Friday, December 15, 2017

Factors To Think About When Purchasing A New Mattress

Each day is only 24 hours long. When you consider that 8 of those hours are spent sleeping, it is easy to see why it is so important to buy a well-made mattress that will help you get the sleep that you need. Luckily, finding the ideal mattress is easier than you might think.

The key is to focus on quality. If you choose a poorly made mattress, you can wind up experiencing countless problems ranging from back pain to poor sleep quality. These factors can have a negative impact on your life, leaving you feeling exhausted, sore, and unmotivated.

Although there is no cut-and-dry formula that works for everyone when it comes to choosing a mattress, the tips in the following section can help make the process of choosing the right mattress easier.

1. Do Research Ahead Of Time

One of the best ways to make sure that you are buying a high-quality mattress is by doing research ahead of time. This includes reading reviews from other people who have already purchased any of the mattresses that you are interested in. Try to find reviews that are written by people who are dealing with similar issues to your own. For instance, if you experience back pain on a regular basis, you should try to find reviews from other back pain sufferers. This can give you a better idea of how well the mattress will suit your unique needs.

Of course, nothing compares to being able to try out a mattress in person before you buy it. Once you have an idea of which mattresses you are interested in, you can visit stores in your area to view them in person. Because you educated yourself ahead of time, you don't have to worry about falling victim to a slick salesman.

2. Choose How Firm You Want Your Mattress To Be

There is a common misconception that firm mattresses are the best choice for back pain sufferers. In fact, however, that isn't always true. Many people who suffer from back pain do best with a mattress that has a medium firmness such as this T&N mattress. These mattresses are soft enough to be comfortable yet firm enough to provide support. When testing mattresses in the store, don't just get on them and get right back off again. Instead, lay on them for a minimum of 10 minutes. Although you may feel a bit self-conscious about doing this, it really is the best way to get a feel for whether or not a mattress is right for you. If you spend any less time than that, you won't really be able to get a sense of how comfortable the mattress is.

3. Consider Getting Input From A Chiropractor

If you regularly experience back pain, a chiropractor may be able to advise you on which type of mattress is best. If you already see a chiropractor for your pain, try bringing it up at your next appointment. Chances are, your doctor will be more than happy to help you find a mattress that will give you the support that you need.

4. Think About Getting An Adjustable Mattress
Today's most innovative adjustable mattresses allow you to not only adjust the angle of the mattress but also its firmness. This can provide you with a lot more flexibility in terms of your sleeping arrangements. You can experiment with different levels of firmness or bed positions until you find the settings that provide you with the best night's sleep.

5. Invest Your Money Wisely

Be prepared to pay a relatively large amount of money for a high-quality mattress. Cheaper mattresses may seem like a good deal. In fact, however, they rarely provide enough support for a good night's sleep.

Make sure that the mattress you choose has a warranty available. Most reputable manufacturers guarantee their products for a minimum of 10 years. Some companies even provide a guarantee where you can get your money back if the mattress doesn't live up to your expectations. At the very least, the company that you buy the mattress from should be willing to give you your money back within a 30-day window of your purchase if the mattress fails to meet your needs.

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Is surgery the only solution for treating hernia or it's possible to treat it without surgery?

A hernia is a somewhat unusual condition that can look like a bulge or swelling coming through your body. A hernia is when an organ or fatty tissue protrudes through a weak spot (abnormal opening) in the surrounding muscle or tissue that normally holds it in place. This can makes the organ/tissue clearly visible on your body.

All hernias occur due to the heavy pressure exertion combined with weakness of the muscles or tissue. There are many different types of hernia that can occur in your body such as the stomach groin, and belly button. They can occur in adults and children. Hernias can be very painful although not all hernias cause pain.

Most cases of hernia are treated with surgery. However, if the condition is not posing a significant health risk, then there are non-surgical approaches that can be used.  One option is a natural herbal medicine from Grocare known as Hernica which is used to treat hernia by strengthening digestion, reducing constipation, reducing inflammation, and making the muscles loose. This reduces pressure on the muscle wall. Another herbal medicine from Grocare is known as ACIDIM , which is designed to improve the ph acid balance of the intestinal and abdominal system.

Here is some more information on natural remedies to follow and options on how to get rid of a hernia naturally. In addition, here are some other tips that can help prevent hernia.

