Thursday, March 22, 2018

4 Reasons For Bad Breath

Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem which is difficult to solve for some people. No matter how much toothpaste and mouthwash they use, that halitosis remains.There can be a number of reasons why bad breath persists, even if you have brushed your teeth and flossed, and once you know what they are, it is far easier to do something about it and have the fresh-smelling breath you’ve always wanted. However, to be 100% sure on exactly what is causing your bad breath, make it a priority to visit your local dental office. Making that early visit will help your local dentist detect the root of the problem and stop them before they become more serious. Having said that, below are the most common causes of bad breath:

After poor dental hygiene, dehydration is the leading reason why someone might have persistent bad breath. If you don’t drink enough water, the food you eat will stay in your mouth for longer because saliva alone is not enough to wash it away. When food remains, it rots, and that means bacteria are feeding on it. The breeding bacteria and rotting food combine to make a nasty odor. The problem will go away when you have more to drink though, so always make sure you are getting enough water every day. Water is by far the best thing to drink, better than tea or coffee, and far better than soda.

A Serious Illness
Although for most people bad breath is just bad breath, and there is nothing to distinguish it from anything else, scientists have noticed that there are lots of different types of bad breath – lots of different ways for it to smell, that is. Some of these stenches can actually indicate a far more serious problem, and if you experience constant halitosis, it may be a good idea to book an appointment with your doctor.

If your breath has a hint of ammonia to it, for example, that could indicate renal failure. High acetone levels can mean diabetes. Nitric oxide could mean asthma. There are many different smells, but they usually can’t be noticed just by sniffing; tests will need to be carried out.

Smokers often suffer from bad breath. There are a variety of different reasons for this, but the main one is that tobacco products lead to gum disease; the chemicals within the gums pull away from the teeth, and bad breath follows. Smoking also causes bad breath because the nicotine and other chemicals linger in the mouth causing bacteria to form there. The solution to this is very simple; stop smoking. That is, of course, easier said than done which is why e-cigarettes from Vapeshop can be a great alternative for smokers to consider.

Too Much Outdoor Air

The great outdoors is good for us, and breathing in a big lungful of fresh air can’t be a bad thing. However, it can lead to bad breath when we exercise outdoors. This is because during intense activity human beings tend to breathe through their mouths, and this dries the mouth out. Just like when you’re dehydrated, this can cause bacteria to thrive, and therefore bad breath happens easily. Being outdoors also means that pollen and other allergens can stick to your dry mouth and cause all sorts of problems. Drinking water will cure this problem, but so will moving some of your exercise to an indoor space if you can.

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

How To Invest In Your Mental Health

If you are going to live life to the fullest, it is important that you invest in your mental health. You need to be aware of any issues that are standing in the way of you having a good time and achieving your goals. You also need to be brave enough to confront these issues head-on, as opposed to burying your head in the sand.

In this modern age, there should no longer be a stigma around talking about mental health and working through your problems. If you are determined to invest in your mental health, you will need to pay close attention to the following six steps.

Speak with a professional

If you are seriously concerned about your mental health, it is vital that you speak with a professional as soon as possible. Regular therapy sessions will provide you with a great opportunity to work through your issues and focus on a brighter future. Even if you are fairly confident in your mental health, you could still benefit from sharing your problems with an expert. Perhaps they could offer you a new way of looking at a situation or an unusual approach to living your life. You might also find that there is an unresolved issue in your past that comes up during your therapy sessions. Instead of allowing it to fester, this could be the ideal chance for you to achieve closure.

Carry out plenty of research

Although it is important to place your trust in the experts, it is also essential that you do your own research. Of course, you need to avoid suspicious looking websites that could lead to an unfounded self-diagnosis. However, reading up on mental health is never a bad idea. Understanding the way in which your mind works will make it far easier for you to navigate the world around you. That is why you should be on the lookout for interesting advice columns, self-help guides, uplifting blogs, and inspirational talks. There are also plenty of YouTube channels to choose from when it comes to dealing with mental health. Whatever your problem, there is sure to be a solution available. For instance, if you struggle with self-confidence, you could benefit from an online tutorial on dealing with social situations. Or, if you find it hard to embrace a positive attitude, you could select a channel that focuses on a glass half full philosophy.

Confront your bad habits head on

As you learn more about your mind, you may discover that there are certain aspects of your life that are extremely unhealthy. If you are going to conquer your bad habits, it is important that you act fast. Instead of allowing the situation to spiral out of control, you should deal with the situation immediately. Why not explore the best rehab centers available? This is a fantastic opportunity for you to escape the stresses and strains of daily life and  to focus your attention on the recovery process. It is also the perfect chance for you to benefit from expert advice, without being judged for your choices. Taking this step may seem intimidating, but it could be the greatest decision you ever make.
Monitor your mood

During your journey to improved mental health, it is important that you closely monitor your mood. This will help you to celebrate your successes and re-evaluate your choices when you hit a rough patch. Whatever you do, don’t just follow the crowd. You need to find a method that works for you. One option is to write in a journal every evening. Another idea is to start a sketchbook and fill it with images that reflect your emotions. Or, if you are a big fan of technology, you could download a wide range of useful apps to help you stay on top of your emotions. Getting into a solid routine will allow you to keep moving forward, even when you feel like standing still or going backward.

Evaluate your diet

You can also establish a clear routine when it comes to evaluating your diet. Instead of taking things one meal at a time, you should create a food plan that you can enjoy throughout the week. You could even start a food diary and use it to hold yourself accountable. Just make sure that you are focusing on deeper issues than your appearance. Although it is a great thing to look your best, it is more important that you feel your best. That is why you should steer clear of counting calories and giving up your favorite dishes. Instead, you should fill your diet with plenty of mood-boosting ingredients. It is also important that you have fun with the meals that you are creating. Why not sign up to a culinary course or treat yourself to a new set of recipe books? Not only will eating well provide you with the energy you need to make it through a long day, but it will also help you to enjoy a positive relationship with your mind and body.

Take up regular exercise

Another way of achieving this is by taking up regular exercise. Whenever you complete a successful workout, you will be hit with a rush of endorphins. This is an immediate way for you to improve your outlook and embrace a positive mindset. Signing up for a gym membership or attending an exercise class could also be a great opportunity for you to meet new people. If you are going to feel good about yourself, it is vital that you are surrounded by like-minded individuals who are also looking to embrace a positive lifestyle and outlook. Even if you decide exercise alone, you will still be benefiting from a natural stress relief that will lower your levels of anxiety and help you to work through any pent-up aggression. Don’t worry about your existing fitness levels or a lack of coordination; the most important thing is that you are out there giving it your best shot.

This is a guest blog entry.

Endometriosis Awareness Month: Understanding a Common Condition

Endometriosis is a common condition plaguing women around the world, with an estimated one in every ten experiencing the disease. When endometriosis takes place, the tissue normally found in the womb grows elsewhere, from the pelvis to the abdomen and even the lungs. The growing womb tissue can cause severe pain in women, along with infertility and other debilitating effects. Although it is prevalent among women of reproductive age, endometriosis is often misunderstood and widely misdiagnosed at its onset. For that reason, March is deemed Endometriosis Awareness Month each year. Throughout the month, individuals of all ages are encouraged to increase their understanding of what endometriosis is, how it is diagnosed, as well as the treatment options and support available to women living with the condition.

Symptoms and Warning Signs

Endometriosis comes with a variety of symptoms and warning signs, with the most common being pain during menstruation that leaves women unable to function normally. In addition to period discomfort, often referred to as dysmenorrhea, that exceeds normal levels of pain, women with endometriosis may also experience the following:
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Discomfort with bowel movements or urination
  • Excessive bleeding, either during or in between periods
  • Infertility
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Back and abdomen pain 
While these symptoms are common, they often range in severity for women with endometriosis. Depending on how large the tissue growth is and where it is located, women may also experience shortness of breath or trouble breathing.

