Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Healthy Holiday Advice for Over 65s

When someone crosses the retirement age threshold, organising and undertaking travel can become quite complex. There can be more issues, health concerns and costs, as well as additional planning and research before booking. Therefore, there are extra precautions for an elderly traveller to take when going on holiday.

Seek Doctor's Advice

This is one of the most important factors for elderly travelers. Discussing a pre-existing condition with a doctor will allow the individual to be prepared and know if there are any extra precautions that they should take. In addition, it may be wise to discuss possible destinations and travel options before booking.

For over 65s that have a heart condition, it is advised to avoid destinations that are at a high altitude, due to the lower level of oxygen. There are also precautions to take when flying – in extreme cases a doctor may even advise to avoid air travel – as there is an increased risk of blood clots in the legs.

It is also wise to stock up on medication and take a larger quantity on holiday than is required, in case of delays. It is always best to carry medication in hand luggage, as it will still be on hand if baggage goes missing. Also keep a note of any tablets and treatment in your wallet/purse, in case of an emergency.

Appropriate Travel Insurance

For many younger travelers, finding and purchasing travel insurance can be a quick and painless process, but for the over 65s, there are more things to consider. In the majority of cases, basic cover will not be sufficient.

Due to the increased risk of injury, accident and illness associated with older individuals, those over 65 are often faced with higher travel insurance premiums. There are cheaper prices, but the most important thing is to find appropriate insurance that covers any pre-existing illness as well as a high level of emergency medical cost.

Healthy on Holiday

Holiday destinations often mean extreme temperatures, whether colossal heat or snowy climates. Therefore it is incredibly important for travelers aged over 65 to take extra care of themselves.

It is essential that elderly holiday makers drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, avoid too much alcohol as it is an ant diuretic, protect against extreme weather with hats and sunglasses, make healthy food choices and use sun cream. For extra information, Age UK have a wealth of tips for elderly travelers.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, March 09, 2015

Dementia Patients and the Vital Role Nurses Play

When someone is diagnosed with dementia, whether caused by Alzheimer’s or something else, it is devastating for patient and family. The difficulty in thinking clearly, memory loss and mood changes can be exceedingly difficult to cope with, particularly if the sufferer is living at home.

There are organisations that can help with information and advice, such as the Alzheimer’s Society, but the treatment, care and support provided by the team of nursing professionals can be a vital lifeline to all concerned.

Specialist Dementia Nurses

These are Registered Mental Health Nurses who have undergone further training and specialized in dementia. They have an expert level of skill and knowledge in the care, treatment and support of people with dementia, their caregivers and families. They can visit patients at home to perform in-depth assessments, which will include observing the patient and their surroundings. They will take a detailed life history and ask for information on day-to-day life. In cases where care need is high, the specialist dementia nurse may work alongside other health and social care professionals. They may also advise other visiting nursing staff on the best care and treatment for a patient.

The charity, Dementia UK, provides specialist dementia nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, to patients living at home. They provide expert, practical and emotional support to caregivers and families, as well as to the patient.

Community Mental Health Nurses

Also known as Community Psychiatric Nurses, CPNs also offer much-needed support to dementia patients and caregivers. They make assessments in the home, removing the need for a trip to the surgery, which some sufferers find stressful. They also offer advice to all concerned on how best to cope, as well as how to improve the patient’s health and quality of life. For loved ones looking after someone with Alzheimer’s, this care and support from a mental health professional is of vital importance. To see what jobs are available in the NHS for mental health nurses, visit Nursing Personnel.

District or Community Nurses

Part of the primary care team, district nurses come to the home to perform more general nursing duties, such as changing dressings, as well as carrying out tests and assessments. As most visits will tend to be from a community nurse, it’s arguable that their role is most crucial, as the regular visits should encourage a sense of trust and rapport with the patient, caregivers and family.

Deciding to care for a dementia patient in the home is not a decision to be taken lightly, as it can have a profound effect on carers and loved ones. The help and support provided by the nursing team, together with other health and social care professionals, can ease the trauma considerably.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Overcoming Addiction: Seeking Treatment and Getting Your Life Back

Personal growth often requires a lot of hard work. It also means overcoming obstacles and facing challenges as they arise. And, for so many people, some of these challenges involve substance abuse and addiction. Indeed, addiction affects millions of people each and every day, preventing them from living the lives they want and deserve.

If you are one of these people, you know that beating addiction is easier said than done. Thankfully, though, recovery is possible. Keep reading for tips on achieving and maintaining sobriety, and, in the process, enhancing your health and quality of life.

