Thursday, November 28, 2019

What are the Risks that are Associated with Epilepsy and How Can you Help Yourself?

If you suffer from epilepsy, then you will know what a debilitating condition it can be. A lot of deaths that result from epilepsy actually happen as the result of the side effects, but the more you can do to understand your condition, the more of a chance you have at being able to come to terms with it.

Safety Equipment

Some sufferers don’t die as the result of their epilepsy, or even the side effects that come with it. They actually die as the result of an accident, such as drowning or even hitting their head after a fall. If you want to help yourself, then it may be a good idea for you to invest in a seizure alarm. When you do, you can then call for help when you really need it. There are many different types of alarms for you to choose from, some of them are set off when you fall, and others trigger when you have a tonic-clonic seizure.

Marijuana and Epilepsy 

If you suffer from epilepsy then it may be worth trying to explore the connection between medical marijuana and epilepsy. Of course, when you do look at medical cannabis and epilepsy, you may soon find that it’s a viable treatment option when most medications fail to work.

 Risk Assessments

Risk assessments can be useful when you are at work or even at your educational institution. It’s even possible for you to do them at home so that if you do have a seizure, you are doing everything you can to protect yourself. A normal risk assessment will look at your environment, how often you have seizures, how they affect you and even if you are going to be putting other people at risk.


Epilepsy has been linked in the past to some girls and women- because when hormonal levels change during the menopause, pregnancy and puberty, seizures are more likely to be triggered. This can put you at a greater risk. The problem is that some AEDs can cause birth defects in pregnant women, so as a result, you may have to change medication, or you may not be prescribed anything at all depending on the severity of your condition. The issues regarding epilepsy and pregnancy are often complicated so you need to talk with your specialist if you are thinking about becoming pregnant.

Status Epilepticus

Most of the time, a seizure will stop by itself. Sometimes this doesn’t happen, and the seizure continues for a long period of time. It’s even possible for a person to have multiple seizures, one after another, with the person being able to somewhat recover in-between each one. If this goes on for 5 minutes or longer, this is then referred to as being in status epilepticus. If this happens when there is a tonic-clonic seizure, then this would be a medical emergency. Medication may need to be given to stop the seizure and if the emergency isn’t stopped in 30 minutes or less then the person who is experiencing the fit may experience brain damage.

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Is It Cold or Strep? The Signs to Look For

Every parent knows the worrisome feeling of looking at your child and knowing that something is not quite right. They may complain that they don’t feel good and their throat is sore. You’re concerned because it could just be a cold or perhaps strep throat. There are several signs to look for that may point to strep throat, which will need medical treatment.
Colds Versus Strep: What’s the Difference

There are several things that can cause sore throats. Allergies, sinus drainage, viruses and dry air are known causes. These are inconveniences but not big areas for concern. Gastrointestinal issues such as reflux can also be the culprit. Viruses in the upper respiratory tract, such as rhinovirus, cause colds to develop.

Strep throat, however, is caused by bacteria (Streptococcus). In children, up to 30% of the sore throats are caused by this. While adults are less susceptible to strep throat, they can develop it. In both children and adults who are suspected of having strep throat, it is important to receive treatment as it can develop into more serious illnesses such as rheumatic fever, scarlet fever or poststreptococcal kidney disorder.

Also, it is possible to have both conditions at the same time. That is why it is important to get a medical diagnosis as both colds and strep are highly contagious. They can be spread through the air by a sneeze or contact with someone who is infected.

Symptoms of Colds

Children with a sore throat may have a simple cold. Fever and nasal congestion will be accompanied by a cough, sneezing and runny nose. They can also have diarrhea, aches and pains and vomiting.
Symptoms of Strep

While infants and toddlers are at a lower risk for strep throat, it can happen. Common symptoms include low-grade fever, loss of appetite, changes in behavior and thick snot. Children over the age of three will have fever, sore throat and swollen glands. You may notice that they have white spots on their tonsils. If you suspect that the sore throat is caused by strep, seek medical treatment.


A medical professional will be able to determine if the sore throat is caused by a cold (viral) or strep throat (bacterial). They consider the presence of a cough, high fever, swollen glands and white spots on the tonsils. If they suspect that it may be strep throat, they will do a simple throat swab and test it for the presence of the Streptococcus bacterium. If the test is negative but they still think that it could be strep, they will do a throat culture. This process takes a little longer but will determine if that was the cause.


Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done for the common cold. Treatment is usually over-the-counter medications that alleviate the symptoms. This can include NSAIDs, cough medicine and decongestants. Most colds run their course in 7-10 days. If the child is wheezing, some doctors may prescribe a steroidal treatment to alleviate this. If the cold lasts longer than a week, medical personnel need to be consulted.

If it is determined that the sore throat is strep, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic, typically penicillin or amoxicillin. If patient is allergic to penicillin, they have other options so don’t be concerned. These antibiotics will shorten the duration of the illness, decrease the potential for infecting others and prevent more serious conditions from developing. Most children feel some relief within 3-5 days of beginning treatment. Even though they may begin to feel better, they should complete the entire round of antibiotics.

Who Is at Risk?

Children (5-15 years) are at the highest risk of contracting strep. It is rare for a child under three years to get it. Adults also have a lower risk but there are exceptions. Parents with school age children or who routinely interact with children, such as teachers and caregivers, have a higher risk level. Individuals in communal situations, such as military facilities, may also have a higher risk of infection.

When to see a medical professional

If you suspect you or your child may have strep, medical care is needed. Immediate care is needed if the child is wheezing, has difficulty breathing or is exceptionally weak. Even if they have had their tonsils removed, it is still possible for an infection to occur so medical diagnosis and treatment are still important to avoid more serious conditions.

As Dr. Gregory Blomquist, Chief Medical Officer at Community Med urgent care clinic in Haslett, Texas, advises: "With any condition, it always pays to get diagnosis and treatment as quickly as possible." If you suspect your child may have strep throat, seek diagnosis and treatment by medical professionals.


Good hygiene is the best prevention. Regular hand washing and use of hand sanitizers are very important steps to take to prevent both colds and strep. Also, sneezing into an elbow instead of the hands is a good measure. Disposing of used tissues and basic cleanliness helps.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Use Wireless Linear Actuators

The well-known engineering progress changed significantly when the first successful unit of the electric linear actuator was constructed. This linear motion automation system demonstrated a brilliant performance. Taking into consideration the whole range of benefits - convenience of use, flexibility, reliability, ability to install these systems within different environmental conditions and their future potential 12V actuators were launched in wide manufacturing without hesitation. Let’s take a closer look at how these automation mechanisms evolved through all this time, what practical meaning this technology plays nowadays and how to use linear automation wisely?

Linear Actuators Implementation - How it All Works

The regular electric linear actuator to provide effective performance has to have certain parts. In other words, an electric linear actuator as a mechanism is a combination of a few pretty simple small mechanisms the in combination that creates the linear motion automation system as we know it these days. Among these simple mechanisms are the following: a rotational electric motor that provides the actuator with the rotational motion further transformed into linear motion; electric relays for current transformation patterns implied to change the current flow direction and at the same time to change way the actuator works (contracting and retracting linear motion); screw guide that pushes out from the housing that preserves the rod that is the main moving part of the actuator. This visible part usually is attached either to the object that is wanted to be moved straight-forward, or to the surface or ground, or to the moving part of bigger mechanisms. Even the shape of actuator rods is oriented for attachment - actuators regularly have special holes for mounting them to movable objects with the help of mounting brackets (usually manufactured and supplied by the same manufacturer).   

Hand Remotes - Record-Beating Technology

When remote control devices entered the scene of global linear motion automation the use of actuators became even simpler than it was previously ever imagined. The whole range of new automation projects in a glimpse of an eye became possible. After a customer presses one button on the special pocket remote control device - the actuator located in the radius of the Bluetooth signal starts its move. Remotes, in this case, play not the role of a trigger. They are frequently equipped with special displays that are capable to show their owners the current state of the system (an electric linear actuator-based mechanism) so that customers don’t even need to look at the system itself. For instance, the green light of the diode indicator means that the actuator is fully retracted, whereas red light means that the actuator is contracted and remains in the contracted position. Depending on the model, some remote controllers can show yellow light on their diode indicators. This means that there occurred a problem with the performance of the actuator that caused the unpredictable (read emergency) actuator pause. This may be called the malfunctioning that in most cases, despite common misconceptions, is caused by the improper actuator use. There are numerous reasons for malfunctioning or breakdown - the actuator IP protection standard could be used improperly and the actuator could have been placed in an unsuitable environmental condition. The wrong voltage of the current supplied to the actuator also can cause its breakdown and burn all of the electronics within the housing. Some actuators are also incompatible with certain electronics - that is why it is always important to read the manuals carefully and use only compatible technologies. Moreover, hand remotes should also be picked up carefully so that they are applicable to linear motion systems.

