Saturday, February 15, 2020

How to Do Marketing For a Medical Practice

Marketing has become an essential element of every business. With the ever-increasing population, the number of business avenues has propelled proportionately. Be it trading or service management, the market has increased exponentially in the last decade. People tend to lead a comfortable life, and they accept the changes brought about by these firms.

Even though there is a deficit of doctors in India, medical practices are required to market their services to attract customers. When it comes to the medical field, people do not take a chance and resort to practitioners after doing intense research on them. Thus, it becomes crucial for doctors and pathologists to promote their products and services via various measures.

Using an Online Marketing Platform

Online marketing has emerged as the best form of marketing in the era of the internet. People stay online on various portals for long, and thus, it becomes easy to get their attention. Moreover, with the advent of tech giants such as Facebook, YouTube, etc. providing space on their webpage for advertisement, it becomes even easier for medical experts to promote their practice.

Medical practitioners can resort to various online agencies such as JumpFactor that promote your medical practice with modern measures and use technology efficiently to attract more people.

Promotion of past record

Every doctor is known for his/her experience. A doctor's career is filled with intricate cases where they are expected to do wonders. They are considered next to God and are believed to save human life at any cost.

Marketing the experience is one of the best measures to have a productive outcome. People tend to incline towards the cases a doctor has dealt with and how he/she handles situations in tough times. Using this as a tactic to market would cut down research for the people and let them choose the practice without any impediments.

Medicinal services

Medicine is an integral part of treatment. People have the notion that the intake of medicine is the ultimate cure to their ailments. Moreover, the major problem that arises in medicines is their availability. Furthermore, the extent of duplicate medication makes it even more difficult for people to rely on medical practitioners.

Thus, medicinal services can be a determining factor for people to place their faith in you. It would reduce the hustle for authentic medicines and provide a more peaceful treatment for ACpatients. Promotion of your medicinal services, coupled with assuring the people of the availability and quality of medicines referred by you, would rush in customers for long.

Cost and Social Work

Seeking medical services has become quite expensive for the middle-class population. People plan for their unforeseen medical expenses for years. They resort to a number of life insurance policies to reduce their burden. Hence, providing a comparatively cheaper treatment would be catering to the need of society.

Philanthropy promotes every profession. Promoting your acts of philanthropy, such as providing free treatments to the needy and holding medical camps, would build your reputation and make you popular in the market.

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How To Quickly Recover From Sports Injury

Having a good dose of sports is absolutely essential in today’s restless day and age. Everyone enjoys attending a good game of football every weekend, but the same cannot be said for playing one.

Anyway, speaking of sports, no sport ever took place without its dedicated set of injuries. No matter what kind of game it is, indoors or outdoors, injuries can happen anywhere. However, one can make sure that the injuries don’t take a wrong turn and end up further compromising the fitness of the athlete.

Getting rid of the problems easily

Fixing the injuries can be done at any point in time. For the most part, experts on the subject matter are present at sporting venues. They take care of the injuries sustained by athletes efficiently. But what if an athlete gets injured while being away from the venue, or at home? What if there is no expert available to take care of the injuries? To answer these essential questions, here are a few key points that should be taken into consideration. 
  •  RICE can be a savior
The term RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. It is a simple method used for fixing orthopedic or stretching based injuries. For example, areas of the body that develop swelling or redness amidst sports like soccer, hockey, etc. can be treated with RICE. Ice pack compression can do wonders against impact injuries resulting from fast-paced games. Anyone can perform RICE upon a deceased athlete if he/she knows the basics of RICE. If the damage doesn’t get fixed amidst the RICE sessions, one should waste no time and look for a viable session of physiotherapy Brampton.  
  • Be prepared for any game
They say “prevention is better than cure,” and that is true under all circumstances. An athlete uses various forms of strength, from simple to explosive, when engaging in a game. Injuries also happen when the body staying in a state of simple motion, experiences a sudden surge in extreme physical activities. This ends up stretching the muscles or ligaments beyond their capacity. Hence, it is advised that one should participate in a warmup session before engaging in any game. That’ll keep the muscles ready for the intense workout.   
  • Eat to cure
An athlete isn’t just limited to a daily dose of exercises and a fair share of time at the training ground; he/she is also required to maintain a healthy diet as well. Studies have proven the fact that 90% of body shaping is done by the diet pattern followed, and the remaining 10% is done by exercises. That doesn’t mean one should stop exercising as it isn’t a good thing at all. Athletes consume protein-based foods that help them during the times of injuries and regular days as well. Consuming a proper diet will definitely help in curing an injury faster than ever. 
  • One small step a giant leap for a good career ahead
“Knowledge is power,” this goes for athletes and everyone on this planet at the same time. Knowing about injuries, their causes, and the ways with which they can be fixed can help people a lot in rough times. Sometimes having knowledge of a particular situation can end up saving a person’s life as well. Therefore, knowledge is an essential component that comes into play while fixing an injury.