Proper Dietary Intake:

Proper daily dietary intake is important in reducing harmful impacts on your body. Food should be consumed in proper quantity, being careful not to overstuff yourself as this puts unnecessary pressure on the intestines and abdominal area. Natural foods such as vegetables (e.g., salad), fresh fruit, and juice have positive health impacts on your intestines as they help keep the intestines moving in a healthy way and provide many important vitamins and minerals.

Exercise and Yoga:

Exercise is one of the best ways to remain physically fit and conveys mental health benefits as well. A daily exercise routine between 20 and 60 minutes is ideal. Exercise can strengthen the abdominal wall when done properly but when done improperly it can lead to hernia. Thus, make sure you are using proper form when exercising. If you have already been diagnosed with a hernia, please consult with a doctor before exercising to make sure you are not doing anything to worsen the situation.

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices that also conveys many health benefits. Yoga contains many different types of stretching exercises that can help strengthen and loose muscles. This may provide some benefit in hernia treatment, although yoga cannot cure hernia in isolation. Yoga can also reduce fatigue and improve motivation, which can make you more likely to exercise.

Lastly, be sure to consult with your doctor for additional hernia prevention and treatment options.

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Essiac Tea Powder - Pros And Cons

Essiac was introduced to the public through all of the tireless work of Rene Caisse, who was a Canadian nurse.  She used Essiac for treating cancer patients for more than 50 years, with a multitude of successful cases being reported.

Over her decades of working with Essiac, Rene Caisse used the mixture exclusively in tea form, except for the sheep sorrel's component for intramuscular injection during her early days.  As more people started using Essiac, other forms for ingesting herbs started appearing in the market, specifically capsules, tonics, and tinctures.  And although consumers have the freedom now for choosing among various forms, you do need to be aware of what the advantages and disadvantages are that are associated with them.

Essiac Capsule Advantages  

A majority of people agree that the most convenient way for ingesting herbs is to take Essiac in capsule form.  That is probably the most compelling reason why to choose capsules instead of other forms.  Tinctures and teas both require a degree of having to measure an Essiac dose and mixing with a beverage like water.  On the other hand, capsules may be taken right out of the bottle.  Capsules, like tinctures, have an advantage over tea due to how convenient they are to store based on their small volume and not having to be refrigerated.  In addition, capsules are very well suited to continue using Essiac while you are traveling.

Essiac Capsule Disadvantages    

The benefits received from Essiac depend on what the bioavailability is from the molecules that are in the constituent herbs.  What that means is the molecules need to be extracted from herbs in some way.  To release these biologically useful molecules out of the herbs that are contained in Essiac (or another herbal mixture), these herbs need to be immersed in some kind of solvent, which is usually water and/or alcohol.  When it comes to teas, boiling water is used to extract molecules.  With tinctures, the process takes place through using alcohol to steep the herbs for days or even weeks.  When it comes to capsules, there isn't any extraction before ingesting the Essiac.   

The extraction that Essiac capsules rely on is through exposing the capsules to oral water, digestive enzymes, and stomach acid intake.  Many people think that results in decreased potency and reduced absorption of essential compounds for capsules.  Also, the constituent herbs going into capsules are in the form of powder, which tends to decrease potency when it has been a long time since the herbs had been pulverized.  There is one potential solution to the problem of unknown periods of time since the powdering herbs happened is creating your own capsules completely from scratch.  It is possible to get the supplies from a health store.  Many individuals who are open to making capsules are much more likely to do it mainly to use while they are traveling when they empty the contents of the capsule into their boiled water for making tea.   

In addition, there are numerous Essiac fans who are strongly opposed to any other form besides traditional tea.  For this perspective, all of the decades worth of positive outcomes that Caisse experienced were solely from tea, and therefore Essiac consumers should stay faithful to this form.  All of the evidence for the efficacy of Essiac comes from research and using the tea, where capsules and tinctures are not studied too much.  For people who are reasonably healthy, it is a very convenient way for ingesting beneficial herbs. 

There are several forms that Essiac comes in, from the traditional, well-studied tea, to capsules and tinctures.  Although there is a strong argument that capsules are the most convenient form, there are also concerns about their potency as well as their ability to providing the key compounds that are responsible for the proposed health benefits of Essiac.

