Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Methods for Combatting Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are two of the biggest problems which plague a lion's share of our population. Today we are going to take a look at some ways of alleviating stress:

  • If you have been feeling very stressed lately, then getting some physical exercise can help you relax. A sedentary lifestyle has been linked with sleep disturbances, poor mood, and high stress. These activities can improve your mood drastically alongside common mental health conditions like depression and anxiety.
  • The food you eat has a big role to play in determining your mental health. Various studies have shown that people consuming ultra-processed food with high sugar content experience higher stress levels. We develop a tendency of overeating highly palatable foods when we are chronically stressed and this inflicts a negative impact on our health and mood. There is also a high chance of succumbing to nutrient deficiencies of Vitamin B and magnesium which are essential for regulating our mood and stress levels. Thus, it is advisable to stick to whole foods like fruits, vegetables, fish, beans, nuts, and seeds to ensure proper nourishment of your body. 
  • Smartphones and tablets have evolved into an integral part of our lives. But using them too often can increase your stress level. Higher screen time is associated with increased stress levels and lower psychological well-being. Blue light emitted from the screen tends to hamper our normal sleep routine causing increased stress levels. 
  • Caffeine found in tea, coffee, chocolate, and energy drinks stimulates our central nervous system. Excess consumption of caffeine can increase feelings of anxiety by causing insomnia. If you have been feeling anxious or jittery lately following caffeine intake, then it's high time to swap your morning coffee routine with water or decaffeinated herbal tea. 
  • Love and care of friends and family can help us cope with the most stressful times. A study linked higher levels of perceived stress, depressive symptoms, and loneliness with not having enough support from near and dear ones. A social support system can significantly impact your overall mental health. You can join different clubs or volunteer for a social cause to feel more contented at the end of the day.
  • Understanding your priorities and avoiding procrastinating can be an effective way of keeping stress under control. Our productivity gets hampered by procrastination leading to a high level of stress and disturbed sleep. If you have a habit of procrastinating regularly, then you can come up with a to-do list according to priorities. Setting realistic deadlines and working your way down the list can ward off stress. 
  • Yoga has evolved into a popular means of exercise which increases our body and breath awareness. Practicing yoga regularly lowers the secretion of cortisol or stress hormone while increasing the level of gamma-aminobutyric acid which helps tackle mood disorders. 
  • The human touch can be your ally in coping with stress. Various studies have linked positive physical contact with reduced levels of stress and loneliness. Cuddling with your loved one lowers the level of cortisol and increases the release of the oxytocin hormone. This also assists in lowering heart rate and high blood pressure which are infamous for causing physical stress symptoms. 
  • Spending time in the lap of mother nature can serve as an excellent means of releasing stress. You can keep anxiety at bay by spending more time in green spaces like forests and parks. While hiking and camping are excellent options for adrenaline junkies, you can also take a tour of local parks, botanical gardens, and arboretums. 
  • Modern millennials are increasingly opting for cannabis to benefit from its medicinal properties of stress relief by interacting with our endocannabinoid system.


Stress can arise from an array of factors ranging from health concerns to family obligations and even relationship problems. However, you can gain an upper hand over stress by following the tips listed above. 

This is a guest blog entry.

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