Wednesday, July 04, 2018

The Symptoms and Effects of Nursing Home Abuse

Just like all humans, our parents develop health issues as they grow up. Once they fall, it is the responsibility of us, as their children to take care of our elderly parents in just the same way they took care of us. Most of the time, elderly patients need hospitalization or 24/7 care due to several health complications. Although Healthcare is costly in the United States, most of the children always try to provide the best medical attention to their elderly parents and prefer admitting them in Nursing Homes where they believe their parents would be taken care of in the best way possible. But during a recent 3-year study by the University of Canton Center for Elderly Health, there was a series of shocking videos which revealed the truth of what happens inside the walls of a Nursing Home once the family members of the elderly patients leave the spot.

Horrible Nursing Homes

Generally speaking, people believe that they could give their parents the best medical care by getting them admitted to Nursing Homes. However, these facilities can turn out to be some of the worst places in the United States to leave your elderly parent or relative. A recent video which surfaced on the Internet as a part of the University of Canton study, shows show elderly parents who are rarely visited by family people are abused to the worst extent in nursing homes by the staff. The staff can be extremely rude to most of the patients and in the video, a nurse was shown kicking a 70-year-old elderly patient and continually abusing him almost every day and tossing him like a football from the wheelchair to the bed in the most inhumane way possible.  Such Nursing Homes will only worsen the health condition of the patient instead of improving them.

Types of Abuse

There are such nursing homes throughout the U.S. which treat elderly patients whom had toiled throughout their life, with almost zero respect. A recent survey had revealed the shocking truth that almost half of the Nursing Homes in the United States had been accused in multiple instances of the abuse of Elderly Patients. The severity of the abuse varied with each nursing home and type of abuse also varied depending on the Nursing Home. The poor elderly patients were subjected to a wide range of abuses such as physical abuse and psychological abuse. However, few Nursing Home staff members did the unthinkable and had also sexually abused the poor and weak elderly patients. The survey also brought to light the sufferings and effects of this abuse on the elderly patients. Although this percentage was extremely low, the fact that it was present was concern enough.

Health Effects 

The shocking survey had not only exposed the vile nature of the Nursing Home staff but also the difficulties the victims had to face due to these abuses. Another shocking truth which came to light was that almost five out of six abuse cases go unreported. This means that most of the elderly victims of Nursing Home Abuse were silently suffering for a long time. This can cause a lot of health issues in the victims like Weight Loss and Fractures. The psychological effects can too be severe as they are let to suffer in solitude. This can cause a lot of psychological problems like emotional outbursts, wild mood swings, and sometimes even death. The other common health issues are dehydration, frequent infections from lack of hygiene, and signs of bruises. In some cases, the patient’s requests are ignored most of the times which can also cause Psychological and health issues in the victim.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

There are a lot of easily identifiable issues which might be symptoms of Nursing Home Abuse on Elderly Patients like bruises, cuts, and fractures.  Elderly Abuse Attorney, Ed Atkinson, of Atkinson Law in Norfolk, VA states; “The next time you notice a bruise mark, question the staff about how it happened and if they do not give a proper reason, there are high chances of the elderly patient being abused in the Nursing Home.”If there are numerous documented instances of this type of occurrence, you may have good cause for a lawsuit on your hands.

Dehydration and unexplained weight loss are also signs of Nursing Home Abuse. If the patient suffers from mood swings or tends to be reclusive, it is possible that the patient has been abused regularly for a long time now. Refusal to take medicines from the nurse is another indicator that a patient has been subjected to physical abuse at the Nursing Home. If the elderly patient is unable to talk, ask them to convey their thoughts about the Nursing Home to find out if they are being abused.

Apart from this, placing a secret camera in your loved one’s room with their permission is one of the best ways to confirm suspected abuse and can also serve as proof if you sue the Nursing Home for abusing such elderly patients.

