Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Differences Between an In-House Physician Recruiter and a Recruitment Agency

If you are a doctor or healthcare worker, it is important to understand the difference between dealing with an in-house recruiter from a medical establishment and an independent specialist recruitment agency. 

While you are looking for a job, you will probably be contacted by several people interested in your skills or previous experience, be they in-house or agency physician recruiters.

Be aware of who you are dealing with

Many doctors who are job seeking are familiar with recruitment websites, which are ideally suited to identify employment positions according to your career and professional goals, geographical and lifestyle preferences.

But it is also important to be aware of what to expect if you respond to a particular job advertisement. How well can the person help you in your career goals? Knowing this can help you make good job-hunting decisions.

What difference does it make?

The crucial difference between an in-house recruiter and an external specialist is that a recruiter is an employee of the hospital, clinic, or other healthcare organisation where they work. Their job is to find and hire doctors to fill vacant positions within their organization. 


Doctors and other healthcare workers employed by an in-house recruiter might be contacted through their networks and are often approached through the family and friends of the recruiter.

Also, for recruiters, having a long-term commitment is crucial and they are normally residents in the geographical area where the work opportunities are. They normally have in-depth knowledge of the local area. 


When a doctor is hired directly by an in-house recruiter, no fee for the placement is paid directly to the recruiter by the candidate.  

On the other hand, with a physician recruiter agency, they normally receive fees from both the employer and candidate when the medical establishment hires a doctor. The placement fees are a direct consequence of the employer's decision to hire a doctor through the agency.


The in-house recruiter will want to learn about the candidate and try to meet their needs and wants, to find suitable accommodation for them, and their family, if necessary. 

On the other hand, many hospitals and other healthcare organizations hire specialist medical recruitment agencies to mediate between candidates and the establishment. 

The agency receives payment for finding the right candidate, but it is the hospital or clinic, etc. - not the recruitment agency - which is responsible for the candidate's relocation and well-being after the hiring process is finalized.

Scope of recruitment

A good recruitment agency will have an extensive network and access to many more professionals than a single in-house recruiter.

It is common for large recruitment firms to deal with thousands of jobs across the country. Agencies offer numerous and diverse options, as they are located in different parts of the country.

Final thoughts

By understanding the differences, you can decide which type of recruiter might suit you best, based on your career goals and personal needs, when you are looking for a job. 

Whichever option you choose, the recruiter should make sure you are a good fit for the position in question, and make it easy for you to deal with this important transition in your career. 

The right recruiter should enhance the quality of your job search and the outcome.

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Saturday, November 07, 2020

What Are the Different Nurses Uniforms Available?

Uniforms not only ensure that medical professionals appear tidy and presentable during their shift, but they also indicate a nurse’s role to their colleagues, patients, and visitors, which can improve efficiency and trust.

In most cases, a uniform will reflect a nursing position, such as a registered nurse or sister, as the color and style will be determined by an employer’s dress code policy. Read on to learn more about the different nursing uniforms available.

Medical scrubs

Medical scrubs have become increasingly popular with nurses in the UK since 2002. They make it easier for other medical professionals, patients, or their loved ones to identify a nurse in a healthcare facility, such as a hospital or doctor’s surgery. 

While sets are available, nurses can also choose to buy matching tunics and trousers, if they prefer. In addition to serving as a symbol of trust and professionalism, a medical scrub will support infection prevention and control at a medical facility, as they must be sterilized.

A nursing dress

Nurses also have the option to wear a nursing dress, if they prefer, which will be durable, comfortable, and professional. There are also different dress styles to choose from, such as zip front, striped, and mandarin collars.

However, healthcare regulations often state that a nursing dress must pass the knee and should be worn with either tights or plain stockings, unless working in high temperatures. Medical centers and hospitals should only buy nurses uniforms for sale that are industry approved.

Maternity clothing

As many nurses will often work during their second or third trimester, nurses will need to wear comfortable maternity clothing during a shift. It is important for pregnant nurses to wear trousers with an adjustable waistband and a soft front panel, which will prevent discomfort when tending to patients.

