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Life is unpredictable and emergencies can happen at any time. When it comes to health, people usually only prepare with various health insurance plans. Medical emergencies can be the most difficult to handle as many people are often unprepared for them. There might be times when a call to 911 will not be enough and someone might have to intervene immediately to help the person in distress. The situation can easily become overwhelming due to stress and panic of not knowing what to do, especially if it’s your child. In order to avoid being unable to provide help, it is best to be prepared and learn some basic medical life-saving procedures.
Here is a list of the most common and useful medical procedures that everyone should know and learn.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
CPR is one of the most important procedures that you should learn. This procedure is performed when a person goes into cardiac arrest (when a person’s heart suddenly stops beating). It is a life-threatening condition, and if CPR is not performed immediately, it can result in brain damage or even death of the individual. CPR involves compressing the chest consistently and repeatedly to pump blood to the vital organs. The procedure can be learned best at an institute like Lifesaver Education where you can get certified for CPR and AED.
Heimlich Maneuver
The Heimlich maneuver is the recommended procedure to perform when someone is choking. It dislodges whatever was blocking the person’s windpipe. You should wrap your arms from behind around the person who is choking, clasp your hands together and then perform multiple upward thrusts towards the person’s belly button until the object causing the choking dislodges. Bear in mind that this way of administering the maneuver is recommended for adults only. There is a different procedure for when a child is choking.
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Automatic External Defibrillator or AED is a machine consisting of two electric paddles that are used to restart a heart and bring it back to a normal rhythm after cardiac arrest. It is vital to check for lack of pulse in the person you suspect is suffering cardiac arrest before using an AED on them. Many public places such as malls, restaurants, stores and more have AED available. It is recommended to get training on how to use an AED.
Signs of a Stroke
It is important to know the signs of a stroke so that you can help the person in distress immediately. The symptoms of a stroke can be subtle and differ from person to person. Common signs are headaches, disorientation, sudden numbness, difficulty walking, trouble seeing out of both eyes, body drooping on one side, difficulty speaking and weakness of the face. “FAST”, an acronym for Face, Arms, Speech and Time, is a quick way to assess someone for all the mentioned symptoms and determine if they are having a stroke.
In any medical emergency, emergency services should be called as soon as possible so that the individual in need receives proper medical help quickly. Medical emergencies are terrifying, but if you are prepared for them, you can help those in distress and potentially reduce further health complications.
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