Friday, March 03, 2017

Tips for Managing a College Degree When You Suffer From Chronic Pain

Studying at college is no easy experience, but for students who suffer with chronic pain or a condition that causes them to experience a lot of pain throughout the day, it can be even more difficult. However, with a huge range of alternative and potential plans that can be put in place to help students with special needs and requirements at college, there’s no reason to let chronic pain get in the way of your academic and educational goals. We’ve put together some top tips for students who want to succeed at college despite suffering from regular pain.

Study Online

Online education is becoming more and more popular, and the good news for students is that online degrees are today widely recognized by employers and are worth exactly the same as degrees obtained from a traditional, campus-based institution. Along with this, students who suffer with chronic pain can also benefit from reduced stress due to lower tuition fees for online programs, and with a wide range of options available from nursing degrees, marketing masters or an undergraduate public health degree online from The University of Arizona, you are likely to find an online program that suits you well.

Speak to Your Doctor

As a college student, pain management will be more important than ever before to help ensure that you get the most from your studies and avoid letting your grades suffer. Without good pain management techniques, your education could begin to slip and this could lead to stress and anxiety, negatively impacting your overall health and well-being. Before you enroll on a college MPH degree program, be sure to speak to your doctor and work with them to put together a personalized pain management plan for during your time at college. You should also meet regularly with your doctor for reviews throughout your studies.

Get Educational Support

Colleges do their best to help their students succeed, therefore students who do have special needs and requirements are usually offered extra support and personalized plans in order to help ensure that they can reach their full potential. Alert your college to your condition as soon as possible so they will be able to put any plans in place quickly and will be aware of your mitigating circumstances for the future. You may also be able to get extensions on assignment deadlines or special support in exams if needed.

Know Your Limits

If you suffer from chronic pain, then it’s even more important to look after yourself when you are studying for a college degree. Obtaining a college degree will take a lot of hard work and dedication, so it’s important to ensure that you know your limits. Don’t overdo things, as this could lead to your condition worsening, which could leave you unable to work for a while. Sticking to a carefully drawn up study timetable can help you make sure that you don’t push yourself to hard and can aid in good pain management.

Share your top tips for managing college with chronic pain in the comments!

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Wednesday, March 01, 2017

How to relieve chronic pain without taking painkillers

If you have ever had to live with chronic pain, then you will know that one of the only ways to get proper pain relief is through prescribed medication, generally of a strong level. When you are feeling extreme, constant pain it is easy to depend on painkillers as your main source of pain relief, but this can become a bigger problem.

Statistics show that the number of accidental overdoses in recent years has increased year-on-year and this is a very worrying pattern. The data covers all forms of overdose, from illegal substance abuse to taking too many painkillers by mistake.

One of the reasons that people can accidentally overdose is because when people first start taking the medication, the impact on pain relief is very high. Over time and continual use, your body becomes tolerant to the drug, and you won’t feel the same pain relief due to this. This can tempt people to take more of the drugs and often significantly more than they have been prescribed in an effort to reduce their pain.

As well as the risk of overdose, becoming dependent on painkillers has a number of other problems associated with it. Becoming addicted to painkillers is a growing concern and there are an alarming number of people that this has happened to. Side effects can include sickness and diarrhea, but can also lead to increased chances of heart attack. Short-term effects show that the body can be less aware of surroundings and are advised not to drive or operate machinery on certain types of painkillers.

If you’re in the unfortunate population of people that suffer from chronic pain then you should be getting help and advice from your doctor regarding other alternatives to taking painkillers. Exercise is one of the main recommendations for pain management. If you are referred to a physiotherapist, they will be able to draw up an exercise routine for you to complete that will be specific to the type and frequency of pain that you suffer from.

Advisable exercises include swimming, walking, or cycling on an exercise bike, as these are moderate exercises with minimum amounts of weight bearing. By performing regular exercise, you can build up muscles around the body that will be able to support your joints more effectively and help relieve some of the pain.

In addition to exercise, you may be advised to try treatments such as acupuncture. This is particularly recommended if you have back and neck problems, and sometimes physiotherapists will massage or manipulate your back to try and reduce the level of pain.

The use of heat therapy can provide quick relief to areas of pain, so either a hot bath or a heat pack applied to the affected area tends to work well. If your chronic pain is related to your joints, then you can also try fish oil supplements such as Omega-3, which as well as relieving your joints, are said to have several other benefits to the body.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Polluted Air, Confused Mind: Is There a Link Between Dirty Air and Poor Mental Health in Later Years?

The risks of inhaling polluted air when suffering from health conditions like asthma or lung cancer are well known and documented. But there is a growing band of evidence to suggest that certain conditions that appear later in life such as Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia may possibly be linked to polluted atmospheres too.

Unclean Air May Possibly Inhibit Cognitive Function

The link between bad air and impaired brain function is controversial, but the evidence is starting to stack up with a growing number of studies including one published by ‘Translational Psychiatry’ at the end of January suggesting that living in places with “PM2.5 exposures higher than the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) standard of 12 µg/m3 nearly doubled dementia risk in older women”.

The study is not a short-term flash in the pan, either. It has been carried out over the last eleven years and if the finding holds up across a wider spectrum of the population, it’s believed that air pollution could eventually account for around twenty one percent of all dementia cases worldwide.

If the evidence continues to mount, then it’s believed that the connection between pollution and these conditions may lead to better treatments in the future and further improvements in cutting traffic emissions and lowering other forms of pollution from industry.

What Causes Air Pollution?

Many weather forecasts now offer information on air quality as a matter of course, but as a rule, matter such as pollen, dust, wildfires and detritus from industry can all cause air pollution which can have a detrimental effect on health especially in seniors.

When air pollutants are high, it is often advised that anyone with health concerns involving their lungs stays indoors, and there are steps that can be taken to ensure the air in your home stays clean and as fresh as possible too:

· Clean all carpets, soft furnishings and surfaces regularly with a HVAC to help minimize dirt, dust and pollen debris in the home

· Change all filters on vacuum cleaners regularly, or keep them washed and clean.

· Consider buying an air purifier or investing in a dehumidifier

· If you’re choosing new furniture, make sure any furnishings you pick are free from Volatile Organic Compounds - these are gases that are given out by older furniture and sometimes paints too.

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Effective Tips for Melanoma Prevention

It can be difficult to handle any type of cancer diagnosis, including skin cancer. Although melanoma is considered one of the most deadly types of skin cancer, there is always hope, even at the very end, that an aggressive cancer like melanoma can be defeated. The good news is that if melanoma is diagnosed early, it is curable. However, left undiagnosed, it can move to other areas of the body. This could lead to a very long and hard fought battle against the disease.

Cancer Treatments More Affordable

Changes in health law and policy have made cancer treatments more affordable for patients. Thus, there are more patients who are being diagnosed and treated earlier now than at any other time in history.

People were at one time afraid they would no longer have healthcare coverage if they lost their job, but professionals with a masters in health law from Hofstra Law have diligently worked within the community and with lawmakers to ensure that affordable health care is available to all who needs it, including cancer patients.

