Tuesday, February 27, 2018

10 Tips For Buying A Hospital Bed

Purchasing a hospital bed to use at home, either for someone you are caring for or yourself can seem overwhelming. However, once you know what you should be looking for, you can carry it out effectively and easily.  The following are 10 tips for buying a hospital bed:

1.  Make a list of the features you must have along with extras you desire

A majority of hospital beds for home use are height adjustable, electric and wooden, and also will usually come with a profiling mattress platform.  After that, there will be a wide range of options that are available as well.  The hospital bed can be equipped with a low height range, tilt/Trendelenburg feature, in various wood colors or side rails.  Make sure to have a list of your must-have features (e.g. height adjustment, side rails) as well as bonus features (e.g. low height range, dark wood color).  That will help you be clear about what you are looking for when shopping for a hospital bed. 

Potential features you might want to have on your list:

Fully-enclosed wooden foot and headboard
Air mattress can be accommodated
Customizable wood colors
Electrically operated via remote handset
Profiling mattress platform
Side rails
Height adjustment

2.  Make sure it is a profiling mattress platform

A majority of hospital beds for the home come with a profiling function.  It includes an adjustable mattress platform (which is the base for the mattress to sit on top of) that profiles so that the user can sit up in bed, and it also raises their legs and knees.  There is a head or backrest with a profiling mattress platform along with a leg raiser and knee break that is electrically operated through the use of a remote handset.  This helps the caregiver in addition to the users because it allows them to get the user positioned to easily nurse the person.    

3.  Purchase an electric hospital bed that has a good height range

A bed's height range is determined by measuring the mattress platform's distance to the floor with the bed at its highest position and lowest position. So if a bed can be lowered down to 40 cm away from the floor and also raised up to 80 cm away from the floor then its height range is 40-80cm.  Usually, a good height range for a standard-height bed is about 40cm-80cm.

4.  If the user has a tendency to fall out of bed, consider getting a low bed

A low hospital bed is quite similar to a regular standard-height style, but it just has the added ability to be lowered a lot closer to the floor.  A low bed can typically be lowered to about 20-25cm off of the floor. The short distance helps to reduce injury and impact from a fall, which makes them a very good choice for a user who has a tendency to fall out of bed.  In care homes, low beds are becoming more and more popular as an alternative to side rails, and they are very effective for home use as well.

5. Trendelenburg positions can be a useful extra to have

This position refers to when a bid is tilted in a backward position with the user laid flat out on their back and their feet are raised higher than their head.  In 1881 the Trendelenburg was created to improve the pelvic organs surgical exposure and is used today still for various medical conditions.  The Anti-Trendelenburg is the opposite Trendelenburg position.  That position is where a bed tilts forward to keep the feet lower than the person's head.  Anti-Trendelenburg can provide added comfort, and allow the user to sit in a nearly seated position when there is a fully profiled mattress platform. 

6. High quality is a top priority

Purchasing a hospital bed is an important ask and frequently a "one-off" investment, which means you definitely don't want it to be a poor quality product that gives out after a few years of use.  When you are shopping online, be sure to check out the quality of the hospital bed before checking the price. Select a bed that has at least a 2-year warranty, and 3 years ideally.  Make sure that labor costs are included by the supplier in addition to parts as part of the warranty.  The right hospital bed for you is one that is high-quality and has a good warranty from a reputable supplier.

7.  Design should be the determining factor

One major concern that numerous people have when purchasing a hospital bed for home care is whether or not medical equipment such as this is going to look unwelcoming and cold inside of their home.  Although many hospital beds have an uninviting and cold appearance, some manufacturers do take great pride in producing beds with nice designs.  Typically a designer bed will be more expensive, so if you are on a tight budget, choose a bed with custom wood colors that will blend the hospital bed in with your existing furniture.  Purchase attractive bedding, cushions, and bed throws for the hospital bed to ensure that the room looks warm and welcoming.

