Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Technology Set to Revolutionise Surgical Procedures: Shaping the Future of Medicine

The field of surgery has witnessed remarkable advancements throughout history, with each passing year bringing new developments that transform the practice of medicine. From the earliest known surgical procedures dating back to 6500 BC to today's cutting-edge technologies, the future of surgical procedures holds even more promise. In this article, we will explore the timeline of surgical history, highlight current technological developments, and discuss the revolutionary advancements that lie ahead.

1. A Brief History: Surgery has evolved significantly over time, marked by key moments that have shaped the field. From the ancient Egyptians' use of copper tools to the invention of anaesthesia in the 19th century, the history of surgery is a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. These pivotal milestones have laid the foundation for the transformative advancements that we witness today.

2. Robotic Surgery: Robotic-assisted surgery has emerged as a game-changer in the field. With the use of robotic systems, surgeons can perform complex procedures with enhanced precision and control. Robotic surgery offers benefits such as smaller incisions, reduced blood loss, and faster patient recovery times. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in robotic systems further augments their capabilities, allowing for more efficient and accurate surgical interventions. Thermocouples, which are medical-grade temperature sensors, are frequently utilised during surgical procedures to monitor and ensure patient safety.

3. Cameras and Imaging: The use of advanced cameras and imaging technologies has revolutionised surgical procedures. High-definition cameras provide surgeons with detailed visuals, allowing for better visualisation of anatomical structures during minimally invasive surgeries. Additionally, real-time imaging techniques like fluoroscopy and ultrasound enable surgeons to navigate complex procedures with greater precision and safety.

4. Telesurgery: Telesurgery, also known as remote surgery, holds immense potential in the future of surgical procedures. By leveraging high-speed internet connections and robotic systems, surgeons can operate on patients who are located in distant locations. This technology enables access to specialised surgical expertise, particularly in underserved areas, and facilitates collaboration between surgeons across different regions.

5. AI & AR: Artificial intelligence and augmented reality are poised to transform surgical procedures further. AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of patient data to assist surgeons in making informed decisions and predicting surgical outcomes. Augmented reality technology provides surgeons with a real-time overlay of patient information, three-dimensional visualisations, and guidance during surgeries, enhancing accuracy and reducing errors.

6. 3D Printing: The advent of 3D printing has opened up new possibilities in surgical procedures. Surgeons can now create patient-specific models, implants, and surgical instruments through 3D printing technology. This personalised approach improves surgical planning, enhances precision, and improves patient outcomes. 3D printing also enables the development of bio-printed tissues and organs, offering hope for organ transplantation in the future.

As technology advances, the future of surgical procedures holds great promise. From robotic-assisted surgeries to the integration of AI and augmented reality, these advancements are set to redefine the surgery field, improve patient outcomes, and expand access to quality care. With such revolutionary developments on the horizon, the future of surgical procedures, including the use of thermocouples for temperature monitoring, is poised to shape the landscape of medicine in the United States and beyond.

This is a guest blog entry.

Your Future Health: 4 Things to Consider

How you can and should take care of your own health and that of your family is not necessarily as straightforward a question as it seems. There are certain treatments and approaches that medical professionals are generally in agreement on and others where people might choose different options based on what is most important to them. Below are a few things to do and consider when it comes to your life and health.

Consider Your Philosophy

Which do you value more, length of life or quality of life? Are you someone who feels better having regular tests and scans, or are you more of a go to the doctor only when something feels bad kind of person? Would you tend to choose a higher risk treatment that also had a higher chance of working or are you more of a wait and see type? You don't have to have the answers to these types of questions, and your answers may change over time, but thinking about your preferences now can help you make decisions if you are diagnosed with something later. Often, there are situations in which there may be two or three different ways that you could proceed depending on how comfortable you are with more invasive or risky procedures. Your doctor can make recommendations, but ultimately, the choice will be up to you.

Have Health Insurance

If you are not eligible for such plans as Medicare or Medicaid, you may want to look into getting health insurance so that you'll know you're covered if you need to pay unexpected medical bills or become seriously ill. Whether you want a high-deductible plan that mostly covers catastrophic illness or accidents or something costlier that covers more will depend on your own personal health and financial situation.

Get Life Insurance

No one wants to think about death, but life is unpredictable, and a serious accident or illness can happen even to a young and healthy person. For this reason, it's important to have a life insurance policy that can protect your loved ones if anything happens to you. A standard whole life insurance policy can be expensive, but you can get a much more affordable term life insurance policy. This lasts for a certain number of years, a term, so you may ask yourself if term life insurance is worth it. You can review a guide to help you decide if it suits your needs. In addition to life insurance, you may also want to consider other ways to plan for the future of your loved ones. You might want to create a will or a trust, and beneficiary designations for retirement or other accounts should be completed.

Advance Medical Directive

An advance medical directive is sometimes called a living will, and it details the kind of care you want if you are unable to communicate your wishes. You also can and should talk to your loved ones about your preferences, but in the stress of the situation, it is helpful for them to have a document that is clear about what you prefer. You may also want to appoint someone to make medical decisions on your behalf.