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the United States. Estimates published by the American Cancer Society have shown that melanoma diagnosis rates have steadily increased over the past 30 years. The good news is that there are things you can do to help with the fight against cancer and you can reduce your risk of developing skin cancer by following these tips.

Melanoma Prevention

One of the easiest ways to prevent the development of skin cancer is to always wear sunscreen when you are outside. If you are able to reduce your skin’s exposure to UV rays, then you will be in a much better position to reduce sun damage and skin burn. You can apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect you from melanoma.

You should also wear sunglasses when you are outside to protect your eyes from the sun. Wearing a hat will provide shade from the sun for your face. Try to reduce your exposure to both artificial and natural light.

Make regular appointments with your healthcare provider or dermatologist. Make sure you consume a vitamin D from healthy food sources, eat a balanced diet, and avoid unhealthy habits.

The ABC’s of a Potential Skin Cancer Diagnosis

Always be on the lookout for unusual growths and moles that are on your skin. Physicians and dermatologists have classified the diagnosis of melanomas based on the following factors.

•    A- Asymmetry (scan your body for moles that are ragged or asymmetrical
•    B- Border (Does the mole have a defined border?)
•    C- The color (Are multiple colors appear inside of the mole or lesion?)

Also, watch the diameter and the evolution of the mole or lesion. If it is larger than 5 millimeters in diameter and looks different to other lesions or moles on your body, you need to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist as soon as possible.

You can spread the importance of early melanoma detection by becoming more involved in your community. Educate the public and you may save someone’s life.

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

5 Cosmetic Treatment Trends Expected to Grow in 2017

With the advent of advanced cosmetic surgery procedures, it has become super easy to iron out even the tiniest of imperfections in the human body. From lips and breasts to legs and feet, every part of the body can now be "customized" as per your specific needs. Wondering what cosmetic surgery treatments are trending this year? Read on to learn about the top 5 such treatments that are becoming increasingly popular.

Buttock Augmentation (or Butt Lift)

Celebrities like Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, and Kim Kardashian have long back set the trend for huge bottoms. According to the data released by ASPS, the trend has grown close to 40 percent since 2014 and more than 250 percent since 2000. Surgeons claim to notice a spike in the number of patients who are seeking buttock augmentation, so the trend seems to be gaining momentum. Among the most popular requests is the Brazilian Butt Lift, which combines the procedures of body contouring and liposuction.

Dermal Fillers

Image source: Cosmos Clinic

Many surgeons are already putting to use a new variety of dermal fillers that are designed for specific parts of a person's face. Lips, midface, laugh lines, and cheeks can now be augmented on demand. A good number of such procedures have already been approved in some countries, and soon will provide the cosmetic doctors a wider palette of treatments they can offer to their patients safely, without the need of a surgery. Injectables are in demand this year, and among them are three approved neuromodulators available in the market – Botox, Xeomin, and Dysport. According to Cosmos Clinic, prices start at $575.


Dimples are in great demand. Taking selfies has become an addiction and everyone wants to look sexy, cute, and friendly in their photographs. If you don’t have dimples to make your smile look sweet, you can get a cosmetic procedure done quickly within just an hour. Dimplectomy is a scarless procedure and requires an incision inside the cheek. Who knew it would become so easy to simply "add" dimples to your smile, and become the object of "envy"?

Leg shaping

A Vogue article that claimed that the era of cleavage is over and as women are gradually choosing to show parts of the leg, shoulder, or stomach instead of their breasts. As a result of this trend in 2017, an increasing number of patients will be opting for the cosmetic procedures which will help create the perfect legs. Procedures such as Microlipo are generally targeted to remove unwanted fat and sculpt specific parts of the legs, especially thighs, making the legs appear longer and leaner to the eyes. The treatment lasts just a few hours and is done using a local anaesthetic, so the patient is awake but experiences no pain.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Pain Management- What Are Your Treatment Options?

Pain is the body’s response to injury or illness. At times, pain can become chronic and difficult to manage. There are many different types of pain management treatment options available. Each comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Let’s take a look at some of the most common treatment options and how they can help relieve your chronic pain.

Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief

Chiropractic care can help to correct joint dysfunction. When you suffer from an injury, you can develop subluxations in the spine. A functional chiropractor uses gentle manual adjustments to restore joint function, reduce pain, relax muscles, improve nerve pulse transmissions and increase circulation to the injured area.

Functional chiropractic care is more than just spinal manipulations. The functional chiropractor will take a detailed medical history, complete a biomechanical assessment to look for any issues and use a variety of imaging tests to determine the cause of your pain. Once the cause of the pain is determined, the functional chiropractor may recommend a variety of services to help ease your pain, restore joint function and bring the body back into alignment.

• Spinal manipulations – Spinal manipulations are the hallmark of chiropractic care. The chiropractor will use controlled force to help realign the spine and restore joint function.
• Exercises – Strength training, flexibility exercises and aerobic activities
• Nutritional supplementsNutritional supplements  help to ensure the body has the nutrients that it needs to heal from the inside out. These supplements include antioxidants to decrease inflammation, increase cartilage in the joints and improve joint function.
• Herbal remedies – There are a number of herbal remedies that can help relieve pain and decrease inflammation. These remedies can be taken internally or applied topically. Turmeric, capsaicin, comfrey, devil’s claw and white willow bark are some of the most potent herbs used for pain.
• Cold laser therapy – Cold laser therapy uses non-thermal lights that pass through the skin to reach damaged tissue and speed up the healing process by increasing cellular metabolism. Additionally, this can be used to reduce inflammation and relieve nerve irritation that may be causing you pain.
• Ultrasound therapy – Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves to stimulate inflamed and damaged tissues in the body. The sound waves help to break down calcifications on the tendons to help them heal properly. Additionally, ultrasound promotes new cellular growth to repair damage.
• Electrical stimulation – Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) provides pain relief by delivering an electrical current to stimulate the nerves. This causes the nerves to send a signal to the brain to scramble pain perception.

Hot and Cold Therapy for Pain Management

Hot and cold therapy helps to decrease swelling and inflammation and increase flexibility in damaged joints, muscles and tendons. Typically, ice is used for new injuries and acute pain. Heat is for older injuries and helps to loosen up the joints and stimulate new tissue growth.

Physical Therapy to Relieve Pain

Chronic pain often requires a multidisciplinary approach, including physical therapy. Physical therapy educates the patient on pain mechanisms and how exercise and massage can relieve pain, strengthen the muscles, increase flexibility and stabilize joints. Physical therapy can be used to ease chronic pain and may include many of the same disciplines used in chiropractic care, including electrical stimulation, hot and cold therapy, nutritional supplementation and ultrasound therapy.

Mind-Body Techniques and Pain Relief

Living with pain can be extremely stressful. Mind-body techniques help a patient relieve stress, reduce pain and learn to cope with their chronic pain. The most common methods used include guided imagery, hypnosis, biofeedback, meditation and yoga. These mind-body techniques help the pain sufferer to center themselves, learn to deal with their pain and relax the body so that it can heal itself.

