Sunday, July 18, 2021

How to Get Fully Compensated for a Dog Bite

Dog bites are more common than most people care to admit. Whether it is an accidental bite from your beloved pet or an intentional attack from a stray dog in the street, dog bites can be very dangerous.

The drugs and antibiotics that one has to take after being bitten by a dog are not as affordable as the common off-the-shelf drugs. Sustaining a dog bite could also have an emotional impact on the victim. They may develop a phobia of dogs. 

In some unfortunate cases, a dog bite could be fatal. With all this trouble, you may be wondering how to get fully compensated for a dog bite, especially if another person's dog bit you.

How to Get Full Compensation for Your Dog Bite

1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention

As soon as possible after the dog bite, you need to see a professional medical doctor. Although some home remedies and treatments may act as first aid, getting medical attention is paramount to fully healing and avoiding complications. 

Failure to see a doctor will only deny you the chance to file a claim against the dog's owner. This is because you cannot fully calculate the required compensation without a medical record detailing your injuries and their effects on you.   

 2. Capture All Your Pain and Suffering

As you file your claim, you should keep in mind that pain and suffering run far beyond just physical pain. It could include a vast list of other aspects that you may be compensated for. This includes the fear, anxiety, and psychological damage that the attack might have had on you. 

You could also claim compensation for the inconvenience, loss of consortium, and emotional distress you had to endure due to the dog bites. When compiling the list of all your pain and suffering, think of how the dog bite has affected you. Afterwards, establish whether those effects can be accepted for compensation.

3. Gather Evidence

As with all other compensation claims, getting recompensed for your dog bite requires plenty of proof. You will have to prove that the dog bit you and that the bite had adverse impacts on your life and health. Your medical and financial documentation throughout the healing process should be in perfect order. Failure to present proper documentation could lead to the assumption that you are exaggerating your dog bite's conditions and the financial losses you incurred from the incident. 

Some of the very helpful evidence include medical reports, witness statements, and photographs of your injuries.

4. Seek Legal Help

Although you could try settling the compensation claims on your own, it may be very hard to represent yourself and get the proper payment you deserve. The insurance world is full of shrewd insurance adjusters who are out to pay you off with the least amount possible in the insurance company's interest.

Do not be fooled into thinking that insurance companies will prioritize you at the expense of their profits. 

Getting a seasoned Milwaukee personal injury attorney to fight for you as you recover is the best idea. Your personal injury attorney will give you counsel on what to do in every step of the way. With their vast experience dealing with insurance adjusters, your attorney will know how best to navigate all the pitfalls you may meet.

It Has Never Been Easier

With the number of professional personal injury attorneys on the rise, getting compensated for your injuries has never been easier. All you need to do is contact the best attorney and fill them in with all the required details. They will do all that needs to be done and guide you to get the justice you deserve.

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Friday, July 16, 2021

4 Ways medical marijuana is beneficial for patients

Medical marijuana has been used for centuries to treat a wide variety of illnesses. Studies are still being done on the benefits it offers, but some preliminary results show that medical cannabis can help patients with chronic pain, anxiety disorders, and even cancer. Medical cannabis is also a viable treatment option for those who are struggling with opioid addiction or dependence.

Cannabis has been an important part of our culture for thousands of years, but today it is finally being recognized as a legitimate medicine. With the legalization of medical marijuana in 28 US states and D.C., more people are turning to cannabis to help with their ailments and many are reporting improved neurological function. Legalization efforts have also driven economic growth with headshops, both physical and online, through stores like, popping up to create a bigger tax base and providing more options for patients to buy products. This has also helped drive further research into the long-term benefits of medical marijuana. 