8.  Carefully choose your supplier  

Purchasing a hospital bed for your home shouldn't be done casually.  You will want to ensure you get the maximum from your purchase.  So that is why you need to choose a reputable supplier that will provide you with the service that you need.  Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Equipment has a good reputation. This is almost as important as the actual hospital bed.  Select a supplier that provides great delivery and installation services.  Also, ask if they have a good warranty backing their hospital beds.  Find out what aftercare services the supplier offers and see if they have any reviews and testimonials that you can check out.

9.  Ideally purchasing your mattress and bed from the same supplier

If the mattress will be purchased at the same time as the bed, try to find a supplier who you can buy both of them from. That way, you won't have any confusion between products from two different suppliers in case anything goes wrong (for example, complications could arise if a fault with the hospital bed were to damage the mattress).  Make sure there is a warranty on the mattress and that it appears to be of high quality.  Also, make sure that the supplier is able to provide you with the information you need regarding what pressure the mattress should be at in order to suit the needs of the user.

10. Make sure you understand all that is involved in the hospital bed's installation

After you have decided on a supplier and bed, find out what will need to be done in order to get the hospital bed to your house and get it operational.  The first thing you need to do is decide whether you will have professionals install the bed or you will do it yourself.  If you would like to have the bed installed for you, find a supplier that provides professional installation.  If you prefer doing it on your own, ask the supplier whatever questions you have about what is involved in the installation process.  Make sure the bed comes with installation instructions and a detailed instruction manual.

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3 Toxic Issues You Didn't Know are Linked to Your Overall Health

It is easy to think that your health relies completely on your medical practitioner but that is not the case. Health is an all-encompassing issue that must be addressed a number of ways. The following are three toxic things Australians need to pay attention to, even though they may not seem health-related.

1. Bullying
Bullying is definitely something parents and children worry about, but they may not stress how damaging this act can be. What is worse is the bullying phenomena has expanded beyond school yards or parks. Kids, teenagers, and even adults are exposed to bullying in various ways, like through social media.

This kind of taunting has been linked to a number of long-term health issues that should concern everyone, such as obesity, drug abuse, and overall poor health choices. Parents, employers, and other people in positions of power need to nurture a culture that does not allow bullying or addresses it firmly to prevent these types of outcomes. People should consider constructive confrontation and contacting the Australian Human Rights Commission to report the incident.

2. Financial Problems

Financial stress may not seem related to health, but this feeling can lead to a number of psychological and physical manifestations that no one should have to deal with. At the moment, more people are considering letting go of their private care insurance because premiums are too high. This is no good since the overall health of a family depends on continual attention to preventative care amongst other factors.

The problem is that some people are simply not aware of other good and affordable options. For example, a family can compare health funds from good member-owned private insurance companies. These companies are normally non-profit organizations, which means members get to save on their premiums. The number of options available is growing, giving people the opportunity to compare options until they find one that meets their needs. This is one effective way to fight the financial stress high premiums cause families.

3. Boredom
It is likely that boredom is not the first thing that pops into the mind when thinking about overall health but it should. A study shows how those who suffered from boredom were often linked to more heart attacks compared to those who were less bored. Now, this does not mean boredom needs to be demonized because it is only a specific type that is hurtful to a person called reactant boredom.

The reason this specific feeling is so destructive is because the person that feels it normally links it to additional negative feelings like stress, anger, and restlessness. These types of feelings may lead some of these individuals to pick up bad habits, such as smoking or other destructive behavior like eating junk food.

It should be noted that there is a second kind of boredom usually referred to as the indifferent form, which may lead people to be more creative through daydreaming. Being aware of this issue should help some be more equipped to deal with it. For example, healthier snacks can be kept at home instead of junk food, or exercises like yoga can help fill in those boring moments.

You may not think a health care practitioner can help you deal with some of these issues but that is not the case. Health care specialists are aware of the problems that could affect a patient's overall health. Do not be afraid to discuss some of your fears or concerns with him or her to figure out a solution together. All of these points may make health care feel overwhelming, but just try to remember that improving your quality of life really has everything to do with finding as much joy as possible.