Seeking Treatment

First and foremost, seeking professional help is essential to overcoming addiction and living life to the fullest. And when it comes to addiction rehabilitation, facilities can differ in a number of ways. For example, some treatment centers focus on traditional recovery methods, while others offer an alternative, holistic approach to addiction therapy. And since choosing the right facility can significantly enhance your odds of success, be sure to gather all the information you need in making the right decision. The right facility will offer a recovery plan suited to your own unique needs, which will help you address your individual problems with addictive substances. 

Making the Most of Recovery

Addiction treatment isn't easy, especially in its earliest stages. When faced with withdrawal symptoms and other complications, many patients experience depression, anxiety and other issues, which, in some cases, can derail treatment and stand in the way of recovery. However, by making the effort to live in the present and do the work, patients can increase the odds of a successful recovery. In the average young adult rehab program, patients may be encouraged to work the 12 steps of addiction recovery. By truly devoting themselves to the stages of recovery, patients can play a more active role in treatment, and lay the groundwork for a sober and healthy future.

Changing for the Better

Change, even when it's for the better, can be frightening. And, for recovering addicts, this change involves facing life and its challenges without the crutches of addictive substances. Naturally, this type of change can be terrifying, and is often to blame for relapse with drugs or alcohol. However, by embracing change as a positive, individuals in recovery can improve the odds of sustained sobriety. To truly appreciate the changes associated with recovery, it can help to keep a running list of all the benefits of sobriety. For example, one positive change commonly afforded by recovery is a stronger bond with friends, family members and loved ones. Another is improved physical health and psychological well-being. Either way, to experience a lasting recovery, change should be welcomed, embraced and truly appreciated.

Getting Your Life Back

Once you've completed addiction treatment, you may think you're in the clear. However, while inpatient care can help you build a solid foundation for recovery, you still have a long road ahead of you. Thankfully, though, getting your life back on track, free from the clutches of drugs and alcohol, can be an extremely joyous, liberating experience. Use the following tips to prevent relapse, enhance health and live life to the absolute fullest:

•    Stay positive. Avoid negativity in all its forms. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people, and focus on all the good things sobriety has to offer.

•    Stay busy. Keep your mind, body and soul occupied with enjoyable and fulfilling activities. Spend time with your family and friends, dive headfirst into your career, and fill your free time with fun, fascinating hobbies.

•    Self-monitor. To promote a lasting recovery, it's important to keep a close watch on your addictive tendencies. If you need help monitoring your thoughts and behaviors, seek long-term counseling from a trained addiction specialist.

Addiction can be an overwhelming, and even deadly, disease. However, with the proper treatment, and some hard work and determination, recovery is well within your reach. With the information provided here, you can overcome addiction, and live the life you want and deserve.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Living with Disabilities: Ways and Means for Living More Independently

According to statistics from England’s National Health Service, around one in five adults in the UK are disabled and more significantly, one million of these individuals live by themselves. As particularly distressing as this latter statistic is, for many the situation is further compounded by having the “obese” label added to them. To qualify for this (if you’ll forgive this rather blunt term) your Body Mass Index (BMI) needs to be above 30 on the scale.

Unfortunately, society is very quick to judge and make assumptions about why people are obese and invariably such assumptions are made by those with little understanding of obesity. It makes you question if they’ve ever considered that a person’s weight might stem from factors such as a disability? Or that they may struggle with physical mobility or suffer from a mental health issue like acute anxiety or depression which has contributed to their weight gain?

If this is the situation you face, you’ll appreciate how it can be a self-perpetuating cycle which massively affects your day-to-day living. You may feel trapped, scared and indeed frustrated by being unable to do the basic things.

This need not be the case though, since there are ways and means for you to gain some of your independence and dignity back. Read on to find out more:

More Mobility at Home

Making your home as accommodating as possible is one of the best ways for you to feel and become more independent. After all, your home is somewhere you should feel safe and secure. In the UK there are many charity services available like the Disabled Living Foundation (DLF) that can offer you guidance and advice about improvements you can make, such as:

-    The installation of access ramps
-    Providing centralised controls for easier access to utilities like heating,
     lighting and water.
-    Improving space by widening doors and hallways
-    Moving bedrooms and bathrooms downstairs to a more accessible
     place, or installing lifts or stair lifts.

Going Places

Another big part of gaining more independence is to be able to go out and travel. Even if it’s only something small like going to the shops, or visiting with friends and family, these trips can have a real positive effect on your life.

Again, you can invest in a number of options, such as mobility scooters, powered wheelchairs, wheelchair accessible vehicles and walking frames and supports.

