Thursday, January 23, 2020

Pet Plans Are More Than a Necessity

Well, in case you didn’t already know if you continuously refer to your pet as part of your family, you aren’t a pet owner. You are what it is called a pet parent.

And pet parents strive to offer the best for their furry friends. This is why many opt for purchasing pet plans. These get fast access to coverage in case of illnesses and accidents, which in turn enables a pet owner and allows him or her to choose the best veterinary treatments for a furry friend. And pet insurance can save a lot of money, as veterinary surgical procedures can exceed $3,000 in costs!

Still, pet plans are not created to help you in case of basic annual expenses that might come from having a pet. Vaccinations, yearly checkups, or necessary oral health appointments might not be included and can cost you up to $230 per year.

It is only reasonable to ask yourself whether or not it is worth having a pet plan. Recently, it has become prevalent amongst pet owners. Studies reveal that if you make an informed decision about the pet plan, you can receive a lot of benefits and amenities for your pet. At the same time, several online platforms, like PetInsuranceFinder, allow pet parents to seek and analyze distinct costs, coverages, and amenities offered by different pet plan providers. Many companies have positive rankings depending on their prices, services, reimbursements, and customer testimonials.

And if you are pondering about whether or not to purchase a pet plan, here’s what you need to be informed about:

  • The price of your policy is established based on your pet’s age, breed, and the area you live in. And you can lower the premium by committing to paying a higher deductible or co-pay. Many pet owners at the pet parents’ pet health community opt for a $200 deductible, which offers 80% coverage and a 20% co-pay. Typically, a young and healthy dog comes with a $30 monthly fee, automatically withdrawn from your credit card up until you submit a cancellation request. 
  • The coverage you get will not include several things. Pet plans don’t cover basic vet appointments. Yearly heartworm or shots, along with dental care, are not featured in many pet plans. Still, you will receive significant health compensation if your pet is involved in an accident or any other health emergency, such as cancer, congenital issues, surgical procedures, and many others.
  • You will receive reimbursements. This signifies you need to submit a request and wait for the approval. Overall, you need to redirect proof of veterinary services and a copy of the bill. Also, some providers can work directly with your veterinary office and provide pre-approval for expenses and cover the costs directly to the animal hospital.
  • Most providers will get you coverage after 15 days have passed since your request was accepted. And you won’t be obliged to submit your pet’s medical history until there is a need for reimbursement. Thus, you can receive your money back after the provider verifies your pet’s medical records and your vet’s office and, of course, after you met the deductible and paid the co-payment.
  • It is best to enroll your pet in a pet plan when he or she is young. Pre-existing health issues don’t receive coverage, and most companies won’t approve your request for enrolling in an insurance plan. Keep in mind that some breeds might face additional challenges prior to being deemed eligible for a pet plan. As an example, you will need to wait one year before you can access coverage for hip dysplasia for breeds that are predisposed to such issues. And some providers won’t allow you to get such coverage after your pet reached the 6 years’ age mark.

So, whether or not pet insurance is a necessity for you and your pet depends on many factors. If you have an overly active pet, you might need pet insurance to be prepared for unexpected accidents. Anyway, it is always best to assess how pet plans fit your budget, as there are instances in which they get quite expensive.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sleep Is Fundamental to Your Body's Recovery

Picture by Humphrey Muleba from Unsplash

Exercise is fundamental to maintaining a healthy body. However, if it is not supported by the appropriate levels and quality of rest, your fitness goals will become more difficult to achieve. The physical demand of working out may also make a more significant impact on your body’s health if it is not balanced with the opportunity to recover. This could lead to illness and injury.

Recovery Process

At night, the body releases hormones to slow down breathing, reduce blood pressure, and relax the muscles. The pineal gland secretes somatotropin, the growth hormone, in large quantities to facilitate muscle repair. Oxygen and blood are redirected from the brain to the muscles to support tissue repair. The immune system releases small proteins, called cytokines, to reduce inflammation. This is similar to how our body reacts when it is injured. Exercise is essentially causing controlled damage to your body so it can improve itself.

