Monday, December 04, 2017

What Really Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in America, resulting in heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke. Despite the common knowledge that habitual smokers live an average of 12 years less than non-smokers, many people still feel daunted by the thought of quitting even though they’re anxious about the risks.

If you’re looking to kick the habit, don’t expect just to stop overnight. Instead, consult your doctor and ask for a nicotine alternative to help your body adjust. These days, there are numerous options available to former smokers, including gums, patches, and e-cigarettes. Quitting can be hard, even if you are using a vaporizer, so ease the process with a treats e juice.

However you decide to give up smoking, you’re probably wondering what will happen to your body after you quit, so here’s what to expect in those first days and weeks as a non-smoker.

Heightened Senses

As early as two days after your last cigarette, the nerves that control your sense of smell and taste start to heal. As a result, you will notice you have a heightened sense of smell and are able to taste flavors you’ve probably been missing for years.

Withdrawal Symptoms

If you stop feeding your body nicotine altogether, you will start experiencing withdrawal symptoms around three days after you quit, such as headaches, irritability, and cravings. Nicotine withdrawal is far from pleasant, which is why most people struggle to stop smoking. If you decide that going cold turkey isn’t for you, then you may decide to use a nicotine replacement to help your body readjust.

Less Coughing

After your first month as a non-smoker, you will realize you are coughing far less. This is because your lung capacity is improving and the damage caused by inhaling toxins and carcinogens is beginning to heal. You may find it easier to exercise and find you don’t get out of breath so easily.

Increased Body Temperature

Because smoking damages your heart and blood vessels, smokers often feel cold due to poor circulation. In the first few months after quitting, you will notice that your body feels warmer as your blood circulation improves. After your first year as a non-smoker, your risk of developing coronary heart disease has decreased by half, which has dramatic implications for your long-term health.

Lower Health Risks

Although smoking can be incredibly detrimental to your health, many of the risks can be lowered or eliminated by stopping smoking altogether. According to medical professionals, after 15 years of not smoking, your risk of developing heart disease or pancreatic cancer is reduced to the same level as a non-smoker; and after 20 years, your chances of dying from all smoke-related causes drop to the equivalent as someone who has never smoked at all.

So, while stopping smoking can be a momentous challenge, it’s worth knowing that your efforts will have a considerable impact on your health, almost immediately. Although it’s helpful to view the whole picture and see that your goal has an end-result, try to go one step at a time when you first quit. Treat each hour, day, week, and month without cigarettes your own personal victory, and soon it won’t feel like such a struggle.

This is a guest blog entry.

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