Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Latest In Wound Care Products And Technology

Wound care products and advanced technological changes in this industry are commonly associated with wounds that form due to medical issues. There are internal wounds that stem from illnesses and external wounds that form as a result of a trauma like accidentally cutting yourself or from a car collision.

Patients who suffer from diabetes, obesity issues, and aging are the majority of people who require constant and consistent medical wound care. The wounds that occur due to these issues are of a critical nature, therefore, any products to care for wounds must always be on top of the latest technology to help improve patient’s lives. Many advancements in the wound care field include just a few of the following:

1. Gel Fillers
Wounds that require a packing treatment like draining wounds, severely infected wounds and wounds that are deeply embedded are impacted with advanced wound gel fillers. The wounds absorb the medicated ingredients within the gel compound. This is generally a two-step process whereby an innovative gel forms a protective coating. A gel filler is very moist to help the wound heal faster. Also, modern medicated gel fillers control the odor that emanates from wounds, plus the gel content helps to control any drainage that seeps from the wound.

2. Hydrogel Wound Dressings
When a wound forms outwardly whether it is an internal would or an external wound, it has a tendency to become dry in nature. The tissues around the wound die and if not treated quickly can cause healthy tissues to become necrotic. A hydrogel wound dressing is designed to remain moist the entire time that it is applied to the skin. Advanced hydrogel dressings allow air to circulate around the wound which is why the dressings or wraps do not stick to the wound.

A hydrogel wound dressing is made-up of hygienic water that helps to keep the wound moisturized. For these reasons, even necrotic wounds that are blackened in color can take on a healing appearance. Keeping a wound moist with the right type of ingredients in a hydrogel compound will begin repairing the wound by taking away the fever of a wound and the pain that you feel at the time. Advanced dressings are available as a spray, medical pads, gauzes, and more.

3. Regenerative Human Skin Wound Treatment
Technology in cellular bio-printing and cellular research have joined forces to create the ability to “print” human skin tissue to treat large epidermis wounds faster than many other solutions. Mixing human cells with hydrogel is the energizing force behind this advancement. The bioprinter is designed to scan the wound to accurately pinpoint where the administered printed skin should be placed.

4. Fluorescence Imaging
Fluorescence imaging is the latest technology in wound care therapy. Through imaging physicians are able to find the exact location of chronic wounds to use the proper treatment for dermis and epidermis healing. As a non-invasive treatment for wound care, fluorescence imaging consists of injecting patients near the wound location with a substance that spreads into the blood vessel.

This highlights the internal wound area with fluorescent 3-D images to ensure that there are no dangerous bacterium that has formed, as well as damaged tissues. The images pinpoint the exact location for wound care treatment. Wounds whether moderate to severe form different levels of bacteria that can cause infections and in some cases like diabetes, the loss of limbs.

5. Electronic/Smart Skin Patches

Modern day electronic skin patches are the equivalent to wearing a Siri integration treatment. Skin patches have been in existence for five years, but its research has evolved very quickly. Electronic skin patches are worn on the outside of the skin. Still in its infancy, smart skin patches uses miniature printed batteries as well as micro-structured electrodes that delivers drugs to wound areas via the skin.

Additionally, electronic skin patches are also designed to connect with smartphone apps to send physicians information on the internal temperature of the wound, the pain level of the patient, and the healing progress of the dead tissues and surrounding environment of the wound. Currently, physicians monitor patients who are diabetics and who suffer cardiovascular issues where wounds can appear beneath and above the skin like ulcers.

6. Lactic Acid Bacteria Wound Healing
The country of Sweden and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences are close to creating a new wound care breakthrough. This medical advancement will be using the lactic acid bacteria that is found in minute amounts on human skin and the skin of fruits and veggies. It is a microorganism that is primarily used to use bacteria to ferment food products like cheese, pickling foods, yogurt, beer, and many other food types.

Researchers and scientists have engineered a lactic acid bacteria that mimics the human body’s own lactic bacteria. When introduced into the site of a wound, it almost instantly regenerates damaged tissues and produces healthier immune cells that keep harmful bacteria at bay, allowing the wound to heal quickly which is healthier for patients.

7. Laser Wound Therapy
Laser Therapy has been used in all types of practices, especially in the cosmetic industry. Presently, using lasers to help heal different types of wounds is seeing great results. The only difference in using lasers for wound healing is that “cold” lasers must be used for wound treatment. Cold laser means that laser settings must be at a low energy range versus what is used in cosmetic surgery.

