Tuesday, July 31, 2018

10 Lesser-Known Vitamins and Minerals (and Where to Find Them)

Whether you’re a child, a gym professional, or an aging body, everyone knows the importance of a vitamin-rich dietary plan. But with such a long lineup of essential nutrients out there, locating all of them can become a confusing undertaking (especially when most people aren’t even sure what each one does).

To simplify your life, here is a quick list of those often overlooked vitamins and minerals, and exactly where you can hunt them down.

1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
There are various B vitamins which the body requires, and yet there’s a general misunderstanding as to what all of them do. B1 is a good example of a nutrient which turns carbs into usable energy while strengthening the nervous system at the same time.

To introduce more B1 into your life, stock up on sunflower seeds, yellowfin tuna, lentils, and black beans.

2. Vitamin K
Vitamin K helps your blood to clot, which means that a simple laceration could turn into a much riskier incident of blood loss if you're deficient in this area. Vitamin K is also good for your bones and preventing the collection of calcium within your blood vessels.

To get your fix, look no further than spinach, kale, broccoli, and just about anything leafy green.

3. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
There are plenty of beneficial qualities to riboflavin, including the breakdown of protein, carbs, and fats which increases the metabolism and raises your energy levels. What’s more, it helps your blood to move along which can improve your skin’s texture.

B2 can be difficult to find, but if you're willing to feast on calf’s liver, then you’re good to go. For everyone else, try milk, almonds, and yeast.

4. Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Niacin looks after your nervous system while providing your body with sufficient energy to function throughout the day. It has also been shown to support your digestive organs while lowering your cholesterol levels, reducing the chance of a stroke or heart disease. Finally, there are some other reports which link this nutrient to healthier skin.

Look after your B3 dosage via the means of chicken/turkey breast, almonds, seeds, and whole wheat products.

5. Folic Acid
While its claim to fame is the development of a healthy baby during pregnancy, folic acid is still important for all genders to look into. It has been shown to assist cell rejuvenation and is essential for functional red blood cells which reduces the chance of anemia.

Folic acid is best found in broccoli, beans, asparagus, and lentils.

6. Vitamin B6
B6 is a special vitamin which works in conjunction with other vitamins to boost their roles. When used as a part of a complete diet, it lowers homocysteine, an amino acid negatively linked to depression, dementia, osteoporosis, and strokes. What’s more, it has been shown to promote a healthier brain, skeleton, and cardiovascular system, while also decreasing the chance of kidney stones.

There is plenty of B6 available in beef, chicken, bananas, potatoes, and chickpeas.

7. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Biotin is an ally of your red blood cells, which means an improved delivery of oxygen around the system, often sold as hair growth products. Much like B6, biotin also lends a helping hand in the absorption of other nutrients.

Unfortunately, B7 is very difficult to find in foods but is available in lower amounts from almonds, tomatoes, and animal livers. However, it is recommended that you consider researching biotin supplements depending on your gender and lifestyle, as there are vitamins for men or women available.

8. Vitamin E
The often misunderstood vitamin E is ideal for better blood circulation and tissue repair while acting as an antioxidant for an improved immune system. But be careful not to overdo it! Vitamin E is fat-soluble and can remain in your system for a long time. If you are on other medication, speak to your doctor first before boosting a supplement dose.

For everyone else, fill up on almonds, sunflower seeds, olives, and turnip greens.

9. Vitamin B12 (Folate)
If you find yourself regularly short of breath, you may need to investigate your B12 intake. Folate supports the metabolism’s conversion of food into energy while bolstering your red blood cells and the nervous system.

Due to its abundance in meat, eggs, and cheese products, most vegans are B12 deficient. If you prefer a green diet, increase your yeast consumption and explore supplement options.

10. Magnesium
Famous by name, magnesium is an overlooked asset to your muscles, improving their ability to contract and relax. Furthermore, it also regulates your blood pressure while aiding the body in its calcium absorption which promotes healthier bones.

Seek out some extra magnesium by filling your plate with spinach, almonds, beans, and avocado.

This is a guest blog entry.

Friday, July 27, 2018

5 Essential Habits to Practice as You Recover from Alcoholism

“Your mental health is a priority.
Your happiness is essential.
Your self-care is a necessity.”

