Sunday, November 17, 2019

How to Deal with Tooth Loss Following Obesity

Studies have found a surprising correlation between being overweight and tooth loss. On one hand, it makes sense. You are more likely to be overweight if you consume sugary foods and drinks. Sugar is also the enemy of good dental health. So if you are obese, the chances are high that you have bad dental health as well.

Among overweight people, the likelihood of missing teeth is high due to the reason stated above. It can be very stressful to deal with a missing tooth on top of being overweight. However, there are solutions to both. If you have lost a tooth due to high consumption of sugary foods, here are several proven ways to fix the problem and restore your smile:

Fill in Gaps with Dental Crowns or Bridges 

Tooth loss can leave unsightly gaps between your intact teeth. Most people with tooth gaps suffer from social anxiety, where they may feel afraid to smile because of the gap. You can’t grow back missing teeth, but there’s a solution to bridge the gap.

Modern dental treatments use crowns and bridges to artificially create teeth between these gaps. A dental bridge can fill in one or two missing teeth. The natural teeth can act as the anchor to the bridge, as Vaughan cosmetic dentists explain. Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that are usually used to obscure badly decayed teeth. But these can recreate a missing tooth supported by an implant. Read more on that below. 

Fix Missing Teeth with Artificial Ones

If you have lost teeth, now you can use dental implants to create an artificial tooth in its place. A dental implant is a (usually) titanium screw-like equipment that a dentist drills into your jaw. The jawbone grows around it and the implant can act as a root of a tooth. Then, dentists use abutments to fix a dental crown to the implant, completing the artificial tooth. Crowns are custom designed to match your remaining natural teeth.

Dental implants are suitable for those who have lost multiple teeth in a row. Innovative treatments like All on Four can offer support to a full set of artificial teeth on a jawline. Implants not only return functionality of missing teeth, they also strengthen your jawbone. Your smile would certainly return to normal.

Correct the Jawline with Fillers 

Missing teeth don’t just ruin your smile. The loss of bone can affect your jaw as well. You may have seen this effect in elderly people, whose jawbones start to shrink with teeth loss. The same can happen to younger people who lost teeth early in adult life. Fortunately, now there’s a treatment in the form of jawbone fillers.

Called jawline contouring, this method uses a synthetic, bone-like filler to restore the shape of your jaw. The filler material infuses with the jawbone within about six months following treatment. Traditional jaw contouring involved surgery, but these days you can opt for filler injections if suitable. Jaw contouring may help you if your jowl area looks out of shape because of sudden weight gain or loss. (But remember, it’s not for removing fat; the treatment is only for the jawbone.)

You can get your appearance back if you suffer from tooth loss during or after obesity. As you follow a weight loss regimen, you can consider any of the above options to restore your smile back to normal.

This is a guest blog entry.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Business is Booming for CBD Company MINERAL in Austin, Texas

An Austin-based CBD oil company called MINERAL has boomed so much since its inception two years ago. Based in Austin, Texas, MINERAL is a cannabinoid brand that grows, cultivates, harvests, and formulates its own hemp-based products to create harmony and balance in the human body. It also provides the usual health benefits associated with using CBD.

MINERAL Company History
MINERAL provides more than just a regular cannabinoid product. This company, founded by Mathew “Mills” Miller focuses on overall wellness that promotes a positive lifestyle for its many clients. This cutting-edge company relies on innovative ideas to ensure that it produces both helpful and trendy products that can uplift the quality of people’s lives.

The reception of MINERAL has been so immense that the company opened a brand new brick-and-mortar store downtown on Sixth Street, with the purpose of serving more clients. This space acts as a shop and wellness center for those in the community who are eager to learn more about CBD oil.

Why People Like CBD Oil

For people seeking alternative treatment, including those who have been failed by traditional medicine, many turn to CBD oil, as well as other forms of CBD products, to address their issues. This oil extracted from the hemp plant is known to treat seizures, migraines, chronic pain, and other kinds of ailments that no longer respond to traditional medication.

CBD oil is a healthy supplement that has been radically transforming lives. It has been making major waves in the health community because, apart from being a treatment option, it is also a wonderful supplement that can help optimize health.