Sleep Deprivation Study

Research on the relation between sleep and damaged muscle tissue revealed 'sleep plays a permissive role in the regeneration of damaged muscle tissue.' The study discusses health issues arising from the lack of sleep. Most notably, the research found muscle degeneration in the test subjects. Without high-quality and regular sleep before and after exercise, the positive effects of exercise are weakened.
Improve Sleep Quality and Aid Muscle Repair

Below are a few suggestions to incorporate into your night-time routine, to support and enhance your body's recovery.
  • Invest in a mattress that fulfills your body's needs. If you suffer from back pain, eachnight advises the best mattress for back pain will 'conform to the body, relieve pressure points, and provide full-body support.' Search for a mattress from a reputable supplier that provides quality beds, since budget-friendly mattresses deteriorate quickly.

  • Exclude light from your bedroom, such as natural light, lamps, and mobile devices. Light exposure, such as blue light emitted from mobile devices, prevents the body from producing melatonin, the hormone that helps you fall asleep. Switching off your mobile device also stops the body's recovery from being interrupted at night by text alerts.

  • Adults should sleep at least 7 to 9 hours a night. However, for those who exercise, research suggests lengthening your sleep beyond this is beneficial for your body's recovery. For instance, athletes reportedly sleep longer to maximize muscle growth.

  • According to the US Library of National Medicine, a recent study conducted on a group of men revealed 'protein-rich beverages improve overnight muscle protein synthesis.' Protein synthesis is a natural process that repairs muscles after an intense workout. A nutritious, protein-rich diet and plenty of water will replenish your body and aid muscle restoration while you sleep.
While a good night’s rest or an extra hour in bed may seem like a luxury, it should be treated as a part of your physical regime. If you fail to give your body an appropriate time to repair, pushing it the extra mile won’t deliver the results you are hoping for. Make sure that every run and workout is balanced with a sustained and comfortable sleep.

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Saturday, January 18, 2020

10 Things You Should Know About Holistic Dentistry

Going to the dentist every 3-6 months has become the norm nowadays. It is a practice that has been reinforced in our minds from an early age and we are, in turn, passing it to our children. What isn’t the norm, however, is the many options that we now have when it comes to dental care. A wide range of new approaches such as holistic dentistry are becoming more and more popular. And speaking of holistic dentistry, here are 10 things that you need to know should you choose this amazing dentistry approach.

1. The mouth-body connection

Holistic dentists believe that any procedure that they perform on the teeth will have a long-term effect on the rest of the body. They also believe that whatever goes on in the body—whether positive or negative—have an impact on the mouth. Because of this important connection, holistic dentists take into consideration factors such as lifestyle, diet, emotional and mental health to determine the best approach for a patient’s dental health and overall well-being.

2. Use of natural remedies

Holistic dentistry focuses more on the use of natural, preventive remedies instead of invasive procedures to take care of common dental issues. This is why Rejuv dentist New York and other holistic dental clinics neither provide crowns and root canals nor use common procedures that are typical of traditional practices. For instance, they use x-ray sparingly.

3. Goes beyond the administration of treatment

Besides the administration of treatment, holistic dentistry advises and educates patients on how dentistry can influence or be influenced by the overall health of their bodies. For instance, they are shown how oral conditions like gum diseases and tooth decay can impact pregnancy and cardiovascular health. In other words, holistic dentistry also focuses on the physical, nutritional, and environmental aspects that may influence a patient’s life.

4. Uses White fillings instead of amalgams

Since they believe that the mercury in amalgam fillings may have a detrimental effect on health, holistic dentists tend to use white fillings instead of mercury-based fillings. White fillings are not only less visible but are also made from safer composite materials.

5. Use of pre-tested dental materials

Although holistic dentists use biocompatible materials, they don’t favor any dental material. They pre-test every filling material to figure out whether it is suitable for the patient, especially based on his or her dental health status and medical history.

6. They shun fluoride treatments

In holistic dentistry, the use of fluoride, particularly in children is associated with weakening of bones, thyroid damage, white spots on teeth, and increased risk of fractures. So, you will seldom find a holistic doctor using fluoride in children.

7. Strict removing of silver amalgams

Holistic dentists follow strict guidelines like those set by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology when removing silver amalgams. A nitrile or latex is often used to isolate the teeth when being worked on by the dentist to prevent accidental swallowing of mercury and other harmful materials.