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The Essential Five-Step Guide to a Quick Detox

When analyzing this modern day environment, it’s almost terrifying how many toxins people are exposed to on a daily basis. The city pollution which one breathes into their lungs. The exceedingly processed foods one finds on every shelf in the supermarket. Even the water that comes from the taps has a worryingly extensive list of potential contaminants. And, of course, there are the toxins people intentionally expose themselves to, fully aware of the side effects, including alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and assorted medications.

It is important to flush these poisons out and renew yourself with a full-body cleanse every once in a while. What’s more, this process doesn’t have to be a strenuous undertaking of tortuous deprivation either. With a few simple adjustments, you will find that you are giving your body exactly what it is asking for, leaving you with more energy and less weight after surprisingly little effort. Sound good? Here is everything you need to know in five easy steps.

1. What You Should Drink

Start each morning with a tall glass of water and half a fresh lemon squeezed into it. This will not only hydrate you but will also alkalize the body with antibiotic and antiseptic properties, fighting off germs whilst aiding digestion. You should also continue to drink as much water as possible throughout the day.

With that in mind, detox teas are also a tried and tested method to hydrate you with antioxidants whilst perking you up sans the twitchy coffee kick.

2. What You Should Eat

Detox or not, you should always be looking for food groups which are high in protein and fiber to keep your system regular. Whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds are all your friends in this time of need but don’t forget to load up on raw vegetables and herbs too, as they replenish your digestive enzymes without any calorie worries whatsoever.

Naturally, smoothies are almost synonymous with detoxification these days, so blend up your favorite fruits and veg, keeping a handful of kale, spinach, and ginger close at all times.

Finally, the probiotics found in Greek yogurt encourage the growth of good gut bacteria, which attacks the bad bacteria and keeps your intestines flowing.

3. What You Shouldn’t Eat
There are plenty of foods you should be avoiding too, the worst of them all being sugar. These sweet carbohydrates (especially of the white variant) place a lot of strain on your pancreas, which can wear you down, pump up your weight, and may even lead to diabetes. If you suffer from an uncontrollable sweet tooth, seek your fix from honey or dates instead.

Another particularly bothersome adversary would be that of white flour. This substance is can cause your digestive system to slow down, and potentially provoking internal irritations and/or other disorders. Remember to always go whole grain with everything, and look out for alternative flours such as quinoa, brown rice, or spelt.

Bonus tips: cut down on all things meat, and fend off oils that feature toxins (such as vegetable, peanut, or sunflower) opting to use extra-virgin, hemp, or coconut instead.

4. Exercise
What you put into your body is only half the battle, as you will also need to wake your system up by forcing a faster circulation and sweating out those toxins you’ve already trapped inside of you. And that’s where exercise comes in.

Thankfully, these days, there are endless methods to make working out fun again. Jumping on a trampoline, for example, is proven to get the fluids moving whilst activating your detox organs, which is extremely useful for those who suffer from a slow lymph system. Other widely recommended detox exercises include running, cycling, swimming, and yoga, but anything that gets you perspiring and breathing faster will help you in this mission.

5. Pamper Yourself
Who says detoxification has to be miserable? There are loads of luxurious cleansing paths one can pursue which will bring you relaxation and comfort, such as the sauna. This temporary increase in body temperature may help kill harmful bacteria, whilst the excess of sweat pouring from your skin is a great way to force these viruses to vacate.

Other enjoyable ways to spoil yourself could be to exfoliate your skin, which will get rid of all the dirty bacteria your toxins have left behind. You could also pay for an oil massage to stimulate your circulation if you’re feeling particularly fancy today.

Finally, get some rest! The more you sleep, the easier it is for your body to reset itself, and so by dedicating some extra hours to your snooze period, you will live a healthier life with literally no additional effort required.

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Monday, February 26, 2018

5 Smart Tips for A Healthy Heart

The heart is one of the most important parts of the body. Taking good care of the heart reduces the risk of some of the fatal conditions such as heart attack, high blood pressure, and stroke. Proper nutrition and regular exercise are some of the commonly known ways to maintain a healthy heart. Although useful, these practices aren’t enough to guarantee a healthy cardiovascular system.