Endometriosis does not have one singular cause, which makes it a complex and difficult to understand condition. Some women who experience retrograde menstruation may ultimately be diagnosed with endometriosis. Others may have hormones transform into embryonic cells which then implant in other areas of the body, or problems with an immune disorder that leads to tissue growth outside the reproductive organs. In any case of endometriosis, there is a high probability that it will be misdiagnosed initially given the complexity of its symptoms and causes.

Diagnosis of Endometriosis

The reason endometriosis is so often misdiagnosed for another condition, or no condition at all, is just as complex as the condition itself. High rates of misdiagnosis and medical negligence claims occur with endometriosis because of the stigma attached to menstruation pain, explains a solicitor that works with these type of cases. Some medical providers simply connect the symptoms of endometriosis with made-up or exaggerated period discomfort – something women are encouraged to work through alone. In other cases, endometriosis may be incorrectly diagnosed as a sexually transmitted infection, a urinary tract infection, or irritable bowel syndrome.

These issues with endometriosis misdiagnosis often mean women wait more than eight years to receive the correct information and education about their disease. When this takes place, endometriosis patients are left feeling hopeless, with no real recourse for their pain or other debilitating symptoms. For some, a course of treatment for another condition is suggested, which provides no respite for the underlying problem. This is why getting the right diagnosis is critical to help women with endometriosis, no matter how severe their symptoms. Currently, the disease is only diagnosable through laparoscopy from a trained specialist, to which many women are never referred.

Treatment and Support

Women who are properly diagnosed with endometriosis have several options for treatment, including surgery to remove the tissue growth outside the reproductive organs. Some doctors suggest less invasive approaches to treatment first, however, such as lifestyle changes to cut out dairy and gluten, increased physical activity, and stress reduction strategies at home. Pain medication may also be recommended when women are unable to function as they normally would.

One of the most helpful aspects of endometriosis treatment, however, is support from friends, family members, and members of the medical community who understand that the disease is a real issue that has impacts on a woman’s life. Throughout Endometriosis Awareness Month, there are several events and educational sessions put on by charitable organizations, designed to not only support and encourage women living with the disease, but also to help supporters recognize the best ways to provide help when it is needed most.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, March 19, 2018

10 Simple Swaps to Improve Your Health

You’re probably in a rush right now, wondering who has the time to change their lifestyle or the patience to abstain from the luxuries they enjoy? The pace of modern life barely seems to allow for healthy living! Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case, and by swapping certain elements rather than completely altering your lifestyle, you will be amazed at how much your life can improve. Check out these 10 quick tips:

1. Swap the Office Chair for an Exercise Ball
The evolution of the body is yet to catch up with the threat of endless hours straining over a desk, which is why you need to give it a fighting chance. One highly recommended option is to use an exercise ball as a chair because they keep the lower body engaged, realign your spine, and can even burn a few extra calories throughout the day.

2. Swap the Dinner for a More Active Date

Going out for a big meal with loads of drinks or watching a film with a huge tub of popcorn isn’t exactly the ideal definition of fitness, which is why you should surprise your date by suggesting something more interesting, such as ice skating, miniature golf, or even a romantic hike. These physically active options are not only fun, but they will also impress your date with just how uniquely exciting you are.

3. Swap the Forks for Chopsticks
Eating too fast has been linked to obesity and metabolic syndrome, which means a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes. Force yourself to slow down by learning how to master the chopsticks, allowing your stomach to work at much easier pace, while you’ll look very fancy with your proficient East Asian skills.

4. Swap Couch Gaming for Exergaming

Keep playing your video games, but do so in the name of health! Connect up your Wii Fit or Just Dance and then jump around the living room, shaking those calories right off of your body. You will still experience that rewarding sense of achievement as you reach new levels and unlock bonus content, except in these games, the achievement is actually real.

5. Swap Rubbing for Patting Yourself Dry

After a shower, your warm damp skin is at its prime level for absorbing moisture, including any creams or oils you should be applying. However, if you’re rubbing yourself dry, you are eradicating these moisture benefits while risking a skin irritation. Be kind to your outer surface and pat yourself dry with a clean towel, preferably one which is extra soft and fluffy.

6. Swap Butter for Avocado
While the butter health debate rages on, rather tune out by venturing down the avocado path. You will consume around a quarter the number of calories, all saturated fats are replaced by the good fats, and you’ll receive an additional 20 vitamins and minerals for good measure. It also tastes much better, some may say.

7. Swap the Television for a Book

Of course, it’s far easier to collapse on the couch and turn your brain off by turning your TV on, but a book engages with much deeper regions of your mind, stimulating your imagination by playing the story in your head and improving your overall language skills at the same time. Not to mention that a book will also help you fall asleep in a snap.

8. Swap Driving for Walking or Cycling
This may be a difficult order for some people, but if you can ride your bike to work instead of using a car or a train, give it a try! You may find you arrive at your destination much faster as you skip traffic and take shortcuts, all the while burning your calories, upping your heart rate, and breathing in so much fresh air that you won’t even need your morning coffee.

9. Swap Beer for Wine

As much as certain people consider beer to be a holy beverage, it’s worth noting that the term “beer belly” exists for a reason. The carbohydrates in this drink are infamous for halting the fat burning process, which is interesting when comparing these figures to the relatively low carbs and sugar content in wine (dry white or red). Of course, to reach the maximum health level it is good to limit alcohol intake overall.

10. Swap Salad Dressings for Balsamic Vinegar or Olive Oil

Nothing says “healthy salad” quite like a bottle of goo loaded with saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. Stop! Clear out your fridge of such detrimental condiments and replace them with some balsamic vinegar and/or olive oil, which work together to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, using vitamin K, vitamin E, and healthy unsaturated fats, all to bless your meal with love.

This a guest blog entry.

Friday, March 16, 2018

8 Reasons to Get an Online Nursing Degree

Many people today are opting for an online nursing degree for many reasons. There are several benefits of getting into an online nursing program when compared to traditional programs. Not only that, but online nursing degrees are being accepted by the most prestigious healthcare facilities. Here are eight reasons why you should get an online nursing degree.

1. Convenience and Flexibility

With an online nursing program, you have much more flexibility when it comes to scheduling the time and duration of your lessons. With an online nursing degree, you’ll be able to continue to work while learning, which makes it very convenient, especially when you’re not able to enrol full time. You can also decide on the entire length of the program depending on your preference. An online nursing program from an institution such as Purdue University Global (which has 11 different nursing programs currently) will give you the option to choose from multiple start dates making it that much more convenient.

2. Numerous Specialization Options

Online nursing programs offer many different specialization options depending on your interests. You’ll get the opportunity to specialize in either types of treatments, organs you deal with, specific health conditions or body system types. It is also possible to combine two or three specialization areas when you opt for an online program due to flexibility. Not only that, but registered nurses that want to further their studies find online degrees to be the best options in many cases, since they already have the foundation needed and can fit their school time with their busy schedules more easily. This allows them to seek higher positions or choose to go into a more specialized field if they want to add more feathers to their cap.

3. Reduced Expenses

With an online degree you’ll be able to cut down on several expenses, like transportation and lodging for instance. Online learning is often cheaper when compared to on-campus education since universities don’t have to deal with all the overheads. Unlike on-campus students, you won't have to worry about additional payments like activity and treatment fees. As a result, you’ll have reduced student loans that will be easier to repay once you secure employment.