Food Intolerance Can Be Causing Your Pain

When you suffer from food intolerance and consume the offending food, it can damage the lining of the intestinal tract and lead to toxins, waste and undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream. When this occurs, inflammation throughout the body can occur, resulting in chronic pain. Healing the gut by following an anti-inflammatory diet and taking probiotics can help to relieve the pain you are experiencing.

Chronic pain is a pain! It is a response to an injury or illness in the body. However, sometimes the pain signals get stuck in the on position after the injury or illness has passed. When this occurs, you need to find a way to heal the body and relieve pain. These methods include chiropractic care, hot or cold therapy, correcting food intolerances, using mind-body techniques and physical therapy. With a multifaceted approach, you can relieve chronic pain and begin enjoying life again.

This is a blog post by Vishal Verma

Monday, February 13, 2017

Oral Myofunctional Disorder And How Enrolling In Speech Language Therapy Can Help

Orofacial myofunctional disorders occur when the tongue, lips, or jaw procure abnormal or exaggerated movement – impairing a person’s ability to speak or even swallow.  A common example of this disorder is ”tongue thrust”, where the tongue rests against or between the teeth during swallowing instead of lifting up into the roof of the mouth.

While many orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) are learned, or develop out of habit – they can cause a lot of stress; diminishing the quality of a person’s interactions with the world as well as impeding on their overall health. These irregular activities of the mouth can contribute to more serious dental problems such as an incorrectly positioned jaw, or teeth.

Though oral quirks such as tongue thrust or thumb sucking are common in infants, they tend to disappear by early childhood. However, 81% of children who suffer from speech-language difficulties do so from an underlying OMD. If the issues remain unaddressed, they can follow a person into adulthood and become that much harder to correct. When an OMD is caused by upper airway constrictions, obstructions, or infections, a doctor may be the first to notice. It may also be caused by low body tone, imbalance in dental growth (often caught by a dentist or oral hygienist), or inadequate development of facial bones or muscles in the head and neck.

While a dentist or doctor may notice the physical repercussions, it’s always better to catch an OMD before it starts causing more serious disruptions. If you suspect that your child may be suffering from an OMD, a Speech-Language Pathologist can help asses what’s causing it, then work with the client to become cognisant of certain tendencies so they can overcome them.

If you are looking for a speech therapist in Toronto, there are a number of solid options. One such choice is Simone Friedman SLS located conveniently in the west end and offering personalized treatment for people suffering from OMDs occurring habitually, due to physical abnormalities, or as a result of a developmental disability.

A trained Speech-Language Pathologist works with clients on their pronunciation, articulation and tongue movements when speaking, as well as to subdue the core issue which may include incorrect mouth posture, speech sound errors or a swallowing disorder. Techniques for therapy may include increasing awareness of the mouth, facial muscles, and postures of the tongue. As well, they will work with the client to improve muscle strength and coordination, speech production, and correct swallowing patterns. If speech malfunctions are the cause of habits such as lip-biting or thumb sucking – a therapist will focus treatment to eliminate these behaviors first.

Regardless of its initial cause, the development of an OMD can interfere with a person’s ability to communicate, their comfort, as well as their health and well being. The earlier a client can seek out treatment, the sooner they can identify the core issues obstructing speech and other functions. Contact a Speech-Language pathologist today to provide your loved one with the attention they need to re-establish their normal.

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Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Living an Independent Life Throughout Retirement

Creating an independent life after retirement is a significant concern of people as they begin planning their future. There are several components to ensuring one can live the life they wish well into their retirement years. Physical safety and home security are one of the first items that should be addressed.

Then the focus should move to staying connected to friends and family in distant locations as well as a plan to remain active within the community.

Home Security

Living in a secure environment becomes something that becomes more complex as one ages. In addition to the real need to protect the home from intruders, there is an added requirement of protecting one’s self from the home. Many homes are designed in such a way as to be perilous for those with decreased mobility, agility, and eyesight.

Creating a more secure home environment can be accomplished with a series of small changes. Changing the handles for doors, cabinetry, and plumbing fixtures to levers increases accessibility throughout the home. Floors should be made slip-resistant through the application of no-slip pads under area rugs or the installation of low-pile carpeting. Bathrooms can be made safer by installing hand rails for shower areas and near toilets.

A popular option for ensuring one’s ability to reach help should an emergency occur are medical alert systems. These types of systems connect a wearable device wirelessly to a central hub that can alert a call center that has a protocol in place for each customer. The customization helps ensure the right people are contacted for each situation.

Staying Connected

Technology has evolved significantly over the past several decades. What once required a room of computer servers can now be accomplished more quickly and with a better user experience on a smart phone. It is expected that in the coming decades, technology will further evolve and become more integrated within our daily lives.

A popular gaming console is already being used to help seniors stay connected with friends and be more physically active. Most consoles have the ability to link players in different locations to engage in activity based games. The breakthroughs in virtual technology could make the experience even more interactive and immersive.

Staying connected to friends and family members spread out across the country is also easier with technology. Video phone calls are now possible on phones and computers with perfect clarity. The face-to-face connection allows all those involved in the conversation the ability to read body language and facial expressions which increases the level of enjoyment and understanding experienced.

Social Interaction

Social connections are extremely important for seniors. Staying connected to friend and family members is critical for happiness levels but having a connection to the community is far more important than many people realize.

As one nears retirement, they should begin examining the communities in which they are considering retiring. Public transit, community events, and access to preferred hobbies are all important aspects of cultivating a thriving social life post retirement. If those social activities that one enjoys are located far from home, they will become increasingly difficult to participate in as one gets older.

Technological advancements have made it easier than ever to remain active and independent well into retirement. A little advanced research and preparation can create a smooth transition between working and retirement and ensure individuals are living a life they love.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Why Social Work is a Valuable Career to Get Into

Social workers provide a range of valuable services, which can often improve the quality of life experienced by their clients. By helping others with a range of issues such as adjustment issues, social workers are dedicated professionals whose work enables them to make a real, positive difference in the world.

As a career, social work offers a range of unique challenges, experiences and opportunities to those who pursue it. Here are just some of the main reasons why social work is a highly valuable choice of career.

High Demand

Social work is a profession that is currently in high demand, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which reported that over the next seven years, demand for social workers will be growing at a rate faster than the average. Higher demand for skilled professionals can often result in better wages for online MSW graduates, and with social work jobs expected to grow by 27% by 2022, there’s no better time than the present to start your journey down this exciting and rewarding career path.

Various Opportunities

One of the interesting things about being a social worker is that there is a variety of job titles to choose from. Social workers will often specialize in one or more areas of the profession, for example working with families and young people, working with past offenders, or even working with the elderly. With a masters degree in social work online, you can choose from job categories such as working in Children’s Services with families, children, working and in schools, working as a mental health or substance abuse counselor, or working as a social worker in the healthcare industry.