This is a guest blog entry.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

6 Causes of a Missed Menstrual Cycle

Mr. Monthly knocks at the door each month, delivering an unwelcomed but necessary gift: the menstrual cycle. It’s a monthly reminder of your body’s natural rhythms and plays a significant role in a woman’s reproductive health. Every 21 - 28 days, women get their menstrual cycle, often preceded by cramping pains, moodiness, and other symptoms. When Mr. Monthly doesn’t knock on the pelvic floor door, women become concerned about serious health issues. While a missed menstrual cycle certainly can indicate a serious health concern, more often than not, it's caused by one of the six minor issues we’ll discuss in the following blog post.

Factors That Can Disrupt Your Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is a natural process occurring in women of reproductive age. Girls generally begin menstruation around age 12, stopping at the onset of menopause, which occurs between ages 45 and 55 for most women. During those years, menstruation may not occur for a month or two due to many different reasons.

Pregnancy is one of the most common reasons for a missed menstrual cycle. If you are not pregnant, do not automatically assume the worst.  Ten days past ovulation also known as 10 dpo symptoms marks a crucial point in the two-week wait. At this stage, you might already be pregnant or could be just a day or two away from it. Menstruation may not occur due to any of the six causes below in addition to pregnancy and more serious concerns. If you continue missing monthly cycles, schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN to rule out any serious problems.


Stress disrupts the natural hormonal balance in the body. This disruption may affect your menstrual cycle by shortening the number of days or stopping it altogether. Learn how to manage stress so menstruation is not affected. Stress can significantly impact other areas of our health, giving us even more reason to practice self-care activities that help us relax, unwind, and find balance.

Try these stress-relievers:
  • Meditate or practice yoga
  • Participate in activities that you enjoy
  • Surround yourself with a group of positive friends
  • Practice mindfulness
Birth Control

Women use birth control from Hello Wisp to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Hormonal contraceptives, however, alter the hormone levels in the body, which can impact the menstrual cycle. Some women may experience irregular periods, while others do not meet Mr. Monthly whatsoever. Lighter periods can also occur.

Hormonal contraceptives like birth control pills, injections, and patches contain synthetic hormones that prevent ovulation, thin the uterine lining, and alter the cervical mucus. However, missed periods most commonly happen when using progestin-only pills and long-acting reversible contraceptives such as IUDs.

The first few months after starting hormonal birth control pose the greatest risk of menstrual problems. Discuss any concerns with menstrual cycle irregularity with your healthcare provider.

Poor Diet & Nutrition

How often have you heard the phrase, “You are what you eat?” Turns out, it is much more than a phrase. The food we consume impacts our health, overall well-being, and yes, even our menstrual cycles. Poor food choices lead to poor health and more frequent problems. 

Nutritional deficiencies can impact the menstrual cycle, as can overconsumption of processed food and caffeine. Alcohol may even disrupt menstrual cycles when consumed excessively. Ensure you consume a diet rich in fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and lean meats to support a healthy menstrual cycle.

Include the following foods in your diet:
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Oranges
  • Cucumbers
  • Fatty fish
  • Whole grains
  • Legumes/nuts
Healthy eating impacts your health and well-being and promotes a healthy menstrual cycle. You’ll notice an incredible difference when your diet includes choices from the list above.

Excessive Exercise

Exercise is beneficial to our health. It keeps our hearts healthy and keeps our weight in check. It can also pose serious risks to our health if we exercise too much. Bodybuilders and athletes involved in training are especially at risk for missed menstrual cycles due to excessive exercise.

Excessive exercise can do more damage than good. Your body needs time to recover. Without this necessary time, building lean muscle and eliminating fat is not easy. Find a balance between exercise and rest. it is critical to your well-being and can keep your menstrual cycle healthy. Give your body time to recover if missed or irregular periods concern you.

Medical Conditions and Certain Medications

We mentioned how birth control pills can impact the menstrual cycle. Other medications prescribed by your doctor for certain medical conditions can also affect meeting Mr. Monthly or result in menstrual abnormalities.

Uterine fibroids, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID,) thyroid disorders, and other medical conditions may contribute to menstrual problems. Medications like anti-depressants and chemotherapy drugs can also impact the monthly cycle.

Age and its Effects on the Menstrual Cycle

When a woman reaches her 40s, changes in her menstrual cycle may occur as she experiences a decline in estrogen production. The changes generally result in lighter cycles that last fewer days. Other symptoms can also occur with age-related menstrual cycle changes, including hot flashes, sleep disruptions, mood swings, and night sweats. This is a transitional period to perimenopause and menopause by her early 50s.

How to Support a Healthy Menstrual Cycle

Mr. Monthly is not a welcomed guest in a woman’s life, but without him, we fear the worst. Keep him around by taking a holistic approach to life. We offer the following tips to help.

  • Eat a well-balanced diet and shy away from processed foods
  • Exercise regularly, with proper recovery time taken
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Be mindful of the medications prescribed to you and their potential impact on your menstrual cycle
  • Visit your OB/GYN regularly. Exams can help detect medical problems early, giving you the best chance of successful treatment. You should also schedule an appointment to discuss any concerns you might have.
The Last Word

It's scary when Mr. Monthly doesn’t visit us for a month or two, although this happens to many women. It is reassuring to know the six causes above are most likely responsible rather than some horrific disease. If you want to support a healthy menstrual cycle, use the advice provided in this blog and keep Mr. Monthly a regular visitor at your pelvic floor door.

This is a guest blog entry.