4. Guaranteed Quality of Education

Contrary to popular belief, online schools receive just the same accreditation as traditional campuses. You don't need to worry about getting a poor quality education once you enrol in an accredited online school. Online nursing programs have a lot of resources that you’ll be able to access if you need assistance. Most online institutions will also give you exclusive access to the teaching staff which will make it easier for you to get assistance with a particular topic.

5. You Could Take Your Degree to a Higher Level

With an online nursing program, your education doesn't need to stop at the bachelors or associates level. Many online nursing schools will give you the option of upgrading to a doctoral or master's degree program at a time of your choosing. A bachelor's degree doesn't necessarily have to be the end of the nursing program for you.

6. You Can Create Your Learning Environment

Not everyone is comfortable with classroom learning due to several different reasons. Some, for instance, do not cope well with the distractions in a normal learning environment. When you decide to take an online class, you’ll be able to create your own learning environment to suit your particular needs. Learning will be much easier once you can control the type of setting that best suits you. You could decide to take your classes outside in an open space, in your favorite coffee shop or library, or from home according to your preference.

7. Ease of Interaction Between Students

It’s quite easy to interact with fellow students and share ideas when taking an online course, mainly due to the convenience technology offers. Traditional programs may limit interactions because students are usually too distracted by other activities after classes. Online platforms have made it easy for students to hold discussions and you could also refer back to the conversations should you encounter any difficulties.

8. Job Security

There is a massive shortage of nurses mainly due to the rising need for quality healthcare. Nurses are in demand, and the demand is expected to go even higher in the coming years due to the ‘baby boomers’ generation having more healthcare needs. And there are sectors where nurses are in much higher demand, such as prenatal care for instance. Once you complete your online nursing program, you will almost be guaranteed to get employment from either the private or public sector.

An online nursing degree is an excellent career choice that can open up a wide variety of employment options. All you need to do is find the right program for you and fully dedicate yourself to your studies.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Some of the Effects Caused by Aging for Men and Women

As you grow older your body begins to show the tell-tale signs of aging. You may experience bouts of sleeplessness, notice more wrinkles forming daily, your hair thinning and have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. The good news is that these are all common with old age and there are ways to combat them. 

Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

As you age you start to lose the elasticity that keeps skin firm and the natural oils that keep it moisturized. This slow process starts with a few small lines and then leads to deep wrinkles and noticeably drier skin. Luckily, there are ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and restore moisture to the skin. If you don't want to have surgery you can opt to use a peel or scrub, or moisturizers that contain collagen, Retin-A, and peptides. It's also beneficial to avoid direct sunlight and when spending a day outdoors that you protect your head by wearing a hat and use sunscreen on your face and body.

Bladder Control Issues

Many people, men, and women experience a loss of bladder control as they age. Maybe you laugh or sneeze or have sudden urges and no time to make it to the restroom and you then leak. This can be due to weak or overactive bladder muscles, a weak pelvis, damage to nerves and blockage due to an enlarged prostate. There are ways to correct this through surgery. However, if you don't want to have the surgery, you can use incontinence pads offered by companies like Men's Liberty.

Hair Loss

As you grow older you may experience hair loss. This is a normal aging process wherein hair gradually begins to thin on areas of the body such as the scalp, legs, pubic area, and under your armpits. This is caused by a decline in pigment cells and hair follicles not producing at the same rate as when you are younger. Generally, once a man reaches the age of 60 years he will have some thinning and even bald areas on the scalp. For women, this can happen too after menopause. There are topical solutions available over the counter that can help restore hair slowly. However, if you have highly-visible thin or bald spots you may need to have hair implants to restore your hair.

Weight Gain

As you grow older your metabolism begins to slow. For men and women who love to eat large meals, this can cause them to gain weight. Unfortunately, if you compound the reduced metabolism with a less active lifestyle you are going to gain weight. Thankfully, you are in control of your weight. If you enjoy eating meals with a high caloric intake join a gym, walk or swim several times a week to burn up the added calories. Or, you can cut back on the amount you eat by eating a light breakfast or dinner and enjoying your favorite foods at lunch. Instead of eating dessert nightly have it as a treat once a week.


Staying fit is important at any age, but as you grow older it becomes harder to maintain muscle mass. The good news is that it's not impossible to get physically fit in your 50s, 60s or even your 70s. The solution is to remain active. You can play golf, join a gym or take long walks or go dancing. In between your workouts you should also add a bit of spring to your steps and get out and enjoy living. Any form of activity is going to help you to age well and keep your body’s internal organs functioning properly.


Women and men may start to have trouble falling and staying asleep as they grow older. There are many reasons why this can happen including types of medication, underlying health problems, depression, anxiety, inactivity or bladder issues. If you take several medications and have trouble sleeping check with your doctor to see if there's another medication you can take. If you feel tired early in the day and nap for an hour, try avoiding the nap. If you feel anxious or depressed you can talk to your family or see a therapist.

It's natural to experience changes in your appearance and your body as you grow older. If you feel that any of the changes you are going through are alarming make an appointment with your doctor to make certain that something more serious isn't going on.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Expert Guide to Patellar Tendonitis

Worried you may have “jumper’s knee”? The all too common knee injury, patellar tendonitis, most often plagues athletes in high-impact sports like basketball, running, and volleyball, or people with knee-heavy hobbies like cycling.

What is Patellar Tendonitis?
Tendonitis, or the general term given for injury to any tendon in your body, is no stranger to the tendon which connects your patella (kneecap) to your tibia (shinbone). Working in conjunction with muscles groups like your quadriceps, the patellar tendon allows you to flex and extend your knee with motions like jumping, kicking, and running.

Repeated stress to the patellar tendon with physical activity causes microtrauma in the form of tiny tears that multiply over time. This leads to inflammation, pain, and tendon weakness which can affect your performance, workouts, you name it.

It’s not just overuse with knee-heavy activities that puts you at risk for this type of tendonitis, however. A muscle imbalance (stronger leg muscles in some areas and not others) can cause an uneven pull on the patellar tendon, and tight thigh muscles can also increase strain on it.

Sudden increases in the distance, duration, and type of jumping, running, or cycling activity you do can additionally stress the tendon as can something as seemingly innocuous as changing running shoes.

What are the Symptoms?

Initial stages of patellar tendonitis will feel like a pain at the front of your knee cap where the tendon rests, especially as you begin exercising or just after an intense workout or game. If pain grows to a point where you can no longer tackle your physical activity or even complete daily tasks with ease (like climbing stairs), it’s critical to rest and contact your doctor. Additional symptoms of redness, swelling, and tenderness around the knee joint can indicate that the tendonitis is worsening.

How is Patellar Tendonitis Treated?
The good news is that this type of tendonitis is often treated without invasive procedures. Icing the area will help to constrict blood vessels to reduce swelling and numb the nerves sending pain signals back to your brain. Also limiting the activity which led to the injury for a while will play an important role in your healing, though maintaining joint mobility is key. Low-impact activities like yoga, walking, and swimming will be good cross-training activities to tackle while you recover.

If you continue to play high-impact sports through the pain or take over-the-counter painkillers that inhibit your own sense of how much pain you are in, you could increase the amount and severity of the tears in your patellar tendon. A doctor may have to conduct imaging tests (like x-rays or MRIs) in addition to a manual exam and possible ultrasound to evaluate the degree of injury and formulate a treatment plan for you.