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Why Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a Growing Health Problem

Imagine what you would feel if you want to go outside to enjoy a beautiful summer day but your feet refuse to take you there. Imagine wanting to pinch the cheeks of your cute nephew but your arms lay limp beside you. You cannot move them even if you want to. That’s what it feels like to live with a condition known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's disease.

According to John Hopkins Medicine, approximately 30,000 people in the United States are living with ALS. Although the disease usually develops between ages 40 and 70, there are also reported cases of ALS in individuals who are in their 20s and 30s.

Understanding the Nature of ALS

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is not a communicable disease. It is a group of progressive neurologic diseases affecting the neurons (nerve cells) that control the voluntary movement of your muscles. Your voluntary muscles are the ones that allow you to move, eat, talk, and walk. They also affect your breathing.

In order for you to move, your brain sends signals to your motor neurons (the ones responsible for voluntary movement) to stimulate your voluntary muscles to move. In ALS, your motor neurons slowly deteriorate and die. This cuts off the connection and path of communication between your brain and your voluntary muscles. Without this connection, your muscles will no longer be able to execute what your brain wants them to do because they cannot receive the impulse (the command or the message) anymore.

Although the progression of the disease varies from person to person, a majority of patients with ALS die due to respiratory organ failure within 3-5 years from the first appearance of the signs and symptoms. Only 10% of the diagnosed cases survive for longer than 10 years.

Who are at Risk?
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis doesn’t discriminate among the different ethnicities. It can affect people from any racial background. The following identified risk factors can predispose you to have ALS:

Age group. ALS can affect any age group but reports have shown that people who are 55 to 75 years old are more at risk.
Sex. The disease is more common in men by 20% but it still affects both sexes.
Ethnic background. Although ALS can occur is any ethnicity, the disease more commonly develops in Caucasians.
Military veterans. The US Department of Veterans Affairs classifies ALS as a service-connected disease. This is because it has been shown that veterans are twice more likely to develop ALS. The rationale for this remains unclear but exposure to environmental hazards and toxins is being considered.

Signs and Symptoms of ALS
The onset of the signs and symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is gradual in nature. Hence, it is often dismissed or overlooked until it develops into a more severe form of weakness.

In the early stage of the disease, the following usually develops:
•    Cramping or twitching of the hand and feet muscles
•    Muscle tightness or stiffness
•    Loss of muscle control in the arms
•    Fatigue and weakness
•    Falling and tripping incidents
•    Inability to grasp things well
•    Period of uncontrollable crying or laughing
•    Slurred speech

As the condition worsens, the following might be observed:
•    Difficulty of breathing
•    Shortness of breath
•    Difficulty in swallowing and chewing
•    Weight loss
•    Generalized muscle weakness and muscle atrophy
•    Paralysis

One of the earliest symptom that the patient might observe is difficulty doing tasks that require fine motor skills such as writing and buttoning a shirt. Aside from their chewing and swallowing problem, people with ALS metabolize and burn their calories faster, making them lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time.

Taking Care of People with ALS
• In the early stages of the disease, safety is important. Remove tripping and falling hazards from your home. They can still do daily activities on their own with minimal help. As the disease progresses, they might need more assistance with mobility.
• ALS doesn’t affect a person’s memory, understanding, and problem-solving skills. It means that they are aware of the deterioration in their body’s functions, making them at risk of suffering from depression. Communicate with them and be as empathetic and encouraging as you can.
• Because they find it difficult to chew and swallow, assist them to a sitting position during mealtimes. Give them foods that are soft or pureed.
Bedsore prevention measures are important when the person has already reached the stage of paralysis. Using an air mattress can prevent bedsores by relieving the pressure on their back and improving blood circulation.

ALS has no known cure to date but some medicines are being prescribed to delay the progression of the disease. In the US, more than 6,000 people are being diagnosed with ALS annually. Raising public awareness of the condition can lead to a better support system for patients with ALS.

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Five Accessories Every Runner Should be Using to Help with Recovery

Whether you’re a casual jogger or a competitive runner, you’re probably well acquainted with stiffness and muscle soreness.

Recovery for runners isn’t just about feeling less sore. It’s also important for preventing injuries and improving overall performance.

If you’ve been overtraining -- or just not maximizing your off-days as much as you could -- keep reading. Listed below are five accessories that can help runners (and other athletes) speed up the recovery process.