CBD oil has been touted by many satisfied users for its ability to change the way people can heal themselves, while also promoting a more positive lifestyle that is focused on health and well-being. Today, many people use products like MINERAL’s CBD oil to help them sleep, alleviate anxiety, and find balance.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD is short for cannabidiol. This is the non-psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, which means that it doesn’t get people high. Research indicates that there are more than 400 chemical compounds in the cannabis plant. Unlike the other drugs out there that cause a buzz or high, CBD will not do that. In fact, CBD is touted for having many medicinal benefits. People’s bodies have been documented to respond well to it.

Today, many scientists point out that CBD is a natural component that can be found in a woman’s breast milk. Cannabidiol is actually a critical component for the development and growth of newborn babies. If it is safe enough for babies to take, then it is safe to say that it is safe enough for everyone to take.

Common Misconceptions About CBD

The number one misconception that most people have is that CBD will make people stoned and high just because it is extracted from the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant was classified as a Schedule I drug by the FDA, along with heroin and cocaine, so many people assume that it is a dangerous and habit-forming drug with no possible benefits.

Because the plant has been illegal for a long time, funding for added research has not been given to the industry. It is only now, with the legalization of marijuana in many states for both medicinal and recreational purposes, that scientists are beginning to explore the popular product that the public has begun to embrace.

The Specific Benefits of CBD
Those who have been disappointed by regular pharmaceutical drugs swear by CBD for treating their pain. CBD provides pain relief from different kinds of pain, such as chronic pain, migraines, and arthritic pain. On top of that, it is known to control anxiety and address PTSD, allowing those who suffer from these conditions to find calm, balance, and peace. Because of these qualities, CBD sleep products are also very popular among consumers.

Apart from these, cannabidiol can also be effective for treating more serious medical conditions. Those with psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, swear by CBD oil. Many with epilepsy espouse that it has controlled their seizures. Those with Parkinson’s say that it helps keep their tremors under wraps. In the same vein, those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease have reported improvement with their mental faculties and memory upon taking CBD.

Bottom Line
It is evident that CBD is here to stay in the market for a very long time. Thus, it is not surprising for a company like MINERAL to continue to expand its product offerings. With its concept store that also serves as a community center, the company hopes to further educate people on the benefits of CBD.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

How to find the best dental practice for you?

Once you find the right dentist, you usually stay with him or her your whole life.

In reality, this type of relationship is meant to last as most people will eventually take their kids to this same practitioner.

While this all sounds great in theory, finding the right expert to fix your teeth is far from a cakewalk. Most people rely on personal recommendations, but even then, you cannot say with certainty whether or not this person will be right for you.

If we also consider the variance in pricing, it quickly becomes something you need to think about. Our guests today are the dentists from

They will share with you some of the main things you need to consider when looking for a new dentist.

Why are prices so high? 

Most people consider dental services (as well as medical services in general) quite pricey.
Keep in mind that according to US health plans, you have a limited amount of money that you can spend on fixing your teeth. This limit quickly goes away, and most people will have to pay additionally from their own pockets.

While this is a problem in itself, we also have to consider that private clinics usually charge a lot for different services. Even cleaning your teeth can cost you up to $200. As something that you need to do every several months, it quickly becomes apparent how this might be a burden for a family budget.

First of all, let's mention the fact that the dentist needs a long time to finish their education, which is the first obstacle to lowering the prices. Then, we have to consider that most practices have several highly educated employees.

To reach their target audience, dental practices rely on dental SEO and Facebook ads for dentists. These services usually require several thousands of dollars every month.

We also have to consider the prices of equipment and supplies. In most cases, to start a business, an average dental office sometimes needs to invest more than 100,000 dollars!

It takes a lot of time just to cover your initial costs, which is why companies need to get that money back through higher fees.

Things to consider before going to a dentist

Of course, price is not the only thing you need to consider when looking for a new expert to fix your teeth. It is often one of the less important factors.

Instead, you should focus on professionalism and quality service. The best way to figure out whether or not a person is good is by checking postings online. Google has its own reviews, which are marked both in stars but also allow users to leave comments. These comments are especially important when it comes to dental offices, as they might point out some things that are lacking.

Naturally, make sure to check where the office is located. After all, you don't want to travel too far for a simple teeth cleanup!

