Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Your Nurse May Be More Important Than Your Doctor

Nursing is a profession that many take for granted. Although we’ve all been helped by nurses, we often overlook their abilities and knowledge base and give doctors the high praise. The truth of it is that nurses have a wide skillset and deep understanding of the medical field. Many take the time to pursue additional higher education, including online DNP programs to receive doctoral degrees, and some spend as much time receiving specialized training as doctors.

Nurses do more than just administer medications and assist doctors. Many of them save lives on a regular basis without receiving any type of gratitude. Additional important jobs a nurse takes on during his or her workday include:

Taking the Time to Know You

Doctors are often in and out of a patient’s room, and don’t particularly take the time to really get to know a patient – especially in a hospital setting. Nurses, on the other hand, work more closely with patients and really take the time to get to know their personalities and needs. By knowing a patient more intimately, nurses are better able to determine how a patient is feeling and how they are progressing in their recovery. The ability to get to know patients more closely also allows nurses to work more collaboratively with patients, and patients who have a hand in creating their treatments are more likely to succeed.

Traveling to Where They Are Needed

As the number of people needing healthcare due to age has increased, the demand for nurses has increased exponentially. Hospitals and care facilities throughout the United States have had a high demand for well-trained nurses, and offer temporary contracts and high salaries to nurses who are willing to travel. Travel nursing jobs in Hawaii offer nurses beautiful ocean beaches while those in Colorado afford nurses who prefer the snowbird lifestyle a chance to regularly visit the Rockies. Regardless of the scenery, many nurses are willing to fulfill the need of different hospitals, and sacrifice a more stationary lifestyle to offer people great healthcare.

Focusing on Prevention

Traditionally, the healthcare model was focused on treating patients after they were diagnosed with an illness. However, as the cost of healthcare rises in the United States, current healthcare professionals are shifting their focus on disease and illness prevention. Prior to this shift in healthcare, nurses always predominately focused on prevention by educating patients on how to live healthier lifestyles. As efforts continue to focus on disease and illness prevention treatment models, nurses will only become more important in their roles.

Monitoring Patients

A doctor may be the one to come in and give a final say, but nurses are the individuals who actually take the time to provide one on one care. They make sure that patients receive their medications on time, make sure patient conditions remain hygienic, and ensure that patient needs are met. Nurses are often first responders as well, and are the ones who notice when a patient’s condition is deteriorating, stable, or improving – ensuring that quality care is met as soon as it is needed.

Serving as a Liaison

Because nurses work closely with both patients and doctors, they serve as liaisons. Doctors aren’t always the best at using nonmedical jargon to explain a patient’s condition and often aren’t trained to have the best customer service. To ensure that patient’s understand their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis, nurses take the time to thoroughly explain doctor’s orders. Nurses will also relay the patient’s needs, concerns, or questions to doctors to make sure that the patient is actually receiving the care they desire.

Nurses work long hours and overnight shifts. They clean up the messes no one else wants to deal with. They provide support to not only patients, but their family members as well. They give shots, medications, check vitals, and offer recommendations to both patients and doctors. Nurses are a vital part of any care facility, and they will only continue to grow in their importance as we develop more sustainable healthcare models.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Dual Diagnosis Disorders: Addiction and Mental Illness among Men

When it comes to treating addiction, a multi-step approach is necessary. From treating the physical effects of long-term substance abuse to addressing the root cause of addictive behaviors, a lasting recovery requires in-depth comprehensive care.

For example, for men struggling with addiction, underlying conditions like depression, PTSD and bipolar disorder often contribute to substance abuse, and can also worsen the effects of addiction.

Therefore, to effectively treat addiction and prevent relapse with addictive substances, addressing underlying mental illness is crucial. Keep reading for more on mental illness and substance abuse among men, including information on symptoms, risk factors and available treatment options.

