Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Beware of These Common Home Health Hazards

Your home is where you and your family come together for shelter, security, and safety. As comfortable and safe as your home may feel, there could be dangers lurking that you weren’t aware of.

What many homeowners may not realize is that a lot of the illnesses they experience come from the things they do and have in the home. In order to improve your health and keep your loved ones safe, you’ll need to identify the health hazards in the home and remove them. Below, are some of the most common health hazards in the home.

1.  Lead Paint

Those who live in a home that was built before the 1970’s could have an issue on their hands with lead paint. Though not hazardous just to sit on the walls, when lead paint starts to chip, it can present a hazard for pets and young children. When chips of paint are ingested it can cause led poisoning.

If you believe you have led paint in your home, purchase a kit from the store. While you can remove the paint yourself, it would require you to remove your kids and pets from the home and strip all the paint. Therefore, it is best to hire professionals to remove the paint for you.

2.  Pests

You may have thought that pests like mice or cockroaches were nothing more than gross looking and embarrassing to have in the home, but it’s actually a lot worse. Both mice and roaches leave behind bodily fluids and feces that if touched or ingested can cause you to get sick.

Some people try to remove infestations of mice and cockroaches on their own with no such luck. DIY pest control isn’t always advised as it can result in more harm. The harsh chemicals found in store sprays and the hazards of traps and devices to catch pests can really harm you and your family. Companies like Moxie Pest Control are skilled in safely removing pests like mice and cockroaches from the home safely.

3.  Mold

Mold is one of those hazards that you are likely aware is bad for your health, but can be tricky to find. Most often people can smell mold and mildew before they ever see it. Exposure to certain molds can result in upper respiratory problems. This can include difficulty breathing, sore throat, stuffiness, runny nose, eye irritation, and in some cases, skin rashes.

If you believe there is mold in your home, you need to have it removed. Identifying it can be hard but you should check places like the basement or attic where there is dampness and moisture. While you can remove small amounts of mold on your own with a bleach solution, it is best to hire a mold remediation expert for larger amounts.

4.  Asbestos

Asbestos was a building material used to build homes more than 30 years ago. Asbestos was determined to be unhealthy and could lead to serious medical conditions including shortness of breath, lung damage, and other illnesses and diseases.

Asbestos is harmless unless disturbed. This often happens during renovations and home improvement projects. If you have an older home and believe there could be asbestos present it is best to contact the experts to safely remove it.

5.  Dust and Allergens

Dusting might be a chore that you hadn’t gotten around to doing but too much dust and allergens in the home can wreak havoc on your health. Dust and allergens tend to accumulate on everything from the carpets to the floors. Too much dust in the home can lead to upper respiratory issues that include difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy throat, and more.

Dust enters the home from all over. The best way to get rid of dust is to go beyond dusting certain surfaces. You need to clean the carpets, clean the vents, and even consider an air purifier to get rid of allergens and improve the indoor air quality.

To the untrained eye, the above-mentioned hazards might not seem like anything to worry about. However, when ignored, these hazards could ruin your health. Checking the home periodically for these hazards and hiring an expert to remedy the problem is the best course of action to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Low Back Pain: Are You at Risk?

Have you ever experienced a sudden, sharp sensation in your lower back? How about a dull, constant ache just below your waist? If yes, then you belong to the 80% of adults who experience low back pain.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), low back pain is the most common cause of job-related disability and a major contributor to absences from work. The severity of the pain could range from a mild ache to an intense pain which could limit your mobility.

The onset of low back pain could be sudden or gradual, depending on the cause. Some diseases could present with low back pain. Among these are sciatica (compression of the sciatic nerve), scoliosis (lateral curvature of the thoracic spine) and a herniated disc (compression or bulging of the intervertebral discs).

The anatomy of the lower back
The lower back is composed of the lumbar region of the spine. This region has 5 vertebrae (lumbar 1 to lumbar 5) that bear and support the weight of the upper body. Intervertebral discs are located between each vertebrae. They function as shock absorbers and cushions. They also protect the spinal cord in the middle of the spine.

There are 31-pairs of spinal nerves attached to the spinal cord and they are responsible for the transmission of signals to the brain as well as body movement. Lumbar ligaments keep the vertebrae in place and lumbar tendons connect the muscles to the spinal column.

Are you at risk?
There are certain factors that can put you at risk of having low back pain, including:

•    Age. Pain in the lower back becomes a common concern as you age. The symptom usually occurs between ages 30 and 50. As you age, your muscle mass, tone, and elasticity gradually decrease. This could make you prone to having tears in your tendons and muscles. Osteoporosis could also predispose you to brittle bones. Your intervertebral discs also lose flexibility and fluid, compromising their function as shock absorbers.

