Thursday, August 20, 2020

4 Ways To Reduce Your Anxiety At An Emergency Dentist

We all know that going to the dentist, while necessary, can be a nerve-wracking experience. The sensation of tools digging and drilling into your teeth is uncomfortable at best. For some people, however, anxiety at the dentist can be disproportional and may result in a lot of distress and even absenteeism. If your feelings of anxiety are causing you crippling stress or deterring you from going to the dentist, then you may be suffering from dental anxiety.

Dental anxiety is unsurprisingly common and can exacerbate dental and oral health issues. Continue reading to find out if you're suffering from dental anxiety, and how you can reduce it.

How To Tell If You Have Dental Anxiety

For some people, identifying dental anxiety may not be so apparent because the symptoms felt may be subtle or seemingly unrelated to the condition. If you are experiencing one or a combination of the following factors, then you may have dental anxiety:
  • Profuse sweating
  • A rapid heartbeat
  • Feelings of faintness (or fainting)
  • Apparent signs of distress such as signs of crying or panic
  • Behavioral coping mechanisms such as withdrawal and the use of humor or aggression to mask feelings of anxiety.
Tip 1 - Bring Support Along

Coping with dental anxiety shouldn't be done alone. Bring a friend or family member who makes you feel safe, supported, and at peace during difficult and stress-inducing times - be sure to ask them ahead of time. This support person should be able to keep you calm and reassure you; they may be able to help you using relaxation techniques, or distract you using humor or intrigue, or through some other means.

If the dental practice permits it, they may be able to be in the room with you while the procedure is being performed, or they could wait in the waiting room until you're finished.

Tip 2 - Communication is Key

While staff at dental practices endeavor to create a relaxing, calming, and caring atmosphere, sometimes it isn't enough to defeat anxious feelings. If you're still feeling anxious, then we recommend that you communicate these feelings to both the dentist and their assistant.

By expressing your feelings, they will become aware of your anxiety and subsequently adapt their procedures to be more supportive by avoiding your triggers, working through your fears, and making the procedure as easy as possible. It is essential that you never feel ashamed to admit your feelings of anxiety. Dental teams are trained and deal with dental anxiety frequently.

Tip 3 - Relaxation Techniques

Through the use of easy to do relaxation techniques, you can reduce or eliminate feelings of anxiety yourself. The best thing about these relief techniques is that they become more useful the more you use them!

Deep breathing

This technique involves sitting down and taking a series of deep, controlled breaths. Redirecting your focus to your breathing takes your focus off of your anxiety, helping you to become calm and relaxed. On top of this, deep breathing can lower your blood pressure and heart rate, which is extremely useful for reducing stress and anxiety.


This process involves the use of your imagination. By taking a few deep breaths and closing your eyes, you can use your imagination to substitute the dentist's room with a relaxing environment, your favorite place, or even home. Furthermore, as an alternative, you could recall some happy or exciting memories.

Tip 4 - Use Some Distractions During Your Appointment

While waiting for your appointment, it becomes easy to fixate on the feelings of fear you may be experiencing, which if left unmanaged, can become worse. If there aren't suitable distractions in the waiting room, then it is crucial then that you bring something or someone along with you that can effectively distract you from your anxiety.

If you are unable to bring along a support person, then we recommend that you bring something highly distracting. Such things may include your phone so that you may watch a show or movie, or listen to an audiobook or podcast. Alternatively, you may also want to consider bringing a book of crossword puzzles/sudoku, your favorite book, magazine, or newspaper. Free Wi-Fi is the best part about going to clinics. They don’t give you magazines to read to distract yourself. They know that you’ve got enough distractions on your phone. And all you need is a high speed WiFi and you’re all set. That’s exactly what you get when you visit Emergency Dentist San Diego’s clinics.


To sum things up, dental anxiety is a common variant of anxiety that causes profuse sweating, an elevated heartbeat, feelings of faintness, feelings of stress and panic, and absenteeism when visiting the dentist. Overcoming dental anxiety is very much possible through a combination of different strategies. First and foremost, we recommend bringing a support person; or if this isn't possible, you can administer relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and visualization to keep your anxiety under control. Furthermore, fun and entertaining distractions such as TV shows, movies, books, and the news can eliminate feelings of anxiety.