Emotional Support

Mental health issues can be an incredibly hard challenge to manage and there’s often no quick and easy fix. What you might find helpful is emotional support, from attending group therapy sessions to one-on-one counseling and even specialist home visits that provide a kind ear to talk to. Charities and NHS services can provide this and help you take those steps forward to dealing with distressing symptoms and coping with stressors.

It may be true that everybody’s needs are different, but be sure to try some of the above to help get some of the positive aspects of your life back. Don’t fall foul of adversity and narrow-minded stereotypes, help yourself to claim the independence you deserve.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Drug Addiction: Understanding How Addiction is Effecting Your Loved One

Finding out that someone you care for deeply is suffering from drug addiction can be challenging. You watch as they slowly delve deeper into addiction and what appears to be no regard for how it affects their personal relationships. While it may seem as though your loved one has checked out and cares about nothing but getting high, the truth of the matter is that addiction is a complex disease of the brain.

It is not until you fully understand how addiction affects your loved one that you’re able to reach out to them and get them the help they need.

Addiction is Not What it Seems

From the outside looking in, it may seem as if your loved one lacks the willpower and moral principles to stop using drugs. You assume that they can stop using anytime they please. However, for some reason they choose not to. However, the truth is that someone who has become addicted to drugs is suffering from a complex disease. Quitting essentially will require more than a strong will or moral principles. Because of the affect that addiction has on the brain, your loved one believes they need the high to sustain a decent quality of life.

Drug Addiction Defined

According to MayoClinic, drug addiction is referred to as a chronic brain disease that causes the individual to become dependent upon the use of drugs. Despite what the consequences might be for their use of substances, the brain tricks the body into believing it is a necessity. Addiction is certainly not something that happens after the first use (in most cases). Drug use is voluntary in the beginning; however, as chemicals in the brain change it hinders the individual’s sense of self control.

The Brain and Drug Addiction

Drugs contain certain chemicals that interfere with the brain’s ability to communicate properly. Drugs have the ability to disrupt the nerve cells that are responsible for sending, receiving, and processing information. Clinical studies show that this happens in one of two ways: either by taking on the form of the brain’s natural chemical messengers or through overstimulation the “pleasure circuits” of the brain.

The more a person uses drugs, the more the brain begins to adapt to the various changes. The chemicals found in drugs send signals to the reward part of the brain. When the “high” wears off, it leaves the user feeling incapable of enjoying life as they once did. As a result, the brain begins to crave the chemicals from the drugs in order to reach a level of pleasure again.

Getting Help for Your Loved One

Now that you see that addiction is not something that your loved one can control, it is best to try and get help for your loved one. It must be understood however, that in most cases, they are not aware that they have a problem and may be resistant to your request that they get help. Below are a few factors to keep in mind as you reach out to your loved one:

•  Come from a place of love – no matter how their drug use may be affecting your life it is important that you don’t scold them or come from a place of anger. Compassion is your best tool when talking about addiction.

•  Offer Your Support – addiction requires more than just a talk, it will require the support of others. Be sure to offer your support to your loved one so that they don’t feel alone.

•  Give it Time – you can’t rush the process, as recovery efforts are best when your loved one is doing it willingly. If they’re not receptive to what you have to say, give it time.

Seek Treatment

Seeking treatment for drug addiction is the next step for your loved one. There are various options for treatment that include addiction therapy, rehab facilities, and in some cases, medication for underlying issues or mental disorders. If your loved one is ready to get help, go over the various options with them and help them make the decision that is best suited for them. Also, look into treatment options for yourself so that you can learn how to help your loved one as they begin their recovery process.

The road to recovery or your loved one is certainly going to be a challenging one, but with you by their side, the chances of full recovery are more likely. If you suspect that a friend or family member is suffering from drug addiction, don’t sit by and watch their lives spiral out of control. Educate yourself on addiction and reach out to them about your concerns for their well-being. When they’re ready, support them in getting the help they need from the right medical professionals.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Becoming a Doctor, From School to License

While not every child dreams of being a doctor, some do. It takes a lot to make that dream come true, from a dedicated college career to time spent in residency. Dedication and drive are important for a future doctor. The important thing is, the world will always need doctors.

The medical field is one of those fields that will always have career options and always be looking for talented, caring individuals.

While some will strive just for a family practice, another direction for the aspiring doctor to go towards is surgical, which requires even more dedication and schooling. If you want to be a doctor, you can help children, adults, and seniors. Use your first four years of college to decide where you want to go with your career as a doctor.


Education Portal points out that someone wishing to become a medical doctor must first earn a bachelor’s degree, in no specific major. This takes an average of four-years. It does help if you pick a major that relates to your career choice, however. That can include working towards a Bachelor of Science, maybe in something like biology.