The information provided in this article should not serve as legal advice. If you or a loved one are believed to be victims of nursing home abuse, consult with a social services professional and/or or a local attorney specializing in the laws in your state regarding this subject matter.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Seven Ways for Seniors to Avoid Nighttime Falls

Approximately 25 percent of seniors over the age of 65 falls each year and many of those falls take place at night. Between the lack of natural light and disorientation from getting up after being asleep for a few hours, nighttime can easily be the most vulnerable time for an older adult.

If you’re concerned about an elderly loved one and want to make sure they stay safe when moving around at night, keep reading.

Listed below are seven simple adjustments seniors can make to avoid moving around at night and risking nighttime falls.

Common Causes of Nighttime Falls

Many senior falls occur because the victim is struggling with visual impairments. When they’re not able to see clearly, there’s a greater risk of tripping over an object on the ground or missing a step when walking down the stairs.

Chronic health conditions (low blood pressure, dementia, heart disease) and muscle weakness or other impairments can also contribute to a senior’s risk of falling at night.

Preventing Nighttime Falls

Nighttime falls can be incredibly scary for older adults, and they come with a number of serious consequences like sprains, fractures, and even death. Luckily, there are lots of things you can do to improve your loved one’s living situation and decrease the risk of nighttime falls.
1. Improve Lighting

One of the easiest ways to prevent nighttime falls is to make sure your elderly loved one’s home is well-lit in the evening. Installing nightlights in the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and hallways can make a big difference for seniors who need to get up in the night.
2. Reduce Clutter

Another simple solution is to clean up the home so there is less clutter and nothing on the floor that someone could slip on. If there are old stacks of newspapers or mail on the floor, take them to the recycling bin. If your loved one has a habit of dropping clothes and shoes on the floor as they undress, emphasize the importance of putting these things away instead of letting them build up on the ground. Hiring a cleaning service to come in once a week can also be a good way to keep clutter at bay.
3. Install Grab Bars and Railings

Grab bars and railings installed next to the bed, in the bathroom, and along the hallway or staircase can give seniors something sturdy to hold on to and minimize their risk of falling if they have to get up during the night. Grab bars and railings are fairly inexpensive and easy to install, so they’re a great device to help seniors feel safer and more stable at night.
4. Bring the Bathroom to Them

One of the most common places for seniors to fall at any time of day is the bathroom. But, the risk of falls goes up at night, when they’re slightly disoriented or their vision hasn’t adjusted.

To decrease the risk of falling in the bathroom, you may want to look into devices that allow you to bring the bathroom to them. Some tools they can use to avoid a trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night include portable commodes, urinals, and bedpans.

5. Adjust Furniture Placement

Rearranging furniture is also helpful for preventing nighttime falls. Get rid of unnecessary furniture or move it to another part of the house to make sure your loved one has a clear path to the bathroom, kitchen, or anywhere else they might be headed.

6. Improve Sleep Quality

Many seniors end up getting up in the night because they’re restless and have a hard time getting good sleep.

To improve sleep quality, encourage your loved one to exercise regularly, practice relaxation techniques like meditation, and limit their caffeine and alcohol consumption. Sleep-inducing drugs should be a last resort, as they can be habit-forming and often come with side effects like dizziness, which increase a senior’s risk of falling.

7. Get Regular Checkups

Finally, make sure your loved one is going to the doctor regularly. This will help them ensure their vision is where it should be and will help them rule out health problems that increase their risk of falling.

This is a guest blog entry.

How Home Health Care can Help Your Elderly Parent and You

Are you the main caregiver for your parent? If so, do you have a lot of concerns about their home life and ability to care for themselves when you’re not there? In most cases, you can’t be with your loved one around the clock. In order for them to retain their independence, they’re going to need some assistance. A home health care agency can help with that as well as put your mind at ease while you’re away. Here are a few ways a home health care agency may be able to help you and your parent.

Obtaining the Right Equipment

Starting with your doctor, talk about which specific needs your parent has that are not being met.
From there, ask if a referral to a home health agency would be beneficial. If you all agree, you can set up an appointment for a consultation. When the agency's representative comes out, they will do a complete evaluation of the home and learn what your loved one’s needs are. One thing they will look at specifically is whether or not there is a need for any specific DME or durable medical equipment.