I don’t know where you are exactly in the great scheme of things, let alone your scheme of things.

You may have just got yourself clean and sober (finally), as I managed to do nearly a decade ago. Or, like many who are simply fed up with the drunk life they feel trapped in, you may be reading this because you’re just plain sick and tired of it all. Sick and tired of looking around to find another somebody has left your life or another something else has been lost, and neither may ever come back.

You may be looking for answers because the questions never change: “When will this ever stop?” or “Does it get better when there’s no more of me left to care?” Here’s a question for you: “How could I ever lead a sober life?” The answer, my friend, is a simple “Habits - good ones.”

My name is Andy, I’m a recovering drug addict and alcoholic (clean and sober for 9 years now), and I really don’t know where this finds you in what you consider to be your “great scheme of things.” I only hope it finds you well and wants to learn something about staying well, for people like us.

This is my great scheme because it’s my life. Staying well is staying abstinent. It’s practicing only good habits each and every day. It’s hard work, but it’s attainable, and I reap the rewards. Recovery has bad days, it’s true, but the ocean of good days just end up washing those away.

Good habits - that was a lesson well learned in my own drug and alcohol rehab. Here’s what they told me:

Around 60% of what you did yesterday, you’ll do again today. Wait for it - you will do it tomorrow too unless you want or have to change it. We are creatures of habit, whether it’s where we decide to take lunch during the working day, or where we keep that all-important first drink or first hit of the day - it’s habit, and, as recovering alcoholics, we need good ones. Only good ones. Fact.

Good habits are more than just a way of giving yourself structure. The habits I have built up during my recovery are more than that. They became a way to find out who I really was, how I could learn to react to situations that in the past were triggers to addictive behavior, and also they were a place to hide away if I needed one, a secure and safe place for me to be. My recovery security blanket, if you like.

This article - 5 Essential Habits to Practice as You Recover from Alcoholism - is my way of sharing part of my recovery’s education with you. Like everything in an alcoholic’s slow journey to a clean and sober life, it’s better if it’s shared with others. Let’s begin:


Rehab provided me with the best education I’ve ever had, and I majored in “me.” Everything I needed to learn about what lay ahead of me was a reflection of what lay inside of me, and that self-realization was the foundation of my recovery. I already felt I was an expert at all that was wrong with me, my faults and my failings. Rehab flipped that coin, and I learned the opposite - I learned my strengths.

Here are just a few of those strengths, amongst others:
  • Intelligence
  • Creativity
  • Loyalty
  • Humor, and most importantly for me
  • Empathy
Hard to do when you’re drunk, but sober, with a clear head, and with the right guidance, you can create your own list. Believe me, you’ll be as surprised as I was. Yes, we may be an alcoholic, but that is just a part of us, and it’s certainly never been our entirety. As part of your recovery, write your list, and remind yourself of it every day.

Less Stress

No-one lives stress-free, right? Right. Our world certainly isn’t set up for it. However, you can take one great leap for yourself in that direction if you learn to manage the stress you do live with. If you’re a recovering alcoholic, the one thing - the only thing - that can take you back to where you once were is a relapse. Unmanaged stress is one of the biggest triggers of relapse, and it needs to be dealt with.

Here are some practicalities you can put in place to ensure stress is not only managed, but the events and issues in your life gain a new perspective:
  • Always, always put your needs, primarily your physical and mental health, above all else
  • “Go easy” (as one of my counselors once said to me) - recovery isn’t a race, it takes time
  • Avoid unnecessary drama when you can - you don’t need it
  • Learn about stress management: exercise, keeping a diary, yoga, meditation, etc.
New Activities = New Habits

The beginning of your recovery is going to present you with familiar challenges. You may well be returning to a similar, if not, identical routine as the one you had previously. My advice? Change everything that you can change, and plan and make the most of the free time that you may now have. The answer to this unquestionable power of routine is to develop new activities and new interests. If you’ve always wondered about something, simply go and find out.

Regardless of the state, I would find myself in sometimes, I always was happy playing basketball when I could and I was able. No surprise that it took up a good amount of my time during my early recovery, and I still play competitively 3 times a week now. Furthermore, art is becoming an increasingly important part of my life now. Find out exactly what your basketball or your blank canvas is. 


