Tuesday, August 20, 2024

5 Conditions That Need A Pulmonologist Visit

Pulmonologists are medical professionals who diagnose and treat respiratory system issues and conditions like COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), asthma, and pneumonia, among others. Sometimes, based on their healthcare insurance coverage, patients may decide to see a pulmonologist directly without visiting a general practitioner for a referral first. If you suffer from the following symptoms, you should pay a visit to a pulmonologist immediately:


You may suffer from breathlessness even when engaged in mild physical activity. Many people have issues breathing easily when they do their routine activities, and this condition could mean that they are suffering from a lung disorder. Commonly, these symptoms could indicate arrhythmia, low levels of oxygen, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, congestive heart failure, allergies, or cancer. Pulmonologists review the symptoms of patients, in addition to their health history. After this, they give suggestions and prescribe medicine to help them to breathe normally again. Sometimes, a pulmonary doctor also asks patients to get an imaging scan done to check the condition of their lungs.

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Persistent cough 

A persistent cough is one which does not improve over time. A person can start coughing as the result of a number of respiratory issues, including fungal, viral, and bacterial infections. A chronic cough can sometimes indicate lung cancer. A pulmonary doctor will give patients a quick assessment and put them on the route to both treatment and recovery. When their cough is treated well, they can witness an improvement in their general health.


Asthma is a condition involving a long-term constriction or inflammation of the airways, making it difficult to breathe. Patients will wheeze, feel a tightness in the chest, or cough during physical activity. Asthma sufferers whose condition worsens can book an appointment with a pulmonologist through Vosita to help keep their problem under control.


If you suffer from any kind of breathing issue or shortness of breath, as well as swelling in your foot, leg, or ankle, these symptoms may indicate pulmonary edema, or fluid accumulation in the lungs. They could also be indicative of pulmonary hypertension. In this condition, it becomes vital to visit a pulmonologist at the earliest.

Long-term smokers

When people smoke, their lungs change from a healthy pink to a dark grey color. Smokers suffer from destroyed alveoli in their lungs, which are small air sacs whose job is to exchange carbon dioxide with fresh oxygen. When these air sacs become depleted, smokers can suffer from chronic bronchitis, COPD, emphysema, and even lung cancer. Nearly 90% of lung cancer cases result from smoking. This suggests that smokers should visit pulmonologists regularly to keep a strict eye on the health and condition of their lungs. 


A healthy pulmonary system is key to anyone’s overall wellness, but those who smoke and/or suffer from asthma, breathlessness, a lingering persistent cough, and swelling in the lower extremities should be extra cautious and see a pulmonologist sooner rather than later. Vosita can help make the appointment booking process painless and even facilitate telemedicine appointments where available. Join for free today at vosita.com.

This is a guest blog entry.

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