Practical footwear

Nurses will often spend a large majority of the working day on their feet. To prevent tired, throbbing feet, they must wear comfortable yet practical shoes, which can help them to survive a shift and maintain a professional appearance. 

It is also essential to find durable shoes, as they will need to cope with long shifts and physical activity. Most medical facilities also often require nurses of all levels to wear low-heel, black shoes with quiet soles, which is why clogs, trainers, and boots are popular options.

Different nursing colors

Different nurses might need to wear different nursing colors, which can indicate their titles to others. For example, a hospital could request that a matron wears a black scrub with red piping, while a sister might wear a dark blue uniform with white piping. It is an effective tactic for identifying the appropriate medical professional in an emergency, and it could provide patients with greater confidence in a nurse’s ability.

Healthcare facilities will have different clothing requirements for different nurses, from matrons to support workers. It is, therefore, vital to familiarize yourself with a hospital or medical center’s dress code policy before you buy any nurse uniforms.

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Thursday, November 05, 2020

Signs Of Anxiety In Children

It's very difficult for children to get through their developmental years unscathed. There are so many physical and mental issues that can affect the way they transition into adolescents and eventually adults. One of the most significant emotional/mental issues that negatively impact children is anxiety.

When anxiety issues start in children, they have usually occurred because of some form of trauma. As if the trauma itself wasn't bad enough for the child to experience, they then get left with residual issues related to both anxiety and depression. It's easy to understand why anxiety has such a profound effect on how children end up as adults if the anxiety goes untreated.

In the sections below, the focus of the discussion will center on what causes anxiety in children. From there, the discussion will shift towards the symptoms of anxiety in children and how treatment gives children a fighting chance as adults.

The Causes of Anxiety in Children
Places like the Child Anxiety Center in Cincinnati, deal with children who have significant anxiety issues. Most of them have experienced some type of trauma or loss that one would hope no child would ever have to experience. Unfortunately, life happens to children, and they are left having to play the hands with which they are dealt.

In case you didn't notice, we stated most children with anxiety issues have been exposed to trauma. In fact, there are other factors that can play a role in the development of anxiety issues in children. Let's get more specific.

Family Factors

In some cases, anxiety is a learned behavior. From a very young age, kids can get used to seeing family members, usually parents, exhibit behaviors brought on by the family member's own anxieties. If a child is exposed to those behaviors over time, they can adopt those same behaviors, believing those behaviors and the underlying anxieties are normal.

As an example, some people develop compulsions out of anxiety. If a parent washes their hands every 10 minutes, the child might end up following suit. In the process, they develop the same anxieties that led their parents to their compulsive behaviors.

Biological Factors
Chemical imbalances in the brain is an inheritable trait. If a parent's chemical imbalances cause problems with the way their brain's neurotransmitters function, it can lead to anxiety and depression issues. Specifically, serotonin and dopamine deficiencies are known to create all kinds of physical and mental health issues like anxiety.

Environmental Factors

This is the area where the aforementioned traumas come into play. A perfectly normal child might get exposed to some form of trauma that takes away their sense of security. When that happens, children tend to become anxious about any number of different things. Here are a few things that can traumatize a child and result in high levels of anxiety:

  • The death of a close family member
  • Physical, mental, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • Personal experience with a natural disaster (fire, flood, tornado, etc.)
  • Divorce between parents
  • Getting lost in public
  • Witnessing a murder or injury accident

Clearly, any of these things could adversely affect a child's perception of their own sense of security. That's the way most children fall victim to anxiety disorders.

The Symptoms Of Anxiety In Children

Children actually benefit from the fact they have less control over their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When a child is suffering from some type of anxiety disorder, it becomes apparent very quickly. It's the parent's job to know their children well enough to notice when something changes. Early detection of a child's anxiety issues can be really helpful in the treatment process.

To help with early detection, here are some of the physical and behavioral signs of anxiety in children.