•    Fitness level. Low fitness activity could make you prone to having back pain. Having weak abdominal and back muscles might not support your spine properly, especially if you are someone who tends to do exercises and intense outdoor activities in the weekends after being inactive for the rest of the week.

•    Pregnancy. During pregnancy, your body releases a hormone called ‘relaxin’ that serves to relax your pelvic ligaments in preparation for labor. This could make the ligaments that support your back unstable. The growing baby also adds additional weight to your upper body. These could lead to low back pain, a complaint which is common in pregnant women. The symptom usually resolves after childbirth.

•    Weight gain. Your lumbar spine supports the weight of your upper body. Being overweight or obese can put too much weight and stress on your back, leading to low back pain.

•    Occupational risk factors. Doing jobs that require pushing, pulling, lifting heavy objects, especially those that involve twisting of the spine, can lead to back injury and low back pain.

•    Poor posture. Poor posture can put undue stress on your spine as well as constrict your blood vessels and nerves. It can lead to low back pain, especially if you sit all day in a chair that has inadequate back support.

    Back pain in children. Low back pain is not common in children. However, carrying a heavy backpack loaded with school supplies can lead to muscle strain and muscle fatigue. It is recommended that a child’s backpack should weigh 10–15% of his or her body weight. Obese children, however, are recommended to carry a bag that is one-third lighter in weight than the other children’s.

How to deal with low back pain?
Low back pain can restrict your movements and make daily activities difficult to do. If you are experiencing low back pain, even the simple act of bending over to put your shoes on could be hard. A dressing aid like a long shoe horn makes it easier to slip on your shoes without the need to bend over and tug at the heel tab, no matter how high-cut your shoes are. These benefits of using a long shoe horn could prevent your back pain from being aggravated by bending movements.

Applying cold packs could ease pain and inflammation in your lower back, as can heat therapy and massage, improving your mobility. You should limit your bed rest and resume daily activity as soon as you can. Prolonged bed rest could further diminish your muscle tone and might do you more harm than good. Just be careful to avoid movements that exacerbate the pain.

If the pain persists despite these home remedies, you should consult your doctor for further diagnosis.

This is a guest blog entry.

Five Products Everyone Can Use to Treat Knee Pain

Knee pain is extremely common, especially among active individuals and those with arthritis. If you are looking for a way to relieve your pain without giving up your favorite activities, keep reading.

Listed below are five highly effective pain relief products that everyone with knee pain should have at the ready.

Knee Braces

Knee braces are helpful for people who suffer from both acute and chronic knee pain. A quality knee brace will provide extra support, prevent injury, and make sure the knee moves in a controlled way.

It can be difficult to find the best knee brace for working out. If you’re having a hard time making a decision, make sure you understand the different types of braces and what kind of pain and injuries they work best with.

•    Hinged braces are best for people who need extra protection and stabilization after an ACL, MCL, or PCL injury or surgery.
•    Compression sleeves can minimize mild or moderate chronic knee pain or arthritis-related pain.
•    Wraparound braces are good for mild or moderate pain, as well as those who often experience patellar instabilities or dislocation.
•    A band or strap can be used for those who have runner’s knee, patellar tendonitis, or acute knee pain.

Topical Painkillers

Topical painkillers, also known as analgesics, are products that can be rubbed or sprayed on the skin to help treat sore muscles or painful joints. Whether they come in spray, cream, or gel form, topical painkillers often feature a combination of the following ingredients:

•    Counterirritants like menthol, methylsalicylate, and camphor, which create a burning or tingling sensation.
•    Salicylates, which are also used in products like aspirin to relieve pain.
•    Capsaicin, which causes a burning or tingling sensation to relax tension and relieve pain.

Knee Pillows

Many people, especially those with arthritis, are kept awake at night by pain in their knees and hips. A knee pillow will help relieve your pain by allowing you to keep your legs, hips, knees, and spine properly aligned while you sleep on your side.

They also reduce stress on the knees since they keep the legs farther apart to avoid uneven pressure. This lack of pressure allows for better blood circulation, which prevents muscle tension and soreness in the knees and legs.

When you’re shopping for a knee pillow, look for a memory foam pillow for the most comfort. Some pillows also come with a strap that helps keep your knees in place throughout the night, which can be especially helpful for people who toss and turn a lot.