Your alcoholic life will have taken a toll on your body, and, sadly, some damage will be beyond repair. Not only is cleansing your body of alcohol an exceptionally strenuous undertaking even when medically supervised, you go through it when your body is at its lowest ebb physically. Once you’re on the other side of this essential step, your body needs help to get back working as well as it can.

As they say, a healthy body really is a healthy mind, and, although it may not feel like it at first, there is nothing better for you than to engage in some form of regular exercise, preferably aerobic in nature. You certainly don’t have to hit the gym to do this. In fact, I’ve always found gyms to be a very insular place to get fit - I have always much preferred either team sports or group activities, like a cycling club for example. Not only do you get fit, you socialize with new and like-minded people.

Eat Healthily & Drink (Water)

Having a nutritious and balanced diet, accompanied by making sure you’re always hydrated, is the other essential boost that you can continually give to your body during recovery. The combination of this and the regular exercise described above will ensure you provide your body with the best possible path to its own recovery from your alcoholism. One last word on this - never allows yourself to feel hungry, as this will exacerbate any cravings you may still have.

Given The Opportunity

These 5 essential (and good) habits - strength, less stress, new activities, exercise, and diet and hydration - are the cornerstones of my recovery, and I have no wish to imagine where I’d be if I didn’t have these things in my new and sober life.

At the beginning of your recovery, they may feel a little insignificant, and they may not actually take up a great deal of your time. However, given the opportunity, they will grow and flourish and become as intrinsic to your new life of recovery as the premeditated act of abstention. Just given the opportunity, and we all deserve that.

What good habits have you found helpful in your recovery? Are you wondering how you could make a recovery yourself? Please feel free to share a comment below - thanks. Like I said before, I hope this finds you well. Take care and go easy.

This is a guest blog post.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Recruitment in Britain’s NHS — 3 in-demand careers that you could pursue

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) turned 70 this year — and in the decades since it’s establishment by then minister of health and housing Aneurin Bevan, the free at the point of delivery service has benefited families from all strata of society.

But it’s faced increasingly severe funding problems thanks to austerity cuts following the 2008 financial crash and a recruitment crisis since the UK voted to leave the EU in 2016.

On the flipside of these problems are opportunities for health workers from outside the EU who might want to migrate to Britain to secure the future of one of its finest institutions.
So here are three in-demand careers you could pursue in Britain’s NHS.

1. Nursing and midwifery

In the year following the Brexit vote in June 2016, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) reported that EU nurse applications to join the NHS dropped by a staggering 96%.

And by January 2018, NHS Digital reported that there were 34,260 unfilled nursing and midwifery vacancies in England — with Surrey, Kent, Sussex and all areas of London finding recruitment particularly difficult.

Nurses from nations like Jamaica and India are being recruited in an attempt to plug the gap, but it’ll be some time before this branch of the NHS is anywhere near optimal operational capacity.

If you’re a nurse qualified outside Europe, contacting the NMC about non-EU/EEA qualifications and application criteria is the best first step towards translating your skillset to UK hospitals.

2. Dentistry

If tackling toothcare is your medical forte, you might find a bright new career in the NHS.

In February 2018, the British Dental Association (BDA) reported that a dentist recruitment crisis meant that over two-thirds of NHS practices in England recruiting in the preceding year had problems filling vacancies — while some existing practitioners are leaving to concentrate solely on private practice.

And General Dental Council (GDC) stats for the period 2006-2016 show that 40% of new entrants to the professional register came from overseas — although a lack of clarity over the government’s post-Brexit plans means EEA registrants are starting to move elsewhere.

Checking Health Education England recruitment guidance can help you decipher whether your existing dentistry qualification is mutually-recognized, or if you’ll need to pass an overseas registration examination.

3. Healthcare management

To cope with meeting treatment targets and improving outcomes against a backdrop of financial pressures and recruitment and retention issues, the NHS needs talented managers more than ever.

And as the organization has become more diverse and complex, the sharp coordination and administration skills of leaders is as crucial as their people skills.

So if you’re currently working in health management or can envisage adapting your general management skills, the NHS could be a fulfilling final destination.

Studying for an online Healthcare Management MSc from a British institution can help you convert your skill set and boost your CV.

