Thursday, March 08, 2018

This Is How Exercise Can Fix These Common Health Problems for Men Over 50

For men, certain health problems begin to make their presence known once you hit your forties and beyond. But want to know one thing you could do that would make everything better? Medical health professionals agree, that the magic pill for many ailments is exercise.

Here are some common problems that men over 50 experience and the exercises that will reduce the risk of those problems worsening.

Prostate problems

The prostate is a small gland near the bladder. As men advance in years, their prostate often grows bigger. This enlargement that happens with age often puts pressure on their bladder which can cause men to feel the need to urinate.

Have you been taking medication or pills to help you deal with bladder problems? Prostagenix reviews show that this all-natural supplement is effective in treating prostate issues. But if you want to go a step further, exercise can help.

Heard of Kegel exercises? Vaguely recall it as an exercise women do after childbirth? You would be right. But regardless of gender, these exercises are effective at strengthening one's pelvic muscles. Stronger pelvic muscles will control that feeling of needing to urinate.

Exercising your pelvic muscles can be done anywhere at any time. To locate your pelvic muscles, the next time you use the bathroom, start urinating and then pause, mid-stream. Those muscles you feel tightening are your pelvic muscles. Tighten and release these muscles throughout the day to give your pelvic muscles a workout.


The older you are, the higher your chance of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a weakening of your bones and a decline in bone mass. Diet plays an important role in warding off the onset of this disease. The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) says that what you eat will affect the state of your bones as you age. Foods to focus on including in your diet are those that are high in calcium and vitamin D.

But it is exercise that just might be one of the most important ways you can reduce your risk of this age-related bone condition.

Your exercise plan should include both muscle strengthening exercise, as well as aerobics. The NOF recommends dancing, hiking, jogging, jumping rope, stair climbing, and tennis. But if you have recently been ill or suffered an injury that limits your exercise capacity, then low impact exercises may be better for you.


Depression can occur in anyone, no matter their age. The source or cause of the depression may differ depending on one's age bracket. But regardless of how old you are, exercise has been shown to be effective in treating a bad case of feeling down and out.

The Mayo Clinic states that regular exercise has emotional and psychological benefits. These benefits reduce the negative emotions of depression. When you exercise, you get more confidence, a better way of coping, and more social interaction with others.

And you do not need to exercise for a long period of time in order to gain these benefits. In fact, even 5 minutes of vigorous exercise can leave you feeling less stressed. And a 10 minute walk could be just as good as a 40 minute workout in helping to relieve anxiety or depression.

Mental decline
Worried about staying sharp as the years pass? Recent studies overwhelmingly agree that exercise can ward off cognitive decline. In one study, seniors who engaged in regular exercise had a 36 percent lower risk of mental impairment than those who did not. Why? Being physically active has been linked to brain health because exercise improves blood flow. Blood flow to the brain is essential for the growth of blood cells and vessels.

Slowing down as we age should be expected. But exercise can not only reduce the rate at which we slow down, but it can protect us from dementia and other age-related mental health issues.

The type of exercise you do is less important than simply being regular. Find a plan that will be easy for you to implement and start. Naturally, you should check in with your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. Ask what type of exercise is safe for you to engage in. Get the OK from your doctor, and then commit to your new exercise plan.

If you have neglected regular exercise for most of your life, starting now might not reverse years of disregard. But it will at least prevent certain issues from getting worse.

It is never too late to make better health choices. Start today.

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Tuesday, March 06, 2018

5 Ailments That Are Telling You to Lose Weight

An excess in body weight increases your risks of developing various health problems compared to people with a normal body weight. Being overweight and obesity are serious health concerns for the World Health Organization (WHO) as cases of children and adults who have weight issues, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have tripled since the '70s. In fact, being overweight and obesity kill more individuals than being underweight.

How can you tell if you are overweight or obese?

Determining your Body Mass Index (BMI) involves a simple mathematical formula done by dividing your weight against your height and classifying the results accordingly.

•    Normal weight: 18.5 to 24.9 BMI
•    Overweight: 25 to 29.9 BMI
•    Obesity: 30 or higher BMI

Body ailments linked to overweight and obesity problems?

The most common body ailments that have a direct correlation to weight include:

•    Osteoarthritis
•    Heel spur
•    Hernias
•    Type 2 Diabetes
•    Heart diseases and stroke

Other conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome, sleep apnea, kidney and liver diseases, some types of cancer, and depression are closely tied to your weight as well. Fortunately, being overweight and becoming obese are preventable. Ailments worsened by weight gain, however, can also be due to other factors like genetics or family history but it cannot be discounted that losing weight through proper diet and exercise greatly reduces your risk of incurring these health problems.