Rewarding Work

Although social work is a great choice of career that can provide you with a good salary and an assortment of opportunities for the future, the main thing is that it can be a very rewarding and satisfying career. As a social worker, you will be working closely with individuals who are in need of support, for example children going through tough times or elderly people who are finding it difficult to adjust to new circumstances. Being there for these people and offering them your support is what makes social work such a rewarding profession.

Independent Work

If you are an independent worker and enjoy doing things autonomously, such as studying for your MSW online, social work is a great choice of career for you. Most social workers will be allowed a large degree of independence when dealing with their clients and providing services, and clinical social workers are able to run their own practices, enabling them to have full control over their office hours, working environment, clients, and more. Typically, social workers in all positions enjoy a great deal of flexibility at work, so if you need a flexible work schedule and prefer to be trusted to get things done on your own, this career is well suited to you.

Social workers are vital professionals who help people in need to achieve success. These are just some of the reasons why social work is such a valuable choice of career.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, January 23, 2017

The harsh truth about blue light – why you need to be careful?

We all are very much aware of the fact the harmful UV rays of the sun can cause severe damage to your eyes and that your eyes need to be protected from them. But have you ever contemplated about how harmful blue light rays can be for your eyes? Let’s talk about this and find out today.

In almost 99% cases, most of our work hours are spent in front of a computer screen on a day to day basis. According to recent studies and researches, as much as 60 out of 100 people have a habit of spending close to 6 hours or more every day staring at a digital screen at the office or at home.

So what exactly is blue light? Blue light is nothing but a certain color in the VISIBLE LIGHT SPECTRUM, which is easily visible to the eyes of humans. The main constituent of light is electromagnetic particles that can travel in certain waves to reach our eyes. The range of these waves is in strength and length and they usually emit a lot of energy. In all actuality, the highest amount of energy will be emitted when the wavelength will be at its shortest. The wavelength is usually measured in NM or nanometers, which is equal to one-billionth of a standard meter in the standard metric system. Each and every wavelength comes in different colors and is classified into x-rays, gamma rays, visible light, radio waves, infrared light, and UV rays or ultraviolet rays. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is made of these categories.

But, among all these categories, the visible light category is the only one visible to the naked eye, and also the category that our eyes are sensitive to. The visible light category of the electromagnetic spectrum is usually further categorized into seven specific colors, namely, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Among these, blue light has the highest energy level and intensity owing to its short wavelength, and hence over exposure can be harmful to human eyes.

So where is blue light emitted from? In all actuality, blue light is present all around us, wherever we are, and wherever we go. The biggest source of blue light is the light that travels from the sun through our atmospheric layers. But other common sources of harmful blue light are TV screens, computer screens, laptop screens, tablet screens and smartphone screens, LED and fluorescent lighting, and various other electronic devices.

When you think about it, blue light can actually be found any and every where you go. Usually the rays of the sun with short wavelengths and high energy frequency usually collide with air molecule to create blue light dispersion. Hence, our sky looks blue from the land. Blue light is usually used by the human body to regulate the natural wake and sleep cycles that allow humans to function properly. This phenomenon is known as the circadian rhythm, regulated by blue light. But blue light has some ill-effects as well.

Owing to the high energy frequency of blue light, the flicker rate is much higher than any other color in the spectrum, which causes diffused clarity, affects sharpness, and creates contrast related problems that might damage one’s vision in the long run.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Five Medical Solutions For Snoring

Blame it on the ever increasing pollution levels or the drastic lifestyle changes, but snoring has become a common problem among people today. However, if waking up to your spouse’s loud snores has now become an everyday occurrence, it is high time you did something about it.

Snoring happens when your body is unable to draw air through the nose. As a result, you start breathing in through the mouth and can inhale harmful germs, dust, and other impurities.

From common cold to dust allergies and obesity, there are many reasons behind this sleeping disorder. Let us look into some practical medical solutions to curb snoring and sleep better at night:

1. Anti-Snoring Devices 

Snoring happens when you cannot breathe properly when asleep. This usually occurs when your nasal passage is blocked,or the throat muscles have closed down upon the air passage. Either way, the bottom line is that it restricts the air flow in your body thereby causing deep vibrations and uneasiness. There are many anti-snoring devices in the market that you can try, right from nasal sprays and dilators containing medicated liquid that can be directly sprayed into the nose, also chin straps and breathing aids that uphold your jaws and keep the tongue from falling back. You can even try nasal strips that have to be worn over the nose while sleeping. It opens up the nasal passage allowing more air to pass through them freely.

2. Natural Remedies And Exercises 

Other than the anti-snoring aids available in medical stores there are a few natural homemade remedies as well that can treat your loud snores. For starters, try simple exercises and yoga asanas that open up the air passage and help you reduce weight. You can also use some herbs and natural ingredients to curb your loud snores. Peppermint, Tulsi, and ginger are some common remedies for a blocked nose. Even simple yoga asanas such as the Yoga Nidra and pranayama help to flush out the harmful toxins from the body and straighten the diaphragm. Regular workout and meditation keep your blood pressure and stress levels in check thereby helping you sleep better at night.

Anti-Snoring Treatment Can Lead to Restful Sleep

3. Medication For Curing Sleep Apnea 

If all natural remedies fail, your doctor might recommend anti-snoring pills and other medication that would help you sleep well at night. Medicines and drugs are usually offered to patients who do not respond to conventional oral appliances. Anti-snoring pills such as antihistamine, breathing masks and palatal implants are other medical solutions to snoring that you can adopt. Wearing breathing masks over the nose serves the dual purpose of clearing the nasal passage and holding your chin up to prevent the jaw muscles from sagging in. Palatal implants, on the other hand, involve inserting of braided strands of polyester filament that harden over time up your palate and reduce your snoring.

4. Surgery

In case all your self-applied homemade remedies fail, the only option that you can turn to is surgery. Remember, surgery is the last resort that offers a permanent solution to all your breathing problems. Don’t worry though; no one is going to rip off your throat.

The recent advancements in the medical field have simplified complicated surgeries. In the traditional surgery, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), you are given general anaesthetics as the doctor tightens the tissues around your jaw and throat. However, because the process is extremely painful and risky, surgeons prefer the quick and efficient laser therapy for treating sleep apnea.

In this treatment, a small beam of the laser is used to burn the extra fat and sagging tissues in and around your jaw and chin. Radio frequency tissue ablation or somnoplasty is another pain-free surgical treatment where doctors use small amounts of low-frequency active signals to reduce the fat accumulation in the chin.

5. Lifestyle changes you can apply

Making a few simple lifestyle changes goes a long way in ensuring a trouble-free uninterrupted sleep at night. Easy and effective measures such as avoiding alcohol, cigarettes, and other addictions, following a healthy diet, exercising daily helps you sleep better at night. Consult a nutritionist or your general physician to know more about the workout regime and diet plans you can adopt.  

Danielle Ward

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

How to Determine Whether You May be a Victim of Medical Malpractice

People trust their doctors to not only give them sound medical advice, but also to inform them of the best treatment options currently available. In fact, patients rarely even refer to other doctors for a second opinion, even if they have been diagnosed with a serious illness.