Laser wound therapy is still an ongoing testing solution which is why the question of exactly how a laser heals wounds is not an exact science. However, researchers believe that a low-level laser range helps to create more collagen that is a vital protein for healing. Laser wound therapy is not the cure-all for healing wounds, but its healing effects are becoming more prominent in many patients with open wounds.

Wound Care Technology
There are many amazing and innovative advances in wound healing with many other solutions turning the corner. Disease producing wounds, military wounds, sports wounds, work-related wounds and more are using and receiving healing support as identified above are healing various types of wounds unlike ever before.

Technology for wound healing is evolving to help patient’s lives become pain-free, errors in treatment are lessened, and there is a faster recovery time. Using a patient’s own skin which the body recognizes, makes healing easier, less complicated, and healthier meaning there can be no infections.

With these wound healing products and technological advancements people will not have to undergo long painful or invasive skin grafts. Wounds from an external force like burns, surgery, or other traumas can be limited to just one application process rather than multiple pain-recovering and intrusive treatments.

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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Benefits of Dublin Crossfit

Everyone has heard about Crossfit and every alley in every street probably already has a box in it. A box, of course, if you know the lingo, means a Crossfit gym. This is just one of the quirks that make Crossfit stand out. But what does Crossfit exactly give you? Is it risky and how much of a risk are we talking about? Here in Dublin Crossfit, we aim to talk about all the common questions as well as misconception of Crossfit.

In this article we will list down the health benefits of Crossfit and hopefully entice you to be a member soon.

Power Up Your Strength with Dublin Crossfit

The kind of intense workout that also includes a lot of movements along the joints that CrossFit lets its gym goers do can actually help you in your mission to gain more muscle mass and thus improving your strength and also your stamina. When you add a lot of additional weight in the kind of workout that you perform, you can then further profit off some gains in muscles by increasing the stress added to your muscles.

Another thing that you may do is to consistently train your muscles by continually performing the workouts of the day. This will also give your routine in exercises a lot more variety and thus positively affecting your muscles. Everyone knows that the workout of the day is a staple in every Crossfit program and thus will never be left out. Boxes vehemently post new challenges each day and keep the practitioners guessing on the kind of physical strain they will be undergoing on that day. And as usual, the end game is to perform the exercises in as many times as possible while still adhering to a time limit.

Have a Few More Tanks of Air with Dublin Crossfit

One of the more common kinds of routines that Crossfit practitioners do is the high-intensity power training. And by its name, you probably already know that you should not take it lightly. While not the only ultimate goal of the training, you can increase your stamina by expanding the amount of oxygen intake that your respiratory system can take.

Do not get too excited however because the science is not exactly there yet. There are still some tests to be done to conclusively prove that Crossfit does indeed help in our aerobic fitness.

Join Dublin Crossfit and be Nimble Like a Cat

Functional exercises are the kind of exercises that intends to emulate the kinds of movements that we normally do in our day to day lives. By doing these routines and performing them in various levels of stress, you can improve both your flexibility and balance. And upon further repetition, your brain’s neurons will start getting used to these movements thus aiding your agility.

While Crossfit practitioners always seem to give it their all when they are inside the box, people often forget that they have lives beyond the grind house. Crossfit’s impact outside can be seen most splendidly in how they perform the normal stuff like picking up bags or running up and down staircases. You can observe how much Crossfit has indeed changed the way they do things physically.

The Benefits of Dublin Crossfit - Be Sexy

Every each one of us has that ideal body form that we wish to have. And for all of us who tried, we know that it is never easy. Crossfit will not claim to be the best way to get you there but if you are the kind of person who relishes the challenge and find it to be the perfect motivator, then you should at least give Crossfit a chance.

Most of the exercises in crossfit does not only help you burn calories but also helps you in two different ways. First, you gain muscles and we all know that the more muscle we have, the more calories we need to feed them. If you have enough muscle mass, you will have a lot of calorie burners with you and they will not even turn into fat. Second, you can tone your body the way you want to, despite Crossfit not focusing entirely on muscle building, the kinds of movements that you perform while working out can actually contribute to how your body is going to turn out.

Scalability is key with Dublin Crossfit

Crossfit is scalable. You often hear that but a few really know what it means. When you talk about a lot of different kinds of exercises, there will always be a limitation. For instance, the normal push up is often a part of a lot of sets but not everyone can actually do it. What Crossfit does is create versions of exercises and ensure that everyone can join.

It is More Fun in Dublin Crossfit

Fun and pain do not normally mix but I assure you that Crossfit brings out the joy of working out. Because each set is treated like a sport, you feel like you are always competing and this gives you the motivation to perform your best. This and the kind of variety that Crossfit offers means that the practitioners will never really get bored. Who here would not believe that slamming a sledgehammer into a giant tire can actually be considered as an exercise?