The use of remote controls along with actuator automation allowed engineers to embody those projects that were long postponed due to the inconvenience of manual manipulations to provide linear motion automation. With the use of this technology switching and controlling actuators became possible remotely. Standing desks - adjustable office tables, mini, micro, and industrial and other types of actuators for different sorts of linear motion work all became possible due to the extreme convenience of replacing human labor with automated machinery. These technological advances can also lead to improved treatments for a variety of health conditions such as low back pain. Stop wasting your time and think progressive!

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5 Benefits of Using a Standing Desk

A great number of employees spend more and more time in their office sitting next to their tables. The growing need to improve ergonomics for employees is forcing automation manufacturers to pay attention to height-adjustable tables. In addition, new standards for office work necessitate the emergence of a new type of tables, as more and more employees work at the same table in shifts. Progressive Desk company offers a wide range of automated tables designed for office work where there is a need to lift the tabletop at different heights. Customers who want to take a closer look at the automation products can visit our site. Using such systems gives customers several worthy benefits.

Main Standing Desk Benefits
  • Reliable and innovative actuator systems built-in table frames were primarily designed for one important purpose - increase the office workers’ average life expectancy and preserve their health from office-associated work and its mal influence on the human body. Progressive desks provide the correct posture all along the working day if the height of the table was selected according to the worker’s personal height requirements. If the height is correct, an office employee does not need to lean towards the monitor. The monitor, whether a person sits or stands, remains installed correctly at the eye level. This way the loads on the cervical spine decreases. The elbow joints both in sitting and standing positions will lie on the tabletop comfortably. In such a position the static muscle tension is removed from the hands. Lifting technology provides a serious increase in work efficiency by an average of 30 percent. Progressive Desk customers feel the improvement of their well-being and mood already after a month of work in such a dynamic tempo.
  •  Standing desk technology provides an eco-friendly solution to the situation when a certain level of automation is wanted to be used by large companies who don’t want any negative consequences to the environment. The actuator-operated motion is fully safe for the environment producing no exhaust fumes, oil leaks, etc.
  • Modern automation solutions in the field of electric actuator systems allow customers to create optimal and adjustable settings for office tables and help to remind employees to regularly change their body position in order to stay healthy and productive. Hence, this technology positively influences on the work efficiency of not only a single person working with the standing desk, but also on the company and its productivity in general.
  • Reliability - is another standing desks benefit worth to mention. The metal table frame is much better than other wooden table legs. It increases the characteristics of this office furniture. Such solid materials allow the office table to withstand fairly great loads, dynamic movements, as well as multiple assembly-disassembly. The convenience of transportation provided by the metal-frame construction is impeccable. This adjustable office furniture is much lighter than alike wooden ones. This simplifies the transportation both in an assembled and disassembled state.
  • Practical materials and technology used for the standing desk construction like metal table frames, solid wooden tabletops of the office tables won’t accidentally deform even with strong impacts.
  • These materials will also not damage due to heating and humidity, and they are also pretty resistant to rodents who frequently like to spoil office furniture. When choosing the standing desk with electric height adjustment, it is important to consider the following specifications: tabletop size, height adjustment range, load capacity, the tabletop shape that can be suitable for simple work at home or for complicated office work with a few PC monitors at the same time, and structural rigidity.
The standing desk office furniture provides numerous benefits that allow improving office space. The more convenient and attractive furniture for office staff, the more comfortable employees feel when working on their projects. If you do appreciate the health and comfort of your personnel and are convinced that this is what can increase the company’s effectiveness, don’t hesitate and try office linear automation for standing desks already now.

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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Kinds of foot exercises for pain relief

It is fair to say that our feet take quite the hammering in our daily lives and very often that can result in foot pain which can be difficult to shake off. We spend each and every day pounding the floor with our feet, some of us walk in a way which causes damage, many of us wear incorrect footwear and over the years all of this takes its toll. Pain in the feet is not an indication of a deep lying issue, something which I found out last year.

Last year I was looking for a podiatrist Sydney has plenty of them and eventually I settled on what I thought was the best. I was initially unhappy when they said there was nothing wrong, as I was sure that there was, but they gave me some exercises to try out to alleviate the pain, and my goodness how well they worked. I want to share these with you, and I certainly recommend them for anyone with foot pain.