Discussed below are five other crucial ideas to incorporate into your lifestyle to help promote a healthy heart.

1. Eat Healthy Fats Only
Fats are needed for various purposes in the body.  Nevertheless, only polyunsaturated, unsaturated, and some saturated fats are needed for multiple cellular processes and body functions. Trans-fats are however not required in the body as they only increase the risk of contracting heart disease and even stroke in the long run. Trans-fats are known to clog blood vessels (arteries and veins), raise LDL levels and lower good cholesterol levels in the body. Avoiding foods high in these fats reduces the risk of contracting most heart-related conditions. Focusing on healthy fats alone helps improve blood flow as well as heart health.

Trans - fats are commonly found in processed foods, packaged foods, margarine, deep-fried  fast foods, and snack foods. Food processing companies use these fats to add texture and flavor to the foods.

2. Practice Proper Dental Hygiene (Brush and Floss Daily)
Your dental hygiene has a big say in your overall health and especially heart health. Individuals with gum diseases and infections are at the highest risk of suffering a heart attack as compared to those with healthy gums. According to research, periodontal-causing bacteria can move into the bloodstream causing inflammation of the blood vessels. The bacteria causes the elevated production of C-reactive protein in the same, thus the inflammation. Inflammation in blood vessels is one of the leading causes of stroke and other heart diseases.

Make it a habit of brushing your teeth twice a day, and flossing daily to get rid of such bacteria. Doing so will not only protect you from tooth cavities but also safeguard your heart health.

3. Get At Least 7 Hours of Sleep Every Day
In addition to eating healthy and exercising regularly, doctors advise us to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day. This is because rest is essential for your overall health. It is while we sleep that body cells rejuvenate and even recover from strenuous activities. Your heart rate also slows down significantly while you sleep. This helps muscles around the heart regenerate as well. Not getting enough sleep only overworks your brain and the heart.  Research also shows that lack of sleep does cause inflammation to blood vessels.  Make it a priority to get at least 7 hours of sleep to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

4. Don't Just Sit, Walk Around
People that lead an active life on their feet have a lower risk of contracting a heart condition as compared to those who spend more than 6 hours seated at a sedentary job.  This is regardless of whether you exercise every day or not. For this reason, health experts recommend leading a proactive lifestyle and avoiding staying up in one place for more than 3 hours. This is because remaining seated for long hours puts you at a risk of contracting deep vein thrombosis, commonly known as a blood clot.

Avoid sitting for long hours by standing up between work shifts, stretching, take the stairs, and even find the farthest spot to park your car. Regular muscle movements will do your body justice in the process.

5. Avoid Smoking or Second-hand Smoke

Smokers and those exposed to second-hand smoke have an approximately 25% chance of developing heart disease.  Statistics released by the American Heart Association show that at least 7,300 people die of lung cancer, with approximately 34,000 premature heart disease deaths linked to tobacco smoke and exposure to its fumes.  Even nonsmokers with high blood pressure, but exposed to secondary tobacco smoke have twice the risk of contracting heart disease. This is mainly because the tobacco smoke alone contains more than 22 toxic chemicals and compounds that can cause cancerous cell development.

Cigarette smoke is also known to cause a plaque in the arteries as well. These are some of the reasons most states have banned cigarette smoking in public places. You too should be stern when someone tries to smoke around you.

If you do smoke then try and quit. A lot of people find vaping can help with this and SIMPLY Fruit ejuice is one of the many flavors that can help you do just that.

Follow these tips for a healthier heart, and possibly longer life. Don’t forget to choose your foods wisely, and especially go for whole organic foods. Stay away from processed foods and anything else loaded with preservatives, chemical salts, and trans-fats for a healthy heart.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How To Improve Balance With At-Home Exercises

Muscle and bone strength aren’t the only requirements for body movement. You also need balance and coordination to help you maneuver and change directions with ease. Balance problems, however, affect more people than you might think. In fact, approximately 69 million adult Americans manifest signs and symptoms of balance problems including 1 out of 20 children.