8. Use of zirconia implants

Holistic dentists favor the use of zirconia implants as an alternative to titanium implants. Although they are technically considered to be metal oxides, they have a wide range of benefits, including:
  • They don’t conduct heat and electrical energy like titanium implants
  • Gums heal fast and well around them
  • They are less visible
  • Suitable for allergic patients
  • They don’t corrode in acidic environments like titanium.
9. Limited use of painkillers

The use of painkillers is common in the health care industry, including dental care. However, holistic dentists tend to avoid the use of painkillers after most of their procedures. This is part of the whole body care approach that these dentists resort to in a bid to find natural remedies after such procedures.

10. Embraces technology

Contrary to what most people believe, choosing holistic dental care doesn’t mean sacrificing technology-based treatments. It is only focused on minimally-invasive treatments. So, you are likely to find a wide range of state-of-the-art procedures in a holistic dental clinic, including same-day crown technology, high-tech ceramic dental implants, and laser treatments for gum diseases among other technologies.


As you can see, holistic dentistry focuses on the health of the whole body and the use of natural remedies for dental care. Hopefully, the above-highlighted aspects have shed some light on what you should expect when you switch from traditional dental care to holistic dentistry.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Exercise Helps Conquer Addiction, Says Harvard; San Diego Treatment Center Reacts

Drug poisoning is now the leading cause of unintentional deaths in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2016, over 63,632 people died from an overdose on drugs in the United States. And of course, opioids singularly were the reason for at least 42,249 of these deaths. It is mostly for this reason that professionals in the addiction industry remain scrambling to attain more research and methods to treat dependence on drugs or alcohol.

Currently, addiction is one of the hottest topics in the media regarding healthcare for these very reasons. With so many (annually and population-adjusted) increasing rates of fatalities, citizens of the US increasingly wonder what can be done to help stop the wave of dependence - no matter the size of the action.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, one simple activity taken often can assist in someone’s recovery from drugs or alcohol - and there is sufficient evidence to support this claim. This action, perhaps arriving surprisingly to some, is exercise. Harvard, in their article assessing whether exercise can help conquer addiction, speaks about the way physical activity can positively affect a recovering brain.

Claire Twark, MD, the author of the above-mentioned article states: “Animal studies have shown that regular swimming reduces voluntary morphine consumption in opioid-dependent rats, and access to an exercise wheel reduces self-administration of cocaine in rats dependent on the drug.” She continues that “In [her] experience, many patients with various substance use disorders have found that exercise helps to distract them from cravings. Workouts add structure to the day. They help with forming positive social connections, and help treat depression and anxiety in combination with other therapies.”

Most studies on the efficacy of exercise positively affecting addiction were conducted on animals. Although not many human studies exist yet, the results of existing experiments are still quite compelling.

No matter the reason, exercise appears to help curb cravings for drugs and alcohol. One San Diego treatment center is building upon the facts that studies from across the globe, such as the studies cited in Harvard’s article, suggest.

Healthy Life Recovery, a San Diego-based rehab, decided to incorporate exercise into its four pillars to everlasting sobriety. The Four Pillars of their recovery program serve as cornerstones that Healthy Life Recovery’s treatment goals and modalities are based around. The other three (just as vital) pillars involve community, education, and nutrition.

Drugs and alcohol can cause long-lasting changes in an addict’s brain. Luckily, exercise has the potential to reverse this. At the least, exercise can curb cravings, as suggested above.

Exercise, in line with treatment procedures at Healthy Life Recovery, rehab in San Diego, California, increases the amount of the “feel-good” chemicals in one’s brain and provides clients a great foundation

Some academics, doctors, and addiction professionals believe that addiction is a disease, while others believe it is a result of “deep learning”. Either way, addiction is a chronic mental illness that often lasts for one’s entire life. It’s a tough battle to beat, and the statistics exist to prove it.

However, multiple treatment modalities are emerging to help someone recover and stay abstinent from drugs. Now, exercise proves to be one of them.

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CBD Oil Determined By Scientists To Treat Nerve Pain

With the opioid crisis on the heels of America's population, CBD offers a genuine alternative to addictive pain medications when treating nerve pain - without concerning risks for addiction.