Toe Spread and Press

Standing up, put the weight of your body on your heels and lift your toes up and spread them out as far as you possibly can, hold for 10 seconds and rest, then repeat 5 times. This alleviates Plantar fasciitis which is an inflammation of tissue which runs along the base of your foot.

Standing Calf Raise

This exercise is almost the opposite of the previous one, stand with your feet shoulder length apart and push up keeping your toes on the ground and elevating your heels. Don’t hold the position just lift up and down 20 times, and complete 5 sets of these. This exercise relieves pain and increases arch strength.

The Alphabet

The Alphabet exercise has really helped me and it is a great exercise for relieving muscle tension. Stand or sit comfortable, keep one foot on the floor and lift the other foot up in the air, with the elevated foot you should write the alphabet in upper case in the air, before doing the same with the other foot.


The Asterisk exercise is a great one for increasing mobility and relaxing the muscles in your foot, it is very easy to do and very effective. Raise one foot off the ground and point it out like a ballerina would, raise the toe up and tap the floor as you move the foot in a clockwise motion across the body. Repeat this with the other foot and then start again, only this time going in a counter clockwise motion. This can be a challenging exercise and for best results do it from a standing position. If you must sit then this is fine, and it will still help you to increase mobility and ease some pain.

The key to relieving foot pain is concentrating on doing these exercises every day, at intermittent intervals during the day. Stay on top of it and you will feel the benefit.

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

What to Look for in Vegan Skincare Product

Now that fast-food chains, alcohol, and other unhealthy practices are stable in every person's life, there is suddenly a need to make up for it. Some people find solace in working out every time they can, eating salads from convenience stores, and even switching products they normally use.

This is all very timely, since a new healthy phenomenon is taking the internet by storm. Specifically, vegan skin care is piquing interests and is currently trending for a lot of people.

Is Vegan Skincare the Same as the Diet?

Yes! Well, almost. They have the same principles but different practices. Both steer clear of anything derived from animals, but vegan skincare is more particular in the ingredients used in the formulation while the diet is concerned with what is ingested.

It is also often interchanged with organic and natural products. While all are usually plant-based, there are still vast differences. For one, anything vegan can also be organic or natural as long as it is derived from plants.

The term “natural” pertains to plants grown without the use of chemicals, GMOs (genetically modified organisms), or synthetic fertilizers. Meanwhile, organic refers to plants that were raised with the help of pesticides and other synthetic materials.

What to Look for in a Vegan Skincare Product?

It is challenging to avoid animal-derived products, especially if you do not know what to look for before barging into your favorite drugstores, research what products to avoid. A few of them are beeswax, carmine, collagen, and lanolin.

How about the healthier and safer ones? If you are thinking of switching to vegan skincare products, look for the following:

●    Shea butter is the off-white, creamy oil extracted from the nuts of the shea tree. It is a highly- preferred ingredient for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Using products with shea butter also leaves the skin feeling soft and smooth, which is a big bonus.
●    Aloe Vera is extracted from a succulent plant with the same name. It contains bioactive compounds that are rich in vitamins A to E. It is also enriched with minerals like magnesium and potassium. It provides a soothing sensation that is beneficial for irritated and sensitive skin.
●    Green tea from various tea leaves contain a powerful antioxidant known as ECGC. It shields the skin from UV rays, which also prevent skin cancer.
If you do not have the time to research all of these components, the safest way is to look for the company's certifications like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals).

Is Vegan Skincare better?
Whether or not vegan skincare is better will remain a long-standing debate. Still, in terms of environmental damage and animal endangerment, going for vegan skincare is a whole lot better.

Also, plants, in general, are enriched with more vitamins. Typically, they contain water-soluble antioxidants like vitamins B and C and lipid-soluble ones like vitamins A, E, and K. They also have bacterial properties that not only protect but makes the skin healthier and younger.

However, for people who have allergies, you have to research possible allergens before buying any product. Purchasing skincare products is not a guarantee that it is allergen-free. It can cause a series of skin problems, including irritation and reddening.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

PicoSure for Laser Tattoo Removal – 3 Key Benefits

It's safe to say that the evolution of picosecond laser technology has revolutionized laser tattoo removal. This new technology delivers faster results with fewer negative side effects than previous removal systems built on previous-generation hardware. In particular, the PicoWay is a significant improvement over the older nanolaser removal systems.

It's been more than two years since picosecond lasers were introduced and there have been a few important changes in the technology over that time.

One major player (some would say leader) in this field is the PicoWay. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the technological improvements which were introduced with the PicoWay, and why they make a difference to the effectiveness of tattoo removal. You can use this information as part of your research into finding the best laser tattoo removal clinic in your area, before making a commitment.