This research has allowed us to understand that the human body contains cannabinoid receptors that receive chemical messages from cannabinoids found in marijuana or internally produced by the body called endocannabinoids. These chemicals interact with these receptors to produce different effects on your mood, pain tolerance, appetite, memory and immune system response. There are numerous studies that show how cannabis can be used therapeutically for things like insomnia, chronic pain relief, PTSD treatment, and even cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

Neurological improvements

A new study out of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) has found that marijuana, when used to treat epilepsy patients, can improve neurological functions.  The study examined 30 people with epilepsy who were using marijuana to help control their seizures. They found improvements in brain function and cognitive performance among those taking the drug. This is not surprising since one of cannabis' main ingredients is THC which helps regulate neurotransmitter activity in the brain and aids in memory retention. It's important to note that this research was done on a small sample size so more thorough research should be conducted before any conclusions are drawn about its efficacy as a treatment for epileptic seizures or other neurological disorders. But it does provide some interesting insight into how medicinal marijuana could potentially assist with neurological problems.

Pain management

Pain is defined as any unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. Chronic pain is the most prevalent cause of long-term disability worldwide and affects more than 10% of people on an annual basis. Marijuana has been shown to be effective at reducing chronic pain symptoms by suppressing the central nervous system's response to painful stimuli. This suppression can reduce inflammation, normalize neurotransmitter release, decrease hyperactivity within neural circuits, and lead to general analgesia (the absence of physical pain). The anti-inflammatory effect is attributed primarily to THC while CBD largely mediates the other effects but its role in doing so remains unclear. 

Improved sleep

It's no secret that marijuana can help with sleep. But how does it work? Medical marijuana has been shown to reduce insomnia, improve sleep quality, decrease REM latency (the time it takes for one to go into a deep sleep), and increase the total duration of sleep. So if you're struggling with sleepless nights, this might be the relief for your symptoms.


A feeling of hunger is a signal that your body needs fuel. When you eat, the food you consume gets broken down and used for energy or stored as fat. Marijuana can help improve appetite because it stimulates the stomach to produce ghrelin, which helps tell the brain when it's time to eat. This is especially helpful for people with cancer and AIDS, who often lose their appetites as a side effect of the disease. In one study published in 2011, researchers found that THC increased food intake by 240% in rats on an almost completely restricted diet (meaning they only ate every other day). Another recent study conducted at San Diego State University showed marijuana could be used for weight loss because it reduces anxiety and stress which are common causes of overeating or emotional eating.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

9 Amazing Technologies Fueling Medical Breakthroughs and Changing Healthcare

We’re living in amazing times. Who would have thought just a few years ago that you could see your doctor on your phone without having to go to the office? That’s just the beginning of how tech is changing the landscape in healthcare.

Today, researchers are 3D printing organs, monitoring patient conditions remotely, creating smart pills that can be controlled by smartphones, and using artificial intelligence to detect breast cancer. More than $26 billion has been invested in healthcare tech funding in Q1 2021 alone.

Here are some of the biggest advances in medicine made possible by emerging technology.


One of the biggest changes over the past year has been the public embracing telehealth and virtual doctor visits.

Patient use of telemedicine was already up 33% from 2019 to 2020, but the COVID pandemic skyrocketed the use of virtual doctor visits. More than 80% of patients say they will be taking advantage of telehealth in the future.

Advanced diagnostic tools are being deployed along with telehealth to provide higher quality healthcare in rural and under-served areas. For example, a rural hospital may not have specialists living in the local area, but technology provides a way for remote consultations and diagnosis.


Wearables are making an impact, too. Continuous remote patient monitoring (CRPM) allows healthcare providers to monitor a patient's vital signs in real-time.

Nursing homes can monitor dozens of residents from a single screen without having to disrupt patients. This is especially important for patients with chronic conditions. CRPM is recognizing exacerbations more promptly and reducing trips to the ER.

Wearable CRPM devices monitor blood oxygen levels, temperature, blood pressure, and more. For patients dealing with COPD, wearables have significantly improved patient compliance.