Prolonged tendonitis like that which lasts more than 3 weeks can transition into patellar tendinopathy and may require more comprehensive treatment methods including:
  • Physical therapy - stretching and strengthening exercises can help make your muscles and tendon more limber as well as reinforce weak thigh muscles that contribute to the strain on your knee joint.
  • Orthotics - wearing a knee tendonitis brace or “knee strap” during physical activity will also offer you more knee support and protection while you heal by distributing force away from your injured tendon.
  • Injection - a dose of corticosteroid injected straight into the sheath surrounding your patellar tendon can help minimize painful inflammation but may also contribute to tendon rupture.
  • Low electrical currents - a therapy called Iontophoresis uses low electrical currents to push a topical steroid ointment through your skin.
  • Surgery - in rare cases, surgery may be required. Small incisions around your knee allow surgeons to insert instruments to help repair the tendon.
Preventing Patellar Tendonitis
The truth is, like with most overuse injuries, patellar tendonitis is virtually completely preventable. Playing through pain is quite possibly the worst thing you can do, so at the first wince of exercise-related knee pain, ice the joint, rest, and limit your activity for a while that was causing the flare-up.

Stretching and strengthening key leg muscles to offset some of the stress placed on your knee joints plays an important role as well. Even a practice as simple as raising one leg at a time while sitting and slowly lowering it towards the ground can help.

If you are looking to up your running mileage, your basketball training schedule, or the slope on which you cycle, check with personal trainers at your gym or even online resources about best practices and good technique. Proper body mechanics when you play any sport are critical to avoiding common fitness injuries like this one.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

How the XYO Network Can Help Hospitals Avoid Life-Threatening Mistakes

Hospitals are supposed to be places that will heal you; if you are sick, you depend on the hospital systems and staff to keep you alive. Unfortunately, the trust we all place in current hospital systems might be unjustified. According to a study by John Hopkins School of Medicine, medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States.

Medical errors range from unnecessary surgeries and inappropriate administration of drugs to misfiled information and operational errors but are all completely avoidable. Even the simplest of medical mistakes can have life-threatening consequences.

XY Oracle Network has found a solution to this pervasive problem through the use of its XYO Network.

What is the XY Oracle Network?

The XY Oracle Network (XYO Network) is a system of connected devices that verify data to create a trustless and decentralized system. The connected devices include Sentinels (The Data Gatherers), Bridges (The Data Relayers), Archivists (The Data Storers) and Diviners (The Answer Aggregators).

In a real-world scenario, the Sentinels would gather location-based information through sensors or other types of data collection methods. The Bridges would take this data from the Sentinels and give it to the Archivists. The Archivists would store the information and ultimately pass the information to the Diviners. Finally, the Diviners could analyze the location heuristics (data points based on real-world information relative to the location of the Sentinel) and generate answers to questions as well as assign them an accuracy score.

A key point is the accuracy score, also known as the Origin Chain Score, which confirms the data that businesses and other entities would want to verify. The location-based aspect of the XYO Network allows for data to be tracked and stored independently of a centralized system, and therefore eliminates some (if not most) of the uncertainty in the veracity of the data in the Origin Chain Score. All of the data in the chain can be traced back to a time, date and location for verification.

The XYO Network can be used to solve problems for a variety of businesses and other organizations that lack the means to verify the origin location of data. It helps to more conveniently store data in a way that is verifiable. The potential applications of this network are seemingly limitless.

Why are hospitals making so many life-threatening mistakes?

More and more people are dying or are seriously injured by medical mistakes, but what are hospitals doing about it? Of course, they are trying their best to lessen these significant mistakes. However, it is hard to do with the systems they currently have available to them.

Hospitals are environments with a fast pace and high stakes atmosphere. You almost never walk into a hospital unless something is horribly wrong. The doctors, nurses, and other staff have a lot on their plates as the hop from patient to patient trying to administer appropriate medical procedures with the information they have available.

What information do they have available? The charts in their hands might not be the most accurate documents in the world, which is a huge problem. Without accurate information, how can these medical professionals be expected to do their job well?

Hospital staff members are also responsible for recording and disseminating the information associated with each patient through computer systems that may not accurately reflect all of their needs. The simple fact that humans make mistakes ensures that this system will produce some medical errors. With all of the possibilities for a mistake, it is amazing that there are not even more medical errors.

If the problem is in the information, why hasn’t it been remedied yet?  Traditional computers systems in hospitals are just not that great at minimizing mistakes. The systems are centralized, easily inaccurate on accident, inadequate for the job at hand and rely on error-prone humans to enter the appropriate information.

How can blockchain projects help hospitals?

The XYO Network could tie itself into the existing operational framework of hospitals without a large disruption and potentially eliminate or reduce the number of medical error deaths and injuries in the hospital. The XYO network would eliminate the common communication failures and record keeping mix-ups that allows many people to die or be seriously injured by medical errors.

The XYO network would provide a trustless and decentralized system of independently verified medical records of all patient interactions in the hospital. These interactions would include patient interaction with all staff members and interactions with common hospital equipment. Interactions with hospital equipment would lead to the recording of a patient’s vital signs, treatment details, medications administered, test results and more. A combination of all this information would lead to an organized chain of information for each patient in the hospital.

Imagine what that would mean for hospital patients and staff! The medical staff would have the accurate information they need to appropriately treat their patients with confidence. If medical professionals were provided with this accurate information on the patient in front of them, then medical errors would likely decrease dramatically.

Hospitals would benefit because medical errors are a huge problem in their business. No business wants to kill its patients by accident.

The patients would also benefit substantially from the installation of the XYO Network in their hospital because it is less likely that a medical error would injure or kill them.

How would the XYO Network be used in a hospital setting?

The basic premise of the XYO Network involving Sentinels, Bridges, Archivists, and Diviners would remain the same. The network would just be implemented in a new setting on existing hospital infrastructure.

Currently, when a patient enters the hospital they are given an identification bracelet. After the XYO Network has been implemented, the identification bracelet will double as an XYO Network Sentinel. The Sentinel on the patient’s wrist would remain with him or her as they progressed through the different parts of the hospital. As the patient was taken from place to place, the Sentinel would record any interactions with other devices on the XYO Network. The number and type of devices that could be on the network is extensive, but would likely vary based on the treatment available at a given hospital. These other devices would also act as Sentinels that recorded the information for each patient that was connected to the machine. As various doctors and nurses treat the patient, the interactions would be recorded on the patient’s ledger, as well as the Sentinel associated with that hospital staff member.

Each of these interactions would be recorded to create a comprehensive log of verifiable data that is easily accessible to any medical professional attempting to provide the best possible care to their patient. The log would include all of the interactions between hospital staff and patients, patient vital signs, treatment details, test results and more. The log of data would serve as the most important part of the system because, without the complete set of knowledge, the problem of inaccurate and incomplete records would not be solved.

A patient’s monitor would act as a Bridge to an Archivist. The hospital staff would still be able to query the Diviner for information on their patient if they wanted to find any specific information.

The difference between this and current hospital systems is that these interactions would be recorded by the XYO Network and could be verified with a high degree of certainty. Each interaction can be traced back to a verified time, place and location.  This would allow medical staff to trust the information in the patient log, instead of just hoping that no critical errors have been made along the way. If something does not seem right to the doctor, then he or she can easily verify the information through the patient ledger and the Diviner.

How would implementing the XYO Network reduce medical errors?

Record keeping errors can have catastrophic effects that lead to life-threatening medical errors.  People make mistakes, it just happens. The sheer number of records that are made each day in any individual hospital makes the possibility of a mistake very probable.

A patient can be in the hospital for days, weeks or even months at a time. Given that long time frame, the possibility for human error in the recording of any of the information necessary for effective treatment is large. However, if the XYO Network is implemented in these hospital systems, the potential for human error would be eliminated.