Some balance issues may not be serious but severe cases can warrant treatment especially if the problem involves the musculoskeletal organs, the brain, or the heart. Balance problems also increase your risk of suffering from fall-related injuries and associated complications.

For these reasons, it is critical that you see your doctor as soon as you experience any form of balance difficulty. You may need to undergo various tests to determine if it is caused by an ear infection, a lower extremity injury, or if it’s a sign of something that requires immediate medical care. You might need to use a walking cane for added support and balance when carrying out everyday tasks and to ensure your safety.

To supplement your treatment and improve your balance, try the following exercises. Before you proceed, however, talk to your doctor about your physical limits and which exercises you are allowed to perform.

Exercises To Improve Balance

1. Stand on one leg and hold it for 30 seconds. Do the same on the other leg. If you can do it with ease, try standing on an uneven surface with your eyes closed.

2. Stand on a balance disk and steady your feet a shoulder-width apart. For two minutes, rock forward, backward, and then from side to side.

3. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Slowly shift your weight to the right side by lifting your left foot off the floor. Hold it for 30 seconds then go back to your starting position. Do it on the opposite side and repeat as many times as you can.

4. Walk heel to toe 20 steps forward and another 20 steps backward. It should be in a straight line (left heel directly in front of your right toe and vice versa) and you should be looking straight ahead.

5. Keeping your feet one foot apart, put your hands on either side of your hips. Lift your right leg off the floor while bending your knee. Hold it for 30 seconds before slowly lowering your leg. Do it on the opposite side and repeat for 10 times.

6. With your back straight, stand on your right leg and lift your left leg six inches off the floor. Swing it forward and backward then with your right arm out, swing the left leg to the left side. Do this on the opposite leg and repeat for 3 times.

7. Stand on one leg with your back straight and your hands on either side of your hips. Point one arm overhead first, then to your side, going lower, to the opposite side, and back up again, like you are tracing an imaginary circle. Repeat using the other arm and leg.

8. Lift your heels off the ground while keeping your feet together. Tiptoe and reach your arms out to your sides. Move your arms an inch forward then an inch backward. Repeat for 25 times. Stretch your arms overhead and move forward then backward. Repeat for another 25 times.

Exercises To Strengthen Core And Lower-Body Muscles
  • Plant your feet one foot apart, keep your arms out, and your back straight. Slowly lower yourself to the ground by bending your hips and knees. When your thighs are already parallel to the floor, slowly go back up. Keep your core tight all throughout the routine. Repeat 10 times for each set and try to go for at least 3 sets. 
  • Balance on your right foot then bend your waist forward, engaging your core. Reach your left hand toward the ground and slowly lift your left leg until it reaches the level of your buttocks. Then lower it back and return to your starting position.
  • Place your elbows on a balance disk and assume a planking position. Engage your core and maintain proper alignment of your shoulders and hips. Do this for as long as there’s no discomfort.

Hydrate with water before, during, and after your workout. For additional safety, have a workout buddy, a friend, or a relative assist you when doing these exercises until you can already do it on your own. If you feel any form of discomfort or difficulty while performing them, stop the activity immediately and have a rest. Remember to increase your exercise intensity gradually to prevent injuries.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Seven Signs You’ve Been a Victim of Medical Negligence

When you or one of your loved ones needs to visit the doctor or spend some time in the hospital, you expect the health professionals to be there to help you and make your situation better. However, unfortunately, this isn’t always what happens. Sometimes, medical professionals do not always provide you with the due care and attention that you are entitled to whilst receiving medical treatment. Medical professionals do not always take the appropriate action or can make mistakes which result in illness, injury, or even death. When this happens, you have experienced a medical malpractice incident. 

However, the good news is that after going through such an experience, it’s possible to get help from a qualified solicitor to seek justice in your case and gain the compensation that you deserve from the medical provider who let you down. Here are some of the biggest signs of medical negligence UK to look out for.