It can be very difficult to know when a doctor has made an honest mistake that could not be avoided versus when a case of medical malpractice or gross neglect has taken place, unless you’ve enrolled on online FNP programs or obtained a law degree.

Not only do most patients want to avoid insulting their doctors by asking too many questions, they also do not want to risk damaging their relationships with their physicians. The best way to tell if you have experienced medical negligence is to have your case looked at by an attorney, but here are some of the primary clues you can look for when you want to try to figure out what your next move should be.

When an Illness Goes Undiagnosed

If you are serious about your health, you should be scheduling appointments with your primary physician for routine checkups at least once a year. People who have chronic or lifelong medical disorders may find more regular medical screening may be necessary. During each annual medical appointment, you should be discussing all concerns you have with your doctor, and you should also be receiving expert medical advice and suggestions on any treatments or changes needed. If you have discussed ongoing medical issues with your doctor or the family nurse practitioner at your doctor’s office and not received any sort of helpful suggestions, you may be being medically neglected.

Insufficient Medical Treatment

Even if a doctor provides helpful suggestions and orders a course of treatment aimed at alleviating your medical issues, your feedback and recovery always need to be taken into account. Not all treatments are going to work on patients in the same manner, in which case physicians need to try other methods out or send their patients to medical specialists for further evaluation. Additionally, if a medical treatment is not working to your satisfaction, it could be a sign that a more serious issue is going on. There aren’t specific guidelines on how long a doctor should wait to see if a specific treatment is working, but it should become evidently clear to your physician when the route being taken isn’t going as planned.

Serious and Avoidable Medical Complications

Remember that doctors are not always able to anticipate every type of health complication that may arise during your lifetime. This is why you should discuss any and all symptoms you are experience with either the FNP or your doctor as soon as they occur, and always schedule a doctor’s visit if you feel that your health is at imminent risk. Otherwise, medical complications that occur as a result of misdiagnosis or medical neglect are both serious and unethical.

The fact of the matter is that the majority of people would much rather be able to talk to their doctors about their concerns rather than to need to consult with an attorney about suspected cases of medical malpractice. If there are things that are bothering you about the way your doctor has been treating your illness, speak up and wait to hear his or her reasoning. After that, you can decide if you need to talk to an attorney.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Many have had difficulty trying to choose the best option for hair removal. One important option for people to consider is laser removal treatment such as the services offered by Colaz Advanced Beauty Specialists.

Laser hair removal treatment can quickly, safely, and effectively eliminate unwanted growth and hair follicles from various parts of the body. Here are some other benefits of laser hair removal treatment.

It removes your hair permanently

Laser hair removal treatment is effective at permanent unwanted hair removal. After only a couple of treatments, you can flaunt your new and improved smooth skin that is free unwanted hair.

It requires little time

Laser hair removal treatment is quicker, allowing you to get on with your busy day. The quickness of the procedure is largely due to the power and precision of laser technology at efficiently removing unwanted hair. Of course, larger areas of unwanted hair will take longer to remove for any procedure, but laser hair removal treatment will accomplish this more effectively than some quicker procedures.

Less ingrown hair

Ingrown hair can develop after waxing or shaving your body due to uneven breakage of hair tips when removed. Ingrown hairs can be painful and cause infections. Fortunately, laser hair removal treatment can destroy ingrown hairs at the source.

Less invasive

Laser hair removal is another non-invasive cosmetic method. Although the treatment can be painful, the degree of discomfort depends on how much hair needs to be removed, the area of the body where the hair is located, the skill of the laser operator, and the person’s pain tolerance level. Some individuals chose to use topical anesthesia to decrease the level of discomfort.

Ease of access:

Laser hair removal treatments are performed at therapeutic spas in most parts of the world.

Side effects

Side effects of laser hair removal treatment are usually brief. Side effects typically include itching, redness, and swelling, although these generally do not last for more than a few days. In some cases, patients may experience hyper-pigmentation.

An example of effective laser hair removal treatment

Lumenis LightSheer is the most progressive treatment available for the viable removal of unwanted hair. The technique uses advanced technology for rapid hair removal that does not require use of a topical anesthetic. You can continue general activities immediately treatments are over. There are other laser hair removal treatments available.

How does the area respond to treatment?

The response of any area of unwanted hair to treatment will differ from patient to patient depending on various factors such as the amount of hair involved and the patient's skin type. After an initial consultation, the patient is typically be informed of treatment expectations.

Before treatment

It is typically recommend for people undergoing laser hair removal treatment to avoid removing hair via tweezing, waxing, creams or lotions, or electrolysis (electric hair removal) six weeks before treatment. It is also typically advised not to tan the treatment regions for four weeks before treatment. Abstaining from self-tanning products two weeks before treatment is also usually suggested. The treatment team at a laser hair removal center will provide a detailed list of do’s and don’ts before the procedure takes place.

After treatment
Some redness and swelling in the area of hair removal is typical and may feel like sunburn. This sensation ought to resolve after a few hours to a few days following treatment. Applying 30 SPF sunscreen every day over the treated territory is typically recommended. The treatment team will provide you with a list of topical solutions after the procedure(s) to help your skin heal. If the underarms are treated, it is typically recommended to avoid applying antiperspirant until told otherwise. Obviously, try not to pick, scratch, or tweeze the treated zone is a good idea. Applying 1% hydrocortisone, aloe vera, and/or ice to the affected area until redness vanishes is another useful treatment technique after laser hair removal treatment.

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Monday, January 09, 2017

Simple Daily Habits to Transform Yourself in 2017

Not every New Year’s resolution needs to be out of reach.  In life, the smallest changes can make the greatest impact on your life and the lives of those around you. You don’t need to climb steep mountains or have the fattest paycheck to achieve the happiness of accomplishment. 

After all, a resolution is about improving yourself and your well-being. If you are going to go out there and train for that marathon, then good for you! Perhaps you’re going to commit to reading a new novel a month. No matter your resolution, there are simply daily habits that can help you transform your life in the New Year.

Find something about yourself that you love

When we think of resolutions, we think of change.  Change is good, but it is important to keep in touch with who you are and what you want to change.  When you think of your resolutions, ask yourself: “Why do I want to change this thing about myself?” Reflect upon it, and discover whether this is something you want for yourself or is it what other people or society expects of you.  Write a list of ten things you like about yourself.  You do not need to share it with anyone, but keep it in a safe place where you can revisit it when you need to.

Small Changes in Diet

Don’t be intimidated by the idea of a diet. Most people do not need to make an entirely drastic change in their daily food intake to remain healthy at first.  Take small steps in reducing certain things you eat, such as excess bread or artificial sugar. There are major benefits to small changes in your daily meals; cutting down on chocolate and other dairy products may help clear up your skin, while reducing your soda habit could result in much improved gut health. Truthfully, a large part of our health has to do with what we eat. Find a healthy balance for yourself. There are many diets out there, so find one that is reasonable and that you can stick to.  It may be wise to visit a nutritionist who can create a diet to fit your needs.  Take a diet one step at a time so that overtime your body will adjust and actually crave the healthy foods you need.