Physical Signs:

  • Rapid heart rate
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Profuse sweating
  • Talking too fast
  • Chronic body aches (especially stomach and headaches)

Behavioral Signs:

  • Inability to focus on specific tasks at home or school
  • Crying and temper tantrums
  • Agitated behavior
  • Inability to sit still
  • Sleeping and eating difficulties
  • Constant worrying about irrational things
  • Irrational fears
  • Reluctance or refusal to go to school
  • Difficulty getting along with other children
  • Lack of interest in outside activities like sports or playing on the playground

In some cases, a child's symptoms might seem rather severe. It's really a matter of time. The longer a child experiences anxiety, the more profound their symptoms can get.

Types Of Anxiety And Treatment Options

Much like adults, children can form any number of specific anxiety disorders. The most common anxiety disorders include:

  • Separation Anxiety: fear of not being in close proximity to a trusted family member
  • Phobias: heights, water, dogs, foods, clowns, closed spaces, etc.
  • Social Anxiety: fear of dealing with others in a social setting like school or the playground
  • General Anxiety: irrational fears about life and the welfare of family members and themselves
  • Panic Disorder: experiencing intense fear that brings on physical symptoms like breathing issues and elevated heart rate, crying

With adults, doctors and psychiatrists have a lot of ways they can offer treatment for an anxiety disorder. Most prominent among those options is a leaning towards medications.

With children, medicinal intervention is not always the best treatment option. Children are susceptible to medications that can cause physical problems and other mental issues, including addiction. In the worst cases, prescription medications are almost always a part of the treatment program. Just the same, a lot of doctors prefer steering kids away from drugs. That leaves behavioral modification techniques.

The process really needs to start with the child seeing a healthcare provider. When necessary, the doctor will recommend treatment from a psychologist/psychiatrist. The goal is to figure out the source of the child's anxiety. The identification of root causes sets the table for creating a treatment plan.

Many top therapists like to use a Cognitive Behavioral approach to treatment. By helping children to understand how their irrational thoughts are prompting inappropriate behaviors, it empowers the children to change their behaviors.

For parents, there are some things they can do to help their children cope with anxiety. First, parents can help by addressing their own issues, especially if those issues are having a negative impact on their children. Beyond that, they can help their kids by promoting a healthy lifestyle (sleeping, eating, exercise) while showing a willingness to actively participate in alleviating the issues that are causing anxiety.

With the proper treatment, a majority of children diagnosed with an anxiety disorder have a good chance of eliminating their anxiety within months. That's very good news for all concerned parties.  If your child is exhibiting some of the symptoms of anxiety, you, as a parent, should not hesitate. You need to get your child help as soon as possible at a facility such as the Child Anxiety Center.

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Wednesday, November 04, 2020

11 Nursing Roles You Can Specialize In to Take Your Career Further

Some people think of ‘nurse’ as just one job; however, nothing could be further from the truth. There are a huge number of nursing roles available, with many diverse specialties and career paths to choose from. Due to the current shortage of nurses across the United States, training for any one of these can bring you a stable job with a good income and plenty of opportunities for further development. Here are eleven in-demand nursing roles to consider if you’re currently studying for (or thinking about studying for) a degree in nursing.

Registered Nurse

Registered nurses, or RNs, are advanced nurses who work in a whole range of different settings, including hospitals and doctor’s clinics. They work alongside physicians with a wide variety of patients, providing care, educating people, and offering support. The tasks you may be required to do vary widely, from taking medical histories and administering medication to teaching patients how to manage medical conditions. This is a great role to retrain for later in life, through one of the many online accelerated BSN programs for non nurses.

Emergency Room Nurse
An emergency room (ER) nurse works with a team in a hospital to provide urgent care to patients who have suffered life-threatening injuries or trauma. You’ll be working in a fast-paced and sometimes stressful environment, so you must be good at remaining calm and working efficiently under pressure. ER nurses see a wide variety of wounds and ailments and operate alongside first responders and other specialists.

Oncology Nurse
Oncology nurses are highly trained in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, providing care for patients who have the disease or are at risk of it. They normally work in hospitals, but can also be employed in specialist centers. As an oncology nurse you will monitor the condition of those in your care, educate them about their options, prescribe medication, and administer chemotherapy and other treatments. There may even be the chance to assist with research. With cancer rates increasing, this role is only becoming more important.