Robotic Surgeries

Robotic surgery is being used commonly for minimally invasive procedures. Surgeons can perform complex procedures with tighter precision. Already, millions of surgeries have been performed using robotics to assist doctors with everything from biopsies to spinal fusion surgery.

Research is now focusing on robotics, which isn’t just used as an extension of a surgeon’s arm but can literally be placed inside the body with just a tiny incision and treat colon cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and more.

3D Printing

Scientists are now 3D printing medical devices. New devices can be created as rapid prototypes for testing before manufacturing. Doctors are also using 3D printing for the creation of custom artificial limbs, orthotics, and more.

New research is aimed at bioprinting and tissue engineering to create new tissues, blood vessels, and even organs on demand.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more common in healthcare to aid in detection and recognition.

Google Health and Deep Mind used AI and machine learning (ML) to analyze mammograms and recognize patterns indicating breast cancer. In tests, the AI-enhanced models reduced the number of false negatives by more than 9% and outperformed human radiologists in detection by more than 11%.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are making big changes to training programs. Doctors are using VR and AR tools to simulate surgery. One study published in the Harvard Business Review revealed that surgeons trained using VR tools received more than double the performance reviews of others trained in traditional methods.

AI and AR-enhanced tools are being used that can scan a patient’s body and make their veins visible to doctors and nurses. This can help make blood draws or IV insertions more efficient. VR headsets showing relaxing simulations are being used to ease chronic pain, and make giving birth less painful. Augmented reality is being used to create holographic visualizations of a patient’s anatomy that floats over patients during treatments to help doctors treat cardiac arrhythmias.

Genomic Medicine

Research has created numerous breakthroughs from the identification of a patient’s causative gene mutation thanks to the Human Genome Project. Diagnostic labs and research facilities are using what they have learned to diagnose and discover the cause behind many different diseases.

Genome editing holds promise for creating gene-modification therapies to treat conditions. Hundreds of clinical trials are testing gene therapy to try to produce new treatments.


For years, nanotech has been the domain of science fiction. Today, we are on the cusp of using nanoparticles and even nanodevices to deliver targeted drug delivery for diseases such as cancer treatments.

MIT researchers have developed a pill with nanoparticles embedded that can be controlled wirelessly and release drugs on command from a smartphone.

Wireless Brain Sensors

Speaking of wireless technology, scientists have dreamed up a device to treat brain disorders. Bioresorbable electronics can be placed inside the brain to monitor temperature, pressure, and activity. When they are no longer needed, the sensor can dissolve, which eliminates the need for additional surgery to remove it.

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Unknown Tips You Should Not Forget to Consider When Choosing a Support Product

If you or you have someone suffering from PCI or other related pathologies, it is essential to think of buying a support product. Children or adults with special needs must have these support machines or equipment to help them in their daily activities. There are different types of support machines according to the condition of the child or person. However, you have to be keen when buying such products. Number one; ensure that you have the information of such products in mind. So many local stores and online stores such as Rehagirona offer various products that you can choose from. If you are having challenges finding such products, then you have to think of the following factors.

1. Type Of Supporting Machine Needed

As mentioned above, there is a different type of support equipment being sold in the market. This is because there are they are meant to help people with different conditions. Strollers, wheelchairs, positioning systems, indoor chairs, and mobility equipment are examples of the systems you will find in the market. Determining the condition you have will help you in identifying the machine that will offer the best support.

2. Talk To A Specialist

Seeking advice from a specialist is essential. A specialist can tell you the best product to buy according to the condition you are suffering from. Sometimes, you can identify the problem you have but cannot tell the best products to support it. These specialists have been in the industry for a long time to tell you the best product. All you need is to work with a specialist that understands your medical history and what you are suffering from at the moment.

3. The Cost Of The Product

Now that you have the picture of the product you are looking for, it is important to know how much you need to find it. According to the increase in demand for support products, many companies are manufacturing them. Therefore, the price of these machines will differ according to the quality and the ability. Find out from different shops and know how much they are selling the product. There are shops selling quality equipment at an affordable price.