If hospitals were to implement this system, then devastating medical errors would likely decrease as a direct result of verifiable data that can be easily traced back to a date, time and location of the creation of the record. It would help doctors make better treatment plans and help more patients survive their already tenuous time in the hospital.

Mistakes in hospital record keeping are a real problem, but it the XYO Network has a viable solution to offer to hospitals. The simple fact that all of the patient’s data would be independently verified by a location-based system means that there would be a decrease in medical error deaths as a result of more accurate record keeping.

This is a blog post by Nancy Evans.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Top Ways to Stay Motivated and Focused to Realize Your Goals

Everyone has goals and aspirations they want to achieve in life. Whether they are smaller steps or larger aspirations, we are often met with distractions that put a hold on plans. Staying motivated to achieve these goals has never been harder and sometimes the offer of a quick fix or ready-made solution seems the perfect answer. For some people, finding this motivation is easier but others it is a challenging road ahead, which many give up on. Taking the first steps to realizing what is important to you is the best way to open up your mind to more opportunities and potentially making those goals come to life.

If you’re looking for some inspiration about how to achieve your goals and ways to stay motivated on this sometimes-challenging road ahead, take a look at some of the ways in which you can change your mindset and achieve them.

Are they your goals?

Other people often influence us, whether this is a teacher, family member or work colleague and although you may think that something is your idea, deep down it could actually be someone else’s. Delving into the wider aspects of why you set a goal could actually bring to the surface a host of reasons why it isn’t actually your goal but that of someone else. It may be that you have created a goal because of what someone else has done or achieved and you may feel you should do the same to fit in. It’s always important to realize whether it is right for you and what you really want to achieve from it, otherwise, you’ll get stuck inside someone else’s dream.

Determine what motivates you

For many people, money is a huge motivator, and some people will not make goals unless the end result sees some financial rewarded. There is also the issue here that people also think that money is their only source of motivation so when they come to working towards that goal, they find that they do not enjoy the journey as fully as expected. It’s safe to say that you should not assume money would motivate in all instances. This is also true in careers related goals. You may aspire to be a manager or team leader as the monetary reward is greater, but once this starts eating into your personal time and you can’t switch off, it may prove the wrong step for you.

Choosing what works for you is essential and being motivated by happiness, memories and other non-materialistic things is often a more rewarding goal to achieve. 

Managing your expectations and setting realistic timeframes

As the saying goes ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day,’ and it certainly rings true for most goals. If you are looking at something like weight loss as an example, you are not going to see results after the first day of going to the gym. Patience and setting realistic timeframes is critical in these cases. Breaking down what you want to achieve and stages in which you want to achieve it by, help to make smaller goals achievable and, in turn, contribute to the overall final accomplishment. When it comes to health motivations, everything from weight loss to recovery from addictions has to ensure a steady and sustainable process for success. For example, problems such as alcohol addiction have an alcohol withdrawal timeline, which is incorporated into the overall goal. Time and patience are key for issues such as these as quick fixes can quickly lead to slipping into the same unhealthy habits.

Visualizing your goals and results

If you know what the end result should be, then visualizing how it could help your long-term goals makes it appear easier to achieve. Considering how it will make you feel once it is completed has tons of benefits, not only for overall motivation but also mind health too. Setting goals can assist with feelings of depression and reenergize you on days you feel low. This clearer mindset can also help in other areas of your life too. You’ll have more focus on everyday tasks and will feel excited about new things and achievements, however small they may be. Once you achieve your goal, evaluating the challenges and success also help to improve reasoning and planning for the next goal, which can, in turn, make you a more organized and successful person in life and your career.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

One of the biggest issues people face in realizing their goals is being afraid to ask for help. This stumbling block can have negative effects on how quickly you achieve your goal or if you complete it at all. Surrounding yourself with people that inspire and motivate you is a great way to feel comfortable when you need support. This network of people can be anything from family to work colleagues, and they will be aware of struggles and barriers you may be facing. Tapping into their energy and strengths also helps to determine your own and asking for help is another element of strength that should be recognized.

Be organized

Keeping on top of everything is another key element in keeping your motivation strong. Having a cluttered mind without a logical thought process leads to stress and potential downfalls in productivity. Some goals can become overwhelming, and at this point, it is necessary to take a step back and look at where you have come and what else needs to be done to succeed.

Re-evaluating at this point may also be crucial, as many goals can be tweaked or changed depending on the situation. Nothing is set in stone so worrying about a process that is not working for you is the ultimate motivation killer. Goals should work on what you want to achieve, and if that changes during this time, you can switch things up to match your new outlook.

Keeping a clear head and staying motivated is important for maintaining focus and strength throughout your life. Everyone is different, so set goals for you and no one else.   

This is a guest blog entry.

3 Surprising Reasons You’re Getting a Bad Night’s Sleep

When it comes to predicting positive health outcomes, few factors play as important of a role as regular, quality sleep. Not only do your body and brain need the frequent rest to re-energize for the following day, but the hours in which you sleep are actually full of all types of functions - your hormone levels are regulated, your brain cells go on a clean-up duty eliminating toxins, and your muscles and other soft tissues repair themselves.

If you’re not having so much trouble falling asleep, but rather noticing that you wake up frequently during the night or experience daytime sleepiness the next day, you may not be getting the high-quality sleep you need. Check out these 3 surprising potential reasons you’re getting a bad night’s sleep (and what to do about it):

Acid Reflux
Are you eating late meals and experiencing heartburn when you head to bed? If you are one of the millions living with frequent acid reflux flare-ups (also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD), getting quality sleep each night could be a tough uphill battle. In addition to heartburn, you may experience chest pain, the feeling you have a lump in your throat, food or sour liquid regurgitation, difficulty swallowing, and even chronic cough.

The bad news? A 2012 study found that it’s not just GERD that contributes to poor sleep, but vice versa too; poor sleep is a contributing risk factor for GERD. While this vicious cycle might seem endless, there are a few ways to improve your sleep quality and duration. If you have trouble sleeping because of heartburn:
  • Use a wedge pillow or place bed risers under the head of your bed to raise your head and chest above stomach level
  • Avoiding eating 2 to 3 hours before you go to sleep
  • Don’t lie down right after a meal
  • Take helpful medicines like antacids or doctor-prescribed H-2 receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors as directed
Smartphone Use
You’ve likely heard the term “blue light” thrown around when referring to digital device exposure. Light from the blue side of the spectrum is what most digital devices emit because it keeps your screen the most visible in both dark and super sunny environments. That blue light, however, has been linked in multiple studies to a reduction in melatonin production in the brain.

Melatonin is a hormone responsible for maintaining your body’s sleep and wake cycles, and it’s what your body releases to tell you it is time to go to sleep at night. Exposure to blue light via constant smartphone, laptop, and tablet use can actually suppress that release of melatonin and shift your circadian rhythm according to Harvard researchers. Experts recommend reducing your risk for this digital use side effect by:
  • Avoiding looking at bright screens 2 to 3 hours before bedtime
  • Switching your digital device to “Night shift” mode in the settings
  • Using eyewear with blue-blocking technology during the day (or if you work at night)
  • Exposing yourself to lots of sunlight through the day to keep your natural body clock in check
Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders
Did you know that your risk for sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD) goes up as you age? In fact, one 2010 study even found that over 50% of participating seniors (healthy 68-year-old adults) showed signs of SRBD. As an umbrella term, SRBD covers everything from chronic snoring to sleep apnea, or frequent pauses in breathing during sleep.

Even if you don’t feel excessively tired following a night’s sleep, you may still be increasing your risk for long-term complications due to breathing abnormalities while you sleep. Sleep apnea has been linked to higher mortality, stroke, and cancer rates.

