Wednesday, July 01, 2020

How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Did you know that getting a good night’s sleep is just as important for your health as eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise? Many people overlook the significance of a good sleep regime. However, it’s an aspect of your lifestyle that needs to be considered for your future health and well-being. If you’re a poor sleeper and are used to tossing and turning for hours on end every night, you’re likely to feel constantly sluggish, tired, and even, in some cases, sick the following day, which eventually takes its toll both mentally and physically.

This guide will help you put some strategies in place to get a better night’s sleep:

Sleep at regular times

One of the main reasons why you may be struggling to nod off is because you may be sleeping at irregular times. Most adults should be getting between 7-9 hours of sleep each evening, but this is often easier said than done. Making the effort to fall asleep and wake up at specific times will ensure you’re getting the rest you need - try and set a bedroom schedule to follow on a step-by-step basis to help you get into a routine.

While you may be tempted to catch up on a nap during the day after missing several hours of sleep during the night, this will only disrupt your sleeping routine further.

Wind down routine

It’s difficult to climb into bed and expect to fall asleep straight away. A winding down strategy is often needed to help get into a relaxed state for sleep. Here are a few ideas which may be useful to make a note of:
  • Take a warm bath
  • Meditation session
  • Read a book or listen to a podcast to distract the mind
  • Download sleep apps
  • Write down thoughts to help clear the mind
A weighted blanket

One of the trendy new home decor items and the latest sleep remedy is a weighted blanket. According to researchers, this type of blanket is designed to help you maintain a better sleep pattern. Typically, the blanket is filled with plastic pellets, which provides a heavy sensation when laid over the duvet, and the deep pressure stimulation has been discovered to ease anxiety and, therefore, promote sleep.

Control your exposure to light

Melatonin is a sleep hormone that’s released in the brain, which alerts your body of the appropriate times to sleep and wake. As it starts to get dark, more melatonin is released, which makes you feel tired and ready to sleep, while being exposed to natural light makes you feel more energized. Therefore, it would be advised to spend as much time in the sunlight during the day to keep your energy levels up, but refrain from using your phone or any other technological devices before you go to bed. Doing the latter can drastically interfere with your sleeping pattern if you’re exposed to too much light. These devices emit artificial blue light, which keeps your brain stimulated for hours and makes it more difficult to drop off to sleep.

This is a guest blog post.

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