So there are three in-demand careers you could pursue in the NHS — research your visa and application requirements and take the first step towards an exciting new vocation.

Have you migrated to work for the NHS? Share your experiences in the comments section.

Written by Kevin Fullerton

How To Get Healthy And Fit For The Summer

Summer is already here and many individuals are far behind on their weight loss goals. Unfortunately, this might lead to them making drastic changes that end up negatively impacting their health. Sure, looking good and fit can seem like the most important goal to some individuals, but it isn’t worth it if it is going to affect your health.

There really is no reason to rush because you still have time to get in shape for the peak of the summer. However, you just want to make sure that you are doing it the healthy way and that is exactly what you are going to learn below.

Stay On A Consistent Path

It shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that exercising is extremely important to maintaining a long and healthy life. Even if you are just eating junk all day long your body will be better off with the fact that you are exercising. That being said, you always need to make sure that you are being consistent with your exercise routines. Don’t workout two to three hours one and one hour another week. Make sure that you stick to the same time frame and work up from there. It doesn’t matter how low or slow your start out, as long as you are staying consistent and building up from that point you are going to be just fine.

Balance Your Diet

Eating right is a very important part of staying fit and healthy. You can’t workout for two to three hours a week and just eat whatever you want. It should go without saying that you need to stay away from trans fat and high caloric sweets. When it comes to your daily meals, you need to make sure that you are consuming nothing in excess and keep everything to a moderate amount. In addition to this, you want to make sure that your plate is always well balanced with all the food groups. Include fruits, vegetables, and healthy protein.

Choose Your Supplements Carefully

There are tons of supplements and steroids available today on the open market. Sure, these supplements can be extremely beneficial, but they can also come along with some nasty side effects. This is why it is always imperative to choose your supplements wisely. For instance, if you are a male and considering taking steroids, you might always want to consider stacking them with body building clomid. Clomid is a manmade estrogen that actually blocks the undesirable effects of estrogen that comes along with consuming steroids.

More And More Water

You might already know that water is the source to all life. In fact, the biggest portion of your body is made up of water, so it only makes sense that water is necessary for the body. Not only will water flush the system of harmful toxins, but it has the ability to make your body feel cleaner, while providing you with a lighter head. Of course, you have to be careful about the amount you are consuming, as too much can be bad. Most experts recommend 64 ounces a day.

This is a guest blog entry.

How The United States Can Improve Its Health

It is undoubtedly true that the United States has some of the most expensive healthcare in the world. This has proven to be very problematic for consumers and medical professionals alike. It has also taken a toll on the government at large. With that being said, the United States needs to begin taking steps to rectify this problem as quickly as possible. The good news is that there are plenty of things the country can do to fix its healthcare problem. Within this guide, this subject will be discussed in greater depth.

Physical Education

One of the biggest health problems in the United States is the lack of physical fitness. Too many people are sitting around for too long each and every day. This is causing the obesity rate across the country to rise significantly. This is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately. This is why schools across the country should begin implementing physical education programs as soon as possible. If physical education is added to schools, there is a good chance that it’ll help reduce the obesity rate.

It will also teach future generations how to keep themselves in great shape.

Doctor Education

While you’re at it, you must agree that many problems originate in the hospitals across the United States. US based healthcare facilities need to provide consumers with more than just medications. Many people believe that medications can solve all of their problems. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In many cases, medications only escalate the problem and make it much worse. This is why doctors need to begin providing their patients with education. It is pertinent to ensure that patients have the knowhow to improve their health without the need for drugs.

Diet Guidelines

Over the years, the diet guidelines have changed significantly. At the same time, consumers have started ignoring these recommendations. This is a very serious problem. Consumers are eating terrible foods and it is beginning to take a toll on the country at large. Fast foods are causing the obesity rate to climb higher and higher. This is another problem that needs to be addressed. Consumers need to know exactly what foods they can eat and what foods need to be avoided.

The government needs to put measures into place to ensure that consumers are eating healthy. This could make a big difference in the long run.