If you are concerned about your sleep quality, or your spouse or partner has pointed out your chronic snoring or witnessed your breathing stopping and starting while you sleep, schedule an appointment with your doctor. They may recommend you take an objective sleep test (either at home with a test kit or in a lab), or start you off with basic lifestyle changes like avoiding alcohol or sedatives before bed.

The quality of sleep you get during the night impacts everything from your energy levels to your memory and even your ability to learn new information the following day. Don’t let a preventable or treatable condition negatively influence your sleep - your very health relies on it!

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, March 08, 2018

This Is How Exercise Can Fix These Common Health Problems for Men Over 50

For men, certain health problems begin to make their presence known once you hit your forties and beyond. But want to know one thing you could do that would make everything better? Medical health professionals agree, that the magic pill for many ailments is exercise.

Here are some common problems that men over 50 experience and the exercises that will reduce the risk of those problems worsening.

Prostate problems

The prostate is a small gland near the bladder. As men advance in years, their prostate often grows bigger. This enlargement that happens with age often puts pressure on their bladder which can cause men to feel the need to urinate.

Have you been taking medication or pills to help you deal with bladder problems? Prostagenix reviews show that this all-natural supplement is effective in treating prostate issues. But if you want to go a step further, exercise can help.

Heard of Kegel exercises? Vaguely recall it as an exercise women do after childbirth? You would be right. But regardless of gender, these exercises are effective at strengthening one's pelvic muscles. Stronger pelvic muscles will control that feeling of needing to urinate.

Exercising your pelvic muscles can be done anywhere at any time. To locate your pelvic muscles, the next time you use the bathroom, start urinating and then pause, mid-stream. Those muscles you feel tightening are your pelvic muscles. Tighten and release these muscles throughout the day to give your pelvic muscles a workout.


The older you are, the higher your chance of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a weakening of your bones and a decline in bone mass. Diet plays an important role in warding off the onset of this disease. The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) says that what you eat will affect the state of your bones as you age. Foods to focus on including in your diet are those that are high in calcium and vitamin D.

But it is exercise that just might be one of the most important ways you can reduce your risk of this age-related bone condition.

Your exercise plan should include both muscle strengthening exercise, as well as aerobics. The NOF recommends dancing, hiking, jogging, jumping rope, stair climbing, and tennis. But if you have recently been ill or suffered an injury that limits your exercise capacity, then low impact exercises may be better for you.


Depression can occur in anyone, no matter their age. The source or cause of the depression may differ depending on one's age bracket. But regardless of how old you are, exercise has been shown to be effective in treating a bad case of feeling down and out.

The Mayo Clinic states that regular exercise has emotional and psychological benefits. These benefits reduce the negative emotions of depression. When you exercise, you get more confidence, a better way of coping, and more social interaction with others.

And you do not need to exercise for a long period of time in order to gain these benefits. In fact, even 5 minutes of vigorous exercise can leave you feeling less stressed. And a 10 minute walk could be just as good as a 40 minute workout in helping to relieve anxiety or depression.

Mental decline
Worried about staying sharp as the years pass? Recent studies overwhelmingly agree that exercise can ward off cognitive decline. In one study, seniors who engaged in regular exercise had a 36 percent lower risk of mental impairment than those who did not. Why? Being physically active has been linked to brain health because exercise improves blood flow. Blood flow to the brain is essential for the growth of blood cells and vessels.

Slowing down as we age should be expected. But exercise can not only reduce the rate at which we slow down, but it can protect us from dementia and other age-related mental health issues.

The type of exercise you do is less important than simply being regular. Find a plan that will be easy for you to implement and start. Naturally, you should check in with your doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. Ask what type of exercise is safe for you to engage in. Get the OK from your doctor, and then commit to your new exercise plan.

If you have neglected regular exercise for most of your life, starting now might not reverse years of disregard. But it will at least prevent certain issues from getting worse.

It is never too late to make better health choices. Start today.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

5 Ailments That Are Telling You to Lose Weight

An excess in body weight increases your risks of developing various health problems compared to people with a normal body weight. Being overweight and obesity are serious health concerns for the World Health Organization (WHO) as cases of children and adults who have weight issues, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have tripled since the '70s. In fact, being overweight and obesity kill more individuals than being underweight.

How can you tell if you are overweight or obese?

Determining your Body Mass Index (BMI) involves a simple mathematical formula done by dividing your weight against your height and classifying the results accordingly.

•    Normal weight: 18.5 to 24.9 BMI
•    Overweight: 25 to 29.9 BMI
•    Obesity: 30 or higher BMI

Body ailments linked to overweight and obesity problems?

The most common body ailments that have a direct correlation to weight include:

•    Osteoarthritis
•    Heel spur
•    Hernias
•    Type 2 Diabetes
•    Heart diseases and stroke

Other conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome, sleep apnea, kidney and liver diseases, some types of cancer, and depression are closely tied to your weight as well. Fortunately, being overweight and becoming obese are preventable. Ailments worsened by weight gain, however, can also be due to other factors like genetics or family history but it cannot be discounted that losing weight through proper diet and exercise greatly reduces your risk of incurring these health problems.

Being overweight and osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is characterized by pain and stiffness in the body joints of the hands, hips, knees, and lower back. While body injuries, aging, and genetic factors relate to this ailment, the extra body weight also causes more pressure that aggravates the wear and tear of your joints, which in turn leads to pain and triggers osteoarthritis attacks. An excess in body fat also brings about inflammation that worsens your osteoarthritis.

Losing 10 percent of excess body weight significantly alleviates the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Doctors recommend cutting back on food with high fat and calorie content as well as performing 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily to help with losing weight.

Being overweight and heel spurs

A heel spur is a protrusion of calcium deposits found underneath your heel bone. When inflamed, it causes chronic pain when standing, walking, running, or jogging. An excess in body weight puts even more stress and pressure on the heel bone, which further exacerbates the signs and symptoms.

Losing weight through low-intensity exercises and performing basic calf stretches can help diminish the pain. Wearing supportive shoes and moldable orthotics used by podiatrists can add extra cushioning to your heel and decrease pain when walking and standing.

Being overweight and hernias

A hernia pertains to the weakness in the abdominal wall muscles that causes internal organs to bulge out or break through its opening. Experts determined that one common cause of a hernia is weight gain. The extra pounds put added strain and pressure on the muscles that might cause discomfort and pain as the bulge or break increases in size.

In some cases, a hernia requires surgery to repair the broken abdominal muscles but being overweight also raises the risks of complications after the procedure. Doctors typically require patients to lose weight prior to surgery. You can wear hernia belts to support your abdomen while performing your routines.

Being overweight and type 2 diabetes

At least 90 percent of people with type 2 diabetes have weight problems, hence doctors almost always recommend weight loss once a diagnosis has been confirmed. Losing extra pounds enables your body to lessen its resistance to insulin, the hormone that regulates your blood sugar levels, and lowers your risks of complications.

If you're diabetic, weight loss also brings many advantages apart from lowered blood sugar levels, such as:

•    Increased energy levels
•    Lowered cholesterol levels
•    Lowered risk for heart-related problems

Being overweight and heart disease

You can develop high levels of triglycerides, LDL (low-density lipoprotein), and total cholesterol if you are overweight. Likewise, you are also at risk of high blood pressure and atherosclerosis due to fat deposits in your arteries. These are just some of the factors that can lead to cardiovascular diseases like coronary artery disease and heart failure.

Maintaining a healthy weight, therefore, is imperative especially if you have a history of these diseases in your family. Losing the extra weight also helps your heart pump and circulate blood throughout the body more efficiently.

