Sunday, August 12, 2018

Ways to Finance and Cut Down on Your Health Budget

The crisis, as well as the continuous decline of households’ purchasing power, makes it more and more difficult for some people to subscribe to health insurance. As a result, health costs can quickly become problematic for some households, which do not have a mutual or are poorly reimbursed.

A major health problem or an accident can occur at any point in a person's life, and most often unexpectedly.

While we thought we would subscribe to health insurance later when we could afford it, that it could wait a few more years, now the doctor announces a serious health problem, requiring particularly expensive care, or that one is a victim of a road accident for example.

Similarly, even with a mutual, many health costs remain particularly poorly reimbursed. And when the end of the month is already difficult, we wonder how we will be able to heal?

Indeed, in case of hospitalization, and without mutual insurance, the bill can very quickly climb. So what solution remains when such a situation arises?

Finance Health Cost with a Personal Loan

Given the current economic circumstances, more and more people are left destitute when a serious health problem arrives. Borrowing for treatment has now become the daily life of many people, who sometimes even for lack of resources, are forced to give up treatment.

However, when there is no longer any solution available to you when such a situation arises, you still have the option of taking out a personal loan in order to pay the various expenses inherent to your health problems.

As with any personal credit without quick proof, it is important to compare credit rates online to choose the cheapest credit offering the best rate. You can also get a short term loan for short term online. Also, be sure to determine the monthly amount that you are financially able to repay, or you risk falling into the spiral of over-indebtedness.

A loan at reasonable rates will allow you to heal, while not tying up your monthly budget too.

You can cut down you budget through these simple ways

Plan Urgent and Emergency Care in Advance

When a disease or injury occurs, it is necessary to decide how serious it is and how soon to seek medical attention. This will help you decide whether to call your provider, go to an urgent care clinic, or seek emergency care.

Choose the Right Health Plan for You

People often get mightily confused when they are choosing a health plan. Many believe that since they are reasonably healthy at the moment, taking on a health plan with lots of coverage is a waste of money. But honestly, it is not. Do not forget that health policies cover accidents as well and you never know when one of those happens. Consider the number of members your family has and then consider their age. Choose a plan based on the requirements of the oldest member of your family as he or she is more likely to be hospitalized in the near future. Don’t avoid taking a critical illness cover, this might seem like a useless expenditure, but this might actually save you from financial ruin in the future.

Author Name: Darshan Shah

Author Bio:

Darshan Shah is a young serial entrepreneur, digital marketer and blogger. He's founder of and providing Digital Marketing services like SEO, Guest Bloggiing and many more. He's enthusiastic about creating blogs and writes creative content for the readers. He loves to help people to grow their business worldwide through his digital marketing knowledge.

Friday, August 10, 2018

A Brief History of Smoking and Why More People Have Turned to Vaping

Smoking, in one form or another, is an activity that humans have enjoyed for thousands of years. In fact, smoking appears to date back to over 7000 years ago, when shamans used it during religious rituals to obtain an altered state of consciousness. Over time, people have been rather creative in the types of substances they have elected to smoke, the method of smoking, and the devices they use to smoke.

When most of us think of smoking, we think of tobacco cigarettes which were popularized by Europeans in the 16th century. As technology developed at the time to improve farming techniques and manufacturing, so did the availability of tobacco. As more and more people began to smoke, it became an accepted part of society. Most people had ashtrays in their homes as did most stores and public places. Smoking was a common activity in restaurants, while driving, at work, and at home. In addition, tobacco cigarette smoking was popularized in the movies and through advertisements with tough rugged male characters and beautiful supermodels.

The public tide against tobacco smoking began to turn in the 1960s, when evidence surfaced that the chemicals inside of tobacco could cause cancer and numerous other health problems when smoked. Health warning were issued on all tobacco cigarettes in 1965 and over time, tobacco smoking became increasingly stigmatized in society such that most restaurants and public places completely banned any form of tobacco smoking.

All of this left people searching for a healthier alternative to tobacco smoking. With increasing advances in technology, enter the world of electronic cigarettes and vaping devices, which were invented in 2003. Also known as e-cigarettes, these devices allow one to simulate the feeling of smoking tobacco without actually consuming harmful tobacco products. The electronic aspect of the cigarette heats an internal liquid (known as e-liquid or e-juice) which creates a vapor that the user inhales (hence the name “vaping.”) The vapor can also be exhaled with creates a cool-looking effect that helps make e-cigarettes appealing.

