeon hopes to accomplish before getting any false expectations.

1. Your Choice of Surgeon

When it comes to surgery of any kind, it pays to know your surgeon. Not only should you have one or more consultations prior to surgery, but you should also take the time to read their website and any literature you may be given at your initial appointment. For example, when considering Visionary Eye Centre in Sherwood Park, AB, you can read their website, browse through the services they offer and even request appointments online. It’s good to know you can reach your doctor without being on hold for lengthy periods of time.

2. Make Sure to Follow All Instructions

Your doctor will give you any instructions you need before arriving for surgery. Be sure to read them and read them again so that you follow them to the letter. You are given those instructions for a reason and the success of surgery may very well depend on what you do in the time leading up to the big day.

3. You Will Not Be Under General Anesthesia

Some people don’t like the idea of being awake for surgery of any kind, even LASIK which is a type of non-invasive surgery. If you are uncomfortable with this, make sure to discuss this with your doctor prior to setting a date for surgery.

4. You May Have What Is Called a “Refractive Error”

Some patients may require a second procedure based on their eyesight. The worse a patient’s eyes are going in, the likelier it will be that they may need to go back for refinements. Again, this is something you will want to discuss with your doctor in advance. Does your doctor think you will need more than one procedure?

5. Learn About Any Possible Risks

Most patients are concerned when going into any kind of surgery, even non-invasive procedures like LASIK surgery. If you are worried about any risks, this is something you can discuss with your doctor or research online. Although complications are quite rare, every patient is different, and this is something to understand right up front. Major ‘risks’ include infection, inflammation and correction that is over or under the expected outcome.

6. Never Be Afraid to Ask Questions

Some patients are actually afraid to insult their doctors by asking too many questions. Remember, this is your body, and these are your eyes, so you are entitled to ask any questions you feel would make you more comfortable with the procedure and with the doctor and team you are trusting. It is your right to ask about any concerns you may have.

7. Understand Post-Op Care

As with any kind of surgery or procedure, your doctor will give you post-op instructions to follow. Make sure you understand them completely and follow them precisely as given. If you feel something isn’t right or experience any undue swelling, inflammation or pain, call your doctor immediately. As mentioned, some amount of swelling and inflammation is normal, but extremes should be seen to immediately.

8. Is LASIK Right for You?

Taking all of the above into consideration, you may be questioning whether or not LASIK surgery is right for you. From a medical perspective, if your optometrist has recommended you for this procedure, the chances are very good that you can expect a good outcome. However, just because your doctor recommended LASIK surgery, doesn’t always mean it is right for you. Don’t be afraid to ask whether there are other treatments which can yield comparable results and always ask your doctor if this is the best treatment for you. Even then, understand that the decision is in your hands and your hands alone.

A Quick Summary of What You Should Know

When all is said and done, LASIK surgery is heralded as the best thing to hit eyecare since the invention of ‘spectacles’ way back, once upon a time. It is a non-invasive procedure where once patients had to undergo the knife, and the healing rate is much faster than any other type of surgery simply because it is just that, non-invasive. If you are concerned about whether or not your healthcare covers LASIK and if not, what the cost would be, this is also something you should know in advance.

Just remember, never be afraid to ask your doctor anything that concerns you, including cost. Your rights as a patient dictate that you are entitled to any information regarding your care and this includes LASIK procedures. You’ll know it’s right for you when all your questions have been satisfied.

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