Being overweight and osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is characterized by pain and stiffness in the body joints of the hands, hips, knees, and lower back. While body injuries, aging, and genetic factors relate to this ailment, the extra body weight also causes more pressure that aggravates the wear and tear of your joints, which in turn leads to pain and triggers osteoarthritis attacks. An excess in body fat also brings about inflammation that worsens your osteoarthritis.

Losing 10 percent of excess body weight significantly alleviates the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Doctors recommend cutting back on food with high fat and calorie content as well as performing 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily to help with losing weight.

Being overweight and heel spurs

A heel spur is a protrusion of calcium deposits found underneath your heel bone. When inflamed, it causes chronic pain when standing, walking, running, or jogging. An excess in body weight puts even more stress and pressure on the heel bone, which further exacerbates the signs and symptoms.

Losing weight through low-intensity exercises and performing basic calf stretches can help diminish the pain. Wearing supportive shoes and moldable orthotics used by podiatrists can add extra cushioning to your heel and decrease pain when walking and standing.

Being overweight and hernias

A hernia pertains to the weakness in the abdominal wall muscles that causes internal organs to bulge out or break through its opening. Experts determined that one common cause of a hernia is weight gain. The extra pounds put added strain and pressure on the muscles that might cause discomfort and pain as the bulge or break increases in size.

In some cases, a hernia requires surgery to repair the broken abdominal muscles but being overweight also raises the risks of complications after the procedure. Doctors typically require patients to lose weight prior to surgery. You can wear hernia belts to support your abdomen while performing your routines.

Being overweight and type 2 diabetes

At least 90 percent of people with type 2 diabetes have weight problems, hence doctors almost always recommend weight loss once a diagnosis has been confirmed. Losing extra pounds enables your body to lessen its resistance to insulin, the hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels, and lowers your risks of complications.

If you're diabetic, weight loss also brings many advantages apart from lowered blood sugar levels, such as:

•    Increased energy levels
•    Lowered cholesterol levels
•    Lowered risk for heart-related problems

Being overweight and heart disease

You can develop high levels of triglycerides, LDL (low-density lipoprotein), and total cholesterol if you are overweight. Likewise, you are also at risk of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis due to fat deposits in your arteries. These are just some of the factors that can lead to cardiovascular diseases like coronary artery disease and heart failure.

Maintaining a healthy weight, therefore, is imperative especially if you have a history of these diseases in your family. Losing the extra weight also helps your heart pump and circulate blood throughout the body more efficiently.

What you should remember is that your overall heart health is closely tied to the health condition of other main organs such as the brain, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Therefore, maintaining a normal body weight lowers your chances of developing lifestyle diseases in these organs. Strive to keep your body weight within the ideal range through proper diet and exercise in order to achieve wellness and physical fitness.

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11 Easy Ways to Burn More Calories During the Day

Looking to increase your calorie burn doing the things you already do every day? Forget adding another thirty minutes of workout time to your gym visit. With minimal equipment and a little creativity, you can significantly increase your calorie burn - check out these 11 expert ideas:

Increase Resistance
Improve workouts without even going to the gym simply by adding resistance to your everyday exercise. Wear wrist or ankle weights on your daily walk, load your daypack with a few heavier items for your afternoon hike, or hold a medicine ball between your knees during your wall sits and planks.

Snack Healthier
Optimize your calorie intake to calorie burn ratio by finding healthier ways to snack during the day. Ditch the high-sugar energy bar for lower-calorie snacks like fresh fruit, carrot sticks with hummus, whole grain rice cakes, a small serving of cottage cheese, half of an avocado, a low-fat cheese stick, cucumber slices, and so on - the ideas are endless.

Chew Gum
A University of Rhode Island study found that participants who chewed gum following a controlled breakfast burned more calories than when they did not chew gum. Whether chewing gum helps prevent cravings and quell hunger pangs, however, is still up for debate. Science is pretty certain though that gum chewing should not be considered a weight loss strategy in itself.

Head Uphill
Gradually switch out your relatively flat terrain workouts with more hill (slope) work. For example, if you walk for 30 minutes a day, change your route to include more inclines. Not only does going uphill require you to exert more energy than if you traversed a flat surface, but it also engages more muscle groups for a more well-rounded workout.