The liquid inside of e-cigarettes often contains nicotine, but not always. Numerous flavors are available such as cherry cola and a wide variety of fruity flavors which is obviously much preferable to the stench of tobacco smoke. To date, no serious harmful side effects of vaping with e-cigarettes have been reported.

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Endometriosis and Infertility

Most people assume that when they are ready they will fall pregnant and have a healthy little baby.

Unfortunately this is not always the case. Most people will get pregnant within 6 months of trying. If this is not happening for you then it’s time to see a specialist and have yourself tested. You can read more about what’s involved in this.

Natural infertility is not the only thing that can cause an issue when you try to conceive. In fact Endometriosis can seriously affect your ability to conceive.

What Is Endometriosis?

Research shows that 10% of women have endometriosis. That’s approximately 176 million women across the world. The name of this condition is actually connected to the lining that is produced in your womb every month; the endometrium.

This lining is usually shed and then expelled from your body as part of your usual menstrual cycle.

However, there are times when it can travel in the wrong direction and move out of the fallopian tube and into you abdomen.

Because it is used to sticking to things this tissue can easily coat other organs and stick to them.

Unfortunately the tissues is then encouraged to grow when your body releases hormones to encourage a new lining to form in your womb.

When the new lining is shed the lining on your organs should also shed; but it has nowhere to go. The result is inflammation and pain.

Symptoms Connected With Endometriosis

The most common symptom is pain and discomfort in your abdomen just before and during the first part of your normal menstrual cycle. However it is worth noting that the amount of pain does not directly relate to the severity of your condition.

It is possible to have mild endometriosis and have very harsh symptoms or to have severe endometriosis and hardly any symptoms.

It is also known to trigger other issues such as asthma and eczema.

How It Affects Fertility

Because your lining is travelling and adhering to the wrong parts of your body it is going to cause inflammation. If this happens in the fallopian tubes you will gain scarring as the inflammation fades and heals.

Once this has happened on several occasions it is likely that the scarring will block the passage of the egg along the tube. The inflammation can also damage the egg or even the sperm if they can make it along these tubes.

In severe cases it is possible that endometriosis can cause your pelvic organs to stick together; damaging their ability to work effectively and even blocking your fallopian tubes.

Dealing With Endometriosis

It is possible to remove the lining and even reverse much of the damage done inside your body through laparoscopy surgery and the use of a laser.

Unfortunately surgery really is the only option.

If you are looking to conceive then it is worth trying this first, the alternative is to have your eggs harvested and implanted back into you. Interestingly becoming pregnant actually improves endometriosis!

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, August 06, 2018

Top Five Low-Impact Workouts for Senior Citizens

All over the world, senior citizens are moving less than ever, and the seniors in the United States are no exception.

The results of one survey showed that 25.8 percent of U.S. men over the age of 65 and 32.5 percent of U.S. women of the same age bracket are consistently physically inactive.

There are lots of reasons why seniors don’t move as much as they should. No matter what their reason for not exercising, though, most seniors could benefit from moving more and trying to meet the country’s physical activity guidelines (30 minutes of aerobic activity five days per week, coupled with 2-3 flexibility and balance workouts and 2-3 strength training workouts).

If you’re not sure where to begin and want to start with some low-impact workouts, keep reading. Listed below are five of the best workouts for seniors that will help you increase your physical activity without putting strain on the joints.

Aqua Jogging

Aqua jogging (also known as pool running or water jogging) is exactly what it sounds like -- running in the water. You simply “run” through the deep end of a pool without letting your feet touch the ground.

The great thing about aqua jogging is that you get many of the same benefits of running (including improved cardiovascular health and endurance) without any of the impact. This makes it a perfect option for people who struggle with pain in the foot or knee.

If you’re new to aqua jogging, a local senior center may offer classes to help you get started.

Water Aerobics

If you love the water but don’t feel particularly jazzed about aqua jogging, maybe water aerobics is a better fit for you.

Similar to aqua jogging, water aerobics allows you to get your heart rate up without putting any stress on your joints. It’s great for people with arthritis, chronic pain, or those who have a lot of weight to lose and have a hard time with other forms of cardiovascular exercise.

Most gyms and senior centers offer water aerobics classes. Look for one that’s geared toward beginners to help you ease into the workouts without getting overwhelmed.


Yoga is a great low-impact workout option that combines strength, flexibility, and balance training, so it’s perfect for seniors who want to check all those boxes at once.