Get Active

Physical activity need not be overly strenuous.  A simple routine that involves movement of any kind is good for your body.  If, however, you seek to change your physical appearance, keep in mind that you’ll plenty of dedication and tenacity. Instead of going for something extreme, try an activity you will enjoy.  You don’t need to experience a lot of pain to get in shape. Some people find that yoga or weight training is right for them.  Just like with diet, you can rewire your brain to enjoy healthy exercise.  Or better yet, some people find that adjusting their body to fitness that they will find the inspiration to train for something more challenging like a backpacking trip.  Exercise is not just for your body—it’s vital for proper mental health. If you need to start with baby steps, consider investing in a Fitbit and learn to become more active in your everyday life.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Not everyone can afford a first-class trip to Europe or sign up for a safari in Zimbabwe, but you’ll be surprised at what you can do if you get out of your comfort zone.  Maybe that means just stepping off the beaten path and travelling to a different town.  If you are shy, maybe it is about overcoming your shyness to build relationships with others.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you have unhealthy relationships in your life, it may be time to step out of your comfort zone and distance yourself from toxic people.  Whichever path you choose, do something different to make 2017 a memorable year.

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Friday, January 06, 2017

How to Improve Your Mental Health in 2017

Most of us make resolutions around our physical well-being, a fact that is evidenced by packed gyms and grocery carts filled with produce around this time of year. However, one facet of our health that needs to come center stage is mental well-being. Make your mental health a priority this year with these simple strategies and enjoy life to the fullest.

Practice Meditating

Meditation isn’t all mumbo jumbo—this ancient practice can provide serious health benefits that can see your mental health improving minute by minute. There are many ways to partake in this practice, and you’re apt to find something that serves as the perfect fit for your lifestyle and expectations. Whether you attend meditation seminars or download an app like Headspace, you’ll be surprised at how much just ten minutes a day can improve your overall well-being.

Go to Bed

We all know how scatterbrained we become when we don’t get a full night’s rest, and improving your mental health could be as simple as getting more shuteye every evening. Research has consistently shown that better rest can help individuals regulate their emotions and maintain a healthy outlook. If you’re having a hard time going to sleep, or sleeping too much without feeling rested, you may need to consider seeing a professional.

Keep Your Brain Moving

Consider what you can do to improve your knowledge in your career. No matter your profession or industry, there’s likely numerous ways to build upon your skillset and capabilities. If you’re in the field of accounting, take initiative and enroll in some CPA courses to expand your employment opportunities. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn more about graphic design; there’s never been a better time, as the skills inherent to graphic designers are now valuable to employers in a variety of disciplines. Consider becoming an Adobe Certified Associate to learn about Photoshop and Illustrator; these additions are sure to help you standout in job opportunities, but they’re also just plain fun to learn. Whatever your profession, you’re guaranteed to find new routes to explore, and using your brain to full capacity can help you combat stagnancy in the work place and improve your self-esteem.

Scale Back on Your Social Media

It’s nice to be able to keep up with friends and acquaintances on the various social media channels available to us, but did you realize your social media habits might be having a negative impact on your psyche? Recent research has shown that people are more susceptible to depressive feelings after scrolling through their news’ feeds. Why? Researchers suggest that we compare ourselves to others, which feeds into negative self-esteem. Take a break from your accounts, and try to cut down on how much time you spend looking through friends’ photos and videos.

Be Vocal

If you’re struggling with mental health issues, now is the time to speak up. You never know who around you may be going through similar things, and these individuals may be able to lend a helping hand or solid advice. If things are feeling like they’re too much, let someone know; you don’t need to face mental illness alone, and talking to a friend or family member, or even a health professional, about your feelings could make all the difference and see you feeling happier and healthier than ever before come next year.

Maintain an Exercise Routine

The majority of resolution makers tend to have at least one revolving around fitness, but exercise can actually have a significant impact on your mental health, as well. Regular exercise promotes the release of brain chemicals responsible for the “feel-good” sensation, including endocannabinoids, neurotransmitters, and endorphins. Numerous studies have shown that even simple walking can have a positive effect on moderate depression symptoms, so grab a new Fitbit and take your mental health one step at a time, no pun intended.

Don’t ignore your mental health this year—practice these habits and make your year more fulfilling and enjoyable with each passing day.

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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Top Questions to Ask Your Primary Care Physician

Doctor visits are more complicated than they were even five years ago. With electronic health record technology permeating all aspects of medical practice, an immense database for each individual patient is now available at the physician's fingertips at all times.

Yet, despite this vast amount of information, many doctors still exit an exam room without knowing all the details they need to appropriately treat that person. Unfortunately, in many cases, the patient failed to ask the right questions during the visit, leaving the doctor in the dark about the most troubling symptoms. Primary care physicians are typically internists, and well trained in diagnosing health issues.

Many people are hesitant or afraid to ask their doctor for direct and specific health information. For some patients, those in the medical profession hold an exalted status, which can inhibit interactions. For others, fear of what they might learn about their own health keeps their mouths closed when they should be talking. Still others believe that if the physician saw anything amiss during the exam, he or she would point it out. If the doctor is silent on any issue about which patients are concerned, many take that silence as proof that their concerns were unfounded.

Doctors Want Questions

However, almost all physicians agree that patients should ask questions at every visit, to optimize the appointment for both participants. To overcome the intimidation and fear factors, many recommend that patients write their questions down before a visit. If you have a doctor's appointment on your calendar, consider how you can make the most of that visit by being prepared to ask questions:

Questions to Ask Yourself Before the Visit

Each doctor visit is a unique event. Some people may be seeking a change of medication, while others are looking for an examination or diagnosis of a particular health condition. Before you go to see your doctor, clarify the issues that are concerning you and for which you are seeking the doctor's input. Write down each concern, then craft questions that address each of them separately, so you will have a comprehensive list to refer to during your time with your doctor. With that list in front of you, you won't forget to raise any of your concerns.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor Directly

"I'm afraid I have XXX disease because I read about it on the Internet. What do you think?"

Many people hesitate to reveal their actual concerns about their symptoms. In this day and age, a quick Google search will turn up several possible diagnoses for any one symptom. Some people accept the Google "diagnosis" as accurate for their case and don't talk to their doctor about what they've learned.

"Why have you prescribed tests for me? What will they tell you?"

Sometimes, a simple exam doesn't gather the information the doctor needs to make an accurate diagnosis. When this happens, they order additional tests before drawing any health conclusions about their patients. If your doctor has prescribed more tests for you, such as blood or urine tests, he or she may have a diagnosis in mind that the test can confirm or eliminate.

Sometimes tests reveal additional health issues that are not obvious to you, such as high levels of cholesterol or blood sugar. These results may indicate that you have health concerns in addition to the ones you already know about. If your doctor asks for tests, be sure to ask if they revealed something new about your actual health condition.

"Based on your exam today, what is my diagnosis and how did you come to that conclusion?"