Not only is Crossfit fun, it is also an excellent stress release activity. Who does not want to end a tiring day of getting yelled at by their boss by hitting a tire as hard as he or she can?

The Dublin Crossfit Community will Help You Each Step of the Way

Crossfit is unique in that you start meeting a lot of people in different walks of life and somehow joined by the same passion. Inside the box, your CEO title or junior employee title gets left out at the door. You are brothers in combat and you are going to challenge each other as if you are equals.

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What are the Steps to Secure a Medical Marijuana Card in Maryland

While the medical marijuana program was introduced in Maryland in 2013, it was not until 2014 when the state moved to decriminalize marijuana possession (for 10 grams or less). It would take another three years before the first dispensaries opened.

Now, it is estimated that there are 70 marijuana dispensaries scattered around Maryland. But the industry is quickly expanding.

According to Baltimore Magazine, between 100 and 500 people are applying for a Maryland Medical Marijuana Card every day. Of course, the Commission will not approve all applications. Each case will be assessed to make sure the patient meets all the criteria to be given the privilege of purchasing cannabis for an ailment or disease.

Here are some of the steps to get a Maryland Medical Marijuana Card:

1.    First, you need to set up an appointment with a doctor who should be an accredited medical marijuana specialist.

2.    You need to register with the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission. For minor patients (below 18 years old), they need to have their parents or legal guardians manage their accounts. Caregivers must first register with the MMCC before enrolling their ward. They may need to submit several forms, and one document needs a lawyer’s notary.

3.    When you are registered, you have to secure a written certification from a registered provider. You also need to establish a patient-doctor relationship, which means the physician must be familiar with your medical history and how cannabis can help you.

The qualifying conditions that are listed by the MMCC include:

-    Anorexia
-    Cachexia
-    Chronic pain
-    Muscle spasms
-    Seizures
-    Post-traumatic stress disorder
-    Glaucoma
-    Wasting syndrome
-    Severe nausea

Those are examples, of course. There are some medical conditions where the patient will benefit from cannabis treatment. The vital requirement is that the physician has pursued other forms of therapy with no success.

4.    Go to the licensed medical marijuana dispensary -- Once you secure your certification from the MMCC, you can now head over to the nearest marijuana dispensary. You will have to present your ID card and the certificate. The dispensary will also confirm your documents online to make sure you are listed in the MMCC database. However, you can only purchase a month’s worth of supply.  Your certification issued in Maryland may not be accepted elsewhere. Also, the certification will expire within four months from the date of issuance.

Maryland’s medical marijuana industry is set to double in size this year compared to 2018. At the end of July 2019, for instance, cannabis sales almost reached $130 million. The state registered an average of $18.4 million per month in sales. According to the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission, the market is on pace to surpass $220 million in 2019.

Doctors are encouraged to register with the Commission if they want to be a licensed provider. They must first have a physician license, and they must enjoy a good standing in the community. The doctor must first ask for the ID issued by the MMCC before issuing a certification for medical cannabis.

To make the process easier, you can also connect with a service provider who will link you with the licensed providers. They will take you through the whole procedure to get the stress out of the entire thing.

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Friday, December 20, 2019

Patient Engagement Software Must-Have Features

Before digital technology took over health care, practicing good medicine practices was all it took providers to be successful. Fast forward to today's era of the incredibly digitalized and empowered patient — healthcare providers need to do more than start a good medical practice. They need to go the extra mile to make every aspect of their practice operation patient-centered.

In other words, they need to invest in patient engagement. Doing so will not only fuel patient satisfaction but will also promote smooth-sailing operations. One ideal way to enhance this element is by investing in quality patient engagement software. But with the plethora of software available today, how do you select the best fit for your practice? By ensuring it has the features below.

1.    Interactive, Real-Time Patient Communication

To engage means to create comfortable and meaningful connections not only in healthcare but also in all other areas of business. In that light, the patient engagement software you invest in should allow interactive, real-time patient communication. This is to say that it should have a secure messaging feature which allows the patient to engage with your practice whenever the need arises easily.

2.    Patient Scheduling

Other than facilitating easy communications between your practice and the patient, the software should also have patient scheduling functionality. This way, patients can request an appointment or request medical refills at their convenience. This significantly enhances patient satisfaction as patients no longer have to wait on hold for your office staff to answer the phone. Also, they no longer have to reach the hospital 30 minutes early to do the paperwork. They have to schedule and show up!