Yoga is especially great for improving core strength and reducing seniors’ risk of falling and getting injured. It also helps improve bone density, which is great for senior women, who are more prone to osteoporosis.

Many seniors will do fine attending a beginner-friendly yoga class, but there are also classes dedicated solely to seniors -- some are even designed for people who need to stay seated for the entire class. Look online to find the right class for you, or ask someone at your local senior center what they recommend.


For burning calories, improving mobility, and improving strength and balance, there aren’t many workouts that are better than simply going for a walk.

Walking at a moderate pace for just 30 minutes a day can make a major difference in seniors’ health and physical strength. It’s especially good for increasing bone density and reducing the risk of developing heart disease.

In addition to being easy and totally free, walking is also a very scalable form of exercise. When you’re first getting started, you can simply do a few laps around your neighborhood. When that gets easy, you can seek out routes that feature hills or steps to make things a little more challenging.

Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling is a good option for seniors who want to improve their cardiovascular health but aren’t drawn to aquatic exercise or walking. It’s also great for those who have lower body issues (knee pain, foot pain, hip pain, etc.).

Like walking, indoor cycling is also easy to scale. You can move at a slow, even pace when you’re getting started, then increase the resistance and speed as your endurance and strength begin to improve.

Indoor cycling workouts are also easy to modify, so you don’t necessarily need to seek out a senior-specific class when you’re first getting started.

This is a guest blog entry.

Friday, August 03, 2018

How to Get Back In Shape after Normal Delivery

One of the biggest worries of some new mothers is how to get back their normal body shape after delivery. It can be annoying when you look in the mirror, and you don't like what you see, especially when you used to have a banging body. Also, with so many celebrity-moms seemingly having no trouble snapping back into shape after pregnancy, one is left to wonder if there is some sort of hidden secret. Spoiler alert - there isn't.

To be fair, celebrity moms have the advantage of more resources that a lot of moms may not have the luxury of; they tend not to gain as much weight as the average pregnant woman because they have medical experts that guide them on what the exact things to do to limit the amount of baby fat as much as possible. Also, celebrity moms are placed on strict diets, which is not exactly a standard recommendation especially for women that had a difficult pregnancy or a C-section.

Experts also generally advise against pushing the body too hard and too fast in a bid to lose the baby weight as quickly as possible. It will only get you exhausted and discouraged, making it harder for you to carry on for long enough to lose the weight. However, all of this does not mean that the average mom cannot snap back into shape just as well as celebrity moms.

A little bit of dedication and a little bit of hard work is all you need. It may sound a little cliché, but it works. All you need to know is the right way to channel your dedication and hard work, and that is what this article is about to arm you with. Here's some tested advice on how to get back in shape after baby delivery.

When is the right time to start?

Firstly, get rid of any preconceived ideas you may have had about dieting or cutting your calorie intake dramatically - especially if you're breastfeeding your baby. If you are, you need to be consuming at least 1800-2000 calories per day. You need to consider the fact that if you eat less than this, you're not the only one affected - your baby is too. Your body cannot produce quality milk when you don't eat well enough. You need the calories, and you need the energy. Don't even consider dieting until after the first six weeks.

On the flip side, if you're not breastfeeding, you're allowed to watch your calorie intake to an extent. However, don't aim for anything higher than losing one pound a week. You may find it interesting that breastfeeding actually helps your body to burn calories though.


Dieting is off-limits, but exercise isn't. It is actually highly recommended as a way to get back in shape. What's more, it will help your body to increase energy levels, and it can also contribute to battling postpartum depression. This fact has encouraged medical experts to promote exercise as an important factor in the post-pregnancy health of new moms.

Before you begin to work out, you need to check in with your doctor to make sure it's okay. This is particularly important if you had a difficult pregnancy or delivery. Your doctor will be able to decide if your body is ready to go through the rigor of exercise, and how often you can put your body through the process. With that being said, most medical experts will encourage mild workouts as soon as you feel like you're ready for it.

Post-Pregnancy Workouts

Just like any other process, it is advisable that you start with the easiest routines and work your way up to the harder ones so that your body does not have to go through a "sudden shock" from trying to work too hard too quickly. You can start with walks, and you can even involve the baby here by putting it in a stroller and taking it along with you for the walks. It's great for mother-child bonding too.

