Thursday, July 09, 2015

Top Benefits Of Healthy Teeth

Ever since childhood, we have been told to brush and floss daily. It's an important lesson many of us don't take seriously enough. We all know good brushing habits will give you nice white teeth, healthy gums, a fresher mouth and better breath.

Good oral hygiene prevent cavities, tartar and plaque build-up and keep you away from those agonizing trips to the dentist, and that spine chilling sound of the dentist's drill. The benefits of good oral hygiene and healthy teeth go far beyond a beautiful smile and a pleasant trip to the dentist. Brushing and taking care of your teeth and mouth can prevent heart disease and infections, which may lead to diabetes and a host of other health issues. Having a healthy mouth is the start to a healthy life.

Here are the top benefits of keeping healthy teeth.

1. Prevent Respiratory Illness

The mouth and body are connected more than most people realize. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, and pneumonia are serious respiratory illnesses which can be prevented by keeping healthy teeth. New studies are starting to find links between periodontal disease and respiratory disease.

Both COPD and pneumonia are bacterial infections. They occur when harmful bacteria enters the lower respiratory tract. Both of these infections can lead to serious medical complications, and a lifetime of medications and treatments, and in some cases death.

Unhealthy teeth can lead to a build-up of plaque, a combination of food and bacteria, which can lead to periodontal disease. When bacteria from plaque gets into and around the teeth it can cause an infection called periodontal disease. This bacterial infection can enter the body and blood stream through the gums and mouth. This infection can spread to the lungs and respiratory tract causing COPD and pneumonia.

Daily brushing and good oral health care will eliminate plaque, tartar and bacterial build-up. There will also be less bacteria in the mouth, less chance of periodontal disease, and less chance of respiratory infections.

2. Gingivitis

Most of us have heard about gingivitis and most of us have experienced some early stages of this bacterial infection. Early stages can include sensitive swollen gums which can bleed when we brush. Gingivitis is an infection in the gums caused by plaque. Brushing keeps food and bacteria from building up, in and around, the gums. Keeping your mouth free of plague will diminish the chance of gingivitis and bacterial infection.

Gingivitis is particularly dangerous for pregnant women. During pregnancy women can have a higher chance of developing what is called pregnancy gingivitis. Gum disease and gingivitis can cause premature birth rates and much lower birth weight averages. So healthy gums equals healthy babies.

If you have braces you have a greater risk of gingivitis, an article on orthodontic hygiene states, "Proper oral hygiene is as crucial to overall health as exercise and eating well." Children and adults with orthodontics need to pay special care to their teeth and gums, as braces and other orthodontics can trap more food and bacteria, increasing the chance of gingivitis.

3. Diabetes

Diabetes is a deadly disease in which your body improperly controls the body's blood glucose levels. It is a serious medical problem and one of the leading causes of death in America. So how does brushing your teeth help prevent or control diabetes?

Gum disease is an infection which affects not only the mouth but the whole body. In addition to spreading infection throughout the body, gum disease also has adverse effects on your body's ability to control your blood glucose levels. So those with serious gum disease are far more likely to develop diabetes and those already suffering from diabetes can have added complications when combined with serious gum disease. Daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash can eliminate plaque and bacteria, lowering your risk of diabetes.

4. Healthy Minds

Brushing your teeth can be good for your brain and preserve your memory. Gum disease and oral infection can diminish brain function and cognitive reasoning. Adults and seniors with gum disease show lower IQ test scores and have more difficulty with memory and simple math than those with healthy teeth and gums.

Those suffering from gingivitis can experience loss of brain power and often find negative effects like delayed verbal recall. Gingivitis and other periodontal disease can cause cognitive dysfunction similar to Alzheimer's disease. Cognitive dysfunction associated with gum disease affects all ages from the very young to the very old. So keeping a healthy mouth can lead to a healthy mind.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wagyu Beef – A Better Way To Get Natural Fats?

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I recently read a news article about the return of a beef called Wagyu, I felt compelled to look into this further as the prices were just astronomical. A full packer brisket can cost $225, the reason why the price is quite high is because the cows are 100% full blooded Wagyu and they are left to roam in a 27,000 acre ranch. Though not all Wagyu is expensive there are other places you can pick up this fantastic, mouthwatering beef a bit cheaper. The cheaper Wagyu beef is mass produced and most probably seed fed as opposed to the all natural grass fed.