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Saturday, February 08, 2020

How to Choose the Right Type of Laboratory Vacuum Pump for High Vapor Flow

Scientists and technicians regularly use vacuum pumps in laboratories. They use it for various activities, including filtering and controlling solvent evaporation in concentrators, vacuum ovens, and rotary evaporators.

High vapor-flow applications like the evaporative processes demand a laboratory vacuum pump with a high pumping capacity and vapor tolerance. You can choose a suitable pump from various options, such as the diaphragm, rotary vane, and hybrid pumps.

Below mentioned are some factors that help determine the right vacuum pump for such applications.

Vacuum Range

The evaporative applications require pumps that create a vacuum to evaporate any lab solvent at room temperature. DMSO is an exception, as it requires moderately higher heat.

On the other hand, lyophilization applications involve sublimation, which is the direct movement of solvents from solid to vapor state. Hence, such applications need a vacuum that is sufficiently deep to induce sublimation at low temperatures. You need to choose a vacuum pump that has a wide vacuum range, to handle high vapor flow tasks.

Chemical Compatibility

It is vital to select a pump made of chemical-resistant material that is compatible with the laboratory chemicals. High vapor flow applications include solid particles and highly explosive chemical samples.

Likewise, they also use liquid and gas samples for certain activities. It is an important criterion, since failing to choose the pump suitable for the chemicals will lead to adverse safety hazards.

Pump Flow Rate

Another crucial factor to consider while choosing a vacuum pump is the time it takes to drain the gases. Depending on the draining time, the flow rates can be fast and slow. One must evaluate the pump’s capacity to create the required mass and volume flow rate. So, a high vapor flow application will require a vacuum pump with a high flow rate.


Your work involving high vapor flow will decide whether or not to lubricate the vacuum pump.
Typically, in a lab environment, preference is given to dry vacuum pumps. However, in terms of characteristics, a lubricated one has higher efficiency. However, it requires regular maintenance.

Suitable Technology

Various high vapor flow applications differ based on the type of technology required for the respective lab activities.

For instance, diaphragm pumps are best suited for evaporative applications. It is due to their flow paths constructed with fluoropolymers, making them useful to move corrosive vapors.

Similarly, sublimation applications require a deeper vacuum, to induce sublimation at low temperatures. In such cases, oil-sealed rotary vane pumps serve the purpose.

Cost and Maintenance

While choosing a vacuum pump for your laboratory work involving high vapor flow, you need to evaluate the frequency of maintenance cycles. This factor decides the overall cost.

For instance, the lubricated pumps will require higher maintenance. The reason being, these oil-sealed pumps have issues like oil mist, need for disposal of oil contaminants, and regular oil changes.

Hence, before you purchase a pump, check the initial price, installation, operating, as well as the maintenance costs.

A laboratory vacuum pump is a very adaptive tool that can aid a wide range of research. Invest in the vacuum pump that effectively handles high vapor flow and is cost-effective as well.

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Friday, February 07, 2020

4 Easy Tips to Improve Mobility

Mobility decreases with age and there is little you can do to stop this phenomenon. By the time you’re in your 50s, you will most likely start to feel a little stiff, maybe overweight or “hefty”, and you won’t be able to run, stretch or play your favorite sport as you used to, a couple of decades ago.

Although you will eventually have to learn to live with reduced mobility, this doesn’t mean that you have to commit to a sedentary lifestyle. On the contrary, if you want to increase your life expectancy, feel young for a longer time, and still get to enjoy life’s little pleasures, here are some tips that will help you in the process.

1. Use warm-up & stretches to increase mobility and flexibility 

As little as 5-10 minutes of light stretching daily will improve the condition of your body and will help you become more flexible in time. With the right flexibility, you can enjoy a greater range of motion in your joints and even bend down and touch your toes again.

It only takes a few weeks of daily stretching to increase mobility and help you move faster and easier, without worrying about back or joint pains every time you step.