Once you have your Bachelor degree it's time to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). This test will determine whether or not you are accepted into medical school.  Medical school is another four years of school.

There are different things to learn for different medical professions. You need to understand the human body and how it functions. You won't always have a textbook under your nose in order to help your patients, so it takes someone with a great ability to retain information.


After that minimum of eight years of school, it is time to do a residency in a hospital. You will need three- to seven-years of medical residency. Once you've completed residency it's time to take another test. For someone wanted to be a surgeon, there may be an added three more years of residency on top of the three to seven needed for a general medical doctor (MD).

It requires passing the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) in order to obtain a medical license.

Getting the Job

It may be wise to start looking for work while in residency. While some residencies may lead to a job at the same hospital where you train, it doesn't hurt to keep your options open. Look into staffing agencies that specialize in healthcare staffing.

There are numerous outlets available for job searching these days:

Check the newspaper classifieds often.
Use staffing agencies.
Search online for jobs.
Visit hospital websites.
Look at local college websites for job listings.

Make sure to have a resume written up that shows your specialty. Include your education, residency and any internships you've done. Long periods of unemployment do not look good on a resume, especially for a doctor.

If your dream job doesn't come right away, keep looking. Talk to the people at your healthcare staffing center. They may have some tips for your job search that could be the answer to your problems.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans

Friday, January 16, 2015

Guest Post on Concussion: The Neuropathology of CTE in the United States

Introduction by Dominic A. Carone, PhD, ABPP-CN

These days, it is difficult for someone to turn on the television, open a newspaper, or surf the internet without coming across a story on the dangers of concussions, particularly repeat concussions. This has caused a great deal of concern among many athletes and their loved ones regarding participation in sports.

One of the greatest concerns that has emerged is the possibility of developing CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) – which is described as a degenerative brain disorder caused by repeat brain trauma. But how much do we really know about CTE? Recently, Dr. Ann Mckee (neuropathologist) and colleagues published a review of CTE and other topics in a paper entitled “The Neuropathology of Sport.” While McKee and colleagues discuss CTE as an established disease entity, contrasting opinions exist in the literature on the associations between athletic head trauma and neurodegenerative disease.

A neuropsychologist colleague of mine, Dr. Jim Andrikopoulos has been one of the most vocal critics of the existence of CTE. Below is a response by Dr. Andrikopoulos to the aforementioned article by Dr. McKee. Dr. McKee will be contacted and given a chance to respond. Presenting this material in blog format provides maximal exposure to the public, most of whom are not avid consumers of health care journals. Respectful comments are welcome.

Note: The views expressed by guest authors on this blog are not necessarily those of my own. For my own review of CTE and dementia pugilistica, see Carone, D., Bush, S. (2014). Dementia pugilistica and chronic traumatic encephalopathy. In R. Dean & C. Noggle (Eds.), The Neuropsychology of Cortical Dementias. New York: Springer, pp. 303-326.

The Neuropathology of CTE in the United States

Jim Andrikopoulos, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

This letter is in reference to a recent review by McKee et al. (1). To judge the validity of the core observation made in the review one needs an understanding, particularly non-Americans, of the current sociological context in the United States as it relates to contact sports. McKee begins by outlining the physical, emotional, cognitive and health benefits of sports. This can be contrasted with the current state of affairs in the United States, especially in American football. McKee reports that contact sports “rarely” results in the development of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). However, McKee found CTE in 34 of 35 professional football players, all nine college players, six high school athletes, and all four professional hockey players (reference 128 in [1]).

Despite McKee stating the incidence of CTE is unknown; her message to the American media is different: “I am really wondering, on some level, if every single football player doesn’t have this” (2). CTE in contact sports in the United States is now an “epidemic.”Since 2010, participation in youth football has dropped by 9.5% (3). What is the merit of the science that has created this concussion craze?

The symptoms outlined by McKee bear no clinical likeness to the CTE of the last century. CTE is now characterized as a mood and behavioral disorder. The clinical features of CTE are parkinsonian and speech symptoms at a relatively young age. McKee treats these hallmark features in her review as a historical footnote, mentioning them once. The observations of Martland (references 118 in [1]) defined the disease through the 20th century only for CTE to now to be morphed into an unrecognizable clinical entity.