Electrical Stimulator

If you’ve ever visited a chiropractor or physical therapist, you’ve probably experienced electrical stimulation for your knee pain. There are lots of portable machines available so that you can continue to treat your pain at home.

Many people like the near-instant relief that these machines bring, as well as the fact that they don’t have to rely on any painkillers.

Electrical stimulators are easy to use and can be adjusted for your specific tolerance level.

Before using one at home to help your knee pain, make sure you get clearance and instructions on how frequently to use it from your doctor or physical therapist.


There are a number of nutritional supplements out there that are actually very beneficial for those who suffer from knee pain. Supplements like collagen, glucosamine, and chondroitin are especially useful, as they aid in repairing tissue damage and reducing pain and inflammation.

Krill oil and fish oil are also good to supplement with to ensure you’re getting the recommended daily dose of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s help reduce inflammation, which is especially important for those whose knee pain is related to arthritis.

Vitamin C is another good supplement to take for those who suffer from arthritis-related pain. Meeting your recommended daily dose also helps prevent the development of osteoarthritis. When your body gets an adequate amount of vitamin C, cartilage loss and joint inflammation are reduced and bone density improves.

Final Thoughts

If you suffer from knee pain and feel like you’re running out of treatment options, give one (or more) of these products a try today. Whether you need a more aggressive remedy like electrical stimulation or just a better night’s sleep, one of them might provide the relief you’re looking for.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Expert Tips for Preventing Bedsores

When it comes to managing the care of bed and chair-limited patients or loved ones, a primary concern for any care team will be preventing bedsores (or pressure ulcers). Not only does a prolonged amount of time spent lying or sitting in a bed increase the risk of developing a bedsore, but so do the debilitating chronic diseases which often confine people to beds in the first place.

Bedsores form on the body where bony protrusions poke into vulnerable tissues - like on the tailbone, shoulder blades, hips, elbows, and heels. In constant contact with the surface of the bed, a patient’s body feels added pressure from these bony points, especially when the patient cannot move very much or stimulate blood flow and muscle contraction.

Over time, a reddish discoloration will appear on the skin where a bedsore is developing. If the skin opens due to maceration or tearing, an ulcer will form that breaks down layers of skin and then subdermal tissue, potentially all the way down to the bone. These types of pressure ulcers can become infected if not treated, blood circulation can become cut off, and the internal tissues can actually start to die.

Because bedsores can quickly progress to life-threatening stages, preventing their development in the first place is key to longevity and overall health for people limited to beds, recliners, or wheelchairs. Don’t miss these expert tips for preventing bedsores:

Specialty Mattresses
The typical bed mattress is often composed of foam, springs, and cotton batting. Specialty mattresses, on the other hand, are engineered with better weight disbursement in mind and incorporate materials like memory foam, gel, and even air. Often used in hospitals and long-term care facilities, specialty mattresses help prevent bed sores by better disbursing a patient’s weight to relieve critical pressure points, as well as by increasing a patient’s blood circulation.

An air mattress for hospital bed use, for example, might feature pockets or cells which fill with air and deflate based on custom settings set with the mechanical controls. As different parts of the mattress expand and decompress, it helps to shift a patient’s mass to keep them from lying on one part of their body for too long and to more evenly distribute their weight over extended periods of time.

With similar effects of specialty mattresses, manual repositioning of a bed-limited patient can help prevent bed sores by keeping patients off susceptible pressure points when lying in bed. Studies show that repositioning a patient every 2 to 4 hours can have a positive effect in preventing pressure ulcers from developing, and it keeps that patient more comfortable.

As an integral part of a bedsore prevention strategy, repositioning is typically done simply by shifting a patient’s weight from side to side with pillows placed under specific areas of their back and bottom. Pillows should also be placed under the legs to raise the heels of the feet off of the bed. Heels are prone to rub against the bed surface and overtime can develop serious pressure ulcers.

Barrier Creams
Wound care management is its own medical field entirely, and dressing mid to late-stage bedsores requires medical training as well as specific dressings and wound supplies. When it comes to preventing bedsores, however, barrier creams are an accessible and effective tool any medical provider or caregiver can use.

Barrier creams are topical aids comprised of ingredients which span the occlusive, emollient, and humectant categories (like zinc oxide, beeswax, and lanolin). They are applied to a healed or early stage bedsore and keep the skin nourished while repelling excess moisture and contaminants which can break down or irritate skin (like urine, feces, and sweat). Examples of barrier creams include Corona Cream and Extra Protective Cream (EPC).

What you put inside the body can play just as important of a role as how you treat and handle the outside of the body when it comes to preventing bedsores. Proper nutrition to fuel tissue repair and reinforce skin can help fortify the body to protect itself against the development of pressure ulcers.