It is important to know that stretching is recommended to almost all people, regardless of their age and medical condition. It can prevent joint pain, sprains, twisted ankles, and other muscle and ligament problems that often occur with a sedentary lifestyle and lack of mobility.

2. Take collagen & calcium supplements 

Your bones will weaken with time, so don’t be afraid to supplement the needs of your body with vitamins and pills rich in collagen, hyaluronic acid, calcium, and D3 vitamin. All these ingredients are mandatory for the strength and health of your bones and joints and can help you regain your mobility faster.

However, make sure to always check with your physician before taking any supplements as certain health conditions and diseases may not be compatible. Don’t forget that not taking calcium supplements according to your doctor’s prescription may cause more harm to your bones and spine.

3. Choose exercises that help improve knee strength and mobility

Stiff joints and knees are the ones that force you to spend more time indoors, in bed, contributing to a sedentary and bad lifestyle.

There are various exercises you can do at home to improve mobility and knee strength and, what’s most importantly, you won’t require any equipment or weights. Thus, these exercises can be performed by anyone, in the comfort of their own homes.

You should mainly focus on leg raises, squats, and hamstring curls. Start with 2 sets of 10 per each type of exercise, with a 2-minute break between sets. As time progresses, you will notice your mobility and flexibility have improved, and you are now able to do more reps and sets.

4. Make your home more senior-friendly 

Nobody wants to accept the fact that aging implies you’re no longer able to climb the stairs in your own house as frequently as before or take a long bath without having someone to help you get out of the tub.

After turning 60 or 70 you might want to reconsider some of your house equipment and accessories and make them more suitable for seniors.

Start by setting your master bedroom on the first floor so you won’t have to climb the stairs daily. You may also want to replace your regular tub with a walk-in shower that is more convenient, as well as checking out some of these toilets from Caregivingmag, suitable for people with reduced mobility.

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Wednesday, February 05, 2020

4 Alternative Medical Treatments for Dogs

If you’ve got a dog in your home, it’s hard to express just how much they mean to you. They’re at the front door to greet you when you’re home, follow you around everywhere, and are great cuddling companions on sad days.

As a dog owner, you’d do just about anything to make sure that your dog is happy and healthy. That includes looking into alternative treatments, such as using CBD oil for dogs.

Below are some of the most popular and useful alternative treatments out there for your four-legged friend.

Massage Therapy

You often use massages to recover after an impressive physical feat or simply to relax. Dogs can also use that too!

While it may be hard to tell when your dog is having “one of those weeks,” dogs and humans share bone and joint problems that end up overworking muscles.

There are plenty of techniques to help your dog’s muscles, such as kneading and rolling your dog’s skin, simple stroking, and even prolonged petting. Not only will your dog enjoy the attention, but it’s going to help their muscles, meaning they can play with you again soon.

Chiropractic Care

With nearly 30 million Americans making regular use of a chiropractor, it might surprise you that this treatment is also available for your canine pal.

The idea is the same that through your regular lives or physical trauma, your bones and joints may get out of position, causing you discomfort and harm. Chiropractic care can also help with specific nerve issues, like pinching or spinal problems.

Going to a chiropractor is often seen as a smart alternative to surgery, as it’s less invasive, and regular treatment can also have other benefits on the body of your dog.


Homeopathy is not limited to dogs and has been used on several animals, including horses, cats, and even rabbits. The ultimate goal of homeopathy is to allow the body to heal itself naturally by fighting off the issue.

Homeopathic methods look to increase the body’s vitality, or ability to fight for itself.

If your dog is experiencing digestive issues, anxiety, or even hormonal imbalances, then homeopathy can be a legitimate path to take. Even though you may never have considered it before, CBD oil for dogs may be a smart choice.

These treatments have long been popular in Europe and have made their way to the United States in the past few years.


While the other items above may sound somewhat familiar to you, naturopathy is the one that may puzzle you a bit.

Naturopathy is the idea that illness should not be approached without considering the whole body. Those that practice naturopathy want to look at a patient’s entire outlook instead of focusing on the illness or ailment.

When it comes to using it on your dog, the medical professional will look at the physical and psychological needs of your best friend, focusing on their well-being and comfort. They’ll look at the dog’s diet and past experiences.