1. Massage Stick

Whether it’s your quads, calves, hamstrings, or even your feet that could use a little extra attention, a massage stick will help relieve your pain, relax your muscles, and get you ready for your next run.

Massage sticks are light and portable, so they’re ideal for runners who frequently travel (or just don’t have a lot of storage space at home).

With a foam roller, you can roll out large muscle groups easily, but it’s a little harder to focus in on the specific areas that are in need of the most TLC. Massage sticks help you get a more targeted massage, and you have more control over how much pressure you use.

2. Compression Socks

Many athletes, especially runners, swear by compression socks to help reduce swelling, soreness and fatigue after a long workout.

The idea behind compression socks (and all compression clothing) is that they put gentle pressure on the blood vessels, which prevents the blood from pooling in the extremities, particularly the legs and feet, while you are sitting or lying down.

Compression socks are particularly helpful for runners who suffer from plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the connective tissue that runs along the feet). There are even compression socks specifically designed to help treat this condition. You can learn more about them by checking out this list of plantar fasciitis socks.

3. Yoga Strap

Stretching is an essential part of recovery, but many runners tend to neglect it.

A yoga strap makes stretching a little easier, especially for people with tight hamstrings. Wrap the strap around the balls of your feet and think of it as an extension of your arms when doing forward bending stretches.

Straps are another great on-the-go recovery tool. They take up even less space than a massage stick!

4. Epsom Salts

Sometimes, a hot bath is the only thing that will cut it after a long day of training.

To make your bath even more effective for easing sore muscles, add two cups of Epsom salt to the water.

Epsom salt is not actually a salt, but a mineral compound also known as magnesium sulfate. When you soak in a bath with Epsom salts, the minerals are absorbed into the skin to help with aches and inflammation.

There are several different types of Epsom salts that you can use in your bath, including aromatherapy styles that contain essential oils. Try some lavender or peppermint oil for even more relief and relaxation.

5. Topical Pain Relief Products

Runners with sore muscles can also benefit from topic pain relief products. These products come in many forms, including creams, gels, and balms.

Many topical pain relief products contain ingredients known as counterirritants. Popular counterirritants include menthol, methylsalicylate, and camphor. They cause either a burning or cooling sensation that helps to distract you from your pain.

Topical products often contain salicylates as well. Salicylates are found in aspirin and help relieve pain and soreness.

Final Thoughts

Sore muscles and stiffness are part of life for runners. However, these five recovery tools can help your aches and pains and get you back on the road as soon as possible. Give one (or more) of them a try today!

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Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Five Easy Ways to Soothe Aching Joints at Home

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that nearly 15 million Americans suffer from severe joint pain (ranking a seven or higher on a scale from one to ten) on a regular basis. If you’re part of this group and find that joint pain is affecting your daily life, keep reading.

Listed below are five tips to help you ease your pain and home and get back to doing the things you enjoy most.

At-Home Treatments

These five at-home treatments will help ease your aches and pains and leave you feeling better than ever.

1. Take a Bath

A warm bath can work wonders for aching joints. You can up the ante even more by adding Epsom salts to the water.

Epsom salt is a chemical compound known as magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate has been proven to help reduce inflammation and muscle spasms while relaxing tense spots in the body.

Add two cups of Epsom salts to your bathwater and soak for at least twenty minutes for relief from pain and stiffness.

To make your bath even more effective, add some essential oils to the water as well. Lavender oil is a great addition when your pain is caused by stress or anxiety, and peppermint oil can help further reduce swelling and inflammation.

2. Try Topical Treatments

There are also many topical creams and gels out there that are helpful for people dealing with joint pain and soreness.

Some of these products are meant for general pain relief, while others are specially formulated to help with conditions like arthritis. For more information on arthritis cream click here.

If you don’t want to go out and buy arthritis cream or a topical pain reliever, you can make your own with products you might have in your own condition.

Mix a couple dashes of cayenne pepper with 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil. Use gauze or a cotton ball to apply the paste to the skin around the joints that are experiencing pain. You can apply the paste several times per day. You’ll feel a mild burning sensation at the beginning, but most people get used to it fairly quickly.

3. Move More

It might seem counterproductive at first, but more movement is actually beneficial for people dealing with joint pain and stiffness.