If you want something more challenging than just walking, you can work with exercises that are built for the third trimester of pregnancies and work your way back through the second trimester to the first trimester and then to the exercises you were doing before pregnancy. The entire process should last about 4-6 months.

You might want to pay more attention to strength-training exercises that help you to build a strong core. No matter what your fitness level is, you can explore perfect workout plans designed by Many women fail to recognize the importance of these exercises when in fact, it should be the area to start with as soon as possible. Even if you had been working out and performing strength performing strength-training exercises before your pregnancy, you would likely lose all that strength to the pregnancy. This is because your muscles are stretched out due to the extra weight that your body carries for nine months, so you need to work on building that core back.

The best approach to building a strong core is pelvic exercises.
  • Start with a pelvic tilt, a sort of modified sit-up (only if you didn't deliver the baby through a C-section),
  • tighten and squeeze your butt,
  • relax for a bit,
  • stick a pillow between both knees, squeeze and then relax again.
This will help build your core, and it will also strengthen your back.

Final Note

In your eagerness to lose the baby weight, you need to be careful not to overstress your joints from exercises such as jumping, jogging or running. If you have to do these exercises, take it easy for at least 6-8 weeks. The reason for this is that your body produces a hormone called relaxin during pregnancy.

Relaxin makes your joints loose, causing them to be more prone to injuries than they normally are. The hormone remains in your system for several weeks after pregnancy, and this is why you need to proceed with caution. It wouldn't do to get yourself sidelined with an injury in the course of trying to lose the baby weight.

Finally, if you notice any of these symptoms during or after exercises, get the help of a doctor immediately:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Abdominal or Pelvic pain
  • Soreness of muscles that last for over two days
Best of luck!

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

What Happens After a Patient Makes a Complaint?

When a patient makes a claim against their doctor or surgeon, the one thing you can be sure of is that they are seeking compensation for some wrongdoing, imagined or real, on the part of the medical professional and/or the surgery or hospital.

Many doctors have never been faced with this ordeal and although they carry the appropriate liability coverage and indemnity, they simply don’t know how to respond after a patient makes a claim. Here is some of what you need to know should you ever be faced with this situation.

Always Be on the Aware

One bit of advice offered by is to always be aware of anything a patient or their advocate might do or say, triggering a light that indicates they may be thinking about filing a claim. As it has been said so many times in the past, to be forewarned is to be forearmed and if you even suspect a claim is on the horizon, it may be time to alert your solicitor and/or your insurance carrier. There are times when both a claim and an unfavorable outcome can be prevented if your insurance and legal teams are on the alert ready to forestall any long-lasting and damaging actions that could affect your career.

Look for such things as a threat to report you to the General Medical Council. At other times, they will simply start asking for in-depth records and reports which may indicate a reason other than record keeping. You may first be the subject of an internal investigation and that should get you thinking about an incident where a patient maybe died unexpectedly or safety issues which may have led to, or potentially led to, harm to the patient.

How Claims Are Filed

Typically, in a medical claim, the claimant will be represented by a lawyer who claims you were negligent in your duty of care. Their legal counsel will then notify your insurance company that a claim is being filed, state the underlying justification for the claim and then proceed to file all the proper forms and documents with the courts. At that point, your insurance company will contact you because they want to see you cleared of any wrongdoing and of course they don’t want to pay frivolous or fraudulent claims. They will work hard on your behalf to defend you, but sometimes there may be no defense and this is where a lawyer well versed in health claims can be a valued asset on your defense team.

Consequences of Valid Claims

There are varying degrees to the consequences you may be faced with if the patient or the patient’s advocate wins their claim against you. Sometimes the consequence is simply financial as in a monetary award for injury or pain and suffering and other times the consequences may lead to such things as being refused cover going forward, disciplinary action from the GMC, and sometimes a claim can be so severe as to lead to your being withdrawn from the medical profession. Some claims have resulted in doctors losing their privilege to practice medicine. While these claims are extreme and typically the result of several claims over a period of time or a class action suit, it can happen, and it is something to be aware of.

What happens after a patient makes a claim can be up to you. If you are quick on your feet and are aware of the signs of an imminent claim, you can have your defence lawyer on the job even before a claim hits the courts. It is up to you to contact your insurance company and your legal counsel to avoid matters getting out of control. Act quickly and you may be able to prevent that worst case scenario every doctor dreads.

This is a guest blog entry.