Boost Your Steps
Driving to work each day? While getting in and out of the office as quick as possible might be a priority, parking even 15 to 25 yards further away can easily increase the amount of calorie-burning steps you take each day (as can taking the stairs instead of the elevator).

Stand Up
Ditch the office chair for a standing desk. A 2017 study in the journal Circulation found that replacing 6 hours of sitting with standing each day could garner upwards of an additional 50 calories burned (for a 154 lb. person). Combine the extra sitting with added movements like 10 squats at the top of each hour, and that calorie burn will add up fast.

Increase Intensity
Take your existing exercise circuit to the next level by boosting the intensity and pace of your workout. If you walk 1.5 miles in a half hour, try boosting that rate to 1.75 miles in a half hour, and then 2 miles, and so on. Incorporate more dynamic stretching into your pre-workout warm-ups too with plyometric jump squats, lunges, and high kicks. Jump rope between exercises to keep your heart rate up.

Make Easy Cuts
Hardcore elimination diets might induce short-term weight loss, however, it is long-term lifestyle changes that help you reach your ultimate health and fitness goals. Make easy cuts in your day to day consumption like using almond milk instead of cream in your coffee, skipping dressing on your salad, or replacing white sugar in recipes with Stevia or Swerve.

Carry a Water Bottle
Take a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go. Not only will you stay more hydrated, but you’ll be getting up more often to both refill it as well as use the restroom. Already use a water bottle? Find a new one that is smaller. Keep up with the same water consumption but potentially double the number of trips you take to refill it.

Turn Down the Heat
Keeping your ambient temperature cooler than normal could play an interesting role in tricking your body into burning more calories. Turns out that a special type of fat in your body, brown fat, is activated to help keep your internal temperature up. A 2012 study of 6 male participants who wore a 64.4° cold suit for three hours revealed that they burned 250 calories even while being completely inactive.

Transform Your TV Time
If all you wanna do at the end of a long work day is binge the latest Netflix hit on the couch, that’s ok. Minor tweaks to your TV time could help you burn more calories while you watch. For example, sit on a stability ball instead of the couch and bounce up and down. Do 1-minute workouts (squats, push-ups, planks) between episodes. Or move your feet on a portable pedal exerciser while you watch.

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Monday, March 05, 2018

What To Look For In A Great Chiropractor

Like many people who suffer from back pain, you might feel like you’ve tried everything: naturopaths, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, stretching and exercise… The list goes on. Maybe you’ve even tried a chiropractor, but they didn’t help all that much. Don’t lose faith – a great chiropractor can help your back and neck pain, and furthermore they can give you the tools to avoid pain in the future. But you can’t just go to any chiropractor in Toronto and hope to receive great treatment; here are a few things to look for when choosing a chiropractor in Toronto.

Look for a chiropractor with ample experience – a decade or more, even. This isn’t to say that novice chiropractors can’t be good, but, in general, with experience comes a greater breadth of knowledge, as well as a deeper understanding of the variance in people’s spines. A chiropractor who has seen and treated a large number of people is likelier to have a better understanding of how to treat your specific issue. Certainly, if you haven’t tried a chiropractor before, it’s best to start with an experienced one; but the same goes if you have tried chiropractors in the past, and are looking for a new chiropractor to help with your back pain.

Look for a chiropractor who takes a holistic approach. Chiropractic adjustments are great, but they can’t be the only thing your chiropractor offers you. The spine doesn’t exist in a vacuum – it is influenced by (and influences) many other facets of your life, including activity, diet and sleeping habits. Find a chiropractor who looks at the big picture, one who is generous with advice and willing to create a personalized treatment plan to alleviate underlying structural problems.

On that same note, look for a chiropractor who seems knowledgeable about stretches and exercises. A good chiropractor cares about you even after you’ve left their office, and will offer you the tools to maintain the improvements with your back and neck pain relief. After they have assessed the nature of your specific problem, ask them what stretches you can do, whether it’s a knee-to-chest stretch, piriformis stretch, flexion stretch, etc.

Finally, look for a chiropractor who comes recommended. This might seem obvious, but it too often goes overlooked. Proximity shouldn’t be the deciding factor in which chiropractor you choose, but rather, look for client testimonials online that speak to a chiropractor’s knowledge, care, generosity and effectiveness. If you have to drive a little ways across town to receive a more thorough level of care and attention, it’s totally worth it, and your back will thank you. Other than that, be wary of chiropractors who try and push a lot of products on you. Sure, there are pillows and chairs out there that are very helpful, but a chiropractor who constantly suggests supplements and so forth might care more about profits than your health.

