Friday, August 30, 2019

What is the Most Effective Treatment for Correcting Refractive Errors?

Over 20 percent of children suffer from refractive errors which have been found to run in families. Refractive error, also known as refraction errors, means that the shape of your eye is causing a problem with focusing and bending light accurately onto the retina. Most common refractive errors are farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism, and nearsightedness (myopia). However, they can be fixed by eye specialists who will recommend you glasses, contacts, or surgery if required. To learn about the treatment, you can take to counter these eye conditions. Make sure you read the article until the end.

What Is Astigmatism?

It may sound terrifying, but it means that your eye shape is neither accurate nor completely round. Usually, everyone has a rounded eye shape to some degree. Perfectly round eyeballs makes light come into it and bend accurately, which gives you a clear vision. In astigmatism, an abnormal curvature of the cornea makes light bent more in one direction, which means distant objects may look blurry and wavy.

What Is Hyperopia?

Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is another frequent refractive error. In this eye condition, distant objects may look clear, and those up-close do not come in proper focus. Farsightedness occurs when your cornea has a little curvature, or your eyeball is too short. Usually, in children, hyperopia causes them to over-focus, which leads them to double vision or other eye conditions. However, some people may not notice any difficulties with their vision.

What Is Myopia?

The last common refractive error is Myopia or nearsightedness. Like hyperopia and astigmatism, light does not bend correctly. Due to its abnormal bending, images appear unclear. Myopia can also be caused by the cornea being too curved for the length of your eyeball. In this condition, objects that are close to you appear clear while those that are at a distance seem blurred.

What is the Treatment for Correcting Refractive Errors?

LASIK is the most advanced and commonly performed laser eye surgery to counter the above mentioned refractive errors. The word LASIK is the acronym for "laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis." In this procedure, the cornea of the eye is reshaped with the help of a laser. It enables light to enter the eye and to focus correctly onto the retina for clearer vision. It can correct low, moderate, and high levels of refractive errors.

If you live in the northeastern area of the United States and want to improve your vision, then you should consider visiting the Kremer Eye Center. They have a wide range of surgical options and lasik in Pennsylvania. It is essential to know that in most cases, LASIK is a pain-free procedure which takes only about 15 minutes for both eyes.

How the Procedure Goes?

Before surgery, your eye specialist will perform a thorough examination to make sure your eyes are ready for the procedure. The doctor will analyze the shape and thickness of your cornea, tear film on the surface of eyes, eyeball size, refractive errors, and other eye conditions.

Generally, a corneal topographer, which is an automated instrument, is used to undergo a wavefront analysis. It sends light waves through the eye to give an even more accurate map of abnormalities affecting your vision. Your doctor will also recommend that you stop wearing contacts and lenses before you undergo LASIK eye surgery. The results of LASIK should enable you to see clearly without any contacts and glasses.

This is a guest blog entry.

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