PicoWay Benefit #1: Improved Wavelengths

Without diving too deep into the “deep tech” behind this, the PicoWay introduced a slight – but very important – improvement in the wavelengths of the laser. Each of the PicoWay wavelengths operate at full power and speed. With older technology, only some of the wavelength options operate at maximum capacity – for the other options, a laser pump is used, which reduces the energy of the wavelength and as a result, reduces the overall effectiveness of the procedure.

The end result? More treatments are required in order to remove the tattoo completely.

PicoWay Benefit #2: Better Pulse

Older laser tattoo removal devices must be pulsed for a specific duration to deliver quality results.

The unit of measurement for the duration is a picosecond, which is equivalent to 1/1000th of a nanosecond. The key advantage of the PicoWay device is that it pulses twice as fast as most outdated laser tattoo removal systems – in fact, at the time of this writing, it is the fastest system in the world!

So why is the pulse speed so important in the process of removing a tattoo? Simply because the speed of the pulse creates what is known as a “photoacoustic shockwave”. This shockwave is responsible for literally “breaking apart” the ink. In contrast, older laser systems relied on something called “photothermal” energy generated from the laser to achieve this outcome (which can lead to the skin overheating). The technology used in the PicoWay is significantly more advanced and works on fundamentally different levels, resulting in higher quality results.

Since the pulse speed is so high, it results in less discomfort when compared with other lasers.

Recovery times are also a factor here, because laser devices which rely on the older thermal energy technology tend to result in longer recovery times than those experienced with the photoacoustic shockwave.

PicoWay Benefit #3: More Powerful Laser

One final major difference to consider between the lasers is their peak power.

While the PicoWay may have very similar peak power as its competitors, the PicoWay is able to deliver that power 2.5 times faster – making the laser ultimately more powerful, and more effective in its delivery.

PicoWay has been designed specifically to reduce downtime, whether it’s used for removing acne scars, wrinkles or unwanted tattoos. By comparison, consumers who are treated with competing brands often have 5 to 7 days of downtime. This downtime will be extended even further if the skin has been damaged, or is bleeding as a result of the treatment.

This is one reason why America’s leading national provider of tattoo removal services – Invisible Ink Tattoo Removers – opted to make PicoWay their “laser of choice”.

Avoid Laser Tattoo Removal Scarring

Since the barrier to entry is quite low for the service (especially with older, cheaper devices) many companies globally are trying to capitalise on the growing trend. There are no government controls around the service, nor minimum training required for the operators – and the average tattoo removal can be worth many hundreds to many thousands of dollars.

As a result of this situation, you don’t have to look too far online to discover news stories about consumers being ripped-off or even badly scarred as a result of unscrupulous laser tattoo removal companies. Poorly trained operators using outdated technology is never going to produce a good result!

This is why you want to be wary of suppliers who promote “cheap laser tattoo removal services” – there’s a reason why the service is cheap. Your best option is choose a trustworthy supplier who has invested in the latest PicoWay technology, and in training their staff to operate the device safely and effectively.

Final Thoughts

We are not here to say that using PicoWay is the only way to remove a tattoo. Certainly, there are consumers all over the world who have experienced positive results with older or competing devices.

And many of these devices are operated by trained professionals, who truly care about the results and overall wellbeing of their clients.

However, the laser specifications, customer reviews, and information about PicoWay vs competing brands are all publicly accessible online. For example, PicoWay currently have a 100% say it’s “Worth It” rating on – a higher rating than their competitors.

And it’s hard to find any complaints or negative press regarding someone who had a bad experience (scarring, burning, excessive pain etc) as a result of being treated by a PicoWay device.

It's up to you to use this information to make an informed decision. Hopefully, you'll invest in a tattoo removal system that has a proven track record of success and that is supported by statistics… and one which is operated by qualified clinicians.

One last tip which extends beyond the device itself – make sure you’re comfortable with the staff of the clinic. Do they make you feel welcome? Do they try to make you comfortable? Do they listen well to your explanations and questions, or do you feel “rushed” into making a decision to go ahead?

If you’re feeling any kind of pressure to make a decision around tattoo removal before you’re truly ready, it’s a good sign that you’re not talking with the right clinic. After all, it doesn’t matter if they’re using the PicoWay or a cheap, outdated laser, if you’re not happy with the customer service before you even start the treatment!

Andrew Chim (