If you suspect you might have dental anxiety, communicate this with the dental team, so that they can adjust their approach and make you feel safe, secure, and comfortable.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, August 10, 2020

The Air Fryer Or Instant Pot, Which Is The Superior Kitchen Buddy?

The one-pot, the instant pot, the microwave oven, the oven, the range, the toaster, the deep dryer, and the list goes on. There really is almost no end to the kitchen gadgets available today. Combine this with the ever-growing technology available in today’s world, and it is easy to see how one could go bankrupt getting swept up buying these gadgets, trying to make life easier and healthier. All that being said, there are really two gadgets that stand out on this list amongst the rest. That would have to be the air fryer and the instant pot. If you had to choose only one, which should you opt for and why?

The Instant Pot

You can put in your research, speak to professional cooks, and read reviews about the instant pot, and you’ll find one thing that is a constant. People from all around are going to boast on the device for being able to perform a multitude of functions. However, the real truth of the matter is that it only has one primary function. And, that primary function is pressure cooking. This is not to say that it is a bad function, but it is certainly a far cry from a multitude of functions. Does this make the instant pot bad? Of course not, as the instant pot can be utilized in a variety of ways. You can use it to pressure cook, cook rice, slow cook, make yogurt, saute and brown, and warm. So, you do get a multitude of benefits.

Items that people oftentimes make with the instant pot are roasts, whole chickens, ribs, pasta dishes, vegetables, seafood, soups, and desserts like cakes, cheesecakes, and Brulee.) These pots also come available in 3 distinctive options. This would be the 3-quart, 6-quart, and the 8-quart.

Why Choose Just One?

Why just settle on the air fryer or the instant pot when you can have both? No, this doesn’t mean that you have to purchase two separate devices either. Thanks to the technology available today at Corrie Cooks, there is now an air fryer lid that will fit right over your instant pot. This lid magically transforms your current instant pot into an air fryer, giving it the capabilities of a traditional air fryer, while still retaining the functions of an instant pot. Just make sure that you get an appropriate sized lid for your make, size, and model.

The Air Fryer

An air fryer is a completely different beast than the instant pot. In fact, it is like a little miniature oven, giving you access to a heating element that heats and a fan that circulates air around your delectables. This gives you the added benefit of providing a crisp outer texture to your food. Something that’ll come in more than handy when you are cooking items like egg rolls, chicken fingers, meatballs, and fries. The air fryer is much more basic in terms of usability, as it works by adjusting the time and temperature. With the instant pot, you’ll have to adjust settings based on the type of food that is being prepared. The air fryer gives you the benefit of selecting a desired temperature along with the desired time. Doesn’t get much simpler than that.

This is a post by Corrie from Corrie Cooks

Friday, July 31, 2020

Consumer Alert: Zantac Linked to Various Cancers

If you’ve taken ranitidine, better known by its brand name Zantac, you should be aware of the following:

●    Zantac and its generic alternatives have been linked to various cancers
●    The drug was recalled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
●    If you were diagnosed with cancer after taking ranitidine, you may be eligible for compensation

Here’s how it all unfolded – and what you can do.

Online Pharmacy Detects Unsafe Levels of NDMA in Zantac

N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is an organic chemical classified as a probable human carcinogen by the FDA and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The substance is a “known environmental contaminant” that can be “found in water and foods, including meats, dairy products, and vegetables,” according an FDA statement.

In June 2019, online pharmacy Valisure detected unsafe levels of the chemical in Zantac and its generic alternatives. They then notified the FDA of their findings.

Valisure Files a Petition to Recall Zantac
Three months later, Valisure filed a petition with the FDA requesting that all ranitidine products be recalled. The company’s research found that NDMA was the result of the “inherent instability of the ranitidine molecule,” meaning that all medications containing ranitidine could potentially unleash high levels of NDMA in the body. They noted that ranitidine has a “high perception of safety” and is heavily prescribed to adults and infants.

