WORLD’S LARGEST EYES: This is Kim Goodman. It’s not how she normally looks, but she contains an amazing ability to pop her eyes out about half of an inch.
- LONGEST EAR HAIR: This is Radhakant Bajpai of India, who has 5.19 inches of ear hair. Looks like he actually styles it.
- STRETCHIEST SKIN: This is Garry Turner of England, who can stretch his skin 6.25 inches. This is due to a rare condition of the connective tissues, known as Elhers-Danlos syndrome.

- WORLD’S HAIRIEST CHILD: This is Supatra “Nat” Sasuphan. Seeing is believing.
- WORLD’S MOST FLEXIBLE MAN: This is Daniel Browning Smith who hold many world records for incredibly flexible poses like this one:
- WORLD’S LARGEST BICEPS: This is Gregg Valentino, who had 28 inch arms.
- WORLD’S LARGEST PALMS: This is the palm of Leonid Ivanovych Stadnyk, believed to be the largest in the world.
- LARGEST COLLECTION OF BELLY BUTTON LINT: This is the only one that actually gave me chills for some reason, probably because it is just so bizarre. This is a 26 year collection of belly-button lint! The collection is from Graham Barker of Australia.
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