Dual Diagnosis in Men

Dual diagnosis is a term used to describe co-occurring disorders like addiction and mental illness. In patients with dual-diagnosis disorders, drugs and alcohol are often used in an attempt to numb or self-medicate the symptoms of mental illness, which can result in both physical and psychological dependence. Among men, addiction typically co-occurs with conditions like the following:

• Post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is triggered by a stressful or traumatic event, and is associated with symptoms like severe anxiety, mood swings, sleep disturbances and flashbacks of the event in question. Men with PTSD are at an extremely high risk for addiction, as over half of all men with this disorder experience problems with drugs or alcohol.
• Bipolar disorder. Characterized by severe mood swings and extreme behavioral disturbances, bipolar disorder is extremely common among men suffering from addiction. What's more, bipolar disorder can be difficult to diagnose and treat, which increases the risks associated with drug and alcohol abuse.
• Depression. Though women are more likely to be diagnosed with depression, men suffer from this illness in growing numbers. Men are also less likely to seek treatment, and are at greater risk for complications like substance abuse, self-harm and other destructive behaviors.

• Schizophrenia. Men are more likely than women to suffer from schizophrenia, and many use drugs or alcohol to relieve symptoms like extreme paranoia, hallucinations, anxiety and more.

• Anxiety. Anxiety is typically viewed as a female issue; however, men and women suffer from social anxiety in near-equal numbers, and men with this disorder find it difficult to perform simple, everyday tasks. Symptoms of anxiety can vary, but can include feelings of fear or panic, as well as physical symptoms like high blood pressure and shortness of breath. 

Treating Dual Diagnosis Disorders

Even when addiction occurs on its own, treatment can mean the difference in life and death; when addiction co-occurs with mental illness, the need for professional help is even more critical. Combined, the effects of mental illness and substance abuse can have a severe impact on health and quality of life, and can increase the risk of complications like overdose, suicide and aggressive or violent behaviors. Thankfully, dual-diagnosis disorders can be treated, safely and effectively. Methods like the following are typically included in dual diagnosis residential treatment for men:

• Counseling. Talk therapy is necessary in the treatment of both addiction and mental illness. One-on-one counseling encourages patients to explore their issues with addictive substances, as well as formulate a plan for long-term health and sobriety. Plus, talk therapy is often necessary in identifying the mental illnesses that often contribute to substance abuse. Group counseling is beneficial, as well, as it provides peer support, accountability and the opportunity for men to discuss their problems, honestly and without fear of judgment.

• Medication. Prescription medications are often necessary in treating mental illness. For example, with illnesses like schizophrenia and depression, medications can relieve symptoms and enhance quality of life so that the urge to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol is significantly reduced.

• Followup care. Followup care methods, such as continued counseling and group therapy, are crucial in preventing relapse and ensuring sustained mental health.

• Dual diagnosis disorders can have a severe impact on health and quality of life. Thankfully, though, with intensive, comprehensive care, recovery is possible. If you or someone you love is suffering from addiction and/or mental illness, get help today, and take the first step toward a better, brighter tomorrow.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Right to Fail – Should We Give it to Doctors?

No one goes out of their way to be bad at their job. But when you’ve settled into your routine, the grinding repetition of chores can wear you down. In the medical profession, a lack of alertness through boredom can be disastrous – for both doctors and patients.

Despite popular belief, doctors are allowed to make mistakes. There may be a misdiagnoses here or a poor bedside manner there but, provided your mistakes don’t derive from apathy, there are always safeguards in place. 

The General Medical Council (GMC) asked medical student Lucy-Anne Webb about the pressures of making mistakes in the medical world: “The unwillingness of medics (students and doctors alike) to discuss mistakes or misunderstandings with colleagues for fear of being judged and the highly self-critical nature with which we conduct ourselves is prevalent and apparent in the medical community.”

In a culture where medical professionals feel judged for the occasional misstep, the fear of failure can be crippling – and place patients in grave danger.

The consultation fix

Without consultation and discussion, the medical world would never have progressed beyond leeches to cure the plague. Your entire career should act like a medical journal, peer reviewed at every juncture and improved upon with every input.

Indeed, you don’t have to wait for criticism. A number of doctors appraisal experts can give you a helping hand, for a small fee. This is a vital process showing the GMC that you’re still fit to practice and can maintain modern medical standards.

While the foundations of your training will always be relevant, the goalposts are always moving when it comes to the nuances of rules and regulations. With regular input from appraisal experts, failure need not be a career killer.

A fallible professional

It’s understandable that the transparency to show failures makes a number of hospital executives anxious, especially in Britain, where NHS figures are continually skewed by the media and politicians.

With an increased openness to admit failure comes a greater number of opportunities to portray the NHS as a beleaguered institution.