While classic papers are cited, the parkinsonian clinical descriptions are ignored (references 38 and 44 in [1]). The seminal epidemiological study that confirmed this parkinsonian phenotype and addresses prevalence is not cited at all (4). CTE is now artificially dichotomized. McKee proposes those with an early onset tend to have mood and behavior symptoms and later onset patients cognitive impairment. She states the earlier literature suggests this dichotomy. This is false based on my literature review and indirect proof is that no references are offered by McKee in support of this claim.

There is an observation that merits special comment because of its conspicuous absence. McKee has proposed four stages of CTE. There is no mention that the clinical features that accompany each progressive stage were not developed based on an examination of the patient. The clinical features were collected post-mortem. Alois Alzheimer was the first to give us a neuropsychiatric syndrome and a neuropathology to go with it. Remarkably, he did this in one patient.

As of today, McKee has conducted 85 neuropathological examinations and no clinical examination of a patient (reference 128 in [1]). Proposing a neuropathological entity in the absence of a clinical syndrome is unprecedented in neurological medicine as is being told that a presumably degenerative disease, CTE, cannot be diagnosed in the living patient but instead requires an autopsy.

What remains to be addressed is the neuropathology of CTE. The classic description was given by Corsellis in boxers (reference 38 in [1]). CTE in football was first described by Omalu(5). The publication was so contentious that some, rightfully, called for the paper to be retracted. Among a number of shortcomings of the paper was that the neuropathological case description bore no resemblance to Corsellis (6). In turn, McKee’s original neuropathological observations appeared at odds with Omalu (reference 127 in [1]). McKee has made no effort in her published studies to reconcile these differences. It would stand to reason that a neuropathological "discovery" with dissimilar descriptions would result in a collegial scientific exchange to reconcile any discrepancies.

What are these disparate neuropathological differences? Omalu initially commented on the absence of tau in the medial temporal lobes while McKee reported it as a preferential location(reference 127 in [1]). McKee added two observations not reported by either Omalu or Corsellis. Citing Hof, McKee reported tau to be found disproportionately in the superficial cortical layer II and the upper layer of III versus Alzheimer’s disease where tau is preferentially in layers V and VI (reference 91 and 92 in [1]). Second, citing Geddes, tau is observed in perivascular locations (reference 65 and 66 in [1]). In turn, Geddes who published her observations after Hof made no reference to the distribution of tau in the superficial layers but stated it was found in all cortical layers (reference 65 in [1]).

The last point is on what it means to be “encephalopathic,” a source of contention in the Omalu paper (6). Unlike Omalu and McKee, who consider a patient with tau to be encephalopathic, Geddes does not suggest an encephalopathy, only that the tau present at autopsy may suggest repetitive trauma as the cause. The encephalopathy in CTE refers to the symptoms in a living patient not a neuropathological finding.

Braak has reported the presence of tau in patients under 30 years of age (reference 15 in [1]). McKee’s criticism of Braak was that the sample was not screened for head injury. If we accept McKee’s logic, does that obligate Braak to render a postmortem CTE diagnosis in those he can show had an antemortem head injury or two? This is how the neuropathology of CTE is currently practiced in the United States.

1. McKee AC, Daneshvar DH, Alvarez VE, Stein TD. (2014). The neuropathology of sport. Acta Neuropathol. 127(1):29-51.

2. League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis transcript. Frontline, PBS.

3. Pop Warner participation dropping. Chicago Tribune, November 14, 2013.

4. Roberts AH (1969) Brain damage in boxers: A study of prevalence of traumatic encephalopathy among ex-professional boxers. London: Pitman Royal College of Physicians.

5. Omalu BI, DeKosky ST, Minster RL, Kamboh MI, Hamilton RL, Wecht CH (2005). Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a national football league player. Neurosurgery, 57(1): 128-134.

6. Casson IR, Pellman EJ, Viano DC (2006). Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in a NationalFootball League player. Neurosurgery,58(5): E1152.

Author Affiliations: Mercy Hospital Medical Center, Ruan Neurology Clinic, Des Moines, Iowa Corresponding Author: Jim Andrikopoulos, Ph.D. Ruan Neurology Clinic, 1111 6th Avenue, East Tower, Suite A100, Des Moines, Iowa 50314., Tel: 515 358-0020, Fax: 515 358-0099 neuroclinic@msn.com

Conflicts of Interest Disclosures: Dr. Andrikopoulos has provided expert testimony.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Infographic on Lyme Disease Incidence

Click for the original dimensions and to save it to your computer. If you like it, please share it on social media. Thank you!

Thursday, January 08, 2015

MedFriendly Publishes First Infographic: The Human Brain

We hope that you enjoy MedFriendly's first infographic. This one is on the Human Brain. Click it for the original dimensions and to save it to your computer. If you like it, please share it on social media. Thank you!