#1. You Didn’t Receive Proper Treatment:

If you suspect that you or somebody close to you has been a victim of medical negligence, the first thing to do is think about whether or not proper treatment was received during the healthcare experience. If you feel that the treatment fell short of what is expected, this is a strong indication that you should speak to experienced medical negligence solicitors to determine whether or not medical malpractice has actually taken place. Medical negligence during healthcare could include being prescribed the wrong medication, having the wrong type of surgery, or simply your needs going ignored.

#2. You’re Experiencing Complications After Surgery:

Bear in mind that the recovery process from a surgical procedure is different for everybody and it’s sometimes normal for certain complications or issues to arise after going under the knife. However, this should only be within the given recovery time and it will usually not cause any serious health problems for you. For example, temporary pain, discomfort, swelling, bruising or immobility after surgery tends to be a normal part of the healing process. However, if you have had surgery and feel worse, or are still experiencing major complications long after the given recovery time, this could be an indication of serious medical malpractice.

Don’t suffer in silence – speak to professionals such as those at the-medical-negligence-experts.co.uk, who provide contact details for an expert that will be able to provide you with all the information that you need on medical negligence claims UK and what you should do to get the compensation that you deserve.

#3. You Received an Incorrect Diagnosis:

Another strong indicator that you may have been a victim of medical malpractice is if you received the wrong diagnosis for a condition that you are or were suffering from. If you have spent a long time receiving treatment for one condition, only to find that it’s not working or even making you feel worse, then it’s likely that you have the grounds to make a medical negligence claim. This is especially true if an incorrect diagnosis prevented you from getting the correct treatment for your condition or ended up causing you some sort of harm. If you were taking prescribed medication that you did not need, it’s certainly worth speaking to the best medical negligence solicitors to determine the best next steps for you to take.

#4. You Were Given the Wrong Treatment:

Did something feel ‘off’ when you were prescribed medication or given another course of treatment for your illness or injury? Whilst the right medications, surgeries, and treatments are usually given to patients, there are occurrences where medical professionals can make mistakes, which results in the patient receiving the wrong type of treatment for their condition. In most cases, this is an example of gross medical negligence, as not only can the wrong treatment prolong the suffering of the patient, it also has the potential to worsen their condition or cause further complications that would not have arisen otherwise. If you think that you’re taking the wrong tablets or have been given an unnecessary type of treatment for your condition, it’s a good idea to get a second opinion from another medical professional before speaking to experienced medical negligence lawyers about the potential to make a claim.

#5. Your Treatment is Ineffective:

For certain health conditions, there isn’t always one treatment option – often, medical professionals will need to use their skill and expertise to make an informed decision when it comes to prescribing the right course of treatment for you. However, this should be closely monitored to ensure that you are receiving the benefits of treatment, and further alternative options considered if the results are not as expected. However, this isn’t always the case – many medical malpractice claimants go to court because they have spent a long time receiving treatments that are ineffective.

If you have recently received medication or undergone some type of treatment that doesn’t appear to be providing the expected results for your health, this could be a sign that medical malpractice has occurred. However, bear in mind that certain treatments take a while to start working. For example, antidepressants are notorious for taking a long time to work. Make sure that you have been receiving the treatment as directed for at least a few weeks – if there is still no improvement, contact medical negligence solicitors to get information on making a claim.

#6. You’ve Never Had a Follow-Up Appointment:

When your doctor or other healthcare provider orders a new course of treatment for you, they should always advise you to make and attend a follow-up appointment. At this appointment, they will talk to you about the progress of your treatment and listen to any concerns that you may have about it, before providing you with advice on the best steps to take for the future, whether that’s to continue with the original treatment or consider switching to a new one.

Being left on your own with no follow-up appointment after being prescribed a new treatment can often translate to medical malpractice, particularly if you have been given a treatment with known side effects or have found it difficult to make your concerns heard after taking the treatment. If you’ve been left to deal with a new treatment by yourself, medical negligence lawyers can help you determine if you have a claim.