But mistakes are leading to a wasteful medical industry. In the US, for instance, one in every three dollars is spent on fixing previous errors. Moreover, around 1.2 million incidents are reported on the NHS every year.

For the general public, admitting that your doctor is fallible is an understandable struggle. Television shows like House show a Sherlock-like god figure as doctor. He can sniff out illness like a drug detection dog can sniff cocaine. Yet these lofty portrayals are ultimately harmful to the practice in general.

With increased communication within the medical community and greater transparency with the public, people might begin to appreciate the fallibility of medical practitioners.

Written by Paul Watson.

How to Slash Health Hazard Risks in Hospitals

It’s natural to think of our healthcare establishments as relatively safe places.Whether we’re in for an appendectomy or simply visiting a poorly family member, few of us expect to come to harm after we walk through the sliding doors – but several dangers are stalking the nation’s hospitals.

One of the biggest health risks are hospital-acquired infections (HAI), including pneumonia, urinary tract infections and surgical site infections, with one in 16 people treated in the NHS picking up an infection which can hinder their recovery.

Prof Gillian Leng, the deputy chief executive and director of health and social care at NICE, said: “Although there have been major improvements within the NHS in infection control, particularly in relation to Clostridium difficile and MRSA bloodstream infections in the last few years, healthcare-associated infections are still a very real threat to patients, their families and carers and staff.”

So what can be done?

Getting to Grips with Infection Control

According to Tom Sandford, director of the Royal College of Nursing in England, infection prevention and control are vital to ensuring the safety of patients, with every health service organisation urged to make this a top priority.

Additionally, dealing with healthcare waste is equally as important.
While around 80 per cent of waste generated by healthcare activity is general waste, the remaining 20 per cent is hazardous material that may be infectious, radioactive or toxic, which presents a real danger to patients and visitors.

Worldwide, an estimated 16,000 million injections are administered every year, but not all needles and syringes are properly disposed of – but this is an area where healthcare establishments can alleviate risk by hiring the services of a specialist medical waste team.

Indeed, according to statistics from the World Health Organization, high-income countries generate an average of 0.5kg of hazardous waste – sharps, chemicals, pharmaceuticals etc – per bed per day, all containing potentially harmful microorganisms.

Trust the Medical Waste Experts

Clearly, disposing of medical waste is an issue in healthcare establishments around the world.
Worryingly, inadequate training in proper waste management, as well as the seemingly low priority many healthcare establishments give to this issue, not to mention some countries without appropriate regulations, means various health hazards are likely to continue unabated.

By employing a specialist firm to dispose of medical waste, however, healthcare establishments abide by legislation controlling its safe handling and make sure it’s dealt with in an efficient and environmentally considerate manner.

This often involves supplying a range of colour coded disposal bins, as well as training healthcare professionals to segregate waste at source, which should help hospitals reduce the risk of harm to vulnerable patients and concerned visitors alike.

Written by Paul Watson.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Fighting Common Types of Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and it often becomes fatal because people simply do not know enough about it. Individuals are not educated on the most common types of cancer, and they often overlook the importance of regular physical exams and check-ups that can help catch cancer before it becomes untreatable.

To help protect yourself from becoming a victim of cancer, take the time to educate yourself on a few of the most prevalent types of cancer and the tests needed to determine whether or not they exist.

Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is by far the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, and it isn’t just a diagnosis in smokers. Those exposed to secondhand smoke over a long period of time, workers surrounded by high concentrations of chemicals, and those with no history of carcinogen exposure at all may be diagnosed with lung cancer. The disease is highly treatable if caught in the early stages, and those who may be at high risk need to remain vigilant.

Lung cancer may first be noticed during your annual physical exam. Swollen lymph nodes above your collar bone, abnormal sounds in chest cavity, and a dullness in your chest when tapped can all suggest lung cancer. If your doctor notices anything irregular, he or she may order a CT scan. If the results of the scan are abnormal, a biopsy and bone scan are done to get a more accurate diagnosis and to determine the extent of the potential cancer.

KRAS testing to detect gene mutation can be used after a lung cancer diagnosis. This test helps individuals determine how well their bodies will respond to the typical epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor therapies commonly used as treatment patients with advanced stage lung cancer. Knowing how well your body will respond to treatment will make it easier to cater treatment to your needs which may ultimately increase your likelihood of survival.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is the second most leading cause of cancer-related death, and can be a little trickier to detect in those suffering from it. If you notice a constant change in bowel movements or have notice blood regularly in your stool, it may be time to consult your physician.