Normal Beef Vs Wagyu Beef fats

Here is a the nutritional value in a normal cut of beef:

Total Fat 15 g    23%

Saturated fat 6 g    30%

Polyunsaturated fat 0.5 g   

Monounsaturated fat 7 g   

Trans fat 1.1 g    

The recommended daily intake of fat should be between 20-35% of your daily intake of calories, saturated fat should be less than 10% of total calories. So let’s say you take in 2,000 calories on your daily diet, this means you can take in no more than 44-78g of fat or 22g of saturated fats. We all know saturated fat is the main cause of clogged arteries, therefore we must keep this low and polyunsaturated and mono-saturates a bit higher as these are the good fats.

So a normal 4oz cut of beef contains 6g of saturated fat, Wagyu beef does contain 11g but the upside is the fact it contains a heck of a lot more polyunsaturated and mono-saturates which helps with your heart and lowers cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood which can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. They also provide nutrients to help develop and maintain your body’s cells. Oils rich in monounsaturated fats also contribute vitamin E to the diet, an antioxidant vitamin most Americans need more of.

Marbled Fat & Grading

Most countries have a grading system, depending upon the marbled fat in the beef, they also use the same system to weed out the poor cuts of beef in foods. The more marbled the fat is within the beef then the more flavour and tender the beef actually is, this also achieves the highest grade. The highest grade of beef (prime beef) according to USDA grading system has to have a grading of 6-8%.

Wagyu beef boasts a massive 20-25% marbled fat – hence the price and why so many people enjoy.

It is this marbled fat and the high contents of good fats which give the wagyu beef its superior taste and textures.

Finding Wagyu Beef

Finding Wagyu beef is the simple part, locating the best quality is not so simple. I would recommend you look around on the Internet first for places nearest to you that produce their own beef, failing that there is a delivery option on many of the websites that sell it. If you are after 100% full blooded beef you will need to do some digging as I have found many of the shops online are selling mass produced Wagyu beef.

The above entry is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Dangers Of Prescription Drugs

There are many cases where prescription drugs have positive results for people. However, if you ask most people they'll likely complain about the many side effects they've experienced from their prescriptions. So, are prescription drugs helping or hurting people?

There are people on both sides that will argue their belief, either that there is nothing wrong with them and how they heal people and make them healthier or that they are bad. No matter what you believe, you have to admit that it seems prescriptions only mask people's ailments.

There are more natural ways of healing what ails you that can keep prescriptions out of your bathroom cabinet. One way is to eat healthy, get regular exercise and cut out bad habits like smoking. Living a healthy life is definitely the best way to ward off illnesses.

Why Prescription Drugs Don't Help

Have you ever taken the time to look at the paperwork your pharmacist gives you when you pick up your prescription? The one that tells you the possible side effects? While not everyone is going to suffer from those side effects you may notice that many of the side effects are the direct opposite of what you were prescribed that medication for.

When drug commercials for anti-depressants list possible thoughts of suicide as a possible side effect, don't you start to question prescription drugs in general? Why would a depressed person take something that might make them want to kill themselves?

It seems like there may be better options over taking prescription medications for certain illnesses. In the case of depression seeing a therapist may be safer and better than a prescription.

The next time you pick up a new prescription read that warning sheet. If your pharmacist doesn't give you one, request it. However, always talk to your doctor before you stop taking a prescribed medication so that they can help you come up with other ways of treatment.

What About Prescription Drug Addiction?

You may think that prescription drug addiction only happens to people that take drugs from other people that weren't prescribed to them. However, that thinking is way off.

Even people with a prescription to a drug can become addicted to that drug. This is really common with people on pain killers. They can get used to the high they get from the pills when they do need them and then they'll fake the pain to keep getting them.

Addicted To Someone Else's Prescription

As already mentioned, people can get addicted to someone else's prescription. It can also cause your own death to take another persons prescribed drugs. You may think they are safe since they were prescribed by a doctor, but they were meant for whatever specific ailment the person who got them has.