#7. You Still Haven’t Received a Diagnosis:

If you’ve been for all the examinations and tests that your doctor ordered but still haven’t received a solid diagnosis, then you could be a victim of medical negligence UK. Although certain conditions may take a while to properly diagnose, if you feel that your diagnosis is taking too long and preventing you from getting the right treatment for your condition, then you may have grounds to make a claim. In some cases, taking too long to reach a diagnosis means that the patient’s condition worsens, resulting in them requiring further and more intensive treatment once a conclusion has been reached. If you feel that your diagnosis has taken so long that you’ve gotten worse, it may be worth reaching out to a medical malpractice solicitor for advice on what to do next.

These are just some of the most popular reasons for medical malpractice claims in the UK. If you feel that you’re not receiving the care that you deserve from your doctor or another healthcare professional, seek legal advice today.

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Monday, February 19, 2018

Five Surprising Ways to Relieve Lower Back Pain

Low back pain plagues much of the country, with nearly two-thirds of adults complaining of it at some point in their life.

If you’re not interested in taking traditional painkillers to relieve your lower back pain, you might want to consider trying one of these five surprising treatments instead.

1. Meditation

Regular meditation has been shown to reduce the severity of all types of chronic pain, including lower back pain. Experts believe that meditation can be beneficial because it helps practitioners direct their attention away from the pain and calm their minds.

Meditation also helps reduce muscle tension, decrease the heart rate, and slow respiration. All of these things can help naturally minimize pain as well. Meditation can be intimidating at first, which is why many people tend to shy away from it. If you’re interested in giving it a try, don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Download a guided meditation app, or simply set a timer for one minute and spend that minute sitting quietly while focusing on your breath. That’s all there is to it! Over time, you’ll get more comfortable and be able to increase the duration of your meditation sessions.

2. Low-Impact Exercise

This may seem counterintuitive at first. After all, isn’t exercise going to make your pain worse?

Not necessarily.

Research shows that moderate exercise helps reduce low back pain. There are several reasons for this. First, regular exercise can help lower your body weight. This, in turn, decreases the amount of pressure being placed on your lower back.

Exercise can also help improve your strength and flexibility, so you’ll be better able to support yourself and avoid injuries during day-to-day tasks like cleaning the house or carrying groceries. Some good, low-impact forms of exercise to try include brisk walking, swimming, moderate resistance training, yoga, or tai chi.

3. Improving Your Office Ergonomics

Do you spend hours a day hunched over your computer? Practicing proper ergonomics at work will help you keep your shoulders, back, and neck healthy and mobile.

Start making efforts today to improve your office ergonomics. If you can, invest in a quality stability ball chair to help you improve your posture. Some other good changes include:

•    Keeping your computer monitor at eye level
•    Keeping your monitor at least 20 inches away from your face
•    Sitting with your head and neck in line with the torso while relaxing the shoulders
•    Keeping the elbows close to the body while you type, with the wrists and forearms parallel to the floor

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine that involves inserting thin needs into pressure points throughout the body. By doing this, acupuncturists are able to remove energy blockages that may be causing pain.

One recent study found that of 20,000 chronic pain sufferers, those who received acupuncture saw a 50 percent reduction in their pain. To treat low back pain, an acupuncturist will insert needles directly into the lower back. They may also focus on these other pressure points:

•    Backs of the knees
•    Feet
•    Hands
•    Hips
•    Stomach

5. Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Like meditation, cognitive behavior therapy is another option for indirectly treating low back pain.

A one-year study found that patients who combined traditional treatment methods with three months of group cognitive behavior therapy saw twice as much relief in their chronic low back pain compared to those who only used traditional methods.

Researchers don’t believe that back pain is purely a psychological problem. However, they do believe that, by changing the way they view their pain, patients can do a better job of managing it.

During group cognitive behavior therapy, patients focused on identifying negative beliefs about themselves and their pain and changing those thoughts to reframe them in a more positive light. After the study, nearly 60 percent of participants said that they no longer had any low back pain, and 65 percent said that they were satisfied with their treatment and the reduction of their pain.

If you’re struggling with low back pain, consider one of these five unique treatment methods. Sometimes, you need to look beyond the physical problem in order to find the right solution.

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