Healthcare Mobile App Development

Healthcare is the most essential aspect of everyday life. However, it’s usually neglected by individuals because of their fast pace of life and busy calendars. Today, it is difficult to find time to come to the hospital, book an appointment, and then see a specialist. Before this happens, one often has to stand in long lines.

The reality is that many people don’t have enough time and this makes entrepreneurs find new ways of providing their services fast and without compromising the quality. This is why mobile app development can be extremely useful. Technologies are flourishing and any industry can benefit from having a custom app.  It can level up any business sphere including healthcare.

Pioneering hospitals and clinics are engaging patients with custom mobile applications that are built to enhance the cooperation as well as communication between doctors and patients.

Nowadays, the healthcare app market has already reached $20 billion and it’s gaining momentum.The global mobile health (mHealth) market will reach $60 billion by 2020, but still, it’s only a prediction. It may become even bigger taking into account the pace it’s expanding.

Getting back to healthcare apps, they are built to increase patient engagement or to help them keep a healthy lifestyle. That will help people to stay focused on their health and improve their quality of life. Actually, there are mHealth apps for many health issues. They can track movements, help stick to a diet, calculate calories, schedule an appointment with a doctor, etc.

Types of Custom Mobile Apps for Healthcare 

Applications for hospitals or assistance in diagnosis    

Symptom checkers

•    PHR access
•    Digital imaging (MRI/X-Raying viewing abilities
•    Electronic chart review
•    Lab results review

Applications for remote monitoring   

•    LifeScan for patients with diabetes
•    Remote heart monitoring
•    ECG viewer
•    Oxygen level remote check
•    Telehealth services

Applications for reminders and alters  

•    Prescription management
•    Appointment reminders

Applications for references  

•    ICD-9/10 reference guide
•    E&M coding
•    Specialized medical reference material

Applications for a healthy living  

•    Pregnancy and baby development
•    Diet assistance
•    Exercise and fitness
•    Healthy eating

Applications for productivity    

•    Remote dictation
•    Surgery Scheduling
•    Interoffice communication

Number Can’t Lie

There are no doubts that the healthcare sector is one of the most profitable business sectors. And it’s expected to triple in the upcoming years. But let’s not get fooled and look at some actual stats.

•    It’s predicted that the healthcare industry is predicted to increase to $60k in the near future.

•    Many patients and doctors prefer utilizing custom healthcare apps and the healthcare app industry has already reached $20K.

•    Nowadays around half of the mobile users accumulate health-related information through their handheld devices.

No wonder that mHealth apps are in high demand not only among patients but also among doctors. A mobile app is indeed the best technology-oriented solution for hospitals and clinics. This is the main driver for healthcare managers to invest in software development and get fully-functioning mobile apps for both doctors and patients.

For patients    

•    reminder of upcoming doctor’s appointments.

•    track vital medication records and save health data

•    facilitate and ease the communication between a patient and a doctor

•    control drug treatment  

 For doctors

•    get the latest reports on patient’s health

•    easy integration with CRM (custom relationship management) as well as ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems

•    keep all the information about patients

•    schedule

•    ease communication with colleagues

Generally, mHealth apps are categorized into two categories - for doctors and for patients. In case, you have any special requirements, you can build a custom solution for your healthcare business. Have a glance at the features and facilities you can load your healthcare app with.

 Key Features and Facilities of mHeath Apps

•    Push notifications to get reminders

•    Access to medical data to collect vital information

•    View profiles of doctors/ hospitals/ etc.

•    Book, change and cancel appointments

•    On-time reminders to visit a doctor or take a pill

•    Access to lab reports

•    Get prescriptions

•    Latest news and information

•    Access to online reports

•    Get emergency aid

•    Get free medical advice

•    SOS call

These are only basic features for a healthcare app. They can make a core of a medical application.
However, it’d be great if you load your app with a tracking feature. With its help, patients will be able to monitor heart rate, pulse, blood pressure, glucose levels, calories, etc. And doctors will be able to track the health of their patients remotely.

A lot of healthcare apps are related to appointments, so scheduling is another important feature to add to your healthcare app. App for doctors will help doctors work with calendars, manage appointments, and schedule drug intake. Moreover, scheduling will come in handy when developing apps for sleeping or fitness.

Summing Up

Medical app development has become one of the most lucrative industries in today’s world. With its advanced features and functionalities, it has leveled up the experience of both patients and doctors. Mobile apps are transforming the industry and making it more convenient for any side, be it a doctor or a patient.

This is a guest blog entry.