This will not only enhance engagement but will also be incredibly beneficial to your practice. Why?
Well, in an ordinary world, something as simple as patient appointment scheduling is an administrative task that typically calls for at least one staff member. Having this software means the patient can get it done themselves, which in turn frees up your office staff and allows them to focus on other more important roles.

3.    Appointment Reminders

The patient engagement software should also be equipped with a patient appointment reminder feature. The reminders could either be via text, emails, or a recorded message. It should notify the patient of their appointment at least a day before, and on the day they are supposed to visit.

Again, this feature benefits both you and the patient. How? Well, your client becomes more responsible for their health by ensuring they never miss an appointment. You and your staff, on the other hand, get more time to focus on record and patient flow management instead of having to remind patients of their appointments continuously. It also reduces no-show incidences.

4.    Online Bill Payment

Nothing is as frustrating as going through emails and finding overdue medical bills. It becomes even more frustrating if the patient has to go through their checkbook to unearth your billing details or when they have to wait on hold to give credit card details over the call.

So spare your patients the agony of having to go through that by making sure the engagement software you choose allows patients to make their payments at the touch of a button. It should also have appointment summaries and records.

Patient engagement has been a rapidly emerging movement and a significant buzzword in healthcare this year. When you consider the reasons, it’s not hard to figure out why. That is why you should invest in patient engagement software as it’ll help you tap into the immense benefits.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Steer Clear of These Foods When in Menopause

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life. It starts as perimenopause or the phase before the actual menopause. At this point, the individual’s reproductive system is affected. The average woman in the United States will go through menopause at around 51 years of age.

The perimenopause and menopause cycles will last from three to six years. You know you are in menopause when you stop having your periods for 12 months. Most women go to the physician for advice on how they manage the symptoms. However, there are natural menopause remedies that will help you survive the massive changes.

According to data, more than 8 in 10 women suffer from various symptoms. Meanwhile, 40 to 50 million of them suffer from vasomotor symptoms, which are characterized by night sweats and hot flashes.

What Foods to Avoid

During perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopause periods, what you eat will affect how you feel. Here are some of the foods that you need to take out of your diet:

●    Generally, you have to avoid hot drinks like coffee, chocolate, and other beverages as they can worsen the occurrences of hot flashes.
●    You should also avoid spicy foods.
●    You also want to steer clear of fat. During the first years of menopause, it is not common for women to gain as much as 15 pounds easily.
●    Sugar will not only help you gain weight, but it will also make you more fatigued. It can hamper your productivity if you are not careful.
●    Refined carbohydrates will mess up with your mood, and even trigger fatigue. As you know, during menstruation, you will deal with mood swings. You do not want anything that will trigger your emotions.

What Will You Learn From Natural Menopause Remedies?

Natural menopause remedies are not exactly new. Ancient civilizations and tribes in remote areas practice these methods by force of circumstances. After all, doctors were not readily available to help them get through some of the discomfort or pain.

Although different programs teach various techniques, the core principle remains - the combination of the right diet, exercise, meditation, and supplements will minimize the symptoms.

For instance, the 6-week program developed by Maryon Stewart will teach you the following techniques:

1.    What type of diet should you pursue?
2.    What kind of food should you avoid?
3.    What program is ideal for you, taking into consideration your habits and lifestyle?
4.    What are the proper exercises and meditation activities to target some of the symptoms?
5.    How to address your sleeping problems?
6.    How to manage your weight, especially when your metabolism slows down?
7.    What can you do to control cravings, which contribute to weight gain?
8.    What can you do about stress?
9.    What brain exercises can you do to stimulate your mind and memory?

The natural remedies for menopause have helped countless women around the world. You do not need to run to your doctor to ask for pain relievers.

Although natural remedies take a bit of work, they will help you in the long run. You avoid being dependent on medicines to relieve some of the symptoms. You pursue a more active lifestyle, which enables you to become a more productive member of society, even as you enter your golden age. 

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5 Tips to Help You Select the Best Yoga Teacher Training Program

So, you’ve been thinking about it for quite some time now and decided that you want to join a yoga teacher training program? If yes, congratulations! Joining such a program will not only help you learn how to make the most out of your yoga sessions in the future but also create a potential career for you. But with the plethora of training programs available today, how do you select the right one for you? By keeping the following factors in mind during your selection.

1.    Your Goals

Before you sign up for a yoga teacher training program, take time to evaluate yourself and learn what you want to accomplish by the end of the training period. For instance, do you want to learn yoga so you can teach others, or are you only training to deepen your understanding of yoga? Some students often enroll in such programs to deepen their knowledge, only to discover it's something they want to do for the rest of their lives.