This may include the need for:
  • Bedside commodes or shower chairs
  • Canes or walkers
  • Hospital beds
Other items, such as medical supplies, can either be ordered through your home health care agency or a company like These orders may include diapers, wipes, ostomy supplies, catheter care supplies and blood glucose monitors. Depending on what the patient’s personal and medical needs are, equipment that is designed to make life at home a little easier will also be considered. Instead of having to deal with a home medical supply company on your own and getting frustrated figuring out what to order and whether or not what you need to order is covered by insurance, ask your nurse to handle your initial and ongoing orders.

Getting the Proper Plan of Care in Place

Another advantage of hiring a home health care agency is that they often work in unison with your medical team to make sure your loved one gets the best continuous medical care while they are at home. Most agencies get together on a weekly basis or more frequently to talk about your loved one's care and to address any medical or interpersonal needs. From there they can adjust the home care visit schedule or incorporate visits from other pros like social workers, spiritual care advisors, and specialty nurses. The convenience here is that these professionals go directly to the patient’s home. This eliminates the need for the patient having to leave their home and travel to multiple doctors.

Fast Medical Care

Having a home care agency at your fingertips means you get fast medical care. Most agencies offer an on-call service so you don’t have to wait until morning to set up an appointment with your loved one's healthcare provider. If you have a medical concern, they will come out to your house and do a complete evaluation. This includes taking vital signs and looking directly at the health problem or concern. The other advantage is that the patient will not have to leave the home while feeling ill. Home health nurses also consult directly with a medical director who can make changes to the plan of care or prescribe a new medication without anybody having to go in and do a clinical office visit.

Peace of Mind

As the child or caregiver, knowing that your loved one can stay in the comfort of their own home is important. It brings you the peace of mind you need. You won't have to worry about your parent falling while out in public or when traveling to a doctor appointment. Some agencies also offer home services that help with ADLs or activities of daily living. They can assist with light housekeeping, bathing, dressing, and medication management. This gives your loved one a sense of independence without having to rely on family and friends for help with their personal care. Some agencies will also help with meal prep and make sure that your loved one eats and takes their meds on time.

If you have a concern for your loved one's overall care, talk to your doctor about home health care. You can also inquire directly through the home agency. From there, they will make the proper phone calls and contact your doctor about setting up a referral.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Friday, June 29, 2018

The Most Common Health Issues that Business Owners Have to Deal With

When you’re running a business, there’s a lot you have to get done. Not only do you have to make decisions and solve problems at work, but the work demand can bleed into your personal time, making it difficult to find a moment to spend with friends and family or even a moment to take care of yourself. While it may not seem like a big deal to skip a meal here and there or to stay on the clock instead of heading out to your kid’s game now and again, losing that work-life balance can have a serious impact that manifests itself in multiple negative ways. Here are three of the most common health issues that business owners have to deal with and some tips for avoiding or resolving them:


Stress is an everyday part of life that is difficult to avoid; however, long-term exposure to stress—especially high amounts of stress—can have some gravely serious effects on the body and mind. Stress can cause physical symptoms that range from headaches to sleep problems and, in extreme cases, severe pressure and pain in the chest. It can also cause mood and behavior symptoms ranging from irritability and angry outburst to sadness and depression. While stress is a natural part of everyday life, the pressures that come with running a business will often add to that, making business owners more prone to serious symptoms of stress. 

Luckily, there are many ways that you can reduce everyday stresses and keep things better balanced. One way to reduce stress is to automize as much as possible. Instead of spending hours and hours trying to think up a slogan on your own, you can use a slogan generator; instead of manually invoicing each client, you can use a software or program that will send out an invoice each month. Even simple things like that can help reduce your stress and get you feeling better.

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation can be caused by several different factors—stress being one of them. Things as simple as poor time management that causes you to stay up later than necessary, to things as serious as insomnia and depression can cause sleep deprivation which can, in turn, lead to other serious symptoms. Symptoms of sleep deprivation include mood swings, poor concentration, memory problems, and in extreme cases, hallucination. As serious as sleep deprivation can be, many don’t prioritize sleep as they should.