In the months that followed, numerous manufacturers voluntarily recalled Zantac from pharmacy shelves.

FDA Recalls Zantac

On April 1, 2020, the FDA ordered the recall of all prescription and over-the-counter ranitidine medications. The decision was influenced by a growing body of evidence that the drug was contaminated with unacceptable levels of NDMA.

The FDA noted that low levels of NDMA are commonly ingested by humans, for example in food and water, and “would not be expected to increase the risk for cancer.” However, they said, “higher levels of exposure may increase the risk.”

After conducting thorough laboratory tests, they found that the impurity in some ranitidine medications increased over time. When stored above room temperature, NDMA levels increased significantly, posing a serious risk to consumers.

Litigation Begins
If you’ve used Zantac or a generic alternative to treat heartburn, stomach ulcers, or another medical condition, stop taking it immediately and dispose of your remaining supply. Your doctor can offer alternative treatment options to address your symptoms. The FDA recommends Pepcid, Nexium, and Prilosec, among others.

Next, assess your legal options. If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation. Manufacturers have an obligation to ensure medications that reach the public are safe. An attorney can help you determine whether you have grounds for a lawsuit.

To learn more about Zantac lawsuits, click here.

This is a blog post by Mary Smith.

How Celebrities Deal with Depression And Could You Do The Same

It’s time to be honest. Studies show that one in four people are affected by some form of anxiety, depression or a similar mental health issues. The world we are living in is making a lot of things rather difficult and our mental health is the first thing that suffers from all the stress of our everyday lives. It can keep creeping up on you for years and years and then suddenly become so strong that you cannot seem to bear it anymore. Since people tend to have misconceptions about what depression feels like, I suggest you learn more about it before we go any further.

Speaking of misconceptions, here’s another common one. If you have a successful career, make good money and have a generally happy family, there’s no way you’ll become depressed. It’s just insulting how untrue this is. This is a mental illness we are talking about and it’s about time that people started taking it seriously.

Following the “logic” above, one would say that famous and successful people, actors, musicians, businessmen and similar all have a shield around them not letting depression creep in. If that were true, then statistics would show very different numbers. That’s, however, completely untrue. This disorder does not discriminate in anyway. After all, it is an illness, and illnesses don’t care how much money you have.

Raising Awareness And Motivating Treatments

When you spend months or years trying to unsuccessfully find meaning in your life and enjoy it, when everything feels meaningless and hopeless and when your career and your relationships are affected by your inability to focus or find any joy in life, money becomes completely irrelevant. It’s definitely not the way to solving the issue. If it were, you couldn’t find a depressed famous person, could you?

Oh, but we can very well find them and easily. As I have already mentioned, this illness doesn’t discriminate and doesn’t choose its victims in accordance with their bank account. Nor do the victims choose it. That’s why you will find so many celebrities with depression, which, paradoxically, might be a good thing, because it can teach us that we are all in the same boat.

Plus, if anyone has the power to influence the public, then celebrities do. That means that they can raise awareness about the seriousness of this illness, but also help a lot of individuals find their path towards recovery. Today, we’re going to see how celebrities usually and successfully deal with this disorder and, hopefully, we’ll motivate someone to do the same thing if it turns out to be applicable.

How Celebrities Do It

Demi Lovato admits that this disorder got here whole life off track, but she claims to be the living proof that everything can change for the better once you get the necessary treatment. Robert Pattinson says that he has learned to love his little quirks that anxiety has brought about, while Angelina Jolie claims that she didn’t appreciate her life enough in the past and that the humanitarian work she does has really helped her find herself. Chrissy Teigan wants people to know that they aren’t alone in this and that it can happen to anyone.

Do you know what all of these and much more celebrities who fought depression have in common, though? They would all agree that getting the right treatment is of utmost importance when struck by this disorder. Getting the right treatment, of course, means that you need to get in touch with medical professionals who are able to help you.

No matter all the other techniques that celebrities have employed, such as Lena Dunham and her accent on exercising, there’s one thing nobody can deny. Nothing can top therapy and most of these celebrities have sought professional help to overcome their struggles. That only goes to show that there are a lot of layers to dealing with depression, but therapy is definitely the top and most important layer.