Nurse Anesthetist
A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist is a highly specialized role. It involves assisting with the administration of anesthesia to patients during surgeries, as well as providing care before and after the procedures. In addition to determining the best anesthesia plan for each patient, you will also be responsible for monitoring them during surgery. This is one of the most well-paying roles in nursing, with a high projected rate of job growth. Due to its highly skilled nature, a graduate degree is required for this position.

Psychiatric Nurse
If you’re more interested in mental health than physical health, the role of a psychiatric nurse or mental health nurse might be of more interest to you. In this job you specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders, and it involves an element of counseling, too. You can expect to discuss symptoms with patients and update their records, implement care plans, facilitate group therapy, as well as administer medications. It’s also a great opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with those you treat.

Nurse Midwife
A Certified Nurse Midwife specializes in caring for pregnant women. They provide prenatal, family planning and obstetric care, and may assist with labor and the delivery of babies. After the baby is born, a nurse midwife might also educate new moms and dads on how to care for their newborn, as well as offer advice on how to adjust to life as a parent. In this role you could work from a hospital, clinic, or an OB/GYN office.

Pediatric Nurse
If you're patient and love children, a pediatric nurse could be the ideal role for you. Working with children of all ages from infants to teenagers, you’ll carry out many of the same tasks as other nurses but for younger patients. This includes performing physical exams, administering vaccinations and other medications, diagnosing illnesses, and developing treatment plans. Pediatric nurses must have great observational skills and a talent for making scary medical procedures seem less intimidating!

Geriatric Nurse
At the opposite end of the spectrum, a geriatric nurse specializes in the care of elderly patients. This role is particularly important due to the country’s increasing elderly population, and demand is continuing to rise. You could work anywhere from hospitals and nursing homes to a patient’s own home, focusing on helping older people maintain their mobility, independence, and quality of life. This may involve working with patients who have conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or arthritis, as well as those who have suffered falls or are no longer able to look after themselves.

Nurse Manager
Those who are more interested in a leadership or administrative role should consider the position of nurse manager. This involves less direct patient care, and instead focuses on overseeing a team of nurses and other healthcare staff to coordinate patient healthcare. Your tasks may include recruitment and retention of nurses, the creation of schedules, and making budget decisions. Due to its supervisory nature, the job requires excellent communication, leadership, problem-solving and critical thinking skills to be done effectively.

Nurse Educator
Another option for those wanting to take their career in a different direction is to become a nurse educator. This involves helping to train the next generation of nursing staff, either by designing and implementing education programs or teaching students directly. You will most likely work in a teaching hospital and also a classroom setting, supervising and assessing students as well as offering career advice. Generally a master's or doctoral degree in nursing is required for this role.

Travel Nurse
A travel nurse is a unique role that involves working in a number of different places to fill workforce gaps. This could be nationally or internationally. For example, you might cover for nurses who are on sick leave or maternity leave, or even travel abroad to assist with a natural disaster or other emergency situation. It’s a great role for someone who loves to travel frequently, see different places and meet lots of different people. This role will enable you to broaden your personal and professional horizons while still helping to save lives.

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Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Natural Remedies for Everyday Pains

Aching muscles, tender joints, upset stomachs, and pounding headaches – these are all fairly common ailments that people deal with in life. Whether you’ve over-exerted yourself at the gym leading to micro-tears in your muscles, or eaten something that doesn’t quite agree with you, these things aren’t serious or life-threatening but they can be incredibly uncomfortable. A lot of people choose to turn to over the counter pain medications like Aspirin or Tylenol to treat these common pains, but there are natural remedies you can try, too. If you’re looking for a more holistic approach to managing your everyday pains, try some of the things listed below.


CBD products have sky-rocketed in recent years, but medicinal marijuana has been used for centuries all over the world. If you’re worried about the effects of CBD products getting you high, you shouldn’t be. Unless specified, CBD products aren’t made with the THC compound found in cannabis, which is what causes the sensation of being high. Instead, CBD products have been used to treat mild to chronic pain due to its anti-inflammatory nature, and they have even been used to help people with anxiety and depression, too. If you want to find out more about CBD products and how they can be used, click here.