What you should remember is that your overall heart health is closely tied to the health condition of other main organs such as the brain, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Therefore, maintaining a normal body weight lowers your chances of developing lifestyle diseases in these organs. Strive to keep your body weight within the ideal range through proper diet and exercise in order to achieve wellness and physical fitness.

This is a guest blog entry.

11 Easy Ways to Burn More Calories During the Day

Looking to increase your calorie burn doing the things you already do every day? Forget adding another thirty minutes of workout time to your gym visit. With minimal equipment and a little creativity, you can significantly increase your calorie burn - check out these 11 expert ideas:

Increase Resistance
Improve workouts without even going to the gym simply by adding resistance to your everyday exercise. Wear wrist or ankle weights on your daily walk, load your daypack with a few heavier items for your afternoon hike, or hold a medicine ball between your knees during your wall sits and planks.

Snack Healthier
Optimize your calorie intake to calorie burn ratio by finding healthier ways to snack during the day. Ditch the high-sugar energy bar for lower-calorie snacks like fresh fruit, carrot sticks with hummus, whole grain rice cakes, a small serving of cottage cheese, half of an avocado, a low-fat cheese stick, cucumber slices, and so on - the ideas are endless.

Chew Gum
A University of Rhode Island study found that participants who chewed gum following a controlled breakfast burned more calories than when they did not chew gum. Whether chewing gum helps prevent cravings and quell hunger pangs, however, is still up for debate. Science is pretty certain though that gum chewing should not be considered a weight loss strategy in itself.

Head Uphill
Gradually switch out your relatively flat terrain workouts with more hill (slope) work. For example, if you walk for 30 minutes a day, change your route to include more inclines. Not only does going uphill require you to exert more energy than if you traversed a flat surface, but it also engages more muscle groups for a more well-rounded workout.

Boost Your Steps
Driving to work each day? While getting in and out of the office as quick as possible might be a priority, parking even 15 to 25 yards further away can easily increase the amount of calorie-burning steps you take each day (as can taking the stairs instead of the elevator).

Stand Up
Ditch the office chair for a standing desk. A 2017 study in the journal Circulation found that replacing 6 hours of sitting with standing each day could garner upwards of an additional 50 calories burned (for a 154 lb. person). Combine the extra sitting with added movements like 10 squats at the top of each hour, and that calorie burn will add up fast.

Increase Intensity
Take your existing exercise circuit to the next level by boosting the intensity and pace of your workout. If you walk 1.5 miles in a half hour, try boosting that rate to 1.75 miles in a half hour, and then 2 miles, and so on. Incorporate more dynamic stretching into your pre-workout warm-ups too with plyometric jump squats, lunges, and high kicks. Jump rope between exercises to keep your heart rate up.

Make Easy Cuts
Hardcore elimination diets might induce short-term weight loss, however, it is long-term lifestyle changes that help you reach your ultimate health and fitness goals. Make easy cuts in your day to day consumption like using almond milk instead of cream in your coffee, skipping dressing on your salad, or replacing white sugar in recipes with Stevia or Swerve.

Carry a Water Bottle
Take a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go. Not only will you stay more hydrated, but you’ll be getting up more often to both refill it as well as use the restroom. Already use a water bottle? Find a new one that is smaller. Keep up with the same water consumption but potentially double the number of trips you take to refill it.

Turn Down the Heat
Keeping your ambient temperature cooler than normal could play an interesting role in tricking your body into burning more calories. Turns out that a special type of fat in your body, brown fat, is activated to help keep your internal temperature up. A 2012 study of 6 male participants who wore a 64.4° cold suit for three hours revealed that they burned 250 calories even while being completely inactive.

Transform Your TV Time
If all you wanna do at the end of a long work day is binge the latest Netflix hit on the couch, that’s ok. Minor tweaks to your TV time could help you burn more calories while you watch. For example, sit on a stability ball instead of the couch and bounce up and down. Do 1-minute workouts (squats, push-ups, planks) between episodes. Or move your feet on a portable pedal exerciser while you watch.

This is a guest blog entry.

Monday, March 05, 2018

What To Look For In A Great Chiropractor

Like many people who suffer from back pain, you might feel like you’ve tried everything: naturopaths, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, stretching and exercise… The list goes on. Maybe you’ve even tried a chiropractor, but they didn’t help all that much. Don’t lose faith – a great chiropractor can help your back and neck pain, and furthermore they can give you the tools to avoid pain in the future. But you can’t just go to any chiropractor in Toronto and hope to receive great treatment; here are a few things to look for when choosing a chiropractor in Toronto.

Look for a chiropractor with ample experience – a decade or more, even. This isn’t to say that novice chiropractors can’t be good, but, in general, with experience comes a greater breadth of knowledge, as well as a deeper understanding of the variance in people’s spines. A chiropractor who has seen and treated a large number of people is likelier to have a better understanding of how to treat your specific issue. Certainly, if you haven’t tried a chiropractor before, it’s best to start with an experienced one; but the same goes if you have tried chiropractors in the past, and are looking for a new chiropractor to help with your back pain.

Look for a chiropractor who takes a holistic approach. Chiropractic adjustments are great, but they can’t be the only thing your chiropractor offers you. The spine doesn’t exist in a vacuum – it is influenced by (and influences) many other facets of your life, including activity, diet and sleeping habits. Find a chiropractor who looks at the big picture, one who is generous with advice and willing to create a personalized treatment plan to alleviate underlying structural problems.

On that same note, look for a chiropractor who seems knowledgeable about stretches and exercises. A good chiropractor cares about you even after you’ve left their office, and will offer you the tools to maintain the improvements with your back and neck pain relief. After they have assessed the nature of your specific problem, ask them what stretches you can do, whether it’s a knee-to-chest stretch, piriformis stretch, flexion stretch, etc.

Finally, look for a chiropractor who comes recommended. This might seem obvious, but it too often goes overlooked. Proximity shouldn’t be the deciding factor in which chiropractor you choose, but rather, look for client testimonials online that speak to a chiropractor’s knowledge, care, generosity and effectiveness. If you have to drive a little ways across town to receive a more thorough level of care and attention, it’s totally worth it, and your back will thank you. Other than that, be wary of chiropractors who try and push a lot of products on you. Sure, there are pillows and chairs out there that are very helpful, but a chiropractor who constantly suggests supplements and so forth might care more about profits than your health.

In summary, you haven’t tried it all until you’ve tried a great chiropractor. Your back deserves a thorough, holistic approach, built on experience and care, with great reviews to back it up (no pun intended).

This is a guest blog entry.

This Year, Make Depression And Anxiety A Thing Of The Past

New Year’s resolutions run the gamut of difficulty. On the low end, one might tell themselves that this is the year they are going to start learning French – easy, right? Then, on the other end, there are those who promise themselves that this is the year they are finally going to shrug off their depression or anxiety – more difficult, to be sure.

But it’s not impossible, and by understanding the disorders in question, understanding the treatments available and the recourses for help, you can be well on your way in 2018 to making depression and anxiety a thing of the past. If you feel you may suffer from either depression or anxiety (or both), take care of your health in 2018 by seeking a psychological assessment and looking into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness.

Perhaps this article should begin with a quick definition of the two disorders (which some clinicians and researchers don’t believe should be considered distinct disorders, but rather two sides of the same coin). Depression is more than just sadness; it is an often pervasive feeling of lowness, accompanied in many cases with a loss of interest and pleasure in normal activities, self-esteem issues and a host of physical manifestations, like loss of appetite or difficulty sleeping. It can be, to put it tersely, a consuming affliction. And afflicting roughly one in six people in the developed world, it is not by any metric uncommon.