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Any tea connoisseur will have a box of decent oolong tea in their collection. Being a favorite among regular tea drinkers, oolong isn’t just a pleasant-tasting beverage with a refreshing aroma, but also has a range of health benefits. Even better, these aren’t just the claims of some pseudoscience, but rather observations based on the recorded nutritional data of the nutrients that are found in oolong tea. Packed with various vitamins and minerals, oolong tea has a range of benefits on the digestive, cardiovascular, and muscular systems.

This article will go in detail on these benefits and give you a better understanding of just how the body benefits from the regular consumption of oolong tea.


Oolong tea contains incredible amounts of magnesium, sodium, manganese, niacin, fluoride, kaempferol, potassium, quercetin, and myricetin. These are all antioxidants – compounds that help fight harmful toxins in the body and eliminate free radicals. Through antioxidants, the risk of cancer is significantly reduced and one develops a resistance to a list of different chronic ailments, such as inflammation.


The most widely marketed quality of oolong tea is its benefits to one’s overall digestive system. Oolong is alkaline in nature, which helps in balancing the pH level in your stomach, especially if you enjoy and regularly consume spicy food. Oolong also helps in keeping ulcers and acid reflux at bay. Another strange quality of oolong is the probiotic-antiseptic hybrid nature, which not only gets rid of bad bacteria from your digestive tract but also promotes the growth of good bacteria that aid digestion.

Another practice relating to oolong tea, which promotes the belief of its benefits to digestion, is its consumption before and after meals in so many Asian cultures. You’ve probably seen it in Chinese restaurants as well when you’re out for a meal.


Remember the antioxidants we mentioned near the beginning of this article? Well, in addition to reducing the risk of cancer and eliminating free radicals from the body, they also help in keeping your heart in check. The risk of cardiovascular diseases goes down significantly with the consumption of these antioxidants, as they reduce the narrowing of arteries, keeping the blood flowing the way it should. They also get rid of fat buildup around the walls which leads to blockages and heart attacks.


The high amount of magnesium and calcium in oolong tea is great for bones and teeth. They improve overall bone density and help in fighting tooth decay and buildup of plaque. Oolong also builds the body’s resistance against certain gum diseases like gingivitis. The magnesium and calcium content does go down if you go for the processed variety of oolong tea. To get the most benefits, it would be best to stick with loose leaf oolong.

You can learn a lot more about oolong tea and all of its amazing benefits at the Kent & Sussex Tea Company. Go check them out at

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

How to stay healthy while traveling in South America

Staying healthy when you travel can be a challenge. It does not matter where you are traveling. It’s easy to be exposed to bugs or parasites, which can either leave you with a mildly upset stomach or send you to the hospital. Thankfully, there are a few things that you can do to stay healthy.
Fight off Mosquitoes

There are number of countries in South America that are known for infected mosquitoes. Serious diseases such as dengue, malaria, and chikungunya have been reported throughout South America. You can protect yourself from bites by wearing lightweight long-sleeve shirts and pants. Purchase strong repellent from a neighborhood pharmacy.

At night, use a mosquito net. They serve as a mechanical barrier to keep mosquitoes away from you. If you are in a climate controlled area, keep the doors closed, keep the windows closed, and keep the mosquitoes out.

Stay Healthy by Being Careful with the Water

The most common reason why travelers in South America get sick is because they are exposed to contaminated water. Contaminated local tap water in South America allows bacteria and parasites into your body. Residents of the country where you are visiting have developed immunity to many of these parasites and bacteria. You have not. Nothing can ruin your trip more than having terrible stomach cramps and diarrhea.

When traveling through Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia, it’s recommended that you buy bottled water or that you carry a portable water purifier with you. There are a number of high quality water purifiers that can get rid of contaminants, making it safe to drink.

Another word of caution is to avoid ice cubes and vegetables that have been washed with tap water. The contaminants in the ice or in the water used to wash the vegetables can get you sick.

Argentina is one of the more developed countries in South America, so the drinking water is safe. It might have a strong chlorine taste, but that’s not going to harm you.

Bolivia, on the other hand, has contaminated drinking water, even if you are in major cities. You should not even use it to brush your teeth. Thankfully, bottled water is available and you can easily purchase it.

Columbia has safe water in large cities. However, if you are going to rural areas or tourist areas outside of the city, we recommend that you purchase bottled water.