There is help for people that are addicted to prescription drugs, and this type of addiction is just as bad as being addicted to heroin. It can still kill you, or at least cause you to lose your job, family or relationships. It is important to get treatment for prescription drug addiction with a program that is specifically designed to manage your particular addiction and its associated withdrawal symptoms.

If you suspect someone is taking your prescription drugs you should start keeping them in a locked cabinet for which only you have a key. Some prescription drugs can also cause withdrawal symptoms when you quit them, which makes unwarranted use even more risky.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How to Choose the Right Dental Chairs and Stools for Your Clinic

Every dental office needs to have a dental chair. It is here that diagnostics and treatments are performed. The chairs allow a dentist to be properly positioned, thereby being able to access their mouth and teeth with ease. Additionally, they allow the patient to be comfortable and they allow the dental assistant to do their job. If you are considering purchasing dental chairs, there are a few considerations you need to make.


A padded chair gives extra comfort to both the patient and the dentist. Hence, you should always choose a chair with excellent padding. Try to find one that is ergonomic, so that it is able to adjust to different body types as well.


The cylinder height is particularly important for the dental stool. This is because, as a dentist, you must make sure that you will not start to suffer from lower back pain. The stool must be suitable for your personal height, be that shorter or taller than the norm. Do also consider a stool with a waterfall edge, as this is more comfortable than a stool with a simple round design. Furthermore, it should come with an adjustable back rest, as well as tilting seat pan. Put together, this leads to greater comfort and less back pain, as well as ensuring you can access the patient with ease.

Operations and Adjustments

Once you receive your new dental chair or your new stool, make sure you get to know them so you know exactly how to operate them. You must be able to make adjustments with ease as and when required, otherwise the ergonomic features will be wasted. Make sure you study the paperwork and instruction manuals that came with the chairs. If you can take up a trial period, do use this as it will allow you to find out whether or not the equipment is right for you before you part with your money.

Maintenance and Care

Dental chairs are not cheap, unfortunately. This is why you need to make sure that you maintain them properly and look after them according to the instructions, so you don’t have to replace them too often.

Naturally, you can expect that you will receive some sort of warranty and guarantee on your chairs and stools when you first purchase them, but this doesn’t last a lifetime. Many dentists find that they prefer chairs and stools with removable padding, as this is also what tends to break the soonest, while at the same time being the cheapest element of the chair itself. If it is removable, you can simply replace that part of the chair itself. You may also want to consider entering into a service contract with the supplier or manufacturer of the equipment.

As you can see, there are quite a few things to think about. There is no way around purchasing a dental chair, as you simply cannot run an office without one. However, this does not mean you should buy the first one you come across either.

The above entry is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Using Apps to Improve Your Health

There are lots of little things that you can do to improve your and your family’s health. You can make sure to eat a nutritious and natural diet. You can get more exercise. You know all of the basics already.

The problem for most people who want to get healthy isn’t a lack of knowledge. It’s getting into the habit of putting that knowledge into practice.

For some weird reason we believe that the only way to really get healthy is to force ourselves into new habits organically and through sheer force of will. Why we put so much pressure on ourselves to get healthy independently is a mystery--especially since there is so much help out there for people who seek it. There are nutritionists, personal trainers, life coaches and even apps that will help you set up and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Yes. They do, as cliche as it sounds, make an app for that. Here are some of the best:


Featured in the ADP AdvancedMD marketplace, TruClinic is an app that connects you to your doctors, face-to-face and in real time via your mobile device. Billed as a way to “bring back the house call,” TruClinic is a great way to see your doctor without having to actually take the time to schedule, show up and then be kept waiting for what might turn out to be a five minute appointment for something very minor. It’s also a great way to get initial diagnoses when you notice that something about your health has gotten out of whack.


It’s so commonplace now that we debated whether or not to put it on this list. It seems like everybody has a FitBit now and for good reason: it works and it works well. In addition to tracking your steps, the FitBit can also track your sleeping patterns, your nutrition, your weight, and your progress in these areas. What makes FitBit superior to many of the other apps out there is that it is cross-app compatible. The wristband and pedometer can be synced with other apps like Lose It, Spark People, Map My Run, and BeeMinder. It’s a many trick pony and one that you want in your arsenal.