4. Find The Best Supplier

One of the things that will make you get the best product is finding a good supplier. As mentioned above, these products are being produced by thousands of companies. These companies are collaborating with specific suppliers to distribute their products. In this case, if you want to get the best product, you have to do more research about the reputation of the supplier. A good supplier will always work with a good manufacturing company.

5. Find The Products From Health Centers

Buying the support products from health centers is important because you are going for verified products. In addition, when receiving treatment in such places, you can be provided with options of getting the products in the same place.

Getting such equipment can be easy when you consider the above statements or points. The good thing is finding out how the equipment will help you and how to operate it. Find more information from sites like Rehagirona, and see most of the verified products used by anyone with special needs. Age can be a great factor when you want to get the best results from the support product.

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Friday, July 09, 2021

Types of Damages in a Personal Injury Accident

After being injured due to someone else’s negligent action, you might be thinking about filing a lawsuit against the other party to recover compensation. In personal injury cases, this compensation is referred to as damages. You have been experiencing first-hand the result of the accident and trying to recover your health while worrying about your financial situation and are ready to talk to a personal injury attorney about your case and the amount of damages it may be possible to recover. During the consultation, your lawyer may bring out terms such as economic, non-economic, or punitive damages. However, you may be feeling confused as to what these are and how they differ from each other.

Why are damages awarded?

The law describes damages as an amount intended to compensate the plaintiff for their losses and restore this individual to the same situation in which they found themselves before the accident and its accompanying injury.

Damages may be awarded in court, or they may be received through a settlement or mediation where both parties agree on a satisfactory amount after negotiating each item. Cases that are tried in court result in either the judge or jury calculating how much the plaintiff should be awarded, based on all evidence presented during the trial.

What are economic damages?

Economic damages are easy to calculate and attach a monetary value to. They start with medical expenses that arise as a result of the injury. Depending on the extent and severity of the injury, these may include hospitalization, ambulance rides, surgery, rehabilitation, doctor’s visits, prescription medication, medical devices, and more. If the injuries have not yet reached the point of maximum expected recovery, economic damages will also include future medical expenses.

If the injury prevents you from working, economic damages will include the wages you have lost now and in the future, as well as the cost to fix your car or replace it if you were in a car accident or other property that might have gotten damaged in different types of accidents.

What are non-economic damages?

Non-economic damages are much harder to quantify and include such items as pain and suffering and emotional distress. These items are related to how you feel after the accident and injury and how these feelings and emotions affect your life. The more severe the injury and the longer the time it will take you to recover from it, the higher the amount of non-economic damages you might be awarded.

What are punitive damages?

Punitive damages are not awarded in all personal injury cases. As their name implies, they are meant to punish the defendant for their extremely negligent actions that lead to the accident and injuries. Their purpose is to punish the person who caused your injuries, set an example to others, and discourage them from acting the same way. A judge or jury decides these.

Understanding every item that may be included in your damages and assigning value to each is best left to an experienced personal injury attorney. Attorney Timothy J. Ryan recommends that you start by setting up an initial consultation and talk to your lawyer about your case.
Image via Pixabay

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What should I do if I’m hurt in an accident?

When a person is injured in an accident, they will have to deal with a lot of pain, multiple doctor’s appointments, and lost wages from all the time they will miss from work. There are some injuries that might be chronic and it is not uncommon for a person to lose partial function of one of their limbs or an organ in their body. Although an accident can be very upsetting, there are certain steps you can take to make your medical treatments and recovery go smoothly.

What to do When an Accident Happens

Getting into an accident is upsetting, and it can be very difficult to think clearly when it happens. However, if you are calm and you pay attention to detail, you will have a better chance of medical recovery and you will have a better experience with the insurance company.

