Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Allergy Relief Supplements You Need

If the thought of the arrival of seasonal allergies brings you dread, then it is about time you looked into finding some relief from them. Allergies can leave you suffering from symptoms such as sinus congestion, hives, dermatitis, hay fever, and even asthma. These are all signs of a weakened immune system and are symptoms that affect over 50 million Americans.

Depending on what the allergy is, it can persist for a number of months and can become frustrating. To combat them, most individuals usually go for the standard decongestants and antihistamines, which can be purchased from pharmacies and even supermarkets. However, these come with negative side effects such as feelings of dizziness and / or drowsiness.

But there is a way of getting the required level of relief without the unwanted side effects, and that is by using Allergy Relief Supplements that enhances the immune system. Some of the most effective include:
  • Minerals / Multivitamins – These are essential for the functioning of the immune, digestive, metabolic, and nervous systems. It also helps with the growth of muscles and detoxification of the liver. Research shows that most Americans have a deficiency in many essential minerals and nutrients as a result of a poor diet. The consumption of things such as caffeine and drugs, as well as exposure to pollution and / or stress are responsible for the depletion of vital nutrients. Therefore, a comprehensive mineral and multivitamin supplement is absolutely necessary in ensuring good health.
  • Some favorite products include Pioneer’s 1 + 1 Vitamin Mineral and Nature’s Way Alive! Max Daily Multi Vitamin with Iron.
  • Quercetin – This is a bioflavonoid and improves the effects of antihistamines, as it decreases the activity of histamine. It is formed of natural anti viral compounds that can prevent common colds and the breakout of herpes, as well as combating the symptoms of bronchitis, flu, sinusitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. Quercetin works by stabilizing the immune cells that are responsible for causing allergic reactions and decreases histamine release.
  • Some favorite products include Life Extension’s Optimized Quercetin and Source Naturals’ Activated Quercetin.
  • Probiotics – Research suggests that taking a probiotic reduces both the severity and frequency of infections. The balance of bacteria in the gut can be negatively affected by the excessive consumption of carbohydrates and sugar, as well from taking the birth control bill and from using antibiotics. A probiotic that contains between 10 – 15 billion live cells per capsule should be taken daily on an empty stomach.
  • Some favorite products include Flora’s Adult’s Blend probiotic and Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotics.
  • Plant Sterols – These work to stabilize the body’s immune system by bringing down any aspects that may be running overly high, such as when suffering from allergies. At the same time they also bring up any aspects that are running too low, such as when suffering from the flu or a cold.
  • A favorite plant sterol product is Now’s Beta-Sitosterol Plant Sterols.
This is a guest blog entry.

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