At least two million adults in the United States suffer from chronic neuropathic pain. Pain caused by nerve dysfunction is downright one of the most challenging and mysterious types of pain to treat. It seems as though scientists and doctors currently don’t know precisely what causes many types of neuropathic pain and nerve disorders, leaving many sufferers from this chronic pain to fend for themselves.

Scientists have conducted various studies to attempt to discover the source of nerve pain, but it seems that all people can do right now is find ways to treat the symptoms. Luckily, there are some options for those suffering from chronic pain besides pain pills and NSAIDs, like Ibuprofen.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, in particular, is an alternative to pain medications and other chronic pain treatment that has gained significant popularity in the past few years.

This popularity is not without warrant. Scientists are regularly conducting clinical trials and surveys that show, more and more, that CBD oil isn’t merely the new rage. Although a popular and in-trend product, CBD oil might be here to stay because of its legitimately high potential in the medical arena.

Specific studies are shedding a lot of light on CBD’s abilities. Take, for example, one study’s statement about how CBD has more antioxidant properties than Vitamin C and Glutamate, two potent natural antioxidants. This same study also proceeds to mention that CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

In Canada, a particular spray containing one part CBD and one part THC, was recently approved to treat pain. “Sativex®, a cannabis derived oromucosal spray containing equal proportions of THC (partial CB1 receptor agonist ) and cannabidiol (CBD, a non-euphoriant, anti-inflammatory analgesic... was approved in Canada in 2005 for treatment of central neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis, and in 2007 for intractable cancer pain.”

It seems that the United States is just beginning to catch up in terms of research and media coverage of CBD’s benefits. With minimal, if any, side effects, CBD oil is an extremely safe alternative to many other pain relief treatments, therapies, and medications. CBD oil, against contrary assumption, does not produce any psychoactive side effects, unlike its sibling, THC.

Some other uses of CBD relating to the central nervous system include the treatment of epilepsy and seizures. When used alone or with other phytocannabinoids, CBD has been shown to significantly reduce convulsions. CBD is also able to reduce muscle spasms and relieve anxiety. Unlike many pharmaceutical company medications, using CBD is practically without risk, when taken in proper dosage.

When used in replacement of opioids, CBD tinctures prove extremely successful for treating pain. CBD, a practically non-addictive substance, encourages no dependency, unlike its counterparts in the opioid industry.

Chronic pain can dampen the life of the sufferer and their surrounding loved ones, making it nearly impossible to live life to its fullest, most joyful potential. If you or someone you love is suffering from neuropathic pain, nerve damage, or other types of chronic pain, CBD oil and other CBD treatments could be the answer (or, at least part of it). Be sure to speak with your physician before trying any alternative treatment for nerve pain.

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Postpartum Abdominal Exercises to Regain Core Strength

During pregnancy, your body starts to experience incredible things, including the beautiful addition of a baby in your womb. As you go further into your pregnancy journey, you may notice some changes within your body and muscles. Your abdomen, in particular, goes through the most changes as it expands to house your growing baby.

After childbirth, your body does not necessarily go back to the way it used to be. Aside from the changes in your musculoskeletal system, you also need to give yourself time to recover and nurse your baby.

Once you start feeling up to it, you can go back to exercising. Doing postpartum abdominal exercises will help you regain strength and function in your core for stability. It’s normal to see changes in your post-baby belly, but there are ways to restore its function. If you’re not so sure where to begin, you can also find several exercise programs specifically designed for postpartum recovery.


Taking deep breaths may seem like a simple task, but this is something often overlooked or forgotten. Proper breaths are the foundation for postpartum abdominal exercises since you need to maintain your breathing whenever you do any form of exercise. Whether you’re standing, sitting, or lying, you can take deep, diaphragmatic breaths. As you inhale, feel your abs contract and open up, and as you exhale, feel your abs relax and close.


Lie down on a mat with bent knees, hip-width apart, and arms by your sides. Tighten your core and press down to lift your hips up and squeeze your glutes into a bridge position. Additionally, you can place a small pillow or ball between your thighs and squeeze it, ensuring it does not fall. Bridges help strengthen your hip area, which in turn supports your core area.