Incredibly, some people will take home information about how to treat a condition without asking for its name or why they have that diagnosis. While some symptoms are clearly visible, many are not, and can only be identified through medical tests. Based on the exam and the results of your tests, your doctor can correctly diagnose your condition while eliminating other possible diagnoses. Ask for details about what your doctor discovered about your condition and how your body is reacting to it.

"What is the treatment for this condition? Do I have treatment options?"

Very often, there are several treatment protocols available for one condition. Some patients tolerate some treatments better than others. Accordingly, it is important that you understand what you have and which treatment protocol is the best for your case.

"What will this medicine do for me? Will it cause any side effects?"

Not all medicines are alike; some have side effects that can be very uncomfortable. When talking to your doctor about your treatment, ask if the curative aspects of your medicine outweigh the discomforts of its possible side effects. Ultimately, as the patient, you're the one who will suffer those side effects. When you understand how a medicine will most likely impact your body, you can make a better decision about whether you want to take it.

Also, plan to take the full course of your medication. Many patients begin to feel better almost immediately after starting a medicine regimen, and then fail to complete the entire course. Medicines are calibrated to act over the course of time and will not achieve their full healing effect if stopped prematurely.

Trust and Talk to Your Doctor

Your doctor is just a person who is concerned about your good health. Plan to have an informative and supportive conversation with him or her at your next visit by asking all the right questions.


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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Career and Time Management Strategies for Healthcare Professionals

The healthcare profession undergoes one of the busiest workdays as compared to any other industry. There are thousands of moving parts, from machinery to medicines, doctors, nurses, computer operators, health support staff, and finance. Every role is critical, requires ample planning and standardized approach, training and time management. For an optimal healthcare institution to perform at its best, all of these parts need to be combined and should perform as one unit to help create efficiencies, cost cutting, and time management. Hence, healthcare professionals should be aware of how they can better progress in their careers, as well as use time to their advantage to ensure a balance in life. Nevertheless, at the end, the primary role of a healthcare institution is to ensure that the communities they serve get the best possible care at the least possible cost.

Revenue Cycle Management in Healthcare Insinuations

With technologies moving at some pace, it is not new to know that not many are aware of the definition of Revenue Cycle Management Healthcare. However, it is easy to understand what revenue cycle management in healthcare is. In order to better streamline financial profits and patient data, it is important to have a robust enterprise-wide revenue cycle management in healthcare institutions. In a hospital, data is generated every minute in terms of both in and outpatient, their dues, their payments, their balances, their medicines, their billing as well as how healthcare professionals have performed. All this helps in bringing costs down, where resources are not being effectively used. The best way is to find companies that can help provide such revenue cycle management systems that are tailored as per hospital’s needs. Secondly, all professionals should be trained on how the system works and how they can better use it for their own career progression and time management. If you are new at management, tips for beginners may be of great help.

Using Electronic Records

Electronic health record (EHR) are one of the best ways reduce the time it takes for patient history to be discovered and processed. The best answer to what is effective time management in healthcare is electronic records management. If there is a central data warehouse on the cloud, hospitals can utilize it, and then use a single patient history record across cities and border to treat a patient. It saves time, resources and helps stay alert with any new treatments that can be beneficial.

Learn to Manage Stress

Stress is the daily part of our lives, even cheerful and carefree students are getting stressed by preparing for exams, overcoming deadlines or searching for the best custom essay writing company. While treating others, managers and healthcare professionals can themselves get fatigue and stress. One of the best skills to do stress management for healthcare professionals is to know how to manage it. Stress can be felt when here is a lot of work to do, there are not many helping hands, a professional is not fluent in their practice or they are finding it hard to manage their shifts. In all, stress can trigger depression and can result in loss of attention, and ability to perform tasks with higher efficiencies. Hence, having goals set for the day, constant practice, a delegation of roles and teamwork is central towards coping high stress amongst healthcare professionals.

Career Progression

A hospital has many types of professionals. There are those who have extensive work experience and there are specialists who offer quality treatment, while there are those who are new and have just started to enter the healthcare industry. Wherever you fit, it is important to keep on learning from your superiors and helping those below you progress by giving them tips. There are hundreds of conferences that teach new skills, can be of a great assignment writing help, tell about new technologies, help restore confidence by giving mock practice sessions, and help you present your own research and thoughts that can be of benefit to others. Research and the way data is used are beneficial at both practical and management level, and lead to better career progress for professionals.

Time management comes hand in hand if anyone wishes to have a better career. Masters in healthcare programs, for both seasoned professionals, doctors, and nurses has opened a new track for those working in hospitals. However, there is a need to learn skills that result in both time management and stress management, so that individuals can better align their daily schedules and lead by example.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Understanding The Enormous Risk Of Taking Xanax Regularly

Over the years, a large quantity of Americans has been prescribed Xanax and they’re not alone. This specific benzodiazepine has proven to be enormously beneficial for combating panic disorders and anxiety in general. Nonetheless, there are many risks involved with taking Xanax regularly for an extended duration.

Even if you follow your doctor’s order strictly, there is a possibility that you will experience negative side effects and even develop an addiction to this drug. Within this guide, you will learn about the risks of taking Xanax and preventive measures you can take to avoid becoming addicted.

Potential Xanax Side Effects

First and foremost, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with the known side effects associated with the consumption of Xanax. While there are other potential side effects, those listed below are the most common. Also, you should remember that drugs can impact people differently. Therefore, you may not experience these side effects, but your friends or neighbor may.

•    Forgetfulness, clumsiness and drowsiness
•    Decreased appetite
•    Irritability and outbursts
•    Difficulty concentrating and speaking
•    Trouble completing mundane tasks
•    Difficulty sleeping
•    Trembling and shaking

Depending on the amount of time you’ve been taking Xanax and the amount taken, there is a possibility that you will also experience diarrhea, dark urine, and even body aches. However, these specific side effects are far less common and generally only experienced by long term users. In some rare cases, the patient may experience ear pain, an irregular heartbeat, nightmares, and even chest pain. If you experience any of these, it is essential to stop consuming Xanax and speak with your doctor immediately.

Xanax Addiction

Being addicted to any type of medication can be downright devastating. Nonetheless, there are some medications that tend to be more addictive and harmful than others. Unfortunately, Xanax most certainly ranks near the top of the list. Benzodiazepines are medications, which can be classified as tranquilizers. Xanax and Valium are two of the most common. These medications are commonly used to combat insomnia, control seizures and reduce anxiety. While these drugs can be legitimately beneficial, they’re also abused regularly. Their toxic effects combined with the widespread availability helps to make these drugs very addictive.

The symptoms associated with addiction include confusion, dizziness, weakness, slurred speech, and blurred vision. Chronic abuse of Xanax can actually lead to alterations of the abuser’s physical appearance and their behavior. Those that have consumed Xanax for a long duration will need to seek out professional assistance when attempting to break free. The withdrawal symptoms can be horrifying and very painful. Therefore, withdrawing from Xanax on your own is not recommended. Remember that it is possible to avoid these problems by following your doctor’s orders and consuming the medication cautiously.