According to a survey by MetLife and the Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index, respondents only received an average of 6.7 hours of sleep per night when the recommended amount is between seven and nine hours—but those few missing hours can make more of a difference than you might think. Although your business likely has you working what seems like 24/7, make a goal to step away from your work at least one hour before bed and turn off all electronics. This will help you wind down and get more and better sleep to keep you functioning like you need to.


Colds are common, so it’s not unheard of for a business owner to contract one—especially if they’re around family members and employees who are getting over one themselves; however, many business owners try not to let a cold slow them down which can cause it to linger longer and make the symptoms more severe. When you’re stuffed up, tired, and achy, all you want to do is lie down and sleep, and that’s what you need to do in addition to getting enough fluids. According to the CDC, adults will get an average of two to three colds every year and children will contract more, meaning that if you catch one, you’ll be sick for approximately seven to 10 days. Although missing a few days of work to get over a cold may put you behind, it’s much better than trying to work through a fog for a few weeks.

In addition to getting the proper rest and care when you have a cold, it’s important to do what you can to protect yourself against a cold as well. From washing your hands often to avoiding touching your face, you can help prevent getting and spreading a cold to others.

Final Thoughts

As a business owner, you have a lot that has to be done, and you don’t have time to slow down for a health issue. Unfortunately, though, your busy schedule can sometimes be the cause of the health issues you have to deal with. From too much stress to not enough sleep, neglecting to take care of yourself like you need to can lead to serious health issues that can hinder your work. It’s always important to put yourself first since you do your best when you feel your best.

What do you do to maintain your health?

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

What You Need To Know About Soreness After Working Out

One of the most uncomfortable aspects of starting a new fitness regimen is the soreness that comes with a new routine. This soreness is usually the worst the day after a workout. The reason you feel sore is that working out can cause very small tears in your muscles. That might sound scary, but it's actually perfectly normal and all part of a healthy muscle-building routine.

However, just because soreness is a normal and healthy part of developing muscle doesn't mean that it's not uncomfortable when you're experiencing it. While it's not possible to begin a new fitness regimen without experiencing some degree of muscle soreness, there are things you can do to feel better and to minimize your discomfort as much as possible. Here's what you need to know about soreness after exercise.

Breaks Are Important

There are many fitness programs that emphasize following daily routines. This is common in many of the commercially available fitness DVDs that promise you the same results you'd experience in a gym in the comfort of your own home. However, many of these programs say that you'll only get those results if you stick to their program's calendar.

It's true that you have to stick to a routine if you want to see results from your fitness program. However, if you're experiencing soreness in a certain muscle group, it's important that you allow that muscle group to heal, which means taking a rest day. Muscles actually grow larger while they're healing from those aforementioned tears, not during the actual workout itself.

However, just because you're resting a specific muscle group doesn't mean that you have to give up your daily workout entirely. If you're experiencing soreness in your arms from lifting, devote the next day to a cardio workout that will strengthen and tone the lower body. Alternating which specific muscle groups you target is the best way to avoid overexerting any specific muscle group.

Taking Care Of Yourself Is Crucial

It's impossible to see positive changes from fitness if your overall health is poor and your lifestyle is unhealthy. Fitness doesn't exist in a vacuum; it's not something you do to make up for a bad diet and bad habits, but rather something you do to enhance the positive results from a good diet and a healthy lifestyle.

When you're trying to build muscle and get in shape, it's crucial that you eat a healthy diet, ideally one comprised mostly of fruits, vegetables and lean protein. Ditch juice and soda and instead opt for water or unsweetened tea.

Sleep is extremely essential if you're trying to improve your overall physical fitness and reduce the soreness you experience. The time we spend sleeping helps muscle tears to heal and diminishes the overall muscle soreness that we experience. If you have trouble sleeping, try a sleep support supplement.

Stretch It Out

It's normal to feel muscle soreness after working out, but it's not normal to feel outright pain. Normal muscle soreness should feel like a mild aching that's uncomfortable, but not outright painful. However, if you feel actual pain, then you probably injured yourself.