Peppermint tea works wonders for an upset stomach. It helps with digestion and it’s recommended that you should drink a cup after each meal. The next time you’re feeling nauseous or bloated, drink some of this refreshing tea and notice how within half an hour you begin to feel much more comfortable. Peppermint oil is also said to ease headaches if diluted and lightly applied to the forehead. It contains menthol which helps to relax the muscles and ease the pain and tension you’re feeling. 


Turmeric can be found in most kitchens, it’s a brightly colored spice that adds a tasty flavor and aroma (as well as a vibrant yellow color) to many dishes. While it’s wonderful to use for cooking, turmeric is also a wonderful, natural anti-inflammatory that can help with your aching joints and muscles. It’s because of the active compound curcumin that is in turmeric that gives it its healing qualities. You can purchase turmeric capsules in most health-food and holistic living stores.


Ginger is yet another natural anti-inflammatory and can help with a variety of issues. Some studies have suggested that ginger can help with rheumatoid arthritis when consumed regularly, but it is also said that this root can aid with nausea and ease the symptoms of the common cold. You can add ginger to your food or drink ginger tea – why not try it next time you’re feeling under the weather and see if it can make a difference?

Clove Oil

Cloves have often been used to treat toothache, which is one of the more uncomfortable common pains to have. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anesthetic properties which makes it ideal for pain relief. Again, you can find clove oil and other clove-based products in most holistic stores, or ask your local pharmacist if they have anything in store.

When you’re in pain or feeling under the weather the first thing you want is some relief – why not try some of these natural remedies next time to see how they can help.

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Monday, November 02, 2020

Does The Zantac Recall Mean The Drug Is Really Dangerous

In September 2019, the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. announced that they found N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a contaminant and probable carcinogen, in products containing ranitidine, such as Zantac. Immediately, scientists were brought in to start checking batches of the common over-the-counter heartburn medication for the presence of carcinogens. This compound, NDMA, can be found in exceedingly low levels in roasted meats, dairy, cheeses, and beer because of the fermentation process, as well as dairy products and vegetables. 

But in all of this frenzy, consumers started asking: how much am I really at risk? Should I be worried?

What is Zantac?

NDMA is classified as a group as a carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer and is believed to cause cancer after high exposure over a long period of time. While there is no direct evidence that it causes cancer in humans, it has caused cancer in animals, which is why scientists believe that it poses the same risk to humans. That doesn’t mean people should assume they are safe. There are different ethical standards that prevent us from being able to test a lot of medical hypotheses, so we rely on what similar studies show.

Ranitidine is both an antihistamine and an antacid that is used to treat and prevent heartburn. Doctors also prescribe it to treat stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or other conditions caused or exacerbated by high acid. 

The FDA has set an acceptable limit for how much a person can take of NDMA per day. Unfortunately, batches of ranitidine, the most important ingredient in Zantac, were found to have contained levels of NDMA in excess of what is allowed by the FDA. Scientists at an independent pharmacy called Valisure believe that NDMA may cause cancer after exposure to high doses, and they confirmed that they found high concentrations of it in ranitidine. 

But it gets worse: The concentration of NDMA increases in ranitidine medicines over time, even if stored at room temperature. And the concentration went up dramatically when stored or exposed to warm or hot temperatures. Due to its categorization as a possible carcinogen, regulatory agencies deemed the drug unsafe and have recalled Zantac.

Being Diagnosed With Cancer After Taking Zantac

If you or a member of your family was diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. But before you do that, you should hire a personal injury lawyer. Click here if you want to learn more about cancer types caused by Zantac and what a personal injury attorney can do for you if you have experienced any of the following symptoms: 

  • Abdominal pain that is not related to heartburn
  • Back pain
  • Black, greasy, or tarry stool
  • Dark or bloody urine
  • Decreased appetite
  • Fatigue, weakness, or dizziness (signs of anemia)
  • Increasingly irregular bowel movements
  • Itchy skin
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Painful and burning urination
  • Uncontrolled weight loss
  • Yellowing skin

How To Stay Safe

Ranitidine is only supposed to be used for a short period of time. So if you have been using ranitidine for a long while, several years or even months, then you should talk with your doctor about whether or not you need it, and what other available treatment options are. Lifestyle changes, such as avoiding spicy foods or alcohol, can reduce acid and help prevent heartburn.