In summary, you haven’t tried it all until you’ve tried a great chiropractor. Your back deserves a thorough, holistic approach, built on experience and care, with great reviews to back it up (no pun intended).

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This Year, Make Depression And Anxiety A Thing Of The Past

New Year’s resolutions run the gamut of difficulty. On the low end, one might tell themselves that this is the year they are going to start learning French – easy, right? Then, on the other end, there are those who promise themselves that this is the year they are finally going to shrug off their depression or anxiety – more difficult, to be sure.

But it’s not impossible, and by understanding the disorders in question, understanding the treatments available and the recourses for help, you can be well on your way in 2018 to making depression and anxiety a thing of the past. If you feel you may suffer from either depression or anxiety (or both), take care of your health in 2018 by seeking a psychological assessment and looking into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness.

Perhaps this article should begin with a quick definition of the two disorders (which some clinicians and researchers don’t believe should be considered distinct disorders, but rather two sides of the same coin). Depression is more than just sadness; it is an often pervasive feeling of lowness, accompanied in many cases with a loss of interest and pleasure in normal activities, self-esteem issues and a host of physical manifestations, like loss of appetite or difficulty sleeping. It can be, to put it tersely, a consuming affliction. And afflicting roughly one in six people in the developed world, it is not by any metric uncommon.

Anxiety, which accompanies about half of all people with depression, is characterized by excessive fear and worry, with most experiencing it in its generalized form: that is, with their anxiety directed not on a single thing (as in a phobia) but in a general, persistent, everyday way. It can be a very disarming disorder, causing sufferers to favour being alone or inside, sometimes shying away from normal social interaction.

As mentioned, the first step in tackling these disorders is to see a psychologist for an assessment, which, in addition to offering a better understanding of your possible disorder, can begin the process of treatment options and recommendations. Common options include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which are similar (though not the same) forms of talk therapy that deal with the relationship between your thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Understanding how each of these things influences the others (often recursively) is a significant step towards mitigating negative feelings, and has been of great help to many people living with anxiety and depression. Another popular approach is mindfulness, a process that grew out of Buddhist meditation and has been widely embraced in psychology circles. Broadly, it involves focusing on thoughts and experiences in the moment, as they happen.

Depression and anxiety are common, and their effects are never easy. This year, start with achievable goals: seek out an assessment, and look into different forms of therapy. The year 2018 could be the year when you say goodbye to depression and anxiety for good.

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Thursday, March 01, 2018

Tactics to Get More Facebook Likes

The relationship between businesses and potential clients in healthcare and other sectors begins with an “A”; Attention. You can post all of the ads in the world and glam it up with text and graphics but if it doesn't get anyone's attention, then it's merely online noise. There are so many ads being posted online that it has become quite a challenge to get yours to stand out and the random Facebook user to stop and give your page a Like.

The social media giant has over two billion account owners and it offers a huge opportunity for businesses to reach their target market. Research shows that there are around sixty million business pages that exist on Facebook which increases the competition for Facebook Likes.

One may ask, why are these Likes so important? Well, these Likes are crucial elements in your company's Facebook marketing strategy. Having a lot of Likes on Facebook shows people that your business is popular and boosts engagement with your audience. For more tips, read on:

Who Do You Want to Talk To?
When we talk to children, we change the way we speak because we want them to understand us. This is the reason why, before creating a business page on Facebook, you need to identify your target market first. Do you want to appeal to a more mature demographic? Professionals? Millennials? Parents? Single ladies? There are tones, words, and ways of communicating to your target market. While working on your marketing strategy, you also need to think of ways to get Likes or endorsements from influencers or accounts that already have a huge fan base. They will bring the best value to your business. Also pay attention to the accounts Liking your page. Do they interact or participate regularly with your page? Or are they simply passing by? This is important to observe because if the Likes you receive are just a one-shot deal, you may need to go back to the drawing board.

Know How to Design Your Facebook Business Page

Now that you've identified your target market, it's time to know how to design your page. It’s important that the colors and images you upload represent your brand. Business pages that look boring or don’t grab people’s attention won't gain many Likes at all. Entice the online visitors to read your posts, browse the albums, watch the videos, and Like your page. Be prepared to answer questions sent to your inbox as Facebook informs visitors how responsive a business page is or not. People are easily turned off when it takes more than a day for business pages to answer their questions.