If you do find yourself seriously ill because of contaminated water, there are a number of private hospitals in countries such as Colombia that may be able to provide you with a good level of care. Private hospitals will require you to pay out-of-pocket. If you did not bring enough money with you on the trip, you may need to look into effective ways to send money to Colombia from the US to cover your hospital stay. It is usually better to avoid these circumstances and just be careful with the drinking water.

Protect Yourself from Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness can either be simple and annoying or can be a life-threatening illness. Altitude sickness is commonly seen at 8,200 feet or more above sea level. You are more prone to get altitude sickness if you ascend quickly, like if you step off of a plane that lands in a high altitude area, if you hike quickly, or if you travel by car. The best way to protect yourself from altitude sickness is to ascend slowly. If you get altitude sickness, the best cure is to slowly descend the elevated area.

South America has a number of beautiful countries that include vibrant people, delicious food, and energetic cultures. There is a reason why millions of people visit South America every single year. If you go, taking a few precautions can help keep you healthy so that you can enjoy your trip.

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Cleaning The House For Better Holiday Health

Wow, the holiday season is upon us. Thinking about all the cleaning that you need to take care of is an overwhelming emotion. Go through the house and make notes about what is in your home that would appease the nosey in-laws or picky relatives. For instance, you want your parents to spend a couple of days. What about a new mattress and bed for their comfort? Holiday furniture sales allow you to find full size bed dimensions that fit your sleeping preferences and budget. If you need a new mattress, there should be sales galore.

New bedding is also a healthy choice because today’s bedding options are designed and manufactured to fit the body perfectly and to lessen the chances of people suffering from allergy symptoms.

Let’s go over your cleaning list and see if we can’t narrow it down for the holidays to keep your loved ones in good health:

1. Closets

Closet cleaning is very important in your hallways, personal closet, and guest room closets. Your holiday guests will need to use your closet to store their items. There is nothing worse than opening a closet door and having things fall out. Go through your closets and get rid of things that you haven’t used or don’t need to help make room for the holidays.

2. Entryway/Hallway

When you open the door to greet your family and friends, there is nothing better than to introduce them to an open and roomy entrance way. Also, dirt and germs are brought into the home and will lie around making the air polluted and our floors looking dull. In the weeks leading up to the guests arriving, remove the family coats, hats, etc. Clean and decorate your hallway with festive decorations that say welcome.

3. Living Room

The living room is where your family and guests will most likely gather to watch TV or just to chit-chat. Get rid of any carpet and upholstery stains via a DIY project or call in a cleaning service. Remember that carpeting and furniture fibers are great hiding places for dust mites, molds, dead skin cells, and insect feces.

These conditions alone are enough to create skin irritants, respiratory and allergy problems, and stomach ailments. Also, change your curtains and drapes, or just take them down to wash and refresh them. During the last week of your holiday celebration, clean the cushions on the couch, pillows, and chairs with a vacuum.

4. Bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom is a task that no one is fond of. Of course, you must keep the bathroom clean every day because germs love a moist environment. Mold, mildew, and staph bacteria that cause sickness also thrive in bathrooms if not kept well clean. A week before your guests arrive, perform a thorough cleaning. On the night before the holiday event, lightly clean all surfaces so that it will smell clean and fresh.

5. Dusting

It seems like dust particles settle on everything in our homes. Leaving dust particles in place is the cause for creating an indoor environment of germs and bacteria that causes allergens and asthma. Preparing to dust for the holidays must be carried out in a scheduled fashion so that you don’t tire yourself out at the last minute. Use a static dust tool to reduce dust that collects on ceiling fans, window sills, wall shelving, and other furniture locations. Dust regularly leading up to the night before the big holiday event. You’ll be glad you did.

6. Toys

If you have children, you know that toys show up in interesting parts of the home. Stepping or sitting on one unawares can easily cause problems. This task is a partnership. Yes, the children should become involved in locating all their toys and toy parts to deposit them in the appropriate containers in their room. This cleaning task can occur a week before family and friends arrive. Make it fun, and not demanding, by rewarding them for finding their toys and putting them away.

7. Pets

Before we give tips on pet cleaning, be mindful that if you use poinsettias, live holly, and mistletoe to decorate your home, these plants are poisonous to cats and dogs. For the weeks leading up to your festive holiday, check for pet hair, keep their beds clean, and refresh the litter box consistently. Pet hair can be an allergy-causing problem for certain individuals. Also, if your doggie or kitty also needs to be refreshed, you can use dry pet shampoo the day before your holiday festivities.