Other than that, also consider what you want to learn the most. This is essential because every yoga program places emphasize on various values and elements. For instance, your primary aim may be to learn Yoga Sutras and Sanskrit only to discover the program you signed up for doesn't offer much emphasis on these elements.

Being precise about your intentions will help you narrow down your search as you will limit your list to programs that align with your intentions.

2.    The Yoga Teacher

Once you determine what your goals are, the next vital factor to consider is the yoga teacher. Since you'll be training for some time, you want to be trained by a teacher whose style of teaching and personal philosophy jives with yours.

3.    The Yoga School’s Reputation

Some yoga training programs are essentially money-making mills. They will take anyone who can afford to pay the registration fee, regardless of whether they can accommodate them. In that vein, you want to sign up for a program with a selective intake procedure, and one with small class sizes.

The smaller the number of students in your class, the more intimate your instructor will be. Hence, they will be keen on following up on your progress and see you succeed. Also, when there are fewer students, the easier it will be to find a like-minded partner who may even end up being your business partner if you ever decide to open a practice.

4.    The Credentials

At the end of the yoga teacher training program, you will receive a certification as proof that you've undergone professional yoga training. If, at some point, you want to teach yoga, you want to ensure the practice, as well as the certification you received, is legal. This is important because any potential students will often ask for proof of training. Also, without the right certification, you cannot qualify for insurance. Therefore, ensure the international governing body certifies your training program for yoga known as Yoga Alliance before you commit.

5.    Evaluate the Time and Money Requirement

For some people, putting everything on hold and committing to full-time yoga classes is an easy decision. But if you’ve got other life-commitments that cannot be dropped, such an approach may not work for you. So consider the hours you’ll be required in a class, as well as when they take place. If they do not fit, then you may want to tell the facility to arrange a special solution for you. If this isn’t possible, then you may want to consider other training programs. Also, consider the cost. A yoga program might be the best fit for you, but if you can't afford it, then it will be of no good for you.

Yoga teacher training is only the starting of a life-changing journey. But it all starts at a reputable training facility such as Inbody Yoga Training. So ensure to take your time during the selection process.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Facts about Rehabilitation After Sports Injuries to Help You Look at It From the New Perspective

‘When I grow up, I… ‘ How many dreams have started with these words? How many great artists, singers, astronauts, doctors were motivated by the view of the future with the favorite job or hobby?

While everybody dreams of doing something they would enjoy so much and get famous because of that, many of these people also face obstacles on the way. Sport is obviously one of those spheres where a single moment can put under doubt your whole future career, or, even if you’re not professional, make you stop doing it.

The drama of the whole situation isn’t just in quitting sports. In numerous cases, a mistake costs health, and that is where people start thinking about going through rehabilitation. Here we raise this topic to show that bringing your body back to normal life is possible. How? Let us explain.

With the help of a center providing sports physical therapy in NYC (for more information about which you can go to, people from all over the world can get professional help after sports injuries and function well again.

It is not a methodology with a one-side approach or some non traditional medicine, – on the contrary, the company specializes in the most contemporary treatment and diagnoses that meet all the demands of medicine. The equipment to find out accurate diagnoses includes the modern Redcord Neurac System, Diagnostic Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography, Rehabilitative Ultrasonography, Computer Assisted Rehabilitation Environment (C.A.R.E.N), and other effective systems of recognizing health problems.

A few words about musculoskeletal diagnostic sonography should be said here as well: despite being unpopular and not completely investigated area of treatment, this method is bearing much fruit because of the extra accuracy in diagnosing practice. 

What Health Problems Does the Rehabilitation Center Deal With?

The New York Dynamic Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy Clinic has proven to be a helpful rehabilitation facility. It is the only place in the US which combines the functional treatment with structural medical diagnosis and is dedicated to giving comprehensive aid to people with chronic diseases such as orthopedic issues, joint hypermobility syndrome, neck-, knee-, and back- pain, various cases of neuromuscular pains, and serious sports injuries. Many patients leave their uplifted comments with feedback on the treatment they received, telling real wonderful stories of their ups and downs and how they’ve come to the right cure.

With the fresh look on the neuromuscular problems, the clinic offers both innovative medical tools and conventional orthopedic methods, depending on the kind of health issue. Moreover, the clinic is mindful of the way its patients will be it in the future, – in a separate section, they speak about returning to sports, running after treatment, dealing with muscle pain, and the health of women-in-sport.

As a final point, we want to encourage you to take action and begin the life of physical freedom with the innovative New York Dynamic Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy Clinic. Do yourself this favor and get back what is yours – sound spirit in a healthy body!

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