Anxiety, which accompanies about half of all people with depression, is characterized by excessive fear and worry, with most experiencing it in its generalized form: that is, with their anxiety directed not on a single thing (as in a phobia) but in a general, persistent, everyday way. It can be a very disarming disorder, causing sufferers to favour being alone or inside, sometimes shying away from normal social interaction.

As mentioned, the first step in tackling these disorders is to see a psychologist for an assessment, which, in addition to offering a better understanding of your possible disorder, can begin the process of treatment options and recommendations. Common options include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which are similar (though not the same) forms of talk therapy that deal with the relationship between your thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Understanding how each of these things influences the others (often recursively) is a significant step towards mitigating negative feelings, and has been of great help to many people living with anxiety and depression. Another popular approach is mindfulness, a process that grew out of Buddhist meditation and has been widely embraced in psychology circles. Broadly, it involves focusing on thoughts and experiences in the moment, as they happen.

Depression and anxiety are common, and their effects are never easy. This year, start with achievable goals: seek out an assessment, and look into different forms of therapy. The year 2018 could be the year when you say goodbye to depression and anxiety for good.

This is a guest blog entry.

Thursday, March 01, 2018

Tactics to Get More Facebook Likes

The relationship between businesses and potential clients in healthcare and other sectors begins with an “A”; Attention. You can post all of the ads in the world and glam it up with text and graphics but if it doesn't get anyone's attention, then it's merely online noise. There are so many ads being posted online that it has become quite a challenge to get yours to stand out and the random Facebook user to stop and give your page a Like.

The social media giant has over two billion account owners and it offers a huge opportunity for businesses to reach their target market. Research shows that there are around sixty million business pages that exist on Facebook which increases the competition for Facebook Likes.

One may ask, why are these Likes so important? Well, these Likes are crucial elements in your company's Facebook marketing strategy. Having a lot of Likes on Facebook shows people that your business is popular and boosts engagement with your audience. For more tips, read on:

Who Do You Want to Talk To?
When we talk to children, we change the way we speak because we want them to understand us. This is the reason why, before creating a business page on Facebook, you need to identify your target market first. Do you want to appeal to a more mature demographic? Professionals? Millennials? Parents? Single ladies? There are tones, words, and ways of communicating to your target market. While working on your marketing strategy, you also need to think of ways to get Likes or endorsements from influencers or accounts that already have a huge fan base. They will bring the best value to your business. Also pay attention to the accounts Liking your page. Do they interact or participate regularly with your page? Or are they simply passing by? This is important to observe because if the Likes you receive are just a one-shot deal, you may need to go back to the drawing board.

Know How to Design Your Facebook Business Page

Now that you've identified your target market, it's time to know how to design your page. It’s important that the colors and images you upload represent your brand. Business pages that look boring or don’t grab people’s attention won't gain many Likes at all. Entice the online visitors to read your posts, browse the albums, watch the videos, and Like your page. Be prepared to answer questions sent to your inbox as Facebook informs visitors how responsive a business page is or not. People are easily turned off when it takes more than a day for business pages to answer their questions.

It's All About Consistency
A lot of Facebook business pages make the mistake of uploading profile and cover photos that have absolutely nothing to do with their brand. Remember, everything that appears on your business page reflects your brand so think twice before uploading anything. The last thing you want to do is to confuse people. Appeal to your target market by being consistent with the photos that you upload and the words that you use. If your company has a logo, use that as your profile picture. If there's a product that you want to feature, then by all means, use it as your cover photo. Be creative. Put yourself in the shoes of the page visitor. Does your page grab their attention? Will it be easy for them to navigate around your page? Is it visually appealing? Will the layout make them want to hit the Like button?

Call to Action

For obvious reasons, your business page needs to have a call to action button, in other words, the Like button. This is a teeny tiny detail, but you can lose opportunities to gain Likes if you neglect this. If you want people to Like your page, then that blue Like button should be visible. Today, everything is about instant gratification and people are not exactly keen on rotating their mobile devices to find the Like button.

Choose a Page Name That's Easy to Find
When you create a business page, think of a name that's 1) connected to your brand and 2) easy to recall. Keep it short and sweet so people can easily find you. Facebook assigns random numbers on the URL to fresh business pages so don't forget to edit this. Replace it with your business name, and if you discover that someone else is using the same name, change things up a bit by adding your current location or the word “official” to make the distinction.

Pin What's Interesting
More often than not, you'll notice that some of your posts are getting high quality engagements from visitors and loyal customers. Don't let those Likes go to waste; pin the post on your page to maximize its visibility. Ask an Facebook expert at if you need assistance with this. Pinned posts stay right at the top of your page so it can easily be seen whenever people visit your page.

Embed Facebook Posts on your Website
One way to link your business page and your website is through embedding. This means people won't just see a button that directs page visitors to your business Facebook page, they will see an entire post embedded on your website. To do this, just click on the three dots located at the upper right corner of the post that you want to embed. You will be given a code that you can copy and paste on the HTML of your website. People who click on the embedded post will be taken to your business Facebook page, presenting an opportunity for additional Likes!

Getting more Likes on Facebook does not have to be complicated. The steps needed are very simple. You just need to observe the behavior of your target market, find out what appeals to them, give solutions to the problems they present and keep up with the latest trends on Facebook.

This is a guest blog entry.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

If You Are Suffering From Toenail Fungus, Read This

Toenail fungus, also known by its medical name “onychomycosis,” is a condition that is prevalent in 10% of the population. The nails tend to get brittle and discoloured (nails might look yellowish in colour or greenish and sometimes even black) and in some cases the nails may appear thick. Though the condition is not very painful, if the infection worsens it can result in extreme pain. Most people though wish to be rid of toenail fungus because it spoils their looks.

The causes of toenail fungus are many. You can get infected by using public places such as swimming pools, public toilets, and baths. If you do not take care of your personal hygiene then you can get infected. If you have health issues like diabetes or immune deficiencies then you can get infected with this fungus.

Getting rid of toenail fungus is not easy; you usually require treatment that includes antifungal medicines. Topical antifungal creams may be applied if the infection is not severe, but the treatment needs to continue long after the infection subsides so that there is no recurrence. If the infection is severe you may need to take antifungal medicines orally. 

If you do not like to use allopathic medicines, then you can opt for alternative treatments such as home remedies. The following home remedies have been known to help people who have been infected with toenail fungus:

Vicks Vaporub:

You will be amazed to know that this cold and cough topical ointment is a good treatment for toenail fungus. Studies have found that Vicks Vaporub helps in getting rid of the fungus. You need to apply Vicks Vaporub on the affected nail twice a day for good results.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil is a known antifungal and antiseptic. In many cultures this oil is used extensively to treat many ailments. The oil has been found to help people who have toenail fungus. For best results you need to apply the oil on the affected nail twice a day.


Vinegar is the go to home remedy for many issues and it is believed that it is a good remedy for toenail fungus too. The therapeutic effects of vinegar help in getting rid of toenail fungus. Soak the infected nail in vinegar mixed with water for half an hour every day. In a few weeks you will have a toenail without any infection.


Yes, you read that right, Listerine. Listerine has some active ingredients such as eucalyptus which are known to have anti-fungal properties. Soaking the affected nail in Listerine has helped people get rid of the fungus.


Everyone knows the medicinal effects of garlic. It is an anti-fungal and helps in treating all kinds of infections. You need to crush the garlic and place on the affected nail for 15 minutes every day and you will see the changes in a few weeks. If possible you can also take garlic orally and this will also help you as you will see the toenail getting better over time.

This is a guest blog entry.