When you remain sedentary, your muscles tense up and weaken. This increases your risk of injury and also causes you to compensate for weak muscles when you do have to move. Compensation leads to imbalances throughout the body that will only result in more pain and tension.

If you’re feeling stiff and sore, try to get up and do some kind of low-impact exercise. Walking, cycling, or yoga are all great options that will help loosen up your muscles and give you the relief you’re looking for.

Incorporate these movements into your schedule regularly, as well, to prevent soreness from occurring in the first place.

4. Eat (or Drink) More Ginger

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory herb that has been found to mimic the effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

There are several different ways that you can incorporate ginger into your diet. One of the easiest is to simply add a few slices of fresh ginger to boiled water to make tea.

You can also make a ginger poultice by making a paste of minced fresh ginger and olive oil. Apply the paste to the painful joint, wrapping in place with gauze if necessary. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.

5. Try Aromatherapy

Lavender and peppermint essential oils are some of the most popular pain- and stress-relieving aromatherapy options. However, plenty of others, including marjoram and rosemary oil, have also been found to soothe aching joints.

To experience the benefits, mix a teaspoon of any of these oils with a quarter-cup of almond or coconut oil. Then, simply take a deep inhale whenever you need some relief.

Preventing Joint Pain

All of these tips are great for soothing aching joints. But, it’s also important to take steps to prevent joint pain from occurring in the first place.

Some options for preventing pain and inflammation include:

•    Regular exercise
•    Managing weight to prevent excess pressure on the joints
•    Taking joint-protecting supplements like collagen, Omega-3 fatty acids, and glucosamine
•    Staying hydrated

Final Thoughts

Lifestyle changes like improving your diet and getting enough exercise can help prevent joint pain. When it does occur, though, the tips discussed above can help relieve the pain and allow you to continue living your life. Try them out today!

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Monday, December 11, 2017

How To Improve Your Chances Of Successfully Recovering From An Addiction

Overcoming an addiction is not an easy process. When you first start down the path toward recovery, it may feel like you aren't making progress as quickly as you would like. Keep in mind that you won't recover overnight. However, as long as you commit to the process, you will eventually beat your addiction. Try using these steps to improve your chances of successfully recovering from an addiction:

1. Participate in regular counseling sessions. People who meet with a counselor or therapist on a regular basis are far more likely to recover than those who try to go it alone. These professionals can help you stay on the right path.

2. Don't expect immediate results. Chances are, you didn't become addicted overnight. You also won't recover overnight. Old patterns of thinking can be extremely hard to break. You may find your thoughts returning to drugs or alcohol again and again. Don't feel discouraged. The longer you stick with it, the less intrusive these thoughts will become until eventually you are free from your addiction.

3. Fill up your free time. As an addict, nothing is worse than having too much free time. If you don't keep yourself busy, you are far more likely to spend time thinking about your addiction. Pick up some new hobbies and do your best to stay occupied.

Consider looking for hobbies that involve other people. Being able to get together with friends who share your interests can be a great way to keep yourself occupied so that you don't return to old, negative patterns.

4. Focus on the present. One of the first things that people learn when they seek treatment for drugs or alcohol is that you have to take the process one day, one hour, or one minute at a time suggest the experts at Sage Recovery Villa. Anytime you are tempted to drink or do drugs, stop yourself. Tell yourself that you can make it one more day without. If necessary, you can even break it down into smaller increments, telling yourself you can make it another hour or another minute without. Typically, cravings pass quickly. By the time you get through the next hour or day, you will most likely be in a much better position to resist.

5. Figure out what to do with all of your time. One of the hardest parts of recovering from addiction is suddenly finding yourself with a ton of free time. If you don't find new activities to fill your time, you will be more likely to relapse. Try to come up with some productive activities that you can do to keep yourself from drifting aimlessly through the day.

6. Tell people about your addiction. One of the worst things that you can do when you are recovering from an addiction is to try to hide it from others. Although you don't have to tell everyone, you should tell a few key people in your life. Find trusted friends or family members that you can confide in. That way, you will have a support system in place that you can count on if you find yourself tempted to relapse.

7. Stick with it. No matter what happens or how tempted you are, stick with your recovery. The more dedicated you are to getting better, the more likely you are to succeed. Don't allow minor setbacks to throw you off the path toward recovery. Instead, stay focused on your goal and you will eventually get there.

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