Upon noticing irregularity, your doctor may order a colonoscopy to see if polyps are in your colon. While a colonoscopy normally is not recommended until individuals reach the age of 50, if you have a familial history of colorectal cancer, you should have a colonoscopy 10 years before the age of the last person diagnosed in your family. So if your grandmother was diagnosed at age 50, you should have your first colonoscopy at age 40.

If your doctor notices polyps in your colonoscopy, he or she may remove a polyp to have a biopsy performed. A CT scan may also be ordered to determine the extent of any growths that may be occurring.

Like lung cancer, colorectal cancer has can also use a KRAS test to determine how well the body will respond to EGFR inhibitor therapies. This test is highly recommended as colorectal cancer can become highly aggressive and difficult to treat.

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has a 97 percent survivability rate if found while the cancer is still in the breast tissue. However, if left untreated, breast cancer can spread throughout the body, and require intense chemotherapy and numerous surgeries to combat.

One of the best ways to start screening for breast cancer is through your own breast exams and by attending your annual well-woman exam. Should your doctor notice any lumps, he or she may order a mammogram, breast ultrasound, or MRI to determine whether or not the irregular tissue should be of any concern. If the tissue is found to be abnormal, your physician may order a biopsy to get an accurate diagnosis.

Women who have a history of breast cancer in their families, as well as those who have tested positive for the gene, should consider having regular check-ups. These regular check-ups will help make sure that you stay healthy, and that breast cancer can be caught immediately should you become diagnosed.

No one wants to be confronted with cancer. However, ignoring its possibility won’t make cancer go away. By catching cancer in its early stages, those diagnosed have a much higher survival rate and are more likely to avoid the more aggressive cancer treatments. Keep yourself safe. Regularly attend your annual check-ups, and don’t be afraid to schedule an appointment with your doctor should you notice anything irregular with your body.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

13 Ways to Protect the Health of Your Family

Everyone wants their family and loved ones to stay healthy and lead a happy and healthy life, but it's not always easy to do so in the modern world. It's hard to know what is and isn't healthy and it's often harder still to stick to those things which are best for yours and your family's health.

So here are 13 simple guidelines to follow to ensure your family is healthy and to make sure you spend more time having fun and less time at the doctor's.

Get out of the house

Sedentary lifestyles increase the risk of diabetes and other health problems and on average increase time spent in hospital. So ban your family from spending every evening on the sofa. Going for family walks in the country side will make you all happier and healthier, and increases family bonding.

Talk about your health

One of the best things you can do with your family is to make health an easy to talk about topic. Don't let health issues become awkward or taboo, create a culture where you share your concerns. This will ensure that any problems are out in the open and that no one ever suffers in silence.

See your doctor regularly

We're not advocating hypochondria here, but there are a lot of people who strangely pride themselves on never going to the doctor. You may think it reduces the load on health services or saves money, but in reality, regular GP visits help to ensure that any minor problems are caught before they become bigger problems. Getting a regular check up should be an integral part of your family's health routine.

Get insured

Health insurance may not be a big priority for you, and you may even think it's something you shouldn't worry about until you're older, but when you have a family health insurance policy it is a great investment because it gives you the peace of mind of knowing that no matter what happens you can get the best treatment available. Additionally, good quality private cover will ensure that you can get the treatment you need quickly.

No TV in bedrooms

Sleeping soundly is super important and not getting enough good sleep can cause all sorts of health issues, now and in the future. One simple way to ensure better sleep is to remove your TV from your bedroom. Make your bedroom a place for sleeping.

Eat more vegetables

This is perhaps the simplest tip on here, but it can't be stated too strongly that eating lots of fresh vegetables is perhaps the healthiest thing you can do. It's natural and there is no better way to ensure that your body gets everything it needs to be strong and healthy. Vitamin tablets and supplements can be helpful, but never under-estimate the power of broccoli.

Learn to relax

Feeling stressed? Long-term low-level stress is a modern problem which can cause many health problems. You may think it only a mental issue, but stress can manifest in physical ways and can even have a negative impact on the emotional health of your family. So if you feel stressed regularly, resolve now to make positive changes and reduce those stress levels.