Nutrients like protein, zinc, potassium, calcium, and vitamins C and E play particularly important roles in helping the body both repair damaged tissues as well as promote better blood circulation. Care networks should help patients consume lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables (especially those with vitamin C like broccoli, bell peppers, and spinach, and those with potassium like acorn squash and avocado), as well as nuts, seeds, and calcium-rich dairy.

In addition to diet modifications, barrier creams, mattress upgrades, and repositioning, bedsore prevention is most effective with keen and vigilant monitoring. Medical providers and caregivers can best keep bedsores from developing (or progressing) by taking daily scans of patients and loved ones to make note of any skin discolorations or areas of concern.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, November 06, 2017

What is Bed Management?

Bed Management goes beyond assigning one bed to each patient showing up in the long queue of hospitals’ emergency services. Bed Management systems are computer software that assess the needs of a patient, his/her conditions, the level of care required, and matches that information with an available bed in the building.

Furthermore, recent software can identify which beds are clean and ready to receive a new patient and which beds, that might be a suitable match, need to be cleaned. A good system will even dispatch the cleaning team to ensure that the bed is ready in a reasonable amount of time to minimize waiting and crowding the emergency room.

Physicians, nurses and patients deplore the fact that too often, patients must wait, sitting in hospital chairs, for a bed to be ready. Even though these chairs can be quite comfortable in design and in cushioning, they do not replace the need to eventually find a bed for that patient. Chairs are fantastic for certain treatments, like dialysis and chemotherapy, but other conditions require a patient to be hospitalized and in that case, staff must find a bed.

Depending on the mobility of the patient, the diagnosis posed on his/her condition, or his behaviour, not all beds are suited to meet his/her needs. A good Bed Management software will be able to identify the best bed for each patient. If the perfect bed is occupied already or needs to be cleaned, the software will identify and respond accordingly. A cleaning team might be sent, or a second choice might need to be found. When the perfect bed is ready, an alert will advise the admission team and transportation will be arranged. Having a great Bed Management system means that patients’ wait time decreases, fewer calls need to be made between departments, and everyone is more satisfied with their hospital experience.    

As hospitals are accountable to governments or boards of directors, it is in their advantage to maximize the number of patients they can process in one day. Having the right Bed Management system helps hospitals admit patients more efficiently, care for them in a timely manner, and dispatch doctors and nurses more effectively to treat their conditions. Some say time is money. In the healthcare system, time is the element that might make the difference between life and death. When hospitals shift their focus from managing beds to caring for patients, everyone gains. Using a good Bed Management system can certainly help the process.

As money is an important factor in managing a hospital, directors should consider investing in the most efficient Bed Management system for their institution. Overseeing many aspects of a patient’s journey through the system, the right software will maximize the hospital’s assets and resources while minimizing time and effort. It avoids doubling on certain tasks from cleaning a bed to transporting a patient from room to room until a bed is ready. In sum, it makes sense for hospitals to have the right Bed Management software in use.

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How To Keep Your Underarms Healthy And Dry

Underarms are usually the last thing that anyone wants to talk about. We all have them, though, and we all have to deal with the challenges that go along with trying to eliminate sweat and odor. Although there are many different deodorants available on the market, they are not all created equal. The ingredients in certain brands can wind up doing a lot more harm than good, sometimes even putting your health at risk.

Because of that, more and more people are turning to deodorants that contain natural ingredients such as Schmidt's Deodorant. Not only are natural deodorants effective, but they often even perform better than the chemical laden deodorant brands that you can find at the store. Our goal is to change your perspective about deodorant and about underarm care, helping you to control sweat without jeopardizing your health in the process.

How To Correctly Use Deodorant

1. Underarms require a little bit of pampering.

Even though underarms often get a bad rap because they can have an unpleasant odor, they do require ongoing care if you want to keep the skin healthy. There are a lot of lymph nodes and nerves located in the underarm area. Additionally, the skin itself is quite thin on this part of the body and rarely sees the sun, making it particularly delicate. That is why it is so important to give it the proper care.

Tip: The skin under your arms should be treated with as much care and respect as the skin anywhere else on your body. That means exfoliating it to remove dead skin cells and keeping it hydrated with a moisturizer. Because the skin in this area is so sensitive, consider using moisturizers and exfoliation products that are designed for the face. If you want, you can even massage your underarms to activate the lymph nodes.