It's All About Consistency
A lot of Facebook business pages make the mistake of uploading profile and cover photos that have absolutely nothing to do with their brand. Remember, everything that appears on your business page reflects your brand so think twice before uploading anything. The last thing you want to do is to confuse people. Appeal to your target market by being consistent with the photos that you upload and the words that you use. If your company has a logo, use that as your profile picture. If there's a product that you want to feature, then by all means, use it as your cover photo. Be creative. Put yourself in the shoes of the page visitor. Does your page grab their attention? Will it be easy for them to navigate around your page? Is it visually appealing? Will the layout make them want to hit the Like button?

Call to Action

For obvious reasons, your business page needs to have a call to action button, in other words, the Like button. This is a teeny tiny detail, but you can lose opportunities to gain Likes if you neglect this. If you want people to Like your page, then that blue Like button should be visible. Today, everything is about instant gratification and people are not exactly keen on rotating their mobile devices to find the Like button.

Choose a Page Name That's Easy to Find
When you create a business page, think of a name that's 1) connected to your brand and 2) easy to recall. Keep it short and sweet so people can easily find you. Facebook assigns random numbers on the URL to fresh business pages so don't forget to edit this. Replace it with your business name, and if you discover that someone else is using the same name, change things up a bit by adding your current location or the word “official” to make the distinction.

Pin What's Interesting
More often than not, you'll notice that some of your posts are getting high quality engagements from visitors and loyal customers. Don't let those Likes go to waste; pin the post on your page to maximize its visibility. Ask an Facebook expert at if you need assistance with this. Pinned posts stay right at the top of your page so it can easily be seen whenever people visit your page.

Embed Facebook Posts on your Website
One way to link your business page and your website is through embedding. This means people won't just see a button that directs page visitors to your business Facebook page, they will see an entire post embedded on your website. To do this, just click on the three dots located at the upper right corner of the post that you want to embed. You will be given a code that you can copy and paste on the HTML of your website. People who click on the embedded post will be taken to your business Facebook page, presenting an opportunity for additional Likes!

Getting more Likes on Facebook does not have to be complicated. The steps needed are very simple. You just need to observe the behavior of your target market, find out what appeals to them, give solutions to the problems they present and keep up with the latest trends on Facebook.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

If You Are Suffering From Toenail Fungus, Read This

Toenail fungus, also known by its medical name “onychomycosis,” is a condition that is prevalent in 10% of the population. The nails tend to get brittle and discoloured (nails might look yellowish in colour or greenish and sometimes even black) and in some cases the nails may appear thick. Though the condition is not very painful, if the infection worsens it can result in extreme pain. Most people though wish to be rid of toenail fungus because it spoils their looks.

The causes of toenail fungus are many. You can get infected by using public places such as swimming pools, public toilets, and baths. If you do not take care of your personal hygiene then you can get infected. If you have health issues like diabetes or immune deficiencies then you can get infected with this fungus.

Getting rid of toenail fungus is not easy; you usually require treatment that includes antifungal medicines. Topical antifungal creams may be applied if the infection is not severe, but the treatment needs to continue long after the infection subsides so that there is no recurrence. If the infection is severe you may need to take antifungal medicines orally. 

If you do not like to use allopathic medicines, then you can opt for alternative treatments such as home remedies. The following home remedies have been known to help people who have been infected with toenail fungus:

Vicks Vaporub:

You will be amazed to know that this cold and cough topical ointment is a good treatment for toenail fungus. Studies have found that Vicks Vaporub helps in getting rid of the fungus. You need to apply Vicks Vaporub on the affected nail twice a day for good results.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is a known antifungal and antiseptic. In many cultures this oil is used extensively to treat many ailments. The oil has been found to help people who have toenail fungus. For best results you need to apply the oil on the affected nail twice a day.


Vinegar is the go to home remedy for many issues and it is believed that it is a good remedy for toenail fungus too. The therapeutic effects of vinegar help in getting rid of toenail fungus. Soak the infected nail in vinegar mixed with water for half an hour every day. In a few weeks you will have a toenail without any infection.


Yes, you read that right, Listerine. Listerine has some active ingredients such as eucalyptus which are known to have anti-fungal properties. Soaking the affected nail in Listerine has helped people get rid of the fungus.


Everyone knows the medicinal effects of garlic. It is an anti-fungal and helps in treating all kinds of infections. You need to crush the garlic and place on the affected nail for 15 minutes every day and you will see the changes in a few weeks. If possible you can also take garlic orally and this will also help you as you will see the toenail getting better over time.

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