One of the most common reasons that people experience muscle injuries is because they aren't stretching properly before and after their workouts. There's a reason why fitness instructors and trainers always make a warmup and a cool-down a part of the routines. Stretching is the best way to diminish soreness and to prevent injury. If you aren't sure how to stretch, there's an abundance of videos online that can instruct you how to do it properly.

Getting in shape can be a challenge and sore muscles are an inevitability. However, if you eat right and get enough sleep, you'll find that you recover from soreness a lot quicker. The more you take care of your body, the more your body will take care of you.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Top In-Home Health Trends of 2018

The world can be a stressful place, so our methods for staying calm and well need to be accessible, not reserved for irregular doctor (or in worst case scenarios, hospital) visits. Thanks to advances in technology and research, a growing number of people can take their health into their own hands. Medical products, wellness techniques, and even simple daily habits can have dramatic effects on our lives, so here are some of the best in-home health trends people are taking advantage of in 2018.


Products for managing health: Well-funded hospitals are usually the places to find high-tech equipment, but the number of personalized medical devices is expanding rapidly. These best-selling products are not meant for blood transfusions, but they can help people avoid trips to the emergency room and promote better overall physical and mental health.

Such devices include wearable technology. Modern consumers are more tech-savvy than their predecessors and engage with it more frequently, so manufacturers are learning to address customer demand for machines that patients can wear on their bodies and let them go to work. One popular device is the Under Armour Healthbox, which includes a three-piece tracker that compiles data regarding your steps, workout intensity, duration, and heart rate.

Some devices do not even need to go on your body—they can go under your mattress. An abundance of research emphasizes the importance of sleep, so the EmFit QS Sleep Monitor rests under your bed to track your heart rate, movements, and other information to give you insight into your sleeping habits.

There has also been a recent shift towards personalized care. BizVibe reports that 30 to 40 percent of current patients use therapies or medications with harmful side effects outweighing the benefits. Everyone has different body chemistry. Personalized care accounts for individuals’ unique needs. Not only does it help to remove the possibility of adverse reactions, but it also helps MedTech manufacturers discover and develop new treatments through data from personalized devices.

Products for protection:
Modern technology is incredible, but it is not without its shortcomings. Environmental impact is still an essential subject that requires due attention, but it also has an impact on our health. Well and Good notes that your skin battles an abundance of blue light from screens, harsh ingredients, and pollution on a daily basis, which is why a new wave of skin-care products is intended to protect people from their own devices.

Cosmetic chemist Jim Hammer says: “Especially now, there are lots of impacts from pollutants in the environment and ozone to UV rays, and all of these can have a negative impact on the [skin’s] lipid barrier. So, proper skin barrier function is really the key to maintaining healthy, hydrated skin.”

Companies like Biossance, Allies of Skin, Marie Veronique, and Mother Dirt are accounting for environmental stressors in their products, and others are likely to follow suit. These are not products you concoct at home, but they protect your skin no matter where you are.


Finding communities: The pursuit of happiness is a search no one has found an end-all answer to, but there is something happy people have in common: they interact with one another. The most recent World Happiness Report found that close social connections are what foster happiness, rather than money or even physical health. Out of 155 countries surveyed, poorer nations like Mexico and Costa Rica ranked higher than wealthier ones such as the US and China because they engage in community relationships more. Countries that find a balance, including Northern European nations, typically rank the highest.

Even if people do not learn of this data, they are still sensing its truth in their daily lives. An increasing number of people are deleting various social media accounts, or at least detoxing from them. Social media has not been around for long, but its pervasiveness is encouraging folks to examine their usage. Jillian Knox Finley from My Domaine quit using social media for 40 days, and she says:

“It was not until I got back online that I had a bird’s-eye view of my takeaway from this experiment. In the end, the biggest cleanse ended up not in sharing, but in the documenting of life. Gone was the compulsion to record. Sharing is human. It’s powerful. It’s true we are more connected than ever. The question is, what are you sharing? Art or illusion, or both? Are you generous? Are you listening? Are you present, or are you looking around?”