Keep your air clean

Low quality air can cause and worsen respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis and certain common chemicals may even be carcinogenic, so try to use non-toxic cleaning products, never smoke in the house and get some plants to keep your air clean.

Ban (unhealthy) snacking

Obesity in children and adults is on the rise and snacking on processed foods such as crisps and chocolate is a bit part of the problem. Ban such snacks and instead have fruit. If they don't want a banana, maybe they're not that hungry after all!

Cook everything you eat

One nutritionist famously said "the simplest way to get healthier is to eat whatever you like, just so long as you cook it yourself." Microwave meals, ready to eat rice and takeaways are all much less healthy than the same food would be if you made it from scratch yourself. You get to avoid potentially harmful chemicals and you become more aware of what's in your food.

Don't sit down all day

According to numerous studies, sitting down for many hours a day can be unhealthy and reduces life expectancy as well as increasing risk of back problems and heart problems. Equally, standing up all day has its own health risks, but if you have an office job, do your best to avoid long stretches of sitting in the same position.

Keep vaccinations up to date

Vaccinations have been incredibly effective over the past 100 years at reducing and even wiping out certain diseases and continue to do so today, but it's easy to forget which ones you need and when you might need a top up, so make sure you ask your family's doctor whether you need any boosters.

Take care of yourself

This goes without saying really, but it's not just for your benefit. If you want your children to grow up healthy you need to lead by example and live a healthy lifestyle yourself. Children of parents who smoke, eat unhealthily, are overweight or who fail to look after themselves are far more likely to develop those same bad habits.

The above entry is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How Compression Clothing Actually Helps

Compression clothing refers to skin-tight articles of clothing such as socks, tops, tights, stockings and shorts specifically made to enhance one's physical well-being by increasing the flow and blood in the compressed area and enhancing oxygen delivery. Although it may seem like compression clothing is a new invention, it actually has been around for centuries.

In fact, the wearing of such clothing is often called compression therapy - the inclusion of compression therapy is often praised and recommended in both western medicine and in the world of alternative health.

There are many impressive benefits that can come from continuously wriggling into various forms of compression clothing. These benefits can be especially valuable for athletes, aging adults and persons that experience bouts of achy muscles.

Below are the top five benefits of wearing compression clothing:

5 Benefits of Wearing Compression Clothing:

• Compression clothing can improve workout: One of the biggest benefit of wearing compression clothing is the positive support it can provide to any workout regime such as running, biking and strength training. The enhanced blood flow and improved oxygen delivery is said to help improve workout efficiency while also increasing stamina and shortening recovery time.
• Supports healthy veins: Wearing a pair of the industry's best compression socks during the day is one of the easiest ways to support healthy veins. This fact can be especially valuable for persons that may suffer from poor leg circulation, spider veins, and varicose veins. Continuously wearing compression socks can drastically increase circulation to the legs while also lessening harsh symptoms and helping to prevent the formation of deep vein thrombosis and other serious vein disorders.

• Regulates body temperature: The materials used to create most high-quality pieces of compression wear can help wick moisture away from the body, which in turn can help regulate the core temperature of the body. Facilitating thermoregulation can help keep you warm in the colder months and cool in the hotter months. Such temperature regulation can increase comfort levels and deter the layering of clothing.

• Increases internal alkalinity: An internal alkaline environment is ideal for enhanced mental and physical health. Wearing compression clothing can help increase alkalinity due to the fact that the enhanced blood circulation and oxygen delivery encourages the detox of lactic acid and metabolic waste thus creating a cleaner, more alkaline body.

• Compression clothing can help suppress pain: Not only does compression clothing shorten recovery time during workouts, wearing them can also deter general muscle soreness, inflammation, aches and sprains as well as body pain associated with fibromyalgia, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

The almost magical ability to transform your figure into that of a tight muscled superhero by simply sliding on pieces of snug-fitting compression wear can certainly do wondrous things for your self-esteem. However, in addition to helping you look good, continuously wearing compression clothing while maintaining a healthy diet, staying positive and working out regularly can definitely improve the integrity of your health, regardless of your age.