Here’s what else these people have to say about depression:

How You Could Do It

You should exercise, that’s for sure. You should also take care of your diet, engage in activities you like, pick up a hobby or two and try to do improve your lifestyle in order to help yourself feel better at least temporarily. That’s the thing, though. These techniques are usually temporary and, frankly, they sometimes sound like those ignorant pieces of advice you hear from people who have never dealt with this in their entire lives.

They aren’t ignorant pieces of advice. It’s just that you cannot get yourself to get off the couch and do any of those things, even though you know they’ll help. That’s where therapy comes into play. It helps you regain control over your life and yourself in the first place which, consequently, leads to following all the other pieces of advice that these celebrities have given us.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Why darker eyeglasses are better for sensitive eyes?

If you are the guy that loves to close the blinds, turn off the lights, or like to stay in a dark corner of the room, your eyes may be sensitive. Putting on sunglasses may seem like an easy solution, even indoors. But wearing darker sunglasses for sensitive eyes is not a long-term solution. This is why:

Don't make your eyes love the dark.

Wearing sunglasses indoors can reduce your short-term discomfort. It might even help you avoid having a migraine if certain types of light are a trigger for you. But with that sense of immediate relief, there's a significant risk: the risk of adjusting the darkness to your eyes to become even more sensitive to light over time.

The last time you went to see a movie during the day, do you remember how it felt to leave the dark theatre and go out in the sun? Especially if you're sensitive to light, it could have been downright painful. While you were in the theatre, your eyes got used to the dark and just weren't ready for daylight.

Wearing sunglasses indoors regularly, be it the average pair or the darkest sunglasses for sensitive eyes, you can find that darkness can adapt your eyes over time. This means that his retinas have become so used to the darkening conditions that when he inevitably ventures into normal light, he gets that painful cinematic effect.

Wearing sunglasses indoors should be strongly discouraged. By wearing dark sunglasses indoors, patients go dark, adjusting their retina and worsening their sensitivity to light. "

Necessarily, the regular wearing of sunglasses indoors will make your eyes more sensitive to light over time. And since you often can't control lighting outside of your own home, that will become a problem.

Where to buy

You can buy these darker eyeglasses online at SmartBuyGlasses collection. If you want to buy prescription glasses, you may need a prescription first. Lens Scanner app has been specially developed to get your prescription at home. After getting your prescription from this app, you can easily buy your desired glasses at SmartBuyGlasses collection.

Choosing the right sunglasses for the outdoors

You must be sure about the quality and ability to reflect light when choosing outdoor glasses.
Sunglasses must have a UVB transmittance (315 to 280 nm) of less than 1% and a UVA transmittance (380 to 315 nm) of less than 0.3 times the transmittance of visible light.

These are the darkest standard sunglasses you can get that are legal to drive in the United States. They provide a high level of sunburst reduction and the right level of UV protection against the intense sun or reflected light from water or snow.

Darker sunglasses for sensitive eyes won't work indoors - try glasses designed for light sensitivity.

Sunglasses are designed to darken all kinds of light. But light-sensitive people should remember that not all lights are created equal. Certain types of light in the spectrum are more likely to be a problem than others. Instead of wearing sunglasses indoors to block all types of light, it is better to filter only the painful types.

This is a guest blog entry.

Foods to Boost Your Immunity During Pandemics and Flu Season

While we are still in the midst of summer, the fact of the matter is that the influenza season is not far off (not to mention that we are still in a pandemic). This is why there is no better time than the present to begin adopting a healthier diet. Did you know that certain foods can help your body combat the flu and others will provide your immune system with a much-needed boost before autumn arrives? We’re not promising a cure to COVID-19, but let's take a look at some excellent (and tasty) suggestions that are easy to adopt. You can therefore remain confident that you are fully prepared for whatever the remainder of 2020 has in store.