Home Education

Finally, it is vital to understand that consumers need to begin taking care of themselves. The government, doctors and the public education system cannot rectify all problems out there. This is why consumers need to begin looking after themselves. Parents need to begin providing their children with the education that is needed to remain healthy and fit. Until this happens, children are going to remain at risk of becoming obese. And, there are many diseases that are directly linked to obesity. The best way to avoid these problems is by gaining an education early on.

This is why parents will need to remain proactive in the lives of their children!

This is a guest blog entry.

Friday, July 20, 2018

HGH Injections Brands: Why Your Choice Matters

Warning – not all HGH brands are the same! Before you buy HGH injections, make sure you understand the differences between the various HGH injections brands.

HGH – human growth hormone or somatropin – is a bioidentical version of the hormone somatotropin. The quality and effectiveness of HGH can vary significantly from one brand to another.

How, then, do you do which HGH to buy?
Learn more about HGH therapy on – www.hght.com

That is why we are here – to provide you with the facts to help you make an informed choice before you spend your hard-earned money. HGH is not cheap. You are investing in your health, and we want to help you get the most bang for your bucks. The right decision can bring you superior benefits. The wrong selection could cause side effects and even land you in the hospital.

The best HGH injections brands will have the same molecular structure as somatotropin. They will consist of a 191 single-chain, amino acid sequence. HGH is a polypeptide protein that the body will recognize as real growth hormone.

Unlike inferior quality brands, the best HGH will contain pure human growth hormone and not unknown substances or bacterial residue. By ensuring that your HGH manufacturing takes place in Europe or the United States, you will know the quality is exceptional. Cheaper, Asian-made HGH is often of inferior quality, and may even have a 192 amino acid sequence. No, 192 amino acids are not better than 191. It is not an exact match to human growth hormone and can produce significant side effects. Most importantly, cheaper HGH is often produced under unsanitary conditions without the government regulations in place for cleanliness and quality.

Which High-Quality Brands of HGH Injections Are the Best?

Now that you know a little about human growth hormone let us answer the question you want to know. Which are the best HGH injection brand names to buy?

Here is our list as comprised by our hormone doctors who review each medication for quality and effectiveness:

•    Genotropin by Pfizer
•    Humatrope by Eli Lilly
•    Norditropin by Novo Nordisk
•    Omnitrope by Sandoz
•    Saizen by EMD Serono

No doubt you recognize at least one of the pharmaceutical manufacturers listed above. Each company produces superior HGH injections brands in a variety of injector styles. Tev-Tropin is another possible brand to use, although it is marketed more for children than adults. That being said, some individuals have received excellent results from Tev-Tropin. It is just not one of our top five choices for treatment of growth hormone deficiency.

Why Should You Stay Away from Low-Quality Brands of HGH Injections?

You may wonder why you should stay away from HGH injections brands with names like Jintropin, Ansomone, Hygetropin, Kefei, Getropin, Glotropin, Fitropin, and Kigtropin.

Some brands, such as Getropin, Glotropin, and Kigtropin are of questionable origin. Others, such as Fitropin are discontinued. That does not mean you will not find it for sale online. Anything is possible and potentially dangerous.

You want to stay away from low-quality HGH injections names due to the risk of receiving a potentially dangerous and counterfeit medication. Some products tested have contained compounds such as rat poison and cement. These are not substances you want to inject into your body.

Finally, never buy HGH by “cap color” rather than brand name. These are some of the cheapest generically produced forms of human growth hormone.

If you care about what you put in your body then you only want to inject pure, high-quality HGH.

How to Choose the Right HGH Injections Brands for You

We mentioned our top five brands of HGH injections that our doctors prescribe to adults with growth hormone deficiency. What makes one brand a better choice over the others, and how do you know which one to choose?

There is no difference in brand quality, so eliminate that reason for why one HGH brand is better than the others. The biggest differences are in price and injector styles.

When it comes time to select a medication, your clinical advisor will ask you a few questions. The factors that can influence your brand decision include:
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Dosage prescribed
  • Budget
  • Convenience
  • Travel
You may wonder why travel is on the list. Most HGH injections brands require constant refrigeration. People who frequently travel often do better selecting one of the options that are storable at room temperature.

If money is the primary factor driving your decision, then a brand of HGH available in a standard vial for use with disposable insulin syringes is the best option.

