2. Botox may treat nighttime teeth grinding: Botox may help prevent teeth grinding at night, a small study suggests.
3. Sperm Viability Greatly Reduced in Offspring of Animals Treated With Common Antibiotic Tetracycline: Male pseudoscorpions treated with the antibiotic tetracycline suffer significantly reduced sperm viability and pass this toxic effect on to their untreated sons.
4. Dutch okays mutant bird flu study's publication: The Dutch government on Friday gave a top scientist the green light to publish a research paper in the United States on a mutant killer flu virus, following approval by a US panel of experts.
5. Newborns battle drug withdrawal: As more babies are born addicted to prescription painkillers, a hospital focuses on helping these tiny victims.
6. Chicken Scratches vs. Electronic Prescriptions: Studies show that errors are much less likely when doctors send prescriptions to the pharmacy via computer. But the move to such e-prescriptions has been relatively slow.
7. Kids With Type 2 Diabetes, Combo Treatment Best?: Study Shows Early Aggressive Treatment May Result in Better Blood Sugar Control.
8. Bullied Children at Greater Risk for Self-Harm, Study Finds: Children who are bullied are three times more likely than others to self-harm by the time they are 12 years old, according to a new study.
9. Cancer Survivors Told To Exercise, Eat Healthily, And Maintain Ideal Bodyweight: If you are a cancer survivor and you want to minimize your risk of that cancer recurring, or another cancer developing, you should eat a healthy diet, do plenty of exercise, and maintain a healthy body weight, says the American Cancer Society in its new guidelines.
10. Feds weigh pulling drug licenses for two CVS stores: A federal hearing began on Wednesday on whether to bar two CVS Caremark Corp drugstores in Florida from selling potentially addictive painkillers as part of a government crackdown on prescription pain pills, especially oxycodone.
11. Heavy teens have trouble managing diabetes: New research sends a stark warning to overweight teens: If you develop diabetes, you'll have a very tough time keeping it under control.
12. Chef fights rheumatoid arthritis with ‘Hero Foods’: Seamus Mullen, a chef and owner of the New York City-based restaurant Tertulia, was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 2007. He wrote Hero Foods: How Cooking With Delicious Things Can Make Us Feel Better, which discusses the foods you should eat if you are dealing with an autoimmune disease.
13. Best and worst paid doctors survey: More and more U.S. doctors are regretting their career choices.
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