This is a post by Nancy Evans.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Implementing Electronic Health Records (EHRs) at Healthcare Organizations: An Infographic

As you complete your Master in Health Administration and start your career, you will undoubtedly encounter new technologies that are continually being integrated into the health care system. Electronic Health Records (EHRs) constitute an important technology, as widespread implementation has proved challenging. See what goes into this implementation at Healthcare Organizations in the infographic below (click to enlarge):

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Treatment Options For Substance Abuse In College & University Students

Substance abuse is one of the fastest growing drug intake problems in the US. While the condition is often linked to adults, stats about substance abuse and students are alarming. According to (1) the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, abuse of prescription drugs is second to abuse of marijuana among adults in the age range 18-25.

DrugWatch further reports (2) that college students today are abusing more drugs than was the number in early the 90s. The source also cites a Columbia University study, stating that almost 50 percent of full-time students abuse prescription drugs or develop the habit of binging, and almost 25 percent of those students are categorized as having a medical issue related to dependence or substance abuse.

Why do students become victims of substance abuse? Some find it the best resort to relax, have fun, relieve stress of studies, and forget problems. Female students may become victims due to these reasons or in an attempt to keep up with male students, while some may be under relationship pressure and rely on alcohol to disinhibit the desire. College trustees and societies are busy in holding events, raising funds, introducing new facilities, so the substance abuse issue gets low priority.

Also, students with the tendency to seek thrills or perform extraordinary well in exams may be at a risk of substance abuse due to the ‘high’ feeling achieved from drug intake. While everyone enjoys the adrenaline from appropriate sources, some students rely on substances to get feeling, and it causes them to continue their consumption despite the negative consequences. A student with low self-worth may also engage in abuse behaviors to counter degrading factors in his/her life. Another possible reason could be to enhance their performance in sports and other similar activities.

As a result, educational institutes need to realize that substance abuse on college and university campuses across the country is pervasive, and reliance on alcohol, drugs, and other substances can inhibit a student’s ability to be professionally and academically successful.

Treatment options

To bring a significant change to this trend, college and university staff members need to work with societies, alumni, parents, and federal and state organizations. As parents bear significant responsibility of their children, they should educate the college-and-university going teens to spend their funds wisely and about the dangers of living a substance-fueled lifestyle.

According to Future of Palm Beach (3), immigration may also bring challenges and experiences to a student. With a new culture to adapt in, and trying to get recognition in a foreign land, new students face many tests and may engage in addiction when they feel homesick or when they are under pressure to assimilate. Cultural clash may also tempt them to abuse controlled substances. In such and other instances mentioned before, students can seek help by joining recovery groups or speaking to a counselor about their condition.

Lastly, college and university should introduce substance abuse prevention and success programs to encourage responsible behavior among students through compliance, education and awareness about campus policies and state laws. With best practices, an institute can reduce substance abuse risk and its negative consequences among its students. The programs can be coordinated with community and educational partners for greater reach.


This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Beyond 40: Common Skin Problems & Treatment Options

Your body undergoes profound changes after you cross your 40s; it’s a time when several skin problems can exist simultaneously. The signs of aging include discoloration, emerging of skin tags, fine lines, wrinkles, and laxity that progresses quickly through the decade.

All of these issues arise because the fourth and fifth decade of life is marked with a decline in various growth factors and hormone levels. Cell damage accumulates in the tissues, and the skin is the most affected. As a result, the rate at which the skin repairs and renews itself becomes an extremely slow process.


If you haven’t seen any already, you will likely witness your first wrinkles in your 40s. Sun habits, harsh skin care routines, and genetics are some of the factor that contribute to skin aging. They appear in two categories: deep furrows and surface lines. The former have little to do with aging, and surface lines are the wrinkles that really bother people.

The usual recommendation for wrinkle treatment is the use of retinoid creams, as they simulate collagen to slow aging, but people with sensitive skin should use over the counter retinal as a less intensive treatment. Botox (botulinum toxin) can be used in tiny doses for wrinkles around the forehead and eyes.

Skin dullness

As cell turnover in the skin slows down with aging, it leads to a lackluster complexion, causing skin dullness. Dullness can also be a result of a combination of reduced skin turnover, decreased blood circulation and dead skin building. Other causes include smoking, sun damage, and medical problems such as circulatory and neurologic.