The Importance of Certain Vitamins

Why do some individuals become sicker than others? While there are several factors which can come into play, it is a well-known fact that a deficiency in specific vitamins can lower our immune systems. This is particularly the case when referring to vitamin C and the vitamin B complex. So, it only makes sense that we should consume plenty of foods high in these substances. The majority of fruits contain high levels of vitamin C. These include:

  • Citrus fruits (lemons, oranges and grapefruit)
  • Strawberries and raspberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Leafy greens such as spinach and cabbage
Vitamin B is another must-have nutrient if you wish to bolster your immune defenses. Not only can vitamin B help to prevent infections, but it has also been shown to boost cellular health, to increase digestive efficiency, to improve the function of your brain, and to ensure good eyesight. The good news is that plenty of foods will provide you with an ample dose such as:
  • Whole grains (including brown rice and barley)
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Dark leafy green vegetables
  • Citrus fruits, bananas and avocados
  • Milk, cheese and eggs
All of these foods are also quite tasty and they can be prepared in a number of different ways. So, you can remain healthy without having to resort to multivitamins alone.

Heart-Boosting Benefits

While maintaining a healthy immune system is obviously important throughout the year, some of us have a tendency to overlook the beneficial impacts that some foods can have upon the cardiovascular system. There are many foods that are good for the heart and you might be surprised to learn of the variety at your disposal. Here are some interesting examples:
  • Raspberries, blackberries and blueberries.
  • Nuts and legumes
  • Natural vegetable crisps
  • Dark chocolate (an excellent source of antioxidants)
It is therefore clear to see that maintaining a healthy heart does not signify that you will be forced to eat bland foods. Of course, maintaining

A strong heart and immune system also involves other suggestions such as getting plenty of exercise, obtaining the recommended amount of sleep every night and quitting smoking. If you are able to make these healthy changes, you will be much better prepared for the upcoming flu season.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

5 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

Water is essential to all life on the planet. It doesn’t matter if you’re a camel that can survive up to 7 months without water or a human that can survive approximately 3 days. At some point everything needs water.

For humans, it is an essential part of staying alive and functioning correctly. Of course, the quality of the water also helps. That’s why you should consider having your tap water tested and speaking to this specialist in water filters Sydney. You may be surprised at what you discover.

If you’re still not convinced about the importance of water consider the following 5 science-based health benefits.

1.  Physical performance

When exercising you can lose up to 10% of your water weight, especially if you’re exercising in a hot climate.  However, dehydration of as little as 2% will start to affect your thought processes and your ability to exercise.

The result is a reduced ability to control body temperature, increased tiredness, and even mental fatigue.  Stay hydrated to prevent this from happening!

2.  Mood & Concentration

As mentioned a lack of water gives you mental fatigue. There is a direct link between drinking enough water and brain function. Dehydration has been linked with impaired mood, reduced levels of concentration, and increased feelings of anxiety/paranoia.

3. Fewer Headaches

Research shows that a headache is one of the most common symptoms of dehydration. Because this is likely to be the issue of your headache, drinking water can actually relieve the pain. Of course, drinking water is also going to rehydrate you which should help to eliminate the headache.
It should be noted that while there has been a lot of research to support this, more needs to be done to show why water consumption generally relieves headaches so effectively.

4. Relieves Constipation

Infrequent bowel movements and stools that are hard to pass is a surprisingly common issue. It’s painful and can lead to further complications.

Unsurprisingly, dehydration is a factor in constipation. Drinking more water daily will reduce the occurrence of constipation and make bowel movements more regular and softer. It’s worth noting that mineral water is particularly effective at helping with constipation, especially if it’s rich in magnesium and sodium.

5. Weight Control

Because water is so essential for your body it can actually help you to maintain your weight! In the first instance, water allows the transfer of nutrients into your cells and the removal of toxins. This encourages your cells to use the resources available efficiently rather than simply storing them.
But, you’ll also find that the process of drinking water leaves your stomach feeling fuller. This reduces your ability to consume food, helping you to lose weight or simply maintain your current weight.

You may also like to note that many people confuse thirst with hunger and reach for a snack. In fact, the sensations are similar. So, when you think you’re hungry, try drinking a glass of water. It’s good for you and may just stop you from grazing.

This is a guest blog entry.