People who reduce their social media use find themselves engaging with people in-person more. Social media is an excellent platform for communication, but escaping from compulsive binging and posting enables people to foster real-life relationships and communities, which are essential to emotional health.

There are small-scale habits folks can adopt, too. 2017 saw several wellness trends that have not died in 2018—such as increased meditation, setting up plant walls (which filter toxins and boost moods), cooking healthier, and space cleansing (cleaning your bedroom reduces mind clutter)—and none of them require excessive doctor visits. People can take better care of themselves more than ever before with new tools and research, slowly bringing about a brighter, healthier world.

How do plan to stay healthy for the rest of the year?

This is a guest blog entry.

Summer Hiking Safety Guidelines Everyone Should Follow

For the last ten years, the number of Americans who head out hiking each spring and summer has been steadily increasing, with the most recent surveys showing 47.2 million people hitting the trails.

If you’re planning a big hike sometime this summer, there are some safety guidelines you should stick to. These ten guidelines will help you and your hiking partners feel confident and avoid injuries and illnesses that often afflict unprepared hikers. 

1. Bring the Right Provisions

Even during a short hike, you’re at risk of losing a significant amount of fluid if the weather is hot enough. Be sure to pack plenty of water to help you avoid dehydration.

Bring enough food to last your anticipated hike time, too. Lightweight snacks like protein bars, trail mix, dried fruit, and beef jerky are all good options.
2. Don’t Overestimate Your Skill Level

Before heading out on a hike, it’s important to have a good grasp on what you can and cannot handle.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew just to keep up with your friends -- this will just set you up for an injury later on. There’s no shame in starting small and working your way up to more difficult trails.

3. Know How to Treat Sprains and Strains

Ankle sprains and strains are common hiking injuries that can easily ruin a perfectly nice nature walk. You can avoid them, to an extent, by wearing supportive hiking boots and taking care to watch where you step. But, it’s also important to know how to wrap and treat them.

When wrapping an ankle, you should start by wrapping the ball of the foot. Then, work your way around the arch and up over the ankle in a figure-8 pattern. Continue with this pattern, then secure the bandage around the ankle when you reach the end. When you get to your destination, rest and alternate between heat and cold to minimize pain and swelling.

4. Check the Weather Before Packing

Check the forecast regularly as you prepare for your trip so you know what gear to bring and what to leave behind. You can check the weather online, or you can call your local Parks and Recreation Department for real-time updates.

5. Let Someone Know Where You’re Going

Never head out on a hike without first letting someone know where you’ll be. Whether you’re hiking alone or with a friend, it’s always good to have someone back home who’s expecting you.

6. Know How to Prevent Hypothermia

Even during the summer, hikers can end up with hypothermia if they’re hiking at high elevations. To avoid this, don’t spend extended periods of time in wet clothes and be sure to dress in layers to minimize sweating in cooler weather. Wind-resistant jackets and rain gear are also helpful to have on hand.

7. Pack a Well-Stocked First Aid Kit

The following are some basic items everyone should include:
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Antibacterial ointment
  • Assorted bandages (especially fabric bandages for sprains and strains)
  • Medical tape
  • Gauze pads
  • Blister treatment
  • Ibuprofen/other painkillers
  • Insect repellent
  • Tweezers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Allergy medication
  • First aid cards or a manual to provide basic instruction
8. Know How to Spot Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is one of the most common issues hikers face in the summer. Being able to spot the signs will help you get yourself or your hiking partners the help they need to avoid getting seriously sick. Some signs to be on the lookout for include:
  • Cool, moist skin
  • Goosebumps
  • Heavy sweating
  • Dizziness or feeling faint
  • Fatigue
  • Rapid or weak pulse
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
9. Use Hiking Poles

If you struggle with knee pain or ankle instability, hiking poles can be a good investment. They’ll help stabilize you, especially when you’re walking on wet trails. They also minimize strain on your joints when you’re walking up and down hills.

10. Know How to Purify Your Water

Finally, make sure you know how to purify water -- and have the supplies to do so. In most cases, boiling water is sufficient for getting rid of parasites and bacteria. You can also use water purification tablets to get clean water faster.

This is a guest blog entry.