The dosage makes a difference in which product will meet your needs. A higher dosage may necessitate an injector pen with 10, 12, 15, 0r 24 mg rather than one with only 5 mg. You would run out of medication sooner and likely have a higher cost factor than going with a different selection.

Finally, lifestyle habits and convenience converge when people are looking for the easiest, quickest method of injecting HGH. Each of the five brands of HGH offers at least one option for injector pens. Your advisor at our hormone clinic will explain the differences in both cost and usage convenience to help you make the right choice.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about which brand of HGH is right for you.

This is a guest blog entry.

10 Tools to Help Seniors Age in Place

The data is in and research shows that upwards of 90% of seniors over the age of 65 want to remain in their home as they age. While this goal may seem completely practical, the truth is that many homes are not equipped to fully support the health, safety, and independence of an older adult, especially one living on their own.

As a senior yourself or a caregiver for one, don’t miss this essential list of 10 tools to help seniors age in place:

Medical Alert Systems
Whether it’s a free-standing phone, a digital ID bracelet, or even a pendant worn around the neck, medical alert systems provide peace of mind for both seniors living at home and their caregivers far away. With the tap of a button, a senior can quickly alert emergency contacts or even 911 in the event of a fall, injury, or other accident.

Lift Chair
For seniors with any type of mobility issue, from leg weakness to joint discomfort, an armchair or recliner which mechanically raises up and down can provide a world of assistance. Lift chairs are remote controlled and can lift forward and up to help a senior to their feet from a sitting position. Getting from a seated position to a nearby mobility aid is easier than ever and makes navigating the home environment solo much more possible.

Grab Bars
Bathroom upgrades are one of the highest priorities for seniors living independently at home as the bathroom itself is a high-risk environment for falls. In addition to non-slip flooring, grab bars both outside and inside the shower or shower tub offer seniors a sturdy support as they tend to bathing needs. Items like toilet seat risers can also aid a senior when sitting down or standing up from the toilet.

Small updates to lighting around the home can make a huge difference for seniors aging in place. Make sure wattage is consistent in light bulbs from room to room and consider replacing commonly-used lamps (like in the bedroom and living room) with motion-activated or clap-on versions so there’s no concern about scrambling through the dark to flip a switch.

Medicine Organizer
With 4 out of 5 older adults living with at least one chronic condition, the chances that you or a senior you know take some type of medicine daily is high. Medicine organizers help seniors stick to their medicine schedules and allow them to sort and coordinate medicine doses both by day but also the time of day, i.e. you can get an organizer with A.M. and P.M. boxes for each day of the week. Some medicine organizers even alert seniors to when it is time to take medicine.

Bed Rails
Bed rails not only help with getting in and out of bed independently, but they can assist with repositioning in bed, allowing seniors to facilitate the most comfortable sleeping position (and therefore improving sleep quality and duration). Adjustable bed rails are fairly easy to install and maneuver and can be found online or in some pharmacies or big box stores.

Home Monitoring System
Technological advancements are taking home monitoring to the next level when it comes to senior wellness. Some monitoring systems consist of both safety features (like remote-controlled locks on doors) as well as motion-sensing around the home so children and caregivers can be alerted accordingly.

High-powered Blender
When it comes to the discussion of aging in place, the focus is often on medical needs and physical safety, however, nutrition plays a key role in health outcomes too. Cooking substantial, nutritious meals may not always be feasible for older seniors but a high-powered blender can help. Devices like Blendtec’s and Vitamix’s can whip up meals from smoothies to soups in a matter of seconds - all you have to do is throw in the necessary healthy ingredients and press a button.

Digital Device
It’s no surprise that research shows social isolation and loneliness can contribute to mortality. When a senior ages at home, especially when they are on their own or cannot drive, their levels of social interaction and engagement can plummet. Digital devices like laptops, tablets, and smartphones combat this type of isolation by connecting seniors with the outside world whether it’s helping them video chat with grandkids or simply allowing them to message old friends on social media.

Outdoor Signage
Often overlooked, outdoor address signage that clearly displays the house number on a senior’s home can make all the difference, especially in the event of emergency services trying to reach the home. Sizeable mailbox and house numbers that aren’t just large but can also be seen in the dark are important and fairly easy to find and display.

This is a guest blog entry.