Heel Slides

Lie on a mat with your legs straight and your arms by your side. Inhale as you bend your right knee and then slowly slide your right foot until it is parallel to the ground, and exhale as you return to your starting position. Do the same with your left foot, then alternate between the two sides. Make sure to keep your spine in a neutral position throughout the exercise.

Heel slides will help you lengthen your limbs while still supporting your core. Throughout the exercise, you have to keep your core engaged to ensure you do not overarch your back.

Toe Taps

Toe taps are one of the best postpartum abdominal exercises to engage the core while still moving your legs, rather than using your quadriceps or hip flexors to lift your legs. To do the exercise, lie on your back on a mat, then raise your legs to a tabletop position. Be careful and don't arch your back or tuck in your pelvis.

Inhale and exhale as you bring your right foot down and tap it to the floor. Inhale as you return to your neutral position and exhale to tap your left foot this time. Alternate between left and right, and you will slowly feel the effects on your core.

Before you engage in a rigorous postpartum exercise regimen, make sure to consult your doctor and ask if you are ready. Once you receive the green light, you may start by exercising at home for five or 10 minutes, then gradually increase the duration when your body feels ready. Remember not to overexert yourself and only start if you have fully recovered. This way, you will finish every exercise routine feeling refreshed rather than depleted.

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Saturday, January 11, 2020

What to Know When Getting a Medical Aesthetics Certification

Medical aesthetics is a billion-dollar industry. It is one of the 21st-century's most up-and-coming careers. In the US alone, the American Society of Plastic Surgeon (ASPS) has reported that almost $16 billion have been spent in minimally-invasive treatments. Because many of these procedures are quite simple, those who get medical aesthetics certification are qualified to apply these procedures themselves with very minimal supervision.

What do medical aestheticians do?

Medical aestheticians are certified skincare specialists who work under the supervision of plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and physicians. Their main job is to perform non-surgical procedures to enhance skin conditions. Most of the treatments are cosmetic in nature. These include facial massages and skin exfoliation. They may also get to help with IPL, laser tattoo removal, microdermabrasion, and body-sculpting. However, those who work in hospitals may have the opportunity to help burn patients who have suffered injuries. Some will also get to work with cancer patients who have experienced skin problems due to chemotherapy.

How to be a medical aesthetician?
Formal training is needed to become a medical aesthetician. It would be best if you enrolled yourself in an approved general cosmetology school. The time needed to get a medical aesthetics certification varies per school, but it may take from six weeks up to nine months. A good program will provide on-the-job training programs for students so that they can thoroughly practice their skills. A typical curriculum includes topics on aesthetic medicine, skin disorders, physiology, and salon management. Advanced classes on cosmetic chemistry, medical weight loss, and aromatherapy may also be offered by the school.

After taking all the classes, passing all the requirements, and completing all the required on-the-job training hours, you must pass the state-administered examination. A typical exam includes a combination of a written test and practical application. Once certified, you can start applying for a job and improving your technique.

Continuing education

Learning should not stop when you get your license. If you are planning to become a master aesthetician, you need to have 600 hours of advanced training. This will require you to take medical-focused instructions and detailed processes related to the beauty industry. Aside from taking classes, you should also join professional organizations. Examples of these are Associated Skin Care Professionals (ASCP) and Aesthetics International Association (AIA). Being a member will keep you up-to-date with the latest techniques in cosmetology. Furthermore, membership to these organizations will allow you to have discounted workshop rates and insurance premiums. You will also benefit much from its business advice, marketing materials, and networking resources.

Other career paths

Having your certificate will provide you with a lot of opportunities in the beauty industry. Two of the major ones are a skincare specialist who assists patients with skin imperfections and a medical laser technician who helps out in LASIK eye surgery and skin-tightening procedures. However, you can also pursue being a spa therapist or a medical consultant. Additionally, you can also apply as a clinical instructor once you have honed your skills through practice.

Becoming a medical aesthetician is a noble profession. It will take a lot of financial and educational investments if you are planning to pursue this track. However, because of the increasing demand for this field, rest assured that it is a lucrative endeavor. Aside from the profit, you will also get to experience the joy in witnessing people develop confidence.

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