This type of treatment is 100% natural and involves almost no modern medicine. It’s completely non-invasive, and the naturopath may even recommend various other treatments.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

5 Factors Impacting the Decentralization of Healthcare

The healthcare industry today is going through a shift, becoming a lot less siloed after centuries of resisting change. The current healthcare trend is heading in the direction of decentralization owing to rapid technological developments, and in this new model, the healthcare system is always on the go, never pausing.

Constant communications are now facilitated, too, across all environments that we inhabit. The result is a truly interlinked system of information and services that is persistently optimizing the individual’s access to healthcare. This technological shift has done wonders in helping to break down the divide between healthcare providers and their clients.

And as the former barriers continue to dissolve, individuals are going to be given even more control over their healthcare choices. Better still, there is expected to be greater room for innovation as new players and actors enter the healthcare scene.

What exactly is the decentralization of healthcare?

When people talk about decentralization, they are usually referring to a broad range of power-transfer systems and liability measures. Decentralization policies vary, however, and may include the transfer of limited power to lower levels of management within the healthcare system.

Decentralization policies are also designed to reform the healthcare system in a way that will allow the provision of even the most centralized services--bringing them within reach of the masses.
The promise of decentralization is appealing to many due to the associated benefits. Some of these include:
  • Improving the way in which health programs are implemented;
  • Reducing inequalities between urban and rural areas;
  • Improving accountability and transparency levels;
  • Improving the way service is delivered as well as how healthcare services are utilized;
  • Delivering an enhanced capacity for planning.
So what are some of the factors impacting the decentralization of healthcare?

1. Machine learning and artificial intelligence

Machine learning and artificial intelligence in healthcare are inevitable within a contemporary healthcare system. Not only are they going to help improve the way diseases are diagnosed, but illnesses will also be treated more accurately. The result will be a healthcare system that engages with patients more efficiently.

Additionally, machine learning and artificial intelligence are expected to streamline the way healthcare organizations run, all while restoring sanity to the entire clinic experience.

Machine learning will play a crucial role in numerous health-related spheres, including the advancement of new medical procedures. It will transform the way patient data and records are handled, as well as improve the way chronic diseases are approached and treated, just to mention a few benefits.

2. Disruption of the healthcare device market by software

While technological advancements have been changing almost every field, no industry has been more impacted than the healthcare sector.

Developments in tech and advancements in software over the past few years have paved the way for implausible adjustments in the field of healthcare. These changes not only have the potential to drive the healthcare industry forward and to make it more accessible, but also to reduce the general cost of healthcare by making it more data-centric, streamlined and organized.

Medical software is now making it possible for the medical field to experiment and advance. Thanks to advances in medical software, the ‘internet of things’ is simultaneously constantly evolving. Now, artificial intelligence is continually being utilized to carry out tasks traditionally operated by humans--yet AI does it in a more efficient, consistent and cost-friendly manner.

The potential for medical software in healthcare is vast and will continue to grow as technology continues to advance.

3. The shift toward value-based care

Patient-centered care has become a hotly debated issue in healthcare circles. Traditionally, volume-based care has always been the norm in contexts where fees are typically exchanged for services. However, this is rapidly changing today, and healthcare organizations are now trying to focus their care toward individuals. 

Now, fees are paid against value (so-called value-based care), which then causes healthcare providers to offer their best levels of care at the lowest cost possible. Thanks to this model, patients can start receiving value for their hard-earned money.

Since value-based care takes on a more holistic approach, it has made it so much easier to keep track of a patient’s journey through the healthcare system. Though this value-based system of healthcare may still be growing and evolving, it shows a lot of promise in the decentralization of healthcare.

4. Disruption of the business model

As decentralization continues to become a reality, existing companies must now adapt their business models and adjust their relationships with technology.

Existing healthcare systems will now be forced to go to great lengths to adopt new technology, and many healthcare providers and organizations are already investing in this as new entrants continue to join the industry every year.

Early tech players in the game have already experienced the continuing changes in the healthcare system. But new entrants are quickly discovering that consumers are switching on to enhanced functionality and capabilities--factors that allow them to better interact with the products than they could before. Legacy companies that refuse to accept the imminent change will continue to struggle, so must either change or ship out.

5. The continued influence of consumerism

Today, patients have the freedom to own and access their data and they are more plugged in than they have ever been, as a result of continued technological growth.

Consumerism in healthcare is here to stay as patients continue to become more empowered in the wake of emergent financial responsibility.

As a result of consumerism, patients are now more prepared than ever to interact with the medical industry as customers rather than passive patients. As such, patient expectations regarding healthcare experiences have transformed, and healthcare providers are now doing everything they can to meet patient expectations.