My Fitness Pal

Rated as one of PC Mag’s top 25 Fitness Apps, My Fitness Pal is great because it doesn’t just track calories consumed and burned, it tracks the different kinds of calories consumed and burned. You can log specific recipes as well as general foods. In addition to the food you take in, it provides you with a variety of weight loss plans and a pedometer to help you take care of your overall health.


Yes, Spotify is a music app. Why, then, is it on this list? Because the Spotify app can be used to build playlists built on your workout pace. For example, it will track your steps as you run an then build a playlist that focuses on songs that match your beat. It might not necessarily help you get healthier but it’s still pretty cool--especially if you depend on music to make your workout easier to deal with.

Zombies Run/The Walk

These are separate apps: Zombies Run and The Walk, respectively. They’re paired up here because they offer the same basic experience. Zombies Run is for runners: you listen to a story about zombies through your earbuds and you have to keep running to keep them from catching you (and to complete a variety of missions). For people who hate running, The Walk offers the same basic experience except you walk instead of run.

Gorilla Workout

Unlike a lot of the other fitness apps out there, this app doesn’t assume that you have already reached any specific level of fitness. It assumes you’re starting from the point of not even being able to do a single pushup. Do each daily workout and, feel your body actually get stronger and healthier as you progress. If the feelings aren’t enough to keep you going, you can also watch the monkey on your screen go from being a baby monkey to a fully grown gorilla by the time you’ve finished all the workouts.

First Aid

There is more to health than simply exercises and counting calories. First Aid, an app offered by the American Red Cross and has information about what to do in the event of a lot of different accidents and injuries. The app features videos as well as photos, diagrams and written instructions for a wide variety of injuries and accident situations.

Do you have a favorite app that helps you track, monitor and improve your health, let us know in the comments!

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Your Nurse May Be More Important Than Your Doctor

Nursing is a profession that many take for granted. Although we’ve all been helped by nurses, we often overlook their abilities and knowledge base and give doctors the high praise. The truth of it is that nurses have a wide skillset and deep understanding of the medical field. Many take the time to pursue additional higher education, including online DNP programs to receive doctoral degrees, and some spend as much time receiving specialized training as doctors.

Nurses do more than just administer medications and assist doctors. Many of them save lives on a regular basis without receiving any type of gratitude. Additional important jobs a nurse takes on during his or her workday include:

Taking the Time to Know You

Doctors are often in and out of a patient’s room, and don’t particularly take the time to really get to know a patient – especially in a hospital setting. Nurses, on the other hand, work more closely with patients and really take the time to get to know their personalities and needs. By knowing a patient more intimately, nurses are better able to determine how a patient is feeling and how they are progressing in their recovery. The ability to get to know patients more closely also allows nurses to work more collaboratively with patients, and patients who have a hand in creating their treatments are more likely to succeed.

Traveling to Where They Are Needed

As the number of people needing healthcare due to age has increased, the demand for nurses has increased exponentially. Hospitals and care facilities throughout the United States have had a high demand for well-trained nurses, and offer temporary contracts and high salaries to nurses who are willing to travel. Travel nursing jobs in Hawaii offer nurses beautiful ocean beaches while those in Colorado afford nurses who prefer the snowbird lifestyle a chance to regularly visit the Rockies. Regardless of the scenery, many nurses are willing to fulfill the need of different hospitals, and sacrifice a more stationary lifestyle to offer people great healthcare.

Focusing on Prevention

Traditionally, the healthcare model was focused on treating patients after they were diagnosed with an illness. However, as the cost of healthcare rises in the United States, current healthcare professionals are shifting their focus on disease and illness prevention. Prior to this shift in healthcare, nurses always predominately focused on prevention by educating patients on how to live healthier lifestyles. As efforts continue to focus on disease and illness prevention treatment models, nurses will only become more important in their roles.

Monitoring Patients

A doctor may be the one to come in and give a final say, but nurses are the individuals who actually take the time to provide one on one care. They make sure that patients receive their medications on time, make sure patient conditions remain hygienic, and ensure that patient needs are met. Nurses are often first responders as well, and are the ones who notice when a patient’s condition is deteriorating, stable, or improving – ensuring that quality care is met as soon as it is needed.