2. Don't be afraid of a little bit of sweat.

Along with controlling odor, most people want their deodorant to keep their underarms dry. This isn't always a good thing. There is a reason why the human body sweats. The sweat itself is designed to not only remove toxins but also to help control the temperature of the body. Most deodorants that you can find at the drugstore contain aluminum. This ingredient blocks the ducts that release sweat, keeping the sweat trapped inside. Avoiding these types of deodorant is usually a good idea.

Tip: Natural deodorants that are formulated to help keep you dry without the use of aluminum are a good choice. For instance, even though Schmidt's is not marketed as an antiperspirant, it does contain powders derived from plants that are designed to absorb sweat. The benefit of this is that it allows your body to release the sweat while still helping to keep you dry.

3. Prevent staining.

Have you ever had a piece of clothing ruined by stains in the underarm region? A common misconception is that these stains are caused by sweat. In fact, however, they are usually the result of your sweat interacting with your deodorant. Deodorants that contain aluminum are particularly likely to cause this problem since they can react with the urea found in human sweat, leaving behind stains in the process.

Tip: Wearing the right clothing can make it much easier to control sweat. Opt for clothing made from natural fabrics rather than synthetic fibers. Synthetic materials can cause irritation and can make sweating worse. Additionally, be sure to thoroughly dry your armpits before you put on deodorant.

4. Make your skin less sensitive.

As strange as it may seem, the skin under your arms can actually become quite dry. This is in part due to the fact that the ingredients that are found in most deodorants can dry out the skin. Dore Aesthetics advice that because of that, you need to make sure that your armpits stay hydrated through the use of a moisturizer.

Tip: After shaving, apply moisturizer to your armpits. Allow it to soak in completely, making sure that your armpits are totally dry before you put on deodorant. When you shave, always use a sharp razor and a shaving cream that has built-in moisturizers. Again, to prevent irritation, opt for loose clothing that is made from natural fibers.

5. Periodically allow your skin to rest.

Because the skin under your arms has a tendency to be sensitive, it is important to give it a chance to breathe without being covered by deodorant.

Tip: Wait as long as you can to apply deodorant after you shave. If possible, you may even want to try shaving at night and waiting to apply deodorant until the following morning. This will give your skin a chance to recuperate.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tips to Be a More Successful New Nurse

Being a nurse is rewarding. That probably sounds very cliché, but it is the truth. It is a very diverse field, so it is easy to find an area that interests you. However, when you are first starting out, you want to make sure that you begin on the right foot. There are some tips that new nurses can use to make the transition into their new career a little easier. It is all about being humble and making sure that you extend respect for the other nurses that you are going to be working with.

Plan to Increase Your Education

When you first get started, you will want to get used to the flow of the nursing world. From there, you want to give yourself a chance to become more education and knowledgeable about the field. If you are starting out with a bachelor’s degree, you might consider moving up to a master’s degree or a doctorate. You can click here to learn more about this path. When you achieve this level of education, you are opening up a lot more doors and helping to further your career.

Find a Mentor

Having someone in your corner who is willing to teach you and listen when you have had a bad day is one of the most valuable things a new nurse can have. You want to make sure that you can trust your mentor and that they have the right level of experience. This could be a former teacher or even one of your new colleagues who has been on the job for a long time. Just make sure to choose wisely.

Be Patient

You just got out of nursing school and received your license. You are not going to be the perfect nurse the day you start your first job. You need to be patient, especially with yourself. Do not beat yourself up if you are not perfect. Make sure that you ask for help when you need and do not be shy about asking questions or for clarification. The nurses you are going to be working with know what it is like to be new and they are always willing to help and answer questions. Know that it takes a good year or two to become comfortable in this field.

Reflect Every Day

Remember that being a new nurse is a learning experience and when you take your experiences each day and turn them into lessons, you will learn a lot more. After you get off work, reflect on your day while you make your way home. Focus on the positive, but take note of any mistakes you made or any negative interactions since you can learn from these. When you get home, you might consider jotting down the new things you learned or some things you want to reinforce your knowledge on.

Be Teachable

It has been said several times that when you are new, you have to be focused on learning. Nursing school certainly teaches you a lot, but it does not cover everything. When you are teachable, you can prevent mistakes that could have serious consequences on your career, so be open and never be afraid to question yourself.

You can see that it is not too hard to get started off right as a new nurse. Make sure that you take every opportunity possible to learn since this field is constantly evolving and something new is always happening. You can also chat with your fellow newer nurses and get some advice on how to approach your first job. This can help you to integrate and ensure that you are doing everything right to keep your employer, coworkers and patients happy.

This is a guest blog entry.