To reintroduce the glow in your skin, stay out of the sun and stop smoking. You can also exfoliate the dull area with glycolic acid creams, as well as undergo microdermabrasion to slough off dead skin cells and recharge the cell turnover process. In other cases, treating underlying medical issues will also improve skin tone. Exfoliation should be the prime treatment option as it can be performed at home and works gently to remove dead skin skills.

Skin tags

This is a small, benign area of skin that connects to the underlying skin through a thin stalk. They appear as small bits of hanging skin and occur when skin rubs against skin (which usually happens in older age). Prone areas include underarms, upper chest and neck. The hormonal changes of aging and pregnancy can also lead to the growth of skin tags, particularly after the 40s.

Skin tag removers and/or surgical removal by a dermatologist are some of the options to treat this condition. The former works well to safely flake away skin tags, and the process doesn’t involve any scarring or pain. Home remedies such as duct tape removal and dental floss are not recommended as they can result in pain and damage the skin.


These are rashes of raised dots that can turn into painful blisters. They cause your skin to itch, tingle, burn, and become very sensitive. After 40s, shingles can be severe, and in some case, everlasting. They often show up on the buttocks and trunk.

Starch and colloidal oatmeal baths can help relief painful skin. The products should be added to lukewarm water; avoid hot water as it may further irritate the skin.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Treat and Prevent Back Pain, Simply and Effectively

For many people, back pain and other spinal issues are a part of life. From old injuries to daily stresses and strains, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to chronic back pain, some of which can result in reduced mobility and poor quality of life. Thankfully, though, there are simple, yet effective, ways to treat back pain, as well as prevent injuries and other complications. Keep reading for tips on addressing discomfort and protecting your back in the interest of long-term health and mobility.

Stay Strong

One of the best ways to prevent pain and injury is to keep the back strong and toned. Core strength can help, too, as a strong midsection will aid in balance and promote healthier posture. Exercises that target the back and core include swimming, elliptical workouts, yoga, pilates, dance workouts and free weights. Also, since being overweight can add excess train to the back, as well as affect balance and stability, cardiovascular exercise is extremely important. For maximum benefits, 30 minutes of cardio activity, three or four times a week, is recommended.

Since exercise can result in injury and wear and tear to the back, safety tips like the following are beneficial:

•    Don't overdo it. To prevent injury, it's important to take it slow, and match activities to your overall health and skill levels.
•    Use the right gear. The proper footwear, supportive braces for the back and knees, and other types of protective fitness gear can enhance safety and stability, which can reduce the risk of stress and injury.
•    Pay attention to form. When performing any type of exercise, paying attention to form and alignment can prevent injury and enhance the effectiveness of physical activity.

Preventative Care

During the course of a normal day, the back can bear a fair amount of stress and strain. Over time, daily activities, both at home and at work, can result in repetitive stress injuries to the bones, nerves and tissues of the back and spine. For example, sciatica, herniated discs, and tight muscles are often caused by simple, everyday activities like lifting, twisting and even walking. To relieve stress and prevent complications, the following methods can be helpful:

•    Massage. When it comes to issues like muscle soreness, spinal compression, nerve pain and aching joints, massage can be extremely effective in providing relief and preventing injury and discomfort. In fact, for individuals who suffer from chronic back pain, frequent massages can provide significant advantages to both health and quality of life. For these people, at-home massage using professional massage tables can offer sustained relief from pain and discomfort, as well as prevent future flareups.
•    Stretching. Stretching exercises can relieve tension, stiffness, soreness and compression, and may also prevent injury to the spine. What's more, frequent stretching can enhance range of motion, which aids in stability and mobility.
•    Awareness. In protecting the back and overall health, in general, a little awareness goes a long way. For example, by paying attention to posture, as well as taking the proper precautions when working, exercising and performing other tasks and activities, stress, discomfort and a variety of injuries can be prevented.
•    Sleep. Sleep gives the body time to heal and repair; without sufficient rest, pain and discomfort can worsen, and the risk of injury is increased. Also, individuals who suffer from chronic back pain may benefit from changing sleeping positions or using pillows between the knees or beneath the lower back.

Although back pain and injuries are extremely common, the tips provided here can help address discomfort, as well as prevent injury and a worsening of symptoms. If you suffer from back pain or a spinal injury, talk to a doctor about available treatment options.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.