Xanax Overdose

When your physician hands you a prescription for Xanax, you should take the time to read the instructional pamphlet. This educational guide will provide you with a full range of information about Xanax, including the dosing recommendations. It is crucial to follow these recommendations to a tee to avoid overdose. A physician must access the patient to determine the amount of Xanax required for treatment. More often than not, a physician will start with a minimal dose, increasing up to the maximum recommended dosage.

A Xanax overdose occurs, when the patient accidentally ingests a higher quantity of the medicine that the body can process. All types of drug overdoses are very dangerous, even life threatening, but Xanax overdose has a higher rate of fatality. When you discover that you have congested more the prescribed dose, you should immediately call the Poison Help Line or 911. The early signs of a Xanax overdose include:

•    Confusion
•    Muscle weakness
•    Severe drowsiness
•    Syncope
•    Loss of coordination or balance
•    Lightheadedness

Things To Avoid

When you are taking a routine dose of Xanax, you should avoid alcohol consumption. Xanax taken alone can impair your ability to think clearly, but when combined with alcohol, it can cause dangerous side effects. You should also avoid combining Xanax with other forms of benzodiazepines, because doing so can potentially increase your risk of overdose. Before taking any over-the-counter antihistamine, such as Benadryl, you should speak with your primary care physician of psychiatrist.

It is also crucial to avoid opioids, unless the same physician prescribes them to you. If you find yourself in need of prescription pain medicine, you will need to alert the physician that you are currently taking a routine dose of Xanax. The physician may decide to prescribe you a mild pain reliever, such as Darvocet.

Understanding Xanax Withdrawal And Detox

Individuals who take larger amounts of Xanax for a longer period of time than prescribed will be at a high risk of developing a dependency to the drug. This fact also increases the changes of a more severe withdrawal period. Once an individual becomes dependent to any drug, he or she just doesn’t feel normal without consuming their drug of choice. When a Xanax-dependent person suddenly stops taking Xanax they are often times going to experience psychological disturbances as well as physical pain.

When you compare Xanax to other benzodiazepines it has some of the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms, because it leaves the body much quicker than any other benzodiazepine. Basically, this means that the withdrawal symptoms are going to come on quicker and more severe. Anytime that Xanax is prescribed to a person, it is often only prescribed for a short amount of time, because it has such a high addiction potential. Even taking Xanax as it is prescribed can cause withdrawal symptoms, when you stop taking it.

Some of the most common symptoms of Xanax withdrawal are headaches, insomnia, blurred vision, sweating, vomiting, aggression, anxiety, seizures, shaking, muscle cramps and pain, and sensitivity to light

A Look At The Duration Of Withdrawal

While the withdrawal symptoms of Xanax are more intense than any other benzodiazepine they usually do not last as long. Withdrawal symptoms can have an onset as little as an hour after consumption and last for more than a week. However, everyone is different and reacts differently to the medication. Your intake of the drug can also play a role in the withdrawal timetable as well as how long you have been taking the drug.

Within the first six hours the effects of the Xanax will wear off and the withdrawal symptoms will start to take over. This is usually the time users start to experience anxiety and irritability, which only get worse. The symptoms of withdrawal will be most intense after the first few days of stopping. This is the point where rebound anxiety and insomnia will be at its highest. After about four days, the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms will usually start to die down.

This article was written by David Warren from the team.

Things to do to make piles treatment easier and smoother

As per medical and social belief, piles is perhaps the worst kind of illness one can suffer from. People feel tremendously embarrassed when they talk about this disease, which is actually a very stressful scenario. But in all actuality, curing piles is actually quite easy, without having to converse with anyone regarding your condition. You also do not have to go for regular clinical checkups, which saves you from a lot of embarrassment. There are various holistic treatment solutions that cure piles and related conditions with a success rate of about 86%.

So today, we will talk about what piles actually is and how you can cure the illness while at home, without the help of any physician. So read on to find out more about these piles treatment options.

Piles – an introduction

Piles is basically the severe development of haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids are basically inflamed vascular structures in your body. In case of piles, the vascular structures located in the anal canal get swollen and inflamed, which causes bleeding and discomfort. These inflamed veins or vascular structures developing in the anal canal disrupt smooth and comfortable bowel movement, which is the main reason of discomfort for patients suffering from piles. The veins in this vascular structure are usually very sensitive and extremely thin. Hence, in case of inflammation, a high level of pain and discomfort is quite natural during bowel movements.

Things to do to keep piles in check

Avoiding straining while defecating and constipation

Maintaining good intestinal health at all times is a good habit to avoid piles. Our modern lifestyle does not allow us to do so, but we still have to try our best. Getting up early in the morning, going for a brisk walk or jogging, having a healthy and good breakfast, having a light an early dinner, going to bed earlier than usual – all are ways by which you can ensure good intestinal health. Try to eat as much fruits and fiber as possible between meals.

Get at least 6 hours of sleep every night

Getting a sufficient amount of sleep at night can actually help you to avoid or cure piles. This may sound farfetched, but it is actually the truth. When you sleep properly at night, your digestive system turns a full cycle, that allows for smooth bowel movements. Also, when you sleep, your body produces hormones and enzymes that help your body to heal on its own. Hence, if you get inadequate sleep, various physiological problems will start occurring, including piles.

Including fiber in meal

Including fibrous food items like leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, wholegrain bread, cereals, etc. is always a good idea because they help with digestion and also to avoid constipation.

Drinking adequate amount of water

Two to three litres of water is a daily necessity for adults. An adult should drink at least two litres everyday if he or she wants to stay healthy. The excess water, that your body will not require, will be excreted as urine, but the requisite part usually improves intestinal health, thereby inducing smooth bowel movement. Try to avoid random water sources. Good quality water with proper pH level is what your body needs.

Avoiding painkillers and NSAIDs at all costs

Painkillers and NSAIDs are made with harmful compounds and chemicals, that might give temporary relief from pain, but can cause tremendous intestinal problems and constipation in the long run. Avoid them is an absolute must.

Some added measures

You must always remember never to strain yourself on the toilet at any cost. You may feel a slight fullness in your rectum and may try to strain, but this is basically a symptom that you are suffering from piles. And if you try to strain with such a physical condition, you will only make things worse for yourself. Also, sitting on the toilet for a long while should always be avoided. Just get in there, do your work, and get out. There is no need to sit on your toilet and watch TV, read a magazine or play games on your smartphone. You have the rest of the day for all these things.

Treating piles without surgery

Now coming to the main question – how to cure piles at home on your own? The answer is simpler than you think. The entire treatment process can be divided into two steps. Improving your daily lifestyle is the first step. As discussed earlier, you need to be on a fixed schedule, workout regularly, eat right and sleep properly to maintain your intestinal health. The second step is to go for holistic treatment options and take medicine that help to heal the inflamed vascular structures or veins in the anal canal. There are many naturally occurring medicines, such as Activiz and Restotab from Grocare India that help to relieve the pressure on the veins, make bowel movement smoother and make your body toxic free, all of which can cure piles.

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