8. Refrigerator/Freezer

The longer foods remain in the refrigerator, the more likely it is to create bacteria that release bad odors and create dangerous health issues. As part of the kitchen clean-up project, your refrigerator and/or stand-along freezer should be cleaned of old foods to make room for the new meals you are preparing. The shelves should be washed and the condenser coils should be checked and vacuumed to ensure that these appliances remain operable during the holidays.

9. Air

Cleaning the air in your home not only keeps the family safe and healthy, but it also staves off illnesses. Would you believe that outdoor pollutants are also inside your home’s air environment? Stale or bad air quality can trigger coughing with a tightness in the chest, a sore throat, itchy eyes, and severe allergies. Cleaning the air can be accomplished with the use of HEPA air filters, using the A/C to lessen humidity, and reducing dust mite allergens causing coughs and sore throats.

10. Kitchen

An unhealthy kitchen is one filled with bacteria and germs that make you sick. Perform a deep cleaning before the holidays by sanitizing countertops, floors, oven vents, cabinet handles, and trash bins. Use lemon mixtures for disinfectant purposes and to keep the kitchen smelling fresh. Wash and polish the floor with products that can withstand heavy foot traffic.

There, you are all done. Now that the cleaning is finished, you can sit back and enjoy the holidays with your company. Planning ahead can really save the day and lighten the stress. If only you could get someone to cook!

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Monday, November 04, 2019

7 Potential Benefits of LDN Explored

Chances are that you may have already heard of LDN or low-dose naltrexone prescription stories that tell of its effectiveness in the treatment and management of a wide range of seemingly unrelated medical conditions. LDN, based mostly on anecdotal evidence, may be an effective alternative treatment for medical conditions such as autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease, and chronic fatigue. Although studies about the effectiveness of LDN are still ongoing, positive reviews from its growing number or users continue to increase.

Low-dose Naltrexone: What Is It?

As its name implies, LDN is a low-dose administration of a substance called naltrexone. Developed in the early 1960s, naltrexone was synthesized in a small pharmaceutical company based in New York City. The substance was characterized by Blumberg, Dayton and Wolf in 1965 and was found to properties that counteracts the psychoactive effects of opioids. Within the next few decades, the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the use of naltrexone for the treatment of opioid addiction and alcohol dependence. Naltrexone, in 50-milligram (mg) doses, has since been proven effective in counteracting overdoses of opiates like heroin and morphine.

A couple of decades ago, a number of studies suggested that the administration of naltrexone in small doses might have important medical uses. Doses from 1.5mg to not more than 5mg have shown effectiveness in treating or at least mitigating the symptoms associated with some debilitating medical conditions. LDN, as the studies suggest, can influence the immune system and regulate it to mitigate and even eliminate the symptoms of chronic and degenerative conditions.

The Benefits of LDN 

To date, the exact mechanism of action of LDN is yet to be determined. However, experts theorize that its ability to counteract the effect of opioids also give it its curative and therapeutic properties for a number of conditions. The current hypothesis is that by inhibiting opioids receptors with small doses of naltrexone, the body is stimulated to release more endorphins, which in turn regulates the body’s immune system response.

Higher levels of endorphins in the system and by regulating the body’s immune system, LDN administration may have the following benefits:

●    Fewer flare-ups: Users with multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases report reduced episodes of flare-ups
●    Slows down multiple sclerosis progression: LDN users with multiple sclerosis also report that it slows down the progression of the disease like traditional medications minus its unpleasant side effects
●    Immune system regulation: LDN has shown effectiveness in stopping the immune system from attacking healthy cells
●    Reduces fatigue
●    Improves mood and helps manage anxiety disorders
●    Helps manage pain

Where Can You Get LDN?

Is LDN legal? Using LDN is not against the law, and its administration is categorized as being off-label. However, LDN is not the type of medication that you can buy over the counter from your neighborhood pharmacy. Since LDN is a compounded medication, you can only buy it from compounding pharmacies.

It will be a good idea to purchase LDN from a reputable and established compounding pharmacy to ensure that you’re getting genuine and high-quality products. Keep in mind that LDN use does have some side effects, and it doesn’t go well with certain drugs. It will be a good idea to consult your physician before you start dosing with LDN.

This is a guest blog entry.