When you have an accident, you should call 911 right away, and you should wait for them to arrive. Be sure to ask the law enforcement officer for a copy of the accident report. Most attorneys will tell you not to admit to guilt, even if you think the accident was your fault, because there may be circumstances of which you are unaware.

You should take pictures of the cars involved in the accident and of any injuries that you may have. You should also take pictures of things like track marks on the road and any car parts that are scattered about.

Be sure to get the names and numbers of any witnesses who saw the accident. You should also exchange contact information with the other drivers involved.

Seek Medical Care

If EMTs arrived at the scene of the accident and advised you to go to the hospital, you should go. However, you should also let them treat you at the scene if they need to.

It is a good idea to follow the doctor’s orders and make sure that you take all of the treatments you are advised to take. If you need physical therapy, you should try to attend every single appointment. If you do not, an insurance company may try to blame you if your injuries are slow to heal.

You should save a copy of every doctor bill that you receive. You should also save the receipts for medications and for any extra services you may need due to your accident.

Call Your Insurance Company

Florida is a no-fault state when it comes to auto insurance. This means that a driver’s own insurance company will pay for their accident-related bills no matter who is responsible for a crash. Hence, you should call your own insurance company as soon as you possibly can

Once you have provided them with all the paperwork that you collected, they will decide to accept or deny your claim. Before you accept the claim, it is a good idea to talk with an attorney.

Choosing a Lawyer

The attorney you choose should have years of experience with personal injury law in the state of Florida. They should have enough time to focus on your case, so be sure to ask how long they will have to devote to your case per week. They should be able to provide you with references of clients who have worked with them in the past.

A car accident can be terrifying, and it can cause serious injury. If you currently have a claim, you should read more about personal injury law.

Authoritative Sources:

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Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Top 5 situations when you should be using an Ankle Brace

Generally, the ankle is more prone to natural wear and tear. One can suffer from a lot of injuries that can cause great ankle pain. There are different types of ankle pain and it can be dealt with by treating it with care. It is important to understand the structure of the ankle and treat it in a particular way.

  • Provides support

An ankle brace is generally designed that helps to provide support to relieve the pain with an associated sprain for ankle instability. It also helps to prevent injury and it is quite a big support to the injured person during any kind of movement. It offers extra support and it reduces a bad impact on the injured part of the leg. 

  • Situations for using a brace

In case of an ankle injury, there are certain situations according to which a person needs to wear an ankle brace. Some of the common situations are symptoms for which one can use an ankle brace are-

  • Swelling

If there is any kind of swelling in the ankle, you can take care of it by wearing an ankle support. It keeps the pain in check and you can also visit the doctor and get it checked if the swelling persists for more than a few hours. 

  • Acute pain

The conditions are of acute pain in an injured person. It can lead to a lot of trouble while walking. This is where an ankle brace can come to help give the pain and does not deteriorate the situation for the time being.

  • Bruise

Any kind of bruise or changes in the ankle area can be treated by wearing ankle support equipment. You need to take care that the ankle supports this fitting properly and it is helping to reduce the swelling.

  • Injury

Any sort of accident or injury can lead to troubles and the ankle area. Generally, if there is an inability to move freely, one can wear an ankle brace. It helps to reduce stiffness in that part of the body and one can recover by giving an ample amount of rest. 

  • Tenderness

Tenderness or the inability of the ankle to carry the bodyweight is one of the other symptoms that can lead to serious ankle injuries. It can lead to a lot of trouble so by wearing an ankle brace, you can reduce the pain and get yourself some help and comfort.

Available online

An ankle brace is available online and it has the benefits of wearing it for the injured person. It gives instant relief to the person and it can be considered as a good ankle support product. It can help you to recover fast and it works as good support at a reasonable price. If you are looking out for stable and comfortable ankle support you can try them out online and check out the features before buying them. It can fit the person perfectly and it is designed especially for any sort of injury or sprains. If you can start wearing them on a regular basis, you can prevent yourself from further damage.  

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