Tuesday, July 05, 2022

History of Carbon 60 Explained

Carbon 60, C60 or buckminsterfullerene is the new powerhouse when discussing antioxidants. You may also find reference to it as ESS60. This is the purest form of C60. So pure, in fact, that you get over 170 times the antioxidizing power of vitamin C. Quite fascinating right?

A cursory internet search will uncover many fantastic benefits of the naturally occurring fullerene. Besides its antioxidant powers, C60 has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. 

We will delve some more into the carbon60 benefits. But first, let us take a walk back to the annals to uncover the history of C60. 

C60 What Is It?

Let's start by understanding C60 before we go into its history. Back in 1985, a team of scientists from Rice University in Texas produced a carbon compound comprising 60 carbon molecules. Indeed, it was a case of serendipity. The focus of their research was characterizing interstellar matter. 

But, while using cluster beams and lasers, the scientists noted that a resulting byproduct was carbon molecules. Further exploration showed the clusters contained 60 atoms. 

Later, in the experimental stage, they produced clusters containing 70 carbons. But, they noticed greater stability due to the symmetry of the C60 construction.  

The scientists behind the discovery were Harold Kroto from the University of Sussex. Richard Smalley and Robert Curl were from Rice University. They came together to carry out a joint research project. Indeed their contribution to the scientific world earned them a Nobel in Chemistry in 1996.  

The molecule's structure resembles a hollow soccer ball, more specifically the European football, thus reference to them as buckyballs.

The original name of Carbon 60 is buckminsterfullerene. The scientific community named the molecule after Buckminster Fuller. He came up with the geodesic dome that aptly describes the shape of the C60 molecules. 

You are probably wondering why the atom shape matters. Well, the hollow structure allows it to entrap or hold other molecules without impacting the fullerene structure. Further, the buckyballs will not bond or stick to one another. That explains the stability of the C60 molecules. 

How C60 Works as an Antioxidant

C60 applications are numerous. And one of the areas in which carbon60 is proving to be quite significant is as an antioxidant. You see, our bodies contain free radicals. These are naturally occurring, although habits like smoking and eating processed foods can raise their levels. 

And that is where the danger lies. High levels will lead to oxidative stress. The result is a myriad of serious health complications. These include cardiovascular issues, cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. 

Premature aging is another adverse outcome of high free radical levels. 

Now, here is where c60 can make a huge difference. The shape of the structure allows it to interact with the free radicals. Being a very stable compound, the radicals will not alter or impact the C60 atoms.  

But, the same does not apply to free radicals. The C60 will neutralize them, thereby rendering them powerless. 

The health benefits are numerous. That is why C60 has become a popular ingredient in supplements, topical creams, olive oil and much more. Another plus is, there is no evidence of anyone experiencing adverse reactions after using C60. 

Please check the products you are buying to determine the other ingredients. Some elements in topical creams, for example, may result in allergic reactions. Do the necessary allergy patch tests before using them. 

Final Thoughts

There is so much to know about Carbon60. Our article touches on the salient points. But, there is a lot to learn about this amazing antioxidant. One thing for sure; the health benefits are tremendous.

This is a guest blog entry.

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