This continued level of consumerism has given patients more power, as well as increased responsibility for their healthcare choices. As individuals become more responsible for their healthcare, anyone engaging in these new payment models can, for example, opt to pay for generic or name-brand drugs, choose between specialty and primary care, or select any other treatment options that will affect the quality of care they receive and the total cost they’re billed for it.


What does a decentralized hospital look like today?

Today’s decentralized healthcare delivery model is one that takes the focus away from the hospital. A decentralized system also features the heavy use of technological advancements such as virtual health and remote monitoring.

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Monday, January 27, 2020

Top Med SPA Treatments That Are Worth Your Money In 2020

Non-surgical procedures have garnered massive popularity in the past few years as more people turn to relatively affordable medical solutions with low downtime. Besides, millennials are now looking for minimally-invasive anti-aging solutions to maintain young skin rather than waiting to address aging issues in their later years. Medical spa treatments are just the right tools to meet the demands of the millennials.

A medical spa can be said to be a hybrid of a medical clinic and a typical spa. You will find them offering services found in a doctor’s office while giving a spa-like experience. The medical spa industry is expected to grow by a massive scale in the coming years as more people get to know about them.

Here’s a list of Med SPA treatments to watch out for in 2020.
  • Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal incorporates the use of laser devices to concentrate high-energy light to the hair follicle cells. The energy damages the cells and thereby hampers hair growth.

The therapy is precise, fast, and requires few sessions to keep hair growth at bay. Expect the target hair to be trimmed to a few millimeters above the skin before the procedure. The thickness, color, and location of the target hair as well as your skin color, determine the laser equipment settings.
  • Laser Spider Vein Removal
Spider veins are those web-like veins that appear on the legs, feet, and face and are attributed to hormonal changes, injury, aging, and pregnancy, among other factors. Damaged one-way valves in veins result, causing the accumulation of blood in veins, weakening of vessel walls, and the resultant bulging manifested by spider veins.

If you are concerned with the appearance of spider veins, specialists at a medical spa can help fade them using laser technology. The professional directs highly-concentrated light to the blood vessels to make the veins disappear or fade gradually. The laser energy destroys the veins without damaging the skin. You don’t have to worry about incisions, downtime, and general anesthesia.
  • BBL Photofacial 
Medical spas are now offering Broadband Light (BBL) photofacial, a therapy geared towards improving facial color, reversing sun damage, and improving the skin texture and tone along the process. When compared to intense pulse light (or IPL), BBL is a more accurate and safer method of skin treatment.

Any part of your body can be treated with BBL photofacial, with the usual suspects being the parts most vulnerable to sunlight damage. A BBL device generates energy that gradually heats the upper layers of your skin. The absorbed energy triggers your skin to regenerate new collagen. This way, BBL helps to restore the natural look of your skin while making it younger, more vibrant, and smoother.

BBL photofacial is non-invasive, safe and typically doesn’t require anesthesia, except for areas that your medical spa specialist may deem more sensitive.
  • Stem-Cell Therapy
Stem therapy has gained massive popularity over the past few years, with more patients looking to reap its benefits. A stem cell is the body’s toolkit for repair. These cells rush to an injured part of the body to initiate the healing process. Nevertheless, a severely damaged area could prevent the entry of stem cells, and this hampers the healing process. This is where stem cell therapy comes into play. There are several types of stem cells, including embryonic and adult stem cells that can be manipulated to regenerate damaged tissue.

Stem cell implants have been effective in replacing cells damaged by diseases or cancer treatment procedures such as chemotherapy. Visit a medical spa for stem cell injections to equip your body with self-healing tools necessary for injury recovery, awakened hair growth, and disease management.
  • Skin Tightening
As you age, the rate of elastin and collagen protein production in your body reduces. The proteins help to maintain firmer skin, and their deficiency may lead to skin laxity. Nevertheless, you don’t have to spend your fortune on creams and surgeries to have your skin tightened. Medical spas can help tighten and tone your skin with non-invasive laser technology. The heat generated by laser device stimulates collagen regeneration, making your skin smoother and younger. The therapy has less discomfort and zero downtime.


Medical spas offer a wide range of services that can help restore the natural beauty and youthful look and could be the best go-to facilities for millennials looking to live their lives fully. As you make new resolutions for the year 2020, be sure to try out one of the above medical spa treatments for a rejuvenated look and renewed confidence in the coming year.

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