Serving as a Liaison

Because nurses work closely with both patients and doctors, they serve as liaisons. Doctors aren’t always the best at using nonmedical jargon to explain a patient’s condition and often aren’t trained to have the best customer service. To ensure that patient’s understand their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, nurses take the time to thoroughly explain doctor’s orders. Nurses will also relay the patient’s needs, concerns, or questions to doctors to make sure that the patient is actually receiving the care they desire.

Nurses work long hours and overnight shifts. They clean up the messes no one else wants to deal with. They provide support to not only patients, but their family members as well. They give shots, medications, check vitals, and offer recommendations to both patients and doctors. Nurses are a vital part of any care facility, and they will only continue to grow in their importance as we develop more sustainable healthcare models.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Dual Diagnosis Disorders: Addiction and Mental Illness among Men

When it comes to treating addiction, a multi-step approach is necessary. From treating the physical effects of long-term substance abuse to addressing the root cause of addictive behaviors, a lasting recovery requires in-depth comprehensive care.

For example, for men struggling with addiction, underlying conditions like depression, PTSD and bipolar disorder often contribute to substance abuse, and can also worsen the effects of addiction.

Therefore, to effectively treat addiction and prevent relapse with addictive substances, addressing underlying mental illness is crucial. Keep reading for more on mental illness and substance abuse among men, including information on symptoms, risk factors and available treatment options.

Dual Diagnosis in Men

Dual diagnosis is a term used to describe co-occurring disorders like addiction and mental illness. In patients with dual-diagnosis disorders, drugs and alcohol are often used in an attempt to numb or self-medicate the symptoms of mental illness, which can result in both physical and psychological dependence. Among men, addiction typically co-occurs with conditions like the following:

• Post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is triggered by a stressful or traumatic event, and is associated with symptoms like severe anxiety, mood swings, sleep disturbances and flashbacks of the event in question. Men with PTSD are at an extremely high risk for addiction, as over half of all men with this disorder experience problems with drugs or alcohol.
• Bipolar disorder. Characterized by severe mood swings and extreme behavioral disturbances, bipolar disorder is extremely common among men suffering from addiction. What's more, bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose and treat, which increases the risks associated with drug and alcohol abuse.
• Depression. Though women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, men suffer from this illness in growing numbers. Men are also less likely to seek treatment, and are at greater risk for complications like substance abuse, self-harm and other destructive behaviors.

• Schizophrenia. Men are more likely than women to suffer from schizophrenia, and many use drugs or alcohol to relieve symptoms like extreme paranoia, hallucinations, anxiety and more.

• Anxiety. Anxiety is typically viewed as a female issue; however, men and women suffer from social anxiety in near-equal numbers, and men with this disorder find it difficult to perform simple, everyday tasks. Symptoms of anxiety can vary, but can include feelings of fear or panic, as well as physical symptoms like high blood pressure and shortness of breath. 

Treating Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Even when addiction occurs on its own, treatment can mean the difference in life and death; when addiction co-occurs with mental illness, the need for professional help is even more critical. Combined, the effects of mental illness and substance abuse can have a severe impact on health and quality of life, and can increase the risk of complications like overdose, suicide and aggressive or violent behaviors. Thankfully, dual-diagnosis disorders can be treated, safely and effectively. Methods like the following are typically included in dual diagnosis residential treatment for men:

• Counseling. Talk therapy is necessary in the treatment of both addiction and mental illness. One-on-one counseling encourages patients to explore their issues with addictive substances, as well as formulate a plan for long-term health and sobriety. Plus, talk therapy is often necessary in identifying the mental illnesses that often contribute to substance abuse. Group counseling is beneficial, as well, as it provides peer support, accountability and the opportunity for men to discuss their problems, honestly and without fear of judgment.

• Medication. Prescription medications are often necessary in treating mental illness. For example, with illnesses like schizophrenia and depression, medications can relieve symptoms and enhance quality of life so that the urge to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol is significantly reduced.

• Followup care. Followup care methods, such as continued counseling and group therapy, are crucial in preventing relapse and ensuring sustained mental health.

• Dual diagnosis disorders can have a severe impact on health and quality of life. Thankfully, though, with intensive, comprehensive care, recovery is possible. If you or someone you love is suffering from addiction and/or mental illness, get help today, and take the first step toward a better, brighter tomorrow.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.