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Why Cosmetic Dentistry Sydney Deserves Your Attention?

You will not find a single person in this world who will say that “I don’t want to make myself more attractive”. Every person, irrespective of their age, gender, or occupation, wishes to enhance their look. Dental appearance plays a major role in defining the overall appearance of a person.

So, you can improve your look by ensuring that your teeth and gums look the best they can. When you feel satisfied with your look, you exhibit confidence, which in turn improves the quality of your life. Moreover, you cannot ignore the fact that healthy, clean, and bright teeth make your smile look wonderful. A nice smile can make your personality shine and help you win the hearts of people.

Now, many people might argue that “how can someone change the way their teeth, gums, or smile appear?”. Well, cosmetic dentistry Sydney is all you need for getting the picture-perfect teeth and smile. In case you are not completely aware of cosmetic dentistry, don’t get confused yet, as we have covered the necessary information in this article.
What does Cosmetic Dentistry Involve?

Over the years, dentistry has evolved, thereby forming dedicated branches. Today, people can receive treatments for anything and everything related to dental issues. Whether it’s a toothache or a root canal, a variety of problems can be resolved with the help of dental treatments. 

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the branches of dentistry. As you can guess by its name, cosmetic dentistry deals with the cosmetic aspect of teeth and gums. This branch of dentistry has been formed to enhance the dental aesthetics of a person. Cosmetic dental procedures can provide people with relief from issues that spoil or deteriorate the look of their teeth, gums, or smile.

Various cosmetic dentistry treatment procedures have been developed to date. We have mentioned some of them below.

  • Teeth Whitening
  • Teeth Bleaching
  • Dental Bonding
  • Dental Veneers
  • Dental Crowns
  • Dental Implants
  • Inlays and Onlays

These treatments vary from each other in terms of purpose, complexity, time, cost, and other aspects. Some of these treatments can be classified into different types based on the materials used. For example, dental veneers can be classified into porcelain veneers and composite resin veneers. In the case of some patients, a single treatment procedure can fulfill the objective, whereas, in the case of others, multiple treatment procedures might be required. 

Who is a Cosmetic Dental Practitioner?

Just like in the field of medicine, the practitioners in the field of dentistry specialise in a certain branch or area for delivering quality treatments. Dental practitioners who specialise in the field of cosmetic dentistry are known as ‘cosmetic dentists’ or ‘cosmetic dental practitioners’.

Cosmetic dentists acquire the required knowledge through education, training, and internship. They earn experience by working under reputable cosmetic dentists. They can opt to work in an already running dental facility or establish their own dental facility. 

How is Cosmetic Dentistry Beneficial?

Cosmetic dental treatments can remove a wide range of problems, including but not limited to, stained teeth, chipped teeth, crooked teeth, broken teeth, cracked teeth, misshapen teeth, uneven gaps between teeth, and gummy smile. People might suffer from cosmetic dental problems due to a variety of reasons, such as genetics, accidents, sports injuries, poor oral hygiene, smoking, drinking, and side-effects of medicines.

The existence of cosmetic dental issues affects the appearance of your smile. Even if you look beautiful, you might not feel good about yourself. People who will notice your cosmetic dental problems might tend to change their opinions about you. 

Therefore, before people change the way they think about you, it’s important that you change the way your teeth, gums, and smile look. You should consult the cosmetic dentist in a dental clinic or hospital located in your region. Once you share your needs and expectations, a cosmetic dentist can recommend a suitable treatment for you. Then, you can enquire about the procedure, time, cost, and other aspects of the treatment. 


Cosmetic dentistry is considered as a boon as it allows people to get their dream smile. They don’t need to feel embarrassed while smiling or talking. It’s worth mentioning here that all cosmetic dental treatments are safe. Devices used in cosmetic dentistry, for example, veneers and crowns, function, look, and feel like natural teeth. So, patients feel the same level of comfort in their mouth as before.

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